Cahillane letter-St. Cantius May 11, 2021 Carolyn Misch AICP Assistant Director Planning Department Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Preserving St. John Cantius Church Dear Ms. Misch, As a native of Northamptonand longcommittedto its downtown viability, I support saving St. John Cantius. To repurpose its classic exterior would beacontribution to history for this generation of citizens.I’ve writtenwith dismay that our former parish, St. Mary of the Assumption, is up for sale with no rescue in view.I have no doubt that the one-time parishioners of St. John Cantius feel exactly the same about theirbeautifulchurch. A believer’sfirst memories will be of their parents taking them to church. It is there we heard the words that would guide us through life.In 1989, my wife Maureen and I were privileged to represent Mayor Musante in Northampton, England. Our sister city was marking the 800th year of its civic Charter,granted by King Richard 1st, the Lion Hearted. The celebration took place in the Round Church of the Holy Sepulcher built by the Crusaders on their return home, circa 1100.Similarly, our Polish Community identifies with what went before and wishes to honor it with preservation. My dad’s mayoralty owed much to his Polish Campaign Manager, Charlie Borowski, and friends in Ward 3. Mayor Sean Dunphy relied on AttorneyTom Growhoski doing the same great job. I titled my Northampton 350th book “THE BEST PLACE OF ALL,” dad’s words for the city he loved to serve.Now, in the 21st Century,lets come together to save St. John Cantius as the historic anchor that so many visionaries proposeit to be for today and tomorrow. Sincerely, Jim Cahillane