327 Title V Application and Inspection 5-21-19CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director — Merridith O'Leary Municipal Building — 212 Main Street — Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215 —Fax (413)587-1221 http://www.northaml2tonma.zovl245II-lealth Application for Witnessing Official Title 5 Inspections Fee: $150.00 (2 hour field); $75/hour thereafter Date: `z � Oma_ Site Address: `3 z Property Owner: ., 4161-edlA Property Owner Address: , -?a7 Telephone: 'l113-696- x/38 Title 5 Inspector Name of Inspector Company Name Mailing Address City/State/Zip Code Parcel # Cell: 7 m Xe/Je- License#: 011A9 Telephone: Office: v Cell: y3 v 6 a Jf- Please answer the following: es No: T5 Inspector has most recent plans for system to be inspected Yes/No: T5 Inspector has pump -out records Yes / No: T5 Inspector has location of private water supply wells (within 150 feet of system location) Reason for Inspection: house is Jein9 s�/� Date requested for Inspection: Time: Return Application Ten Days Prior to Requested Inspection Date to: Northampton Board of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Application Fee is Non -Refundable CITY of ORT A MP TON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT Public Health Director - IbMerridith O Leary Municipal Building - 212 Main Street -.Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (4.13),187-1215.- Pax (413)587-122.1 http: //Www.northamptonma.gov/2451flealth Date of lnspoction� S 2! Property Owner: Location of Title v Inspections _-- 3 2 /�IOry L, Faun f 1 Title 5Inspector, _-Tom ��-Gdt CERTIFYING `I'ITLE,'V INSPECTION Tirane: ✓'7� Fu ri License #s Phone #r. X1(3- KZ P^ c-/S?3 COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED ri ISoX . 1' 17Yl e - BUILDING SEWER: C a -f r "ki _ SEPTIC TANK._ Soo �a ave c.yl�L -� a✓lk Yes � _ No Liquid level below the outlet/invert. Yes No k Evidence•ofbackup Yes No i . Sludge depth and thickness (Within 12 inches of outlet tee - pumping recommended) D -BOX :,T /I(+n { l �►t�Oc c tG� 4b &C (1 ac t Yes_____. No-�- Static water level is at or higher than invert of outlet pipe Yes % NoToken ox, obstructed pipe, or box is uneven or settled Yeses_, No D -box is level and flow is equal Yes -$—No Evidence of solids carryover I No, Leaching systern located YC -5-- No --A-- Portion of the SAS exposed to determine condition ycs--= Noe %�..- Evidence of breakout, pondin& or sewage backup Yes--- No._ &- Leaching pit/Cesspool PUMP CHAMBER: No --V-. Alarms and pump -iorling correctly cl Yes,,— No Does system incl 9cullLphon CESSPOOL/PRIVY: NOTECESSPOOL TO BE PUMPED AS PAIZA017 INSPECTION GREASETRAP/TIGHTTANK: NO,rE: TANK Muss BE PUMPED AS PA14rr OF INSPECTION GROUNDWATER DETERMINATION: Methods Ofes I'mating II GH groun water elevation: Yes -4k— No,----. Location of bottom of leaching facility compared to the HIGH groundwater elevation completed? CONDDIIONALLY PASSES - FAILS — FURTHER EVALUATION NE:DED %gnature of Board of Health Agent Date