2020 FY21 MassDOT Shared Streets Award-Contract-closeoutTen Park Plaza, Suite 4160, Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655 www.mass.gov/massdot Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn E. Polito, Lieutenant. Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO July, 10, 2020 Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning & Sustainability 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Director Feiden: Thank you for submitting a project application to the MassDOT Shared Streets and Spaces Program. Your project application has been reviewed, and we are pleased to notify you that the Northampton project has been approved for funding. We received many applications and had a competitive applicant pool from which to select, and your application stood out. The Northampton project will be funded at $199,800.00 under Chapter 90 Contract Number/ MMARS # 50917. The Shared Streets and Spaces Program is intended to support projects that promote public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce by quickly providing new or repurposed space for socially-distanced walking, bicycling, dining, retail, and bus travel. Because of the urgency of this effort, the Northampton project will need to be fully implemented by Friday, October 9, 2020. A member of the Shared Streets and Spaces team will contact you via email shortly regarding next steps. Please note that any pavement markings or signage included in your project that are not compliant with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices should be used with caution, and only on a temporary basis. Please feel free to contact the Shared Streets Team to discuss this issue in more detail, if needed. By December 31, 2020, a report detailing lessons learned from the project must be submitted to MassDOT. Grant recipients may also be invited to participate in a learning exchange with other municipalities to share experiences. MassDOT will work directly with you to determine the best evaluation process for your particular project. We are excited to work with you and the full Northampton team as this project advances. Sincerely, Stephanie Pollack Secretary and CEO 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…1/7 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting This questionnaire comprises your municipality’s final reporting requirement for the MassDOT Shared Streets and Spaces Municipal Grant Program and is mandatory for all grant recipients. Please complete each field in its entirety and submit by December 1, 2020. Please note that this date is sooner than the reporting deadline indicated in your award letter. We appreciate your help as we shift timelines to accommodate internal reporting requirements. Thank you for your participation in the Shared Streets and Spaces program. We look forward to learning about your experiences. Note: For municipalities that received multiple grants from the Shared Streets and Spaces Program, please complete one close-out reporting form per award and clearly indicate which grant is being reported on in each form. * Required Name of Municipality: * 1. Northampton Date of Award Letter: * 2. July 10, 2020 Contact Name: * 3. Wayne Feiden Contact Title: * 4. Director of Planning & Sustainability 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…2/7 Phone: * 5. 413-587-1265 Email: * 6. WFeiden@NorthamptonMA.gov Project Name: * 7. Main Street Shared Streets Total amount awarded through this Shared Streets and Spaces Program grant ($): * 8. $199,800 Other funding required to complete project, if applicable (list amount and source): * 9. City funds $2,098.09 plus city staff time Did your municipality use any federal funding for this project in addition to this grant? * 10. No Yes If you answered "Yes" to Question 10, please describe the type of funding and use: * 11. not applicable Total Project Cost: * 12. 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…3/7 $201,1898.09 plus city staff time Project Type (check all that apply): * 13. Outdoor Dining and Commerce Safe Routes to School Bicycle Facilities Traffic Calming Crossing Improvements Trail/ Shared-Use Path Bus Improvements Sidewalks Bicycle Sharing Systems Other Project Description (3-5 sentences) * 14. Temporary installations focused on narrowing Main Street to provide wider walking areas to accommodate walking with Covid-19 distancing, a bicycle lane, narrower crosswalks, and space for outdoor dining. In addition, art and landscaping interventions were added to add interest to downtown in a time when visitation has dropped dramatically. Permanent installations included smart garage parking signs, showing number of available parking spaces, a wider center island for truck loading, and re-used landscape planters for other street projects. Some grant recipients received MassDOT approval to slightly alter project scopes after award, due to unexpected or changing circumstances. Was the project scope modified from the original concept in this manner? * 15. No Yes If you answered "Yes" to Question 15, please explain how and why: * 16. The project was laid out as planned in the project scope. After a four installation, the core aspect of the project, a narrower Main Street creating shared streets, was removed, with some elements remaining (temporary art installations, temporary curb extensions to accommodate interested food establishments, permanent center island, permanent smart garage signs, and landscape planters at other public streetscape locations). 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…4/7 What is the current status of the project being completed with this funding grant? * 17. Complete In Progress Not Started If you answered "In Progress" or "Not Started" to Question 17, please explain: * 18. Enter your answer List all major project deliverables (use as many lines as necessary). Please be as specific as possible, and include whether the deliverable is intended to be permanent or temporary. Example: a. 2 on-street parking spaces repurposed for general use parklets (temporary) b. 1,000 feet of sidewalk created with repurposed parking space (temporary) c. 100 feet of protected bike lanes installed with plastic delineators (permanent) * 19. 1. 1,000 feet of road narrowing (temporary- 4 weeks) 2. 4 Main Street crosswalks narrowed (temporary- 4 weeks) 3. 1,8,00 feet of bicycle lanes (temporary - 4 weeks) 4. 2 side street (Crafts Ave and Old South Street) crosswalks narrowed (temporary- 4 weeks) 5. 2 smart parking garage signs (permanent) 6. 100 plants, installed on Main Street (temporary - 4 weeks) and redirected to other streetscapes (permanent) 7. 1 center island painted for truck unloading (permanent) 8. 4 streetscape art projects to bring parking edges to life (temporary- 4 months, with art likely to fade over the winter) 9. 1 floating bus stop (available for future projects) 10. Information signs, surveys, public education (temporary - 4 weeks) 11. 3 outdoor dining areas used by downtown eating establishments (temporary - 16 weeks) Provide the name and street address of any vendors used to complete this project and the amount allocated, if applicable. Provide the DUNS number if available. Also indicate whether the funds were distributed to the vendor through a Contract, Grant, Loan, or Direct Payment. Example: a. Labor Providers Corp., 1 State Street, Boston, MA 01234 - Contract b. Traffic Store Inc., 1 Main Street, Boston, MA 01234 - Direct Payment * 20. 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…5/7 a. Amazon 410 Terry Ave N, Seatle, WA 98109 Direct payment $5.87 b. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $355.05 c. Amazon 410 Terry Ave N, Seatle, WA 98109 Direct payment $109.38 d. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $81.90 e. Perma-Line PO Box 1022, Easton, MA 02334 Direct payment $160.40 f. RK Miles 21 West St, West Hatfield, MA 01088 Direct payment $158.31 g. Zoro.com 909 Ashbury Dr, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Direct payment $579.56 h. Ramiro Davaro-Comas 3612 Mechanic St, Valatie, NY 12184 Direct payment $500.00 i. Ramiro Comas 3612 Mechanic St, Valatie, NY 12184 Direct payment $250.00 j. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $200.85 k, Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $40.95 l. Grainger 790 Cottage St, Springfield, MA 01104-3221 Direct payment $31,220.64 m. Grainger 790 Cottage St, Springfield, MA 01104-3221 Direct payment $4,257.36 n. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $172.25 o. RK Miles 21 West St, West Hatfield, MA 01088 Direct payment $69.88 p. Amazon 410 Terry Ave N, Seatle, WA 98109 Direct payment $418.60 q. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $5,637.40 r. Amazon 410 Terry Ave N, Seatle, WA 98109 Direct payment $29.08 s. Smart Sign 300 Cadman Plaza West, Ste 1303, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Direct payment $36.60 t. Sybertech PO Box 3009, Mission, BC BC V2V 1G0 Direct payment $33,871.00 u. Sherwin Williams 312 King St, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $47.81 v. Pioneer Landscapes PO Box 823, Easthampton, MA 01027 Direct payment $2,200.00 w. RK Miles 21 West St, West Hatfield, MA 01088 Direct payment $41.50 x. Eben Kling 79 Beckett Ave, Branford, CT 06405 Direct payment $2,500.00 y. Land Scapes PO Box 1332, Northampton, MA 01061 Direct payment $6,000.00 z. Sean Greene 18 New St, Florence, MA 01062 Direct payment $2,500.00 aa. Kimberly Carlino 116 Pleasant St, Ste 250, Easthampton, MA 01027 Direct payment $2,500.00 bb. Andrae Green 24 Bangor St, Springfield, MA 01118 Direct payment $2,500.00 cc. CopyCat Print 137A Damon Rd, Northampton, MA 01060 Direct payment $217.50 dd. Ziclacities S.L. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 506-510, Barcelona, Spain (08015) Direct payment $59,809.00 ee. Integrated Technical Systems 8 Capital Dr, Wallingford, CT 06492 Direct payment $14,775.04 ff. Toole Design 8484 Georgia Ave, Ste 800, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Direct payment $30,000.00 gg. Lowes 282 Russell St, Hadley, MA 01035 Direct payment $132.00 hh. Harbor Freight Tools 303 Russell St, Hadley MA 01035 Direct payment $299.99 ii. Lowes 282 Russell St, Hadley, MA 01035 Direct payment $209.40 jj. Lowes 282 Russell St, Hadley, MA 01035 Direct payment $111.64 Grant recipients are required to spend the entirety of their grant on the approved project. Did your municipality spend 100% of funds from this grant on the designated project? * 21. No Yes If you answered "No" to Question 21, please explain why and whether these funds have been returned to MassDOT: * 22. Not applicable 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…6/7 I confirm that the MassDOT Shared Streets & Spaces grant was spent in full compliance with the grant terms and conditions as set forth in the award letter and contract. * 23. Yes No Do you feel the project met the goals it was intended to meet? * 24. Fully Partially No Please explain your response for Question 24 with any local data or stories to support your answer: * 25. We made Main Street safer and created some temporary commercial improvements (smart parking signs, outdoor What are the municipality’s next steps with the project? Please detail whether the improvements are permanent, seasonal, or entirely temporary. If project elements will be removed, please explain when and why. * 26. Permanent installation aspects (e.g., planters, smart parking signs, center truck loading) will continue to serve downtown. Available parts will be reused in the future for other projects (e.g.. supplies, floating bus stop). In addition, although the project was designed for Covid relief, some of the lessons learned (shorter crosswalks can work and strong opposition to any loss of parking or congestion) will be enormously helpful in a longer term Main Street complete streets design project. Please share your favorite local story or experience related to the project. With permission, we may quote your response in a future program report. * 27. The shorter crosswalk distances, in a downtown with very high crash clusters, made many pedestrians excited and, along with bicycle lanes, received the most positive reviews. After a town hall meeting with strong opposition to the overall project, restaurants with outdoor dining reached out to the Mayor's office to report that they still wanted and needed the outdoor dining opportunities that the project and a related lower Main Street project offered them. We plan to host a peer learning exchange for municipalities to connect and share ideas on how to manage certain issues related to mobility, implementation and public process, commerce, and public health. Would you be interested in attending or participating? * 28. 11/30/2020 Shared Streets and Spaces Program Close-Out Reporting https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Fh2GPrdIDkqYBowE2Bt7KiuRlEYJeLNDj6dzOcrwLj9UNjk3Q1JUUEs2QUZTSkcwVDRWTkN…7/7 This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsoft is not responsible for theprivacy or security practices of its customers, including those of this form owner. Never give out your password. Powered by Microsoft Forms | Privacy and cookies | Terms of use I am interested I am not interested at this time Please send me additional information If you are interested in attending or participating, what discussion topics would you find most useful? * 29. The challenges, and failures, of building consensus in a pandemic. Next MassDOT Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program MAIN STREET SHARED STREETS AND SPACES City of Northampton APPENDIX Project Locus Photos of pilot project already implemented SHEET OF 56/26/2020MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON DATENEW SHAREDSPACE RESTAURANT FLOATINGBUS STOP TEMPORARYCURB RAMP BIKE LANE ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACE 1N SHEET OF 56/26/2020MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON DATENEW SHAREDSPACE RESTAURANT FLOATINGBUS STOP TEMPORARYCURB RAMP BIKE LANE ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACE 2N SHEET OF 56/26/2020MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON DATENEW SHAREDSPACE RESTAURANT FLOATINGBUS STOP TEMPORARYCURB RAMP BIKE LANE ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACE 3 N SHEET OF 56/26/2020MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON DATENEW SHAREDSPACE RESTAURANT FLOATINGBUS STOP TEMPORARYCURB RAMP BIKE LANE ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACE 4 N ONLYBUSONLYBUSSHEET OF 56/26/2020MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON DATENEW SHAREDSPACE RESTAURANT FLOATINGBUS STOP TEMPORARYCURB RAMP BIKE LANE ACCESSIBLEPARKING SPACE 5 N 810679399960239317610004257361000000010000000100000020091093 PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 810707729 9602393176 07/27/2020 09/10/2020 $4,257.36 PO NUMBER:72720-A REQUISITIONER:WAYNE FEIDEN CALLER:WAYNE FEIDEN CUSTOMER PHONE:4135871265 ORDER NUMBER:1389182783 INCO TERMS:FOB ORIGIN Pay invoices online at: www.grainger.com/invoicing THANK YOU!FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-800-472-4643 790 COTTAGE ST. SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104-3221 www.grainger.com SHIP TO ATTN: WAYNE FEIDEN CITY HALL CALL DEL DAY 4136952748 210 MAIN ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-3196 BILL TO CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DPW ATT: CINDY HUSKINS 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-2066 PO LINE # ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 49ZV72 PAVEMENT MARKING TAPE,90 FT. L X 4" W MANUFACTURER # 271ES-4X30YD Delivery #6477249727 Date Shipped:07/27/2020 Carrier: UPS GROUND No:of Pkgs:6 Wt: 200.400 Trk #:1Z6W597A0326054857 1Z6W597A0326054866 1Z6W597A0326054875 SHIPPED FROM: DC JACKSONVILLE 945 8001 FORSHEE DRIVE,JACKSONVILLE,FL 32219-5338 12 354.78 4,257.36 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 4,257.36 These items are sold for domestic consumption. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for export controls. Diversion contrary to US law prohibited. THIS PURCHASE IS GOVERNED EXCLUSIVELY BY GRAINGER'S TERMS OF SALE, INCLUDING: (I) DISPUTE RESOLUTION REMEDIES, AND (II) CERTAIN WARRANTY AND DAMAGES LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE ORDER, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE HEREIN. GRAINGER'S TERMS OF SALE ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.GRAINGER.COM PRODUCT RETURN INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT WWW.GRAINGER.COM/RETURNS AMOUNT DUE $4,257.36PAY THIS INVOICE - PAYMENT TERMS Net 45 days after inv IN U.S. DOLLARS. PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT BILL TO: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DPW ATT: CINDY HUSKINS 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-2066 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REMIT TO: GRAINGER DEPT. 810679399 PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 X ACCOUNT NUMBER 810707729 DATE 07/27/2020 INVOICE NUMBER 9602393176 AMOUNT DUE $4,257.36 FOR COMMENTS OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS, ENTER INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE 909 Asbury Drive Buffalo Grove IL 60089 www.zoro.com Tax ID # 27-3596010 Cash/CC Sales Receipt Customer #CUST13457469 Date 7/28/2020 Sales Receipt #10177991 Bill To Wayne Feiden City of Northampton--covid delivery 57 Olander Dr 4135871265 Northampton MA 01060 United States Ship To Wayne Feiden City of Northampton--covid delivery 57 Olander Dr 4135871265 Northampton MA 01060 United States Purchase Order # Shipping Method Standard Ground Tracking # 1ZX1W6760330871622 1ZX1W6760330871579 1ZX1W6760330871613 1ZX1W6760330871604 Payment Method VISA Credit Card #************4460 Sales Order #SO17930576SO # For Questions Please Contact http://www.zoro.com/pages/zoro_info/contactus/ (855) 289-9676 Z Number G7142931 Item Curb Ramp,50 in L x 29-1/2 in W,Plastic Quantity 4 Units EA Rate 144.89 Amount 579.56 Subtotal Shipping Cost (Standard Ground) Total Paid 579.56 0.00 $579.56 Please Send Payments to: Ramiro Davaro-Comas 3612 Mechanic Street Valatie, NY, 12184 Invoice #2 Date: July 31st, 2020 To: City of Northampton Planning and Sustainability Department 210 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL Consulting for the Public Art Asphalt Mural Project 250 250 SUBTOTAL 250 SALES TAX 0 TOTAL DUE 250 Make all checks payable to Ramiro Davaro-Comas Thank you for your business! www.ramirostudios.com ramirodavaro@gmail.com 508 353 3918 ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 6603-8 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 6603-8 08/03 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425766038080301565411479 3039_66038114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING ORDER: OE0145121Q5654 DATE: 08/03/2020 TIME: 08:51 AM 2-4960 E23/11479 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 8000-03212 5 GAL NA HL 2153 FDTP WB YL 10 13.13 131.30N 6500-97173 GALLON K43Y57 RES EXT SA VV YEL 1 40.95 40.95N Color: SW6924 DIRECT GREEN DIRECT GREEN . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 172.25 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $172.25 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM ANNESE STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM XPhone Transaction NORTHAMPTON - LAND & PLANNING 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2% 10TH NET EOM 0.00 69.88 69.88 DOWNTOWN 3:19 0.00 MRS 570 8/4/20 PAGE NO: 1 413-587-1265 PO # DOWNTOWN INVOICE: 3.90 ** AMOUNT CHARGED TO STORE ACCOUNT ** 69.88 458953/4 69.88 000 MASS TAX EXEMPT041 041 501265 MRS CUSTOMER NO:TERMS:PURCHASE ORDER:DATE / TIME:CLERK: TERMINAL: TAXABLE NON-TAXABLE SUB-TOTAL TAX AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT REFERENCE: TOTAL WEIGHT: Received By SOLD TO: JOB NO: SHIP TO: RESALE NO: SALES REP: TAX: SHIPPED ORDERED UM SKU DESCRIPTION LOCATION UNITS PRICE /PER EXTENSION 1 1 EA 6479760 STANLEY RETRACTABL UTILITY KNIFE 49S3 1 5.46 /EA 5.46 N 9 9 EA 6587737 6" RETRACTABLE UTILITY KNIFE 49S3 9 4.12 /EA 37.08 N 2 2 EA 7059173 100' CHALK LINE REEL ABS CASING 50S4 2 8.63 /EA 17.26 N 2 2 EA 6172068 CHALK POWDER 8 OZ. RED 50S4 2 1.62 /EA 3.24 N 9 9 EA 20853 LUMBER CRAYON RED 50S5 9 0.76 /EA 6.84 N 8/7/2020 Amazon.com - Order 114-6914300-8576264 https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_invoice_o00?ie=UTF8&orderID=114-6914300-8576264#1/1 Item(s) Subtotal: $29.90 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Amazon Discount: -$0.82 ----- Total before tax: $29.08 Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00 ----- Grand Total:$29.08 Details for Order #114-6914300-8576264 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: August 7, 2020 Amazon.com order number: 114-6914300-8576264 Order Total: $29.08 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 2 of: Milwaukee 48-22-3980 100 ft. Bold Line Sold by: American Safety Distributors (seller profile ) Condition: New $14.95 Shipping Address: Wayne Feiden PLANNING DEPARTMENT 210 MAIN ST NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3196 United States Shipping Speed: Economy Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Visa | Last digits: 4921 Billing address Kristen Yezierski 212 MAIN ST RM 305 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3112 United States To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates 8/7/2020 Amazon.com - Order 114-3482147-4145032 https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_invoice_o01?ie=UTF8&orderID=114-3482147-4145032 1/2 Details for Order #114-3482147-4145032 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: August 7, 2020 Amazon.com order number: 114-3482147-4145032 Order Total: $418.60 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 3 of: DEWALT Tape Measure, Closed Case, 100-Foot (DWHT34036L) Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $20.97 1 of: Rust-Oleum 2393000 Professional Marking Wand, 1 Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $22.77 6 of: Rust-Oleum 266593 Professional 2X Distance Inverted Marking Spray Paint, 15 oz, White Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $5.87 8 of: Wells Lamont Nitrile Work Gloves, 5 Pack, Large (580LA),Grey Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $4.96 5 of: CRAFTSMAN Utility Knife, Quick Change, Retractable Blade, 2-Pack (CMHT10378) Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $11.98 1 of: Rust-Oleum 2393000 Professional Marking Wand, 1 Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $22.77 3 of: Komelon SL2825 Self Lock 25-Foot Power Tape Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $9.99 6 of: 3M Scotch Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch by 60-Yard - White, 1 Pack Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $7.57 4 of: Heavy Duty Contractor Bags by Ultrasac - (VALUE 50 PACK /w TIES), 42 Gallon, 2'9" X 4' - 3 MIL Thick Large Black Industrial Garbage Trashbags for Construction and Commercial use Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $24.99 Shipping Address: Wayne Feiden PLANNING DEPARTMENT 210 MAIN ST NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3196 United States Shipping Speed: FREE Shipping Payment information 8/7/2020 Amazon.com - Order 114-3482147-4145032 https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_invoice_o01?ie=UTF8&orderID=114-3482147-4145032 2/2 Item(s) Subtotal: $418.60 Shipping & Handling: $47.90 Free Shipping: -$47.90 ----- Total before tax: $418.60 Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00 ----- Grand Total:$418.60 Payment Method: Visa | Last digits: 4921 Billing address Kristen Yezierski 212 MAIN ST RM 305 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3112 United States To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates ' SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. CHARGE NORTHAMPTON Store 5654 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 (413)584-8789 Fax (413) 584-4820 www.sherwin-williams.com 1 :24pm 08/11/20 , , Tran# 6807-5 E02/11479 PO# PLANNING DEPT NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CODY Account XXXX-5425-7 Job 1 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF Tax Record card 528805 Bill To: NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITV OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON, HA 01060 2066 / 6404-13340 GALLON K42Wbl RES EXT FL EXTRA No Tax 9.00@ 39,45 355 · 05 Color: SV6937 TANTALIZIN& TEAL 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA No Tax 9,00@ 39,45 355.05 Color: SW6421 CELERY 64 04-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP No Tax 9,00@ 39.45 355.05 Color: SW6480 LA&OON 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP No Tax 9.00@ 39.45 355.05 Color: SV6752 LARCHNERE 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP No Tax 9,00 @ 39,45 355.05 Color: Custol 6909 LENON TWIST CCE*Color Cast OZ 32 64 128 WI White 4 7 -1 Nl Raw Umber - - 1 - R2 Maroon - - 1 - V1 Vellow-4 55 1 1 Custom Manual Formula Hatch 109-5843 Kos910000 22oz K5910001 5910 SB HWY WHITE 6504:27438 GALLON K42T154 No Tax 30.00 @ 10,39 311.70 -. RES EXT 'F L ULTRA 355.05 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 No Tax 9.00 @ 39.45 RES EXT FL DEEP Color: SV6943 INTENSE TEAL No Tax 9.00 @ 39.45 355.05 6500-97116 GALLON K42Y57 Color: SV6958 DYNAMIC BLUE RES EXT FL VV YEL 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 No Tax 9.00@ 39.45 RES EXT FL DEEP Color: SV6698 KIN&DON &OLD 9.00@ 39.45 355.05 Color: SV6831 CLEMATIS No Tax 6500-97116 GALLON K42V57 RES EXT FL VV VEL No Tax 9 ,00 @ 39 .45 355.05 Color: SV6886 INUI&ORATE Order# OE0145139A5654 SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 CHARGE 355.05 5637.45 0.00 $5637.45 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA No Tax 9.00@ 39.45 355.05 Merchandise Received in Good Order by: Color { SV9068 BERRY FRAPPE 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA 9.00 ® 39.45 355.05 Colar: SV6562 IRRESISTIBLE No Tax 6504-27438 GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 9.00@ 39.45 355.05 Color: SV6614 QUITE CORAL Na Tax 6504-2743B GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA No Tax 9,00@ 39,45 355.05 Color: Si6869 STOP 6504-27438 GALLON ' K42 T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 355 _05 _ g 00@ 39.45 • -RIJIEIILIIO ••-,.. __ TOM NET PAVNENT DUE ON SEP. 20th ( Centralized Invoice) Date --------Thank You --------- receipt required for refund Stare COPY ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 6807-5 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 4266-5425-7 6807-5 08/11 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425768075081101565411479 3039_68075114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145139A5654 DATE: 08/11/2020 TIME: 01:24 PM 2-4960 E02/11479 PAGE 1 OF 2 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 109-5843 22OZ K05910000 5910 SB HWY WHITE 30 10.39 311.70N 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6958 DYNAMIC BLUE DYNAMIC BLUE 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6831 CLEMATIS CLEMATIS 6500-97116 GALLON K42Y57 RES EXT FL VV YEL 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6886 INVIGORATE INVIGORATE 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW9068 BERRY FRAPPE BERRY FRAPPE 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6562 IRRESISTIBLE IRRESISTIBLE 6504-27438 GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6614 QUITE CORAL QUITE CORAL 6504-27438 GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6869 STOP STOP 6504-27438 GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6966 BLUEBLOOD BLUEBLOOD 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6937 TANTALIZING TEAL TANTALIZING TEAL 6404-13340 GALLON K42W51 RES EXT FL EXTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6421 CELERY CELERY 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6480 LAGOON LAGOON 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6752 LARCHMERE LARCHMERE 6404-13381 GALLON K42W53 RES EXT FL DEEP 9 39.45 355.05N Custom: 6909 LEMON TWIST CCE*Color Cast OZ 32 64 128 W1 White 4 7 - 1 N1 Raw Umber - - 1 - R2 Maroon - - 1 - Y1 Yellow 4 55 1 1 Custom Manual Match LEMON TWIST 6504-27438 GALLON K42T154 RES EXT FL ULTRA 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6943 INTENSE TEAL INTENSE TEAL 6500-97116 GALLON K42Y57 RES EXT FL VV YEL 9 39.45 355.05N ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 6807-5 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 4266-5425-7 6807-5 08/11 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425768075081101565411479 3039_68075114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145139A5654 DATE: 08/11/2020 TIME: 01:24 PM 2-4960 E02/11479 PAGE 2 OF 2 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE Color: SW6698 KINGDOM GOLD KINGDOM GOLD . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 5637.45 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $5637.45 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8/8/2020 https://www.smartsign.com/xp5/DisplayInvoice.aspx?OrderID=3837800&CustID=1756917&compname=SmartSign&archive=0 https://www.smartsign.com/xp5/DisplayInvoice.aspx?OrderID=3837800&CustID=1756917&compname=SmartSign&archive=0 1/1 INVOICE Order Date Order # 7/11/2020 Refund Date 7/27/2020 SMT-326404 Bill To Ship To Wayne Feiden City of Northampton (Covid delivery) 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON , MA 01060 3631 United States Wayne Feiden City of Northampton 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 3631 United States Terms: Due on Receipt PO Number: 7-11-20-A CC: VisaCard Name: Wayne Feiden Card #************4186 Expiry: 01/24 Item Description Unit Price Qty. Amount 1. 12" x 30" Reusable Polyethylene Stencil, 63 mil Thick Size: 12" x 30" • Part#: LQ-3015 -FS-12x30-C $36.6000 /Stencil Pkg: 1 Stencil 1 Stencil $36.60 Shipped via: UPS ground Tracking #: 1Z59F27FYW71381637 Thanks for purchasing from SmartSign .com The amount shown on this invoice are in US Dollars. Please make checks payable to SmartSign Mail your checks to: SmartSign Accounts Department 300 Cadman Plaza West, Suite 1303, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Product Subtotal: $36.60 Shipping Charges: Free Tax: $2.29 Order Total (in US Dollars): $38.89 Payments: $38.89 REFUND OF SALES TAX: $2.29 Outstanding Amount: ($2.29) PAID IN FULL Please Send Payments to: Ramiro Davaro-Comas 3612 Mechanic Street Valatie, NY, 12184 Invoice #2 Date: August 13th, 2020 To: City of Northampton Planning and Sustainability Department 210 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2 day Onsite Management for Asphalt Mural Project 500 500 SUBTOTAL 500 SALES TAX 0 TOTAL DUE 500 Make all checks payable to Ramiro Davaro-Comas Thank you for your business! www.ramirostudios.com ramirodavaro@gmail.com 508 353 3918     September 30, 2020 Mr. Wayne Feiden, FAICP Director Planning & Sustainability City of Northampton 210 Main Street, City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Main Street Shared Streets (engineering services) TDG Project #60206 Please find enclosed our invoice for the work conducted through August 28, 2020. Task accomplishments included the following: Engineering Services for Main Street Shared Streets instillation 100% Complete  Provided preparatory, day of, and post installation engineering services to support Main Street Shared Streets implementation This will be our final invoice for this effort, thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this invoice, please contact accounts.receivable@tooledesign.com. If you have questions regarding our work, contact Jason DeGray, the project manager at jdegray@tooledesign.com or 617-619-9910 ext 217. Sincerely, Erica Guidoboni, PE, ENV SP Director of Engineering | Northeastern U.S. Enclosures Northampton, City of (MA)Invoice number 60206_AUG01F Invoice date 09/30/2020 Invoice total 30,000.00 Questions? Contact the Project Manager or Accounts.Receivable@tooledesign.com, Call 301-927-1900. Total 30,000.00 100%30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 Description Contract Amount Percent Complete Total Billed Prior Billed Current Billed Amount Remaining SHARED STREETS IMPLEMENTATION ENGINEERING SERVICES 30,000.00 100% 30,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 0% Total $30,000.00 100%30,000.00 0.00 $30,000.00 0% Invoice Summary Description Contract Amount Percent Complete Total Billed Prior Billed Current Invoice Remaining Percent Toole Design Group, LLC 8484 Georgia Ave Suite 800 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-927-1900 FEIN- 05-0545429 INVOICE Northampton, City of (MA) Wayne Feiden 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Invoice number 60206_AUG01F Date 09/30/2020 Project 60206 NORTHAMPTON SHARED STREETS & SPACES INSTALL SUPPORT Period 7/29/2020 - 08/28/2020 60206_AUG01F 09/30/2020 30,000.00 30,000.00 Total 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aging Summary Invoice Number Invoice Date Outstanding Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 Invoice Invoice Date:8/20/2020 Invoice #:294002 Bill To: Jason DeGray TOOLE DESIGN GROUP, LLC 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 800 Silver Spring, MD 20910 5879 Sunset Drive, Suite 4 South Miami, Florida 33143 P.O. Number: Due Date:9/30/2020 Project: Total Balance Due Payments/Credits Northampton Main Street COVID Grant Remit Payment to: Work Complete Current AmountTotal Amount Prior % Total TDG Project Number: 60153 Client Project Number: 609286 For work complete August 2020 Implementation of Demonstration Project 15,000.0015,000.00 100.00% Mike Lydon PIC, $175/hr, 46 hours Tony Garcia, PIC, $175/hr, 40 hours $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $0.00 INVOICE Date 8/14/2020 Invoice No. U10860 Invoice To: Northampton MA, City of 210 Main St Northhampton MA 01060 USA Ship To: Project name: Main Street Project location:E.J. Gare Parking Garage 85 Hampton Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 USA Wayne Feiden 413-695-2748 PO Box #3009 - 33191 1st Ave Mission BC V2V 1G0 Canada 1-888-888-7975 S.O. No. S16899 P.O. No. Wayne Feiden Terms Net 15 Rep AM Account No.Ship date 7/27/2020 Ship Via MC Freight Tracking No. Q30593 If you have any questions please contact Adam Mitchell at (604) 826-0559 or amitchell@swrl.com GST/HST No.: 137702809 Phone #: 1-888-888-7975 Fax #: 1-866-488-4120 Web Site: www.swrl.com Total Balance Due Subtotal Sales Tax Total Payments/Credits Customer Total Bal. **** Please note the new company mailing address effective Dec 2016 *** Item Description Qty U/M Price Amount TaxB/OOrdP/ISO# 6049RR-SC Millennium Reservoir Planter - 48" Round Ended Rectangle Planter 100 ea 294.71 29,471.00 E 0 100 0S16899 Black Solid color- Black Colour Option 100 0.00 0.00 E 0 100 0S16899 Sybertech Millennium Reservoir 48" Round End Rectangle Planter L: 48” W: 20” H: 23” 19.67 US Gallons / 68.1 L 3.72 cubic ft of soil 0.00 6001 Rockwool 4" x 4" x 2.6" cubes--all filter columns require 3 pieces per column 900 ea 0.00 0.00 E 0 900 0S16899 Freight&Del Freight & Delivery - All Sybertech Shipping Quotes are Quoted: FOB Origin of Shipment --Q30593-- ** CONTACT Wayne Feiden 413-695-2748 ** 24ft TRAILER SPACE ROUND END PLANTERS 12 Pallets 96 QTY 4,848 LB WEIGHT 119.78 CUBE L: 44.00IN x W:48.00 IN x H: 98.00 IN ROUND END PLANTERS 1 PALLETS 4 QTY 202 LB WEIGHT 59.89 CUBE L: 44.00IN x W:48.00 IN x H: 49.00 IN 1 4,400.00 4,400.00 E 1 0S16899 All Sales are Final:Terms of Payment - Please note that amounts owing after your billing due date are subject to a late payment interest charge, calculated at 2% per month, compounded monthly. An additional late payment fee may be applied subject to the outstanding balance. USD 33,871.00 USD 33,871.00 USD 33,871.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 33,871.00 ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 1867-9 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 4266-5425-7 1867-9 08/12 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425718679081201565417167 3039_18679171670820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145551Q5654 DATE: 08/12/2020 TIME: 03:02 PM 2-4960 E40/17167 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 6503-27281 GALLON B97BD2021 PRO PARK WB BLACK 5 23.79 118.95N 6500-97173 GALLON K43Y57 RES EXT SA VV YEL 2 40.95 81.90N Color: SW6924 DIRECT GREEN DIRECT GREEN . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 200.85 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $200.85 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 6685-5 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 6685-5 08/06 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425766855080601565411479 3039_66855114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145287Q5654 DATE: 08/06/2020 TIME: 10:10 AM 2-4960 E02/11479 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 6500-97173 GALLON K43Y57 RES EXT SA VV YEL 1 40.95 40.95N Color: SW6924 DIRECT GREEN DIRECT GREEN . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 40.95 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $40.95 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8106793999614568336100312206410000000100000001000000200921H3 PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE 810707729 9614568336 08/07/2020 09/21/2020 $31,220.64 PO NUMBER:72920-A REQUISITIONER:WAYNE FEIDEN CALLER:WAYNE FEIDEN CUSTOMER PHONE:4135871265 ORDER NUMBER:1389399970 INCO TERMS:FOB ORIGIN Pay invoices online at: www.grainger.com/invoicing THANK YOU!FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-800-472-4643 790 COTTAGE ST. SPRINGFIELD, MA 01104-3221 www.grainger.com SHIP TO ATTN: WAYNE FEIDEN NORTHAMPTON CITY CLERK 210 MAIN ST, RM 4 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-3110 BILL TO CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DPW ATT: CINDY HUSKINS 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-2066 PO LINE # ITEM #DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 49ZV71 PAVEMENT MARKING TAPE,90 FT. L X 4" W MANUFACTURER # 270ES-4X30YD 88 354.78 31,220.64 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 31,220.64 These items are sold for domestic consumption. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for export controls. Diversion contrary to US law prohibited. THIS PURCHASE IS GOVERNED EXCLUSIVELY BY GRAINGER'S TERMS OF SALE, INCLUDING: (I) DISPUTE RESOLUTION REMEDIES, AND (II) CERTAIN WARRANTY AND DAMAGES LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF THE ORDER, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE HEREIN. 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PLEASE DETACH THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT BILL TO: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DPW ATT: CINDY HUSKINS 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060-2066 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REMIT TO: GRAINGER DEPT. 810679399 PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 X ACCOUNT NUMBER 810707729 DATE 08/07/2020 INVOICE NUMBER 9614568336 AMOUNT DUE $31,220.64 FOR COMMENTS OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS, ENTER INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 6979-2 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 6979-2 08/17 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425769792081701565411479 3039_69792114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145742Q5654 DATE: 08/17/2020 TIME: 01:48 PM 2-4960 E40/11479 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 6500-97116 GALLON K42Y57 RES EXT FL VV YEL 9 39.45 355.05N Color: SW6734 ESPALIER ESPALIER . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 355.05 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $355.05 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: PICKED UP TOM STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM X NORTHAMPTON - LAND & PLANNING 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2% 10TH NET EOM 0.00 158.31 158.31 2:21 0.00 JAM 570 8/19/20 PAGE NO: 1 413-587-1265 INVOICE: 8.00 ** AMOUNT CHARGED TO STORE ACCOUNT ** 158.31 460319/4 158.31 000 MASS TAX EXEMPT041 713 501265 JAM CUSTOMER NO:TERMS:PURCHASE ORDER:DATE / TIME:CLERK: TERMINAL: TAXABLE NON-TAXABLE SUB-TOTAL TAX AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT REFERENCE: TOTAL WEIGHT: Received By SOLD TO: JOB NO: SHIP TO: RESALE NO: SALES REP: TAX: SHIPPED ORDERED UM SKU DESCRIPTION LOCATION UNITS PRICE /PER EXTENSION 4 4 EA 11339 METAL THREAD WOOD HANDLE 60"59-1A 4 9.21 /EA 36.84 N 5 5 EA 6842801 48" THREADED WOOD HANDLE 636B 5 4.60 /EA 23.00 N 2 2 EA WRR304 WOOS J KOTER MOHAIR 1/4" NAP 2PK 633C 2 4.12 /EA 8.24 N 7 7 EA WR959 WOOS PAINTERS CHOICE 3/8" 6PK 633E 7 7.48 /EA 52.36 N 12 12 EA 20853 LUMBER CRAYON RED 50S5 12 0.76 /EA 9.12 N 3 3 EA CTJ516 5 PLY NATURAL JUTE TWINE 252'7-5a 3 5.75 /EA 17.25 N 2 2 EA 1819960 4" FABRIC ROLLER W/16" FRAME 635C 2 5.75 /EA 11.50 N 8/20/2020 Amazon.com - Order 111-4973366-5397016 https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_invoice_o01?ie=UTF8&orderID=111-4973366-5397016 1/1 Item(s) Subtotal: $5.87 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 ----- Total before tax: $5.87 Estimated tax to be collected: $0.37 ----- Grand Total:$6.24 Final Details for Order #111-4973366-5397016 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: August 11, 2020 Amazon.com order number: 111-4973366-5397016 Order Total: $6.24 Shipped on August 17, 2020 Items Ordered Price 1 of: Rust-Oleum 266593 Professional 2X Distance Inverted Marking Spray Paint, 15 oz, White Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $5.87 Shipping Address: Wayne Feiden 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3631 United States Shipping Speed: One-Day Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Visa | Last digits: 4186 Billing address Wayne Feiden 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3631 United States Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 4186: August 17, 2020:$6.24 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates 8/20/2020 Amazon.com - Order 111-4956110-0445837 https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_invoice_o02?ie=UTF8&orderID=111-4956110-0445837#1/2 Item(s) Subtotal: $109.38 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 ----- Total before tax: $109.38 Estimated tax to be collected: $6.84 ----- Grand Total:$116.22 Final Details for Order #111-4956110-0445837 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: August 11, 2020 Amazon.com order number: 111-4956110-0445837 Order Total: $116.22 Shipped on August 11, 2020 Items Ordered Price 8 of: 3M Scotch Duct Tape, 1.88-Inch by 60-Yard - White, 1 Pack Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $7.98 Shipping Address: Wayne Feiden 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3631 United States Shipping Speed: One-Day Shipping Shipped on August 12, 2020 Items Ordered Price 2 of: Rust-Oleum 2393000 Professional Marking Wand, 1 Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC Condition: New $22.77 Shipping Address: Wayne Feiden 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3631 United States Shipping Speed: One-Day Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Visa | Last digits: 4186 Billing address Wayne Feiden 57 OLANDER DR NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060-3631 United States Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 4186: August 11, 2020:$67.84 Visa ending in 4186: August 12, 2020:$48.38 ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 7024-6 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 7024-6 08/19 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425770246081901565411479 3039_70246114790820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT ORDER: OE0145819Q5654 DATE: 08/19/2020 TIME: 02:47 PM 2-4960 E02/11479 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 6500-97173 GALLON K43Y57 RES EXT SA VV YEL 2 40.95 81.90N Color: SW6924 DIRECT GREEN DIRECT GREEN . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 81.90 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $81.90 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM A. STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM X NORTHAMPTON - LAND & PLANNING 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2% 10TH NET EOM 0.00 41.50 41.50 3:47 0.00 JBR 570 8/21/20 PAGE NO: 1 413-587-1265 INVOICE: 0.00 ** AMOUNT CHARGED TO STORE ACCOUNT ** 41.50 460556/4 41.50 000 MASS TAX EXEMPT041 38 501265 JBR CUSTOMER NO:TERMS:PURCHASE ORDER:DATE / TIME:CLERK: TERMINAL: TAXABLE NON-TAXABLE SUB-TOTAL TAX AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT REFERENCE: TOTAL WEIGHT: Received By SOLD TO: JOB NO: SHIP TO: RESALE NO: SALES REP: TAX: SHIPPED ORDERED UM SKU DESCRIPTION LOCATION UNITS PRICE /PER EXTENSION 19 19 EA WR40611 WOOS TRAY LINER FOR DELUXE TRAYS 637A 19 0.95 /EA 18.05 N 7 7 EA WBR54911 WOOS DELUXE PLASTIC TRAY 637B 7 3.35 /EA 23.45 N ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 TERMS: NET PAYMENT DUE ON SEP. 20th JOB 01 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF CHARGE INVOICE No. 2164-0 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 2164-0 08/21 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425721640082101565417167 3039_21640171670820 TRC# 528805 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DEPT DATE: 08/21/2020 TIME: 03:28 PM 2-4960 E40/17167 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 180-3352 9 INCH 10335290 SW 9" X 3/4" PRO 6 P 2 15.69 31.38N DISCOUNT (% 15.00)-4.71 159-3938 EACH 2520-CT HANDY PT PAIL LINER 1 6.89 6.89N DISCOUNT (% 15.00)-1.03 6506-87122 4 1/2"4.5 JUMBO-MRTHON 3/4 2 8.99 17.98N DISCOUNT (% 15.00)-2.70 . Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX 47.81 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 CHARGE $47.81 MERCHANDISE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER BY: TOM STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Kim Carlino Studio Invoice Invoice No. 279 Remit Payment to: Kim Carlino 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 250 Easthampton, MA 01027 PayPal: kimcarlino@gmail.com Bill To: City of Northampton Date Our Order No.Ship Via Terms Tax ID 8/26/2020 279 N/A N/A 81-1706876 QuanUty Item DescripUon Discount Unit Price Shipping Total 1 Commissioned Asphalt Mural Mural painUng on the street in front of Faces stretching down past Starbucks N/A $2500 N/A $2500 Subtotal:$2500 Supplies Included Balance Due:$2500 E-Mail: kimcarlino@gmail.com Web: kimcarlino.com Eben Kling 79 Beckett Ave Branford, CT 06405 203-305-6479 kling.eben@gmail.com Invoice Date Week of 8/26/2020 Invoice 0000193 Name/Address The City of Northampton 210 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 Description Date Total Mural Downtown 8/20/2020 8/21/2020 8/22/2020 $2500.00 2500.00 Page 1 of 1 ANDRAE GREEN STUDIOS INVOICE Bill From Name: Andrae Green Street Address: _24 Bangor Street Springfield, MA, 01118 Phone: 413-687-8707 Bill To Name: City of Northampton Company Name: Northampton Planning & Sustainability Street Address: 210 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: (413) 587-1262 Invoice No. 000001 Invoice Date:8/26/20 Due Date: 8/26/20 Description Quantity / Hours Price ($) Total ($) Northampton Street Mural 3days $2500 $2500 Subtotal Sales Tax included Other Total $2500 Terms and Conditions Thank you for your business. Please send payment within ______ days of receiving this invoice. There will be a ______% per ______ on late invoices. INVOICE SEAN GREENE 18 NEW STREET FLORENCE , MA 01062 413 695 8683 DATE: 08/27/20 PROPERTY: Main Street Northampton Project: Temporary Art project on Asphalt on Main Street Cost $2500 materials supplied by city TOTAL: $2500 THANK YOU! checks payable to Sean Greene For the record Color Schedule Sherwin Williams colors in “Resillience” Flat exterior house Paint Invigorate (Orange) Lagoon (Teal) Quiet Coral (Pink) Kingdom Gold (Yellow) Please remit to: Northampton CopyCat 137A Damon Rd Northampton, MA 01060 CopyCat Northampton (413) 585-1616 Northampton@copycatink.com BILL TO City of Northampton - Planning & Sustainability INVOICE 2267 DATE 09/07/2020 TERMS Due on receipt DUE DATE 09/07/2020 DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 18x24 Lawn signs with stakes 15 14.50 217.50 Received:__________________ TOTAL DUE $217.50 INVOICE Page 1 Invoice number: Date of issue: Due date: Total to pay: Purchase order number: Packing list number: Client code: U/3079 11/08/2020 17/09/2020 59.809,00 USD U/3329 3768 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Office of Planning & Sustainability, 210 Main St. MA01060 Northampton T.413 695 2748 IRS#: 04-6001406 | TAX ID: US046001406 Contact person: Wayne Feiden PROJECT: REFERENCE:Quotation U/8588 | Emergency Waiver 3675 CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT %PRICE WITHOUT Email: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov Main module Vectorial® system 243,00 76,00 18.468, Main module white Vectorial® system 81,00 84,00 6.804, Main module with hinge Vectorial® System 27,00 77,00 2.079, Main module with hinge white Vectorial® System 27,00 85,00 2.295, Main module yellow WARNING Vectorial® System 108,00 85,00 9.180, Ramp to the sidewalk Vectorial® System 27,00 163,00 4.401, Front Curb white strips Vectorial® System 31,00 86,00 2.666, Right Curb white strips Vectorial® System 1,00 91,00 91, Left Curb white strips Vectorial® System 1,00 91,00 91, Metal Ramp 2380 x 1400 mm 2,00 1.800,00 3.600, Kit HIT-HY 10 500+ HDM 12 500ml resine cartridge with dispenser 1,00 100367, HAS-U-8.8 M12x220 steel screw 100,00 1002,603.5.11.00 HSV M12x150 expansive steel screw 200,00 1000,903.5.12.00 HLC-SK 8x60/25 ramp steel screw 100,00 1003.5.13.00 PAYMENT TERMS:Payment after reception PAYMENT DOCUMENT:Bank Wire Transfer IBAN: FREIGHT TOTAL FOB TOTAL TOTAL TAXES SWIFT CODE / DUE DATE:17/08/2020 OBSERVATIONS INCOTERM: DDP NORTHAMPTON MA01060 - USA | SEAFREIGHT 1 TRANSIT TIME 2 WEEKS BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA (BBVA) Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 506-510, Barcelona (08015) ES89 0182 0206 39 0201532485 BBVAESMMXXX 59.809,00 USD 10.134,00 USD 49.675,00 USD USD 0,49 12/15/2020 City of Northampton Mail - MassDOT Shared Streets https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=b844d309b5&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f%3A1685707824361820445&simpl=msg-f%3A16857078243…1/1 Wayne Feiden <wfeiden@northamptonma.gov> MassDOT Shared Streets Donna Lascaleia <dlascaleia@northamptonma.gov>Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 11:04 AM To: Wayne Feiden <wfeiden@northamptonma.gov>, Susan Wright <swright@northamptonma.gov> Please transfer $8,732.52 to 14221-513000. Backup documentation attached. Transfer $4,411.55, or whatever is the balance of the grant, to 14222-529007. This is for police details. I have multiple other expenses. Any more money available? [Quoted text hidden] -- Donna LaScaleia Director Department of Public Works City of Northampton 413-587-1570 2 attachments Main Street PS.pdf 26K Main St PD.pdf 438K 8/27/2020 CREDIT CARD - chase.com https://secure03b.chase.com/web/auth/dashboard#/dashboard/overviewAccounts/overview/multiCard;flyout=accountSummary,799329040,CARD,BAC Printed from Chase Personal Online $826.79 Current balance $0.00 Automatic payments Off Remaining statement balance Redeem Pending (2)Pending charges $19.21 Date Description Amount Aug 27, 2020 SQ *HAYMARKET CAFE $2.78 Aug 26, 2020 SQ *HAYMARKET CAFE $16.43 Account activity SHOWING Activity since last statement Current balance $826.79 Show details  Date Description Category Amount CREDIT CARD Jul 29, 2020 EXXONMOBIL 99492316 $15.06 ZORO TOOLS INC $579.56 Gas Home ACCOUNT: 4266-5425-7 NORTHAMPTON DPW*CITY OF 125 LOCUST ST NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2066 APPRVL JOB 01 CHARGE CREDIT No. 7155-8 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 312 KING STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 2333 Visit www.sherwin-williams.com Store 5654 (413) 584-8789 Fax: (413) 584-4820 (413) 587-1570 4266-5425-7 7155-8 08/25 J-01 4266-5425-7 42665425771558082501565411479 3039_71558114790820 PAGE NN OF NNN PO# PLANNING DATE: 08/25/2020 TIME: 03:00 PM 2-4960 E02/11479 PAGE 1 OF 1 SALES NUMBER SIZE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY PRICE VALUE 8000-03212 5 GAL NA HL 2153 FDTP WB YL 5 -13.13 -65.65N . ORIGINAL TERM:11479 TRAN:66038 DATE:08/03/2020 REASON:Surplus Thank You receipt required for refund SUBTOTAL BEFORE TAX -65.65 6.250% SALES TAX:1-220106001 0.00 DUE CUSTOMER CHARGE CREDIT $-65.65 TOM A STORE HOURS SUNDAY: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM S-W SIGNATURE