Royea demolition of St. John Cantius ChurchCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> demolition of St. John Cantius Church Susan Royea <outlook_B22E80C49F406671@outlook.com>Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 10:57 AM To: "cmisch@northamptonma.gov" <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Reading this mornings Gazette said there is a meeting tonight concerning the demolition of SJC church. Also there was mentioned a petition that has been circulating. For the larger catholic population of us who were born and raised in Northampton and received all our religious teachings at SJC church and may not now live in Ward 3 or even may live in a surrounding town still have a large interest in our former church. I, especially worked in the church office the last 15 years it was open and still have a great interest un what 10 Hawley St. will look like. I believe some paint, mold that can be cleaned, & repairs would help could give the church a use that would be good for Northampton. When the consolidation happened SJC was in very good condition thanks to all our caring parishioners. Of course when anything sits for 10 years without use there is always a need for care. I believe with effort and some investment into the church there has to be some way to SAVE OUR CHURCH for future use. As for the petition there is a lot more of parishioners that would have signed the petition if it was known that it was available. PLEASE look into your hearts and minds to find a way to use our church. Submitted by Susan Royea now residing in Easthampton, but am still attending St. Elizabeth Ann Seton catholic church in Northampton where all the catholic population now attends. Thank you for your time. Sent from Mail for Windows 10