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17 Maple St-Florence Inn-CDBG funds-PAID OFF
THE FLORENCE INN 17 NORTH MAPLE STREET FLORENCE, MA 01060 The Florence Inn (formerly the Cottage Kitchen) provides 14 units of affordable housing through a HUD funded Section 8 program, specially designated for individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Risk of homelessness is defined as having an eviction notice from the landlord, or as paying more than 50°/i) of your income in rent). Tenants will have their own room and share bathroom and kitchen space. One first floor unit is disability accessible. Also on the first floor are two commercial spaces which we plan to develop into a business that can provide employment and work experience options for people who live in the building. At the moment, however, we are attempting to rent them up for public use, while we develop a business plan and seed funding. This project is supported and funded by the United Savings Bank, the Executive Office of Communities and Development, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board of Boston, the City of Northampton, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Northampton Housing Authority. The project development team included: Developer: Austin Miller and William Breitbart, of Hayes, Miller and Breitbart Architect: Edythe Ambroz, AIA Contractor: Thayer Street Associates, So. Deerfield Oerk of the Works: David Goer, Northampton Housing Authority Project Manager: Rebecca Muller, ServiceNet, Inc. Sponsor: ServiceNet, Inc. The philosophy guiding this project is to create a resident operated and driven household that promotes community, self-reliance, skills development and self esteem. Resident participation in the household will be essential to its operation. We will build on a concept of peer support whereby fellow tenants or formerly homeless people will provide follow-up support and contact to residents. Our goal is to support residents as they create a sense of household and community identity. The means of developing this will be the "house meeting" where residents will meet at least once a week to address issues that affect the household. Consensus style decision-making will be used within the framework of the program goals which include: sustaining permanent housing, a willingness to participate in a cooperative and communal building and a commitment to increasing skills, income and meaningful daily activity. On-site leadership qnd "management" will come from the residents themselves. Participants at the Florence Inn SRO will be employed in the maintenance and housekeeping of the building and grounds. Grove Street Inn and HCAC staff will provide support, training and supervision to tenants. Workshops will be provided to tenants on peer support, conflict resolution, consensus-style decision making, the rights and responsibilities of a good tenant and how to conduct a house meeting. Monthly resident advisory meetings will be held with program staff to assess and reflect on the program structure, progress and any unresolved household issues. An outreach staff from Grove Street Inn will provide stabilization planning and information with each tenant. He/she will meet at lease monthly ore as needed with each tenant to discuss issues that may arise. Other support workers will participate in case support on an as needed basis. Support services will be developed around a "social model", which defines the individual as actively responsible for his/her stabilization. In most instances, applicants presenting themselves as homeless, who are not currently in an emergency or transitional housing program, will be encouraged to enter such a program, albeit briefly. This is not a condition of eligibility, but it offers the individual the time and opportunity to connect with necessary supports, become acquainted with the staff and the Florence Inn household, and to identify issues that are barriers to stability. Primary programs from which participants will come include: * Grove Street Inn * Jessie's House * Silver Street Inn * SRO Outreach Worker * HCAC Housing Services * Hairston House * Veterans Shelter * Valley Inn While not a condition of tenancy, applicants will be requested to identify issues that have been barriers to housing stability and to begin to develop a specific action plan. This will include: * identifying current or potential support services appropriate to the applicants needs. * identifying an initial level of involvement with the resident community. * identifying preliminary plan for meaningful daily activity. Bruce Barshefsky CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Community and Economic Development Office City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060-3199 (413) 587-1286 Fax: (413) 587-1275 December 6, 2010 Vice President of Administration and Finance ServiceN et, Inc. 129 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Barshefsky; This letter is to bring to your attention the activation of a loan repayment to the City of Northampton which begins next year relative to 17 N. Maple Street in Florence. According to an agreement dated August 28, 1996, ServiceNet, Inc. received a bridge loan in the amount of $75,000 from the City's Community Development Block Grant Program for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Florence Inn. $22,100 of the loan was repaid. $37,900 was converted to a deferred payment loan forgiven over a twenty year period at the rate of $1,895 per year. The agreement further states that the remaining balance of $15,000 will be repaid at an annual rate of $1,000 per year beginning on January 1, 2011. I have enclosed a copy of the document for your reference. Please let me know that you are in receipt of this communication and that ServiceNet will in fact implement this annual repayment schedule beginning this coming year. Thank you for your attention to this matter. The property certainly has made a valuable contribution to Northampton's supported housing inventory for formerly homeless. Please allow me to express my appreciation for its successful operation over these many years. Respectfully, f~~\~ Margar-efkener Housing and Community Development Planner City of Northampton AMENDED PROMISSORY NOTE SERVICE NET, INC. (formerly Valley Programs, Inc. and hereinafter called the DEBTOR) , having received a loan for the amount stated below from the City of Northampton through its Community Development Block Grant Program, hereby agrees to pay the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON; a municipal corporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the LENDER), the sum of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000) upon the following terms and conditions: 1. There shall be no interest charged on the principal amount of the sum secured under this Note. 2. The loan shall be repaid at such time as more permanent financing is put in place but no later than June 30, 1996. 3. The principal amount will become due and payable if the Debtor sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 4. The principal amount will become due and payable should the Debtor rent the single room occupancy units at North Maple Street, Florence, to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. The Debtor states that it possesses the legal capacity to obligate itself on this note, that the parties signing this note on behalf of the Debtor have the authority to bind the Debtor, and that the note is an obligation of the Debtor in its corporate capacity and not of the Directors or Officers thereof as individuals. Executed on this day I ~ ----day of j,o_nc"Off, 1996. Witness: Service Net, Inc. c:\wp\contract\vpnote2 Amendment No. 1 to Agreement #72-95-I ---· between CITY OF NORTHAMPTON and SERVICE NET, INC. (Formerly Valley Programs, Inc.) . I-;;,+ . This Amendment No. 1 made on the ~~ day of January, 1996, is to the Loan Agreement first entered into on the 3rd day of August, 1994 by and between the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON (hereinafter called the City) and SERVICE NET, INC. (hereinafter called Service Net, Inc.) Now, therefore, the parties mutually agree as follows: Paragraph 7 which currently reads: "The loan shall be repaid at the time the permanent financing package is in place but no later than December 30, 1995." is herewith replaced as follows: "The loan shall be repaid at the time the permanent financing package is in place but no later than June 30, 1996." All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Agreed to By q 2:,, ~-=4-GL~' Ford, Q?yor: ~~ Service Net, Inc. d:\wp\contract\snetloan.nol AGREEMENT between Contract No. 7 '1-9S,-_ { k Source of Funds: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON and SERVICENET, INC. This agreement is made on this 2-t day of August, 1996, by and between the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municipal corporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the "City") and SERVICENET, INC., a non-profit Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 129 King Street, Northampton, Massachusetts, 01060 (hereinafter called "SERVICENET, Inc."). This Agreement supersedes Agreement #72-95 initially entered into on August 3, 1994 which is herewith terminated. Whereas, ServiceNet, Inc. acquired and rehabilitated property at 17 North Maple Street, Florence, Massachusetts for the continued use of the property for single room occupancies and commercial space and; Whereas, ServiceNet, Inc. received a bridge loan of $ 75,000 from the City through its Community Development Block Grant Program to accomplish this acquisition and rehabilitation and; Whereas, permanent financing for the Project has been secured and ServiceNet, Inc. has repaid $ 22,100 of the loan and agreement has been reached on revised repayment terms for the balance of the amount due; Now, therefore, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. Service Net, Inc. shall execute a New Promissory Note which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. This Promissory Note supersedes the Note signed on August 3, 1994 and amended on January 1, 1996. That Note is canceled and ' i' is declared null and void. The attached Note shall be the obligation of the Corporation and not of the Directors or Officers of same in their individual capacity. The Note will reflect the terms of the revised Loan Agreement. 2. The City agrees to convert $ 37,900 of the balance to a deferred payment loan which is forgiven in equal increments over a twenty (20) year period at the rate of $ 1,895 per year. 3. The City agrees that the remaining balance of $15,000 will be repaid at an annual rate of $ 1,000 per year to begin on January 1, 2011. 4. ServiceNet, Inc. will assure that: proper accounting is made of the loan balance; separate records are kept showing accounts for Community Development Block Grant funded transactions and said records are retained for three years; and the City has access for audit purposes to these records. 5. The principal amount outstanding on the deferred payment loans will become due and payable when or if: 1. Service Net, Inc. sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space and\or 2. ServiceNet, Inc. rents the single room occupancy units at 17 North Maple Street, Florence, MA to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. Repayment will be due on the date that any of the above-stated changes occur. 6. ServiceNet, Inc. agrees as a condition of this agreement that subsequent financing and other covenants and deed restrictions will contain similar guarantees of permanent affordability for this project even after repayment of this loan. 7. The terms of this Agreement shall not be altered except by the mutual agreement of parties. Any changes must be in writing and executed by both parties through a contract amendment. 8. ServiceNet, Inc. certifies; under penalties of perjury that all State tax returns have been filed and all State taxes paid as required under law. Executed in quadruplicate by: PTON SERVICENET, INC. Penelope G. CDBG Adm nistrator Approved as to Form: City Fcitor d:\wp\contract\snetloan.rev PROMISSORY NOTE VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. (hereinafter called the DEBTOR), having entered into an Agreement with the City of Northampton foT funding through its Community Development Block Grant Prog~am, hereby agrees to pay the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municipal corporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the LENDER), the sums of: $ 37,900 in the form of a Deferred Payment Loan which shall be forgiven in equal increments of $ 1,895\year over a 20 year period and $ 15,000 in the form of a Loan which will be repaid at an annual rate of $ 1,000 per year to begin on January 1, 2011. This Note replaces a Promissory Note originally executed on August 3, 1994 and amended on January 1, 1996 for the sum of $ 75,000. The City has received payment of $ 22,100 and the Obligations under that Note have been superseded and declared null and void by virtue of the signatures below. The following terms and conditions apply: 1. There shall be no interest charged on the principal amount of the sum secured under this Note. 2. The principal amount will become due and payable if the Debtor sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 4. The principal amount will become due and payable should the Debtor rent the single room occupancy units at North Maple Street, Florence, to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. The Debtor states that it possesses the legal capacity to obligate itself on this note, that the parties signing this note on behalf of the Debtor have the authority to bind the Debtor, and that the note is an obligation of the Debtor in its corporate capacity and not of the Directors or Officers thereof as individuals. Executed on this day -Z..'~ tL day of August, 1996. Witness: ServiceNet, Inc. PROMISSORY NOTE ~ ~©~UWJ~ FEB 2 8 1995 CITY CLERKS OFFICE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 SERVICE NET, INC. (hereinafter called the DEBTOR), having received a loan for the amount stated below from the City of Northampton through its Community Development Block Grant Program, hereby agrees to pay the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON; a municipal corporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the LENDER), the sum of THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($3,000) upon the following terms and conditions: 1. There shall be no interest charged on the principal amount of ·the sum secured under this Note. 2. The loan shall be repaid at such time as more permanent financing is put in place but no later than December 30, 1995. 3. The principal amount will become due and payable if the Debtor sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 4. The principal amount will become due and payable should the Debtor rent the single room occupancy units at North Maple Street, Florence, to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. The Debtor states that it possesses the legal capacity to obligate itself on this note, that the parties signing this note on behalf of the Debtor have the authority to bind the Debtor, and that the note is an obligation of the Debtor in its corporate capacity and not of the Directors or Officers thereof as individuals. Executed on this day l'-::t _ __,_ __ day of ~~ 1995. Witness: SERVICE NET, Inc. c:\wp\housing\snetnote w LOAN AGREEMENT between CITY OF .NORTHAMPTON and SERVICE NET, INC. This agreement is made on this J.tf day of J~~ 1995, by and between the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municipal corpqration duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the "City") and SERVICE NET, INC., a non-profit Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 129 King Street, Northampton, Massachusetts, 01060 (hereinafter called "SERVICE NET, Inc.") . Whereas, Service Net, Inc. is pursuing the acquisition and rehabilitation of property at 17 North Maple Street, Florence, Massachusetts for the continued use of the property for single room occupancies and commercial space and; Whereas, Service Net, Inc. has requested a bridge loan from the City to accomplish this acquisition and rehabilitation; Now, therefore, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to lend to Service Net, Inc, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000), a one time only loan to cover interim management costs. Said sum will be taken from the City's Community Development Block Grant funds. 2. Service Net, Inc. agrees to provide to the City and the Northampton Housing Partnership evidence of the intention that this property will provide permanently affordable units. 3. There shall be no interest charged for use of the funds during the loan term. 4~ §~~vice Net, Inc. shall execute a Promissory Note which is attached hereto qnd made a part of this Agreement. The Note shall be the obligation of the Corporation and not of the Directors or Officers of same in their individual capacity. 5. Service Net, Inc. will assure that: proper accounting is made of funds received and expended; separate records are kept showing accounts for Community Development Block Grant funded transactions and said records are retained for three years; and the City has access, for audit purposes, to these records. · ... ~ ,' 6. Service Net, Inc. will submit an invoice for payment to the Office of Planning and Development. Service Net, Inc. acknowledges that there can be no interest earned on Community Development Block Grant funds and that monies received will be expended within a five day period after receipt of the funds. 7. The loan shall be repaid at the time the permanent financing package is in place but no later than December 30, 1995. 8. The principal amount will become due and payable if Service Net, Inc. sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 9. The principal amount will become due and payable should Service Net, Inc. rent the single room occupancy units at 17 North Maple Street, Florence, MA to other than low and moderate income persons.as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. 10. Service Net, Inc. agrees as a condition of this loan that subsequent financing and other covenants and deed restrictions will contain similar guarantees of permanent affordability for this project even after repayment of this loan. 11. The terms of this Agreement shall not be altered except by the mutual agreement of parties. Any changes must be in writing and executed by both parties through a contract amendment. 12. Service Net, Inc. certifies; under penalties of perjury that all State tax returns have been filed and all State taxes paid as required under law. "\ I Executed in quadruplicate by: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Kim, Director Planning & Development M~Ford, Mayor Approved as to appropriation: c:\wp\housing\snetloan SERVICE NET, INC. '\ :, LOAN AGREEMENT between CITY OF NORTHAMPTON VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. This agreement is made on this~ day of~Jt , 1994, by and between the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municip(J.~orporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the "City"} and VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC., a non-profit Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 129 King street, Northampton, Massachusetts, 01060 (hereinafter called "Valley Programs, Inc.11 ). Whereas, Valley Programs, Inc. is pursuing the acquisition of property at 17 North Maple street, Florence, Massachusetts for the continued use of the property for single room occupancies and commercial space and; Whereas, Valley Programs, Inc. has requested a bridge loan from the City to accomplish this acquisition; Now, therefore, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to lend to Valley Programs, Inc, the sum of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000). Said sum will be taken from the city's Community Development Block Grant funds. 2. Valley Programs, Ino. agrees to provide to the City and the Northampton Housing Partnership evidence of the intention that this property will provide permanently affordable units. 3. There shall be no interest charged for use of the funds during the loan term. 4. Valley Programs, lnc. shall execuce a Promissory Note which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. The Note shall be the obligation of the Corporation and not of the Directors or Officers of same in their individual capacity. 5. Valley Programs, Inc. will assure that: proper accounting is made of funds received and expended; separate records are kept showing accounts for community Development Block Grant funded transactions and said records are retained for three years; and the City has access, for audit ~YI:p..Q.ae.s~,~~t.o~tn~~sE!:.,"·1 records. ! r01 [ © ll~-~"~"-~ f n \ j i 1 u~r :iii1· t.ru·· 0 ldii : 'u' i AUG 3 ! ! i L1 H 11. Lil M ' i'"~"' I l -CITY CLERl\S a·FFICF. _J 1 i unnTllJ'l.flllnTn:H r.lfli.'~'--' A1f,r.:-f1 1 6. Valley Programs, Inc. will submit an invoice for payment to the Office of Planning and Development. Valley Programs1 Inc. acknowledge~ that there can be no interest earned on Community Development Block Grant funds and that monies received will be expended within a five day period after receipt of the funds. 7. The loan shall be repaid at the time the permanent financing package is in place but no later than December 30, 1995. 8.. The principal amount will become due and payable if Valley Programs, Inc. sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 9. The principal amount will become due and payable should Valley Programs, Inc. rent the single room occupancy units at 17 North Maple Street, Florence,~MA to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HU_D guidelines. 10. Valley Programs, Inc. agrees as a condition of this loan that subsequent financing and other' covenants and deed restrictions w~ll contain similar g~arantees of permanent affordability for this project even· after repayment of this loan. 11. The terms of this Agreement shall ~ot be altered except by the mutual agreement of parties. Any changes must be in writing and executed by both parties through a contract amendment. 12. Valley Programs, Inc. certifi~8; u~der penalties of perjury that all State tax returns have been filed and all State taxes paid as required under law. -------~--~·----------·---·---·-·-------·--------··· ----------··--------·----------· -----------------··-·-·------·-----·---------·---· ·-. -·-- Executed in quadruplicate by: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON rector & Development ~ y eh(_. Mary ~rd, Mayor Approved as to appropriation: cs\wp\daily\vploan ' / ·-..... __ / VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. ~ =75:~~ ~/;/CJA1 PROMISSORY lfOTE VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. (hereinafter Called the DEBTOR), having received a loan for the amount stated below from the city of Northampton through its Community Development Block Grant Program, hereby agrees to pay the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON; a municipal corporation duly organized under the Laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the LENDER), the sum of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($75,000) I upon the following terms and conditions: l. There shall be no interest charged on the principal amount of the sum secured under this Note. 2. The loan shall be repaid at such.time as more permanent financing is put in place but no later than December 30, l99fi. . 3. The principal amount will become due and payable if the Debtor sells the property or converts it to a use other than single room occupancy rental units and commercial space. 4. The principal amount will become due and payable should the Debtor rent the single room occupancy units at North Maple street, Florence, to other than low and moderate income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of HUD guidelines. The Debtor states that it possesses the legal capacity to obligate itself on this note, that the parties signing this note on behalf of the Debtor have the authority to bind the Debtor, and that the note is an obligation of the Debtor in its corporate capacity and not of the Directors or Officers thereof as individuals. Executed on this day Witness: cz\wp\daily\vpnote ~J day of ~tyit , 1994. Valley Programs, Inc. -« -~-~ 7 PRESIDENT & CEO GRANT AGREEMENT between CITY OF NORTHAMPTON VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. This Agreement is made on this _JJ_ day of June , 1994, by and between the CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, a municipal corporation duly organized under the laws of Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the "City") and the VALLEY PROGRAMS INC., a non-profit Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 129 King Street, Northampton, Massachusetts, 01060 (hereinafter called the "Valley Programs, Inc."). Whereas Valley Programs, Inc. is pursuing the acquisition of property at 17 North Maple Street, Florence, Massachusetts for the continued use of the property for single room occupancies and commercial space and; Whereas Valley Programs, Inc. has requested monies from the City to accomplish this acquisition; Now, therefore, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to grant the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.) to Valley Programs, Inc. for the purpose of acquisition of the property. Valley Programs, Inc. agrees to provide to the City and the Northampton Housing Partnership evidence of the intention that this property will provide affordable units permanently. 2. These monies will be allocated from the City's Community Development Block Grant Program funds. 3. Valley Programs, Inc. will ·assure that: proper'bC accounting is made of funds received and expended; separate·/~ords are kept showing accounts for CDBG funded transactions and said records are retained for three years; and the City has access, for audit purposes, to these records. 4. Valley Programs, Inc. will submit an invoice for payment to the Off ice of Planning and Development. Valley Programs, Inc. acknowledges that there can be no interest earned on CDBG funds and that monies received will be expended within a five day period after receipt of the funds. 5. Valley Programs, Inc. certifies, under the penalties of perjury, that all State Tax returns have been filed and all . state taxes palcf as required under -law. Executed in quadruplicate by: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON \t)A. Maryi:rd, Mayor \/ Approved as to appropriation: ~ 7-7-9// MichaefLYOriSIUOi Approved as to form: c:\wp\cdbg\nomaple VALLEY PROGRAMS, INC. l New England U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devdopment Office of Community Planning and Development Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Federal Building 10 Causeway Street Boston, Massachusetts 02222-1092 JUL 2 4 mas We are herewith.requesting your concurrence or other comments, in accordance with Section 106 review requirements, on our "no adverse effect" determination, concurred in by.the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) regarding the rehabi- .litation of a building in the Florence area of Northampton, Massachusetts. · This project, currently used as a lodging house, would be · . rehabilitated to provide 14 units of single room occupancy . <housing for formerly homeless persons. In consultation with the ··.f.1I:IC, \W7 found that this property is included in the Inventory of .~l3~oric,, and Archaeological Assets of the Commonwealth, and is c:>ca~ed_·in the .Florence· area of Northampton, an area eligible fo::r: ~sting the National Register of Historic Places. .. .. . -.. ~;t~~J~!:S~~~:f~~~~:;r;~~~~}~.'3>~/~~;~:;:.~-~.~ ->::. -.:. · -~~-r: !ng_ Qs .. _ng1,~opies~·79f,:the ::following documents: t~1~~r.;~~r~~~~t~~:f,';t~;.:~~::_>--,<· .. 1:·:~-_}·:·~_\'~:>:_s··-~:~·-.::<~·:::-·-_-... -:·:<.~::~;~-~~~ .. ,: .. ----·: ~ ... ·· : 1.· HUD letter of April 21, 1995 to the MHC (with attachments) requesting concurrence or other comments regarding our determination of "no effect" · on historic resources. 2. Letter of June 9, 1995 from the MHC to me requesting additional information needed to assist in compli- ance with Section 106 of the National Historic pres- ervation Act of 1966, as amended (36 CFR 800). 3. Letter of June 19, 1995 from HUD to the applicant requesting the additional information ide~tified in the aforementioned letter from the MHC. ··-: ·, ·:··"'·:·.-- i -•. ·',.:.,·- ··~-- •• -·'!'.": r ... •J ·:-·:, ·- 2 . ':·::.::.:~.;>;:.:~"-' ''·· ~·· ·. -__ · --·:· . ····,-· ·--.. 4. Letter of June·:··~fa;. 19~SiJ:O. HUD (with attachments) from Edythe M·~· ·Alnbroi-7ftAIA_ (the applicant's:· architect) stibmi.tfi'ng''the requested. additional ·-~information~ : · .. L-~ 5. Letter of June 2 .. mitting the above cit'ed ·(with. attachments) from applicant's arch.itect). from HUD.to the MHC sub- letter of June 21, 1995 , Edythe M. Ambroz, AIA (th¥ 6. Letter of .JuiylO, 1995 from the MHC concurring to a . : .. determina~iOD: of no. adverse effect. · . "'" . ,,,.;. ':'.!-.f:..: ~·-°'..:'i:'..: -<> -•• ,. '-.:·<··:i':.i..-:_· -' ~ :. . . :-:-~ ·--. -:_· "~ ',,;-i.:· ~~::-:_'.·_+-.. /~::·::.~~~. -·· .,_,::-:2·;;~_.:.;::t_ -.. ,'•-.. _ . ~,:· --:. -:.,,. ~::.. ' . :, . If you have any· qU.e~ions,. or:: need additional information,. please call me at _{617) 565-5347 or Stanley Matthews·,· Rehabi...: litation Management Specialist, at 565-5~$0. . . ~ . --· ... · , ~· ' . (. Very sincerely yours, ;,:-. .. ··~T-·~h-.oma ... s· \.''·. ~- P. Melone .... , ,·;, >>. ,_, Regional Environmental Officer • .: • ._,, .. ~~::.. <··· .• : - ·:+.-~t/· ·- "-··-· •:. .-.-· .:i ~'4:· . ... ..... ·::. .·•·. Enclosures ":•'. -._. Judi th B. McDonough .· · • . . .·, ·, State Historic Preservation Officer Massachusetts Historical Commission .. -:--,·;.-··· ... ..._: '".; -.. : ·) .;: Rebecca Muller.··' rt!:\~;f.:~~'<··.~,yalley _Programs,· .Inc . . ·•' .. · ··.-.. -·. ... . ~, :!'.: . ,r-, ' . .J,.,, ."• .--;_. (the Appiican~) ·_, ... _ ._:-. ,; t; ".' :-- '·.·. . -,:-~. APPLICATION FOR USE OF CDBG FUNDS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Applicant: Na.me Valley Programs, Inc. Address 129 King Street, Northampton. MA 01060 Contact Rebecca Muller, Director of Community Relations and Dev. Phone 584-7329 Project: Na.me: Cottage Kitchen Address; 17 North Maple Street, Florence> MA 01060 Amount $100, OQO Assistance Requested: Proposed Use of Funds Acquisition and Developmt . ,Typ~ of Assistance: 2-_loan .~g~ant Project Description. Please ~~tach sketch of project and site plan . ... : ~ . ·. . -· .. ;\: .. ·. ' . . ·:.': 1. Type of Housing: tuni ts: below market market · total ••• It • Rental Home ownership Cooperative : Other: Commercial '• ~ .. Total Units/Bedroom mix; 2. Type of Construction:. 13 ,. ii 4.3 15 · 15 Cost $225",000 zo.ooo New Rehabilitation Site Improvements Other acquisition & back taxes develog~ent 1 testing, lega So,ooO (acquisition) $15,600+ {ta~es, wa1 sewer owed to City) Total Cost: c. ~15 ,ooo 3. Targeted Clientele: Income profile: Average annual gross income: i and % of households below: $415,600. ------~- 50% of median 80\ 100% Rent or housing expense anticip~ted: maxim'Wll average *depending on the type of business that locates i.n the downstairs area. 13-20 ind. annua . ·. ·/ $3000 montw1 $1000 mont I I \ \ \ \ . Financing. Please complete the attached Budget/Sources of Financing Schedule. l. Please describe the financing gap and use to which the CDBG funds will be applied. 2. Please indicate the total amount of additional funds to be leveraged: 3. If the request is for a loan, please indicate a proposed repayment schedule. Project Projection 1. Please describe the owner and type of entity of the project."~: . :.) 2. Please describe the permanent -affordability or recapture mechanisms: 3. Please indicate a proposed time-line for completion of the project. Applicant Signature (/z. /q. Lf Date 6/92 These represent estimates of the breakdown .• PROJECT COSTS Project Budget \ By Category Pre-Developnent Equity : l. Securing property $15,56o+ (back taxes) ;J) ~ 2. Legal $300 .,, ·1 ~- ' 3. Insurance $1500 I .r :·: .. ..: : 1. 4. Development Consultant $5000 . ~~· I ·~···!•I • . .. ' ~ 5. Architectural ~ Engineering $15 .ooo·t .. ,. . ·-1 :.~ .9"· .; . .;;· ... 6. Direct constructions costs \-• ... . \ .... ,, . ·-. ) .. .. ; : -~ .. •• 7. Building Management .. l., ~· .-. ·. :. .. 8. Operating/Replacement Reserve .. .. . .. . . ..... . . . ' 9. Construction Contingency u. .. : .. · . o':. ! ,. :-. ... 1)· ..... :'=· 10. Other miscellanenous costs $19 .. l~~. f"; ..1) 1, r l't' :.; ,-9: ·:; 11. ... . ~--.. .. 12. . t :t... TOTAL: COSTS: $44,500 .. . ' . ; .. Li~ '· , ; .,: . " : ,_ SOURCES OF "PINANCING . Source: DMH Capit61 Pooling CDBG· ;·· Status: · .. ·; ~:.. .t:.. application .... appli~a_tion: ... . ,_ ··""'!. -- Aqu1s1tion $80,000 1;500 '• .. . . $80,500 CDBG ~ank Mortgage ' application · Construction Permanent ··. 2 .. 000 2,000 $3000 $20.000 $200.000 $12,000 $18,000 :.020.000 .. _ •. ~! $225,000 $52,000 ICE, Land Bank HUD HOME, bank loan Land BANK (bridge financing) HOME . I application application 6/92 ,. \ i'lo• ~. \' ,.