Exhibit CCorporations Division Business Entity Summary ID Number: 001429209 Request certificate New search Summary for: O'CONNELL HAWLEY LLC The exact name of the Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC): O'CONNELL HAWLEY LLC Entity type: Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) Identification Number: 001429209 Date of Organization in Massachusetts: 03-05-2020 Last date certain: The location or address where the records are maintained (A PO box is not a valid location or address): Address:800 KELLY WAY City or town, State, Zip code, Country: HOLYOKE, MA 01940 USA The name and address of the Resident Agent: Name:JOANNE M. BEAUREGARD Address:800 KELLY WAY City or town, State, Zip code, Country: HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA The name and business address of each Manager: Title Individual name Address MANAGER O'CONNELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01940 USA In addition to the manager(s), the name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute documents to be filed with the Corporations Division: Title Individual name Address The name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver, and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property: Title Individual name Address REAL PROPERTY JAMES N. SULLIVAN 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01940 USA REAL PROPERTY JOANNE M. BEAUREGARD 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01940 USA Consent Confidential Data Merger Allowed Manufacturing View filings for this business entity: View filings Comments or notes associated with this business entity: New search ALL FILINGS Annual Report Annual Report - Professional Articles of Entity Conversion Certificate of Amendment Certificate of Cancellation Corporations Division Business Entity Summary ID Number: 001429207 Request certificate New search Summary for: O'CONNELL HAWLEY II LLC The exact name of the Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC): O'CONNELL HAWLEY II LLC Entity type: Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) Identification Number: 001429207 Date of Organization in Massachusetts: 03-05-2020 Last date certain: The location or address where the records are maintained (A PO box is not a valid location or address): Address:800 KELLY WAY City or town, State, Zip code, Country: HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA The name and address of the Resident Agent: Name:JOANNE M. BEAUREGARD Address:800 KELLY WAY City or town, State, Zip code, Country: HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA The name and business address of each Manager: Title Individual name Address MANAGER O'CONNELL DEVELOPMENT GROUP INC. 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA In addition to the manager(s), the name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute documents to be filed with the Corporations Division: Title Individual name Address SOC SIGNATORY JAMES N. SULLIVAN 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA SOC SIGNATORY JOANNE M. BEAUREGARD 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA The name and business address of the person(s) authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver, and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property: Title Individual name Address REAL PROPERTY JOANNE M. BEAUREGARD 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA REAL PROPERTY JAMES N. SULLIVAN 800 KELLY WAY HOLYOKE, MA 01040 USA Consent Confidential Data Merger Allowed Manufacturing View filings for this business entity: View filings Comments or notes associated with this business entity: New search ALL FILINGS Annual Report Annual Report - Professional Articles of Entity Conversion Certificate of Amendment Certificate of Cancellation