Preliminary Design Memo - 032116Project # 20164277.001A Page 1 of 9 3/21/2016
Copyright 2016 Kleinfelder
TO:Douglas McDonald and James R. Laurila, P.E., City of Northampton
FROM:Mark Wixted, P.E. and Tulin Fusilier, P.E.
DATE :March 21, 2016
SUBJECT: Former Northampton Lumberyard (256 Pleasant St) Drain Relocation
The Valley Community Development Corporation (CDC) is proposing the construction of
a new building on the former site of Northampton Lumberyard at 256 Pleasant Street. In
order to construct the building a large existing storm drain needs to be relocated. The
City of Northampton (City) is managing the design, permitting, and construction of the
new 72-inch drain line, with funding provided by CDC.
This memorandum summarizes the design criteria and assumptions made during the
preliminary design phase, including recommendations for additional field investigations
to be made during final design phase. In addition, the Memorandum will describe the
several design components and will serve as the basis for final design
Summary of Design Criteria
Adequacy of Replacement 72-inch RCP
Based on the request for proposals (RFP) issued by the City, it is proposed that the
replacement to the existing culvert should be a 72-inch RCP. Kleinfelder reviewed the
record plan entitled, “Existing Market Street Brook Plan – Profile” provided by
Northampton Department of Public Works. The record plan identifies the majority of the
existing storm culvert within the Northampton Lumber Yard Site as a 5-ft wide by 6-ft high
brick box with brick arch roof and wooden plank floor. The downstream section of the
culvert, near Holyoke St. which is identified as a 4.5-ft wide by 5-ft high stone box with
brick arch roof and wooden plank floor. Downstream of this section, on the south side of
Holyoke St. this transitions to a 60-in diameter concrete pipe.
The existing pipe culvert system was included in a Stormwater and Flood Control Study
conducted by CDM in May, 2012. According to the report by CDM, the subject existing
culvert pipes can provide adequate capacity as part of the greater Northampton
stormwater system.
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It is estimated that the existing 5-ft wide by 6-ft high brick arch box pipe within the site has
a cross sectional area of approximately 28 square feet. Approximately 270 linear feet of
the existing 5-ft x 6-ft culvert is proposed to be replaced with 350 linear feet of 72-in
Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) along an alternate alignment. The cross sectional area
of the proposed 72-in RCP is approximately 28.27 square feet, which is marginally larger
than existing cross sectional pipe capacity.
The slope of the existing culvert pipe is approximately 0.0017 vs the 72-in RCP along the
proposed alignment is approximately 0.0014, which is a negligible change in slope. Pipe
flow losses caused by the existing brick pipe wall material will be significantly improved
with the proposed reinforced concrete surface. Based on the improvements to pipe cross
sectional flow area, improvements to pipe wall material, insignificant change to pipe slope
and with consideration of the smaller 60-in diameter pipe downstream, it appears the
proposed 72-in RCP would provide adequate capacity.
The replacement of the existing culvert with the new alignment introduces manhole
junction angles that will cause some energy loss compared to the existing system. The
proposed final design should include special manholes that have swept inverts and pipe
deflections to reduce turbulence at the junctions.
Abandonment of Existing Brick Arch
Based on the depth of the brick arch and the fact that it will be under a building, we believe
that filling the culvert with controlled density fill (“flowable fill”) would be the best
alternative. We have contacted a local supplier and have included a price in the estimate
based on their recommendations. Another consideration is that a building will be placed
over the abandoned culvert. It is likely that filling with flowable fill would offer the best way
to reduced voids and thereby minimize potential settlement.
Precast Structures
We have consulted industry manhole sizing guides and determined that round precast
manhole structures will not work given the large pipe size and angles. Square structures
are the best option either in precast or cast in place. After consulting with a precast
manufacturer in the area, we believe 10-ft by 10-ft or larger square manholes can be
used. It is anticipated that the structures would be designed with a curved interior or
exterior wall to reduce losses at the bends. Special RCP bends will also be considered
in the final junction design.
Assessment Easements
We would recommend temporary and permanent easements of 30-ft wide for the new
pipe on the former lumber yard property. Temporary construction easements on the
former lumber yard property should include a majority of the site unless there is some
reason that is not feasible. Temporary construction easements for the bypass may be
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required on private properties to the east of the railroad. We would assume a 10-ft to 20-
ft easement would be adequate.
By-pass Pumping Locations
Based on the plan entitled, “Existing Market Street Brook, Plan – Profile, dated June
1981,” we have identified the nearest bypass pumping locations as A and B in the figure
below. We assume Location A and the path from Location A to B may by on private
property. The distance of this bypass would be approximately 500-ft. Location A and B
have not been inspected
An alternative to this would be to install a doghouse manhole on the site and pump to
Location B, using a shorter bypass and avoiding work on private property has some
advantages. We do not believe the difference in the distance between the two options
would warrant the cost and risk associated with installing a doghouse manhole just for
the bypass.
From, “Existing Market Street Brook, Plan – Profile, dated June 1981”
Pipe and Structure Costs and Lead Times
We have consulted with Scituate Ray Precast regarding stocking and productions of 72-
inch pipe. They can produce 80-feet of 72-inch pipe per week. So we would estimate a
lead time of at least 6 weeks for the project.
Geotechnical Criteria
Our understanding of the geotechnical conditions at the site is based on review of the
mapped regional geology, and our review of information presented in the following
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x “Limited Subsurface Investigation Report, Northampton Lumber Company, 256
Pleasant Street, Northampton, Massachusetts” prepared by Environmental
Compliance Services (ECS), dated July 31, 3013;
x “Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations, Northampton Lumber
Site, Northampton, Massachusetts” prepared by O’Reilly, Talbot, & Okun
Associates, Inc. (OTO), dated January 6, 2015.
Regional Geology
Based on the “Surficial Geologic Map of the Easthampton Quadrangle, Massachusetts”
(Stone & DiGiacomo-Cohen, 2010), the site is underlain by stream-terrace deposits of
sand, silt, and gravel. In general, these deposits are reportedly less than 10-feet thick,
and in the Connecticut River Valley are often underlain by lake-bottom silt and clay
The GIS data compiled by the Massachusetts Geological Survey and viewed in Google
Earth indicates that the bedrock at the site is part of the New Haven Arkose of Upper
Triassic age. This formation consists of red, pink, and gray conglomerate arkose
interbedded with brick-red shaley siltstone and fine-grained arkose sandstone. Based on
the proposed depth of the infrastructure, this formation will not have any anticipated
geotechnical impacts on construction.
Geotechnical Investigations by Others
OTO performed a subsurface exploration program at the site in December, 2014, as part
of their preliminary geotechnical evaluation for the proposed redevelopment of the former
Northampton Lumber Yard. The exploration consisted of ten soil borings (NL-1 through
NL-10) and two in-situ hydraulic conductivity tests. The soil borings were advanced to
depths ranging from 5 to 102 feet below ground surface. The boring locations are shown
on Sheet C-1, Proposed Drainage Plan.
Based on the information presented in the OTO geotechnical report and the borings logs,
the soils at the site generally consist of loose to medium dense sandy fill with some debris
and pockets of organic material. Where fully penetrated, the thickness of the fill ranged
from approximately 15 to 21 feet. The fill is underlain by a deposit of soft to very soft
varved silt and clay. The deepest boring terminated within the varved silt and clay at a
depth of 102 feet.
ECS performed subsurface investigations to evaluate environmental conditions at the
Northampton Lumber property in July 2013. Their explorations consisted of 8 soil probes
to 15 feet depth, and 5 probes to 5 feet. The soil descriptions reported in their boring logs
are generally similar to those encountered by OTO, except that soil probes do not provide
soil density information.
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Groundwater Conditions
ECS reported that groundwater levels during drilling ranged from about 11 to 15 feet
below ground surface. Four monitoring wells were installed as part of their subsurface
exploration program. The groundwater levels in the wells were measured on July 19,
2013, and ranged from 9.7 to 11.72 feet below ground surface.
OTO reportedly encountered groundwater during drilling at depths ranging from 10 to 20
feet below ground surface, and in one of the borings (NL-2), groundwater reportedly rose
from 20 ft depth to 8.5 ft depth over the course of one hour. No monitoring wells were
installed as part of their subsurface exploration program.
For the purposes of this preliminary study we assume that groundwater levels at the site
are at 8.5 ft depth. However, more recent readings should be obtained from the existing
monitoring wells on the site.
Pipe Positioning Considerations
Kleinfelder has set the alignment for the proposed drain based on the following
x The pipe alignment has been placed outside a line which extends horizontally from
5.5 ft off center line of the adjacent track, then on a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (2H:1V)
slope, known as the “Zone of Influence”. Excavations within this Zone may require
sheeting supporting rail road loads. Setting the pipe alignment outside this Zone
allows present and future excavations to be conducted with easily available support
of excavation methods such as trench boxes, or open excavation methods.
x The pipe alignment has been placed outside a line which extends on a downward
1H:1V “Zone of Influence” of a future footing of the proposed building, again to allow
for present and future excavations to be conducted with easily available support of
excavation methods.
x The pipe alignment has been placed as far from the railroad as possible, but appears
to be within 60-ft of the centerline of the nearest track. This may require permitting
and the need for rail road operations safety flaggers.
Sheet C-2 shows the proposed pipe profile and sections views, including the Zone of
Influence from the rail road and future footings. In the event that the alignment is shifted
eastward and would require excavation within this zone, the shoring system must be
designed to withstand railroad loads during construction. Railroad loads should be
determined using the most current edition of the Manual for Railway Engineering by the
American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA).
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Recommendations for Temporary Support of Excavation
Excavations for the proposed infrastructure are expected to extend to about 16 feet below
existing grade. Based on the reported water levels we anticipate that the excavation may
extend below groundwater levels. Given the variability in the reported water levels,
additional investigations are recommended to further evaluate the groundwater
conditions at the site.
If significant dewatering of the excavation will be required, we recommend supporting the
excavation with interlocked steel sheeting, driven into the varved clay layer to provide a
groundwater cutoff. If the excavation will not extend far below groundwater, other shoring
systems such as open excavation, trench boxes, soldier piles and timber lagging, or a
combination of such systems may be used. Because the groundwater is assume to be
8.5-ft below grade we have assume steel sheeting will be used for the entire length of the
pipe installation.
The shoring system should be designed to support lateral earth pressures, construction
surcharge loads, and unbalanced hydrostatic pressures. Temporary excavation support
systems should be designed and installed in accordance with the requirements of the
OSHA Standards and Interpretations: "Part 1926 Subpart P - Excavation, Trenching, and
Shoring", and all other applicable laws, regulations, rules, and codes.
Excavations near Existing Utilities
Buried natural gas lines and an existing telecom ductbank run parallel to the proposed
drain along Holyoke Street, each approximately 12 feet from the centerline. Several
utilities also cross above the proposed drain line in various locations. In these areas, the
shoring system should be designed and constructed in a manner that prevents ground
loss on the outside of the excavation, thereby minimizing the potential for movement that
may damage sensitive utilities.
The location, depth, and diameter of all the existing utilities have not been confirmed, and
should be verified prior to construction. We have received a plan from Columbia Gas
indicating a four and an eight inch gas line on the north side of Holyoke St.
Water Control Considerations
Dewatering of excavations and groundwater management during construction may be
required due to groundwater, infiltrating surface water, or pockets of “trapped” water.
Construction dewatering may require a combination of wells, well points, and/or open
pumping with collector sumps and trenches. The dewatering system should be designed
by an experienced specialty contractor and should be designed and operated to prevent
pumping of soil, disturbance of subgrades, and adverse effects to existing site features.
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Construction Monitoring
We recommend installing utility monitoring points (UMPs) along the existing natural gas
main and telecom ductbank to check for movements of these utilities during construction
along Holyoke Street.
If excavations fall within the railroad “zone-of-influence” as defined above, the parallel rail
tracks should be monitored for movement using optical survey techniques. Track
monitoring stations should be spaced at 15.5-ft intervals, with 4 additional stations beyond
the limits of the work in either direction.
Track and utility monitoring should be performed during shoring installation, excavation
and backfilling activities, and during removal of excavation support systems.
Post-Construction Considerations
In general, recommendations provided above are applicable for future excavations to
expose and repair the drain line.
Additional considerations are needed for repair excavations which fall within the “zone-
of-influence” of the proposed building. If the building is supported on shallow foundations
(such as footings bearing on compacted site soils or on soils improved by rammed-
aggregate-piers), support of excavation systems should be designed to resist the
surcharge pressures imparted by the footings, and should be installed in a manner that
prevents ground loss beneath the footing. If the building is supported on deep
foundations, such as piles which transfer the load beneath the drain invert, lateral
surcharge pressures would be minimized.
Shoring systems installed near the building should be drilled or hydraulically pushed in
place. Impact or vibratory installation methods should not be used. We recommend that
the building is monitored for movement during any future repair work which may impact
the building.
Existing Drain Line
Based on information from the City, it is assumed that a majority of the existing drain line
is a 5-ft by 6-ft stone and brick arch culvert with a wood plank floor and was built in 1846.
The culvert transitions to a 4-ft to 4.5-ft wide by 5-ft high brick box with brick arch roof and
wooden plank floor near where the culvert crosses Holyoke St.
Existing Railroad Track Elevation and Location
For the purpose of the design recommendations, Kleinfelder used Google Earth to
estimate the elevation of the railroad tracks as 133-ft and approximately 13-ft above the
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grade of the proposed parking lot and driveway. This estimated elevation of the rail road
tracks will be used for preliminary design unless the City has more accurate information.
Existing Geotechnical Conditions
Our understanding of the geotechnical conditions at the site is based on review of the
mapped regional geology, and our review existing reports by others, as specified above.
Recommendations for Additional Field Investigations
The following information should be verified by field investigation, survey or other means
for the final design:
Additional Explorations
Of the ten geotechnical borings conducted by OTO, boring NL-10 was advanced in
closest proximity to the proposed drain line, located at the centerline at approximately
Sta. 1+00 (see Sheet C-1). This boring terminated within the fill at a depth of 9 feet. The
next closest borings are borings NL-3, NL-4, and NL-7, each located about 25 to 40 feet
from the drain centerline at approximately Sta. -0+20, 1+10, and 2+90, respectively. Each
of these borings terminated within the varved clay layer.
We recommend additional borings be conducted along the proposed drain alignment in
order to assess the thickness and composition of the fill layer, and to obtain further
information on groundwater levels. We recommend three (3) to four (4) borings be drilled,
and water levels in the existing monitoring wells be obtained. Depending on the findings,
one (1) of the test borings may be completed as a monitoring well.
Bypass Location
The bypass locations should be investigated in the field to verify that they are functional
and adequate for the pumping operation. They should be added to the plan either in an
approximate location or picked up by the survey.
We would recommend obtaining the horizontal and vertical location of the railroad tracks
in order to design the support of excavation and to complete any permitting that may be
required with the railroad.
Utility Test Pits
We would recommend obtaining test pits to determine the location and sizes of the
existing utilities adjacent to the proposed drain line on Holyoke St.
CCTV of Existing Culvert
We would recommend completing a CCTV investigation of the two sections of the existing
culvert and structures where connections will be made to the proposed drain structures.
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Overall Bidding, Award and Construction Schedule
We assume the durations for the overall project will be as follows. This includes project
advertisement through end of construction.
1. Advertisement and Bid Period (4 weeks)
2. Bid Review and Contract Award (4 weeks)
3. Pre-Construction Administration Period (2-3 weeks)
4. Materials Lead Time (2-3 weeks)
5. Construction Duration (6-12 weeks)
Construction Logistics, Sequence and Simplified Schedule
We assume the sequence and durations will be as follows, for a total duration of 6 to 12
weeks, depending on concurrent activities, the use of multiple crews and weather.
1. Mobilization, survey control, Install erosion and sedimentation controls (5 days)
2. Begin excavation and pipe installation within the site, near the existing brick culvert
and build from north to south toward Holyoke St. (10 days)
3. Install piping in Holyoke St. up to the existing brick culvert. (10 days)
4. Set-up pumping by-pass (10 days)
5. Install two structures to join new piping to existing arch pipe (10 days)
6. Transfer flow to new piping and cease by-pass (2 days)
7. Pump flowable fill into abandoned brick arch culvert (3 days)
8. Finish any pavement patching, remove erosion controls and demobilize (3 days)