bike commission meeting minutesBicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting 7:45 AM to 9:00 AM on Tuesday April 7, 2015 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton (use back door to City Hall) Members: Debin Bruce þ Alex Bublik þ Wayne Feiden þ Michael DiPasquale þ John Gaustad þ James Lowenthal þ David Paine þ Michael Sullivan þ Ruthy Woodring þ Sarah Bankert þ 1.Public Comment 2.Approve March 10, 2015 minutes 3.Rail Trail and bicycle infrastructure update- discussion as needed A.Mass Central/Amtrak rail trail underpass B.Route 10/Rocky Hill multiuse trail C.Mass Central Rail Trail Leeds extension D.Leeds village/Hotel Bridge rail trail access ramp E.Look Park northern access road rail trail access ramp F.Edwards Square rail trail access ramp G.Other bicycle infrastructure updates 4.Complete Streets and pedestrian infrastructure update- discussion as needed A.Pleasant Futures and Pleasant Street complete streets B.Leeds traffic mitigation investments C.DPW traffic calming update D.Vision Zero and crosswalk safety 5.Other business not reasonability anticipated when agenda prepared Next meeting date: Tuesday May 12, 2015