Order for VCDC Storm Drain EASEMENT Easements 1-5-17City of Northampton
In City Council, January 5, 2017
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz
Ordered, that
WHEREAS, A brick Market Street to Mill River storm sewer, built in circa 1846, is located on the property that was formerly the site of Northampton Lumber Company at Pleasant and Holyoke
Streets, shown as Parcel 171 on Assessors Map 32C, and now or formerly owned by Gail M. Labarge (“Northampton Lumber Property”); and
WHEREAS, The storm sewer has no recorded easement where it crosses the Northampton Lumber Property; and
WHEREAS,The City received a MassWorks grant that will allow us to replace 310 feet of that storm sewer, both replacing legacy infrastructure and leveraging economic development; and
WHEREAS,Valley Community Development Corporation, which is under contract to purchase the Northampton Lumber Property, has offered to donate an easement for the replacement storm sewer
system on that property;
That the City of Northampton City Council authorizes the Mayor to acquire by gift storm drain easements in, on and underthe Northampton Lumber Property on such terms and conditions as
the Mayor deems advisable.