2019-12-16 Rocky Hill Bike Trail Punch List Update MEMORANDUM 4 Allen Place • Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 • t 413.582.7000 • f 413.582.7005 • bdg@berkshiredesign.com To: Ben Sargent, E.T. & L. Corp. From: Chris Chamberland, Berkshire Design Group CC: Wayne Feiden, City of Northampton Date: November 4, 2019/ Responses from ETL/Updated December 16, 2019 Project: Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Berkshire Design Group visited the site on Tuesday October 29, 2019 to observe the site work complete to-date. The following represents a list of items that remain outstanding or that have been built but require attention. ETL responses in blue. BDG visited the site on 11/19/2019. In addition, a meeting was held at the City of Northampton on December 9 with Wayne Feiden, BDG and ETL. 1. Trail Cross Sections Sheet C-5.1 shows typical cross sections to be applied throughout the length of the proposed trail. Proposed cross slope is 1.5% at all locations except 25’ long zones for transition between segments of the trail that slope in opposite directions. We note that there are many locations throughout the length of the trail where the as-built cross slope is less than 1% including multiple locations with cross slope of 0.0% as measured with a digital level. We observed these areas during a rainfall and noted areas of widespread ponding along the centerline of the path. We have concerns over the safety of the path during the cold weather months when the freeze-thaw cycle will create black ice conditions on the path. The attached plan sheets note the locations where insufficient cross slope and mid-path ponding were observed. Note that these sheets are not exhaustive and additional areas may be affected. We recommend that the City reject the top course of paving and request a plan from the Contractor for correcting the work. November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 2 of 7 ETL: Many of the areas that show little cross pitch have a running slope. We believe that the loam shoulders are high throughout the project. We also believe that the leaves that are covering the path are holding the water. We plan to blow the leaves off the path, and rake out the loamed shoulders so that they are even with the top course of pavement. We can then reassess. On a site visit on 11/19/2019, it was noted that although the leaves had been cleared off the trail and the shoulders were even with the pavement, there was still widespread ponding between Overlook and Stone Ridge. At the meeting on 12/9/19 it was decided that the drainage off the trail would be revisited in March/April on site with representatives from BDG and ETL. surface puddling between Overlook and Stone Ridge (11/19/19) Deep puddle at station 20+00 (11/19/19) 2. Trail Running Slope Sheet C-3.7 calls for the proposed switchback portion of the trail at Stoneridge Drive to have a running slope of 8.0% along tangent segments. Slope checks on this segment of the trail were made with a 48” digital level and found locations on each of the 3 tangent segments where the running slope exceeds 8.5%. These locations are shown on the attached sheets. The design intent of this portion of the trail is to comply with the US Access Board’s November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 3 of 7 guidance for outdoor trails, which allows a maximum of 8.33% running slope. We recommend that the City reject the portions of the trail that exceed 8.33%. ETL: Further investigation is required at the switchback. This will be addressed once the investigation is complete. ETL has provided a detailed longitudinal profile of the trail ramp (attached) which shows that segments of the trail exceed 8.33%. For the two upper ramp portions, the City is potentially open to accepting the ramp as constructed with the out-of-spec segments; however, there is a concern that work may need to be re-done in the future if the slopes are ever challenged. We propose a credit for a reserve amount that would cover repaving these areas to 8% if it was required in the future. At the 12/9/2019 meeting, ETL proposed that we revisit all paving/puddling issues in March or April (once the trail is clear of snow). 3. Switchback Landing Area Sheet C-3.7 proposes that the running slope of the trail between STA 44+48.25 and STA 44+67.48 (on the “turn” of the switchback) flatten to 0.9% in order to create a landing/resting/turning area between two segments of steeper slope. It appears that this landing areas has been constructed between STA 44+67 and 44+87 (on the tangent segment). It appears that this has resulted in the “turn” area having a running slope of more than 2%, which violates the US Access Board’s trail guidance. The landing that has been built also appears to have insufficient cross slope and was ponding water in the center of the path. ETL: Further investigation is required at the switchback. This will be addressed once the investigation is complete. In a 11/21/19 email, ETL suggested a fix for the bottom of the ramp where it intersects Stone Ridge. See attached email. At the 12/9/2019 meeting, ETL proposed that we revisit all paving/puddling issues in March or April (once the trail is clear of snow). 4. General items: a. All marking tape must be removed from trees. b. Sweep or remove pile of reflective material on trail south of Overlook intersection. c. Crushed stone at construction entrances and staging areas must be removed and the area loamed and seeded to establish vegetation prior to final completion. ETL: All marking tape will be removed from trees. We did not observe any reflective material south of the overlook intersection, however if it is still present, it will be removed. Crushed stone at the Burts Pit staging area will be removed, and the area will be loamed and seeded. Completion of these items will be verified in the Spring. November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 4 of 7 Survey tape remains on several trees and shrubs and should be removed off site. 5. Striping and lettering: a. All pavement marking lettering must be installed. b. In multiple locations, the centerline striping appears to be off-center by 4” or more and do not align with the contractor’s painted guide markings. An example location is shown in the following photo. We recommend that, in locations where the line is more than 4” off-center, the line be obliterated and re-striped at the centerline of pavement. ETL: All missing pavement markings and lettering will be installed. The thermoplastic striping that is off center can be ground off and reinstalled. However, we would not recommend removing the existing striping, as the pavement will never be the same again. If the lines are only slightly off center, we would recommend leaving them in place. BDG: Striping completion will be verified in the spring. However, where the striping is off- center and reduces the lane significantly (shown below – lane is less than 3.5’) we recommend that the striping be removed by non-destructive means and new striping be installed. November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 5 of 7 6. Curb replacement on public road. a. The City Engineering Department requires the following items be addressed related to the curbing that was cut and repaired for access and construction of the trail: i. Dense-graded crushed stone should be placed to back up the curb on both the bike path entrance and the construction entrance locations. ETL: Dense graded stone will be placed to back up the curb at both entrances. BDG: This will be verified in the Spring. 7. Drainage Lenses (Complete) Sheets C-2.3 & C-2.4 show three locations where drainage lenses are proposed. As shown on the typical sections on Sheet C-5.1 the drainage lens stone is to be exposed to allow water to be carried beneath the road. It appears that the stone was constructed, but then buried with loam. Excess loam must be removed to expose stone. Additional stone may be necessary to meet the prosed roadside grade shown on the typical section. ETL: The loam in the areas of the drainage lenses will be removed to expose the stone. Additional crushed stone will be added as necessary to meet the proposed roadside grade. General area of drainage lenses (October photo). BDG: In November it was noted that the work on the drainage lenses had been completed. See photo below November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 6 of 7 8. Seeding a. Hydro-seeding appears to be completed, but grass is not fully grown in. Vegetation must be established prior to final completion. Silt fence and other erosion controls must be removed after the site is fully stabilized. We anticipate this work would occur after the spring growing season has begun. Straw from wattles may be scattered on-site. b. Submit seed mix submittal. (Complete) ETL: We understand that the grass is not fully grown in yet. We have confidence that in the spring the grassed areas will be full established. Silt fence and straw wattles will be removed once the grass is established. The seed mix will be submitted. 9. Drainage structures and rain gardens: a. As per Note #5 on Sheets C-2.1 through C-2.6, the Contractor shall provide as-built drawings with critical elevations of the drainage system certified by a Land Surveyor. b. All drain pipes shall be cleaned of sediment after the site is stabilized with vegetation. c. Rain garden at Overlook appears to be deeper, relative to the overflow elevation, than shown in the contract documents. We recommend that the Contractor verify the dimensions and elevations of the rain garden and repair if necessary. Additional fill shall meet the requirement of the rain garden details. ETL: As-builts (in accordance with note #5 on sheet C2.1) of the drainage system will be provided. Drain pipes will be cleaned of sediment as necessary. The rain garden elevations will b e verified. If the rain garden is deeper than proposed, we can add additional fill is required. However, is there a reason that you do not want the additional capacity? BDG: Work on item C had begun in November and completion will be verified in the Spring. November 4, 2019/ Updated December 16, 2019 Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – Review of Work in Place Page 7 of 7 10. As -builts: a. As-built drawing of the final alignment with any field modifications noted shall be submitted. ETL: We will submit an as-built of the final alignment with any field modifications. MEMORANDUM 4 Allen Place • Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 • t 413.582.7000 • f 413.582.7005 • bdg@berkshiredesign.com To: Ben Sargent, E.T. & L. Corp. From: Chris Chamberland, Berkshire Design Group CC: Wayne Feiden, City of Northampton Date: December 16, 2019 Project: Rocky Hill Bike Trail at Burts Bog – 2019-12-09 meeting minutes Meeting attendance: Wayne Feiden, City of Northampton Chris Chamberland, BDG Lucy Conley, BDG Ben Sargent, ETL Arnold Dupre, ETL Jim Farese, ETL ETL summarized the work they had done which includes daylighting drainage lenses, work on the Overlook rain garden, and other minor punch list items. In addition, ETL has completed a longitudinal survey of the ramp at Stone Ridge Drive. ETL (Jim) stated that the trail was a success, that it was already being used by a number of people and that the majority of the puddles that were noted on the trail were only evident shortly after a rain event and may not be an issue. He also noted that some of the puddling may be caused by the striping. BDG/Wayne noted that the puddles present both a potential safety issue and an issue with pavement life since excessive water persisting on the pavement will cause asphalt ware. The issue with the puddling is that the trail has no to little cross slope. The conclusion was to meet at the trail in April (or sooner weather permitting) to review the extent of the drainage issues and establish a final accounting of areas to be regraded/overlaid. At this time ETL will not be requesting any additional payment. Chris Chamberland stated that a key date for total completion is June 30, 2020. ETL replied that they wanted to complete all work as soon as possible and once an agreement was reached on the paving/drainage, they would be discussing with Warner Bros. with the goal of completing this project early in the season. 315315320320Burts Pit RoadLot 70.23 Acres ±10119.67 Sq. Feet ±Lot 90.23 Acres ±10119.67 Sq. Feet ±Lot 100.39 Acres ±17149.59 Sq. Feet ±Lot 80.39 Acres ±17149.59 Sq. Feet ±SCenter6"x6" Concrete BoundRemainsFlushWoodsWoodsDirtPileDirtPilePaintedWater LineTBM=Top SpindleOf HydrantEl: 314.83'OHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWOHWTBM=Railroad SpikeSouth Side UP#72/72El: 315.77'SMHRim=313.51'(NEW) UP #71w/Transformer& Utility BoxesGuyWires(Old) UP #714" Gas LineAs MarkedBituminousDrivewayEdge Of PavementBituminous Curb20"20"20"20"20"20"20"20"22"22"22"28"3133143133 1 4 31431331231232332232131931831731631431331231431331931831731622"20"20"22"18"20"30"24"Twin 24"/26"22"22"18"22"20"20"20"20"20"18"24"28"18"20"22"18"24"18"18"16"18"24"18"22"3213193203183193203 1 6 3 1 7 3 1 8319Dirt PathDirt Path Di r t P a t h 3 2 2 32 2 3 2 132031931831731631531 4 312 313 313 MATCHLINE322320312312313315320322313BURTS PIT ROAD/// / / ////////STA 10+94.60 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END, RIPRAP, AND LEVEL SPREADER INV IN=311.90 INV OUT=311.50 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 9+70 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL 9/C-5.2 Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-1.1 C-2.1 APRIL 5, 2019 1" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 1 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.2 C-1.3 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. PUDDLE OVER 1/2 OF THE BIKE PATH. SLOPES MEASURED AT 0.1% CROSS, AND 0.3 % LONGITUDINAL. LOOKING TOWARD BURTS PIT ROAD - PUDDLE OVER 1/2 OF BIKE TRAIL SLOPE ALONG TRAIL 0.3% - DESIGN SLOPE 1% CROSS SLOPE 0.1% - DESIGN 1.5% 18"20"22"18"24"18"22"18"16"18"22"20"18"22"24"18"18"24"20"18"22"20"22"20"22"20"18"15"20"22"20"14"/14"20"/20"19"20"14"20"/16"22"20"/12"18"20"20"18"3163183193203163173173183193153 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 3 1 6 3 1 7 3 1 8319 321322320316317318319321322323320324322323324314316Dir t P a t h Dirt Path Dirt Path Dirt Path 323323322321 3 2 1 3 2 2 320 317 320 318MATCHLINE MATCHLINE322320320320320318 315324//STA 15+92.70 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END, RIPRAP, AND LEVEL SPREADER INV IN=317.00 INV OUT=316.40 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+ 0 0 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2.21" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 2 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 C-1.1 C-1.2 C-1.3 APRIL 5, 2019 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. PUDDLE OVER 1/2 OF THE BIKE PATH. CROSS SLOPE 0.7% APPROXIMATE LOCATION LOOKING TOWARD BURTS PIT ROAD - PUDDLE OVER ENTIRE BIKE TRAIL. 1/2 INCH DEEP PUDDLE OVER BOTH SIDES OF THE BIKE PATH - 1/2 INCH DEEP. CROSS SLOPES 0.1-0.5%. DESIGN 1.5% Overlook Dr ive S 1 8 " 2 0 " 2 0 " 1 8 " 2 4 " 2 8 " 2 4 " 2 0 " 1 8 " 2 1 " 1 8 " 1 9 " / 1 7 " 1 2 " / 1 2 " 1 0 " / 1 7 " 2 0 " 2 0 " 2 0 " / 2 0 " 1 8 " 2 0 " 1 6 " 1 8 " 2 0 " 1 0 " 1 8 " / 2 0 " 1 8 " 1 6 " 2 2 " / 2 0 " 1 8 " 2 4 " 2 0 " 1 8 " 1 6 " 1 7 " 2 0 " 2 0 " / 1 8 " 2 0 " / 2 0 " 3 0 " 1 8 " 1 8 " 1 8 " 2 2 " 1 8 " / 2 0 " 1 5 " 1 4 " 1 8 " 1 6 " 2 4 " 2 0 " 32 0 32 1 322 32 3 317 318 319 31331431531 6 3093103 1 1 31231 2 31 3 3 1 4 3 1 5 3 0 9 31031130 5 3 0 6 3 0 7 3 0 8 304305306307Dirt Pat h Dirt Pat h Dirt Pat h Dirt Path D i r t P a t h 3053063083093103113123 1 3 314313314314 313 31 2 31 1 310 31 5 318319319 320 321 322 323307MATCHLINEMATCHLINE99+70100+00101+00102+00102+463 1 2 31 4 3 2 0 3 1 4 31 1 3 1 3 3 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 9 3 1 0 3 1 2 31 5 31 1 OVERLOOK DR. 30 5 31 0/////////3 1 3 STA 100+32.30 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END, RIPRAP, AND LEVEL SPREADER INV IN=308.60 INV OUT=308.40 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 STA 102+29.20 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END AND RIPRAP APRON INV IN=312.10 INV OUT=311.60 STA 23+77.35 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END AND RIPRAP APRON INV IN=311.90 INV OUT=311.60 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 STA 25+08.50 CL INSTALL 25' DRAINAGE LENS WITH 6" PERF DRAIN (INV =308.3) SEE TYP. SECTION ON C-5.1 STA 26+21.50 CL INSTALL 25' DRAINAGE LENS WITH 6" PERF DRAIN (INV =305.3) SEE TYP. SECTION ON C-5.1 5' WIDE OVERFLOW ELEV=312.0 SEE DETAIL 4/C-5.2 400 SF RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM ELEV=311.0 SEE DETAIL 1/C-5.2 21+0022+00 23+00 24+00 25 + 0 0 26 + 0 0 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2.31" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 3 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 C-1.1 C-1.2 C-1.3 APRIL 5, 2019 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. 2 0 " / 2 0 " 3 0 " 1 8 " 1 8 " 1 4 " 1 4 " 2 0 " 1 8 " / 1 4 " S i n g l e T r u n k 3 0 " 2 0 " 1 6 " 1 8 " 2 4 " 1 4 " 1 6 " 1 4 " 1 8 " 1 8 " 1 4 " 2 0 " 1 4 " 1 2 ' / 1 0 " S i n g l e T r u n k 2 0 " 1 4 " 1 7 " 2 0 " 1 6 " / 1 2 " S i n g l e T r u n k 1 2 " 1 8 " / 1 6 " S i n g l e T r u n k3043053 0 6 3 0 1302303 29729 8299300 293294295296289290291292287 2 8 8 288 289100' We t land Bu f fe r Dirt Pa t h Dirt Path 1 2 " / 1 2 " H a l f D e a d Dirt Path G FW / I 0 4 G FW / I 0 5 G FW / I 0 3 G FW / I 0 6 G FW / S B 0 1 D E C 5 2 0 1 8 G FW / I 0 7 G FW / I 0 8 G FW / I 0 9 G FW / I 1 0 G FW / I 1 1 G FW / I 0 1 G FW / I 0 2 G FW / V 0 1 G FW / V 0 2 G FW / V 0 7 G FW / V 0 6 G FW / V 0 5 G FW / V 0 4 G FW / V 0 3 G FW / S B 0 2 D E C 5 2 0 1 8 288289 2 9 0 2 9 1 2 9 2 2 9 3 294295296297298299300301302303304305306289MATCHLINEMATCHLINE300 30 5 295294291292291290285 295 29 0 28 9 288310 288287// STA 27+73.50 CL INSTALL 25' DRAINAGE LENS WITH 6" PERF DRAIN (INV =301.0) SEE TYP. SECTION ON C-5.1 STA 28+66.50 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT AND FLARED END INV IN=297.6 INV OUT=297.3 STA 31+59.50 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END, RIPRAP, AND LEVEL SPREADER INV IN=287.80 INV OUT=287.30 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 STA 32+50.00 INSTALL 350 SF RAIN GARDEN BOTTOM ELEV=286.75 5' WIDE OVERFLOW ELEV=287.75 27 + 0 0 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 32+00 BENCH ON CONCRETE PAD SEE DETAIL 3/C-5.1 VEGETATED SWALE SEE DETAIL 6/C-5.2 10' LEVEL SPREADER SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2STRAW WATTLE AT LIMIT OF WORK WITHIN WETLAND BUFFER ZONE SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2.41" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 4 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 C-1.1 C-1.2 C-1.3 APRIL 5, 2019 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. 16 " / 1 2 " S i n g l e T r u n k 12 " 30 " 20 " 14 " 16 " 20 " 16 " 20 " / 1 2 " 18 " 20 " 22 " 22 " / 2 0 " S i n g l e T r u n k 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 20 " 26 " / 2 4 " S i n g l e T r u n k 22 " / 2 0 " 18 " 18 " 16 " 18 " 18 " 20 " 18 " 287 2 8 8 288 2892902912922 9 3 294 2 9 62962 9 5 2 9 5 296291 292293 290285 286 287 288 289 290 29 1 2 9 2 293294 2 9 4 2 9 6 100' Wetland Buffer290291291292293294Dirt Pa t hDirt PathDirt PathDirt Path Dirt Path Di r t P a t h Dirt Path G F W / V 0 1 G F W / V 0 7 G F W / V 0 6 2962952 9 52952942932 9 2 291290288289 289MATCHLINEMATCHLINE290294294290289296 295 297 298 288293 294 // /////////STA 31+59.50 INSTALL 12" H D P E C U L V E R T WITH HDPE FL A R E D E N D , RIPRAP, AND L E V E L S P R E A D E R INV IN=287.8 0 INV OUT=287 . 3 0 SEE DETAIL 2/ C - 5 . 2 STA 32+50.00 INSTALL 350 S F R A I N G A R D E N BOTTOM ELEV = 2 8 6 . 7 5 5' WIDE OVER F L O W E L E V = 2 8 7 . 7 5 STA 38+39.50 INSTALL 12" HDPE CULVERT WITH HDPE FLARED END, RIPRAP, AND LEVEL SPREADER INV IN=293.6 INV OUT=293.4 SEE DETAIL 2/C-5.2 32+00 33+0034+0035+00 36+0037+0038+00 39+00 VEGETATED SWALE SEE DETAIL 6/C-5.2 VEGETATED SWALE EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 STA 38+33.00 INSTALL 250 SF RAIN GARDEN BERM ELEV=294.0 BOTTOM ELEV=293.0 CULVERT INV OUT=293.6 SEE DETAIL 1/C-5.2 SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL 9/C-5.2 Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2.51" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 5 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 C-1.1 C-1.2 C-1.3 APRIL 5, 2019 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. PUDDLING IN MIDDLE OF BIKE PATH - EXTENT APPROXIMATE. CROSS SLOPE 0%+/- PUDDLING IN MIDDLE OF BIKE PATH - EXTENT APPROXIMATE. MAY EXTEND AROUND BEND. one Ridge Drive Sandy Hill Road S T 18 " 18 " 16 " 18 " 18 " 20 " 20 " 18 " 14 " 24 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 22 " 20 " 20 " 16 " 14 " 22 " 16 " 18 " 18 " 18 " 20 " 14 " 18 " 22 " 12 " 20 " 30 " 20 " 24 " 18 " 26 " 10 " / 6 " / 8 " / 8 " L o c u s t 22 " 16 " 10 " 14 " 14 " 12 " 14 " 14 " 14 " 19 " O a k 20 " 12 " 14 " 14 " 26 " "B u r t ' s B o g " "C h i l d r e n " "S t o n e R i d g e D r " 290 29 1 2 9 2 293294 293 294 295 296 284 285 2 8 6 287 288 28 9 29 0 29 1 29 2 29 3 294 294294294295 2952 9 6 2972 9 7 2 9 8299300 30 130130 2 299298297296280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288289290291292293294295 296 297 279 279 Dirt P a t h Dirt Path Bituminous Pave ment Bituminous CurbBituminous Curb Bituminous P a v e m e n tPost & RailFenceDirt Pat h 28 7 2 8 8 2 8 9 2 9 0 2 9 1 2 9 2293294295 296286285284283282281280279 290 2942962 9 6 296 289 297 MATCHLINE±50 LF SPLIT-RAIL WOOD FENCE SEE DETAIL 1/C-5.3 280 294 294 295296 295296 //// // WATER QUALITY STONE DIAPHRAGM SEE DETAIL 3/C-5.2 STA 41+41.00 INSTALL 375 SF RAIN GARDEN BERM ELEV= 295.0 OVERFLOW ELEV=294.5 BOTTOM ELEV=293.5 SEE DETAIL 1/C-5.2 VEGETATED SWALE INCREASE SIDE SLOPES TO 2H:1V SEE DETAIL 6/C-5.2 5' WIDE OVERFLOW ELEV=294.5 1.5%1 . 5%1.5%39+00 40+00 41+00 42+ 0 0 43+00 44+0045+00 46+0046+16VEGETATED SWALE BENCH ON CONCRETE PAD SEE DETAIL 3/C-5.1 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 7/C-5.2 STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 EROSION CONTROL BARRIER (SILT FENCE WITH STRAW WATTLE) SEE DETAIL 9/C-5.2STRAW WATTLE AT DOWN-SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK IN ALL LOCATIONS (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 8/C-5.2 STA 38+33.00 INSTALL 250 SF RAIN GARDEN BERM ELEV=294.0 BOTTOM ELEV=293.0 CULVERT INV OUT=293.6 SEE DETAIL 1/C-5.2 INFITRATION CHAMBER WITH OVERFLOW (TYP.) SEE DETAIL 1/C-2.6 WATER QUALITY STONE DIAPHRAGM WITH 4" PERFORATED PIPE (2/C-2.6). CONNECT TO CHAMBER WATER QUALITY STONE DIAPHRAGM WITH 4" PERF. PIPE (2/C-2.6). CONNECT TO CHAMBER. Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-2.61" = 20' DS CC GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 6 OF 6 0 402010 60 C-1.4 C-1.5 C-1.6 C-1.1 C-1.2 C-1.3 APRIL 5, 2019 GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES 1.ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988. 2.TYPICAL BIKE PATH CROSS-SLOPE IS 1.5%. SEE SHEET C-5.1 FOR FULL TYPICAL SECTION DETAILS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE CROSS SLOPE OF THE BIKE PATH EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY LOCATION. EXCEPT FOR THE RAMP BETWEEN STA 43+00 AND 46+00, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE (RUNNING SLOPE) SHALL NOTE EXCEED 5.0%. ON HORIZONTAL CURVES, THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE SHALL BE MEASURED ALONG THE EDGE OF PAVEMENT WITH SMALLER RADIUS OF CURVATURE. 3.ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUT SHALL BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW STORMWATER MANAGER: PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION, EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION, BURY INSPECTION, AND FINAL INSPECTION. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. STORMWATER BASIN STORAGE VOLUMES, INVERTS OF SPILLWAYS FROM BASINS, AND INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR DRAINAGE PIPES AT INLET AND OUTLET SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. THE CONTRACTOR'S OWN MEASUREMENTS OF INVERT ELEVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 6.AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, BUT BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ALL DRAIN PIPES SHALL BE CLEANED OF SEDIMENT. 7.AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES, STORMWATER SHALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FROM THESE FEATURES UNTIL VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 8.THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREVENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT FROM COMPACTING THE AREAS OF RAIN GARDENS AND WATER QUALITY SWALES. EARTH BENEATH THESE FEATURES SHALL BE SCARIFIED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THEY ARE CONSTRUCTED. 9.ALL CULVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH A FLARED END AT THE PIPE OUTLET. CULVERTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 230. CULVERTS AND PIPE ENDS SHALL BE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION M.503.10. UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTEDSUBGRADE STONE DIAPHRAGM FILLED WITH BIKE PATH 24'' TOP OF STONE DIAPHRAGM TO BE VEGETATED SLOPE-LOAM AND SEED PER PLANTING PLAN 2" BELOW TOP OF PAVEMENT 2-4" DIA. STONE AND 4" PERFORATED PIPE 24" FILTER FABRIC STONE DIAPHRAGM2NOT TO SCALE INFILTRATION CHAMBER1NOT TO SCALE NOTE: CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL OVERFLOW AS SHOWN OR ON TOP OF CHAMBER. PUDDLES AT LANDINGS PUDDLING IN MIDDLE OF BIKE PATH - EXTENT APPROXIMATE. CROSS SLOPE 0%+/- LANDING NOT LOCATED PER PLAN. PUDDLE (NO CROSS SLOPE) ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 -1.21% -8 . 0 0 % -0.92% -7 . 9 3 % -1.90% -8 . 0 0 % 0.50%GRADE BREAK STA = 45+85.48ELEV = 278.88PVT: 43+59.24ELEV: 292.09PVC: 43+49.24ELEV: 292.55LP STA: 43+59.24 LP ELEV: 292.09 PVI STA:43+54.24 PVI ELEV:292.15 A.D.: 6.79% K:1.47 LVC:10.00 PVT: 44+48.24ELEV: 286.95PVC: 44+38.24ELEV: 287.40LP STA: 44+48.24 LP ELEV: 286.95 PVI STA:44+43.24 PVI ELEV:287.00 A.D.: 7.08% K:1.41 LVC:10.00 PVT: 45+72.01ELEV: 279.14PVC: 45+62.01ELEV: 279.63LP STA: 45+72.01 LP ELEV: 279.14 PVI STA:45+67.01 PVI ELEV:279.23 A.D.: 6.03% K:1.66 LVC:10.00PVT: 43+09.05ELEV: 295.77PVC: 42+99.05ELEV: 296.14HP STA: 42+99.64 HP ELEV: 296.14 PVI STA:43+04.05 PVI ELEV:296.17 A.D.: -8.50% K:1.18 LVC:10.00 PVT: 43+88.24ELEV: 291.40PVC: 43+78.24ELEV: 291.86HP STA: 43+78.24 HP ELEV: 291.86 PVI STA:43+83.24 PVI ELEV:291.80 A.D.: -6.79% K:1.47 LVC:10.00 PVT: 44+77.47ELEV: 286.33PVC: 44+67.47ELEV: 286.78HP STA: 44+67.47 HP ELEV: 286.78 PVI STA:44+72.47 PVI ELEV:286.73 A.D.: -7.01% K:1.43 LVC:10.00 42+50295.90295.90296.02296.0243+00296.14296.14294.49294.49292.49292.49291.90291.9044+00290.46290.46288.46288.46286.94286.94286.51286.5145+00284.55284.55282.56282.56280.58280.58279.08279.0846+00 PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE Checked By: Drawn By: Revisions Scale: Date:Sheet Number This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the signed professional seal of a registered landscape architect, civil engineer or land surveyor employed by The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. is affixed above. Web: http://www.berkshiredesign.com Email: bdg@berkshiredesign.com (413) 582-7000 4 Allen Place, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 FAX (413) 582-7005 Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Planning Berkshire Group Design Do not scale drawing for quantity take-offs or construction. Use written dimensions only. If dimensions are incomplete, contact The Berkshire Design Group Inc. for clarification. Land Surveying Copyright The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. This drawing and all of its contents are the express property of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc., and shall not be copied or used in any way without the written consent of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. c PROJECT NAME: ROCKY HILL BIKE TRAIL AT BURTS BOG CITY OF NORTHAMPTON OFFICE OF PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS FOR CONSTRUCTION 4/18/2019 BID SET 6/21/2019 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION C-3.71" = 20' CC MD PROFILE SHEET 7 OF 8 0 0 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE 6421 60102040 APRIL 5, 2019 275280285290295300305310-1.21%-8.00%-0.92%-7.93%-1.90%-8.00%GRADE BREAK STA = 45+85.48 ELEV = 278.88 PVT: 43+09.05ELEV: 295.77PVC: 42+99.05ELEV: 296.14 HP STA: 42+99.64HP ELEV: 296.14PVI STA:43+04.05PVI ELEV:296.17A.D.: -8.50%K:1.18LVC:10.00PVT: 43+88.24 ELEV: 291.40 PVC: 43+78.24 ELEV: 291.86 HP STA: 43+78.24HP ELEV: 291.86PVI STA:43+83.24PVI ELEV:291.80A.D.: -6.79%K:1.47LVC:10.00PVT: 44+77.47 ELEV: 286.33 PVC: 44+67.47 ELEV: 286.78 HP STA: 44+67.47HP ELEV: 286.78PVI STA:44+72.47PVI ELEV:286.73A.D.: -7.01%K:1.43LVC:10.00PVT: 43+59.24 ELEV: 292.09 PVC: 43+49.24 ELEV: 292.55 LP STA: 43+59.24LP ELEV: 292.09PVI STA:43+54.24PVI ELEV:292.15A.D.: 6.79%K:1.47LVC:10.00PVT: 44+48.24 ELEV: 286.95 PVC: 44+38.24 ELEV: 287.40 LP STA: 44+48.24LP ELEV: 286.95PVI STA:44+43.24PVI ELEV:287.00A.D.: 7.08%K:1.41LVC:10.00PVT: 45+72.01 ELEV: 279.14 PVC: 45+62.01 ELEV: 279.63 LP STA: 45+72.01LP ELEV: 279.14PVI STA:45+67.01PVI ELEV:279.23A.D.: 6.03%K:1.66LVC:10.007.84%8.75%1.75%0.85%6.49%8.52%7.69%8.01%5.83%3.06%0.73%6.54%8.19%8.31%8.34%8.44%8.60%7.86%7.51%4.60%1.98%4.93%296.19 292.43 290.39 286.99 284.54 280.42 296.42 296.75 288.44 286.37 282.44 279.11 296.14 292.49 290.46 286.94 284.55 280.58 294.49 291.90 288.46 286.51 282.56 279.08 46+0045+0044+0043+00PROPOSED FINISH GRADESURVEYED FINISH GRADESCALE Horizontal: 1"=20'Vertical: 1" = 2'EXISTING GRADE