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BP-2021-2160 168 EMERSON WAY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:Lot: 36-389-001 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Permit: New Build PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2021-2160 PERMISSIONIS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE Contractor: License: Est. Cost: 487419 WRIGHT BUILDERS INC 065521 Const.Class: Exp.Date:01/25/2022 HEWITT ROBERT&CAROL JEAN SHRIVER Use Group: Owner: HEWITT Lot Size (sq.ft.) Zoning: SR Applicant: WRIGHT BUILDERS INC Applicant Address Phone: Insurance: 48 Bates St (413)586-8287(1 16) MCC20020005342020A NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 ISSUED ON:11/15/2021 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: I i ! Is • * • >9 , ' � Fees Paid: $1,792.50 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner R .,,- t`C7LL 3 �L f,iS 7 1, --,., .,,, i)---------7 Npv 8 The Commonwealth of Massachuset i OR r, i' Board of Building Regulations and Stat ard4pT t o,,. MUN 1PA�ITY Massachusetts State Building Code, 780�R.Nog7FQUiti),1, i •.;; A'1'';tNG INsa USE ‘ t Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair, Renovate Or Demo A cittogiedAli 2011 0 One-or Two-Family Dwelling This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number:a9."1)" 1 eC)_ Date Appl'ed: .10614itiAl`).- c:- .t. Building Official(Print Name) Signature II /Da/ ` t SECTION 1: SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map& Parcel Numbers 168 Emerson Way Northampton, MA 01060 36 389 1.I a Is this an accepted street?yes 4 no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: SR SR 11,761'SQ FT 110.98' Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq II) Frontage(Il) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided 25' 25' 15' 15' 30' 41' 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L,c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Zone: Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system 0 Public 0 Private 0 Cheek ifyes2 P p ; SECTION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP' 2.1 Owner'of Record: Carol and Robert Hewitt-Shriver Northampton, MA 01060 Name(Print) City. State.ZIP 168 Emerson Way 508-506-4456 Pavonis99@verizon.net No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK'(check all that apply) New Construction B Existing Building 0 Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition 0 Accessory Bldg. 0 Number of Units Other 0 Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work': New single family home, single story build with unfinished basement 2 vehicle garage, front & back porches, plumbing, HVAC, electrical SECTION 4: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Costs: Official Use Only (Labor and Materials) I. Building $ 381,761 I. Building Permit Fee:S Indicate how fee is determined: ❑ Standard City/Town Application Fee 2. Electrical $ 39,768 ❑Total Project Cost' (Item 6)x multiplier x 3. Plumbing $ 36,758 2. Other Fees: $ __ 4. Mechanical (HVAC) $ 29,132 List: 5. Mechanical (Fire Suppression) $ Total All Fees: $ t ) �Lid) �U Check Net, 7X)Check Amount. t Cash Amount: 6.Total Project Cost: $ 487,419 ❑ Paid in Full 0 Outstanding Balance Due: SECTION 5: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) CS-065521 1/25/2022 Steven Barrett License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder List CSL Type(see below) U 97 Federal Street Type Description No.and-Street t1 Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35.000 cu.ft.) Beichertown, MA 01007 R Restricted I&2 Family Dwelling City/Town.State,ZIP \t Masonry RC Roofing Covering —_ WS Window and Siding SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances 413-570-5999 sbarrett@wright-builders.com I Insulation Telephone Email address I) Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(H IC) 101536 6/25/2022 Wright Builders Inc I Jonathan Wright _ .....______.._......__. HIC Registration Number Expiration Date HIC Company Name or HIC Registrant Name 48 Bates Street nwright@wright-builders.com No.and Street Email address Northampton,MA 01060 413-923-2870 . City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6: WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152. § 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes . 2 No .0 SECTION 7a: OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT 1,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize Wright Builders Inc • to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. pj&RT { iT7" if15?1,2 Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date SECTION 7b: OWNER' OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below, I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to he best of my knowledge and understanding. Ro#, ti (-Etc,/r ��" ifyis ti Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date NOTES: I. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.uo+-:coca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.govidps 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq. ft.) 5,511 (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq. ft.)2 301 Habitable room count 5 Number of fireplaces 0 Number of bedrooms 3 Number of bathrooms 2 _. Number of half/baths p Type of heating system_ Mini Splits Number of decks/porches 2 Type of cooling system_Ntlini Splits Enclosed 1 Open 1 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" Permit Fee Calculations Hewitt-Shriver New Home 168 Emerson Way Northampton, MA Building Permit Fee based on Square Footage: Location Total Cost/ Permit Sq Ft Sq Ft Fee Occupied Floors 2301 $0.50 $1,150.50 Garage 513 $0.20 $102.60 Basement 2301 $0.20 $460.20 Front Porch 144 $0.20 $28.80 Back Porch 252 $0.20 $50.40 Sub Total: $1,792.50 Prepared by Wright Builders, Inc. 11/3/2021 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON SETBACK PLAN MAP: 36 LOT: 389 LOT SIZE: 11,761' SQ FT REAR LOT DIMENSION: REAR YARD 30' Additional site plan attached 58 ?' S48°43'04"E S I''S�9 i— 58.79' .\ f E; i if �.��i'i�i!;id�E l 9 t Y./ ' ' SIDE YARD 15' . �(, M 0 SIDE YARD 15 60 °M ; 8 , \. ° \M 1-tO e i N „ z Z /, ,,�i , , , „,,, „,,,, ‘ ....•, `sue r}M i :_f;, `.. Isis:••'. k 1 !e, :I,t".98' R=290.0' ,y�� , _ wFf,f —__-_- 1y --------7-\_ wir.�q iiir.;'I s+ , "I i FRONT SETBACK 25' FRONTAGE f co ZZ E of 8 a. HO 17 Waterrvice cc LL rn Se tiJ . r1 Curb Stop Wei +F „ \ JVVV IIII pp =� if. �w �► t zW a 9��6�06Z 4 It __ _ Non C _- _ \ Owner: r. - 1 -1 — Hewitt-Shriver 1 �p. '�n. 1 $ O No168 ha Emerson Way ge I' Northampton,MA 1IEI Pro ect NameW ~�■seg \ Front Porch (V J proposed i-�1 ��F \Q I New Home O Q p 7 ' I \l amti k Drawing Name: CO I! � � \ �`� _ r Site Plan Diagram i=�.. ate-'► \i rr CO I Proposed ' :i:r, • rn , House ` ;; �' -.1:-..:9. P • . I�,2,- Sanita'If Date: m25 rvmra a • i�[i<.:,; ems':r�n Sewer - _ Stub Revisions: f. . ,:Proposed, I Review 09/26/21 __ \ -� 3t -driv •+ Review 10/11/19 :�<'-5 ''^\=' _ ems;= _ • Review 09N8/19 __L� O f'-1 \ ` _z" '� Review 09/16H9 _ I ` I igii e I --- _ _ Proposed I I 2+`\ $ - _ 2 Car Garage 1 Tie foundation V _ drain to drain stub 4frili .. „60,��V �G,, s ! fi3 OIO Electric with ,/� v ` A, Service Stubs Scale: IV �Ia' (^ '� 1"=10•-0" 4 J tit / Approvals: OProposed Site Plan Diagram r=10'-0• Contract&Permit Set 09-26-21 Sheet No. A0.1 City of Northampton ;WE C Massachusetts1.0 *1 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS ) e � 4 212 Main Street • Municipal Building t ` ' �' Northampton, MA 01060 CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT (FOR ALL DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION PROJECTS) In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, a condition of Building Permit Number is that all debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris will be disposed of in: Location of Facility: _ The debris will be transported by: Name of Hauler: Don Wickles Trucking Inc. Signature of Applicant: Nicholas Wright Date: 11/3/2021 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts ;; Department of Industrial Accidents t 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 * ;+< ww►.mass.gor/dia 11 t,t kers' ('etnpensatioa Insurance Affldas it: [iuiltlemf('ontractors►tElectriciansfPiumbers. It)BE FILED IA 1 tit I HE.1'E:R111 t1'1\(;Al l'nt)K!1'1. Applicant Information Please Print I.e2ihls Name 1Bus Hiss sY kip niratton tndtiidu:tit Wright-Builders..inC Address: 48 Bates Street City/Staie/Zip:_ Northampton, MA 01060 Phone#: 413-923-2870 Are situ AA employer?t b.,t the appropriate but Type of project(required): I.�lam a employer*sib 22 employees(full aador patn-tititel• 7. (New construction 20 I situ a sole proprietor ur partnership and have air employers woikias for ante m 8. 0 Remodeling arty capacity [tio umien'comp.maurane mowed J 9. ❑ Demolition 3[I alit a lionirowmr doing all work myself.{No winters comp.,n orance mimed.J' 10 o Building addition 4.0 i am a lnxnco ter and will be biting contra:Joni to conduct all wort on my property. I will anion:that all contractors either have workers't asmpc-aaatiiat ini urante ix are sole 1 I.a Electrical repairs or additions Pore t rs with no innployce% 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 5 I am a genera counselor aaal I hathiredthe sob-contractors isted on annulled sheet. {� l t annulled 13.0 Roof repairs these wb-.untmetors hace employee,and have workers'cinnp rnataance. n.�We are a call oration and its officers hate exerriaed their right of exemption per keel,c. 14. OthCt t S:.b I(d}.and we haw no e i ttoycea.l No workers'comp.insurance required 1 kit}'applicant thin checks box ni mutt atau fill out the section below showing these*mica* compensation policy mfcxmatum. Homeowners iatru submit this.at3idacrt imbeantig they ate doing all went and then lute outside contra.tnes must titbrmt a new atfidac a tndieating stab i untr ieturs that chest t ii heat must attached an additional abed show mg the name of the sub•useetractars and state whether or not t ho,e entities hat .mployccl If the tub-eot'tractors hat,.en'Ioyees.rhea artist provide their workers'c'*mp putty nuanl+it /am an employer that is providing►vorhers'compensation insurance for my employee's. Below is the polies'and job site information. Insurance Company Name:_ A.I.M Mutual Ins. Co. Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: MCC-200-2000534-2020A Expiration Date: 03/01/2022 Job Site Address; 168 Emerson Way city statc.Zip: Northampton, MA 01060 Attack a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(show in);the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,*25A is a criminal s iulatron punishable by a tine up to S 1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment.as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a tine of up to S250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Oftke of Insestigation.of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby ccr •lee the pains dad penalties of perjury that the infOrmatiun provided above is true and correct. ��II!Signature: Date. 1115 12 iJ Phone=: y 13— /R3-V/0 t)ffrcial use only. Do not write in this area.to be completed by city or town official City or I'ossn: Permitil.icense h Issuing authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.('its/Tosn Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector S. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other t'ontact Person: Plume It: ___........N,N WRIGBUI-01 .KAYLA AC,CDWEY CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 9AT /1/2021 D/YYYY) �� 3 _ 3/1/2 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTENQ OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Nim?ct Kayla Marie Drinkwine Phillips Insurance Agency,Inc. PHONE Fax 97 Center Street (A/c,INo,al):(413)$94-5984 I(Am N0):(413)692-8499 Chicopee,MA 01013 E-MAIL kayla@phillipsinsurance.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:EMC Insurance Companies 21415 INSURED INSURER B:A. I.M.Mutual Ins. Co. 33758 Wright Builders,Inc. INSURER C: 48 Bates Street INSURER D: Northampton,MA 01060 INSURER E: INSURER F: • COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSD INVD POLICY NUMBER (MM/DD/YYYY) IMM/OD/YYYYI LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR 6D18616 3/1/2021 3/1/2022 DAMAGETORENTED 500,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X{I POLICY X JECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO $ 2,000,000 I OTHER: EMPLOYEE BENEFI $ 1,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 (Ea accident) $ X ANY AUTO 6Z18616 3/1/2021 3/1/2022 BODILYINJURY(Perperson) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS��� ONLY AUTOS Ep BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONNLY (Per a�RTYt)AMAGE $ ( dd )) $ A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE 6J18616 3/1/2021 3/1/2022 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 DED X RETENTION$ 10,000 $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION X PERTUTE OTH- ER AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY MCC-200-2000534-2020A 3/1/2021 3/1/2022 500,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N El.EACH ACCIDENT $ FIC Rory fn NH)OF EXCLUDED? N N/A 500,000 E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes,describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may bo attached If morn spaco Is roqulred) Florence Bank is listed as Additional Insured where required by written contract. • • CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Florence Bank THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 85 Main Street Florence,MA 01062 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 1 ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD MUNICIPAL WATER AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Water Department 237 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1097 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit shall be required prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 168 Emerson Way Inquiry Made By: Roger Cooney,Wright Builders, Inc. 413-586-8287, ext 105 (Name) (Telephone Number) Date of Inquiry: 9/9/2019 Fire Line Irrigation Domestic x Number of Units: 1 Type of Units: Type of Ownership: Single Family x Private x Apartments Condo Multi-Family Rental Commercial (Applicant to fill out the above) Municipal Water Main in Front of Location: Yes X No Existing service to site? Yes X No Size of Water Main: 8" Material: Ductile Iron Age: 2016 Approximate Static Street Pressure: 50 psi Flow Test Conducted: Yes No X (If flow test conducted attach results) Size of Service Connection: 1" Suggested Meter Size: 5/8" Comments: The Water Department cannot guarantee adequate water pressure during peak demand times at elevations above 320' - A corresponding water enterance fee shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal water system. -Arrangement of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Water Department within a minimum of 5 working days notification. -All work shall conform to Northampton Water Department specifications. DSPARKS 9/13/2019 (Water Superintendent) (Date) *Water Entry X ($1,250) Domestic *Meter $ 450 *Radio Read $150 ($2,500) Subdivision (fee to be determined) (Includes fire line if required) cc: City of Northampton Building Dept./Commissioner NOTE: If this availablitiy is for a new construction,it must be hand delivered to the Building Inspector *Fees will be charged based on current fee structure at the time of entry application MUNICIPAL SEWER AVAILABILITY APPLICATION Northampton Public Works Director Streets Division 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 A Department of Public Works Trench Permit and Sewer Entry Permit shall be required prior to any construction or connection activity associated with this application. Location: 168 EMERSON WAY Date of Inquiry: 11/04/21 Inquirer with contact info: WRIGHT BUILDERS NICK 413-923-2870 Reason for Request: NEW CONSTRUCTION For Office Use Only Below This Line Municipal Sewer Main in Front of Location: Yes X No Size of Sewer Main: Material: Age: Depth of Sewer Main: Length of Sewer Main: Size of Service Connection: Type of Service Connection: Domestic Tie In: X ($1,250) Subdivision Tie In : ($2,500) Tie-in to Existing Sanitary Service: ($1,250) Comments: Connect to Private Sewer. City Requires 6" cleanout installed at City Property Line A corresponding "sewer entrance fee" shall be paid prior to making any connection to the municipal sewer system.Arrangements of such installation shall be made with the Northampton Streets Division with a minimum of 5 working days notificaiton. All work shall conform to Northampton Streets Division specifications. Brendan Shea Date: 11/5/2021 Sewer Foreman *Sewer Entry$ 1250.00 *Fees will be charged based on current fee structure at the time of entry application If this availability is for new construction,it must be submitted electronically or mailed to the Building Inspector. V.JF- CENTER FOR U EcoTechnology we make green make sense- ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLAN 168 Emerson Way, Northampton MA Conditioned Floor Area and Volume 2227 ft2, 37,859 ft3(including basement) Building Type Single family detached Bedrooms 4 Assumptions for Preliminary Home Energy Rating CET has completed a Preliminary Home Energy Rating based on the construction plans you have provided. Any energy features not listed below are assumed to meet the prescriptive requirements of the IECC 2015. Building Envelope Specifications Used in Analysis Under Slab 3" Formula-R R-16.2 underneath Foundation Walls Superior Wall Xi with R-19 fiberglass batts Plus 1" polyiso foamboard (R-7)(not foil faced) Band Joists 3" closed cell spray foam (R-18) Double stud wall—two 2x4 stud walls with 3"space between Exterior Walls Filled with densepack cellulose (R-35) Walls capped at top plate and insulation enclosed by interior air barrier (drywall and/or vapor retarder) Walls to Garage Same as exterior walls Windows Triple glazed, Argon gas filled, U-value = 0.20, SHGC = 0.20 Glass Doors Double glazed, Argon gas filled, U-value = 0.29, SHGC = 0.28 Exterior Doors R-5/U-0.20 Ceiling 17" loose blown cellulose (R-60) Air Sealing &Blower Door Test Aerobarrier run until 0.6 ACH50 or better achieved Thermal Enclosure Checklist Meet all Checklist Requirements as verified by a HERS rater at pre- drywall and final inspection Plumbing & Mechanical Systems Specifications Used in Analysis sent 1 r,, Thermostats Programmable Water Heating Equipment 2.69 EF heat pump water heater, 80 gallons water heater to farthest fixture Energy Recovery Ventilator, 48 watts Whole House Ventilation 71%Adjusted Sensible Recovery Efficiency, 58%Adjusted Total Recovery Efficiency 66 CFM continuous airflow Lighting & Appliances Specifications Used in Analysis Lighting 100% LED, including interior, exterior, and garage Refrigerator _ 550 kWh/year or less Dishwasher ENERGY STAR certified ENERGY EFFICIENCY PLAN Clothes Washer/Dryer Any Preliminary Home Energy Rating Results Based on the assumptions described above,we have calculated the following Preliminary Home Energy Rating results. Pnettminary HERS index:42 Note that Confirmed Home Energy Rating results may vary from the Preliminary Home Energy Rating results due to changes in building plans, energy features installed in the home, RESNET standards, software changes, and other factors. Preliminary Rater:Mark Newey Date: 10/9/2019 Job#: 19-04549 Page 2 of 2-The Center for EcoTechnology-Tel(413)586-7350 ext.242-Fax(413)586-7351 -oreenhome(a�cetonline.orq t,;11 FINAL SPECIFICATIONS Outline Specifications for Use by Wright Builders Inc. ONLY (Copyright 2021) Wright Builders, Inc. 48 Bates Street, Northampton MA 01060 Phone (413) 586-8287 Fax (413) 587-9276 Customer Name: Robert Hewitt & Carol Shriver Date: 10/04/2021 Customer Address: 47-05 211th Street Bayside, NY 11361 Job location: 168 Emerson Way, Northampton, MA 01060 Prolect Manager: Matt O'Grady Foreman: Fred Roy All systems and materials are expected to meet ENERGY STAR Homes including Indoor Air Plus &WaterSense and Zero Net Ready Home performance standards as applicable and current applicable Massachusetts State Building Code(s). No building materials with signs of water damage or mold are permitted. All composite wood products and interior finishes to be certified as low emission per EPA Indoor Air Plus requirements. See appropriate section. All subcontractors must limit waste—order no more material than needed and re-use or re- purpose scrap. Notice to vendors and subcontractors: Vendors and subcontractor shall provide pricing breakdown (material and labor), required company certifications and/or registrations &detailed product information at time of quotation in such a way as to comply with federal standards for tax credits and utility documentation requirements for rebates. All contractors are expected to furnish samples, MSDS, and manuals as appropriate. Set up, start up and maintenance requirements of equipment are to be provided to customer with briefing & operation instructions as needed. All products and installation are guaranteed for one year from substantial completion of the building designated by the C of O. All terms of Wright Builders, Inc. contract with the customer apply to all subcontractors and suppliers. NOTE: Items in "italics"indicate suggestions but not yet confirmed selections by buyer. DIVISION 01 01 00 00 GENERAL CONDITIONS 01 01 01 Building Design Design, engineering (as required) drafting and office costs, etc. 01 01 02 Other Design Services Energy Consultant&Third-Party Rater for energy modeling, review of building envelope details and strategies and recommendation on the air source heat pump sizing, etc. and HERS & Energy Star compliance. 1 01 01 03 Building Permits, Fees and Related Costs Permits and fees as noted. X Building Permit X Plumbing Permit by Sub X Electrical Permit by Sub X Water Tie-In Fee X Water Meter Transmitter Fee X 5/8" Water Meter Fee X Trench Permit X Sewer Tie-In x Third Party Rater Fee 01 30 01 Overhead Costs (Office Costs, Copying, Photos, etc.) General expenses, all purchases, and services not subject to Mass. State Sales Tax. 01 56 00 Temporary Services Provide temporary services (including fuel &temporary power) consisting of: X Temporary toilet(Port a Potty) X Dedicated 20 AMP Circuit at each level X Dumpster X Temporary warm air propane furnace with thermostat(as required by season) X Temporary electric service X Crane/Lull 01 74 19 Trash Removal Construction waste management&disposal, including dumpster, hauling, dump fees etc. 01 74 23 Final Cleaning X Wash New Windows X Clean &Wipe interior&exterior of cabinets X Wipe Walls &Trim X Clean &Wipe Counters& Shelves X Broom Cleaning X Damp Mop Floors X Wipe Plumbing Fixtures X Vacuum Basement DIVISION 02 02 00 00 SITE DEMOLITION NA 2 DIVISION 03 03 00 00 CONCRETE NOTE: Maintain caution tape or fencing barriers installed while on site. 03 31 01 Cast in place -See Section 07 21 02 Footing 8" x 16" Reinforced concrete footings 3000 lb. Mix with approximately 2 x 3 keyway and two each #3 (3/8) reinforcing bars continuous. Walls 8" Concrete walls, 3000 lb. Mix reinforced with two#3 (3/8) bars each, top and bottom. Protect all concrete from extremes of temperature. Galvanized anchor bolts every 4' O.C. and within 2' of corners. Include windows per plan and schedule. Piers Pre-Cast Type USI. Piers to extend to below frost level or a minimum of 4' below the original grade and to be 4" below new finish grading with one anchor bolt. Basement Slab 4" Concrete slabs, 3000 lb. mix atop vapor barrier, reinforced with welded wire mesh steel trowel finish. Provide 2"foam joint at perimeter and caulk after completion. Garage Slabs 4" Concrete slabs, 3500 lb. mix with welded wire mesh atop vapor barrier. 1/2"expansion joint at perimeter, and pitch 1" in 12'0" under garage door. Steel trowel finish. Includes 6" x 24" outside apron, pitched 1"to meet asphalt driveway, with broom finish and wire reinforcing. NOTE: Due to minimal pitch some minor puddles may occur. Other Slabs 4" (or as noted) reinforced slabs with welded wire mesh continuous graded to drain. Broom finish with tooled 4' grid. 03 40 01 Precast Foundation Systems— See Section 07 21 02, 09 21 10 & 31 23 01 Install Superior Walls per manufacturer's specifications; including MINIMUM OF 6" of underlying stone with foundation drain, 10" overall cavity wall, 6000 psi concrete plates, studs and 2"facing, standard IG windows/screens with headers above, specially sized windows and doors have PT frames and exterior trims, R-10 insulation and thermal break, dense armor interior drywall unfinished, exterior finish is factory screened with site sealed joints, open wall cavities for future wiring and blowing insulation. All penetration to be plugged with hydraulic cement. Window Well—to be included with the Superior Foundation System Manufacturer Bowman Kemp, to be included with precast foundation system 3 Type Window System, size per architectural drawings The Boman Kemp Window System to include Easy-Buck, Easy-Well, Double Insulated Glass Vinyl Frame Window, Safety Grate, Lexan Cover, and Escape Ladder. Minimize vertical dimension of window header. Provide detailed shop drawings. 03 81 13 Concrete Cutting and Coring—As required Saw concrete and remove debris as required. Protect against water damage. DIVISION 04 04 00 00 MASONRY NA DIVISION 05 05 00 00 METALS 05 12 23 Structural Steel Cement filled steel columns with plates per plan. Metal joist hangers per plans or as required by Code. DIVISION 06 06 00 00 WOOD & PLASTIC 06 04 01 Supervision of Carpentry Supervision and coordination of carpentry labor specifically assigned to WBI. 06 10 01 Rough Carpentry Labor Miscellaneous rough carpentry labor specifically assigned to WBI. 06 10 02 Metal Fasteners Misc. Fasteners, Specialty Metals and Other metal items required by code. 06 10 03 Rough Carpentry Sub Labor Subcontracted rough and finish labor to complete structure. Include all pneumatic nails to fit your equipment. Rough Labor--All labor to bring project to a weather tight shell with exterior doors and windows installed and shimmed including all exterior trim, blocking and house wrap Vicor or equal around windows and doors, installed, but excluding roofing. Cut and frame in all chimney openings, chases, hearth cut outs, scuttle holes and related or similar work. Work includes patching subfloors, ready for underlayment. All cutting and reframing to be ready for drywall, required by the intent of the plans, specifications or documents are to be included. 4 NOTE: All framing is to meet or exceed Energy Star requirements. See below for some general requirements. All structural plywood to be PS1 or PS2 compliant. NOTE: Framing subcontractor is responsible for clearing snow from the decks&work surfaces of the building &from their materials. Wright Builders is responsible for keeping the site clear of snow for the purposes of construction, ENERGY STAR: Comply with Thermal enclosure checklist. See below for some general requirements. NOTE: Framers are to assist insulation installers with assuring that AIR BARRIERS are fully aligned. See section 07 20 00 and examples below for know areas that require attention: Walls: Walls behind showers and tubs Walls behind fireplaces Sloped Attics Wall adjoining porch roof Staircase walls Double walls Garage rim/band joist adjoining conditioned space All other exterior walls Floors: Floor above garage Ceilings: Dropped ceiling/soffit below unconditioned attic Sloped ceilings All other ceilings All sill plates adjacent to conditioned space sealed to foundation or sub-floor with bead of acoustical caulk on concrete then install plate. Foam gasket also placed beneath sill plate if resting atop concrete or masonry and adjacent to conditioned space. Install a gasket to prevent air leakage and seal all exterior wall sill plates to the sub-floor or foundation to prevent air leakage. All exterior corners shall be constructed to allow access for the installation of? R-6 insulation that extends to the exterior wall sheathing. WBI default for Energy Star compliance is standard- density insulation with alternative framing techniques using three studs per corner. Seal exterior sheathing to the sill plate at the bottom of the sheathing and to the top-most top plate at the top of the building. Apply sealant prior to bottom/top plate prior to attaching sheathing to it. Run sheathing on the wall between the house and the garage prior to framing the garage to ensure that sheathing runs continuously and is not interrupted by the garage framing Insulated headers shall be minimum R-5 using continuous rigid insulation sheathing except where the framing plan indicates that full-depth solid headers is the only acceptable option because of structural requirements. Framing at windows shall be limited to a maximum of one pair of king studs and one pair jack studs per window opening to support the header and windowsill. Additional jack studs shall be 5 used only as required by code or as needed for structural support and cripple studs only as needed to maintain on-center spacing of studs. Install ladder blocking, full length 2x6 or 1x6 furring behind the first partition stud to allow for insulation to run behind interior/exterior wall intersections. Deck Labor—Install all materials required for layout, attachment and construction of decks, related flashing, stairs and piers, modification of house siding, trim as needed. Floor Framing—Per Plan Floor framing to be#1 and #2 KDS with built up timbers as required at 2 x pressure treated sill with foam sill sealer. Nailing per code, and joist hangers where not supported from below. Interior Wall Frame—Per Plan Interior partitions to be#1 and#2 KDS with nailing per code. Size Spacing Typical 2 x 4 16" OC Plumbing Wall 2 x 6 16" OC Exterior Wall Frame—Per Plan Exterior walls to be#1 and#2 KDS with 2 rows of approved caulk under plates and nailing per code. P.T. plate when in contact with concrete. Size Spacing House Wall 2x4 &2x4 24" OC, staggered stud 10"wall cavity Garage Wall 2x6 24" OC per plan Window and door openings fully flashed. Ceiling Framing—Per Plan Ceiling joist to be#1 and#2 KDS with nailing as per code and joist hanger where not supported from below. Size Spacing Per plan 16" O.C. Roof Framing—Per Plan Rafter to be#1 and 2 KDS with nailing as per code and rafter ties at all bearing locations. Ridge boards to be sized to fill complete rafter cut or as noted on plans. Straps as needed at ridge. Size Spacing Per plan 24"or 16"OC Collar Ties -Per Plan 6 Ties to be#1 and#2 KDS with nailing per code. Install 1/3 down from ridge to ceiling or per plan. Size Spacing 2x6,or per plan every other rafter, or per plan Blocking Location Size Block Height to top of block Base Cabinet 2x N/A Wall Cabinet 2x4 58" Medicine Cabinet 2x4 RO Bathrooms 2x12 40" O.C. Drywall Prep 2x All corners, walls, and ceiling Stringers 2x10 1/3 span Stairway 2x Fire blocking 2x Each open floor level Handrails 2x10 30" O.C. Grab Bars 2x Thermostats 2x6 60"O.C. Basement/Utility Stairs with 2 sets of blocking between stringers Rough stringers 2x12 KDS Rough treads 2x10 KDS Risers 1x8 Pine Handrail 1 %'fir Number of sides 1 Mid rail, if required 2x4 KDS Scuttle Hole&Access Panels Provide framed openings for all designated and code required access panels. Locations and preparation for finishes. Miscellaneous Materials Miscellaneous materials not covered in other sections. 06 10 10 Equipment Rental for Carpentry Temporary equipment rental as required for the work. 06 10 53 General Labor 1 General labor specifically assigned to WBI. 7 Miscellaneous general labor, clean-up, hauling, etc. 06 16 01 Wall Sheathing Sheathing installed horizontal with nailing per code and per manufacturer. Note: Maximum nail head set to 1/8".Any overdriven nails must be treated by framer with approved tape at framer's material and labor expense. Type 1 at House: 1/"Zip Sheathing by Huber, taped Type 2 at Garages: Same Type 3 at concrete: 1/2" .040 pressure treated if covering concrete Plywood Subfloor/Underlayment Sub floor glued and nailed to joist per code and according to schedule and good construction practice. Use Material Adhesive Supplied By Installed By NOTES Sub Floor 3/4"T& G PL 400, Liquid Wright Builders Framer Patching including tub Advantech Nails, Magnum by deck/stair 44 Framer Carpet None N/A N/A N/A Underlayment Floor Tile 1/2" UL Exterior Grade Tile Installer Tile Installer Patching Underlayment Plywood Wood Glue sub floor by Framer Roof Sheathing Sheathing installed horizontal with nailing per code. House & Garage 5/8" Huber Zip System, taped 06 17 01 Pre-manufactured Raised Heel Roof Truss (House)—Per Plan Roof truss to be installed with diagonal bracing per plan and in conformance with code requirements and manufacture's recommendation. All trusses will include manufacturer's engineering information, All trusses will be carefully lifted into location using manufacturer's recommendation. Truss clips to be installed at all interior walls. Spacing 16" OC or 24"OC with 1x3 furring 16" OC interior 06 18 01 Pre-Manufactured Floor Truss System—Per Plan Floor trusses per plan. Install per manufacturer's directions. Floor framing to be pre-manufactured open web bottom bearing joist system. Install per manufacturer's directions. 06 20 13 Exterior Finish Carpentry: Porch Finish Work(Assigned to Rough Carpentry) 8 Install pressure treated framing with support and concrete piers. Install decking, rails, and balusters with trim per plan. All wood decking, rails and balusters shall be installed using stainless steel fasteners.All composite decking shall be installed using TrapEase deck screws and shall adhere to all manufacturer's requirements for installation. All connectors to be Simpson Strong Tie, Z-max galvanized or equal. Post 4x4 Pressure treated, .060 below grade, .040 above grade Joists 2x8 Pressure treated Decking 5/4 x6 composite Trex Decking Treads 5/4 x6 composite Trex Decking Decking Fasteners Surface,with 3/16" board spacing and stainless-steel fasteners Skirt Hardie for ground contact Risers Trex Decking • Stringers 2x12 (Pressure treated)and appropriate hardware Porch columns Front Porch Square Recessed Post from Brosco NOTE: SS nails for wood, coated screws for synthetic. Exterior Porch Porch Ceilings Hardie Color Plus solid soffit with Hardie batten with applied pattern per plan Exterior Siding and Trim Finish Carpentry Sub Labor Siding and Exterior Trim Labor—All labor to install siding including drip caps, step flashing, light, silcock and venting blocks and caulking as required. Deck/Porch Labor—Install all materials required for rails and trims of decks, modification of house siding, trim as needed. NOTE: Exterior siding and trim subcontractor is responsible for clearing snow from the work surfaces of the building &from their materials. Wright Builders is responsible for keeping the site clear of snow for the purposes of construction access. 06 20 21 Interior Finish Carpentry Labor Miscellaneous finish carpentry labor specifically assigned to WBI. 06 20 23 Interior Finish Carpentry Sub Labor Ali labor to bring project to complete finish or as necessary including baseboard, casing, sills, aprons, built-ins,window seats, stairs, rails,wall caps, mantels, cabinets, vanities, counters, vanity tops, interior doors, door hardware, stops, bath accessories, wood closet shelving and rods, and any interior wood and wainscot or ceilings. 06 41 00 Architectural Millwork 9 Shelves, baseboard, window and door casing, half walls caps, and other interior trims. Includes wood stairs and railings and any ornamental woodwork/finish woodworking items noted on plan. Interior Trim Jamb type Double Rabbetted Baseboard size and type pre-primed 5/8 x 5 1/4 "speed base" Side Casing size and type 3/4 x 3 I/pre-primed fingered jointed pine Head Casing size and type 1 1/16 x 5 '/pre-primed fingered jointed pine Jamb Extension '/ x 9 % pre-primed fingered jointed pine Stool Type pre-primed fingered jointed pine Apron at Stool Casing profile w/return Exposed Shelving & Benches Shelves 3/" birch plywood G1S with poplar edge Adjustable tracks K.V. steel or fixed Wood Stair Treads and Rails NOTE: Treads to be installed by finish carpenter, finished by flooring contractor. Other stair parts installed by finish carpentry and finished by painter. Treads 5/4 Maple Risers 3/" Radial cut Birch veneer plywood Skirts 1x12 pre-primed fingered jointed pine Newel post N/A Rail#6010 Maple Brackets HD 91001-601-HDBFD Black or equal Rail/Wall Caps Closed rails assumed. Cap 1x8 Maple Molding '/2" x 11/16" Maple DIVISION 07 07 00 00 THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 16 01 Damp proofing -NA 10 Superior Systems supplies barrier performance to achieve damp proofing. Water proofing is not required at garages. 07 20 00 Insulation Seal all gaps, and holes to unconditioned space with caulk or foam prior to insulation installation. NOTE: All insulation work is to meet or exceed current Energy Star performance standards as applicable. NOTE: Insulation installers are to assure that AIR BARRIERS are fully aligned. See examples below: Walls: Walls behind showers and tubs Walls behind fireplaces Attic knee walls/Sloped Attics Wall adjoining porch roof Staircase walls Double walls Garage rim/band joist adjoining conditioned space All other exterior walls Floors: Floor above garage Cantilevered floor Floor above unconditioned basement or vented crawlspace Ceilings: Dropped ceiling/soffit below unconditioned attic Sloped ceilings All other ceilings 07 21 00 Basement Floor Insulation Concrete basement floors to receive rigid insulation under vapor barrier. See plans for slab edge thermal break. The thermal break at the bottom of the precast wall is to be Rigid Cellular Polystyrene(EPS)with a 50 PSI. 2" R-Tech XV 60 PSI, R-11.20 or equal. Under slab thickness and R Value 3"XPS, R-16.2 07 21 02 Basement Wall Insulation—See Sections 03 40 01 &03 31 01 Superior Foundation Walls Superior basement walls to receive fiberglass insulation, Assure complete insulation from floor to floor. See 09 21 10 Drywall. Type and R Value R-12.5 Superior foundation system w/3-1/2" of fiberglass R-8 and with 1" Warm & Dri Board Co? R-7 for a total of R-27.5+/- (Fill open foundation stud cavities at base of wall with concrete). 07 21 26 Exterior Walls I1 Exterior walls to receive Class I cellulose fiber insulation with vapor retarder via CertainTeed Membrain or equal. Extra measures to be taken to avoid pillowing. Tape all vapor barrier holes and penetrations. Provide confirmation density testing to Project Manager with vendor supplied documented testing at minimum 3.5-pound density. Double 2x4 Walls 10" Dense-Pak cellulose R 35.0 (density 3.5 pound) Flat Ceilings above Basement Flat ceilings to receive blown cellulose insulation with poly vapor barrier. Type and R value Fiberglass unfaced batt insulation R 19.6 Flat Ceilings below Attic Spaces Flat ceilings to receive blown cellulose insulation with poly vapor barrier. "Proper-Vent" all vent spaces for continuous air flow. Type and R value Blown cellulose insulation R-60 Scuttle Holes Insulate all scuttle holes and access panels with rigid insulation and weather strip openings. Type and R Value 6" R-Max R30 using three 2" pieces laminated together Pipe Chase,Vent Ducts Wrap all ducts that are vented to the exterior with insulation, duct wrap and tape joints. Runner and Blockers and Band Joist and Precast Foundation Base Flash foam with 3"closed cell spray foam. 3"flash foam closed cell spray foam where top of wall meets roof truss. Sound Walls Sound walls, including all duct chases, plumbing chases, bathroom walls and ceilings, mechanical room walls and ceilings, and any joist bay locations with waste or water piping to receive fiberglass insulation. Amount 3 1/2" R-13 friction fit, or paper faced fiberglass batt Air Sealing Install AeroBarrier for Envelope Sealing for 0.6 ACH50. Window and Door Sealing Seal/Insulate around all doors and windows/skylights in controlled space with non-expanding environmentally safe spray foam and Prosoco AirDam or Huber tube-delivered equivalent. 07 26 01 Vapor Barriers All poly vapor barriers are 6 mil unless indicated otherwise. 12 Window Wrap To be Zip Stretch tape or equal. Apply pan flashing over the rough sill framing, inclusive of the corners of the sill framing; side flashing that extends over pan flashing; and top flashing that extends over side flashing. 07 27 01 Wind block Integral to Zip System sheathing, with all joints taped with appropriately compatible tape. NOTE: It is important that the drainage plane be continuous and shed water to the exterior at all seams and laps. 07 31 00 ROOFING See Sections: 07 62 01 Sheet Metal Flashing and Trims 07 71 23 Gutters and Downspouts 07 31 01 Roof Material—Sloped Asphalt Shingles Install fiberglass roofing shingles atop#15 felt. Regardless of pitch, underlay eaves of all slopes with ice and water barrier to a point 2' beyond the interior plane of the exterior walls. Underlay all slopes under 4/12 with ice and water barrier. Underlay all valleys with ice and water barrier. Flash all skylights, chimneys roof deck penetrations with self-sealing bituminous membrane before installing metal flashings. Note: Roofing subcontractor is responsible for clearing snow from the roof surfaces of the building &from their materials. Wright Builders is responsible for keeping the site clear of snow for the purposes of construction. Life years 30 Brand Tamko or equal Style Architectural(no shadow line) Color TBD Valley Closed Cut Pipe Flashings Included Step and kick-out flashing at all roof-wall intersections, extending z 4"on wall surface above roof deck and integrated with drainage plane above. Roof Accessories Location Material Color Style/Size Soffit New only Aluminum White 2'/<"strip Gable New only Aluminum Mill Adjustable Metal Work--Drip Edge, Flashing, Caps 13 Install clean unblemished break-formed or pre-manufactured drip edge, flashing, valleys and wall flashing where required. Material Gauge Color Style/Size Drip Edge Aluminum 0.019 White L+R5"D Style Step Flashing Aluminum 0.019 Bronze 2-1/2"x2-1/2"x7" Wall Flashing Aluminum 0.032 Bronze 4"X5"custom Valleys Closed Cut Plumbing Flanges Aluminum standard mill finish 2-4", 1-3" minimum NOTE: Verify colors NOTE: All flashing to be installed under original siding. NOTE: All plumbing flanges to be located and installed during roofing. Metal flashing or Vicor at roof eaves that extends 2.5' up the roof. 07 46 00 SIDING AND TRIM 07 46 46 Fiber Cement Siding Siding Type Hardie-plank weatherboard smooth clapboard siding, Color Plus pre-painted in standard color line Selection 1: Clapboard lap siding (per plan) Selection 2: Board & Batten (per plan) Fasteners stainless steel nails, attached to studs/framing as possible. Installer to adhere strictly to manufacturers installation requirements and meet inspection criteria. Exterior Trim NOTE: All field cuts must be primed to manufacturer's standard by carpenter before installation. Fascia Hardie prefinished Color Plus Hardie(per plan) Eave Soffit Hardie prefinished Color Plus soffit(except porches) Rake Soffit Hardie prefinished Color Plus soffit Casing Included with windows and doors Exterior Windowsill Included with window Fasteners 8p decking style SS nails Corner Boards 5/4 x 6 prefinished white vinyl with J Channel Frieze Boards Hardie Color Plus, per plan 14 Water Table Hardie Color Plus, per plan Roof Brackets Fypon Gable Decorative Bracket Exterior Porches Porch Ceiling 12" Hardie panel with Hardie batten on 1' by 2' pattern, for paint finish Porch floor Trex 07 71 23 Gutters and Downspouts Install seamless gutters and premium downspouts and discharged at grade. Splash blocks or outflow extension as required. Hanger should be spaced and sized for the appropriate condition Style 5" K-Style Gauge .032 Downspouts 2x3 .027 Material Aluminum Color T.B.D. blend to building trim color Install gutters and downspouts so that they terminate at least 5 ft. away from foundations. NOTE: Gutters require maintenance and ongoing repair due to weather condition. Scope of work to be verified with WBI Foreman. 07 92 01 Caulks, Sealants, Adhesives,Whole Building Sealant Interior: Latex or paintable silicone Exterior: Latex or paintable silicone Locktite or equal or as required by floor sheathing specifications, when gluing subfloor to joists Elmer's or equal when gluing underlayment to subfloor Locktite or Magnum 44 glue or approved equal for Advantech sheathing Note: While not currently required by Indoor airPLUS, EPA recommends that at least 90 percent of site-applied interior adhesives and sealants be no-VOC products certified by one of the following third-party standards or certifications: • A third-party low-emitting product list based on CA Section 01350(CDPH Standard Method V1.2-2010), OR • Green Seal GS-36, OR • GREENGUARD or GREENGUARD GOLD certification for adhesives and sealants. Install AeroBarrier proprietary product under pressure to achieve post installation rating of 0.6 ACH (air changes per hour)at 50 Pascals pressure. 15 DIVISION 08 08 00 00 DOORS Doors NOTE: All fenestration products must meet or exceed Energy Star requirements. NOTE: U-value and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) for doors apply to the whole door, not just the glazing portion. NOTE: All window and doors to be flashed with Vicor or equal before trim & siding installation. Exterior Doors— Per Plan and Schedule Exterior doors to be insulated and have standard builder's hardware. 08 16 01 Composite Interior Doors—Per Plan Must meet Indoor Air Plus requirements for composite wood. Must comply with one of the following certifications: CARB ATCM Phase II to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI certified Formaldehyde emissions requirements of ANSI A208.1-A208.2 ECC Sustainability Standard by the Composite Panel Association GREENGUARD or GREENGUARD GOLD Certification Closet and Passage Doors—Per Plan Brand Brosco Style PR Series Jamb Double rabbeted P.G. F. J. 08 32 01 Sliding Doors & Patio Doors Brand Paradigm Series 8300 NC Style Contemporary Slider Glazing insulated glass Low E w/argon gas Muntins/Screens full light/screens Exterior Casing Standard color aluminum clad Exterior Finish Color Factory, standard color -to be confirmed Color TBD I6 Interior Pre-finish Yes Interior Jamb Extensions Field Applied Track Color Std Exterior Casing Standard color-to be confirmed Hardware Finish TBD Special Sill Details None Locking system see Manufacturer's literature Manufacturer's warranties see Manufacturer's literature 08 36 01 Garage Door/Opener NOTE: Low voltage wiring by electrical contractor, to power wiring location provided under electrical contract. Install garage door, openers, and appropriate stops. Manufacturer General Door, Newport 200 Carriage House Series Door Type Raised Panel Material 26 Gauge G60 Steel Size 16' x 7' Insulation 2"polystyrene insulation R14+/- Windows I Row— Top, Square 4 Pane Prefinished Color Dual Direction Wood Look, Medium Oak Decorative Hardware B Handle &B Stamped Steel Carriage Lock N/A Manufacturer's Warranty 1-year limited warranty and lifetime rust through warranty spring Opener Type Lift Master Model 1/2 HP, Model 8365 Safety Feature the Protector System, emergency key disconnects Wireless keyless entry Included #Of handheld transmitters 2 with 3 Button Remote Manufacturer's Warranty Lifetime motor and belt warranty 1 year on all other parts 17 08 50 00 WINDOWS 08 52 13 Vinyl New Construction NOTE: All fenestration products must meet or exceed Energy Star requirements. Brand Paradigm Series 8300 NC Style Double hung, awning or casement Glazing Insulated glass Low E, Triple glazing R5+/-Note: Tempered windows are available in double glazing ONLY. The H window is double glazed because it's an interior window without exterior trim Muntins Per plan and schedule, between the glass were shown Screens Full screens, T.B.A. finish Exterior Finish Color standard color -to be confirmed Interior Prefinished Yes Interior Jamb Extensions Field applied Track Color Std Exterior Casing Standard color-to be confirmed Hardware Finish TBD Special Sill Details None Manufacturer's warranties see Manufacturer's literature 08 70 00 DOOR HARDWARE 08 77 01 Entry Lock Set All hardware to be standard key in knob, bored-in type, keyed alike. Brand Schlage Series and Model Residential Style Accent Lever Door Handing Verify in field Finish Satin Nickel Backset 2-3/4", adjustable Dead Bolt Yes-Matching 18 Passage Set All hardware to be standard bored-in type. Brand Schlage Series Residential Style TBD Door Handing Verify in field Finish Satin Nickel Backset 2-3/8" Bed/Bath Privacy Set All hardware to be standard bored-in type. Brand Schlage Series Residential Style Accent Lever Door Handing Verify in field Finish Satin Nickel Backset 2-3/8" Other Hardware Door stops Ives base mount nickel or hinge type nickel or equal Stairway Handrail Brackets TBD(See stai,way) 08 83 01 Mirrors—By Owner DIVISION 09 09 00 00 FINISHES 09 21 10 Drywall Completely review Section 06 16 01 —Subfloor/Underlayment/Backer for additional responsibilities for this work. Walls 19 All new interior walls and surfaces to receive'/" standard drywall, 5/8"at exterior walls, taped with three coats and finished smooth ready for paint by others. This work is not typically painted unless specifically indicated here and in the painting section. Installer will be responsible for repairs around outlets, switches and light boxes as needed. Ceilings All new ceilings to receive'/"standard drywall taped with three coats and finished smooth ready for paint by others. Basement ceilings are to be included. Install drywall fire stop every ten horizontal feet per code at basement ceiling. Baths Interior of all bathrooms to receive %"drywall walls, and ceilings taped with three coats and finished smooth ready for paint, except as noted below. Fill around fiberglass tub/shower units with Durabond and flat tape smooth and ready for paint. Ceilings'/"standard drywall Walls 1/" MR Drywall Note: Cement board or equivalent moisture-resistant backing material installed on all walls behind tub and shower enclosures composed of tile or panel assemblies with caulked joints. Paper-faced backer board shall not be used. Fire Barriers Provide continuous 5/8"type X drywall on all garage surfaces, fire taped one coat only but unfinished. This is not a paint finish. This work is not typically painted unless specifically indicated in the painting section. OPTION: To finish tape and paint one coat of primer. Tiled walls, ceiling,and tub decks Install '/" GP Dens-Shield or Durrock over all surfaces to receive tile holding the material back 1/2" from the edge of the tile. 09 30 00 Tile NOTE: all layouts and patterns to be provided by tile vendor/installer supervised and verified in the field by Foreman. Wall backer underlayment provided and installed by drywaller except as noted. Note: Cement board or equivalent moisture-resistant backing material installed on all walls behind tub and shower enclosures composed of tile or panel assemblies with caulked joints. Paper-faced backer board shall not be used. 09 30 02 Floor Tile Note 1: Grout sealer is to be included. 20 Note 2: Baseboard is to be installed prior to floor tile Location Entry Brand Royalty Color BRGEM-Grey or Bronze Size 12 x 24 Type Ceramic Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Layout: TBD Location Laundry Brand Daltile Color Skybridqe, off white SY95 Size 12 x 24 Type Ceramic Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Layout: TBD 09 30 03 Bath Floors Note 1: Grout sealer is to be included. Note 2: Baseboard is to be installed prior to floor tile Location Bath 1 Brand American Olean Color Sunset Falls Grey SF 17 Size 12 x 24 Type Ceramic Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Layout: TBD Location Main Bath Brand American Olean Color Neoconcrete, Charcoal NE 14 Matte Size 12 x 24 Type Ceramic Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Layout: TBD 09 30 05 Shower Floors NOTE: Grout sealer is to be included. NOTE: Create custom shower base with slope bottom and waterproof before tiling. 21 Location Main Bath Brand American Olean Color Colorbody Mosaic Tile Storm Gray A 22 Size 2x2 Type Porcelain Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Bullnose 4x24 Pattern One color Shower Base Custom waterproofing by Schluter or Equal 09 30 06 Shower Walls Install standard color range tile to ceiling atop substrate by drywall sub. NOTE: Grout sealer is to be included. NOTE: Install waterproofing before tile application. Location Main Bath Tile Height to Ceiling Brand American Olean Color Neoconcrete, Medium Gray NE13 Matte Size 12x24 Type Ceramic Grout type TBD Grout color TBD Bullnose TBD Pattern One color Niche 12x20 Horizontal—CONFIRM WITH CUSTOMER Waterproofing System Custom waterproofing by Schluter, Schluter Shower Kit w/Stainless Steel Drain 48X72 or Equal Note: Cement board or equivalent moisture-resistant backing material installed on all walls behind tub and shower enclosures composed of tile or panel assemblies with caulked joints. Paper-faced backer board shall not be used. 09 30 08 Kitchen Backsplash— Under Allowance Install tile on small backsplash, radius, or method to raise above countertop. NOTE: Grout sealer is to be included. Locations Kitchen Brand TBD Color TBD Size TBD Type Grout type Latex Grout color TBD Bullnose TBD Pattern One color 09 64 01 Wood Flooring—Feld Finished—Under Allowance 22 Install flooring and landings with minimum'/a' clearance at edges and prepared for finish baseboard installation atop floor. Sand and finish wood treads, 3 coats satin, unless otherwise noted Location Living, Kitchen, Dining, Main Bedroom &Closet, Bedroom 2, Study, Bedroom 3 Type Maple,Ash, Red Oak TBD Size 1x5 Finish Loba Floor Finish System Sheen Satin 09 65 01 Marmoleum—Under Allowance Location Sitting Porch Color TBD 09 90 00 Paints & Coatings NOTE 1: Paint new surfaces corner to corner unless otherwise noted. NOTE 2: For all painters' work sheen levels noted in our specs prevail. No performance or appearance guarantee is available for other sheens or finishes. 09 91 13 Exterior Painter's Work Exterior Body— Prefinished except as noted Prime Factory Finish Factory Sheen Factory Note: Ceiling 2 coats acrylic at porch trim, porch ceiling—field finished Body Color TBD Body(Gables and TBD accent areas) Trim TBD Exterior Trim Prime Factory Finish Factory Sheen Factory r' Exterior Doors 23 Follow manufacturer's recommendations, utilizing Benjamin Moore or equal standard range of colors. Fully finish all edges. Advise contractor if clearances insufficient prior to application of finish. Prime Factory Finish 2 coats acrylic Sheen Satin Color TBD 09 91 23 Interior Painter Work All interior paints and finishes must meet Indoor Air Plus requirements for paints and finishes and be certified as no-VOC through one of the following: GREENGUARD or GREENGUARD GOLD Scientific Certification Systems (SCS)Standard EC-10.3-2014, Indoor Advantage Gold A third-party low-emitting product list based on CA Section 01350 Green Seal Standard GS-11 Green Wise or Green Wise Gold Master Painters Institute(MPI) Green Performance Standards X-Green, GPS-1 or GPS-2 Compliance with CA Section 01350 is the preferred certification. Interior Doors Follow manufacturer's recommendations, utilizing VOC free Benjamin Moore Eco Spec or equal standard range of colors for paint or Vermont Natural Coatings PolyWhey or equal for water- based stain, Fully finish all edges. Advise contractor if insufficient prior to application of finish. Prime Factory Finish 2 coats acrylic Sheen Low Luster Color TBD Interior of Windows Follow manufacturer's recommendations, utilizing VOC free Benjamin Moore Eco Spec or equal standard range of colors for paint or Vermont Natural Coatings PolyWhey or equal for water- based stain. Fully finish all edges. Advise contractor if insufficient prior to application of finish. Prime NA Finish NA, prefinished Sheen Satin Color TBD Interior Walls 24 Interior walls and ceilings receive prime and finish coats, utilizing VOC free Benjamin Moore Eco Spec or equal, in manufacturer's standard color range. Prime One coat acrylic Finish 2 coats acrylic Sheen Flat(no option) Color 4 colors(only 1 color per room) NOTE: All walls require a stain blocker primer over moisture resistant drywall. Interior Ceilings Interior ceilings receive prime and finish coats, one color throughout, utilizing VOC free Benjamin Moore Eco Spec or equal, in manufacturer's standard color range. Prime One coat acrylic Finish 1 coats acrylic Sheen Flat(no option) Color ceiling white NOTE: All ceilings require a stain blocker primer over moisture resistant drywall. Casings, Baseboard, Shelving,Skirt Boards Casings, baseboards, and miscellaneous trim including windows to receive prime and finish coats utilizing VOC free Benjamin Moore Eco Spec or equal in manufacturer's standard range of colors for paint. Prime Factory(baseboard, casing, and skirt board) Field Prime all end and edge cuts. Prime 1 coat acrylic (shelving) Finish 2 coats acrylic Sheen Low Luster Color 1 color only Handrails, Caps, and Closet Poles Handrails, wall caps, etc., for natural finish Stain NA Finish 3 coats Poly Whey Vermont Natural Coatings Sheen Satin 25 DIVISION 10 10 00 00 SPECIALTIES 10 28 16 Toilet& Bath Accessories Installed by Contractor Item Bath 1 Main Bath Optional Basement Bath- NIC Towel Bars (2) Furnished by owner TBD TBD TBD Paper Holder(1) Furnished by owner 1 1 1 Mirror Size: Size: Furnished by owner TBD TBD TBD SS Surface Medicine Cabinet TBD TBD TBD Furnished by owner Grab Bars Furnished by builder NIC NIC Per Plan Robe Hooks Furnished by owner TBD TBD TBD Shower Door See section NA 10 28 19 Flange Mounted Shower Rod By builder By builder Under Allowance 10 28 19 Shower Door Frameless at Main Bath Enclosure Type: Frameless Enclosure Style: Door& Panel with Header Approx. Size: 60"wide x Up to 78" high Glass Type: Standard Clear Glass Thickness: 3/8"Thick Hardware Color: Polished Chrome Hardware Style: (2) Glass-to-Glass Hinges, (1) Standard Tubular Style Pull, and U-channel Options and upgrades: Protective Coating and/or Ultra Clear Glass DIVISION 11 11 00 00 EQUIPMENT& APPLIANCES 11 30 13 Appliances Not included unless otherwise stated. 26 Owner to furnish, inspect, accept, and receive appliances, ready for installation. WBI will assist in the installation of the owner's appliances: as in install them level, square and secured. Owner and owner's vendor are responsible for manufacturers suggested adjustments for final installation(s). X Freestanding Refrigerator(ice maker) X Cook top (Electric) X Double wall oven (Electric) X Microwave X Kitchen Exhaust Hood X Dishwasher X Disposer by plumber X Washer/dryer(Electric) NOTE: ALL SELECTIONS MUST BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO FINALIZING KITCHEN PLANS. OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR RECEIVING APPLIANCES, INSPECTING AND DISPOSING/RECYCLING OF BOXES AND PACKING MATERIALS. DIVISION 12 12 00 00 Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets—Under Allowance Plan to be prepared showing details, crown molding, soffit configuration, clearance requirements at trim, and to be coordinated with framing. NOTE: Wood cabinetry materials are subject to seasonal movement and change. All products will expand and contract and are subject to trade tolerances. Manufacturer Cubitac Door Style Milan Wood Species Maple Finish Shale Hardware Type TBD pulls Hinge Type Manufacturer's standard Other Base standard features include: All plywood construction, full extension, soft-close drawers, and soft close doors. Bath Cabinets—Under Allowance Plan to be prepared showing details, crown molding, soffit configuration, clearance requirements at trim, and to be coordinated with framing. NOTE: Wood cabinetry materials are subject to seasonal movement and change. All products will expand and contract and are subject to trade tolerances. 27 Main Bath Cabinets—Under Allowance Manufacturer Cubitac Door Style Oxford Wood Species Maple Finish Pastel Hardware Type TBD-pulls Hinge Type Manufacturer's standard Other Base standard features include: All plywood construction, full extension, soft-close drawers, soft close doors, veneer center panel. Bath 1 and Linen Cabinet—Under Allowance Manufacturer Cubitac Door Style Ridgefield Wood Species TBD Finish Cubiccino Hardware Type TBD-pulls Hinge Type Manufacturer's standard Other Base standard features include: All plywood construction, full extension, soft-close drawers, soft close doors,veneer center panel. 12 36 00 Counters Kitchen Counters—Under Allowance All counters to be set in place with silicone by finish carpentry, or screwed down neatly, caulk and tool backsplash and side splash as needed. Exposed silicone will be visible. Material Silestone Quartz Color Royal Reef Back Splash See tile - TBD Side Splash See tile- TBD NOTE: Field seaming may be required to accommodate shipping and handling requirements. Bath Counters—Under Allowance 28 All counters to be set in place with silicone or screwed down neatly caulk and tool backsplash and side splash as needed. Main Bath Counter—Under Allowance Material Caesarstone—Brooklyn Raw Back Splash per plan Side Splash per plan Bath 1 Counter—Under Allowance Material LG Quartz- Lagoon Back Splash per plan Side Splash per plan 12 00 00 FURNISHINGS 12 24 01 Window Treatments— By Owner DIVISION 13 13 00 00 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION -NA DIVISION 22 22 00 00 PLUMBING -All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. NOTE: We work to provide our customers with the clearest information available. However, Massachusetts has a proprietary testing and approval process for plumbing products, and although many products are approved, not all are. Many well-known brands and manufacturers simply do not go through the processes required. It is possible that a particular product that you may select may not have been approved, and if it is rejected by the local inspector, the customer will have to select an alternative product and pay any difference in cost between the items, as well as any shipping or restocking charges. Of special concern may be specialty products or unique items. Vendors have some additional information, and there are websites that you can check but the information may not be up to date. We regret this inconvenience. NOTE 1: All mechanical and electrical contractors are expected to meet all local and state fire stop requirements, associated with the cuts required for this work, including providing and installing fire caulking, sheet metal closures and other approved procedures. NOTE 2: Please review Section 01 56 00 for temporary services which are included in the scope of this trade. 29 NOTE 3: All plumbing fixtures must be MASS Approved. Bathroom faucets, showerheads, and toilets must be WaterSense certified. Maximum flow rate for kitchen faucets is 2.2 gpm. Only 1 showerhead per shower stall may operate at one time. NOTE 4: Hot water piping runs from water heater to each plumbing fixture must be less than 18 lineal feet of piping, and the maximum pipe diameter for any section of piping is 3/". NOTE 5: If hot or cold-water lines must run in exterior double stud walls, they must stay in the interior 2x4 stud wall and not extend into the space between the two walls or into the exterior 2x4 stud wall. NOTE 6: At completion of final plumbing, a pressure leak test must be performed that shows no loss of pressure over a 30-minute period after turning off main water service NOTE 7: All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. Before rough inspections, the mechanical/electrical rough is required to be completed including but not limited to all wiring, piping and duct work from below slab through the siding or roofing with all equipment in place and completely tied in and tested. Deviations will not be accepted. Plumbing flanges will be installed by the roofer while roofing. Plumbers will use these locations to vent plumbing/radon. Any other roof caps must be provided in advance of roofing. If extra roofing changes are incurred for return trips, this will be the responsibility of the mechanical contractor. Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment NOTE: Plastic (PEX) and CPVC water piping and fittings are a state approved and acceptable practice. These helps contain cost and as a practical matter protects against aggressive water. All piping is to be securely fastened and neatly aligned. Sub Slab Ventilation—By Plumber Install 4" ABS for Radon from the basement stub through the structure and continue through the roof deck 2' then terminating with a matching exhaust cap for passive radon removal. Note: Seal all slab penetrations. Outside Faucets & Miscellaneous Install main house shut-off on water service. Verify need for backflow preventer. See Section 11 30 13 for appliance requirements. Install frost-free outside faucets. Manufacturer Mansfield Quantity 2 Install Sump Pump Manufacturer Zoeller M137 Sump Pump with Float Switch Sinks, Faucet, Dishwasher, Disposer, Icemaker Kitchen Sink, Faucet& Disposer 30 All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. Install sink with faucet and spray, dishwasher connections. Install disposer with necessary piping. Install water piping for icemaker. Sink: Elkav Farmhouse 28 x 16 with Grid Faucet: American Standard Portsmouth 1 LVR. SS Disposer: Insinkerator Pro333 3/4 HP Island Sink, Faucet& Disposer Install sink with faucet and spray, dishwasher connections. Install disposer with necessary piping. Install water piping for icemaker. Sink: Elkav Farmhouse 28 x 16 with Grid Faucet: American Standard Portsmouth 1 LVR. SS Disposer: Insinkerator Pro333 3/4 HP Laundry—Washer Valve Install washer valve. Reinforced stainless steel washer hoses (supplied by owner). Washer Valve: Svmmons 600 recessed NOTE: Specify access locations for shutoffs where washer/dryer is in a confined space. Bathrooms All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. Note: See section 07 20 00 for insulation requirements needed prior to shower and tub installations. Note: Plumber is responsible for setting all shower bases in a bed of mortar(under entire pan),and tubs in a bed of mortar if recommended by manufacturer. Location, Bath 1 Toilet: Manufacturer TOTO Model Drake II Bowl Type Round Seat Bemis Wood Composition, Soft Close Color White Sink: Manufacturer TOTO, oval undermount Size 15 x 12 x 8 31 Color white Faucet 8"Symmons Elm Satin Nickel, 2 Lvr. Tub/Shower: Manufacturer Maax Model Allia 1 piece, left hand Size 60 x 32 Color White gelcoat Tub/Shower Trim: Symmons Elm with hand shower(includes valve) Satin Nickel Location, Main Bath Toilet: Manufacturer TOTO Model Drake 11 Bowl Type Round Seat Bemis Wood Composition, Soft Close Color White Sink: Manufacturer TOTO Size 23 x 16 UM CEFION COT FOF A Undermount(rectangular) 8853980E Color White Faucet MOEN, Brantford, 8"Bronze 2 Lvr, Rough in V/v M-Pact%"ins Shower: Manufacturer Custom Tile Shower Handheld Shower Manufacturer MOEN, Matching Brantford Bronze Shower Trim • Trim: 1 Ivr 8970861D • Diverter. 1248702D • Rough-1n Valve: 3 Func. %"8937635B • Rough-In Valve:pos-TEMP 4 PRT Pres B Moen 8981970E • Handheld wall mount: No bar 8771745D • Wall Un HS ORB M"Moen 8830320B Free Standing Tub 72 x 31 Cast Iron DBL SLPR Barclay S3749236 32 Leg Rub Drain "Twist& Lift"Barclay S2336768 Free standing Tub Filler: MOEN BELFLD ORB Standing Tub File S3749581 BRONZE Required Rough-In Valve: MOEN Arris M-Pact w/JOIS Pipe Insulation Insulate all hot water piping per IECC 2012, Mass Code as of 07/01/2014. Misc. Plumbing All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. X Install water for ice maker X Install radon piping stub through the roof using approved PVC/ABS pipe and fittings. X Flexible condensate line provided and installed by the HVAC contractor. Domestic Hot Water All hot and cold-water supplies are to be copper. Manufacturer Rheem, Hybrid, Heat Pump/Electric Hot Water Heater Model Professional Prestige Size: 80 Gal Efficiency -High 3.55 - 3.70 UEF-US. •ENERGY STAR®rated Integration •LCD Screen with built-in water sensor alert with audible alarm •EcoNet®WiFi-connected technology and free mobile app gives users control over water systems, allowing for customizable temperature, vacation settings, energy savings and system monitoring at home or away. Visit Rheem.com/EcoNetConnect •Water sensor detects water outside of the unit and sends an alert via the free Rheem EcoNet®mobile app to the homeowner Operation Modes •Energy Saver •Heat Pump .High Demand •Electric •Vacation: 2-28 days (or placed on hold indefinitely) Accessories •Earthquake Kit part number SP20882, Option •Vibration Isolation Kit part number SP20883, Option •EcoNet®WiFi Kit part number EEWRA631EWH, Option 33 Install Recirculation Pump Manufacturer Taco 006E3 Smart Plus 22 32 00 Whole house water filtration/treatment system Carry a $2,800 allowance. Product TBD DIVISION 23 23 00 00 HVAC —Design Build Temporary Heating HVAC contractor to provide temporary heating unit installed with all gas permits and inspections. Contractor to provide extra filters and provisions as needed. Exhaust Ducting Direct Vent Bath Fans are carried under allowance. Brand and Location TBD. Mechanical Contractor is to furnish and install appropriate exhaust ducting including wall cap to accommodate exhaust hood or down draft stove by WBI. Mechanical Contractor is to furnish and install appropriate exhaust ducting including wall cap to accommodate dryer. Mechanical Contractor is to furnish and install appropriate exhaust ducting including wall cap to accommodate garage vents. Garage Ventilation System—Under Allowance The system shall have one exhaust fan with associated controls on occupancy timer. Install one 110 CFM ENERGY STAR exhaust fan that is activated by a motion sensor and stays on for 1 hour after motion is detected. Wall cap must have a corrosion resistant screen. Fan: Panasonic Ventilator In-Line Model No PANFV-20NLF1 Description: Customizable ceiling mount ventilating fan, low sone and rated for continuous operation. ENERGY STAR®rated and certified by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI). Evaluated by the Underwriters Laboratories and conforms to both UL and cUL standards. Motor/Blower: • Enclosed brushless ECM smart motor technology rated for continuous operation •Adjustable ventilation rates at 110— 130— 150 CFM • Power rating of 120 volts and 60 Hz • UL and cUL listed for tub/shower enclosure when GFCI protected • Motor equipped with thermal cutoff fuse • Removable permanently lubricated plug-in motor 23 72 01 Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Equipment 34 Energy Recovery Ventilation System (ERV)—Design Build ERV: Broan ERVH100 &Controller Part no. ERVH100S 50 to 100 CFM (0.4 in. w.g.) Provide and install whole house energy recovery ventilation system with controls, supply and return ducts and all necessary components. System to continuously remove stale air from bathroom locations and deliver filtered outside air through dedicated ducts to main living areas. All ducts must stay within the building thermal envelope and be fully ducted. No kinks, sharp bends, compressions, or excessive duct lengths are permitted. Duct openings shall be sealed with durable tape as soon as they have been installed and tape shall stay in place until ERV is started up. Total ERV airflow for the house to be 80 CFM. Minimum exhaust ventilation from each bathroom to be 25 CFM. Wall caps must have corrosion resistant screens and fresh air inlet to be located at least 2 feet above grade, at least 10 feet from any wall exhaust port, and at least 3 feet from any roof exhaust port. Notice to vendors and subcontractors: Vendors and subcontractor shall provide pricing breakdown (material and labor), required company certifications and/or registrations& detailed product information at time of quotation in such a way as to comply with federal standards for tax credits and utility documentation requirements for rebates. Manufacturer Broam ERVH100-ERV w/Bathroom Boost Controllers Note: Supply air is to be ducted to all bedrooms and common areas. Bathroom exhausts are to have a boost cycle. Unit must be Energy Star Certified. Balancing Report The balancing report will provide the quantity of supply and return terminals. 23 81 43 Air-Source Heat Pumps Ductless Mini Split System—Design Build NOTE:All mechanical and electrical contractors are expected to meet all local and state fire stop requirements, associated with the cuts required for this work, including providing and installing fire caulking, sheet metal closures and other approved procedures. NOTE: Fire stopping installed at all penetrations by HVAC sub-contractor. NOTE: Condensate from heat pumps must discharge at least 2 feet away from foundation. NOTE:All installations are expected to meet or exceed ENERGY STAR standards as applicable. Heat pumps must be sized according to ACCA Manual J using R-values found in this outline specification and assuming an airtightness of 0.1 Natural Air Changes per Hour or"Tight" in sizing software. Winter design temperatures shall be 0 degrees outside and 70 degrees inside. Summer design temperatures shall be 88 degrees outside and 75 degrees inside. Include heat pump water heater in heating load and ventilation in both heating and cooling loads. Notice to vendors and subcontractors: Vendors and subcontractor shall provide pricing breakdown(material and labor), required company certifications and/or registrations& detailed 35 product information at time of quotation in such a way as to comply with federal standards for tax credits and utility documentation requirements for rebates. Installation of(2) Mitsubishi wall mount multi port mini split heat pump systems, with indoor unit locations as noted on contractor plans. This system will consist of(6) indoor wall mount evaporators connecting to (2) outdoor heat pump condensers. Equipment Specs. Mitsubishi MXZ-3C24NAHZ2 - Outdoor Heat Pump Condenser(2) Mitsubishi MSZ-FH12NA- Indoor Wall Mount Evaporator(1) Mitsubishi MSZ-FH09NA- Indoor Wall Mount Evaporator(2) Mitsubishi MSZ-FHO6NA- Indoor Wall Mount Evaporator(3) DIVISION 26 26 00 00 ELECTRICAL Basic Electrical &Wiring —NOTE: All wiring to be BX Type Electric NOTE 1: Regardless of plans and specifications, all code required items or corrections must be included. Electric NOTE 2: All mechanical and electrical contractors are required to meet all local and state fire stop requirements, associated with the cuts required for this work, including providing and installing fire caulking, sheet metal closures and other approved procedures. Before rough inspections, the mechanical/electrical rough is required to be completed including but not limited to all wiring, piping and duct work from below slab through the siding or roofing with all equipment in place and completely tied in and tested. Deviations will not be accepted. Electric NOTE 3: Please review Section 01 56 00 for temporary services which are included in the scope of this trade. Electric NOTE 4: Owner to pay for electricity for construction work. Electric NOTE 5: To make any home"Solar Ready" install 2 conduits minimum 3/4 EMT from electric panel to roof array location. Service -NOTE: All wiring to be BX Type Electrician or piping installer responsible for inspection pictures and provide to utility company and Wright Builders. New electric service underground from exiting transformer. All utility company charges, and electrician's charges for underground work to be included in base package. NOTE: All new circuits to be properly labeled for future identification. Solar Ready Service Size 400AMP Meter Socket w/2-225 AMP Bus Rating Panels w/2-200 Main Breakers Loads to be balanced. Service configuration and cost for owner supplied solar installation modifications are not included, as utility tariffs govern and are subject to regular change) 36 Panel Size 40 Circuit or as required Install one 3" PVC for electric line as required Install one 2" PVC for cable line. Install one 2" PVC for telephone line. Install one 1" EMT and one 1" PVC from panel to attic for future solar PV. Temporary Lighting: Provide adequate lighting in the work area and at quad outlet and each level minimum. Temporary Heating: Wire temporary heating system and controls. Separate Temporary Construction Service Install permanent service at specified location immediately after foundation is completed. Washer/Dryer Provide outlet for dryer, rigid ducting where feasible, with Nutone vent with self-closing wall damper, 110V outlet for washing machine. Dryer Outlet Volts 220 Damper Color Black Temporary hook up No Switches, Outlets, Dimmers -Per Plan Single Pole Switches Single Pole Dimmers (substitute at finish for additional cost) Three-way Switches Three-way Dimmers (substitute at finish for additional cost) Four-way Switches Paddle Fan Boxes Duplex Outlets Color Ivory Type Standard Furnish layout and locations sufficient to satisfy local applicable codes and inspections. Items specifically called out in other sections are not included above. NOTE: install outlet in attic within 4 feet of radon pipe. See section 11 30 13 for appliance requirements. GFI/Arc Fault Circuits -NOTE: All wiring to be BX Type Install GFI outlets per plan, code and per minimum requirements indicated below. ARC fault circuits per code. Arc Fault Circuits Per Code Mechanical System and Heating Controls • Locate thermostats • Wire heating controls • Verify mechanical system requirement with plumbing and heating contractors 37 • All controls furnished by mechanical contractors are to be wired by electrician • Bath Fans are carried under allowance. Brand and Location TBD 26 31 01 Photovoltaic Collector System--By Owner 26 50 01 Electrical Lighting and Specialties Outside Lights Provide and install LED floodlight units, with switch in hall per plan No. of Sensors per plan No. of Light Locations per plan Recessed Lighting Furnish and install recessed light locations with bulb and downlight trim with thermal protection as required by code. Confirm all clearances and insulation conditions prior to installation. NOTE: Air-Loc airtight housings and related trim are required at all locations. NOTE: It is recommended that fluorescent and energy efficient lamps and fixtures be used. No. of Lights per plan Manufacturer Lithonia Style Housing WF6/lC/New Construction Trim Matte black, Brushed Nickle, Oil Rubber Bronze or White Bulb 27k or 30k Size 6" Under Cabinet Lighting NOTE: Qty 3 in kitchen on new homes if none is shown on plan. LED Local Control Unit Size per plan No. of lights per plan Closet Lights NOTE: All new construction closets have 1 light with a switch if not shown on plan. Supply and install with LED closet lights with at all bedroom closets with switches, not including linens. No. LED Lights per plan Color Rendering Index(CRI)85 +- Utility Fixtures 38 Install ceramic keyless fixture with bulbs/lamps in utility locations and as indicated on plan with switch at location. Location #of Fixtures Garage per plan Basement per plan Attic per plan Surface or Decorative Light Fixtures Install light fixtures and bulbs/lamps furnished by Owner as indicated on drawings. NOTE: All customers are strongly urged to choose from a wide range of fluorescent and other energy efficient fixtures available. No. of Light Openings per plan Install light fixtures and bulbs/lamps as indicated on drawings. No. of Light Openings per plan. Note: paddle fan locations require a specialized mounting box and are indicated as and if provided on plan. Additional labor will be charged to buyer to assemble and install owner provided fan units. Please advise your project manager at rough in of any fan installations planned. Ceiling fans (if any) must be ENERGY STAR labeled. Electric Space Heater for Bathrooms Manufacture VonHaus or Equal Model 400W Wall Mounted Electric Flat Panel Heater Dimensions H23.5"x W 23.5" x D 1//" DIVISION 27 27 00 00 COMMUNICATIONS 27 30 01 Low Voltage Voice Wiring —Per Plan NOTES: All connections wiring via "home run" to low voltage panel All mechanical and electrical contractors are required to meet all local and state fire stop requirements, associated with the cuts required for this work, including providing and installing fire caulking, sheet metal closures and other approved procedures. All low voltage wiring is the responsibility of the electrical contractor unless otherwise noted. Verify need or doorbell, intercom, stereo or other. 39 3 Tel-CA T5E w/RJ 11 termination 3 CATV location with RG6 cable 2 Doorbell with transformer and chime allowance Device Color Ivory 27 40 01 Audio& Video—By Owner DIVISION 28 28 00 00 ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY 28 20 01 Electronic Security and Fire Alarm -Design Build (DB)—Under Allowance NOTE: See Section 28 30 01 will be included with system. NOTE: All mechanical and electrical contractors are expected to meet all local and state fire stop requirements, associated with the cuts required for this work, including providing and installing fire caulking, sheet metal closures and other approved procedures. Install monitored fire and personal safety system with low temp monitoring. Security: 1 GE Caddx NX 8 Control with transformer, sounder and battery 1 GE Caddx NX 148 LCD RF Keypad 1 GE Caddx NX 592 V@ GSM Alarrm.com 4 Door Contacts = Front, Rear, Garage, and Inner Garage 1 Bosch Motion Detector in living room or foyer 1 Low Temp Alarm 151 & 2nd floors All monitoring is excluded. This would be billed directly to the customer from the service provider. Alarm monitoring billed to end user at monthly fee, paid annually in advance, or as required by vendor. 28 30 01 Smoke Detectors—See 28 20 01 Hard wired smoke detectors with battery backup in house and heat detection in garage if applicable. Final quantity and layout to be verified by fire safety office. Meet requirement of the latest version of the building code. Smokes per plan Heat per plan CO As required by plumbing code for direct vented qas equipment Verify counts Fire: 1 GE Caddx NX 216 Expander 2 Garage Heats 40 4 First Floor Smokes 1 First Floor CO Detector 3 Second Floor Smokes 1 Second Floor CO Detector DIVISION 31 31 00 00 EARTHWORK Site Preparation Clearing and grubbing including tree removal. Cut down, remove, and dispose of designated trees with any anticipated salvage/lumber/pulp revenues incorporated into net quoted price. Quoted price reflects any revenue from sale of timber. Stumps to be left in place at grade unless specifically indicated for removal under Excavation and such removal is required to complete the excavation work. Stumps to be removed. 31 11 01 Clearing and Grubbing 31 12 01 Selective Clearing Tree removal is carried under allowance. 31 21 13 Radon Preparation Install 8"of loose 1/2" aggregate under entire basement floor. Install 6 mil poly over 3/" aggregate as a vapor barrier. Install Advanced Drainage System (ADS) 14-Gal Radon Dual Purpose Vented Sump Well 18" diameter x 24" height Well Part No 1524ADR or Equal Lid Part No 1530ADLX or Equal Piping through roof, see section 1200. Attached equipment, fan and installation are at additional cost to Owner if required. NOTE: These procedures do not guarantee the elimination of radon. 31 23 01 Excavation and Back Fill Radon protection must include: 1. Gas permeable layer via 6 mil poly 2. Seal/caulk all slab perpetrations 3. Vent pipe to roof 4. Electric outlet near pipe in the event of an inline fan being required See Radon Preparation below NOTE: Excavation contractor is responsible for all items and scope of work in these sections. Excavate foundation area as required by drawings, storing loam and sub-grade material separately. Prepare site for foundation, removing stumps in excavated areas. Ledge, boulder, hardpan removal is at extra cost. Back-fill with site materials, except where required for drainage 41 and grade surface for positive run-off away from building and remove excess material. NOTE: Rewash is NOT an acceptable backfill material. Protect waterproofing during back fill. Concealed underground piping/drainage or other articles discovered during excavation to be handled at extra cost unless specifically included in prior estimate. Fill and compact under slabs to 95% in maximum one-foot lifts. Correct all back fill, if required, after settling. Footings to be on 4" of 3/" crushed stone for capillary break. See section 22 00 00, Radon Protection. In crawl spaces, furnish and install 6 mil poly vapor barrier and cover with 2"of%" pea stone. All excavation will be isolated with caution tape or fencing barriers installed and maintained by excavation contractor while on site. Open trenching will be covered or fenced. Trenching at building and excavation for porch concrete piers to be coordinated during backfill or earlier, as practical. Remove stumps. Rough grade to be relatively smooth and hole free, contoured for proper drainage. Finish Grading NOTE: Rototill all back filled areas scheduled for lawn or planting prior to application of loam mix Per code, slope grade from the structure '/" per foot for 10' minimum. Adjust final grades for drainage and proper contour, according to site plan, if available or to reasonable trade standard for proper drainage and erosion control. Screen and reuse existing loam and topsoil materials, and augment with minimum 20% compost mix to provide a minimum of 6"coverage on all disturbed areas as noted on site plan. Tamp backfill. Backfill tamping is not required if proper drainage can be achieved using non- settling compact soils. Final loam thickness must be relatively consistent, with material substantially free of debris, and left ready for machine raking and seeding. NOTE: spread thickness will subsequently compact when raked and prepared for landscaping Walk and Wall Prep Leave ample site materials for final back filling and coordinate with stone contractor. Sewer Install new schedule 40 PVC plastic sewer line from 10' outside building and tie into municipal sewer system. Use appropriate Fernco.#Hub connector for the application. Water Service NOTE: Exterior shut offs by site contractor. 1" Plastic water line. Water service from street to utility area,with holes and cuts sealed by piping installer using hydraulic cement or other approved method. Shut-off by plumber. Water tie-in and meter fee per Section 01 01 03. Utility Trench 42 Provide 30" deep utility trench for electric, cable, and telephone and prepare bottom of trench with 8"of sand to cover burial cable. Back fill with site material removing any large stone and restore grade. Caution tape is to be placed in each trench 12-24" above lines. Surface flagging is to be installed for utilities. Electrician or piping installer is responsible for inspection pictures, if required, and provide to utility company and Wright Builders. Foundation Drainage 4" Flexible plastic perimeter drains set in crushed stone covered in filter fabric and pitched to daylight, with clean-outs to grade every 100' or as needed. Use plastic cap at daylight end. Cover with 3/8" stone and filter fabric before back filling. 31 25 01 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls per Code DIVISION 32 33 00 00 EXTERIOR IMPROVMENTS 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving/Curb Install gravel atop existing subsurface once loam has been removed. Prepare for scalping's and/or finish paving. Gravel depth 10-12" of dense grade materials Type of topping %" traprock screenings Topping depth 3" Install base and finish material upon prepared base. Pitch to properly drain and finish all edges with loam. Base 2" Rolled Finish Coat 1" Rolled 32 14 13 Field Stone Patio and Walkways Front walk and patio areas to be field stone 32 92 01 Rake, Fertilize and Seed All compacted soil must be tilled to 12 inches. Machine rake and hand rake finish grade surfaces as needed and install grass seed appropriate for sun/shade conditions and such starter fertilizer as is needed. Apply hay and/or alternative mulch materials to retard erosion. Apply landscape cloth to more severe slopes. Watering and Maintenance Owner is responsible for maintaining a daily watering schedule to ensure proper growth. Seeded areas should be kept wet daily. Areas designated under permitting for erosion control typically require three mowing's prior to inspection and approval. 43 Landscape Repairs Excavation Contractor to repair previously landscaped areas damaged by construction activities by loaming, seeding, and adjusting altered grades. All watering, plant materials, installation, mulch, and related work are by owner. 32 93 01 Landscape Installation Fine grade and seeding. Plantings are by owner. End of Specifications 44 CS Structure.`,2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 krBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 2:07pm Materials Database 1572 1 of 4 Member Data Description:CalcB5 Member Type: Beam Application: Floor Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 14.4 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 0' 9.75" 259 61 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 9.75" 15' 9.00" 720 174 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 15' 9.00" 19' 2.25" 716 174 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 19' 2.25" 19'10.81" 715 172 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 19'10.81" 41' 2.25" 571 134 Live Point(LBS) Top 19'10.25" 0 240 Live Point(LBS) Top 20' 0.75" 29 3857 Live Point(LBS) Top 20' 0.75" 10238 0 Snow Point(LBS) Top 28' 0.00" 9 1184 Live Point(LBS) Top 28' 0.00" 3306 0 Snow 8 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 14 0 0 9 0 0 0 4200 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 2711# -482# 2 8' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.757" 10856# -- 3 20' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 4.858" 19129# -- 4 28' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.992" 11782# -- 5 42' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3873# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 2326# 0# 385# 2 8654# 0# 2202# 3 7762# 10238# 5629# 4 8307# 3306# 3072# 5 3094# 0# 779# Design spans 7 7.375" 12' 0.000" 8' 0.000" 13' 7.375" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 3 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Review gravity uplift reaction force of 483Ibs at bearing 1 and ensure that the structure can resist appropriately. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 12017.'# 21774.'# % 35.49' Even Spans D+L Negative Moment 12509.'# 2177, ,!P�/N� OF Mq i 28.01'28' Adjacent 3 D+L Shear 5239.# 9 �. ;, RR TL Deflection 0.4783" 0. :t: 7S 35.49' Even Spans D+L LL Deflection 0.3877" (,,' ': CHRISTOPH6.& Gu, 35.49' Even Spans L HULK )6: `I% CIVIL No.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o.,. .�`� ,, T PO Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I • `yw:h: ':/'r 4,0. "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra .m--•emu,,.:.-..:_..n riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession. . •. I ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS StmctureTM 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 2:07pm Materials Database 1572 2 of 4 Control: Il Deflection DOLs: Uve=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Design assumes a repetitive member use increase in bending stress: 4% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and alternatives \cN of MgS-70 CHRISTOPHER G u, DUDEK rn -4 CIVIL cn o.29566 All product names are trademarks of theirrespectiveo • :f / T P Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I o:-'yV�.t• �j "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra -- criteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession- . ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS StructureiM 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 krBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 2:07pm Materials Database 1572 3 of 4 Member Data Description:CalcB6 Member Type: Beam Application: Floor Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 14.4 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 0' 9.75" 2' 0.00" 622 155 Live Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 2' 0.00" 2' 9.75" 699 175 Live Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 2' 9.75" 6' 0.00" 655 154 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 6' 0.00" 6' 9.75" 655 154 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 6' 9.75" 21' 9.00" 610 124 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 21' 9.00" 25' 2.25" 608 129 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 25' 2.25" 25'10.81" 625 139 Live Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 25'10.81" 47' 2.25" 613 149 Live Point(LBS) Top 25'10.25" 0 196 Live mimimim / / / / 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 9 48 0 0 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3801# -- 2 12' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.744" 10806# -- 3 24' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.598" 10228# -- 4 36' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.810" 11066# -- 5 48' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3611# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Dead 1 3088# 712# 2 8895# 1911# 3 8371# 1857# 4 8824# 2242# 5 2938# 672# Design spans 11' 7.375" 12' 0.000" 12' 0.000" 11' 7.375" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 3 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 10341.'# 21774.'# 47% 5.61' Odd Spans D+L Negative Moment 12739.'# 21774.'# 58% 36' Adjacent 3 D+L Shear 4988.# 9476.# % 36.01' Adjacent 3 D+L TL Deflection 0.3062" 0.580 ,-cv\OF M: •s. 5.99' Odd Spans D+L LL Deflection 0.2613" 0. ,,P '�r.. 5.99' Odd Spans L Control: LL Deflection ti O CHRISTOPHER G G DOLs: Uve=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% . N Design assumes a repetitive member use increase in bending stress: 4•. DUDEK Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply corm- itti:ails and etiatives -61 o.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o.,: *4 ,,, T P �� Q `y � At, Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I �:.yV`.1-:V.•.; ,I.j "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra• m-••...._._.-__..w riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession.1. •. I ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS StmctureTM 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 2:07 m Materials Database 1572 4 of 4 Member Data Description:CalcB15 Member Type: Beam Application: Floor Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 9.6 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 9.75" 4' 0.00" 530 109 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 4' 0.00" 4' 9.75" 530 109 Live Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 4' 9.75" 19' 9.00" 554 120 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 19' 9.00" 23' 2.25" 492 102 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 23' 2.25" 24' 0.00" 213 42 Live Point(LBS) Top 13' 6.75" 36 4597 Live Point(LBS) Top 13' 6.75" 12640 0 Snow Point(LBS) Top 19' 7.50" 56 60 Live Point(LBS) Top 23' 7.38" 0 37 Live Point(LBS) Top 23' 7.38" 10 1124 Live Point(LBS) Top 23' 7.38" 3349 0 Snow 111111 "iiii, / t (3) 6 9 6 6 9 6 © 10 5 4 2400 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A NIA 1.500" 1722# -- 2 6' 9.375" Wall N/A N/A 1.946" 5108# -- 3 13' 6.750" Wall N/A N/A 7.575" 19884# -- 4 24' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.188" 5743# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 1441# 0# 281# 2 4341# 0# 766# 3 5947# 12640# 5943# 4 2115# 3349# 1645# Design spans 6' 4.750" 6' 9.375" 10' 0.625" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 6082.'# 13958.'# 43% 19.09' Odd Spans D+L Negative Moment 6548.'# 13958.'# 46% 13.56' Adjacent 2 D+L Shear 3528.# 6317.# •.% 13.57' Adjacent 2 D+L TL Deflection 0.1955" 0.50 • , \OF M,r. v 19.09' Odd Spans D+L LL Deflection 0.1610" 0. '(<,P 19.09' Odd Spans L Control: Shear 94 CHRISTOPHER G •N DOLs: Live=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% t1���1�l� m Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply conn•.. ,6:ails and`�t�thatives --t o CIVIL c o.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o•,. c, Q *V / -f Pic 4,41 Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I `'4,S9 .: ...., "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra, . -- •� �riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession. -. ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. • CS SwcturerM 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 kmBeamEnaine 2018.9.0.1 1:58pm Materials Database 1572 1 of 3 Member Data Description:CalcB2 Member Type: Beam Application: Roof Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Slope: 0.00/ 12 Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 9.6 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 4' 6.50" 1 138 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 4' 6.50" 397 0 Snow Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 8' 5.00" 0 1 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 4' 6.50" 8' 5.00" 2 267 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 4' 6.50" 8' 5.00" 770 0 Snow 8 5 0 9 / 8 5 0 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 2708# -- 2 8' 5.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3746# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 6# 1977# 731# 2 8# 2748# 998# Design spans 8' 3.750" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 6680.'# 16051.'# 41% 4.62' Total Load D+S Shear 2916.# 7265.# 40% 7.95' Total Load D+S TL Deflection 0.1642" 0.4156" U607 4.21' Total Load D+S LL Deflection 0.1202" 0.2771" U830 4.21' Total Load S Control: LL Deflection DOLs: IJve=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and alternatives o� OF MgSS9c Ae:C yG CHRISTOPHER G u, DUDEK Crl o CIVIL c 0 o.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o... 11 9 � <l Q •*'� F•/ T ?ss- <' Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I t17 �i•45.4:1;'' .' '.do� 'Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra . •• •emu...: .:.-:_...a nteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession. . .ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS Structure."2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 1:58 m Materials Database 1572 P 2 of 3 Member Data Description:CaIcB4 Member Type: Beam Application: Roof Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Slope: 0.00/ 12 Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 14.4 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 5' 7.00" 87 26 Snow Point(LBS) Top 1' 3.50" 13 1628 Live Point(LBS) Top 1' 3.50" 4658 0 Snow 5 7 0 /O m 5 7 0 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 5212# -- 2 5' 7.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 1771# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 10# 3842# 1370# 2 3# 1292# 479# Design spans 5' 5.750" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 3 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 6363.'# 25040.'# 25% 1.29' Total Load D+S Shear 5111.# 10898.# 46% 0.06' Total Load D+S TL Deflection 0.0353" 0.2740" L/999+ 2.52' Total Load D+S LL Deflection 0.0260" 0.1826" L/999+ 2.52' Total Load S Control: Shear DO Ls: Live=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Design assumes a repetitive member use increase in bending stress: 4% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and alternatives OVA '?' 040 O F MgS CHRISTOPHER G u, DUDEK rn o CIVIL cn 0 No.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o Q ,, i / T R� k,� Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company 14y `:1:•i,:� �� "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra. . •••�..,.-:.:.-:_..0 riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession.1. . I ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS StnjctureTM 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 1:58pm Materials Database 1572 3 of 3 Member Data Description:CalcB5 Member Type: Beam Application: Roof Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Slope: 0.00/ 12 Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 14.2 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 16' 3.00" 1 104 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 16' 3.00" 315 0 Snow 16 3 0 16 3 0 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3499# -- 2 16' 3.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3499# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 7# 2545# 954# 2 7# 2545# 954# Design spans 16' 1.750" Product: 1-3/4x14 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 14122.'# 33390.'# 42% 8.12' Total Load D+S Shear 2993.# 10706.# 27% 15.39' Total Load D+S TL Deflection 0.4140" 0.8073" U468 8.12' Total Load D+S LL Deflection 0.3011" 0.5382" U643 8.12' Total Load S Control: LL Deflection DO Ls: Live=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and alternatives o���P��H OF Mgss-7 CHRISTOPHER G u, DUDEK ra o CIVIL c. o o.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o ** (`Q •`I '•/ T P kr Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I ie.'yV`.1;-:y.•.. .do " � .Y ..Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra, . •• • .... ..-_ x riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession. . ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS Structure'm 2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 , kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.i 2.Qgpm Materials Database 1572 I of 1 Member Data Description:CaIcG1 Member Type: Girder Application: Floor Comments: flush floor girder Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 9.6 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 9.75" 4' 0.00" 204 45 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 9.75" 19' 9.00" 250 63 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 4' 0.00" 4' 9.75" 204 45 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 4' 9.75" 19' 9.00" 201 43 Live , , .r /O soo m loso 0/ 19 9 0 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 1847# -95# 2 9' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.599" 6822# -- 3 19' 9.000" Girder N/A N/A N/A 2520# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Dead 1 1546# 300# 2 5432# 1390# 3 2044# 476# Design spans 8' 7.375" 10' 6.000" Product: 1-3/4x9-1/2 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 5588.'# 13958.'# 40% 15.3' Even Spans D+L Negative Moment 6657.'# 13958.'# 47% 9' Total Load D+L Shear 3160.# 6317.# 50% 9.01' Total Load D+L TL Deflection 0.1974" 0.5250" L/638 14.77' Even Spans D+L LL Deflection 0.1660" 0.3500" U759 14.77' Even Spans L Control: Shear DO Ls: Uve=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and alternatives Minimum bearing length requirements at hangared connections depend on the connection style and are not included in this design. o���P�•cNOFMgSsyG 9 CHRISTOPHER G DUDEK r—4 o0 CIVIL o.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o•,. / T PG0 �(`Q Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I 'y�4.1W.-:•r i •�� "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra• . ••• riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession.1. •. i ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. CS Structure."2018.9[Build 16] WrightBuildersHewittShriver- 10-3-19 I kmBeamEngine 2018.9.0.1 10:29am Materials Database 1572 1 of I Member Data Description:CalcG1 Member Type: Girder Application: Roof Comments: Top Lateral Bracing: Continuous Slope: 0.00/ 12 Bottom Lateral Bracing: Continuous Standard Load: Moisture Condition: Dry Building Code: IBC/IRC Live Load: 0 PLF Deflection Criteria: L/360 live, L/240 total 1.250" max. LL Dead Load: 0 PLF Deck Connection: Nailed Member Weight: 12.0 PLF Filename: C:\KMW\JOBS\ Other Loads Type Trib. Other Dead (Description) Side Begin End Width Start End Start End Category Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 20' 0.00" 1 159 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 20' 0.00" 458 0 Snow Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 24' 0.00" 1 129 Live Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 0' 0.00" 24' 0.00" 373 0 Snow Replacement Uniform(PLF) Top 20' 0.00" 24' 0.00" 1 159 Live Replacement Uniform (PLF) Top 20' 0.00" 24' 0.00" 458 0 Snow , lll1 O 10 5 4 13 612 2400 Bearings and Reactions Input Min Gravity Gravity Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Uplift 1 0' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 1.500" 3686# -- 2 10' 5.250" Wall N/A N/A 6.351" 16670# -- 3 24' 0.000" Wall N/A N/A 2.258" 5927# -- Maximum Load Case Reactions Used for applying point loads(or line loads)to carrying members Live Snow Dead 1 8# 2708# 978# 2 35# 12246# 4424# 3 12# 4354# 1573# Design spans 10' 0.625" 13' 2.125" Product: 1-3/4x11-7/8 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS Minimum 6.35"bearing required at bearing#2 Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord. Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord. Allowable Stress Design Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading Positive Moment 15529.'# 24466.'# 63% 18.34' Total Load D+S Negative Moment 20116.'# 24466.'# 82% 10.44' Total Load D+S Shear 7862.# 9081.# 86% 10.45' Total Load D+S TL Deflection 0.4068" 0.6589" U388 17.68' Total Load D+S LL Deflection 0.2988" 0.4392" U529 17.68' Total Load S Control: Shear DO Ls: Live=100% Snow=115% Roof=125% Wind=160% Manufacturer's installation guide MUST be consulted for multi-ply connection details and. - .tives OCP��H OF MgsS40 CHRISTOPHER G u, DUDEK rn --4 o CIVIL v . �No.29566 All product names are trademarks of their respective o•.. *4y.i4 � (`Q '4,• / T C'''' �' Copyright(C)2018 by Simpson Strong-Tie Company I L'y• V�a-:V:/'T dj� "Passing is defined as when the member,floor joist,beam or girder,shown on this dra . -• •'^ ,... .: _..--.: .x riteria for Loads,Loading Conditions,and Spans listed on this sheet.The design must be reviewed by a qualified designer or design profession. . i ed for approval.This design assumes product installation according to the manufacturer's specifications. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F01 Floor 8 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:29 Page:1 ID:KDLMkw5FtkQ8N2N 1 W u144VyfQeq-AXtgeYBut96zbxKPm7zz4x8hIoSTJkVOE92X2MyV W6C 1 1 f 1, 2-1-8 L 1-9-8 ` 1-9-8 11 2-6-0 13x6 FP 11 1-7-0 11 1 8 0 L 1-9-8 ',3x4 6x6 1.5x3 3x6 4x8 3x4 4x10 3x8 t. x3 3x4 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 1.5x3 3x4 3x6 FP 1.5x3 6x6 0 134 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 � 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 q 0 0 1 d 2 q �� , d rn _ 33 32 31 B 29 28 27 26 Iii 23 22 21 3x4 4x10 1.5x3 3x6 FP 4x10 1.5x3 3x4 3x6 4x12 3x6 3x8 9-1 -4-8 2 -4-8 33-7-4 34-5 9--1P 7-6-12 15-0-03 if 02-2 0.91 Scale=1:58.9 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [10:0-1-8,Edge],[17:0-1-8,Edge],[20:0-2-4,Edge],[24:0-1-8,Edge],[29:0-1-8,Edge],[31:0-1-8,Edge],[32:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.48 Vert(LL) -0.19 27-28 >943 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.36 Vert(CT) -0.25 27-28 >705 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.48 Horz(CT) -0.01 30 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:129 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 DF 2850F 2.3E or 2x4 SP 2850F 2.3E(flat)*Except*B2:2x4 SPF BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. 2100F 1.8E(flat) WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) REACTIONS All bearings 0-5-8.except 30=0-5-4,25=0-3-8 (Ib)-Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)except 1=374(LC 5), 20=523(LC 5),25=1817(LC 4),30=1487(LC 3) FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-34=-648/0,2-34=-646/0,2-3=-645/0,3-4=-645/0,4-5=-645/0,5-6=0/1284,6-7=0/1292,7-8=-2355/0,8-9=-2355/0, 9-10=-2355/0,10-11=-2001/0,11-12=-2001/0,12-13=0/2261,13-14=0/2261,14-15=-1321/215,15-16=-1321/215, 16-17=-1321/215,17-18=-930/0,18-19=-930/0,19-35=-931/0,20-35=-933/0 BOT CHORD 31-32=0/645,30-31=-446/166,29-30=-209/1138,28-29=0/2355,27-28=0/2355,26-27=-459/492,25-26=-459/492, 24-25=-1001/525,23-24=-215/1321,22-23=-215/1321 WEBS 6-30=-273/0,13-25=-297/0,5-30=-1096/0,1-32=0/704,5-31=0/765,4-31=-268/0,12-25=-2464/0,7-30=-2121/0, 12-27=0/1679,7-29=0/1393,11-27=-309/0,9-29=-301/0,10-27=-619/0,14-25=-1987/0,20-22=0/1015,14-24=0/1228, 16-24=-279/0,17-22=-435/322 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are 1.5x3 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. u& 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. ��OF ii,[4'SS4� LOAD CASE(S) Standard (A. JUAN J. -. 3 0 .RALEs-uT• RA STRUCIUF� c+�' ,:fir 1 '.$shpNM AA44' T'Fr►►nll111' 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO1A Floor 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:30 Page:1 ID:mQ3AhylQ_cgxJZB08WrLayfQNB-ejRCsuB WeSEgD5vcKgUCc8hrRCJq2DwYSpn4apyV W6B 2-0-6 / / 1-9-8 2-6-0 / / 5x6 3x4 3x6 1.5x3 1.5x3 3x4 1 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 �\ 0 0 2 oQ T 1-0-0 q N — 1-0-0 d 8 \ 12 1111 10 9 4x10 3x4 1.5x3 3x6 0-9 12 11-0-6 / 0-9-12 / 10-2-10 Scale=1:23.3 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [1:0-0-0,Edge],[4:0-1-8,Edge],[9:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) -0.13 8-9 >973 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.67 Vert(CT) -0.24 8-9 >519 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.35 Horz(CT) 0.02 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:40 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=618/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),8=624/0-1-10,(min.0-1-8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=-1126/0,2-13=-1124/0,2-3=-1122/0,3-4=-1122/0,4-5=-1814/0,5-6=-1814/0 BOT CHORD 10-11=0/1814,9-10=0/1814,8-9=0/1423 WEBS 6-8=-1499/0,1-11=0/1224,6-9=0/590,4-11=-828/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate at joint(s)8. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard /le 1• JUAN J. eR UTP RA </') STRUALESC1U r 47, SSIONAl --�tC 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO1GR Floor Girder 2 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:30 Page:1 ID:Gv3dV2vvPUOE?atv3Ph 1 DByV WFb-ejRCsu BWeSEgD5vcKgUCc8hoeCjm28CYSpn4apyV W 6B MSH418 /MSH418 / I N 3x6 I(L MT18HS 12x18 3x6 MT18HS 12x18 3x6 7x16 6x6 6x10 7x16 1 2 3 16 ' 4 5 17 6 7 8 9 \ \ e G e e \ 1-0-0 1-0-0 a / =� a 1-0-0 � �� / '0 \ \ e e e �° \ 14 13 12 pi 11 H 6x10 6x6 1S 3x6 6x10 15-4-6 / 154G Scale=1:29.7 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-7-12,Edge],[4:0-1-8,Edge],[5:0-3-0,Edge],[12:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.76 Vert(LL) -0.31 11-12 >581 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.67 Vert(CT) -0.46 11-12 >398 360 MT18HS 197/144 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.65 Horz(CT) 0.06 10 Na n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:120 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 DF 2850F 2.3E or 2x4 SP 2850F 2.3E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 DF 2850F 2.3E or 2x4 SP 2850F 2.3E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 10=1733/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8),15=2017/0-5-4,(min.0-1-8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-9138/0,3-16=-9290/0,4-16=-9290/0,4-5=-11493/0,5-17=-11493/0,6-17=-11493/0,6-7=-7648/0,7-8=-7621/0 BOT CHORD 14-15=0/4896,13-14=0/11493,12-13=0/11493,11-12=0/10681,10-11=0/4229 WEBS 8-10=-4516/0,2-15=-5229/0,8-11=0/3670,2-14=0/4589,3-14=-1048/0,6-11=-3246/0,4-14=-2617/0,6-12=0/1322, 5-12=-525/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Use USP MSH418(With 10d nails into Girder&6-10d nails into Truss)or equivalent spaced at 3-8-8 oc max.starting at 4-8-10 from the left end to 8-5-2 to connect truss(es) FO2GR(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of top chord. 7) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads(lb/ft) UI Vert:10-15=-20,1-9=-100 Concentrated Loads(Ib) Zt1OF ti[q Vert:16=-968(B),17=-968(B) �� `��. * JUANJ. `-1 v0 •RALES-Ut' RA v' STRUCTU ' $21 � - is; ij t t,;✓ -.li I,SSIONALE -/� r►/11111 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FOILS Floor 3 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:30 Page:1 ID:KDLMkw5FtkQ8N2N 1 Wu144VyfQeq-ejRCsuB WeSEgD5vcKgUCc8htrCpa2FnYSpn4apyV W6B 1-9-8 / / / / / / in CV / — 1-9-8 1-4-0 i J N / / / / 0 3x4 6x6 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 1 17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /\ o o o T2 % ®® ® :o 1-0-0 ti R 0 II B ® �° ° ®) \ 16 15 14 kJ 12 11 \ 3x4 3x8 3x4 1.5x3 3x6 1.5x3 0- 12 8-4-8 12-8-12 0- 12 / 7-6-12 / 4-4-4 / Scale=1:25.8 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [7:0-1-8,Edge],[8:0-1-8,Edge],[14:0-1-8,Edgel,[15:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.07 16 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.30 Vert(CT) -0.09 13-14 >999 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.23 Horz(CT) 0.01 13 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:47 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=396/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),10=126/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8), 13=924/0-5-4,(min.0-1-8) Max Uplift 10=-40(LC 3) Max Gray 1=398(LC 3),10=212(LC 4),13=936(LC 8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-17=-739/0,2-17=-734/0,2-3=-737/0,3-4=-737/0,4-5=-737/0,5-6=0/662,6-7=0/660 BOT CHORD 14-15=0/737,13-14=0/349 WEBS 5-13=-982/0,1-15=0/802,5-14=0/468,7-13=-697/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are 3x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 40 lb uplift at joint 10. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 8) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 9) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I c Vt JUANJ.CfOF4N\ SRAEES-UTP RA ('� $TRUCTU� ..2- L _1t 10/0 /2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO1RS Floor 3 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:30 Page:1 ID:XYJ?IJxfoPsNxXwa0gFp6pyV W I8-ejRCsuBWeSEgD5vcKgUCc8hr8C192DFYSpn4apyV W6B 1-9-8 t 2-6-0 / q t t iS 'i x6 FP Y 3x4 3x4 3x6 3x4 3x4 3x4 3x4 1.5x3 1.5x3 6x6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2111 \ \ a B io °o T1 e ° , e o 4 1-0-0 1-0-0 — d 4 \ \ o tB� e e to m 19 18IFEIII 16 15 14 13 12 3x6 3x6 FP 3x4 4x8 1.5x3 4x10 1.5x3 1.5x3 t 6-7-12 17-8-4 6-7-12l' 16-10-8 10-2-12 0-9-12 l' Scale=1:33.9 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-1-8,Edge],[3:0-1-8,Edge],[7:0-1-8,Edge],[11:0-2-5,Edge],[15:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) -0.09 15-17 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.52 Vert(CT) -0.19 15-17 >659 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.32 Horz(CT) 0.01 11 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-S Weight:65 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 11=554/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),17=1213/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8), 20=274/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 11=561(LC 4),17=1213(LC 1),20=338(LC 3) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-563/144,3-4=0/864,4-5=0/864,5-6=-1576/0,6-7=-1576/0,7-8=-1042/0,8-9=-1042/0,9-10=-1042/0,10-21=-1043/0, 11-21=-1046/0 BOT CHORD 19-20=-144/563,18-19=-144/563,17-18=-144/563,16-17=0/942,15-16=0/942,14-15=0/1576,13-14=0/1576 WEBS 4-17=-272/0,3-17=-1142/0,2-20=-592/152,5-17=-1653/0,11-13=0/1133,5-15=0/779,7-13=-587/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �. OF bias JUAN 3. crA o +BALES-UT• RA co , STRUM .t .rO mn___----"IAA 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F02 Floor 12 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:31 Page:1 ID:Np7rl WuizBWFfwH6TpuMbhyfQ?m-6w?a3EC8PmMhrFUouY?R9MDy2cOW nczhhTXe6FyV W6A 1 3x4 2-6-0 �� 4x12 }1-8-14 6x6 1.5x3 3x4 4x10 MT2OHS 3x10 FP I 3x6 3x8 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 1.5x3 3x4 \ R 127 2 3 4 5 $ i7I2o10 9 11 12 13 14 28 15 } ± T 1-0.0t01-0-0 \ m j 26 25 24 23 19 18 17 } 4x10 1.5x3 MT18HS 3x12 1.5x3 3x8 1.5x3 4x12 3x6 FP 4x8 4x8 019-121 14-0-12 _ - T 14-11-14 i Scale=1:51.4 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[5:0-1-8,Edge],[12:0-1-8,Edge],[19:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.72 Vert(LL) -0.28 17-18 >627 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -0.41 17-18 >433 360 MT2OHS 148/108 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.61 Horz(CT) 0.03 16 n/a n/a MT18HS 197/144 BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:108 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=690/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),16=772/0-1-10,(min.0-1-8), 6-0-0 oc bracing:21-22,19-21. 21=2084/0-5-4,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 1=733(LC 3),16=836(LC 4),21=2084(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-27=-1392/0,2-27=-1390/0,2-3=-1388/0,3-4=-1388/0,4-5=-2532/0,5-6=-2074/0,6-7=-2074/0,7-8=0/2586,8-9=0/2586, 9-10=0/2586,10-11=-2681/0,11-12=-2681/0,12-13=-3043/0,13-14=-3043/0 BOT CHORD 24-25=0/2532,23-24=0/2532,22-23=0/2532,21-22=-669/478,20-21=-953/890,19-20=-953/890,18-19=0/2681, 17-18=0/2681,16-17=0/1972 WEBS 8-21=-321/0,7-21=-2597/0,1-25=0/1516,7-22=0/1828,6-22=-299/0,4-25=-1205/0,5-22=-923/0,10-21=-2700/0, 14-16=-2078/0,10-19=0/2173,14-17=0/1133,11-19=-465/0,13-17=-363/0,12-17=0/897 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate at joint(s)16. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 7) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 8) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. al LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 �KOF hii.: Uniform Loads(Ib/ft) �� - 4,-1 �S Vert:16-26=-20,1-28=-100 /�a 4:5 Trapezoidal Loads(lb/ft) Vert:28=-127-to-15=-127 ��-. JUAN J. -A t v0 •RAL.ES-UT' RA cil . STRUC1UF�1 t • -621 --x SSA)N 1011' 1 0/09/201 9 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO2GR Floor Girder 2 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:31 Page:1 ID:CD4gfU6VyD4c4RgDCYVYXHyVWGd-6w?a3EC8PmMhrFUouY?R9MDx0c2TnhHhhTXe6FyVW6A TH035118 TH035118 1-9-8 01035118 / / d 3x4 3x4 3x4 3x4 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 \ \ oe Re o 1-0-0 1-0-0 -- 1-0-0 Jj`\ 5 7 6 3x8 1.5x3 3x8 1.5x3 5-2-14 / 5-2-14 / Scale=1:23.2 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [1:Edge,0-1-8],[2:0-1-8,Edge],[3:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.78 Vert(LL) -0.04 5-6 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.64 Vert(CT) -0.05 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress lncr NO WB 0.27 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:22 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-2-14 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 5=942/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8),8=989/Mechanical,(min. 0-1-8) Max Gray 5=1024(LC 4),8=1068(LC 3) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-8=-379/0,4-5=-317/0,2-10=-1514/0,3-10=-1514/0 BOT CHORD 7-8=0/1514,6-7=0/1514,5-6=0/1514 WEBS 3-5=-1655/0,2-8=-1655/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Use USP TH035118(With 10d x 1-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent spaced at 2-0-0 oc max.starting at 0-8-10 from the left end to 4-1-2 to connect truss(es)FO1 RS(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to front face of top chord. 7) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 LAA Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:5-8=-20,1-4=-220(F=-120) ,�l'(E\Q��'i4, r Concentrated Loads(lb) ` n,�. Vert:9=-258(F),10=-238(F),11=-238(F) JUAN J. 6 4RALES•UT" RA v' . STRUCTUr L •121 S'Sh A1. " rruttill 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F03 Floor 2 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:31 Page:1 ID:gRjORk0XCS 1 ecZ?ha?Ws25yfPxk6w?a3EC8PmMhrFUouY?R9MD_rc_LnechhTXe6FyV W6A ( 1 3 4 [1 2-6-0 {'� W '� 3x8 °7 I� 1 96 [ 1 1-9-8 1�x1_ i_I 1-9-8 l 6x6 1.5x3 3x4 4x10 MT2OHS 3x10 FP 1.5x3 1 3x4 I 91 v 31x6 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 3x6 3x6 3x6 FP 1.5x3 3x4 9 135 2 3 4 5 6 7 36 8 9 10 11 1237 13 14 15 1617 18 19 0 } 1-C-0 to „14,1 -11 ttill 1-c-0 \ " 34 33 32 31 30 28 27 26 24 23 22 89 -,- 4x10 1.5x3 4x12 3x6 FP 3x4 3x6 FP 4x4 3x6 ¢p 1.5x3 4x12 3x6 4x10 3x4 0;9-1 14-10-8 2 -8 6-7-14 0 9-1k 14-0 12 Jr 11-22-0 1 10 7 6 Scale=1:61.5 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[5:0-1-8,Edge],[22:0-1-8,Edgej,[23:0-1-8,Edge],[26:0-1-8,Edge],[27:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) -0.21 30-31 >831 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.91 Vert(CT) -0.27 30-31 >634 360 MT2OHS 148/108 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.51 Horz(CT) 0.02 21 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-S Weight:132 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat)*Except*T1,T4:2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS All bearings 0-3-8.except 1=0-5-8,21=Mechanical (Ib)-Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)except 1=723(LC 5), 21=555(LC 5),25=1464(LC 4),29=1969(LC 3) FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-35=-1372/0,2-35=-1371/0,2-3=-1369/0,3-4=-1369/0,4-5=-2470/0,5-6=-1969/0,6-7=-1969/0,7-36=0/2519, 8-36=0/2519,8-9=0/2519,9-10=0/2519,10-11=-1340/408,11-12=-1340/408,12-37=-1340/408,13-37=-1340/408, 13-14=0/1170,14-15=0/1170,15-16=-1437/0,16-17=-1437/0,17-18=-1437/0,18-19=-1437/0 BOT CHORD 32-33=0/2470,31-32=0/2470,30-31=0/2470,29-30=-522/351,28-29=-1126/510,27-28=-1126/510,26-27=-408/1340, 25-26=-508/739,24-25=-215/769,23-24=-215/769,22-23=0/1437,21-22=0/1219 WEBS 8-29=-338/0,14-25=-315/0,7-29=-2589/0,1-33=0/1494,7-30=0/1802,6-30=-304/0,4-33=-1160/0,5-30=-893/0, 13-25=-1651/0,10-29=-2202/0,13-26=0/791,10-27=0/1264,11-27=-326/0,12-26=-263/0,15-25=-1699/0, 19-21=-1285/0,15-23=0/901,19-22=-24/265,17-23=-286/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) All plates are 1.5x3 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. W 8) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. ZNOF Mi .5, 9 CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. MIS. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �`� h f 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 �tO Uniform Loads(lb/ft) -* JUAN J. Vert:21-34=-20,1-36=-100,11-36=-119,11-37=-141,20-37=-100 C. a. . SOT RA N) , STRUCIU SS+ONAL V `� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F04 Floor 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 ID:KucuTrV7xRsZi4A54YxsKyfPuX-a6ZyGaDmA4VXSP3_SFWghZmA3ORIW56gw7GBfhyV W69 2-6-0 1-9-8 k 1-9-8 fl t m . 3x6 FP t o 1 9-8 1 6x6 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 6x6 1.5x3 3x4 4x10 3x6 1.5x3 125 2 3 4 5 6 7 26 8 9 10 11 27 12 13 2814 11-0 F 4 a2 13• <7, 3 !u 24 23 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 4x10 1.5x3 3x6 FP 1.5x3 4x12 1.5x3 3x8 MT18HS 5x12 1.5x3 jr 09-12 1 14-0 14-0-12 21-11-4 2:-9-0 t 7-012 0-9-12 Scale=1:41.5 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[5:0-1-8,Edge],[10:0-1-8,Edge],[11:0-1-8,Edge],[14:0-2-4,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) l/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.18 20-21 >962 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.51 Vert(CT) -0.25 20-21 >676 360 MT18HS 197/144 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.49 Horz(CT) -0.01 14 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:83 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=721/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),14=262/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8), 19=1784/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8) Max Uplift 14=-23(LC 3) Max Gray 1=727(LC 3),14=417(LC 4),19=1784(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-25=-1380/0,2-25=-1374/0,2-3=-1376/0,3-4=-1376/0,4-5=-2499/0,5-6=-2022/0,6-7=-2022/0,7-26=0/2050, 8-26=0/2050,8-9=0/2027,9-10=0/2027,10-11=-617/719,11-27=-696/92,12-27=-696/92,12-13=-696/92,13-28=-698/92, 14-28=-701/91 BOT CHORD 22-23=0/2499,21-22=0/2499,20-21=0/2499,19-20=-28/418,18-19=-719/617,17-18=-719/617,16-17=-719/617 WEBS 8-19=-324/0,7-19=-2506/0,1-23=0/1502,7-20=0/1728,6-20=-305/0,4-23=-1188/0,5-20=-720/0,10-19=-1962/0, 14-16=-100/760,12-16=-317/0,11-16=0/689 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 23 lb uplift at joint 14. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 7) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 8) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard � OF ht4.�n 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 ^ Uniform Loads(lb/ft) cy Y Vert:15-24=-20,1-26=-100,26-27=-121,14-27=-121 ir. �fn JUAN J. FIALES-UT• RA v' . SIRUCTU A 1 � F , 8SION Al tt 100 2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F05 Floor 10 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 ID:Iw6HtN W?4XzgKgaxib0obkyfPf0-a6ZyGaDmA4VXSP3_SFWghZmDg0SyW6bgw7GBfhyV W69 2-6-0 / / 1-9-8 1-8-14 t c7 / / / / 3x4 6x6 1.5x3 1.5x3 3x4 3x4 3x6 1 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ ® T1 °' I ° T2 Qe \ 1-0-0 ��yy u 7 1-0-0 o e).\ 1 0 ® Si I /F0 \ 12 11 10 9 4x10 3x4 1.5x3 3x8 0-9-12 12-1-14 / 0-9-12 J /11-4-2 Scale=1:25 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[9:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (Ioc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) -0.14 8-9 >975 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.43 Vert(CT) -0.29 8-9 >481 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.02 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:44 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=686/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),8=692/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=-1295/0,2-13=-1293/0,2-3=-1291/0,3-4=-1291/0,4-5=-2267/0,5-6=-2267/0 BOT CHORD 10-11=0/2267,9-10=0/2267,8-9=0/1626 WEBS 6-8=-1713/0,1-11=0/1410,6-9=0/803,4-11=-1057/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard CZ r. fir` JUAN J. 4• 'LES-VT' SA u' . STRUC7 Uf L •121 ���� SS1ONALt° 10/0•/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO5GR Floor Girder 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 I D:_UpN85Ntg8zOSXfKoUc8SuyfPR?-a6ZyGaDmA4VXSP3_SFWghZm710Q_W5_gw7GBihyV W69 2-6-0 35118 1-9-8 1-8-14 / / / 6x6 3x6 4x8 1.5x3 1.5x3 3x4 / 1 13 2 3 4 14 5 6 7 \ TI ° ° ° i2 oe \ 1-0-0 N — — 1-0-0 d 8 t o 12 11 10 9 4x12 3x6 1.5x3 3x8 0-9-12 12-1-14 / 0-9-12 / 11-4-2 Scale=1:25 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[9:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip IDOL 1.00 TC 0.72 Vert(LL) -0.16 8-9 >849 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.56 Vert(CT) -0.31 8-9 >445 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Ina NO WB 0.50 Horz(CT) 0.01 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-S Weight:44 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=853/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),8=830/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=-1635/0,2-13=-1630/0,2-3=-1631/0,3-4=-1631/0,4-14=-3137/0,5-14=-3137/0,5-6=-3137/0 BOT CHORD 10-11=0/3137,9-10=0/3137,8-9=0/2029 WEBS 6-8=-2139/0,1-11=0/1780,6-9=0/1424,5-9=-319/0,4-11=-1761/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. 8) Use USP TH035118(With 10d x 1-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 5-8-12 from the left end to connect truss(es)FO8GR(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of top chord,skewed 0.0 deg.to the right,sloping 0.0 deg.down. 9) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:8-12=-20,1-7=-100 OF ti�4 Concentrated Loads(Ib) `(H Vert:14=-305 to JUAN J. 4 t�j •RALES-UT" RA 0 STRUCTU -s21 ,, SS+ONAI�t:0 10Z/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F06 Floor 8 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 ID:HRy2Q0AhRrF_FHjcAXAISRyfPsN-a6ZyGaDmA4VXSP3_SFWghZm7F0MbW7xgw7GBfhyVW69 1-9-8 t t 2-6-0 t t—r/ I t 2 6-0 y I I I 26_ ["3x6 FP 'F-7-1 I 2� 3x4 1.5x3 3x6 3x8 1.5x3 3x4 3x6 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 3x6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 9 2210 11 23 12 1 1-0-0 — 1-0-0 \ . . Si • • . 132 \ 19 18 Oi 16 15 14 k 3x6 4x4 3x6 FP 3x6 3x6 3x4 4x10 3x4 t 10-7-6 21- -4 10-7 6 ¶ 11-1-149 Scale=1:39.3 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [14:0-1-8,Edge],[15:0-1-8,Edge],[18:0-1-8,Edge],[19:0-1-8,Edgej Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.75 Vert(LL) -0.14 13-14 >952 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.78 Vert(CT) -0.26 13-14 >507 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.38 Horz(CT) 0.04 13 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:79 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: REACTIONS (lb/size) 13=642/0-1-10,(min.0-1-8),17=1535/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8), 6-0-0 oc bracing:17-18. 20=529/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 13=671(LC 4),17=1535(LC 1),20=563(LC 3) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1488/0,3-4=-1488/0,4-5=-1488/0,5-6=0/1157,6-7=0/1157,7-8=-1876/0,8-21=-1876/0,9-21=-1876/0, 9-22=-1876/0,10-22=-1876/0,10-11=-1876/0 BOT CHORD 19-20=0/1244,18-19=0/1488,17-18=-191/844,16-17=0/1028,15-16=0/1028,14-15=0/1876,13-14=0/1475 WEBS 6-17=-317/0,5-17=-1699/0,2-20=-1311/0,5-18=0/890,2-19=-12/296,4-18=-282/0,7-17=-1909/0,11-13=-1555/0, 7-15=0/1079,11-14=0/464,9-15=-361/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are 3x6 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate at joint(s)13. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 7) Recommend 2x6 srongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 8) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 Uniform Loads(lb/ft) '�ttOF�M4sg . Vert:13-20=-20,1-21=-100,21-22=-140,22-23=-100,12-23=-134 ��, JUAN J. v0 •RALES-UT RA v'� . STRUCTUF AL it,„ •` SSIONAl3: 0' 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO6GR Floor Girder 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 ID:Ah4Fj6KCEPwBQgCWxaXg9YyfPPm-a6ZyGaDmA4 VXSP3_SFWghZm7b0KhW4Mgw7GBfhyV W69 2-6-0 2-6-0 TH035118 { t 1-9-8 t-177—{ I 2-6-0 tt 3x6 FP t---- -"i 3x4 1.5x3 4x8 3x6 1.5x3 3x4 4• x12 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 356 i _ 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111 1T - — - - — 1-0i 20 19 18 g 16 15 14 K 4x10 3x4 4x10 3x6 FP 3x4 3x4 4x6 4x4 3x6 t 10-7-6 10-7-6t 2 - -4 1111914 Scale=1:39.3 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [14:0-1-8,Edge],[15:0-1-8,Edge],[18:0-1-8,Edge],[19:0-1-8,Edge],[21:Edge,0-1-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.73 Vert(LL) -0.17 19-20 >758 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -0.23 19-20 >536 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.54 Horz(CT) 0.05 13 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:80 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 13=590/0-1-10,(min.0-1-8),17=1616/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8), 21=1288/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 13=618(LC 4),17=1616(LC 1),21=1384(LC 10) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2783/0,3-4=-2783/0,4-5=-2783/0,5-6=0/840,6-7=0/840,7-8=-1788/0,8-9=-1788/0,9-10=-1788/0,10-11=-1788/0 BOT CHORD 20-21=0/3010,19-20=0/3010,18-19=0/2783,17-18=0/1620,16-17=0/1106,15-16=0/1106,14-15=0/1788,13-14=0/1403 WEBS 6-17=-331/0,5-17=-2231/0,2-21=-3275/0,5-18=0/1446,4-18=-417/0,7-17=-1694/0,11-13=-1478/0,7-15=0/901, 11-14=0/452,9-15=-288/0,2-19=-707/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate at joint(s)13. 5) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 6) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. 8) Use USP TH035118(With 10d x 1-1/2 nails into Girder 8 2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 2-5-2 from the left end to connect truss(es)FO7GR(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of top chord,skewed 0.0 deg.to the right,sloping 0.0 deg.down. 9) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. it AAA LOAD CASE(S) Standard ----, 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 .(i3OF M4s Uniform Loads(Ib/ft) ^ Vert:13-21=-20,1-12=-100 $ `� Concentrated Loads(Ib) d Urn Vert:2=-912 JUAN J. o •RALES-UT" RA rn 1 STRUCIUr�L J •.21 SS+ONAt-A- 11�t 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F07 Floor 2 1 Job Reference(optional) _ UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:32 Page:1 ID:6EYIm9cSuBIu7VTE1 VdvFjyfPdc-a6ZyGaDmA4VXSP3_SFWghzmD50T7W7Vgw7GBfhyVW69 t1-40 I I 2-6-0 I 2-6-0 1-9-8 t 1 2� �11 1t-r------t 3x6 1 1y 3x6 FP 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 3x6 3x6 1.5x3 3x4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0. Si1 0 1-0T gip] per/y ed[ •• ._ IL • 1 18 17 . 15 14 13 K 3x6 3x4 3x6 FP 3x6 3x6 1.5x3 4x10 3x4 8-0-8 - t 19-2-6 11-1-14 Scale=1:35.5 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [1:Edge,0-1-8],[2:0-1-8,Edge],[13:0-1-8,Edge],[14:0-1-8,Edge],[17:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.38 Vert(LL) -0.11 12-13 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.36 Vert(CT) -0.20 12-13 >656 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.34 Horz(CT) 0.02 12 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:70 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 12=579/0-1-10,(min.0-1-8),16=1336/0-3-8,(min.0-1-8), 19=359/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 12=602(LC 4),16=1336(LC 1),19=404(LC 3) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-748/0,3-4=-748/0,4-5=0/997,5-6=0/997,6-7=-1679/0,7-8=-1679/0,8-9=-1679/0,9-10=-1679/0 BOT CHORD 18-19=0/748,17-18=0/748,16-17=-215/548,15-16=-10/953,14-15=-10/953,13-14=0/1679,12-13=0/1352 WEBS 5-16=-305/0,4-16=-1268/0,2-19=-818/0,4-17=0/479,6-16=-1729/0,10-12=-1425/0,6-14=0/922,10-13=0/400, 7-14=-301/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) All plates are 3x6 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate at joint(s)12. 6) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/7PI 1. 7) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 8) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard u14, OHOF rti'�s 4^ / �l �ti. JUAN J. :1 �o .RALES-UT RA 0STRUCIUF�L V— • 1 *+/ SS/ONAl. _. n/)111 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO7GR Floor Girder 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:33 Page:1 I D:W h?RRNcVd4LIAzXcjkXIUpyfPX9-217LUwEOxNdO4YdA?z1 vEnJKwQn9FaQ_8nOkB7yV W68 TH035118 TH035118 1-9-8 z7R/ 4 6x6 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1 10 2 3 4 5 o 0T2 ® o 1.0_0 Ada �I 1-0-0 0 t go \ o o \ 9 8 7 3x6 4x6 1.5x3 0-10-12 4-3-0 0-10-12 / 3-4-4 Scale=1:23.1 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[6:Edge,0-1-8],[8:0-1-8,Edgej Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.63 Vert(LL) -0.04 9 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.50 Vert(CT) -0.09 9 >494 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.36 Horz(CT) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:17 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat)"Except*T1:2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1034/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),6=988/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 1=1092(LC 3),6=1012(LC 4) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-10=-1199/0,2-10=-1167/0,2-3=-1165/0,3-4=-1165/0 BOT CHORD 7-8=0/1165,6-7=0/1165 WEBS 1-8=0/1272,3-8=-492/0,4-6=-1447/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. 8) Use USP THO35118(With 16d x 2-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 1-0-4 from the left end to connect truss(es)F07(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of top chord,skewed 0.0 deg.to the left,sloping 0.0 deg.down. 9) Use USP THO35118(With 10d x 1-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 3-0-4 from the left end to connect truss(es)F07(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of top chord,skewed 0.0 deg.to the left,sloping 0.0 deg.down. 10) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. 11) In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard '6,' OF hit— 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1,00,Plate Increase=1.00 � "YC'S, Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:6-9=-20,1-10=-100,5-10=-400(F=-300) J� Concentrated Loads(Ib) JUAN J. Vert:4=-304,10=-304 tdj .:S. S UT FaA N '21 SSIONAk.iir ` .� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF F08 Floor 2 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:33 Page:1 ID:QdTMgEIKf5zRzUE Ww82a9KyfPUz-217LUwEOxNdO4YdA?z1 vEnJQOQrNFdy_8n0kB7yV W68 1-9-8 0 4 6x6 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 10 2 3 4 5 O T1 v T2® ®® 1-0-0 N — 1-0-0 Br 4:9 CBI 9 8 7 3x4 3x6 1.5x3 0-9-12 5-7-0 0 9 12 / 4-9-4 Scale=1:22.8 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[8:0-1-8,Edgej Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.22 Vert(LL) 0.04 9 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.23 Vert(CT) -0.08 9 >743 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 Horz(CT) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S Weight:21 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-7-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=291/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),6=297/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-10=-441/0,2-10=-438/0,2-3=-437/0,3-4=-437/0 BOT CHORD 7-8=0/437,6-7=0/437 WEBS 4-6=-478/0,1-8=0/477 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSUTPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. LOAD CASE(S) Standard - OF M4ss JUAN J. -A .BALES-UTP PA STRUCTUI �L .21 SS)NA 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422BF FO8GR Floor Girder 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 10:51:33 Page:1 ID:5gttJ1 uVoLUrBdlh59vIzyytPSw-217LUwEOxNdO4YdA7z1vEnJPvQgwFdZ_8n0kB7yVW68 TH035118 TH035118 1-9-8 0 9 6x6 3x4 1.5x3 3x4 1 10 2 3 4 5 02 ®® oo 1-0-0 0 — 1-0-0 0 6 Bo o) 9 8 7 3x4 3x6 1.5x3 0-10.12 4-3-0 0-10-12 / 3-4-4 Scale=1:23.1 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-1-8,Edge],[8:0-1-8,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 40.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.00 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) -0.02 9 >999 480 MT20 197/144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.00 BC 0.26 Vert(CT) -0.06 9 >777 360 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.16 Horz(CT) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-S Weight:17 lb FT=20%F,12%E LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E(flat)'Except'T1:2x4 SPF No.2(flat) TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-3-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2(flat) 80T CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=444/0-5-8,(min.0-1-8),6=378/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) Max Gray 1=484(LC 3),6=405(LC 4) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-10=-521/0,2-10=-503/0,2-3=-506/0,3-4=-506/0 BOT CHORD 7-8=0/506,6-7=0/506 WEBS 4-6=-628/0,1-8=0/552 NOTES 1) Unbalanced floor live loads have been considered for this design. 2) As requested,plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. 3) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 5) Recommend 2x6 strongbacks,on edge,spaced at 10-00-00 oc and fastened to each truss with 3-10d(0.131"X 3")nails. Strongbacks to be attached to walls at their outer ends or restrained by other means. 6) Gap between inside of top chord bearing and first diagonal or vertical web shall not exceed 0.500in. 7) CAUTION,Do not erect truss backwards. 8) Use USP TH035118(With 16d x 2-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 1-0-4 from the left end to connect truss(es)F08(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to front face of top chord. 9) Use USP TH035118(With 10d x 1-1/2 nails into Girder&2-10d x 1-1/2 nails into Truss)or equivalent at 3-0-4 from the left end to connect truss(es)F08(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to front face of top chord. 10) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Floor Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.00,Plate Increase=1.00 rat F M Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:6-9=-20,1-5=-100 Concentrated Loads(lb) JUAN �C� Vert:4=-197,10=-197 V ••RALES-U1' IR A (I/ STRU 4CTU21 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B G01 Piggyback Base Girder 1 3 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:32 Page:1 ID:vM_FIB9TSgXgiyDeX?9aoTyfOio-gg 1 G?Ggr4cAgXN 1 pr0uxn7GH 1 XbgVJEvhvjqugyWAA 7-11-8 15- 2614-8 42-0-0 7-11-8 7-8-0-8 050.13 5-3-101 I. 5.3-111 a 3 7-49 2 1 8-2-12 I* 8x8 2x4 6x6 4x8 4x8 IIII r o p 2 . 6 4� 2 Sx6 2 7 /\ 14-01 w1 I { l I� R� " m as 'a• 9 28 29 3031 3233 15 34 35 14 387 N3 389 40 41 42`1, 43 11 44 10 45 46 47 10x12 12x12 MT20HS 7x14 6x8 4x6 6x8 4x8 6x8 10-0-6 10-0-6 jf 20-0-12 10-0-6 -11-4 7�10 8 1 34-11-10 7-0-6 -0 6 42-0-0 7-0-6 { Scale=1:69.2 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [1:Edge,0-5-15],[4:0-3-12,0-2-12],[10:0-6-4,0-2-0],[15:0-6-0,0-6-4] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.33 Vert(LL) -0.23 15-21 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.34 15-21 >704 180 MT20HS 187/143 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.70 Horz(CT) 0.03 1 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:909 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x8 SP 2400F 2.0E except WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2*Except*W3,W2:2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2-0-0 oc purlins(10-0-0 max.):4-6. WEDGE Left:2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: Right:2x4 SPF No.2 6-0-0 oc bracing:12-13. REACTIONS All bearings 0-3-8.except 13=0-4-10(input:0-3-8) (Ib)-Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)except 12=-600(LC 12), 13=-537(LC 8) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)except 12=9309(LC 18), 13=16842(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-22=-8849/242,2-22=-8693/266,2-23=-8699/316,3-23=-8545/327,3-24=-8441/353,4-24=-8253/355,4-5=-43/2064, 5-6=-60/2007,6-25=-29/2205,7-25=-82/2184,7-26=-113/1984,8-26=-155/1933,8-27=-3348/298,9-27=-3525/273 BOT CHORD 1-28=-254/7360,28-29=-254/7360,29-30=-254/7360,30-31=-254/7360,31-32=-254/7360,32-33=-254/7360, 15-33=-254/7360,15-34=-78/994,34-35=-78/994,14-35=-78/994,14-36=-78/994,36-37=-78/994,13-37=-78/994, 13-38=-1593/204,38-39=-1593/204,39-40=-1593/204,40-41=-1593/204,41-42=-1593/204,12-42=-1593/204, 12-43=-104/1764,11-43=-104/1764,11-44=-104/1764,10-44=-104/1764,10-45=-153/2820,45-46=-153/2820, 46-47=-153/2820,9-47=-153/2820 WEBS 4-13=-8200/297,5-13=-670/127,8-12=-4753/440,6-13=-936/44,6-12=-990/51,2-15=-954/252,4-15=-409/13077, 8-10=-256/5495 NOTES(13) 1) 3-ply truss to be connected together with 10d(0.131"x3")nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows:2x6-2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows:2x8-3 rows staggered at 0-5-0 oc. 0y1114t4-4,V Web connected as follows:2x4-1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 1 r �ti/ 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies,except if noted as front(F)or back(B)face in the LOAD CASE(S)section.Ply to ply"7)1,Tipp • . -pr to distribute only loads noted as(F)or(B),unless otherwise indicated. ,-;' •c- •• ` 3) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS r(valb,-)exterior zone arid 0- � Exterior(2)0-0-0 to 4-2-6,Interior(1)4-2-6 to 9-9-1,Exterior(2)9-9-1 to 32-2-15,Interior(1)32-2-15 to 37-9-10,Exterior(2)37-9-10 t.4�;9#zonek-& r)mem.- . ._..,) forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 "4 4) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10,W left=21-0-0,W right=21-0-0 BALES UT" RA 5) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. STRUC1 U tfi 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. \ 4821 7) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-0Q,w:-- , >. -•►r.-••' •• any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. •� 8) WARNING:Required bearingsize atjoint s 13greater than input bearingsize. ( /�� Q joint(s) P �j� J1lt��j�L� � Continued on page 2 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E GO1 Piggyback Base Girder 1 3 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:32 Page:2 ID:vM_FIB9TSgXgiyDeX79aoTyfOio-gg1 G?Ggr4cAgXN 1 pr0uxn7GH 1 XbgVJEvhvjqugyWAA 9) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 274 lb uplift at joint 9,537 lb uplift at joint 13,600 lb uplift at joint 12 and 218 lb uplift at joint 1. 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 11) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 12) Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 2-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 4-0-0, 1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 6-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 8-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 10-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 12-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 14-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 16-0-0,1962 lb down and 53 lb up at 18-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 20-0-12,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 22-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 24-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 26-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 28-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 30-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 32-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 34-0-0,1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 36-0-0,and 1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 38-0-0,and 1421 lb down and 96 lb up at 40-0-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 13) The loading on this truss has been modified to reflect the roof profile,the ridgeline is located 21-0-0 from joint 1 and has a slope of 8.000 on the left and-8.000 on the right. 14) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Snow(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.15,Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:1-4=-100,4-6=-100,6-9=-100,16-19=-20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:11=-1421(B),14=-1962(B),13=-1421(B),12=-1421(B),15=-1962(B),28=-1962(B),29=-1962(B),31=-1962(B),32=-1962(B),34=-1962(B),35=-1962 (B),36=-1962(B),38=-1421(B),40=-1421(B),41=-1421(B),43=-1421(B),44=-1421(B),45=-1421(B),46=-1421(B),47=-1421(B) �, v6QF A444,.41n . U0, JUAN J. i o .RALES-UT' RA c STRU L \ .•21C1OF� --41 \rpm 10/0u/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E G02 Common Girder 1 2 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:33 Page:1 ID:CbguGnC2Fo3fE1boS48MCPyfOcH-c390Pyi5cDQYmgBCyRwPsYLWrLHYzD5C9DCxzZyWA8 8-1-3 4-2-5 3-10-13 3 10.3 15-10-13 t 19-9-11 3-10-13 t 24-0-0 t 8x8 4 2x414 15 2x4 8 12 r 3 \ : s / 9 9 6x6 6x6 0 0 g m 2 6 13 kl! It 16 1.0 1 4! \w�� ���% I �- 7 MMIII I1 II.111Ill�IIIM■!!f1111 11I�IIIIr•U1II11M1IUMMI11I1■TI111MI111 _: 17 12 18 19 11 20 21 22 10 9 23 8 24 10x12 4x10 10x12 10x12 4x10 10x12 MT2OHS 7x14 t HU 226 HUS2S HUS26 7 14HUS26 H1�S26 HUi26 HUS29 HUS26 HUS26 HU 26 ti4U0S�6 4- 5 9 14 2 19-9-11 Scale=1:49 4-2-5 / 5-5-9 4-8-3 5-5-9 4-2-5 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [4:0-4-12,0-3-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.82 Vert(LL) -0.15 8-10 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.88 Vert(CT) -0.24 8-10 >999 180 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.61 Horz(CT) 0.09 7 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-S BCDL 10.0 Weight:314 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-9-13 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x6 SPF 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEDGE Left:2x10 SP 2400F 2.0E Right:2x10 SP 2400F 2.0E REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=8474/0-3-8,(req.0-5-6),7=8474/0-3-8,(req.0-5-6) Max Horiz 1=-164(LC 28) FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-13=-12415/0,2-13=-12252/0,2-3=-9262/0,3-14=-9129/0,4-14=-8973/0,4-15=-8973/0,5-15=-9129/0,5-84-9262/0, 6-16=-12252/0,7-16=-12415/0 BOT CHORD 1-17=0/9558,12-17=0/9558,12-18=0/9558,18-19=0/9558,11-19=0/9558,11-20=0/6286,20-21=0/6286,21-22=0/6286, 10-22=0/6286,9-10=0/9558,9-23=0/9558,8-23=0/9558,8-24=0/9558,7-24=0/9558 WEBS 4-10=0/5005,5-10=-354/142,6-10=-2239/0,6-8=0/3427,4-11=0/5005,3-11=-354/143,2-11=-2239/0,2-12=0/3427 NOTES(11) 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 10d(0.131"x3")nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows:2x6-2 rows staggered at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows:2x6-2 rows staggered at 0-5-0 oc. Web connected as follows:2x4-1 row at 0-9-0 oc,Except member 6-8 2x4-1 row at 0-4-0 oc,Except member 2-12 2x4-1 row at 0-4-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies,except if noted as front(F)or back(B)face in the LOAD CASE(S)section.Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as(F)or(B),unless otherwise indicated. 3) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-1-12 to 3-1-12,Interior(1)3-1-12 to 9-0-0,Exterior(2)9-0-0 to 15-0-0,Interior(1)15-0-0 to 20-10-4,Exterior(2)20-10-4 to 23-10-4 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 5) Unbalanced snow loads havesf been considered forat roof snow); this Category esli Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 ��► j�4� - f. .744 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. ,JJ ' f 7) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide WI(fits een the bo • •Cho nd any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. N.77(Z, 41, 8) WARNING:Required bearing size at joint(s)1,7 greater than input bearing size. .Zr AN J. --,1,',9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referencedlt)3ri.- d ANSITll,�L1 T R iv, if,j 10) Use USP HUS26(With 14-16d nails into Girder&6-16d nails into Truss)or equivalent spaced at 2-0-0 oc max.starting at 2-0-0 fromZQ'-left .1{6ALY--0O[b.'M1t nect usi ) T08(1 ply 2x4 SPF)to back face of bottom chord. STRUCI U ' 11) Fill all nail holes where hanger is in contact with lumber. •t 21 12) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in-a• '.a., .. -' ---'u / ; C LOAD CASE(S) Standard 0 . yrry `'�% 1) Dead+Snow(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.15,Plate Increase=1.15 ���rJNA 1 10/09/2019 Continued on page 2 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E G02 Common Girder 1 2 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:33 Page:2 ID:CbguGnC2Fo3fE1boS48MCPyfOcH-c390Pyi5cDQYmgBCyRwPsYLWrLHYzD5C9DCxzZyWA8 Uniform Loads(lb/ft) Vert:1-4=-100,4-7=-100,1-7=-20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:9=-1282(B),10=-1282(B),8=-1282(B),11=-1282(B),12=-1282(B),17=-1282(B),18=-1282(B),19=-1282(B),21=-1282(B),23=-1282(B),24=-1282 (B) ls‘iOF At4- JUAN J. v RALES-UT' RA v' STRUM(' • 4.21 4 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E PB01 Piggyback 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:34 Page:1 I D:e_glsu I V sn4d7vSe?rn7tcyfPBc-5FjOd Hjj NXYPOq mOW 8RePmurxlojip8LOtyU V?y WA7 t t t 5-1-11 5-1-11 94-8-8 10-5-3 4x4 3 \ \ 2x4 0 2x4 2 hii4 12 m J i '4N 8 I N f7 t7 M 116... \ 0-0 1 v ..ill 11 Y B 1 y v 5 tn 8 7 6 0 0 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 10-3-6 I� Scale=1:31.3 tI Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATESI GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.16 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.05 Horiz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC20151TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:31 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 10-3-6. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-63(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,6,8 Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5,7 except 6=407(LC 18),8=407(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-7=-257/0,2-8=-298/83,4-6=-298/83 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 7) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,8,6. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 10) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building designer. 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform ma LOAD CASE(S) Standard e :0OF M,44 . "`�.Q ` vi JUAN J. to, v •- • S-117" RA ('� STRUC1U SS DNA1. �� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B PB02 Piggyback 5 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:34 Page:1 I D:x3DzmUAEDip2wMhjOlbnNyfPBm-5FjOdHjJNXYPOgmOW8RePmun8kbin 1 LOtyUV 7yVVA7 t 5-1-11 5-1-11 9-10-3 4-8-8 10-3-6 t - 5-3 5x6 2 \ \ 9 h12 N 8M ?°-°-4. I\ 1 A wA 3 \ r 4 O O 4x4 2x4 4x4 10-3-6 I Scale=1:31.3 t - I Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-3-4,0-2-8] I Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.38 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.19 Horiz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0` Code IRC2015fTPl2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:28 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=36/10-3-6,(min.0-1-15),3=36/10-3-6,(min.0-1-15), installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer 4=1162/10-3-6,(min.0-1-15) Installation guide. Max Horiz 1=-63(LC 7) Max Uplift 1=-37(LC 18),3=-37(LC 17),4=-72(LC 11) Max Gray 1=94(LC 17),3=94(LC 18),4=1162(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-9=-71/437,2-9=-57/563,2-10=-57/563,3-10=-71/437 BOT CHORD 1-4=-364/107,3-4=-364/107 WEBS 2-4=-939/153 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 4-0-0 oc. 7) .This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 37 lb uplift at joint 1,37 lb uplift at joint 3 and 72 lb Afk,v4 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced stand P1 *4-.. 10) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building designs ` J1.. if:f J,y 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a urJ,rtp}fit- er. LOAD CASE(S) Standard :f` JUAN J. .-4) �o •RAL.ES-U1' RA r/' STRUC I W L *21 � ,rt ORT1111 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B PB04 Piggyback 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:34 Page:1 ID:6MprNoh8eQnj7 De 14 LtPr3yf PCO-5FjOdHjjNXYPOgmO W 8RePmusOlpzioq LOtyU V 7y WA7 t 7-10-11 5-4-3 6 t 7-10-11 17-5-8 10--3 4x4 5 4 6 21 :illIuiI 22 : :: 7V 12 a 1-- 2 8 `� o`� 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 d 3x4 3x4 15-9-6 Scale=1:36.9 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CS! DEFL in (loc) 1/defl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.09 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.04 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.07 Horiz(TL) 0.00 9 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:58 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 15-9-6. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-99(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,10,11,12,14,15,16 Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)1,9,11,13,15 except 10=264(LC 18),12=306(LC 18),14=306(LC 17),16=264(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 4-14=-264/69,6-12=-264/69 NOTES(12) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Corner(3)0-2-13 to 3-2-13,Exterior(2)3-2-13 to 5-1-8,Corner(3)5-1-8 to 11-1-8,Exterior(2)11-1-8 to 13-0-3,Corner(3)13-0-3 to 16-0-3 zone;C-C for members and forces &MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 8) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,14,15,16,12,11,10. 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standar44 , ,{ 11) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building design- /- '\r 12) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a un'1• •.-i 914., LOAD CASE(S) Standard ii,,,2 JUAN J. v ,. S-U1" R u A ' STRUM ' s.21 -4_ _ ,j i, SS/ONAlict 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA • 19063422B PB05 Piggyback 11 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:35 Page:1 I D:SzzcaSJzUri4WwWfOYSecCyfPDe-ZRGmgdkL8ggG?_La4rztyzRzi97PRD8UcXh21 RyVVA6 t 7-10-11 6], 7-10-11t 15-4-3 7-5-8 10- 3 4x6 3 2x4 14 15 2x4 2 4 tr' 13 •j4 128 v 5 A d o 8 7 6 3x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 3x4 15-9-6 4- Scale=1:36.9le Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.19 Horiz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:48 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 15-9-6. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=99(LC 8) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1 except 6=-108(LC 12), 8=-109(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=591(LC 18),7=509(LC 1),8=591(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-7=-448/6,2-8=-474/139,4-6=-474/138 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-2-13 to 3-2-13,Interior(1)3-2-13 to 5-1-8,Exterior(2)5-1-8 to 11-1-8,Interior(1)11-1-8 to 13-0-3,Exterior(2)13-0-3 to 16-0-3 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 4-0-0 oc. 7) •This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1 except(jt=lb)8=108,6=107. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard Att jj�_44 10) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building designer. ~ 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a unifor non �,AS' LOAD CASE(S) Standard ��� jli /�� STJUAN J. ul v +RA LE R S-IUUL� 1T• R A 1 UC SS/ONA�_ �,-�./� i►►niirr 'v 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B PB06 Piggyback 11 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:35 Page:1 ID:hRUavjdxMNhDZhv7wtImH WyfPDm-ZRGmgdkL8ggG?_La4rztyzR_O97BREAUcXh21 RyWA6 t 7-10-11 7-10-11 10-1-1 t 4x4 3 iI, m 2x4 4 2x4 11 Ili co ,.6 N 10 2 12 cl 6 i— M \ \ °-CIA 1 IIB1 y r 5 \ 7 6 3x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 10-1-1 Scale=1:36.9 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI ' DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TOLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.17 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.13 Horiz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BOLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:36 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 10-1-1. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=131(LC 11) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)5,6 except 7=-107(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=351(LC 1),7=568(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-6=-296/52,2-7=-442/139 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.opsf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-2-13 to 3-2-13,Interior(1)3-2-13 to 5-1-8,Exterior(2)5-1-8 to 10-2-2 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as perANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) Gable studs spaced at 4-0-0 oc. 7) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)5,6 except(jt=lb)7=107. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard A I it: 10) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building designer. �F�j 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a unify _t r q LOAD CASE(S) Standard ,. 0 JUAN J. �+1 4 RALES-U RA u'� STRUCIUF .L •t'21 S /ONA1 � irllW` 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E PB07 Piggyback 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:35 Page:1 ID:NkwobFWE165GXYtRXYf8Z6yfPFC-ZRGmgdkL8ggG?_La4rztyzR1h99FRFsUcXh21RyWA6 ,Iy 7-10-11 7-10-11 12-2-6 t 4x4 5 \ \ Allis6in 12c)8 �— c,\ 1V r Nid. Y Pi H 7 \ •1 11 10 9 8 10-1-1 Scale=1:36.9 4' Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.10 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.04 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Ina YES WB 0.08 Horiz(TL) 0.00 7 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:41 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 10-1-1. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=131(LC 11) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,7,9,10,11 Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)1,7,8,10 except 9=254 (LC 17),11=262(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. NOTES(12) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.opsf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-2-13 to 3-2-13,Interior(1)3-2-13 to 5-1-8,Exterior(2)5-1-8 to 10-2-2 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 8) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)7,1,9,10,11. 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard A Valk14uV 11) See Standard Industry Piggyback Truss Connection Detail for Connection to base truss as applicable,or consult qualified building designer. -� � 12) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a unifo`r# �r/044, LOAD CASE(S) Standard ' „ .4-, LA, • , �!�� a,-+ JUAN J. `r+1 v0 1 RALES-UT• RA 0 STRUC1UtL '21 _ _ .- -1 ASK?NALfit.,, � A4_ 1 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T01 Common 3 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MITek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:35 Page:1 ID:7jR_CsJSdXUgpHeNZivLoyfPB3-ZRGmgdkL8ggG7_La4rztyzRuP97LRBsUcXh21 RyWA6 0-4-0 5-4-4 0 6-8 010 81 5-3-12 t 15-0-4 15-0-4 t 5-3-128- 4 p-8 4x6 5 1121 23 2x4 4 6 a a 4x419 24 4x4 3 7 0„ .4%. 8Adollii .. 10 4x12 5x8 4x12 Scale=1.45.9 10-4-0 10-4-0 I Plate Offsets(X,Y): [10:0-4-0,0-3-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) -0.06 10 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.67 Vert(CT) -0.16 10-13 >999 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.34 Horz(CT) 0.05 8 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:86 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—2-6-0 installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1328/0-3-8,(min.0-2-1),8=1328/0-3-8,(min.0-2-1) Installation guide. Max Horiz 2=-145(LC 9) Max Uplift 2=-68(LC 11),8=-68(LC 12) FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-303/0,3-19=-1505/107,4-19=-1482/126,4-20=-1198/102,20-21=-1080/105,5-21=-1056/122,5-22=-1056/122, 22-23=-1080/105,6-23=-1198/102,6-24=-1482/126,7-24=-1505/107,7-8=-287/0 BOT CHORD 2-10=-166/1173,8-10=-21/1173 WEBS 5-10=-32/658,6-10=-446/155,4-10=-446/155 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 7-4-0,Exterior(2)7-4-0 to 13-4-0,Interior(1)13-4-0 to 18-6-8,Exterior(2)18-6-8 to 21-6-8 zone;C-C for members and forces &MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 68 lb uplift at joint 2 and 68 lb uplift at joint 8. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI . 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform - LOAD CASE(S) Standard ri"----""--,,,,V4ss V 4 4 c JUAN J. , CS ) .RACES-UIP f1A 0 STRUCIUFcL r J. �f SS/ON AI ` Mil 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO1GE Common Supported Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:36 Page:1 ID:XrAzzWAgw8QIzzUDz40ooyfPAU-1 eg92zkzu8o7d8wneZU6U8zBvYVRAgIerARbauyVVA5 0110-8 I 10-0-0 10-4-0 0110 4x4 8 4iIllI1II1sI_14 . , 1-0- 1 15 re.„........".................................„....„ ve...„...........,........„.„........................................................... t.,.....,.,.,.,..,.„......,...t.,,,,....,.._,,,....,.,..„,..„.:,.,.,A 6 iM.41:W•tiM•t•St i 1 tot•Stit t l i-t.i.N st•M•St es t i_i es ttet We't 62.6t4•414 es MU MT2OHS 3x10 5x6 MT2OHS 3x10 Scale=1:44.9 I, 20-8-0 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-6-13,0-0-4],[114:0-6-13,0-0-4],[20:0-3-0,0-3-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.04 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.20 Horz(CT) 0.00 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:109 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2-2-6-0 REACTIONS All bearings 20-8-0. (Ib)-Max Horiz 2=-145(LC 9) Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,19,21,22,23,2, 14 except 24=-103(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)17,20,23 except 16=265(LC 22),18=265(LC 19),19=334(LC 19),21=334(LC 18),22=265(LC 18),24=276(LC 21),2=265(LC 22),14=263 (LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 7-21=-294/67,9-19=-294/65 NOTES(14) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.opsf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Corner(3)-0-10-8 to 2-4-0,Exterior(2)2-4-0 to 7-4-0,Corner(3)7-4-0 to 13-4-0,Exterior(2)13-4-0 to 18-4-0,Corner(3)18-4-0 to 21-6-8 zone;C-C for members and forces& MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as perANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. ►114a 7) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. �HOF R[4o� 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. vJ� 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. N� i' . 10) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wid Il t-•etween the bottom , d any other members. .+ = `. N J. 11) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)2,21,22,23,19,1/1/ j` .,14 2, alp 24=l 2. 12) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s)14,29. i,`-' •HAL D U f t t1" 13) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced -,nda . sotoPilur 14) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a o n -r.4$21 LOAD CASE(S) Standard - _ + •-t v;w� 4.�r►►►inr��� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T02 Piggyback Base 4 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:36 Page:1 ID:J?gZ37Vg?i7pytNdg42pF_yfP8m-1eg92zkzu8o7d8wneZU6UBz9iYOEAXwerARbauyWA5 1 10 8 7-11-8 7-11-8 7-8-7 870 10 3'91 5-0 15 5 2614-8 33111 0 13 33-9-4 7 4 2 8z2-12 40 -8 -10�8 6x8 2x4 6x8 8 3 73 1 4x8 4x8 12 9 SXq 2 4x4 - 10 4x4 3 4x4 1i +c10I ; lD1ir2112 34 35 19 36 18 37 fig7 38 39 k 15 40 14 13 41x8 4xf.4 MT2OHS 3x10 4x8 3x41 3x6 2xx4 4x8 10-0-6 10-0-6 I 20-0-12 10-0-6 27-11-4 7-10-8 37 0-6 0 42-0-0 i Scale=1:72.2 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.27 Vert(LL) -0.24 17-19 >986 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.50 Vert(CT) -0.37 17-19 >656 180 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(CT) 0.02 17 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:234 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E except WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 2-0-0 oc purlins(10-0-0 max.):6-8. SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—2-6-0 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: 6-0-0 oc bracing:16-17. REACTIONS All bearings 0-3-8. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-17,7-17,10-16,8-17,8-16 (Ib)-Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)16,17 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)except 16=1195(LC 19), 17=2109(LC 18) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-709/0,3-28=-1228/135,4-28=-1017/160,4-29=-1141/210,5-29=-987/221,5-30=-902/246,6-30=-717/249, 6-7=-106/270,8-31=-85/302,9-31=-138/278,10-32=-280/154,10-33=-791/152,11-33=-974/126 BOT CHORD 2-34=-228/1058,34-35=-153/1058,19-35=-153/1058,19-36=-62/302,18-36=-62/302,18-37=-62/302,17-37=-62/302, 15-16=-26/632,15-40=-26/632,14-40=-26/632,13-14=-16/658,11-13=-203/584 WEBS 6-17=-1259/120,7-17=-602/126,10-16=-854/209,8-17=-335/28,8-16=-464/16,4-19=-725/253,6-19=-154/1162 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 3-3-14,Interior(1)3-3-14 to 9-9-1,Exterior(2)9-9-1 to 32-2-15,Interior(1)32-2-15 to 38-8-2,Exterior(2)38-8-2 to 42-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces S,MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10,W left=21-10-8,W right=21-10-8 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. �.,,►illll, 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fi) .wer1�ther l�'Q . chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. j '- ' 4, 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)2,17,16 except Qt=lb))`V)"--.i �fl �L,i4 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced s41t1$td SI/TPI 1. 9) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. %=> �'-. 10) The loading on this truss has been modified to reflect the roof profile,the ridgeline is located 21-10-8 from joint 1 and has a slope of: •¢ the left ti ,t9 t - • - 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a i., , _ ES U ' I LOAD CASE(S) Standard STRUC1 Ur r t2/ SSIONM. ►hnnr 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO2GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MIA Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:36 Page:1 ID:3_Kkgliub7OCFb7YhElyVtyfP4d-1 eg92zkzu8o7d8wneZU6UBzBzYOEAVuerARbauyVVA5 -9-1018 7-11-8 0-10 18 7-11-8 10-4-14 2-5-6 I 5-2-10 21-0-0 5-4-8 1 53-111 2614-8 0. 13 33-9-4 7-4-12 1 42-0-0 8-2-12 4 0-1018 8x8 6x6 rnAn rsa 11 642 13 p.m 14 rwr 5 6 II, 3 8T3 1 f� 16 H14-0 8 7 ,� ,• 17 4x8 tr(,, � a ��- 9.5 Q Bx6 x8 •4;2 a'3 �' 1 \ N*': ' .. /i: •64x4 7 \Ii;S324 �a� _ .V` 67 68 38 69 37 .•re.ev00000a:-.es• .ar..•.•.•.e•.•::.•. v.• ;.•...... .•..•roo::•.•e. :.:.•:r 41x8 4x4 3x8 4x8 3jx4 5x6 1 4x8 204 I 10-0-6 10-0-6 20-4-8 10-4-2 012 27-11-4 I7-0 6 34-11-10 I a7-0-6 1 Scale=1:72.2 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [6:0-4-0,0-4-4],[9:0-4-0,0-3-12] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Vdefl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.19 Vert(LL) -0.17 36-38 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.50 Vert(CT) -0.32 36-38 >761 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.93 Horz(CT) 0.02 53 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:356 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E except WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 2-0-0 oc purlins(10-0-0 max.):9-15. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2-2-6-0 6-0-0 oc bracing:35-36,34-35,33-34. REACTIONS All bearings 21-7-8.except 2=0-3-8 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 12-36,36-45,15-33,11-40,34-49 (Ib)-Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)27,28,31,32,33,35,36,23 JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s):39,41,45,46, except 26=-114(LC 12) 47,48,51,52 Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)27,28,29,31,34 except MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be 26=476(LC 1),32=276(LC 1),33=356(LC 19),35=406(LC installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer 19),36=1922(LC 18),23=383(LC 19) Installation guide. FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-733/0,3-61=-1296/144,4-61=-1252/169,4-62=-1166/206,5-62=-1067/218,5-6=-955/201,6-7=-899/206, 7-8=-912/230,8-63=-920/275,9-63=-852/281 BOT CHORD 2-67=-233/1122,67-68=-157/1122,38-68=-157/1122,38-69=-83/487,37-69=-83/487,36-37=-83/487 WEBS 4-38=-555/214,9-45=-953/58,40-45=-1024/68,36-40=-1652/164,38-39=-113/999,39-42=-143/1042,9-42=-177/1166, 33-50=-265/4,11-40=-507/86,14-48=-435/53,35-48=-424/54,22-26=-372/125 NOTES(14) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 3-3-14,Interior(1)3-3-14 to 9-8-0,Exterior(2)9-8-0 to 32-2-15,Interior(1)32-2-15 to 38-8-2,Exterior(2)38-8-2 to 42-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End e,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. /'\'t{U:'r..'y^^n' 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10,W left=21-10-8,W right=21-10-8 /J• wy�.e 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. "/ • 'ry', 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-conile0t. h other live loads. 0,,% 6) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 1-` JUAN 3. 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. it O IF RA v' 8) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wi 1 rtt? :-S]eg e U �. 'ch r rd- any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. ... n 9) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)23,36,33,28,35, . , \:,2 e ••', '-•)2- 0: 26=113. —_.- .. ...' = 41 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced sta .t r'. ,IiSao•BEEN; .war 11) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. fr,. ,'.,,, ,,�iM -- AA �i►htYTtlt't�t �,ae page 10/09/2019 Cont Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO2GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print 8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:36 Page:2 ID:3_Kkgliub7OCFb7YhElyVtylP4d-1 eg92zkzu8o7d8wneZU6UBzBzYOEAVuerARbauyWA5 12) 2 X 4 notch at 20000 o.c.is allowed along the stacked top chord. No notches allowed in overhang and 1008 from left end and 1008 from right end or 12"along rake from scarf, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c.maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching,provide at least one tie plate between each notch. 13) The loading on this truss has been modified to reflect the roof profile,the ridgeline is located 21-10-8 from joint 1 and has a slope of 8.000 on the left and-8.000 on the right. 14) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard • JUAN J. RA•RAZES UT' u' STRUC1U SSiONALtN. 10/0•/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T03 Common 3 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:37 Page:1 ID:m_2D2PepE5D8ca5YGciFfKyfP3P-VgOXFJIcfSw_FIVzBG7L1 O W F_yh Wv7xn4gA86KyVVA4 0110-81 6-1-12 t 5-10-4 if15-10-4 Jf 6-1-12 0110-81 5x6 5 �, 23 24 12 8 n 22 25 2x4 2x4 4 6 4 4 i r' rn rn 4x4 4x4 21 26 3 7 ��� Sv1 2'� ��I t 6 12 27 11 28 10 6 4x12 3x4 MT2OHS 3x10 3x4 4x12 -0-0 Scale=1:49.3 8-0-0 t 16-0-0 8-0-0 8-0-0 t Plate Offsets(X,Y): [5:0-3-4,0-2-8],[8:0-0-0,0-0-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.25 10-12 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.69 Vert(CT) -0.37 10-12 >778 180 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.24 Horz(CT) 0.07 8 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:104 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-3 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—2-6-0 installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1528/0-3-8,(min.0-2-6),8=1527/0-3-8,(min.0-2-6) Installation guide. Max Horiz 2=166(LC 10) Max Uplift 2=-77(LC 11),8=-77(LC 12) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-21=-1825/103,4-21=-1802/125,4-22=-1669/156,22-23=-1508/169,5-23=-1505/185,5-24=-1505/185, 24-25=-1508/169,6-25=-1669/156,6-26=-1802/125,7-26=-1825/103 BOT CHORD 2-12=-167/1421,12-27=0/1004,11-27=0/1004,11-28=0/1004,10-28=0/1004,8-10=-16/1413 WEBS 4-12=-506/188,5-12=-109/669,5-10=-109/669,6-10=-506/188 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 9-0-0,Exterior(2)9-0-0 to 15-0-0,Interior(1)15-0-0 to 21-10-8,Exterior(2)21-10-8 to 24-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 77 lb uplift at joint 2 and 77 lb uplift at joint 8. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard _ 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a unifo t. "`r F r114,. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �� �^6 7 JUAN J.Ct u1'+1 �'v ne 1RALES-UT' RA (I'-7.►\ STRUCI OF'r.L C. aSA1N44 A1�.,0A 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO3GE Common Supported Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:37 Page:1 ID:jvDgcj4P1911 w6rTNALh6vyfP2r-VgOXFJIcfSw_FIVzBG7L1 OW Mfyrgv69n4gA86KyVVA4 0110-81 12-0-0 1 12-0-0 0110-81 4x4 8 71 9 12 8 r 6 10 5 '� R4 'iTm m 4 i III:11 n 6x6 � � 1112 1 1 A1� , ill A 14 15 \ \ Deee4�D.ee44eee•:R••t�Dee•Nree.ee4ei Ariz•••••��"'"'"'"'"'"'"'��4 eW.1re�•Ve����ee00el4J•�QPeei•J"."'"w"4eY. MT2OHS 3x10 5x6 MT2OHS 3x10 Scale=1:48.4 1. 24-0-0 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-2-8,0-1-8],[14:0-2-8,0-1-8],[19:0-3-0,0-3-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.04 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.29 Horz(CT) 0.01 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:132 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 8-21 SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-5-2,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—2-5-2 REACTIONS All bearings 24-0-0. (Ib)-Max Horiz 2=166(LC 10) Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,19,20,22,23, 24,25,2,14 except 26=-105(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,21,24,25, 14 except 19=279(LC 19),20=344(LC 19),22=344(LC 18), 23=279(LC 18),26=254(LC 21),2=257(LC 22) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 7-22=-304/66,9-20=-304/64 NOTES(13) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Comer(3)-0-10-8 to 2-0-0,Exterior(2)2-0-0 to 9-0-0,Corner(3)9-0-0 to 15-0-0,Exterior(2)15-0-0 to 21-10-8,Corner(3)21-10-8 to 24-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 7) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. ►AiV 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. F 4 �ZN �Q 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. ,p.. +.:r,� 10) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide fitb een the bolt•..'ho - d any other members. ; (- U, 11) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)2,22,23,24,25,2Z1a9;1'.,17,1 j'[*pF2.114 ex 26=105. .4 `:' UTP FiA 12) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and reference. ..: -,. j1L 13) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a••'fo :arc 4Ut21 O` LOAD CASES) Standard _ ... . __.1/ 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T04 Common 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:37 Page:1 I D:Jc37YW FBSSW2bGw9B6bzhsyfP2d-VgOXFJIcfSw_FIVzBG?L1 OW9Wyhw7Pn4gA86KyWA4 1-6-0 0110-81 5-10-12 f 15-7-4 1 15-7-4 5-10-12 0110-81 5x6 5 4 Al2 23 24 8 f— 22 25 2x4 2x4 4 6 4 4 r 26 4x421 4x4 3 7 T1 2 I� �,8 9 i. lI .\ 12 27 28 11 10 8 4x12 3x4 3x4 3x4 4x12 15-4-0 3-0-0 Scale=1:48.3 7-8-0 7-8-0 27-8-0 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [5:0-3-4,0-2-8],[8:0-0-0,0-0-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.97 Vert(LL) -0.23 10-12 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.66 Vert(CT) -0.34 10-12 >802 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.21 Horz(CT) 0.07 8 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:100 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-6-0,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—2-6-0 installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1468/0-3-8,(min.0-2-5),8=1468/0-3-8,(min.0-2-5) Installation guide. Max Horiz 2=-160(LC 9) Max Uplift 2=-75(LC 11),8=-75(LC 12) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-21=-1735/101,4-21=-1712/121,4-22=-1591/151,22-23=-1443/163,5-23=-1434/179,5-24=-1434/179, 24-25=-1443/163,6-25=-1591/151,6-26=-1712/121,7-26=-1735/101 BOT CHORD 2-12=-160/1351,12-27=0/957,27-28=0/957,11-28=0/957,10-11=0/957,8-10=-15/1345 WEBS 4-12=-484/179,5-12=-105/636,5-10=-105/636,6-10=-484/179 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.Opsf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 8-6-0,Exterior(2)8-6-0 to 14-6-0,Interior(1)14-6-0 to 20-10-8,Exterior(2)20-10-8 to 23-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.opsf. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 75 lb uplift at joint 2 and 75 lb uplift at joint 8. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform ,,, W LOAD CASE(S) Standard ^vHOF A,1444. O1� 'CS'. (F 3 SJUANJc) 4- . S-UT' RA V' , STRUCIU $21 4 -.4 SSnJN�t.�•° �OhiiiiiIII 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO4GE Common Supported Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:37 Page:1 ID:48Y9D FLCZvXvZVXhfokr?YyfP2V-VgOXFJIcfSw_FIVzB G?L 1 O W Mfyrgv6dn4gA86Ky WA4 0110-81 11-6-0 11-6-0 0110-81 4x4 8 7 C 9 12 8 r 6 10 S q qq 5 1 pm 11 ao co 414 1 12 1 6x6 IL ` ex6 F 3 13 .I. %F r, 1-0 1 2 '� 1116,h.14 15 MT2OHS 3x10 3x4 MT2OHS 3x10 Scale=1:47.3 , 23-0-0 4. Plate Offsets(X,Y): (2:0-2-8,0-1-8]1,[14:0-2-8,0-1-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.03 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.26 Horz(CT) 0.00 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:123 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 8-22 SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--1-9-15,Right 2x6 SPF No.2--1-9-15 REACTIONS All bearings 23-0-0. (Ib)-Max Horiz 2=160(LC 10) Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,20,21,23,24, 25,26,2,14 except 27=-111(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,22,25,26, 27,2,14 except 20=278(LC 19),21=342(LC 19),23=342(LC 18),24=278(LC 18) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 7-23=-302/66,9-21=-302/65 NOTES(14) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Corner(3)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Exterior(2)2-1-8 to 8-6-0,Corner(3)8-6-0 to 14-6-0,Exterior(2)14-6-0 to 20-10-8,Corner(3)20-10-8 to 23-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as perANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 7) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. ��� k111`V 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. v/ �t r;"1.!4 $* 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. n 10) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wid f flfb. •een the bolt. i hq • d any other members. /.- v� 11) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)2,23,24,25,26,2 % ',,17,1juillw2,114 ex r 27=110. O FtAI.ES UTF f�+l UI 12) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s)14,32. 7 UI-�L 13) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced nda. �l�ll/ �1. 14) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a r+ o n -r.41 21 • LOAD CASE(S) Standard ♦♦ ' ..1,F,� C ►►mfir 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B T05 Common 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:37 Page:1 ID:81 ygNNXc1 WQnsoAa1 RVM6JyfP2G-VgOXFJIcfSw_FIVzBG?L1 OW BOy4v8sn4gA86KyV VA4 t10-81 5-7-12 1-0-0 6-4-4 22- -0 0110-81 5-7-12 15-4-4 15-4-4 5-70-12 010-8� 5x6 5 12 23 24 8 r 22 25 2x4 2x4 4 6 5x6 5x6 21 26 3 7 1-0 1 211 _ _ ' 116 s T It O ■1 ICI 12 27 11 28 10 i 4x12 3x4 3x6 3x4 4x12 7-4-0 14-8-0 I 22-0-0 Scale=1:47.2 7-4-0 7-4-0 +I�' 7-4-0 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-7-13,Edge],[5:0-3-4,0-2-8],[8:0-7-13,Edge],[8:0-0-0,0-0-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.85 Vert(LL) -0.18 10-12 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.59 Vert(CT) -0.28 10-12 >930 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.18 Horz(CT) 0.06 8 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:103 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be SLIDER Left 2x8 SP No.1—2-6-0,Right 2x8 SP No.1—2-6-0 installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1408/0-5-8,(min.0-2-3),8=1408/0-5-8,(min.0-2-3) Installation guide. Max Horiz 2=-153(LC 9) Max Uplift 2=-72(LC 11),8=-72(LC 12) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-415/0,3-21=-1647/98,4-21=-1624/117,4-22=-1513/146,22-23=-1379/156,5-23=-1363/173,5-24=-1363/173, 24-25=-1379/156,6-25=-1513/146,6-26=-1624/117,7-26=-1647/98,7-8=-255/0 BOT CHORD 2-12=-149/1280,12-27=0/912,11-27=0/912,11-28=0/912,10-28=0/912,8-10=-14/1276 WEBS 4-12=-458/170,5-12=-101/603,5-10=-101/603,6-10=-458/170 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 8-0-0,Exterior(2)8-0-0 to 14-0-0,Interior(1)14-0-0 to 19-10-8,Exterior(2)19-10-8 to 22-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 72 lb uplift at joint 2 and 72 lb uplift at joint 8. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI . 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform LOAD CASE(S) Standard ----' OF h[Q'` it JUAN J. 1 I •RALES-UTP RA j STRUCTUr�L -•2 1 , _ _ ►nnnrfi` 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO5GE Common Supported Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:38 Page:1 ID:YtANZDm9KfxxGtiQCes2wxyfP1 y-zOyvTfmEQl2rsS491_WaZc3XOMB3eaKxlUwiemyWA3 2 0110-81 11-0-0 1 11-0-0 0110-81 4x4 8 I7 9 12 8 r 6 10 5 11 0 4' III I ,1 2 6x6 111 6x6 3 �13 1-i— 1ASS 2SA►in , 16x6 14 15 LirC ii MT2OHS 3x10 3x4 MT2OHS 3x10 Scale=1:46.3 22-0-0 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-2-8,0-1-8],[14:0-2-8,0-1-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.03 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.23 Horz(CT) 0.00 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:114 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--1-2-11,Right 2x6 SPF No.2—1-2-11 REACTIONS All bearings 22-0-0. (Ib)-Max Horiz 2=153(LC 10) Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)17,18,20,21,23,24,25, 26,2,14 except 16=-109(LC 12),27=-130(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)16,17,18,22,25,26, 27,2,14 except 20=277(LC 19),21=340(LC 19),23=340(LC 18),24=277(LC 18) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 7-23=-299/67,9-21=-299/65 NOTES(13) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Comer(3)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Exterior(2)2-1-8 to 8-0-0,Corner(3)8-0-0 to 14-0-0,Exterior(2)14-0-0 to 19-10-8,Corner(3)19-10-8 to 22-10-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as perANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 7) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. `,J► ill 8) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. V- :,„f,"j'. `'- 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. �,, r;.\''-, . S •. 10) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide, 1'fif.S •een the bolt.• •tho nd any other members. ,i�..• ,..,„\ �+11) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)2,23,24,25,26,2 0;.1'.,17,1j,j 4pxcept 1`'-ipr 27=130,16=109. :(rJ q-U'( "I" (II 12) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced9a�tp� •- • U Ur'�L •13) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in amiifor . LOAD CASE(S) Standard i2 1 . .• "=� �`�1t7ltT'' .P:,f'C 1 'PiSn� At 1 /0 09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T06 Piggyback Base 11 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:38 Page:1 ID:hpC8PznHEgrOAOOKxVr_fxyfP7M-zOyvTfmEQl2rsS491_WaZc3SkM 1teQvxIUwiemyWA3 l 7-6-14 1 154-14 1` 11 20-a 1a l 2Fa-1a l 31 a a 31�j-1a 343_1a l 47-18 4 1#1a 1 7 8 14 1 7-8-0 0-0 13 5-0-3 T 5-5-0 1 5-1 6 Ob110 7-8-0 1 7-11-8 -110-a 4x6 6x6 4x4 2x4 6x8 ea 7Q ea di 30a 3h17 as ca 31 T3 m T1 4x8 ax6 RR12 0 Z%4 R.x4 1 5 4x4 1 2 1 12 I 134W 36 37 19 18 38 39 40 16 41 15 1442 43 4x1 1 10 5x8 5x6 4x8 4x6 4x4 4x6 4x10 75-7-14 36-6-7 I 12-10-13 12-9-1 0- 12 10 8 13 10-8-15 I Scale=1:80.3 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI ' DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.49 Vert(LL) -0.21 17-19 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.68 Vert(CT) -0.33 17-19 >949 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.83 Horz(CT) 0.02 17 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:282 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-6-5 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 except WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2*Except*W4:2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2-0-0 oc purlins(6-0-0 max.):5-9. WEDGE Right:2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2--2-6-0 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-17,8-17,9-17,5-19 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1353/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8),12=1145/0-5-8,(min. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be 0-1-15),17=3263/0-3-8,(req.0-5-2) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Horiz 1=-210(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift 1=-76(LC 11),12=-106(LC 12),17=-23(LC 8) Max Gray 1=1441(LC 18),12=1228(LC 19),17=3263(LC 1) FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-829/0,2-27=-1661/151,3-27=-1497/173,3-28=-1351/147,4-28=-1133/165,4-5=-1112/186,5-29=-932/214, 6-29=-932/214,6-7=-1/432,7-30=-1/432,30-31=-1/432,31-32=-1/432,8-32=-1/432,8-33=0/414,9-33=0/414, 9-10=-818/230,10-34=-902/202,11-34=-1057/191,11-35=-1013/158,12-35=-1382/135 BOT CHORD 1-36=-208/1382,36-37=-151/1382,19-37=-151/1382,18-19=-73/365,18-38=-73/365,38-39=-73/365,17-39=-73/365, 17-40=0/297,16-40=0/297,16-41=0/297,15-41=0/297,14-15=-22/999,14-42=-22/999,42-43=-22/999,12-43=-22/999 WEBS 6-17=-1778/159,8-17=-810/124,9-17=-1229/117,9-15=-127/1096,11-15=-722/242,6-19=-89/1106,3-19=-685/237 NOTES(12) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-2-10 to 4-11-6,Interior(1)4-11-6 to 9-0-1,Exterior(2)9-0-1 to 22-4-9,Interior(1)22-4-9 to 25-1-7,Exterior(2)25-1-7 to 38-5-14,Interior(1)38-5-14 to 43-7-12, Exterior(2)43-7-12 to 48-4-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10,W left=24-2-4,W right=24-2-4 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit be itiottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. , f3M 6) WARNING:Required bearing size at joint(s)17 greater than input bearing size. \ �H 1J„'4 7) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. /tl- 1,,, 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 76 lb uplift at joint 1,106 lb uplift at joint 12.4PO5 .uplift at joint 17.\ Jr 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced c�hda .ANSI/TP�t14 All 10) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. _, 57,` 11) The loading on this truss has been modified to reflect the roof profile,the ridgeline is located 24-2-4 from joint 1 and has a slope of 8.51 an ••53 i:•righ� 12) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a fo UC1 Ur.L LOAD CASE(S) Standard \ •$2 1 • SS ION - A n/11i111t� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO6GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:38 Page:1 I D:U83815mb I FrUh BCcLAFgdpyfOx W-zoyvTfm EQ12rsS491_W aZc3U U M4ieYIx1 Uwiemy WA3 7-8-14 15d-14 1515-11 7n-q-14 j. 96-7-14 1 31-7-14 1, 36-2-8 1 3Q-1-14 47-3-6 4 1}14 7-8 14 7-8 0 13 5-4-3 5-5-0 5-5-0 4-6-10 3-1-6 7-11-80-id-8 8x8 5x6 4x4 8x8 ad17n ca19 ha 15x97318tiff 1Rsa 111574 0 ). ^ T8 3 : • .-4 iflt.N. 8x8 1 x6 N ')8py - 3xd 4x is $ NpviipsN p 3 4x4 . �3�c3 � � t4x4 4x1. -., f'. \/8x: 0 U f. 1of1 12le-, 9 . o. . 2ii\,... 8 s-� 28�-0 n n �, r 29 77 28 2778 79 :. 4x8 V.. 4x8 4x6 4x8 4x6 4x4 4x6 8x8 147-1-8 12-10-13 12 10 13 10 8 13 I 10-8-15 i Scale=1:80.3 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-4-0,0-2-8],[8:0-4-0,0-4-8],[14:0-4-0,0-4-8],[20:0-4-0,0-3-8],[25:Edge,0-3-13] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl Lid PLATES GRIP TOLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.38 Vert(LL) -0.08 28-30 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.50 Vert(CT) -0.14 28-63 >999 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.36 Horz(CT) 0.01 25 n/a n/a BOLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:430 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-3-8 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 except WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2'Except'W4:2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E 2-0-0 oc puffins(10-0-0 max.):10-20. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEDGE Right:2x4 SPF No.2 10-0-0 oc bracing:28-30,25-28. SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2-2-6-0 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 17-30,10-57,16-50,32-52,33-53 REACTIONS All bearings 25-11-6.except 25=0-5-8 JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s):44,46,47,48, (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-211(LC 7) 49,51,52,53,54,55,57,58, Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)30,33,34,35,37,38,39, 59 41,42,1 except 31=-137(LC 20),43=-107(LC 11),25=-116 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (LC 12) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)31,33,37,39,40,41, Installation guide. 42,1 except 30=2151(LC 19),32=283(LC 18),34=283(LC 18),35=327(LC 1),38=349(LC 1),43=261(LC 21),25=1293 (LC 19) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 13-14=-56/253,20-21=-843/251,21-22=-907/198,22-23=-1004/202,23-75=-1088/191,24-75=-1137/187, 24-76=-1262/163,25-76=-1465/141 BOT CHORD 29-30=0/502,29-77=0/502,28-77=0/502,27-28=-21/1050,27-78=-21/1050,78-79=-21/1050,25-79=-21/1050 WEBS 13-52=-277/40,30-50=-281/46,17-30=-490/95,30-45=-1361/140,45-49=-1132/73,48-49=-1032/37,20-48=-943/37, 20-60=-137/1045,44-60=-69/934,28-44=-73/938,24-28=-524/189,10-56=-310/26,45-47=-254/75,44-46=-255/76, 15-51=-252/34,31-51=-269/37,55-56=-279/29,35-55=-278/29,8-58=-329/104,38-58=-321/99 NOTES(14) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelop elkc4i* d C-C Exterior(2)0-2-10 to 4-11-6,Interior(1)4-11-6 to 9-0-1,Exterior(2)9-0-1 to 22-4-9,Interior(1)22-4-9 to 25-2-10,Exterior(2)25-2-10 to 38- , rferigr#1li,38_� .43-7-12, Exterior(2)43-7-12 to 48-4-8 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 ,J. •r.•1' 'SS 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Ga�.!Ent1�i.- -ils as apple...•-,.. -, suet qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. r` J 3) TOLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10,W left=24-2-4,W right=24-2-4 Z/ JUAN J. - 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. p cl• 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 16.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-co I rfeii , ° tbg'T-•;1_"A 1 6) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. i STRUC1 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. \\ \ 4'211 . 8) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-0. ,•. Z.•.,-.•' g „'.Tx • any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. • ( e�' .' . z 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO6GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:38 Page:2 I D:U83815mb I FrU hBCcLAFgdpyfOx W-zOyvTfmEQl2rsS491_WaZc3U UM4ieYIx1 UwiemyWA3 9) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,30,37,33,34,35,38,39,41,42,1 except(jt=lb)25=115, 31=137,43=106. 10) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 11) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 12) 2 X 4 notch at 20000 o.c.is allowed along the stacked top chord. No notches allowed in overhang and 0 from left end and 1008 from right end or 12"along rake from scarf, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c.maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching,provide at least one tie plate between each notch. 13) The loading on this truss has been modified to reflect the roof profile,the ridgeline is located 24-2-4 from joint 1 and has a slope of 8.000 on the left and-8.000 on the right. 14) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard :0 OF M4s gor cry, JUAN J. .,- S4UT'� RA U' STRUC1U 6`"I,a� 14i```/ 3SK?NAt�t: �,� 102 9 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B T07 Piggyback Base 9 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:39 Page:1 ID:4XGikW VYRBh5AB0ugQH3N_yfOg5-RCW Hg?nsB3AhUbfLJh 1 p6pbXKmRnNwY4X8fFADyWA2 25-8-12 7-8-14 t 15-4-14 10 7 4-8-12 t 5-3-11 I 6x10 2x4 5x6 5 _ _ 19 1..,1 = 7 \ .�1 5x1040011/ 4 4AiIrA 4x6t6 17 2 1 I, I 1-t 12 uwi s ♦ M .rr [air E''A 8 22 23 11 24 10 25 9 26 4x10 5x6 3x6 6x10 3x4 17-3-11 Scale=1:56.7 1' 8-6-15 8-6-15 t 8-8-12 28-5-5-12 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [1:0-7-2,Edge] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.89 Vert(LL) -0.18 9-11 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.45 Vert(CT) -0.27 9-11 >999 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.68 Horz(CT) 0.03 8 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:166 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E except end verticals,and 2-0-0 oc purlins(6-0-0 max.):5-7. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2'Except*W6:2x6 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2x6 SPF No.2--2-6-0 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 7-8,5-11,5-9,6-9 REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=1530/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8),8=1530/Mechanical,(min. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be 0-1-8) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Horiz 1=312(LC 11) Installation guide. Max Uplift 1=-33(LC 11),8=-110(LC 8) Max Gray 1=1982(LC 26),8=1823(LC 25) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-337/0,2-16=-2595/23,16-17=-2550/26,3-17=-2135/52,3-18=-2549/173,4-18=-2199/189,4-5=-2166/211, 5-19=-872/89,6-19=-872/89,6-20=-1050/117,20-21=-1050/117,7-21=-1050/117,7-8=-1750/202 BOT CHORD 1-22=-338/1974,22-23=-269/1974,11-23=-269/1974,11-24=-114/1011,10-24=-114/1011,10-25=-114/1011, 9-25=-114/1011 WEBS 7-9=-197/1734,3-11=-1138/275,5-11=-229/1497,5-9=-869/185,6-9=-951/134 NOTES(10) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-2-10 to 3-2-10,Interior(1)3-2-10 to 11-5-7,Exterior(2)11-5-7 to 19-11-4,Interior(1)19-11-4 to 22-8-10,Exterior(2)22-8-10 to 25-8-10 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between th bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. - �-(',r V+p�� 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 110 lb uplift at joint 8 and 33 lb uplift at joint 1.� r'. . `•�,4,-, 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced s brFl• l/TPI 1. L-1'', 9) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. (-, t \ 10) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a r annewAN J. -A LOAD CASE(S) Standard v0 •F4ALES-UT' R STRUCTU �L 4121 SS+t7NA�Et� 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO7A Piggyback Base 2 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:39 Page:1 ID:STsH19gzDBtrChhowlj49TyfOn5-RCWHg?nsB3AhUbfLJh1p6pbYjmLANv34X8fFADyWA2 -p¢ 15-10-15 7-11-8 15-7-8 d-10-1D Xg 7-11-8 t 7-8-0 jr1 20-7-118-12 5-3 11 t 0-3-7 6x8 2x4 5x6 6 - _ 20 _ z,1 8 • 5x10 5' 19 12 824 0 4 Q o c,4 V 44 1; 3 17 2 1 1 ■ 7-1 aw= 9 • 22 23 12 24 11 25 10 26 4x10 5x6 3x6 6x10 3x4 1 Scale=1:58.7 8-9-9 8-8-12 25-11-6 8-5 1 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.80 Vert(LL) -0.20 10-12 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.81 Vert(CT) -0.30 10-12 >999 180 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.71 Horz(CT) 0.04 9 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:167 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-3 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 except end verticals,and 2-0-0 oc purlins(6-0-0 max.):6-8. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2*Except*W6:2x6 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2--2-6-0 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 8-9,6-12,6-10,7-10 REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=1632/0-3-8,(min.0-3-4),9=1542/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8) MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Max Horiz 2=332(LC 11) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift 2=-49(LC 11),9=-110(LC 8) Installation guide. Max Gray 2=2081(LC 27),9=1831(LC 26) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-758/0,3-17=-2651/20,17-18=-2627/23,4-18=-2186/52,4-19=-2618/174,5-19=-2268/191,5-6=-2230/213, 6-20=-883/88,7-20=-883/88,7-21=-1057/117,8-21=-1057/117,8-9=-1758/202 BOT CHORD 2-22=-355/2035,22-23=-270/2035,12-23=-270/2035,12-24=-113/1024,11-24=-113/1024,11-25=-113/1024, 10-25=-113/1024 WEBS 8-10=-197/1744,4-12=-1189/279,6-12=-230/1572,6-10=-885/184,7-10=-953/134 NOTES(11) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vuit=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 11-5-7,Exterior(2)11-5-7 to 19-11-4,Interior(1)19-11-4 to 22-8-10,Exterior(2)22-8-10 to 25-8-10 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 20.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-concurrent with other live loads. 5) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. ill 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 110 lb uplift at joint 9 and 49 lb uplift at joint 2. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced sta i 'MSS 10) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. .,, ,`: L J.. 11) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a ualfdrR1 ,-nner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �j z JUAN J. �"�` i aRAIESUT` RA V'� ST RUCT U •21 SSIONA 4,"� n 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO7GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:39 Page:1 ID:Eu2lhbNeJCtgxCvCswVsoFyfOl6-RCWHg?nsa3AhUbf.Jh 1 p6pbb7mKSNzH4X8fFADyWA2 -p¢ }I I 15-7-8 20-7-11-10-15 7-11-8 I Iy 01-10- 7-11-8 1 13 9-64 I 100.•7 5 5-3 111 I 3-10-10 4-8-12 6x6 4x6 7 8 = 9 _ 1 2 _ 13 6 '� NI• r 8x6 „ 11 „,5 ;/ �►� 4 .�. I� �: 2t ,2 //I R 8r N ie o 2 4 I. 90 4 111\ o • ff / 4x4 48 33. \ /Ailkl G,c 1 1 2,�. 14 , 43 44 19 45 18 46 17 •................. 4x10 4x4 MT2OHS 3x10 4x8 3x4 2I}3-10-8 18 9-9 I 8-8-12 5-315 1 1 2-0-14 I Scale=1:60.6 1-0-4 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [5:0-4-0,0-4-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.58 Vert(LL) -0.21 17-19 >999 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.85 Vert(CT) -0.33 17-19 >836 180 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.51 Horz(CT) 0.05 15 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0` Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 . Weight:230 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-9-1 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 except end verticals,and 2-0-0 oc purlins(6-0-0 max.):7-13. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2`Except`W12:2x6 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 6-0-0 oc bracing:14-15. SLIDER Left 2x4 SPF No.2—2-6-0 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 13-14,15-34 REACTIONS All bearings 3-2-14.except 2=0-3-8,16=0-3-8 JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s):13,20,21,22, (Ib)-Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)14,15,16 23,24,25,26,28 Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)16 except 14=799(LC MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be 26),15=1022(LC 26) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-709/0,3-39=-2495/9,39-40=-2442/12,4-40=-2265/41,4-41=-2317/140,5-41=-2002/159,5-6=-1815/151, 6-7=-1680/191,7-8=-604/59,8-9=-604/59,9-10=-604/59,10-11=-587/62,11-42=-587/62,12-42=-587/62,12-13=-587/62, 13-14=-782/91 BOT CHORD 2-43=-357/1885,43 34=-258/1885,19-44=-258/1885,19-45=-131/1103,18-45=-131/1103,18-46=-131/1103, 17-46=-131/1103,16-17=-85/595,15-16=-85/595 WEBS 17-23=-66/636,23-27=-68/651,26-27=-106/1010,26-34=-107/1025,24-34=-60/633,13-24=102/970,4-19=-844/229, 19-20=-171/1242,20-33=-190/1285,7-33=-215/1377,7-31=-501/109,21-31=-547/125,17-21=-557/123,17-22=92/258, 22-28=-3/300,10-28=-3/305,5-20=-502/61,20-32=491/65,30-32=-508/77,21-30=-494/70,21-29=-500/74, 22-29=-561/84,22-23=-544/81,23-25=-712/101,15-25=-740/106,12-24=-606/61,9-28=-548/48,27-28=-538/46, 15-34=-675/66 NOTES(15) 1.4I4444 I 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(env xtgrioreone.40,,^-C Exterior(2)-0-10-8 to 2-1-8,Interior(1)2-1-8 to 11-5-7,Exterior(2)11-5-7 to 19-11-6,Interior(1)19-11-6 to 22-8-10,Exterior(2)22-8-10 41 5 80.0 `•�-' • '•cm rs and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 ►v 1 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry G4T/En: retails as applicab-,,,sr, sult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. JUAN J. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3i a i3Al ES UT -RA tfi 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 5) This truss has been designed for greater of min roof live load of 20.0 psf or 2.00 times flat roof load of 35.0 psf on overhangs non-coi• en Pv� 6) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. -S 21 • 7) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. A .• 8) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. ,. , (� f<�C 9) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. ,,f •`'5d)Ni+ A� "ihmn ��,o page 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B TO7GE Piggyback Base Structural Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:39 Page:2 ID:Eu2lhbNeJCtgxCvCswVsoFyfOl6-RCWHg?nsB3AhUbtLJh1 p6pbb7mKSNzH4X8fFADyWA2 10) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 11) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)14,2,15,16. 12) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 13) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 14) 2 X 4 notch at 20000 o.c.is allowed along the stacked top chord. No notches allowed in overhang and 1008 from left end and 0 from right end or 12"along rake from scarf, whichever is larger. Minimum 1.5x4 tie plates required at 2-0-0 o.c.maximum between the stacking chords. For edge-wise notching,provide at least one tie plate between each notch. 15) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard HOF A4q .gibr Cc, JUAN J. - S-UT• RA (1) STRUC1U *21 Ai 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E T08 Jack-Closed 11 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:40 Page:1 ID:pBG2Bcvcce8NOOEdDrxAl8yfOul-vP4fuLnUyN IY6IEYtPY2f 18oGAks6MfDmoPpjfyWA1 7-1-1 64110-13 7'3-5 5x10 ma 4x4 1 itt . gr-4x6 4x4 , 6 II . ' 6 Aiiiik1 r(1 14 15 8 16 7 17 10x12 4x4 MT2OHS 3x10 5x8 Scale=1:68.9 1 10-6-15 10-6-15 10-3-110 201 -2 518 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [5:0-5-0,0-1-8],[9:Edge,0-3-4] j5[ Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.49 Vert(LL) -0.34 6-8 >731 240 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.58 Vert(CT) -0.52 6-8 >482 180 MT2OHS 148/108 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.75 Horz(CT) 0.03 11 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:163 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2*Except*W1,W6:2x6 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x6 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-10,2-9,4-6 REACTIONS (lb/size) 9=1254/Mechanical,(min.0-1-8),11=1198/0-5-0,(min.0-1-8) WEBS 2 Rows at 1/3 pts 5-11 Max Horiz 9=412(LC 11) MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Max Uplift 11=-253(LC 11) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Gray 9=1302(LC 18),11=1459(LC 18) Installation guide. FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-9=-587/94,1-12=-664/65,2-12=-489/86,2-3=-1280/0,3-4=-942/0,4-13=-369/0,6-11=-166/1071,5-11=-166/1071 BOT CHORD 9-14=-292/1210,14-15=-292/1210,8-15=-292/1210,8-16=-145/698,7-16=-145/698,7-17=-145/698,6-17=-145/698 WEBS 2-9=-998/0,2-8=-511/220,4-8=-67/844,4-6=-1153/249,5-11=-1460/253 NOTES(10) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-5-0 to 3-5-0,Interior(1)3-5-0 to 20-10-2 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 7) Bearing at joint(s)11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 253 lb uplift at joint 11. 9) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard 10) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a unifo �+� OF hfq ` 1*, LOAD CASE(S) Standard /‘y` ` y JUAN J. .1 v0 .•FRALES-UT' RA (1'� STRUM UL \ •121 _.ar 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E TO8GE Monopitch Supported Gable 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:40 Page:1 ID:uWPZS3x72FJXaC4v27ya6ZyfOs7-vP4fuLnUyN IY61EYtPY2f 18vzAtQ6UXDmoPpjfyVVA1 11$_1120-11-2 20-0-0 f 1 1 1 1a 4x6 • 12 .9. 8r :Le 7 ur t' u, fn 5 m s r 1 rn 3 3x8 1 8 1-• F`�: 3x4 5x6 Scale=1:68 1 2-11 11 2 1 20-11-2 1800 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [19:0-3-0,0-3-0] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.06 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.04 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES W8 0.25 Horiz(TL) 0.00 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:168 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x6 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF 2100F 1.8E except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 13-14,12-15,11-16,10-17,8-18 REACTIONS All bearings 20-11-2. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (Ib)-Max Horiz 25=416(LC 11) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)14,15,16,17,18,19,20, Installation guide. 21,22,25 except 23=-237(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)14,18,19,20,21,22, 25 except 15=353(LC 17),16=363(LC 17),17=297(LC 17), 23=293(LC 20),24=261(LC 22) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-453/369,3-4=-416/339,4-5=-365/298,5-6=-317/261,6-7=-268/223 BOT CHORD 24-25=-326/259,23-24=-326/259 WEBS 12-15=-310/66,11-16=-323/70,10-17=-257/67,2-24=-271/158,2-23=-310/390 NOTES(12) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Corner(3)0-4-0 to 3-1-6,Exterior(2)3-1-6 to 17-11-10,Corner(3)17-11-10 to 20-11-10 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind(normal to the face),see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable,or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 4) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. al 5) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. �,k OF 1.4"�[ p,, 7) Truss to be fully sheathed from one face or securely braced against lateral movement(i.e.diagonal web). Q�� 8) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. . f.. 9) •This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wid II[it.etween the bottom .id any other members. `__ jAtJ J. 10) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)25,14,15,16,17,ZI, 1.9,•r x�R ' Ib),'•- 11) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and reference. :h - : 1 S - 1_U{.l�L ' 12) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a 'fo LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4$21 . 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E vol Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:40 Page:1 ID:C4io8sz0dHQfdexoObLeEdyfPFv-vP4fuLnUyNIY61EYtPY2f18oRArC6QrDmoPpjfyWA 1 19-3-12 1 38-2-5 3q-1]-8 19-3-12 18-10-9 01513 5x6 7 h 3x8 6 8 3x6 4 --s N Al4.,,d I.,,- P A 3 E to 3 11 a w 1 2 r 12 12 : 0+4 8eikd :RI r a 13 • •...:. ..•...•...•,......•.•.•..•.....•.•.............•...•.•.....•...•.•.•......,........•.....•..•...•.•...•....,3 3x6 ..•.•.•.•.......•...•.. .•.....•.•.•.......•.•...•......•.....•....•...........•.........•.•.•......•...•.•............ •.....•...........•.•....,..........-•....3x6.. 3x6 t 38-7-8 Scale=1:64.7 Plate Offsets(X,Y): [7:0-3-4,0-2-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.48 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.18 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.48 Horiz(TL) -0.02 13 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:162 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 7-19,6-21,8-18 REACTIONS All bearings 38-7-8. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=246(LC 8) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)14,17,22,23,24,13 except Installation guide. 1=-105(LC 7),16=-114(LC 12),18=-104(LC 12),21=-104(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1 except 14=525(LC 18),16=497(LC 21),17=585(LC 21),18=712(LC 18),19=876 (LC 23),21=714(LC 17),22=576(LC 20),23=526(LC 20), 24=471(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-217/479,2-30=-177/307,3-30=-167/472,3-4=-120/440,4-5=-79/365,5-6=-47/461,6-7=-159/468,7-8=-159/455, 8-9=-15/413,10-11=-1/366,11-31=0/361,12-13=-52/358 WEBS 7-19=-674/0,6-21=-633/143,4-22=-391/132,3-23=-410/139,2-24=-370/116,8-18=-633/142,10-17=-395/131, 11-16=-392/146,12-14=-395/107 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-10-12,Interior(1)3-10-12 to 15-4-2,Exterior(2)15-4-2 to 23-4-2,Interior(1)23-4-2 to 34-9-8,Exterior(2)34-9-8 to 38-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. ,fro►1li44144444 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. tJ..=r r-r r.. •4 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide wil t(tQtwb . ••• •.•and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. '•. ` 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)22,23,24,17,14 etjpt Zjf .)1=104,21=103,•81'!,r 16=114. J. -..1:',) 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referencedie•'•-• •ANSI7T 1 1, RA rr 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a• 'i: EEa A LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1 STRUCI U\Inn . n 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B V02 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 222019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:40 Page:1 ID:4aQtQQpshloVZeRl8McbCtyfPG6-vP4fuLnUyNlY61EYtPY2f 18nUAp06P1 DmoPpjjfyyyWA1 34-2-5 17-3-12 16-10 9 pas8 4x6 \ \ 6 I27 8 3x4 5 7 3x4 11111111:10 l a —, ZIAll t.i 9 fi i M29t2 F a r o a i 11 ♦ 9•8.4 3x4 3x4 3x4 3x4 k 34-7-8 '1.Scale=1:58.8 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.32 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.54 Horiz(TL) -0.02 25 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:137 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-16,5-18,7-15 REACTIONS All bearings 34-7-8. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=220(LC 10) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,14,19,11 except 12=-116 Installation guide. (LC 12),15=-104(LC 12),18=-106(LC 11),20=-123(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(lb)or less at joint(s)1,11 except 12=661(LC 18),14=513(LC 21),15=709(LC 18),16=1035(LC 23), 18=703(LC 17),19=530(LC 20),20=647(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-26=-146/568,2-26=-132/685,2-3=-79/619,3-4=-25/515,4-5=-5/622,5-27=0/455,6-27=0/616,6-28=0/646,7-28=0/439, 7-8=0/657,8-9=0/504,9-10=0/599,10-29=-36/650,11-29=-50/504 BOT CHORD 1-20=-420/92,20-30=-420/87,19-30=-420/87,18-19=-420/87,17-18=-420/87,16-17=-420/87,15-16=-420/87, 14-15=420/87,13-14=-420/87,13-31=-420/87,12-31=-420/87,11-12=-420/87 WEBS 6-16=-917/0,5-18=-615/145,3-19=-367/127,2-20=-488/153,7-15=-619/144,9-14=-357/130,10-12=-497/151 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-5-15,Interior(1)3-5-15 to 13-10-9,Exterior(2)13-10-9 to 20-9-11,Interior(1)20-9-11 to 31-2-5,Exterior(2)31-2-5 to 34-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit be outbrl r chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. [, I 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,19,14 except(jt=lb) V 06,20 123'I5 t0A 115. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced s ard`jl = PI 1. , '` 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a rFn.[:nner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Zf �' F JUAN J. 8 a RALES•UT- RA rr 1 STRUC1U IlL \ .�21 _-y —'— •' k '' pii- 1.):, 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V03 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:40 Page:1 I D:J2xskhjgamdcPglg hTjtByfPG E-vP4fuLn UyN IY61EYtPY2f 18g7Ari6PFDmoPpjfyVVA 1 15-3-12 30-2-5 30.7 15-3-12 14-10-9 Of- 4x6 6 I�� 1012 i, w■^i...1J .1.1.1lIlI..1I11III. ....!cf0%%%%i`.Yi33!i!1!%i!iliil 3x4 3x4 3x4 Scale=1:52.8 4 30-7-8 1 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.52 Horiz(TL) 0.01 11 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:116 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-16 REACTIONS All bearings 30-7-8. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (lb)-Max Horiz 1=-195(LC 7) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,12,13,18,19 except Installation guide. 14=-103(LC 12),17=-104(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,11 except 12=496(LC 18),13=512(LC 21),14=668(LC 4),16=538(LC 23),17=665 (LC 3),18=511(LC 20),19=496(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-256/186 WEBS 6-16=-346/0,4-17=-564/143,3-18=-399/137,2-19=-387/116,8-14=-569/143,9-13=-399/137,10-12=-386/115 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=S.Opsf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-4-2,Interior(1)3-4-2 to 12-3-6,Exterior(2)12-3-6 to 18-4-14,Interior(1)18-4-14 to 27-4-2,Exterior(2)27-4-2 to 30-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,18,19,13,12 except(jt=lb)17=104,14=103. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard A I 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform , r' N -F r'L(Q,`p LOAD CASE(S) Standard �1 -".4-1 JUANJ. <0\ 8 .RALES•UTP RA (ft . STRUCIU( l *21 y SS1JNA, l�`- 1 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E VO4 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 I D:U 4?I n C04?Kbj Gfzoq DyL3Ayf P H 7-N be25h o6j gQ PlvokQ63H B E h yiZ72rvV N?S 8 M F 5y WA0 26-2-5 6171 13-3-12 12-10.9 20 i 4x6 4 I�� 20 21 3 5 at _ �1 8: ao 2 i i 6 il 12Al! 11116 8 n i \ 0^i 1 v C 1 , O 7 .2;2;S.9MPO. .2itif.D-.4.4'iSSZM.NgaR'O2;52;:iiRM4J.DDD P12;a2;wP;:i•-;•�;:713.Mi.D;wvavvwavvw0 3x4 3x4 3x4 Scale=1:48 L 26-7-8 Loading 1 (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udefl lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.33 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.33 Horiz(TL) -0.02 18 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:95 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc puriins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-11 REACTIONS All bearings 26-7-8. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-169(LC 7) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)9,12,7 except 1=-102(LC Installation guide. 18),8=-118(LC 12),13=-123(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,7 except 8=636(LC 1),9=585(LC 4),11=1034(LC 1),12=593(LC 3),13=622(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-103/530,2-19=-91/656,2-3=-16/618,3-20=0/471,4-20=0/616,4-21=0/658,5-21=0/417,5-6=0/623,6-22=-36/658, 7-22=_48/515 BOT CHORD 1-13=-429/86,13-23=-429/85,12-23=429/85,11-12=-429/85,10-11=-429/85,9-10=429/85,9-24=429/85, 8-24=-429/85,7-8=-429/85 WEBS 4-11=-939/0,3-12=-507/139,2-13=468/151,5-9=-503/139,6-8=-479/150 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.Opsf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 10-4-2,Exterior(2)10-4-2 to 16-4-2,Interior(1)16-4-2 to 23-7-14,Exterior(2)23-7-14 to 26-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit be Appel chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. r 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)12,9 except(jt=1b)�0 3=12Z: 1�•.,o„"C.,:,.,8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced s efrdA = PI 1. t ., 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a qA,'r:nner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ./'; J JUANJ. if aRALE�S2 Ui T4' U : v�STRCIU ) SS/ONAl."ijrr -1frhT\li11 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V05 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 ID:jXW H5Sw3tsbsJQMGMXoTIUyfPHF-Nbe25ho6jgQPJvokO63HBEhz6ZAlrr0N?S8MF5yWA0 11-3-12 22-2-5 22'T 11-3-12 10-10-9 0-5-3 4x6 4 I11: * 35rvA 192622 12141 r n Ai\ 18 ... �`w 7 \ 0-� v r r - r r L]I r v 3x4 3x4 3x4 Scale=1:43.9 1 22-7-8 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.42 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.16 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.62 Horiz(TL) -0.01 7 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:77 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 22-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-143(LC 9) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)1,8,13,7 except 10=-110 (LC 12),12=-107(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1 except 8=490(LC 1), 10=584(LC 18),11=825(LC 20),12=605(LC 17),13=450(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-19=-96/401,2-19=-86/415,2-3=-55/413,4-20=0/398,4-21=0/423,5-6=0/408,6-22=-23/383,7-22=-33/366 WEBS 4-11=-671/0,3-12=-530/148,2-13=-355/116,5-10=-520/150,6-8=-374/114 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 8-4-2,Exterior(2)8-4-2 to 14-4-2,Interior(1)14-4-2 to 19-7-14,Exterior(2)19-7-14 to 22-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,13,8 except(jt=1b)12=106,10=110. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard A 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform OF hj4 rs LOAD CASE(S) Standard A Z 4ii JUAN J. 3'v0 •RALU u' STRUCES•TUTl;4,Li1A •s21 SSODP�A r-$ fr �r.hiitiIII 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V06 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 ID:y?1 FQjg2mPa_LBljusfbQoyfPHN-Nbe25ho6JgQPjvokQ63HBEhwZZ8nrsBN?S8MF5yV VA0 9-3-12 8-81.0.9 10_ _g� 4x4 3 416 17 2x4 2 N Ad 111111 6 i 18 12 8 r- \ \ n-ni 1 v 1 1/ 5 3x4 2x4 2x4 3x4 2x4 3x4 Scale=1:39.8 "I 18-7-8 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.58 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.28 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.54 Horiz(TL) -0.01 14 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:59 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 18-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-117(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=-130(LC 12), 9=-135(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=710(LC 18),8=926(LC 20),9=718(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-15=-73/515,2-15=-50/660,2-16=0/452,3-16=0/603,3-17=0/621,4-17=0/402,4-18=-33/661,5-18=-45/515 BOT CHORD 1-9=-429/81,9-19=-429/81,8-19=-429/81,7-8=-429/81,7-20=-429/81,6-20=-429/81,5-6=-429/81 WEBS 3-8=-888/0,2-9=-562/163,4-6=-561/163 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 6-4-2,Exterior(2)6-4-2 to 12-4-2,Interior(1)12-4-2 to 15-7-14,Exterior(2)15-7-14 to 18-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) "This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1 except(jt=lb)9=134,6=130. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform m�`a`��rto►U.1 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Y.. t,rF A14 44 ya /Y. =ta V, JUAN J. �o ,RALES-UT" RA u'� STRUC1Uf� -t21 '1 h1111111 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V07 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 I D:bmixoCZFyep6ip3VbEGRX9yfPHj-Nbe25ho6jgQPjvokQ63HBEh?rZBkryPN?S8MF5yWAO t t t 7-3-12 14-2-5 7-3-12 6-10-9 10-5-3 4x6 3 15 2x4 14 2x4 13 2 418 d v 12e J Y,i8V 1 wAll! 11111 e w, 5 \ ¢0$ v r B1 r 3x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 3x4 14-7-8 Scale=1:35.7 4' t Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.10 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.14 Horiz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:44 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 14-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=91(LC 10) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)1,6 except 8=-101(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=546(LC 18),7=462(LC 1),8=546(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-7=-390/7,2-8=447/133,4-6=-447/132 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 4-4-2,Exterior(2)4-4-2 to 10-4-2,Interior(1)10-4-2 to 11-7-14,Exterior(2)11-7-14 to 14-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,6 except(jt=1b)8=101. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard kit NO-F of 4Ss ; 7:1J- .3 o JUAN J. 1.,...;.......S1:{AT LEs-UT' IAA �)RUC1U( �L s21 �Y T/ ►R1i111i'• 1 0/09/201 9 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V08 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 I D:IQn IKpUsbVx6Nk19hGeolhyfPHq-Nbe25ho6jgQPjvokO63HBEhyXZ6dryCN?S8MF5yWA0 t 5-3-12 0-7-8 t 5-3-12t 10-2-5 4-10-9 10-5-3 5x6 2 \ \ 10 12 8 <o n, A AllAliIllIll3 \ w w• \ tat)*_ 1 r 81 r 4x4 2x4 4x4 10-7-8 Scale=1:31.6 t k Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-3-4,0-2-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.42 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.16 Horiz(TL) 0.01 4 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:29 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 10-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=134/10-7-8,(min.0-1-15),3=90/10-7-8,(min.0-1-15), installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer 4=997/10-7-8,(min.0-1-15) Installation guide. Max Horiz 1=65(LC 8) Max Uplift 1=-10(LC 12),3=-48(LC 17),4=-92(LC 11) Max Gray 1=134(LC 1),3=192(LC 18),4=997(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-9=-140/309,2-9=-61/451,2-10=-32/389,3-10=-54/309 BOT CHORD 1-4=-257/110,3-4=-257/76 WEBS 2-4=-762/121 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 10 lb uplift at joint 1,48 lb uplift at joint 3 and 92 lb uplift at joint 4. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard pNOF MUs,A i tti. irk, JUAN J. ;. v +RALES•UT'� RA N� STRUCIU `L J 4 1 4 4r SStONAt� o 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B V09 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 I D:TGQ 141 P50fAyfpa?L?XOVQyf P Hw-Nbe25ho6jgQPJvokQ63HBE h 1?ZAHr_tN?S8M F5yWA0 6-2-5 t 3-3-12 6-7,8 3-3-12 0-5-3 2-10-9 44 2 \ \ 12 9 • 10 8 I 1-11-1 N cc r 3 \ 1-0-4 r liI 3x4 2x4 3x4 I. 6-7-8 . fll Scale=1:28.8 X ii" Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/de Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.17 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.19 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress lncr YES WB 0.05 Horiz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0" Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MP BCDL 10.0 Weight:17 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-7-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=116/6-7-8,(min.0-1-8),3=76/6-7-8,(min.0-1-8), installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer 4=549/6-7-8,(min.0-1-8) Installation guide. Max Horiz 1=39(LC 8) Max Uplift 1=-4(LC 12),3=-15(LC 12),4=-42(LC 11) Max Gray 1=116(LC 1),3=118(LC 18),4=549(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 2-4=-368/57 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.Opsf;BCDL=5.Opsf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) "This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 4 lb uplift at joint 1,15 lb uplift at joint 3 and 42 lb uplift at joint 4. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Ui rF h94ss-, a,....„., .... ct' ANJ. �+.RALS UT• R A ° STRRUC1U . - ' 2 t V. .!►j 4 SSr?NAL0_ „... ,or mar 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B V10 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:41 Page:1 I D:m Lp Fz L H pM awN SH p4l vL25Jyf P 14-N be25 ho6jg Q Pj vo kQ 63 H B E h_GZAn rxc N?S8M F 5y WA0 t 9-9-12 9-9-12 19-2-5 9-4 9 10 3� 4x6 4 a 19 2021 22 3 5 t Ib 18 12 8 i— 2 6 hi EiiiiiiiiiininigiginiiiiiiiiiiiiiggiaNCLARRiniginiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiininialitiatigil 3x4 3x4 3x4 Scale=1:40.9 I, 19-7-8 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.16 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.20 Horiz(TL) 0.00 7 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:64 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 19-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=123(LC 8) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(lb)or less at joint(s)1,7,8,13 except 10=-109 (LC 12),12=-110(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,7 except 8=391(LC 1),10=586(LC 18),11=469(LC 23),12=579(LC 17),13=407 (LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 4-11=-287/0,3-12=-495/149,2-13=-353/114,5-10=-502/149,6-8=-348/121 NOTES(9) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=S.Opsf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 6-10-2,Exterior(2)6-10-2 to 12-10-2,Interior(1)12-10-2 to 16-2-7,Exterior(2)16-2-7 to 19-2-7 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are 2x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 6) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members,with BCDL=10.0psf. 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,7,13,8 except(jt=1b)12=109,10=108. 8) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 9) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform ma ut4 LOAD CASE(S) Standard ,`NOC 1 j4 h.•l U "'SJUAN J. ��1 O eRALES-UT• RA t/' STRUC1U \I! SSiONAI��' F- 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V11 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:42 Page:1 ID:xwwY8T?OnW0eBkYfvaRfgSyfPIR-snBQI1 pkU_YGL3Nw_gbWkSD92zWAaP?WD6uvnXyWA? t 7-9-12 ji 5-2-5 -8t 7-9-12 17-4-9 10 3 4x6 3 2x4 14 15 2x4 2 4 cL 4 13 N 12 8 1— \ \ Q-f� 1 v II B1 r v 5 Q L..•-•-•-•-•-•-�•���..•-•-•-•-•1„-•-•-•-•,...-•-•- ,4•-••„4•-•-..•-•-•-•-•�-4•*ALA.,.......;cc.•-•-•,•-•-•-•-•-•-•-••4!••-•-•-•....�;• •-• 3x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 3x4 157$ 4- Scale=1:36.7 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.15 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.19 Horiz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:48 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 15-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (Ib)-Max Horiz 1=-98(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1 except 6=-106(LC 12), 8=-108(LC 11) Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=585(LC 18),7=502(LC 1),8=585(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-7=-440/6,2-8=-470/138,4-6=-470/137 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=S.Opsf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)0-0-6 to 3-0-6,Interior(1)3-0-6 to 4-10-2,Exterior(2)4-10-2 to 10-10-2,Interior(1)10-10-2 to 12-7-14,Exterior(2)12-7-14 to 15-7-14 zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1 except(jt=lb)8=107,6=106. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Z OFM4 N.O r JUAN J. ,� S ,e..',._S R. . U`CS2T.1UU?pE a ufit 1.p S►►,Si►iO>tri�N.Alt-1 14k 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V12 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:42 Page:1 ID:eZ?vg4w?QM8drgWJ?cpotyfPIY-snBQl1 pkU_YGL3Nw_gbWkSDA9zXHaQrWD6uvnXyWA? t t t 5-9-12 5-9-12 15-4-9 10 5-3 4x6 3 \ \ 13 14 12 2x4 2x4 N_ r ,4 d A 8 (— 2 4 A LI 1: II 3x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 3x4 I 11-7-8 I Scale=1:32.6 Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.27 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.08 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.07 Horiz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0* Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MS BCDL 10.0 Weight:33 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS All bearings 11-7-8. installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (lb)-Max Horiz 1=-72(LC 7) Installation guide. Max Uplift All uplift 100(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5,6,8 Max Gray All reactions 250(Ib)or less at joint(s)1,5 except 6=474(LC 18),7=375(LC 1),8=474(LC 17) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. WEBS 3-7=-285/13,2-8=-455/145,4-6=-455/144 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=9lmph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) •This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,5,8,6. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard :0OF Ai444 e ,BALES-UT• RA u' STRUC1U F j SSI0NAI*tl 10/09/2019 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422E V13 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:42 Page:1 ID:E_Jm22u78Rm3_CnkJTGJGLyfPlb-snBQl1pkU_YGL3Nw_gbWkSDBSzVhaOYWD6uvnXyWA7 3-9-12 7-2-5 7-7 8 t 3-9-12 3-4-9 0-5-3 4x4 2 12 9 10 8 N N 1 It Pi w. 3 r 81 3x4 2x4 3x4 7-7-8 I' Scale=1:28.5 X A" Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) l/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.25 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.24 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.09 Horiz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TP12014 Matrix-MP BCDL 10.0 Weight:20 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 7-7-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. OTHERS 2x4 SPF No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=60/7-7-8,(min.0-1-8),3=60/7-7-8,(min.0-1-8),4=796/7-7-8, installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer (min.0-1-8) Installation guide. Max Horiz 1=-46(LC 9) Max Uplift 3=-8(LC 7),4=-47(LC 11) Max Gray 1=95(LC 17),3=95(LC 18),4=796(LC 1) FORCES (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-9=-75/293,2-9=-37/352,2-10=-37/352,3-10=-47/293 WEBS 2-4=-594/98 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) 'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 8 lb uplift at joint 3 and 47 lb uplift at joint 4. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard rkOF MM.4 . STRUC'1 U ` ,fr '4r�rrl�ri- 1 0/09/201 9 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 168 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 19063422B V14 Valley 1 1 Job Reference(optional) UFP,UFP SE Engineering Run:8.31 S May 22 2019 Print:8.310 S May 22 2019 MiTek Industries,Inc.Tue Oct 08 11:55:42 Page:1 ID:xeO7afoknit2f71OPVegTtyfPli-snBQl1 pkU_YGL3Nw_gbWkSDDYzXeaRvW D6uvnXyWA? 3-2-5 1-9-12 3-7,8 1-9-12 0 d 1-4-9 12 3x4 8 2 \ \ t 0-11-1 1-2-12 1 3 0-0-4 Y ; V 2x4 2x4 3-7-8 Scale=1:26 I11/ Plate Offsets(X,Y): [2:0-2-12,0-1-8] Loading (psf) Spacing 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) 1/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 35.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.15 TC 0.12 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 197/144 (Roof Snow=35.0) Lumber DOL 1.15 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 15.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horiz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a BCLL 0.0' Code IRC2015/TPI2014 Matrix-MP BCDL 10.0 Weight:8 lb FT=20% LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SPF No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=217/3-7-8,(min.0-1-8),3=217/3-7-8,(min.0-1-8) MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be Max Horiz 1=20(LC 10) installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Max Uplift 1=-11(LC 11),3=-11(LC 12) Installation guide. FORCES (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-321/36 BOT CHORD 1-3=-22/256 NOTES(8) 1) Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=115mph(3-second gust)Vasd=91 mph;TCDL=5.0psf;BCDL=5.0psf;h=24ft;Cat.II;Exp B;Enclosed;MWFRS(envelope)exterior zone and C-C Exterior(2)zone;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) TCLL:ASCE 7-10;Pf=35.0 psf(flat roof snow);Category II;Exp B;Partially Exp.;Ct=1.10 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for this design. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) *This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-06-00 tall by 2-00-00 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 11 lb uplift at joint 1 and 11 lb uplift at joint 3. 7) This truss is designed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code sections R502.11.1 and R802.10.2 and referenced standard ANSI/TPI 1. 8) As requested,5 PSF additional TCDL has been added for future solar and/or photovoltaic panel system. Panels must be loaded in a uniform manner. LOAD CASE(S) Standard vHOF bi at.„ JuAN J. N o s-UT- A STRUC c ►fit1U� ---� 10/0 /2019 CODES&STANDARDS SHEET INDEX Building Code: 2015 International Residential Code PROJECT: 3rd Party Inspection Agency: PFS Corporation,Cottage Grove WI 1 of 5-General Notes Hewitt Quality Assurance Manual: Superior Walls of America QA Manual 2 of 5-Drawing Summary Block-All_Layers 3 Meadow Run Site Preparation Guide: Superior Walls Builder Guideline Booklet.(MAN 42-9000) 3 of 5-Plan View-All_Layers Northamption,MA 01035 Fire Test Standards: ASTM E84, ANSI/UL 1715, UBC 26-3 4 of 5-Multi-Isometric 5 of 5-Sections [Project No.21-14561 WALL MATERIALS BUILDER: Concrete Compressive Strength: 5,000 PSI Timberbros LLC Water/Cement Ratio: <=0.40 37 Fullam Hill Road Reinforcing Steel: No.4 and larger- 60,000 PSI ��'' ' North Brookfield,MA 01535 No.3 and smaller-40,000 PSI < Secondary Reinforcement: Polypropylene Fiber �f,« . Contact:Aaron Burns Embedded Wood Blocking: Pressure-Preservative-Treated DAMPPROOFING ' 33(z° EPS Foam Insulation: Flame Spread Index:20 1,-_,` Phone:508-335-9014 Smoke Developed Rating:300 --'"- Superior Walls panels are recognized Fax: XPS Foam Insulation: Flame Spread Index:5 '• by the ICC-ES as an altemate method Mobile: Smoke Developed Rating:165 of providing foundation wall E-Mail: dampproofing.No additional dampproofing is required. SITE CONDITIONS (See ICC-ES ESR-1553&ESR-1662) MUNICIPALITY: Seismic Design Category: B Hampshire County,MA Basic Wind Speed: 120 mph Contact: Frost Depth: Local Code inches PLEASE NOTE Phone: Assumed Soil Bearing Capacity: 2000 PSF Fax: To comply with building code Assumed Wall Loading: 2700 Pounds/LF(uniform) E-Mail: Maximum Allowable Total UL: 3247 Pounds/LF(uniform) requirements,the framing/decking Crushed Stone Footing Depth: 8 inches connections at the top of the Superior Crushed Stone Size: 1/2 inch or smaller Walls panels and floor slab at the Backfill Material: Backfill with clean crushed stone or any of the following bottom of the Superior Walls panels soil types:GW,GP,GM,GC,SW,SP,SM,SC,CL,ML or up to 60 pcf. MUST be completed prior to backfilling. Beam Pocket(s): 13000 Pound Maximum (see plan for locations,sizes,and loads) CUSTOMER RELEASE 4 Column Pad(s): 20000 Pound Maximum (see plan for locations,sizes,and loads) As the authorized representative of the customer/builder superior Walls® GENERAL NOTES I have reviewed this document and the drawings contained in it.I understand that it was created from Weaver Superior Walls,LLC 1. Jobsite shall be prepared by the builder in accordance with the Superior Walls of America Builder information and dimensions provided by the customer/ 824 East Main Street Guideline Booklet(MAN y the builder and that Superior Walls will rely on that Ephrata,PA 17522 2. Auxiliarydrain pipe must be four(4)inch diameter perforated and directed to a sumppit or daylight. information in the manufacture of this project. Phone:717-733 4823 p p Fax: 717-733-0386 3. Builder shall establish the required elevation benchmark. I acknowledge that I have compared this document to the 4. Builder shall ensure site access for trucks and crane. g p E-Mail: sales order/contract and that this document supersedes Independent Licensee of Superior Walls of America,Ltd. INSTALLATION NOTES the sales order/contract with respect to the objects and dimensions contained herein.I approve the project depicted in this document for production,and accept full DRAWING DATA: 1. Installation shall be supervised by a Superior Walls certified installer. responsibility for any and all measurements,dimensions Sold by: Timberbros Certification is obtained through Superior Walls of America,Ltd. and information provided by the customer/builder.I hereby Drawn by: Ben B. 2. Installation shall comply with Superior Walls of America's Installation Manual(MAN 42-9008). release and discharge Superior Walls from any and all Date Created:7/31/2019 past,present or future claims and damages arising from Last Revision:11/3/2021 or relating to the attached drawing and deviations in the Revision#: 3 drawing from information customer/builder provided. File Name: 21-1456_hewitt_arch Signature of Customer/Builder Date PROJECT NO. 21-1456 Page 1 of 5 40-'N" , PROJECT: ' JMh4F -� Hewitt s" 3 Meadow Run Northamption,MA 01035 4111'> NO:33129 ee► [Project No.21-1456] • BUILDER: TimberBros LLC 37 Fullam Hill Road North Brookfield,MA 01535 • Contact:Aaron Burns Drawing Summary B1 ocV. Phone:508-335-9014 1c/12 XI Walls/Panels Fax: 7 BPOM P n r k P t c Mobile: 13 Suppe: t Ledges Totaling ,31 ' -8" E-Mail: 11 Specialtte_ a Column Pod_, 6 2 2 Column Pads -- ',Lipp' ied by :.upei- tor Wo11s -- Irist011ed by superior WuI I MUNICIPALITY: b 2x2 Column Pads -- _supplied by :.uperiOr Walls -- lnsto lied by other:: Hampshire County,MA 3 3x3 Column Pads -- Supplied by :up ertor Wul Is -- Insta1IeJ by _riper for Wol I Contact: Phone: 12/12 XI Walls/Panels Type: 9' Linear Feet: 227 ' Fax: Drawing Notes E-Mail: c8) 2x2 Column Pads Installed by Others 4 Cll. ! Coil Anchors w/ Threaded Pod • - Object Details in inches - ID Obi LIPs,_ WI _Ith Height Heoaei B-O \,( upnr. _itY Superior I Walls® A BF 10 8 n E 1 WIN B4 Egress 50_ 1 /2 48 18 5=00 1ID L 3 WIN D U 0 3 2 20 6 I r - Weaver Superior Walls,LLC N 14 PAD 24 24 4 1/2 824 East Main Street T 3 PAD 3 6 3 S 3 Ephrata,PA 17522 U. 6 BP 10 18 ii Phone:717-733-4823 Fax: 717-733-0386 E-Mail: Independent Licensee of Superior Walls of America,Ltd. • DRAWING DATA: Sold by: Timberbros Drawn by: Ben B. Date Created:7/31/2019 Last Revision:11/3/2021 Revision#: 3 File Name: 21-1456 hewitt arch PROJECT NO. 1 21-1456 Page 2 of 5 i IS' - 23' 4' P. 26'6' 7' I 10'$' _I 9 '4° J i I- I _I II I U N Ell 36 ii. 3' X i L U N 1� — ri IMF I 1 Wh]It I !_- R N I In'In' 4- I�5' i - 6'3 3/8 Pn U N N - -IS' N — • 6'9 3'8 — 1N_ J • T — a' '6'2-'2 Pads Installed by LIP — Wall of Loll eo Amhor a E'cavutvm P=qusied 2'-l0'w _''-10'w R'r{ J With Ilw�el Opening Run �� If'Shot'c Belll .3'3-3 Pad I„st.nlg3 by WF i.24 CRANE BY BI III_DEP L3,4. E,c ova tta,Porp ii yd / 3'-10"w 3'-lu w 8._i OillU'S l 4' -I— N /. II' /0 'I 7 4'5 1;4' / LTJ _ b , ! III I I I I - j i:11) S/L -L'" L/L a ,° - - - -;.,--1 1 r71 Cal An.hors 4/31i'ilw eoden Rods — I I-IY6-/4' pi_ 1 ,., „.„.. ,://...- : -N-1 _, , , .., ,.,, i // / , „ if 47,,,, , Or NO P F29 - - 1 ',34,N't L'31s EI Ia I`I , N / DRAWING DATA: r i / LI I I LI r I Sold by: Timberbros i Drawn by: Ben B. Date Created:7/31/2019 12'6 7i16° I /L -48" Last Revision:11/3/2021 Revision#: 3 E 6' 34 s` File Name: 21-1456_hewitt_arch PROJECT NO. 21-1456 Page 3 of 5 . NO 3,3 r III a In II 1 III A I 1 II I 1 I I 1 I I 1 V Y I DRAWING DATA: Sold by: Timberbros V Drawn by: Ben B. V' Date Created:7/31/2019 Last Revision:11/3/2021 ^1' Revision#: 3 File Name: 21-1456 hewitt arch PROJECT NO. 21-1456 Page 4 of 5 -- Floor System Polyurethane Joint Sealant (By Others,Connection To 13/4"Concrete Face Shell viWall Must Comply With Builder ;-- - i Guideline Booklet Specifications) 104^ I 3/4"Concrete Face Shell 104 S — ♦, • . Z"Sill Plate Bolt 2 1/2"XPS Insulation I: r '• - Steel Reinforced Polyurethane Joint Sealant S 1"EPS Bond Beam 21 FinishedlBBlocking Others) on Bond Beam Li Sill Plate 1 (By Others) — Insulation 104" SteelGalv S zed #3 Bond Beam Rebar C_ Steel stud Facing _ - - - Angle Bracket I"EPS Stud Insulation - 1 4"Concrete Face Shell I Vertical#4 Rehr I EPS Chase For Wiring (Inside Each SMd) And Plumbing I"EPS Stud Insulati n - Concrete Stud - Vertical#4 Reber - EPS Chase For Win g (Inside Each Stud) AY Xi ndet?Outside Corner (Wrapped In 1"EPS Insulation) Scale:3/4"=r-o" Vertical#4 Rebar Galvan1zed Steel Stud Facing (Inside Each Stud) ' Xi 90deg Inside corner O, — Galvanized Scale 3/4'=I'-0' Steel Stud Facing Hole For Wiring Polyurethane Joint Sealant 1 3/4"Concrete Face Shell And Plumbing 2 1/2"XPS Insulation 9 Slab Connector loa„ "I1_'q_`jy s (As Required) tsru p 2 2"XPS Insulation e Concrete Floor Vertical#4 Rebar Steel Reinforced r I"EPS Stud Insulation (Inside Each Stud) (By Others,See Current EPS Chase For Wiring Footing Beam — Addition Of The Builder And Plumbing Galvanized _ Steel Stud Stud Facing Filter Membrane Guideline Booklet For x Panel Divide (By Others) Further Details) Scale:3/4"=I'-0" 7 :.a` 4: s'i`aes'-.,'ii* r.Js e'. e- -- DRAWING DATA: Auxiliary Drain Pipe To Sump Or Daylight Sold by: i Timberbros Drawn by: Ben B. Clean Crushed Stone Footing or Date Crea d:7/31/2019 (Depth Varies Per Application) ,DES Last Revis on:11/3/2021 rr+w+o"..e.na,I ."va Revision# 3 a.M U 4-C J . wtT' Ak File Name: 21-1456_hewitt_arch NO.33129 PROJECT NO. 21-1456 Page 5 of 5 64'6' Superior Walls Foundations 15' 23' I 26'6' By: Superior Walls by Weaver - 11'B' I 5'4' Project Name: Hewitt } \ I I n I �I / N ❑P ❑N 8'6' Owner: Wright Builders 9 XI I 6u Builder: Wright Builders Uo Walls 1' + E A ❑N ❑L -- 0 0 I I / Salesman: TBen B.bros Drawn By: Ben B. E Created: 7/31/2019 15' - 11'2' 10'10' 12'6' Last Modified: 10/2/2019 \ 0 N 6'93/8' a-, Revision: 1.02 Comment: A_❑N — N File Name: hv_wb_hewitt Drawing Type: XI 15' cv N N 6'93/8' I www NOT TO SCALE www — F- 12'6' N .— N These Drawings are approved for 0o T C/LofCoilAnchor final production as illustrated 0 o With Threaded Rod and not subject to change. Revised 14'Stairwell Opening • 10-2-2019 ❑N - Customer Signature Date _ A 11' GO N 4'51/4' rr / — T i E, i� 1 , I 11 P P 1 \ ' • i 74 ] 1 I _ o L/L -48' - ] (11) S/L -12' a " ❑N ] (2)Coll Anchors o ODY o m w/36'Threaded Rads N e-12'&-24' --'-' Fu cu B,6, ] m t0 �`00.. Reference 2015 IBC . Footing:8'minimum 1/2'clean crushed stone Assumed Soil Bearing Capacity:2000 PSF --— f us - Maximum allowable uniform load:2700 PLF _ A N rd N - ] Seismic Design Category:B ,O H tot J i o m o LO —B'6' — — 15' - 11'2' Basic Vied Speed:120 MPH m a - CU— 6D Tan Crane with 75'reach from the 0.1 OD 63 OD 1 / LI I t I U I pivot point of the crane is the limitation ___ ] i of the crane provided to install the walls. - ti ti ti - If a larger crane is deemed necessary, 12'6 1/16' an additional charge will be Incurred DJ L/L -48' ll — 6'6' 34'8' 23'4' a a o If 0 The Superior Wall 'Builder Guideline Booklet' provides product It is the responsibility of the General Contractor and/or Home Owner to ensure m _ -.U x m o _ a m complete accuracy of all drawings designed for production. Weaver Precast requirements for your Superior Wall Foundation. Please refer to Inc will not be held responsible for any errors once the final drawings and -▪• - - - your Local Building Code for framing requirements. contract have been signed and approved by the General Contractor and/or Home Owner. , _,_-_,, ,,., _ o .,,,.,_,=d,_ 4 ,/ A ,9', Li 0 0 0 I N a a 1 0 Vil‘ 1 . 0 0 . . * • \ 0 (_____, VI& a a- 0 ZY a - _ e, 7,_ a ‘ ,_ Ar omm4/ * Insonsooky dv 0 ° 00., s ,.._.. % z, 0 A— 0 ,- ,v•\ 7 % % - - - .