Burts Bog single Fam - 2 bed (1)BROUGHTON'S MEADOW HOMES -2 BEDROOM UNITProject Description:New construction single family home for Habitat for Humanity.Owner / Builder: Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity413.586.5430, megan@pvhabitat.orgArchitect: Simple City Studio LLC206.375.5126, brien@simplecitystudio.comSINGLE FAMILY AFFORDABLE HOUSING CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT789 BURTS PIT RD, NORTHAMPTONPERMIT DRAFT SET 8/16/21ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS SHEET LISTSheet # Sheet Name Issue DateA1.0 SITE PLAN 8/16/21A1.1 FOUNDATION, ROOF ANDFRAMING PLANS8/16/21A1.2 FLOOR PLAN 8/16/21A2.0 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 8/16/21A3.0 BUILDING SECTIONS 8/16/21A4.0 KITCHEN/BATH ELEVATIONS 8/16/21A5.0 ELECTRIC & HVAC PLANS 8/16/21SIMPLE CITY STUDIOSIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MANote: These drawings were prepared for construction of a Habitat for Humanity projectin Florence MA. Simple City Studio LLC and Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity, Incassumes no responsibility for use of these drawings for any other project or purposeGENERAL REQUIREMENTSNOTE! The General Requirements are an integral part of this document set Any part of the project not installed according tothese requirements may be subject to removal and reinstallation at the GC's expense. 1. Do not scale drawings, use written dimensions & notations only. Order of hierarchy: Equal Equal (EQ) and Alignment lines takeprecedence over hard dimensions. Detailed drawings take precedence over general plans. All dimensions are from face of framing unlessotherwise indicated.2. General Contractor and Subcontractors (GC) or Owner shall notify Simple City Studio (SCS) of any discrepancies or inconsistencies indimensions, notes, or other information in architectural drawings. Failure of Owner and/or GC to notify SCS of any error found in thesedrawings and/or to give SCS the opportunity to correct those errors shall indemnify SCS from all and any claims and damages relating to thisproject. Any changes made to these drawings by any person or entity other than SCS shall indemnify SCS from all and any claims anddamages related to this project. Any variation in construction of the project from these drawings by Owner and/or the GC without writtennotice to SCS shall indemnify SCS from all and any claims and damages related to this project. Use of some or all of these drawings in anyother project is not permitted without written permission of SCS.3. All framing tolerances will be within 1/4". All finish tolerances will be within 1/16". If foundation does not permit this, contact SCS.4. GC shall be responsible for securing all applicable permits as required for their respective trades. This includes providing respectiveengineering, if required to obtain permit.5. All structural information provided in these plans for pre-engineered & manufactured structural elements is for illustrative purposes only. The GC shall be responsible for submitting all structural specifications as indicated in plans by structural engineer, including stampedengineering drawings for manufactured structural components if required, and submitting them to SCS for review prior to ordering and/orpurchasing.6. Information on any page of this set of drawings relates to information on other pages of this set of drawings. GC/Owner shall not submitpartial sets of construction documents to subcontractors. All work shall be priced from a full and complete set of documents.The GC shallbe responsible for errors or omissions of work or pricing caused by working from incomplete sets of documents.7. All products shall be installed per manufacturer's specifications. GC shall verify all rough openings, and installation requirements for allfixtures, doors, windows, and mechanicals etc., prior to installation. GC must notify SCS if plans/SPECs conflict with MANF requirements.8. Complete all work in a workmanlike manner consistent with all applicable building, zoning and fire codes and with all rules, laws andregulations having jurisdiction over this project.9. At completion of job, GC shall provide Owner with a project manual containing copies of all material and equipment specs, warrantyinformation, users manuals, installation specs, maintenance info. and all similar information.10. The final means and methods of construction as well as the sequence of construction for this project are to be determinedby the GCand the Owner. N9' - 0"9' - 0"LOT SIZE: 7053 SFUNIT 2~900 SF2 BEDSHED~96 SF74 SFGRAVEL DIAPHRAGM789 BURTS PIT RDGRAVEL DRIP EDGEPERVIOUS WALKWAY30 SF ROOF CONNECTION, TYP.PLPROPERTY LINEPLPL~100SF WOOD FRAMED RAMP ON PIERS, TYP.V.I.F.4' - 4"V.I.F.17' - 1"V.I.F.5' - 11"V.I.F.2' - 1"N9' - 0"9' - 0"9' - 0"9' - 0"30' TURNING DIAMETERUNIT 3UNIT 2~900 SF2 BEDSTEP9' - 0"9' - 0"785 Burts Pit Rd789 Burts Pit Rd781 Burts Pit RdUNIT 1SHARED DRIVEWAYAND FRONT YARD40' BUILDING SETBACK30' SETBACKCLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECTAs indicatedA1.0SITE PLAN789 Burts Pit RdPERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOW1/16" = 1'-0"1SITE PLAN1/32" = 1'-0"2SITE PLAN FOR ALL THREE LOTS 34' - 6"26' - 0"V.I.F.15' - 6" +/-V.I.F.7' - 5" +/-RADON VENT PIPE0' - 5"10" SONOTUBE ON FLAIR FOOTING REINFOREDW/ #4 REBAR-ALIGN CENTER OF SONOTUBE W/ EDGE OF FOUNDATION8" REINFORCED FOUNDATION W/ 10"X20" FOOTING ON COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL OR UNDISTURBED EARTH10' - 10"5' - 8"6' - 10"1' - 10"2 @ 2X10 INSULATEDHEADERS OVERDOOR UNITS2X8 RAFTERS 16" O.C.ROOF TRUSS @ 24" O.C.8/128/1237' - 0"BATH EXHAUSTROOF UNIT1' - 6"1' - 0"1' - 6"1' - 0"0' - 6"0' - 6"1' - 0"8/12 8/12RIDGE VENTROOFING TO BE 30 YR ASPHALTSHINGLES OVER 30# ROOFING FELT-USE ADHESIVE MEMBRANE AT EAVES8/128/12RADON VENT PIPESTACK VENT PIPE1' - 0"1' - 0"1' - 0"2x8 P.T. @ 16" O.C.BEAM 4X4 P.T.USE SIMPSON TIE TOSONOTUBE(2) 2X12 P.T.RAMP STRINGERS2X6 P.T. @ 16" O.C.CLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECT1/8" = 1'-0"A1.1FOUNDATION,ROOF ANDFRAMING PLANS789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOW1/8" = 1'-0"1Foundation1/8" = 1'-0"2Roof Framing1/8" = 1'-0"3Roof Plan1/8" = 1'-0"4Shed and Ramp Framing REF.DWDN26' - 0"WATER HEATERSTACKED WASHER DRYERCOAT CLOSET20' - 5 1/2"MAIN WATER & SEWER CONNECTION34' - 6"STORAGE12' - 0"8' - 0"STORAGEERV13' - 0"13' - 0"BAACCDEBBA1101051041091081071061011031021:12SLOPELOCATION OF RAMP ENDINGDETERMINEDBY SITE CONDITIONSATTICACCESS9' - 11 1/2"3' - 0"11' - 6 1/2"10' - 3 1/2"2' - 1"9' - 1"11' - 3"6' - 8 1/2"5' - 8"FROST PROTECTED FAUCET2' - 8"8' - 7"2' - 1 1/2"5' - 0"CLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECT3/16" = 1'-0"A1.2FLOOR PLAN789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOWWindow Schedule 2 BedLocation Mark Note Width Height Sill HtAccessory A Casement 2' - 6" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"East A Casement 2' - 6" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"East A Casement 2' - 6" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"North B Casement 2' - 6" 3' - 0" 3' - 8"South C Casement 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"South C Casement 5' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"South D Casement 2' - 6" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"South E Casement 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 2' - 8"West B Casement 2' - 6" 3' - 0" 3' - 8"West B Casement 2' - 6" 3' - 0" 3' - 8"Door ScheduleMark Width Height Note101 2' - 8" 6' - 8" INT102 2' - 8" 6' - 8" INT103 2' - 8" 6' - 8" INT104 3' - 0" 6' - 8" EXT105 3' - 0" 6' - 8" EXT106 4' - 0" 6' - 8" INT107 4' - 0" 6' - 8" INT108 2' - 8" 6' - 8" INT109 2' - 6" 6' - 8" INT110 3' - 0" 6' - 8" SHEDFLOOR PLAN NOTES1. Dimensions are to face of framing unless noted otherwise.2. Elevational dimensions are from top of wood panel sub-floor and from top of concrete slab.3. Window width & height dimensions given to window unit (not R.O.)4. Verify sill heights and operation of windows with schedules and types S.H. (Sill Height) indicated in schedule is top of rough opening framing at sill. Review rough opening and plate heights with Architect prior to framing.5. Closets and linen closets are 2’-0”minimum clear depth unless otherwise noted.6. Vibration Isolation:a. (NONE REQUIRED)7. Pack plumbing waste chases with acoustical insulation and thoroughly air (sound) seal where these pass through living spaces.8. See specifications and sheet A3.0 for specific air sealing techniques, specified air infiltration limits and blower door testing schedule. This affects all trades, all penetrations and construction schedule. Blower door testing will be conducted to ensure the building conforms to air infiltration limits (see sheet A3.0 for more information).9. See sheet A5.0 for more information. Habitat will install ¾”x 48”high plywood mounting panels on walls where directed by Electrician (and by PV installer if involved).10. Provide blocking as required for, but not limited to, the following: shelving, cabinets, grab bars, bathroom accessories, HVAC, plumbing and electrical equipment.11. All exterior slabs and covered surfaces to be sloped 1/8”per foot minimum away from building.GENERAL PROJECT NOTES1. The contractor shall apply for and supply all permits.2. The contractor shall keep the building closed and secure at all times and protect the building and site from theft and/orvandalism. The contractor shall be responsible for all damage or loss due to theft or vandalism resulting from contract operations.3. All work shall be done in strict accordance with all state and local codes and ordinances.GENERAL PLUMBING NOTES1. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR IS TO WORK A PLUMBING FIXTURES PACKAGED PROVIDED BY HABITAT.2. Use PEX piping for hot and cold water supply piping. 3. Install dedicated runs on hot water supply lines using 3/8 inch (in lieu of ½ inch) and ½ inch (in lieu of ¾ inch) diameter piping to reduce runtime (and therefore wastage) to get hot water at faucets4. All water piping —hot and cold —to be insulated5. Ensure that all plumbing vents through roof are to the north side of the ridge —and not through roof planes scheduled for solar collecting arrays.6. Attend to air sealing of pipe penetrations through the air barrier as follows:a. Install a roof vent “boot”to all vent pipes and tape or sealant seal the boot flange to the underside of the sheathing air barrier.b. Seal water supply pipe penetrations through wall plane using a gasket such as a “KAFLEX or ROFLEX air tight EPDM sleeve” available from foursevenfive.com.7. Pack plumbing waste chases with acoustical insulation and thoroughly air (sound) seal where these pass through living spaces.8. Install water supply piping in the following locations using vibration isolating ‘Holdrite’resilient pipe supports:a. (NONE REQUIRED) *ALL INTERIOR DOORS TO BE HOLLOW-CORE SIX PANEL COMPOSITE Floor0' -0"Foundation-4' -8"Grade (varies)-0' -8"128128Floor0' -0"Foundation-4' -8"Grade (varies)-0' -8"RIDGE VENTASPHALT SHINGLES -TYP.VINYL SIDING& TRIM -TYP.Floor0' -0"Foundation-4' -8"Grade (varies)-0' -8"128128128128Floor0' -0"Foundation-4' -8"Grade (varies)-0' -8"RIDGE VENTPV ZONE - SIZE/LOCATION TBDCLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECT1/8" = 1'-0"A2.0EXTERIORELEVATIONS789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOW1/8" = 1'-0"1W Elevation1/8" = 1'-0"2N Elevation1/8" = 1'-0"3E Elevation1/8" = 1'-0"4S ElevationEXTERIOR ELEVATION NOTES1. All dimensions are to face of framing, top of sub-floor, or top or face of concrete unless otherwise noted.2. Mounting Blocks in plane of siding for power outlet, hose bib, ventilation duct, lighting fixture or similar penetrations shall of the same material and material thickness as exterior trim material —5/4 Mounting blocks shall be canted at the top edge and have a top flashing —formed aluminum in color to match siding or trim. 4" REINFORCED CONC. SLABMIN.0' - 8"0' - 8"1' - 8"0' - 10"5% SLOPE (6"/10') AWAY FROM FOUNDATION 6" COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER, WRAP OVER FROST WALL1'-6" COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE BACK FILL12" ANCHOR BOLTS, 48" O.C. 6" COMPACTED CRUSHED 1 1/2" STONE4" XPS BOARDS1/2" DRYWALL2X6 FRAMED WALL, 16" O.C., CAVITYFILLED W/ DENSE PACK CELLULOSE INSULATION7/16" ZIP SHEATHING, TAPED AT SEAMS2" RIGID INSULATION2" XPS AT SLAB EDGEZIP TAPE VAPOR BARRIER TO MUDSILL & FOUNDATIONSILL SEAL BETWEEN FOUNDATION & MUDSILLBASELAMINATE FLOORINGVINYL SIDING2x6" PT SILL PLATEPT TERMINATION STRIP"R30"MIN.4' - 0"10"REINFORCEDSONOTUBEPT 4X42X4 @ 16" O.C.7/16" ZIP SHEATHINGVINYL SIDINGPT 2X8@ 16" O.C.PT 2X8@ 16" O.C.128NOTE:COMPLETE DRYWALL CEILING PRIORTO INTERIOR PARTITIONSROOF ASSEMBLY30 YR. ASPHALT SHINGLES"ICE&WATER" OR EQ. AT RIDGE AND EAES (3'-0")30# FELT5/8" SHEATHINGMETAL PLATE CONNECTED TRUSSES5 1/2" HEAVYGUAGE DRIP EDGEDRIP BEADALUMINUM COIL STOCKOVER WOOD TRIMVINYL SOFFIT VENT, INSUL.BAFFLE, RIDGE VENTINSULATED DOUBLE HEADER 2X8AIR SEAL WITH SILOCONE CAULKF CHANNELS TO SECURE SOFFIT1/2" GYP. BOARD1X3 STRAPPING, 16" O.C.BLOWN IN CELLULOSE INS. R-60, MIN.INSULATION BAFFLE7/16" ZIP SHEATINGDENSE PACK CELLULOSE: R-201/2" GYP. BOARD2" RIGID FOAMINSULATION: R-10VINYL SIDINGCLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECTAs indicatedA3.0BUILDINGSECTIONS789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOW1" = 1'-0"1Wall Section at FoundationWALL SECTION NOTES 1. Blower door testing to be completed prior to exterior wall cavityinsulation installation if possible. HVAC: seal duct penetrations throughthe wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least½”width.2. ELECTRICIAN: Seal conduit and electrical cable penetrations throughthe wall plane using spray sealant foam in an annulus space of at least1/4”width. Drill one hole for each cable. 3. PLUMBER: Seal pipe penetrations through the wall plane using spraysealant foam in an annulus space of at least 1/4”width.4. PLUMBER: Seal waste vent penetrations through the roof plane usingand inverted pipe “boot”seal tight to the underside of the roofsheeathing.AIR SEALING REQUIREMENT At 50 Pascals:2.0 Air Changes per Hour (ACH) maximum.Readout on the blower door: ______ CFM50 BLOWER DOOR TEST SCHEDULE1. At completion of all of the following:•Taped Sheathing (primary air barrier)•Windows installation (door rough openings can be temporarilysealed)2. At completion of MEP roughing —including after all exterior wallpenetrations including but not limited to:•Bath Fans•Hose Bibs•Dryer Vent•ASHP Lineset•Plumbing Pipes and Vents•Range Hood Exhaust•All Electrical Conduit to Exterior Fixtures3. At final punchlist or later if required by AHJ or utility incentiveprogram administrator.3/8" = 1'-0"2Wall Section at Shed1" = 1'-0"3Wall Section at Roof 2' - 0 1/2"3' - 0"1' - 0"3' - 0"1' - 0"5.5" COLONIAL FINGERJOINTED PINE BASEBOARD2' - 10 1/2"0' - 1 1/2"1' - 0"0' - 0"2' - 6"1' - 5 1/2"1' - 6"1' - 11 1/2"3' - 0"5' - 10"LAMNINETCOUNTER TOPAND BACKSPLASH1' - 0"3.5" COLONIAL FINGERJOINTED PINE BASEBOARDFIBERGLASSTUB/SHOWERUNITFIBERGLASSTUB UNITMIRRORIKEA CABINETLAMINET COUNTER TOPAND BACKSPLASHMEDICINE CABINETW/MIRRORFIBERGLASSTUB/SHOWERUNITSHELVES3' - 0"LIGHTA4.0910786' - 8"2' - 6"6' - 0"STORAGESHELVES2' - 7"11' - 5 1/2"A4.0365420' - 5"11' - 5 1/2"12' - 4 1/2"2' - 6"3' - 6"CLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECT1/4" = 1'-0"A4.0KITCHEN/BATHELEVATIONS789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOW1/4" = 1'-0"3Kitchen - N1/4" = 1'-0"4Kitchen - E1/4" = 1'-0"5Kitchen - S1/4" = 1'-0"6Kitchen - W1/4" = 1'-0"7Bathroom - W1/4" = 1'-0"8Bathroom - N1/4" = 1'-0"9Bathroom - E1/4" = 1'-0"10Bathroom - S1/4" = 1'-0"2Enlarged Bathroom Floor Plan1/4" = 1'-0"1Enlarged Kitchen Floor PlanNOTES:UPPER CABINETS TO BE CENTERED ABOVECORRESPONDING BASE CABINETS.SOME CABINETS WILL HAVE TO BE CUT TO WIDTH. REF.DWGFIRGFIGFIGFIGFIGFID22WPF4WPGFIDNGFITWPDRTVERVPOWER TO ERVEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCL3' - 11 1/2"3' - 5 1/2"EQEQEQEQEQSSSW/DHWAIR SOURCEHEAT PUMPWALL MOUNTAHUELECTRICAL LEGENDELECTRICAL PANELNOTES:1) ALL DECORATIVE LIGHTS SHALL BE SELECTED BY THE HABITAT.2) ALL LIGHTING DIMMABLE EXCEPT EXTERIOR, BATHROOMS & UTILITY ROOM.3) COORDINATE ALL GFI OUTLETS W/ COUNTER HEIGHTS.4) OUTLETS IN LOFT PER CODE. LIGHTING LAYOUT IN LOFT SPACED EVENLY.5) SWITCH/OUTLET HEIGHTS TO THE BOTTOM OF PLATE, TYP.6) ALL RECESSED CANS TO BE IC RATEDDUPLEX OUTLETGFI OUTLETCEILING MOUNTED LEDPENDANT LIGHT 1FAN SWITCHERV CONTROLS30 AMP DRYER OUTLETQUADRUPLEX OUTLETWEATHERPROOF OUTLETEXTERIOR SOFFIT LIGHTMOTION SENSOR CLOSET LIGHTS50 AMP RANGE OUTLETWALL DATA PORTPENDANT LIGHT 2RECESSED LEDEXTERIOR WALL LIGHTSWITCHFCEILING FAN/LIGHTDIRECTIONAL LIGHTRCEILING MOUNTED DUPLEX FOR GARAGE DOOR OPENERCABLESHOWER EXHAUST FANSSMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORCLIENTDRAWINGSCALESETSIMPLE CITY STUDIOADDRESSDRAWN BYDATESIMPLE CITY STUDIO LLC206.375.5126Architecture Interiors & Planningwww.simplecitystudio.com2 Juniper St Florence MASTAMPCONSULTANTSPROJECT3/16" = 1'-0"A5.0ELECTRIC & HVACPLANS789 Burts Pit Rd PERMIT DRAFTPV HABITAT FOR HUMANITY8/16/21BWBBROUGHTON'S MEADOWNOTE:Lighting/Powerplan to be design-build by electrician:-1 LED surface mount light fixture in shed-1 outlet and 1 switch installed in attic for radon fan-All surface mount ceiling lights to be ceiling fan rated -except in shed-Placement of lights, outlets and other fixtures may vary-Bathroom and bedroom outlets must be sufficient for an electric space heater-Pre-wire for wall heaters in bedroomsINCLUDE OUTLET IN ATTIC NEAR RADON PIPEFOR POTENTIAL ADDITION OF RADON FAN