BFC_Fall_2014_ReportCard_Milton_MA » Have your Bicycle Advisory Committee meet monthly to step up your BFC efforts. »Adopt a Complete Streets policy. »Adopt standards for bike parking that conform to APBP guidelines. »Increase the amount of high quality bicycle parking throughout the community. »Continue to expand the on and off street bike network and to increase network connectivity. Make intersections safer and more comfortable for cyclists, especially at East Milton Square. »Adequately maintain your on and off road bicycle infrastructure to ensure usability and safety. »Continue to expand your public education campaign promoting the share the road message. »Expand the Safe Routes to School program to middle and high schools. »Offer regular bicycling skills training opportunities for adults. »Ask police officers to target both motorist and cyclist infractions. »Step up promotion of Bike to Work Day, e.g. by hosting several energizer stations around town. »Adopt and implement the bike plan that is currently being prepared. miLton, mA 52% 29% Good 32% Good yes Very Good no 68667 10 Building Blocks of a Bicycle friendly community MiltonAverage Silver Arterial Streets with Bike Lanes Total Bicycle Network Mileage to Total Road Network Mileage Public Education Outreach % of Schools Offering Bicycling Education Bike Month and Bike to Work Events Active Bicycle Advocacy Group Active Bicycle Advisory Committee Bicycle–Friendly Laws & Ordinances Bike Plan is Current and is Being Implemented Bike Program Staff to Population 45% 30% GOOD 43% GOOD YES YES SOME YES PER 70k LeArn more » www.bikeLeAGue.orG/Communities supported by Fall 2014 2 /10 2 /10 3 /10 3 /10 3 /10 category scores enGineerinG Bicycle network and connectivity eduCAtion Motorist awareness and bicycling skills enCourAGement Mainstreaming bicycling culture enforCement Promoting safety and protecting bicyclists' rights eVALuAtion & pLAnninG Setting targets and having a plan key outcomes ridership Percentage of daily bicyclists sAfety meAsuresCrAshes Crashes per 10k daily bicyclists sAfety meAsuresfAtALities Fatalities per 10k daily bicyclists key steps to silver popuLAtion density 2,004.026,062 totAL popuLAtion totAL AreA (sq. miles) 13.0 # of LoCAL biCyCLe friendLy businesses 0 # of LoCAL biCyCLe friendLy uniVersities 0 Milton 0.78% 147.6 0.0 Average Silver 3.5% 180 1.4