MassDOT CS Template - FINAL NORTHAMPTONMassDOT Tier III Complete Streets Post-Construction Evaluation
Municipality:Date of Funding:
Project Overview
Please provide the project limits, along with a brief description of improvements, including how/if a
network gap was filled or safety issue addressed:
Did the project improvements impact an environmental justice community?YES NO
If yes, please describe how:
Did the project improve a safe route to school?YES NO
If yes, please describe how:
Did the project improve a safe route for seniors?YES NO
If yes, please describe how:
Project Statistics
Miles of new sidewalks
Miles of reconstructed sidewalks
Miles of new bicycle lanes
Miles of new shared use path
Number of RRFBs
Number of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
Number of ADA Compliant Curb Ramps
Number of Speed feedback signs
Number of bike racks
Number of bus shelters
Number of raise crosswalks or intersections
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