GMT20210106-222657_Florence-C.transcript.DOCX00:06:15.600 --> 00:06:20.040 Wayne Feiden: Okay, it's 532. I'm going to start getting here. 56 00:06:20.070 --> 00:06:23.010 Wayne Feiden: Beeps because Carolyn's going to be admitting people as they come late 57 00:06:24.150 --> 00:06:27.360 Wayne Feiden: I'm going to start by muting everybody 58 00:06:29.220 --> 00:06:39.690 Wayne Feiden: But you're allowed to unmute yourself. So I have a you know 1520 minute presentation and then the rest of time is all your time. So, if you don't mind. 59 00:06:41.310 --> 00:06:47.130 Wayne Feiden: Keep yourself muted until I'm done. And then I'm be asked you to raise hands to make comments as we go forward. 60 00:06:48.360 --> 00:06:55.560 Wayne Feiden: So just some quick background. And you can see this in some of the slides, but so we're deal. We're focused on 61 00:06:56.640 --> 00:07:01.950 Wayne Feiden: Asking for recommendations for physical improvements to Main Street and Florence. 62 00:07:03.540 --> 00:07:11.280 Wayne Feiden: The mayor gave us $100,000 with city council approval to make improvements to the streetscape in Florence, I'll give you a little more background on the second 63 00:07:11.730 --> 00:07:21.600 Wayne Feiden: We've spent 20,000 that on survey. So we're mostly talking today about asking for recommendations for how we spend $80,000 64 00:07:22.560 --> 00:07:29.460 Wayne Feiden: The focus is on Main Street. So we're not looking for other places in Florence, unless it's directly related 65 00:07:30.210 --> 00:07:39.510 Wayne Feiden: So, Florida. For example, one point talked about a way finding program, you know, if we if the way finding ways to get to Main Street. You want to include a sign in a bike path. 66 00:07:39.870 --> 00:07:48.300 Wayne Feiden: That would be eligible. So it's mostly we're looking at Main Street or things that are directly related to me. So I'm going to give you some background. 67 00:07:49.470 --> 00:07:58.920 Wayne Feiden: There is a separate process and many of you participate in a process we are working on a rezoning for Florence, we've had 68 00:07:59.490 --> 00:08:11.580 Wayne Feiden: To physical bricks and mortar forums. We've had one or two virtual forums about rezoning Florence, that process is moving forward. And that's not we're talking about today. 69 00:08:12.510 --> 00:08:18.000 Wayne Feiden: Certain with inside questions at the end of the meeting. We're happy to take them. But that's not what this process is about 70 00:08:19.470 --> 00:08:20.670 Wayne Feiden: Just the sniper process. 71 00:08:22.620 --> 00:08:33.960 Wayne Feiden: But certainly the rezoning process informs the conversation we're having today so zoning is basically that private use of private property. 72 00:08:34.800 --> 00:08:47.490 Wayne Feiden: We've always required if it's a brand new building that the private parties have to rebuild the infrastructure in the sidewalk right in front of their property right. So, you know, brand new building gets built 73 00:08:48.720 --> 00:08:56.010 Wayne Feiden: Cumberland farms, they have to do the sidewalks, if they're in bad shape. They have to the street trees. They have to do crosswalks that they're bad shape so 74 00:08:56.730 --> 00:09:05.550 Wayne Feiden: That's what the realm of zoning that we are looking at the lessons we learned in the previous public forums as to what people told us were important. 75 00:09:06.060 --> 00:09:17.940 Wayne Feiden: And those are potentially things that we reflect on it, how we spend our money. So again, zoning is a separate process, but we're learning from. So there was a lot of public process again. Many of you took part in the process. 76 00:09:19.200 --> 00:09:30.600 Wayne Feiden: It most of it was about this owning but in the process. We also gave various max and on the maps. We asked you to tell us what's your vision. What do you want, Florence to be in the future. 77 00:09:31.800 --> 00:09:41.880 Wayne Feiden: And that's the information we sort of mind from the back process. So let me go back and talk about this hundred thousand dollars of funding that we have 78 00:09:43.050 --> 00:09:49.140 Wayne Feiden: The original concept of this funding was the hundred thousand dollars was for design. 79 00:09:50.280 --> 00:09:59.820 Wayne Feiden: And then we would go in and we wouldn't have money for construction and we would chase grass right it's a rough rule of thumb, you know, if design is 10% of construction that would mean 80 00:10:00.090 --> 00:10:07.320 Wayne Feiden: $100,000 would give us the design for a million dollars and improvements and we could look for future grants. 81 00:10:07.980 --> 00:10:14.610 Wayne Feiden: What you're going to see in the slides coming forward is when we asked you, or what did you want in the last forums. 82 00:10:15.270 --> 00:10:27.120 Wayne Feiden: Where she didn't hear that many big ticket items we didn't hear that many people saying we need to have a big marquee project that's really exciting. It's going to be a million dollars or more 83 00:10:27.690 --> 00:10:32.640 Wayne Feiden: It was certainly a lot of interest in that we had, you know, sort of virtual votes. We did that process. 84 00:10:33.540 --> 00:10:39.690 Wayne Feiden: But we heard more people talking about what we're calling the low hanging fruit relatively small projects. 85 00:10:40.380 --> 00:10:59.850 Wayne Feiden: So we pivoted $100,000 instead of thinking about it off or design, we decided to spend 20,000 on survey, because a lot of what people told us is they wanted more sidewalks and they particularly wanted more street trees. We can't design street trees until we know what we own 86 00:11:00.870 --> 00:11:07.350 Wayne Feiden: And even if we don't own it. We need survey to understand who owns that so we can acquire that property. 87 00:11:08.820 --> 00:11:14.790 Wayne Feiden: So based on the last process. The process. We had close to a year ago now pre coated 88 00:11:15.270 --> 00:11:21.990 Wayne Feiden: We decided to go ahead with the survey. We just got the draft survey. Actually, this morning we expect the final survey about a week from now. 89 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:34.170 Wayne Feiden: So we get. Now I'll show you some slides. The survey later so that parts done and that leaves 80,000 and again we expect the 80,000 to be for actual implementation. 90 00:11:34.620 --> 00:11:40.650 Wayne Feiden: There may be some design. It depends on what people suggest, right. So, people said that we really need to have 91 00:11:41.550 --> 00:11:57.000 Wayne Feiden: You know, given one example. We've heard a flashing beacon was called a rapid rectangular flashing beacon similar what we have the high school we would probably have to hire an electrical engineer for a couple of thousand dollars to do some details, but most of that 1000 would be implementation. 92 00:11:59.190 --> 00:12:11.640 Wayne Feiden: To one area where we have a little bit more money than 80,000 is about street trees we collect mitigation money when someone cuts down a tree, a significant tree. 93 00:12:12.120 --> 00:12:22.530 Wayne Feiden: It's over 20 inches diameter breast tight as part of a redevelopment of a property they either replace the tree, or they pay into a mitigation fund. 94 00:12:23.010 --> 00:12:34.200 Wayne Feiden: So we have some money in that mitigation fund. So we have 80,000 plus maybe some additional money that it's only for street planting a tree plantings above the 80,000 95 00:12:34.590 --> 00:12:42.840 Wayne Feiden: So again, it depends on what we hear tonight. But no, that's out here. I saw some point I'll see him now but rich partiality who's the tree cities tree warden. 96 00:12:43.200 --> 00:12:49.080 Wayne Feiden: Joined the call. And so we would obviously work with him on the details of what's to retrace we're looking like process. 97 00:12:49.620 --> 00:13:04.890 Wayne Feiden: So again, we get lots of public input, besides the big picture public forums, the virtual forums and the real forums before this all began with a very small grant from AARP American Association of Retired Persons people 98 00:13:06.060 --> 00:13:11.040 Wayne Feiden: To, to try to engage people to understand come to public forums. We did an outside 99 00:13:12.180 --> 00:13:18.840 Wayne Feiden: Event. Some students from Smith College and UMass organized this thing, this is our collection we heard from people 100 00:13:20.160 --> 00:13:33.540 Wayne Feiden: Right. So I have the next four slides are sort of the ideas that we took to the public forum that we have well calendar Dylan, correct me but 15 months ago, some some time period. 101 00:13:34.980 --> 00:13:43.890 Wayne Feiden: We had a lot of people at the meeting. And so, but this is of course was one snapshot 40 people at the meeting. We heard from them, they may or may not reflect what you all think today. 102 00:13:44.550 --> 00:13:57.810 Wayne Feiden: So as I said, we asked, Are there big gestures. And so one of the examples is this park the traffic circle, if you will, the park in the middle of road next to Florida civic 103 00:13:58.440 --> 00:14:10.680 Wayne Feiden: And when it is as well. Should we redo the entire intersection. Should we close the road and extend this the park to connect so people actually get to it are getting killed by cars. 104 00:14:11.220 --> 00:14:17.010 Wayne Feiden: In reduce circulation. When we asked people to vote. This actually had a fair number of votes. 105 00:14:17.610 --> 00:14:30.420 Wayne Feiden: But it was still a minority of people and a lot of people were extremely concerned that we create new traffic congestion. So while there was a lot of support it clearly was not overwhelming support that. And that's again. 106 00:14:31.140 --> 00:14:41.850 Wayne Feiden: What led us to say, well, maybe what we really want is a series of small pieces. But this isn't a table. When I asked you first. To vote, and then later to talk. This is one of the things I'm going to ask you to think about 107 00:14:43.650 --> 00:14:53.130 Wayne Feiden: So consistently what we heard people say most that we are a lot of comments but the single biggest comment was about street trees. 108 00:14:55.020 --> 00:14:59.610 Wayne Feiden: We didn't drill down. So this is part of the conversation when I drill down today. 109 00:15:00.300 --> 00:15:11.040 Wayne Feiden: One of the conversations, is where do you want street trees so Dobson Flickr did this graphic for us as part of the zoning, the upper left is, you know, a street without any trees. 110 00:15:11.610 --> 00:15:18.750 Wayne Feiden: The bottom left is normally the ideal way we have street trees there and what we call the tree belt that separate the sidewalk from the street. 111 00:15:19.830 --> 00:15:26.700 Wayne Feiden: But given that Florence already has sidewalks. This would be a really expensive solution. So you have to rip up the sidewalks. 112 00:15:27.060 --> 00:15:39.060 Wayne Feiden: You have to put the street trees in, in some cases, the sidewalk will be too narrow and you have to extend the sidewalk further away from the road. So the option on the bottom right is the lower cost way. 113 00:15:40.110 --> 00:15:53.220 Wayne Feiden: You can do a lot more street trees. Some this might be in places where the city owns land beyond the right of way. And mostly that's on the east to the part of Florence on the south side where we already own extra land. 114 00:15:54.510 --> 00:16:05.490 Wayne Feiden: Or acquiring land when we could. And so when I was going to ask you later, is do you care. You want the trip L trees that are gorgeous. But really expensive or the trees for their back. 115 00:16:06.510 --> 00:16:17.340 Wayne Feiden: And of course, I have to point out that these pictures of what it will look like in 15 years we start with much smaller tree so don't expect us to start with, but this is aspiration in the process. 116 00:16:18.810 --> 00:16:33.840 Wayne Feiden: And then we ask people, again, in terms of Grand gestures about making crosswalks safer. We heard a lot of people who didn't like the curb extensions at Cumberland farms. 117 00:16:35.970 --> 00:16:43.200 Wayne Feiden: Car shouldn't be hitting them because they're in a Park Lane isn't supposed to be driving down there. But nonetheless, people do hit them. And there's a lot of complaints. 118 00:16:43.680 --> 00:16:52.350 Wayne Feiden: And we didn't hear a lot. And so we could imagine big ticket items, whether it's what's called a mid block crossing like at Cumberland farms. 119 00:16:52.920 --> 00:17:05.580 Wayne Feiden: Or Crossing Intersections doing curb extensions. That's still fairly expensive, right. So as an example, when we close Cracker Barrel alley downtown. That was a $35,000 project. 120 00:17:06.630 --> 00:17:15.300 Wayne Feiden: To, you know, rip out the driveway and redo the sidewalk and redo the grading for it. We some of our sidewalks don't meet current 121 00:17:15.780 --> 00:17:25.470 Wayne Feiden: Ada standards American Disabilities Act standards and they're sort of grandfathered but when we redo them, we have to fix them and meet the standards that always makes things more expensive than you think. 122 00:17:26.400 --> 00:17:44.190 Wayne Feiden: Again at the meeting a year some time here to go. We did not hear a lot of priorities for big ticket curve extensions. We did hear both of that meeting. And then, more recently, and emails. I've been getting about Lighter, quicker, cheaper crosswalk treatment. 123 00:17:45.660 --> 00:17:59.040 Wayne Feiden: So I think was Chris Grasso, who emailed and said, How about one of those rapid rectangular flash and beacons at both foreign civic and Florence back those things are relatively inexpensive so expensive, but they're relatively inexpensive. 124 00:18:00.240 --> 00:18:06.060 Wayne Feiden: At least compared to this kind of thing. And so it's more cost. Again, this is still not nothing for costs. 125 00:18:07.350 --> 00:18:16.170 Wayne Feiden: And then street furnishings industry furnishings to cover a lot of things, three furnishing three benches garbage pails bollards 126 00:18:18.060 --> 00:18:19.410 Wayne Feiden: Different street lights. 127 00:18:20.730 --> 00:18:26.910 Wayne Feiden: At the meeting, a year and a half ago, we did not hear. We heard sort of people checking a box. So yeah, we should have better screen furnishings. 128 00:18:27.660 --> 00:18:34.050 Wayne Feiden: But we heard, neither passionate arguing for those things. You're a lot of voices for them. 129 00:18:34.470 --> 00:18:46.080 Wayne Feiden: But again, we didn't drill down. That was so the first step that was big picture versus details now we're trying to drill down. Now when we'd like to hear more is it is this right. The only street parsley furnishings important 130 00:18:47.490 --> 00:19:01.140 Wayne Feiden: We do have a separate project that's actually funded by downtown parking, but the mayor proof spending some of it and downtown to replace his paper boxes all over the city with a standard newspaper box that's in better condition. 131 00:19:02.490 --> 00:19:06.960 Wayne Feiden: And that's already you know funded mass moving forward. So the newspaper box. 132 00:19:08.010 --> 00:19:13.470 Wayne Feiden: By Florence diner is going to be replaced as part of that effort. So that's sort of separate part of this whole piece. 133 00:19:14.880 --> 00:19:25.170 Wayne Feiden: So again, this is sort of a summary. So we've done the land survey will show you later we're moving for the newspaper boxes and that leaves this $80,000 134 00:19:25.920 --> 00:19:41.760 Wayne Feiden: Just going to low hanging fruit unless we hear overwhelming votes today saying no, we should really go back and do big ticket items. So that's sort of background I'm, I'm just going to race through this quickly in terms of the 135 00:19:43.410 --> 00:19:54.180 Wayne Feiden: Survey, just to get a sense of it and I can send this around. I know it's probably hard to sell. If you have a big monitor. It's hard to see this. So this is the survey from west to east. So starting in Florence civic 136 00:19:55.380 --> 00:20:05.970 Wayne Feiden: And the thing you're trying to look at if you can see it in your screen is you can see concrete walk. That's the sidewalk and you can see a dark line behind it. That's the city's boundary 137 00:20:06.420 --> 00:20:22.620 Wayne Feiden: So in the Westerly part of Florence mostly the edge of the city property boundary is the edge of the sidewalk. In some cases, obviously right but Maple Street. There's buildings as you get a little bit further east, even when this not buildings. 138 00:20:23.640 --> 00:20:38.610 Wayne Feiden: So when you get to Valley, medical, for example, we still only own the rear of the sidewalk. So to do new trees on Valley medicals property that was one of the graphics I showed you earlier, we would have to acquire additional right of way. 139 00:20:39.630 --> 00:20:55.470 Wayne Feiden: As you get further east. So east of chestnut, you can start seeing a little bit on the north, but a lot of bit on the south, that our property boundary extends a little bit away from the sidewalk. 140 00:20:55.650 --> 00:21:02.070 Wayne Feiden: We're going to talk about feet is are measured often and single feet, but that's enough to do tree planting. 141 00:21:02.550 --> 00:21:15.480 Wayne Feiden: So there are places we could plant trees without buying additional property or having additional property donated to us. And then that continues as you get, you know, all the way down to 20 row Park. 142 00:21:17.070 --> 00:21:19.500 Wayne Feiden: Then the strip becomes much wider. 143 00:21:20.700 --> 00:21:24.600 Wayne Feiden: That's over here. But again, this is probably less with our focuses 144 00:21:27.060 --> 00:21:38.640 Wayne Feiden: Okay, so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna put up a poll. I'm going to ask you to vote. And this is basically asked you to vote each of these things. So I'm going to put this up. 145 00:21:40.260 --> 00:21:57.390 Wayne Feiden: And see yours voting and his two questions that are identical. It doesn't let me do rank order. So the first question is what's most important. And the second question is what second list and you may love 40 things but we just couldn't afford them all so I'm 146 00:21:58.470 --> 00:21:59.340 Wayne Feiden: Go ahead and vote. 147 00:21:59.580 --> 00:22:00.540 Robert Ross: No Audio here. 148 00:23:20.040 --> 00:23:25.470 Wayne Feiden: Up to 70% of your voting, and I know couple, you're probably not voting. So I'm going to wait another few seconds. 149 00:23:26.820 --> 00:23:28.230 Wayne Feiden: This little people stop voting. 150 00:23:40.200 --> 00:23:43.110 Wayne Feiden: Okay, I'm going to end the poll. I know in a few seconds. 151 00:23:44.280 --> 00:23:46.740 Wayne Feiden: And I will share the results for you all. 152 00:23:48.660 --> 00:23:51.030 Wayne Feiden: This shows up as well. I'm sure you all see this 153 00:23:53.790 --> 00:23:54.240 Wayne Feiden: Yes. Okay. 154 00:23:55.710 --> 00:23:56.940 Wayne Feiden: Okay, so 155 00:23:57.960 --> 00:24:00.810 Wayne Feiden: More split that I would have thought 156 00:24:01.560 --> 00:24:12.870 Wayne Feiden: You know, obviously, the biggest plurality is street trees on the private side of sidewalk least expensive ones and then followed closely by street trees. So that's pretty obvious. And that's probably similar 157 00:24:13.170 --> 00:24:21.120 Wayne Feiden: That you know 61% of you voted for street trees and one of the other. That's probably somewhat similar to what we heard before. 158 00:24:22.320 --> 00:24:23.130 Wayne Feiden: And 159 00:24:25.920 --> 00:24:26.910 Wayne Feiden: And the second 160 00:24:28.080 --> 00:24:37.170 Wayne Feiden: Sort of similar, you know, so I'm sure you have different priorities between the two, but between the first and second trees certainly got most important piece so 161 00:24:38.280 --> 00:24:44.670 Wayne Feiden: I'm going to open it up for your discussion, the rest of time is really yours for for discussion. 162 00:24:46.560 --> 00:24:59.760 Wayne Feiden: I think I'm the it's clear about the trees. So I won't be productive in our time. So I don't think we need passionate calls for trees. I mean, you know, 163 00:25:00.300 --> 00:25:09.720 Wayne Feiden: If somebody has something new to add, it's fine. But I think it's pretty clear that there's a passionate belief and trees and anything that we do need to include trees as part of that process. 164 00:25:10.200 --> 00:25:25.380 Wayne Feiden: So I guess I'm most interested in. So, so if we don't talk about trees don't think it means we don't care about trees we heard you. You've already registered that what I'd like to hear is all the other things that are important people, particularly the 165 00:25:26.760 --> 00:25:44.220 Wayne Feiden: You know 17% said huge project big project for their first goal and 8% for the second call tell us more about pad for the street furnishings, you know, so, so each of these things that aren't about trees. I'm particularly interested in more details for that process. 166 00:25:45.270 --> 00:25:53.070 Wayne Feiden: So there's a lot of us on the call. There are 51 of us. So I'm going to ask you all to raise your hand. 167 00:25:54.630 --> 00:25:55.260 Wayne Feiden: And 168 00:25:56.760 --> 00:25:59.970 Wayne Feiden: The easiest way you can raise your hand electronically. 169 00:26:01.260 --> 00:26:06.150 Wayne Feiden: Because I have this Q screens that people. I won't be able to see you all. For those of you who 170 00:26:06.630 --> 00:26:16.980 Wayne Feiden: Don't know how to raise your hand electronically. I'll still come to you once you raise your hand, physically, but I'll ask people, quantum electronic first and then last day, if there is anybody who called in 171 00:26:18.090 --> 00:26:27.450 Wayne Feiden: Its star nine to raise your hand if you if you can't see us. So, Molly Hale, I'm gonna start with you, and you're gonna have to unmute yourself. Yep. 172 00:26:27.990 --> 00:26:40.110 Molly Hale: Hi, I'm, I'm on the tree Commission the urban tree. The urban forestry commission, formerly known as the North Hampton public shade tree Commission, and I have two comments about the tree planting. One is that 173 00:26:42.000 --> 00:26:51.870 Molly Hale: There is a another alternative to planting trees on the other side of the sidewalk to acquiring the property. It's called a setback program and it's where 174 00:26:53.490 --> 00:26:55.980 Molly Hale: We talk with the landowner and 175 00:26:57.240 --> 00:27:08.700 Molly Hale: Get their permission to plant a tree there and the city pays the expenses for planting a tree and maintaining it. In exchange, it goes on their deed as a permanent 176 00:27:09.840 --> 00:27:16.590 Molly Hale: Part of their property that cannot be cut down without paying a penalty. So that is an option. And that's something that 177 00:27:17.100 --> 00:27:34.920 Molly Hale: The tree commission. I think wants to look into more as doing on a on a bigger scale. The second thing I want to say is that we're in the midst right now of doing a survey of tree planting sites within a quarter mile radius of downtown Florida and of downtown North Hampton. 178 00:27:36.000 --> 00:27:43.320 Molly Hale: So I don't want to duplicate what you guys have already done and you guys shouldn't be duplicating what we've already done. We should be coordinating on this. 179 00:27:44.760 --> 00:27:47.730 Wayne Feiden: Okay, baseball, it's good. We 180 00:27:51.180 --> 00:27:52.080 Wayne Feiden: Hear from yourself. 181 00:27:54.720 --> 00:27:55.500 Molly Hale: Now he's frozen. 182 00:27:56.070 --> 00:28:08.400 Lee Feldscher: There we go. I was one of the people who voted for other big project and the big project I'm interested in is Park. I think a downtown Park somewhere along 183 00:28:09.450 --> 00:28:14.160 Lee Feldscher: Main Street in Florence would be a wonderful addition to the city. 184 00:28:14.880 --> 00:28:24.540 Wayne Feiden: And we bike park, we sort of think about tiny pocket parks and obviously not to be a huge part. But tell me a little more about what you think is critical for apart. 185 00:28:26.520 --> 00:28:39.990 Lee Feldscher: Well I what I picture in my mind is the new Polanski park that was created in downtown North Hampton obviously something of that scale would not necessarily work in downtown Florence, but 186 00:28:40.410 --> 00:28:50.130 Lee Feldscher: I'm, I'm, I'm very impressed with that park. I think it serves a great function. And if we could get as close to some of those elements that that park has 187 00:28:51.150 --> 00:28:56.910 Lee Feldscher: I think that would be great. A gathering spot some leisure area pretty 188 00:28:58.500 --> 00:29:04.320 Lee Feldscher: Be Awesome. If it could be a venue for entertainment events or small concerts, things like that. 189 00:29:04.800 --> 00:29:06.780 Wayne Feiden: Okay thanks like Linda Europe. 190 00:29:08.610 --> 00:29:09.870 Wayne Feiden: It again unmute yourself. 191 00:29:13.380 --> 00:29:32.580 Linda Tumbarello: Um, well I there happened concerts over by the library and the Community Center, which I really have enjoyed that place. I mean, I was since since thinking about this meeting was walking around, you know, downtown Florence. I've lived here for two years now and and 192 00:29:33.990 --> 00:29:43.530 Linda Tumbarello: What I really felt like what's gonna make me want to hang out here more other than just go to the bank or go somewhere, you know, assist 193 00:29:44.010 --> 00:29:59.910 Linda Tumbarello: So, I mean, I thought more the benches and I don't know the sidewalks are so narrow, so I don't know in terms of having, you know, more outdoor restaurant possibilities cafe possibilities, something to 194 00:30:01.320 --> 00:30:08.760 Linda Tumbarello: Hang out. This is what inspired me and and I certainly am into the trees. 195 00:30:09.810 --> 00:30:13.560 Linda Tumbarello: I'll say more in a bit. I want to hear more about other people to 196 00:30:13.680 --> 00:30:18.360 Wayne Feiden: Linda's father. And one thing is are having wider sidewalks when possible priority. 197 00:30:20.640 --> 00:30:24.300 Linda Tumbarello: Well, I don't really know what it means. But, you know, 198 00:30:24.630 --> 00:30:25.140 Wayne Feiden: What think about 199 00:30:25.950 --> 00:30:30.990 Wayne Feiden: Florence bank to Florence diner has wider sidewalks than everywhere else. 200 00:30:31.170 --> 00:30:31.920 Linda Tumbarello: Yes, I know. 201 00:30:32.700 --> 00:30:34.440 Wayne Feiden: I'm more desirable experienced in the restaurant. 202 00:30:35.460 --> 00:30:45.030 Linda Tumbarello: Right. And that feel, I feel differently there, you know, but you know, I'm not necessarily voting for gigantic projects, especially at this time. 203 00:30:46.020 --> 00:30:46.890 Wayne Feiden: Gabby Europe. 204 00:30:49.410 --> 00:30:57.450 Gaby Immerman: Or Wayne. Hi everybody I'm Wait, I'm just gonna say out loud. The question I wrote into the chat, which is, can you just speak to what 205 00:30:58.560 --> 00:31:08.940 Gaby Immerman: Tools. The city has to encourage a broader mix of businesses and street life to me like the benches are come second. 206 00:31:09.360 --> 00:31:27.870 Gaby Immerman: To the thing that comes first, which is like a reason and a desire to be downtown and I know of course you can't reach in and make some of the pizza parlors turn into other things, but I just wonder what the, what the city can do to encourage a lively or mix and streetscape 207 00:31:28.710 --> 00:31:35.190 Wayne Feiden: Yeah, I mean, mostly being permissive. I think, you know, I mean, in theory, yeah. I suppose we could write zoning. 208 00:31:35.610 --> 00:31:44.400 Wayne Feiden: That prohibits new uses that don't generate a lot of traffic, but given the vacancies in the city, and given the likelihood of vacancies rising 209 00:31:44.880 --> 00:31:49.170 Wayne Feiden: It's unlikely. We're going to get stricter about first floor uses 210 00:31:50.100 --> 00:31:56.250 Wayne Feiden: So I think we've been seeing this, and certainly this is a public investing program are talking about today, we've been seeing this more as 211 00:31:56.820 --> 00:32:06.780 Wayne Feiden: What are things that we can enable to allow those more likely businesses. So, you know, Linda's comment about, you know, benches are wider sidewalks. 212 00:32:07.260 --> 00:32:22.860 Wayne Feiden: Those are necessary preconditions or sidewalk cafes for people. He hanging out and eating that piece of it, they get it. It doesn't make people do that, but it's it's it's necessary. You know the story, I often tell when I first moved here 32 years ago. 213 00:32:24.210 --> 00:32:41.520 Wayne Feiden: Downtown Holyoke had just gotten major grants invested majorly in streetscapes but there were no businesses using them. And it didn't matter. They have great benches and great life. So, you know, street furnishings, or by themselves not adequate, but they are a necessary part of the office. 214 00:32:43.980 --> 00:32:45.480 Wayne Feiden: I'm Windy 215 00:32:46.590 --> 00:32:54.030 Wendy Foxmyn: A few things I'll be short one. I just want to say I love Florence center and I'm glad to hear. We're not talking about changing and a whole lot 216 00:32:55.020 --> 00:32:59.430 Wendy Foxmyn: It's hard for me to imagine the tree planting because my sense of the center is 217 00:32:59.910 --> 00:33:06.900 Wendy Foxmyn: The built so many of the buildings are so close to the sidewalk, but I leave that to you all to figure that out. And so I would support that. 218 00:33:07.200 --> 00:33:24.390 Wendy Foxmyn: I also voted for way finding and that did not come up. So I know Robert Ross is on the call. I saw him earlier and don't see him on my screen now. But I don't know if he or someone else could talk a little bit about what that meant. What that means, what the, what the idea for that is 219 00:33:24.540 --> 00:33:26.280 Wayne Feiden: OK, but then the whole we get to 220 00:33:26.370 --> 00:33:27.450 Wayne Feiden: Try. All right. 221 00:33:27.840 --> 00:33:28.680 Wendy Foxmyn: Thank you. I'm done. 222 00:33:29.010 --> 00:33:30.960 Wayne Feiden: Okay, great. Mark. 223 00:33:35.250 --> 00:33:35.730 Marc Sternick: Oh boy. 224 00:33:38.070 --> 00:33:44.190 Marc Sternick: Three quick items. One is in terms of widening the tree belt. 225 00:33:45.330 --> 00:33:54.360 Marc Sternick: In a sense, it by putting in street trees on the on the grass side of the sidewalks. Has anyone talked about 226 00:33:55.980 --> 00:34:01.350 Marc Sternick: Breaking or widening the sidewalks between the trees. 227 00:34:02.400 --> 00:34:13.620 Marc Sternick: Maybe even three three feet to allow for things like benches and planters, which could help tie the whole downtown Florence together. 228 00:34:14.310 --> 00:34:39.150 Marc Sternick: Because that's something that I'm I'm concerned about with whatever project moves forward that there's a holistic approach to try and tie the the downtown area, together with ball with signage lighting benches crosswalks where everything has something that ties it together design was 229 00:34:41.130 --> 00:34:50.940 Marc Sternick: Has anyone talked about widening sidewalks in front of eateries the eateries that we have 230 00:34:52.830 --> 00:34:55.530 Marc Sternick: Just these days, having any 231 00:34:57.210 --> 00:35:20.790 Marc Sternick: Any eatery in these in this region is a hard proposition for anyone. So to support them. If we were to take a couple or two or three of the parking spots and enlarge the sidewalk, would they, the business owners be interested in having outdoor dining 232 00:35:21.870 --> 00:35:34.290 Marc Sternick: Several months maybe five months, six months out of the year, which could add to enlivening the street by by bringing the businesses out more. 233 00:35:36.840 --> 00:35:40.080 Marc Sternick: I think that's about it. I also want to support 234 00:35:41.130 --> 00:35:48.090 Marc Sternick: What I heard from Lee about doing a small Park as part of the plan. Okay. 235 00:35:48.240 --> 00:35:50.580 Wayne Feiden: Great, thank you. Thank you, Keith. 236 00:35:52.410 --> 00:35:54.870 Keith Benoit: Yeah, I'm here to talk 237 00:35:56.250 --> 00:36:04.590 Keith Benoit: From the disability commission. I don't think there's anyone here on the Commission on the call, but they want me to advocate for benches. I did vote for that. 238 00:36:05.340 --> 00:36:14.250 Keith Benoit: So I think there's people are elderly people who are using walkers, maybe even people in wheelchairs, I think a bench is a natural place to 239 00:36:14.730 --> 00:36:27.240 Keith Benoit: Get rest are sick and just kind of enjoy the outdoors. Maybe not having to go into a business. Some of the businesses, a little more challenging to get into the 240 00:36:28.320 --> 00:36:36.030 Keith Benoit: The doors, a little tighter. They might be the ramps or might be level, but still might know more difficult to maneuver and some of those buildings. 241 00:36:36.480 --> 00:36:49.650 Keith Benoit: And then the park. They haven't spoken about the park. But I think that would be a natural place kind of central to the downtown that we nice little endpoint and like a natural place to have a have a mention as well so 242 00:36:50.970 --> 00:36:54.810 Keith Benoit: I would I would advise for those. Great. Thank you. 243 00:36:55.320 --> 00:36:56.040 Heather. 244 00:36:58.740 --> 00:37:07.470 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Gotta unmute myself. That's awesome. That was a lead into what I'm going to say because I cared for my wheelchair bound husband for five years in meadowbrook 245 00:37:08.250 --> 00:37:19.350 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Three of the 12 apartments in the building that I work in, we use walkers either some or all of the time. I currently sporadically use both a walker or wheelchair. 246 00:37:20.550 --> 00:37:30.030 Heather Craig (she, he, they): So I'm just going to give you an example of what a pain in the ass. It is for my Walker bound friend to get to the bank. So show 247 00:37:30.660 --> 00:37:40.680 Heather Craig (she, he, they): She comes up the hill and she gets past Cooper's and gets to where that dental places and the way they plow in the winter is to plow the snow right into the sidewalk. So she can't get to the thing 248 00:37:41.070 --> 00:37:47.340 Heather Craig (she, he, they): That's a tiny thing you can, like, try to enforce that or change the way the cloud, does it, but 249 00:37:48.570 --> 00:37:58.680 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Like the wheelchair where you can put a wheelchair is really hard and I am a big fan of wider sidewalks, because if you have to have a 32 inch door. 250 00:37:59.010 --> 00:38:06.270 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And even that doesn't accommodate wheelchairs that need 3636 36 inches of clear sidewalk is a good idea. 251 00:38:06.930 --> 00:38:15.150 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And unless you're also going to put benches between the trees, which is a really nice suggestion, putting the trees on the side of the sidewalk is actually better 252 00:38:15.840 --> 00:38:24.900 Heather Craig (she, he, they): The number of times where there's a lot of people gathering and congregating on the sidewalk any person in a chair is trying to get through that and literally isn't even seen 253 00:38:25.170 --> 00:38:33.930 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And has to raise their voice to get through is it's so common in downtown North Hampton, it's less common in downtown Florence. 254 00:38:34.710 --> 00:38:42.180 Heather Craig (she, he, they): But you know what I really want our curb cuts that work for things with wheels and a wide enough space. 255 00:38:42.690 --> 00:38:56.190 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And I also want benches for people with walkers or people who are pushing somebody else's manual wheelchair and if you put all of those things in place, you have automatically made it better for everyone else, because a stroller or a wheeled 256 00:38:57.480 --> 00:39:01.680 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Cart that you would carry your groceries in will work better in those situations. 257 00:39:02.340 --> 00:39:09.660 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Right now the curb cuts right at that intersection between North main like right ahead of where you get to the park in the Civic Center. 258 00:39:10.050 --> 00:39:23.040 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Those curb cuts are actually pretty good. And I checked the curb cuts at Cumberland farms and there are a lot of people crossing there with walkers and wheelchairs, because those are the bottom of that cut is 259 00:39:23.550 --> 00:39:32.190 Heather Craig (she, he, they): almost perfectly level with the street itself. So I if any project that we do, if it's going to be a big ticket project. 260 00:39:32.850 --> 00:39:43.350 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Really want to get people who actually use those devices to check in about what those cuts are like, and I can tell you that the cut the new cut that's in there at Cumberland farms is well done. 261 00:39:44.910 --> 00:39:45.120 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And 262 00:39:45.240 --> 00:39:58.200 Heather Craig (she, he, they): That's really important to me because my neighbors and I can always use the downtown. The way that we would the Florence center, the way that that we would like to. And if you build it for those people, it'll work for everybody else. 263 00:39:59.520 --> 00:40:01.830 Wayne Feiden: Okay, thank you very much, Betsy. 264 00:40:02.640 --> 00:40:03.540 Betsy Alden: Hi everybody. 265 00:40:04.860 --> 00:40:11.490 Betsy Alden: Oh, I'm interested in seeing if we could create something of a beautification committee. 266 00:40:12.810 --> 00:40:27.420 Betsy Alden: A lot of municipalities have them. And let me give you a case in point. A couple of years ago my neighbor Mary coffee, who I believe is on the call. She and I approached the Robert and Mary, who owns the Florence. 267 00:40:28.140 --> 00:40:40.260 Betsy Alden: flower shop and they gave us money to buy plants to put in the tree wells right around the you know the really the center of town. And we did that. 268 00:40:41.430 --> 00:40:42.870 Betsy Alden: We didn't do it last year. 269 00:40:44.100 --> 00:40:47.850 Betsy Alden: But I see those tree wells, for example, just growing weeds. 270 00:40:48.510 --> 00:41:01.560 Betsy Alden: And they're not maintained their, their unattractive and that's why I voted for trees in on the grass, because again, that way you don't have to deal with, with all that but that the downtown just looks to me like it's sort of 271 00:41:02.250 --> 00:41:11.490 Betsy Alden: Forgotten it's it's unattractive. A lot of the times the sidewalks are not maintained there's there's macadam where there should be concrete. 272 00:41:12.420 --> 00:41:26.010 Betsy Alden: Certain businesses, take care of the front of their of their areas others don't. And they look terrible. So the idea of creating something where, you know, it would be maintained from a sort of 273 00:41:27.090 --> 00:41:38.430 Betsy Alden: I mean I'm 100% behind the other things that folks have said, including a park of some kind. But if we could also focus on what we have that we could make better 274 00:41:39.780 --> 00:41:46.950 Betsy Alden: And creating something of a I've looked up unification committees from a municipal perspective, they are out there and 275 00:41:47.490 --> 00:42:01.770 Betsy Alden: You know, just I think I think Florence could really the downtown area could really benefit so that as people are driving through or whatever they could, they could say Wow this looks really nice. This looks like a well tended 276 00:42:03.330 --> 00:42:07.410 Betsy Alden: village or town or whatever. So, so that's my idea. 277 00:42:07.620 --> 00:42:13.200 Wayne Feiden: Good, thank you. Informed civics for some of that function even not formally beautification committee, but I think it's a good point. 278 00:42:14.880 --> 00:42:18.720 Wayne Feiden: So I don't know who the main person name is but candy computer 279 00:42:22.290 --> 00:42:24.270 candeecomputer: Hi Candy. Okay. 280 00:42:25.530 --> 00:42:36.360 candeecomputer: Well, just do reiterate a couple of things that great ideas. You've all said, including marks about kind of pulling it all together. For instance, right in front of the ice cream place. 281 00:42:37.830 --> 00:42:51.690 candeecomputer: Now next near the near the bank and the diner is is a gathering place but it's hot, as can be. There is no shade. So I put in the chat, you know, shade trees in that tree belt on that side of the street. 282 00:42:52.470 --> 00:43:02.760 candeecomputer: And yes, more expensive. And then on the other side of the street, you'd put trees on private property because then you get the maximum shade alone is hot, sunny days it when the, when the sun is on the south. 283 00:43:03.780 --> 00:43:06.780 candeecomputer: Just a compromise and maximize shade. 284 00:43:07.860 --> 00:43:16.500 candeecomputer: And going in, I agree that the the sidewalks need to be wider and more inviting and if you have the shade and you have the 285 00:43:17.550 --> 00:43:22.410 candeecomputer: The benches, it'd be way more inviting for me. I mean, I 286 00:43:22.860 --> 00:43:30.390 candeecomputer: I have a 10 year old, and I would have loved to walk downtown more often. But it was so hot to push that stroller on those small sidewalks. 287 00:43:30.690 --> 00:43:36.450 candeecomputer: It was like it was not a destination place for me, even though it's walking distance for us. So that didn't happen. 288 00:43:37.110 --> 00:43:52.770 candeecomputer: In our younger life in his in real life. So just to it to make more notes like that. And because the parking that I believe is available kind of it. Florence Savings Bank, they have a parking lot near the near the Rail Trail and they and then the parking over near the 289 00:43:54.120 --> 00:43:58.080 candeecomputer: paint store or places where people Park and then you can walk into 290 00:43:58.470 --> 00:44:05.250 candeecomputer: into mainstream and access it. But then, where do you hang out like after you park and walk there and you eat, get your pizza. 291 00:44:05.520 --> 00:44:18.330 candeecomputer: You need more little notebooks like that place in front of the pizza and ice cream place, but it has to be shady and you have to have a bench and things like that. So, so I would say invest in those sidewalks and those little spots. 292 00:44:19.770 --> 00:44:24.810 candeecomputer: And maybe a park in that Civic Center place. That sounds pretty great, too, but 293 00:44:26.610 --> 00:44:26.880 candeecomputer: Okay. 294 00:44:27.300 --> 00:44:37.320 Wayne Feiden: Thanks candy. So Robert, you're off if you could both say whatever you have in mind, but also address Wendy's question about way finding and what you guys were thinking about way finding 295 00:44:41.610 --> 00:44:42.810 Wayne Feiden: If you're on mute yourself. 296 00:44:48.150 --> 00:45:00.240 Robert Ross: Yeah, I'm here. Okay. Can you hear me. Yes, yes. Kurt browser, the President of the Civic Center civic association and I have talked about way finding sizes, what we'd like to have 297 00:45:00.720 --> 00:45:12.690 Robert Ross: Is some sort of unified theme sign signage that was attractive and we could eliminate things like standard sports science where you have that clutter on the sidewalks. 298 00:45:13.290 --> 00:45:23.880 Robert Ross: We're looking for some sort of way finding signs for businesses that are off of Main Street can be visible to Main Street, including some better signage on the bike path as well. 299 00:45:25.890 --> 00:45:41.070 Robert Ross: So we'd like to have come up with a plan for for a theme. As I mentioned earlier, same ol same along with newspaper boxes benches. 300 00:45:41.850 --> 00:45:48.750 Robert Ross: We see in North Hampton, it seems to be pretty easy to end up with this hodgepodge instead of really having a nice 301 00:45:49.620 --> 00:46:05.010 Robert Ross: Oh, this is Florence that all of a sudden the benches to the lighting the signposts at all, at all kind of clicks together instead of, you know, we now we have those spun aluminum poles that were put in and in 1980 and they've 302 00:46:06.060 --> 00:46:16.650 Robert Ross: Lived their usefulness and we'd love to upgrade those. So I think for major projects for me. I, I would really like to see the sidewalks addressed. 303 00:46:17.970 --> 00:46:23.190 Robert Ross: resurfaced. Many of them are in for repair at this point. Now we are talking 304 00:46:24.900 --> 00:46:37.920 Robert Ross: 30 plus years now on on concrete sidewalks and we were short changed when they were done as it was there were plans for better streetscapes in front of foreign Savings Bank and 305 00:46:40.770 --> 00:46:51.420 Robert Ross: The ice cream parlor money ran short because people thinking long range decided that it was more important to bury our power lines. 306 00:46:51.900 --> 00:47:01.860 Robert Ross: Then to do the betterment on the sidewalk and that's what happened. The money is that was earmarked for sidewalk improvements got put into Barrington power lines. 307 00:47:04.110 --> 00:47:15.390 Robert Ross: And I would like to talk about government involvement in making things happen yet. I'm sorry. It's great. You guys can guide us but is what really makes things happen, or people 308 00:47:16.350 --> 00:47:23.970 Robert Ross: It's been tried in Holyoke, for one. So you try to throw money at it at a problem. It doesn't fix it. You need human investment. 309 00:47:24.480 --> 00:47:37.830 Robert Ross: You can make a beautification committee, but you need somebody to spirit it I mean to make something happen. You got to put yourself right there on the line and I'll say that because I'm one of the guys that does that on a regular basis. 310 00:47:39.060 --> 00:47:48.780 Robert Ross: And yeah, great. Let's have a beautification let's do beautification that means getting yourself out there and picking some weeds up out of the sidewalk, which I have done with our volunteers from JFK. 311 00:47:49.440 --> 00:47:55.710 Robert Ross: Annually, we do do that but it didn't happen this year because of it. So, not to waste too much time. I guess I'm done for now. 312 00:47:56.490 --> 00:47:58.680 Wayne Feiden: Okay, thank you, Matthew. 313 00:47:59.910 --> 00:48:11.700 Matthew Hale Rattigan: Hi, hopefully you can hear me okay I I just was wondering how we might highlight Florence's identity as an artistic community. We have so many amazing artists living and or working in Florence. 314 00:48:12.180 --> 00:48:25.560 Matthew Hale Rattigan: I feel like there's been in past years, good participation in sort of sidewalk. One night only art installations and I think it'd be really great if we could have some permanent space for permanent or semi permanent 315 00:48:26.010 --> 00:48:40.140 Matthew Hale Rattigan: art installations from some of our local artistic community that would really kind of give Florence, a great identity, it's be a little different from, you know, just a miniature downtown North Hampton, it would kind of be its own thing. Thanks. Okay. 316 00:48:40.170 --> 00:48:41.580 Wayne Feiden: Thank you, Aaron. 317 00:48:44.910 --> 00:48:46.080 Wayne Feiden: You have to unmute yourself there. 318 00:48:54.780 --> 00:48:55.620 Wayne Feiden: Are you there. 319 00:49:04.020 --> 00:49:04.920 Wayne Feiden: Aaron. Can you hear me. 320 00:49:08.460 --> 00:49:08.760 Wayne Feiden: Okay. 321 00:49:10.170 --> 00:49:10.980 Erin: Can you hear me. 322 00:49:11.130 --> 00:49:13.440 Wayne Feiden: Yep, you're getting your golden good 323 00:49:13.950 --> 00:49:24.030 Erin: So for most of the people on this call, it's apparent that you did not grow up in Florence and don't know Florence, you have a park at Trinity row. 324 00:49:24.720 --> 00:49:44.880 Erin: It's Trinity row and South Main Street. There's benches on there. There's a fountain down there. It's a gorgeous little park at the beginning a main street for the business community, none of you have mentioned that you haven't mentioned the park over on Park Street and Pine Street. 325 00:49:46.050 --> 00:49:50.310 Erin: Where the statue is another great park that we have in Florence. 326 00:49:51.360 --> 00:50:07.950 Erin: The bump out in Florence, all I see in the winter is cars riding over those because they were supposed to be marked so people driving knows. Hey, guess what, we have a bump out here. You can't right oh rep and anybody who lives in Florida sees is happening every time it snows 327 00:50:09.090 --> 00:50:13.800 Erin: sidewalks are your problem. They haven't been done in over 40 years 328 00:50:14.640 --> 00:50:27.810 Erin: And because of that, it's dangerous for senior centers senior citizens to walk down there and you have to HOUSING AUTHORITIES ON ON NORTH maple one on Maple Street. 329 00:50:28.740 --> 00:50:47.010 Erin: That's what you should be looking at. We all walk downtown. We go downtown all the time and with the virus. It's been even more. We see everything and using the Business Association. We vote there, you turn it into a park, what are we going to go 330 00:50:48.300 --> 00:51:04.470 Erin: So there's a lot of questions you brought up, but you didn't realize your response has another problem attached to it because you don't know Florence sidewalks in Florence are awesome. 331 00:51:05.520 --> 00:51:13.830 Erin: You can walk down them. But the problem that seniors run into is kids on bicycles riding their bikes. 332 00:51:15.150 --> 00:51:23.070 Erin: I'm afraid to walk down there, because I've gotten hit by a kid on a bike. No one is supposed to ride a bike in the business district. 333 00:51:23.640 --> 00:51:33.960 Erin: And Matthew, I'm sure you as a kid, you got stopped because riding a bike in Florence, because we all did. So we don't ride bikes and we were taught not to ride a bike. 334 00:51:34.830 --> 00:51:50.610 Erin: You have a whole area over by the bike path behind depot AV deeper road that would make a beautiful park and there's enough land over the air with the bike path to be able to do that. 335 00:51:51.600 --> 00:52:03.540 Erin: And if you want something in the center perfect spot to put it in that whole area that runs along the bike path you have business on one side you have residence on the other side. 336 00:52:05.280 --> 00:52:19.290 Erin: But when you're looking at this, you need to look at what makes sense sidewalks trees with planters would be an awesome idea benches no benches to set 337 00:52:20.070 --> 00:52:36.630 Erin: Set for the post office. Okay, so you want to go downtown. You have to get out and walk down. Make sure you can walk back because you can't see any place and picnic tables are gone right now. So that's my take. 338 00:52:37.500 --> 00:52:39.810 Wayne Feiden: Take care, Michael. 339 00:52:43.800 --> 00:52:48.060 Michael Miller: I think that the points that people have brought up have been spot on. 340 00:52:49.230 --> 00:52:56.580 Michael Miller: Notably, the point about access for people with disabilities or with some kind of 341 00:52:57.750 --> 00:52:58.830 Michael Miller: Limitation 342 00:53:00.360 --> 00:53:03.570 Michael Miller: One thing I just want to bring around for different 343 00:53:05.010 --> 00:53:25.950 Michael Miller: Point of view is the integration with what would be going on down in North Hampton downtown and what goes on in Florence. If North Hampton downtown does things right and I put that in air quotes and does something to try and 344 00:53:27.000 --> 00:53:44.070 Michael Miller: Keep people who are driving through not to drive on Main Street in the same way that you would not have people continuing on through up Route nine and right through the middle of Florence, maybe using Bridge Road, or something else. 345 00:53:45.150 --> 00:53:47.790 Michael Miller: If there was some way of then 346 00:53:48.840 --> 00:54:04.860 Michael Miller: Separating and making Florence to be an attractive reason to be there and for access for everything else that goes on for the bicyclists for the motor motorists for the pedestrians and everything else. 347 00:54:05.640 --> 00:54:23.490 Michael Miller: That doesn't work hand in hand with people who want to just move through and get up to Williamsburg, or to Leeds or somewhere else beyond. I think that would be a major step forward and some of the challenge of how to deal with. 348 00:54:25.050 --> 00:54:44.760 Michael Miller: The reorientation of Main Street Florence versus people just trying to get through and go somewhere else and I think it would just change the whole tone and the utility of Florence as a village overall if we could factor that into the whole whole design. 349 00:54:46.770 --> 00:54:48.330 Wayne Feiden: Michael Alina. 350 00:54:50.130 --> 00:54:59.430 Elena Huisman: Everyone. And I just wanted to add maybe to your list Wayne, a couple of additional items that I was hoping to see in this redesign one being 351 00:55:00.030 --> 00:55:08.220 Elena Huisman: Bike lanes. So, you know, a lot of people have talked about the sidewalks and walking downtown. But I think there's a huge opportunity to be able to bike downtown from various 352 00:55:08.670 --> 00:55:21.630 Elena Huisman: areas of town that aren't necessarily a JSON or along the path and getting over to the bike path safely. I think is really important. We have a number. Well, I think there's four lanes of car traffic. 353 00:55:22.740 --> 00:55:40.260 Elena Huisman: That go through Florence center, you know, to vehicle lanes travel lanes and then to parallel parking lanes throughout most of the downtown area and you know allocating or reallocating some of that streetscape to include protected bike lanes, you know, 354 00:55:41.340 --> 00:55:51.810 Elena Huisman: could improve you know folks coming downtown spending time downtown and in tandem with those bike lanes having places to park your bike so bike racks. 355 00:55:52.620 --> 00:56:03.420 Elena Huisman: I know oftentimes that takes space away from sidewalks. But what I've seen in other towns and municipalities is installing bike racks in a parallel parking spot. 356 00:56:04.920 --> 00:56:17.190 Elena Huisman: And so that's one suggestion. Another suggestion is kind of just thinking about the limited space we have with sidewalks and wanting to make sure that they're wide enough for ADA compliance and then also wanting to incorporate trees. 357 00:56:17.790 --> 00:56:25.800 Elena Huisman: I voted for the trees. And I think both of the polls and you know it's kind of sticking ourselves. 358 00:56:26.280 --> 00:56:41.610 Elena Huisman: In a hard spot in the sense where we're trying to find space for trees between buildings between existing infrastructure and just wanting to put it out there, recognizing that it's likely significantly more expensive having to move utility lines or the drainage systems. 359 00:56:42.720 --> 00:56:55.050 Elena Huisman: You know, taking again space from the street to incorporate trees and planting trees where cars are currently utilizing that space, whether it's for traveling or for parking. Thanks. 360 00:56:56.850 --> 00:56:57.630 Wayne Feiden: Chris 361 00:57:01.020 --> 00:57:11.550 Chris Powers: Me. Yep, good Chris powers 105 North Main Street couple points I'd like to emphasize streetlights love to see the lighting and Florence can change out. We've got some 362 00:57:12.360 --> 00:57:21.120 Chris Powers: What you call modern lighting up there that throw that we were promised years ago, those light bulbs be changed out to be some similar what was downtown Northampton. 363 00:57:21.930 --> 00:57:27.450 Chris Powers: Agree with a few of the photo of the sidewalks. The ADA compliance part of it at that straight down the trees. 364 00:57:28.170 --> 00:57:35.250 Chris Powers: I've been here since the late 90s. Anybody want to raise your hand. How many trees. A planted from ride his bike shop that central Florida and how many have been ripped out 365 00:57:36.090 --> 00:57:44.370 Chris Powers: There you go. It's over 60 trees over 60 countries, they've done nothing zero for maintenance, you come in you plant a tree leaf. 366 00:57:44.820 --> 00:57:54.780 Chris Powers: They're not lasting I've kept it I kept track of this, you need to put raised receptacles they've got some half moon European style one so they happen reflective the treat the flex assault. 367 00:57:55.080 --> 00:58:01.170 Chris Powers: And debris coming in and on the inside of those benches. They're very European style bench. I love it. It's the trees raise 368 00:58:01.530 --> 00:58:08.850 Chris Powers: You know, fill out all over North North maple. It was a great example and played a two trees. I think they're nine years old to 45 feet tall. 369 00:58:09.210 --> 00:58:14.520 Chris Powers: And they started out as little, little trees. So you're going to put the trees and or maintenance program and we're not just 370 00:58:14.910 --> 00:58:24.900 Chris Powers: Coming now water and fertilize them once a week. You can't put a flat ground registry. It's going to get destroyed that pre belt is horrendous. When they come in and bullets know off the hammer those things, you know, it's not worth it. 371 00:58:26.100 --> 00:58:35.490 Chris Powers: As a benches. I walk around town once a week and pick up trash or on all the benches and there's baritone when I say pick up trash, I can just go down the list of things are McNeil Geneva. 372 00:58:36.450 --> 00:58:46.800 Chris Powers: So putting the benches out. I mean, I picked up probably 300 cigarette butts off accommodated day and instead of town by college and keep her. And as far as a party concerned. We've got multiple parts of town, you know, 373 00:58:47.370 --> 00:58:54.570 Chris Powers: That's going to go back to one subject want to finish on you want to put a park or by the Civic Center at building is there because of myself. 374 00:58:54.990 --> 00:59:05.040 Chris Powers: Too late. Carrie Clark rest Christiansen Kurt browser. When a few other people they want to sell that building for $25,000 to the library tear it down. Close the road. 375 00:59:05.700 --> 00:59:14.550 Chris Powers: About open area and have an extension of the library we black that we voted against that and we kept that Civic Center. Since then, we've renovated a building from top to bottom, put on a gazebo. 376 00:59:14.850 --> 00:59:21.870 Chris Powers: We have a ton of functions are going on up here that building was God. You would not have the Spirit and the community in Florence, you have right now. 377 00:59:22.590 --> 00:59:30.000 Chris Powers: And I don't see any reason to turn a Park, Florida, through our civic association. There's no need for it. Somebody mentioned earlier, there's parks and both in the town. 378 00:59:30.660 --> 00:59:38.640 Chris Powers: Not utilize. There's also safety village rust Christians, his family donated the property for a cane field here on the other side of town off road. 379 00:59:39.120 --> 00:59:48.120 Chris Powers: I mean, there's not enough maintenance in the parks in the city now and there's also a trip out a lot of these properties. You can go out on can't go down a certain areas baseball fields and stuff like that. 380 00:59:48.390 --> 00:59:57.060 Chris Powers: My kids used to play pickup baseball and we got tossed off the fields. A couple years ago because they were close so maintain the property you have. Okay, you've got some 381 00:59:57.690 --> 01:00:04.590 Chris Powers: Lot of nice areas bypassed coming to town, make some areas up in the center of town. The bike lanes are good, but you're going to run into some problems. Okay. 382 01:00:04.800 --> 01:00:09.840 Chris Powers: Because where they got out there like come on firearms, you're gonna have to drop that bike lane out. People don't pay attention. 383 01:00:10.350 --> 01:00:18.270 Chris Powers: No matter what will you kind of don't disagree with the bikes. But I also know enough when I leave my house in North main to zip out the backup bridal get on the plane bathroom up the side streets. 384 01:00:18.900 --> 01:00:24.270 Chris Powers: You know, a lot of good ideas. I don't want to see any police committed Canyon, the town in and create a high 385 01:00:24.840 --> 01:00:39.180 Chris Powers: I Vertical. Vertical population town, you know, there's a lot of good things great ideas I sent in a question around it. But there's some things that been to be done and maintained and kept up before we start adding to the process. Thank you. Thank you, Chris, welcome. 386 01:00:39.990 --> 01:00:48.630 Wayne Feiden: Is a couple people have spoken before I'm going to get every chance to speak multiple times. But before I do that, is there anybody else who hasn't spoken, who wants to raise their hand. 387 01:00:51.120 --> 01:00:54.600 Wayne Feiden: The one who's not really who's in your partner's name, Casey. 388 01:00:55.860 --> 01:00:56.310 Wayne Feiden: CASEY 389 01:01:02.070 --> 01:01:05.190 Kayce Warren: Hi, can you hear me. Here's my up. Okay. 390 01:01:06.300 --> 01:01:16.140 Kayce Warren: I'm not crazy. That's my wife's account name is Kurt Brazell I'm the president of foreign civic and Business Association, and I also murder mystery and the property at 1992 mainstream Florence. 391 01:01:17.100 --> 01:01:22.680 Kayce Warren: I've listened to a lot of this. And I just want to hit a couple of points really quick. One of my biggest things is crosswalks 392 01:01:23.100 --> 01:01:32.160 Kayce Warren: Was to do the lights like they have in front the elderly project and construct I set up my Goldsmith bench all day and I see the sidewalk by the bank. It is amazing how many people 393 01:01:32.730 --> 01:01:41.580 Kayce Warren: That almost get hit or do the cars is do not stop for them also department up by the Civic Center would be very handy because people cross here to get to the library. 394 01:01:41.940 --> 01:01:50.700 Kayce Warren: A lot of kids use that and people just don't stop. And there's also one by the VFW. They did some carbines and stuff. It did slow people down somewhat. That seems now. 395 01:01:51.780 --> 01:02:03.000 Kayce Warren: Maybe put on there. I don't know what the cost is I looked him up. They were like 30 $400. I don't know what the city Bay's warm, not a big expense. To me, it's a safety issue. It's not even a beautification issue. 396 01:02:04.440 --> 01:02:09.540 Kayce Warren: The bike trail signs, Robert and talk about them having some science in the bike trail pointing to businesses so that 397 01:02:09.870 --> 01:02:16.530 Kayce Warren: You know, if someone's coming up through the bike trail and they want to go to friendlies and get an ice cream or the diner and get a milkshake, or just heard store to get a cold drink. 398 01:02:16.950 --> 01:02:22.920 Kayce Warren: You know, there's some signs that tell people that these are there as far as someone talked about the arts earlier. 399 01:02:23.670 --> 01:02:35.910 Kayce Warren: I would also like that and that science program. Send her come up with a mapping or side system that lets people know that there's a nanotech milena to 21 arts building and I've been trying to reach out to a lot of these businesses. 400 01:02:37.200 --> 01:02:45.210 Kayce Warren: The Civic of business association is a private organization and we own a property we also just built a website called Florence mass comm 401 01:02:45.960 --> 01:02:52.950 Kayce Warren: We are building a business page for any business that's in Florence that wants to get listed on it and then we're going to be spending money to promote that page. 402 01:02:53.340 --> 01:03:04.290 Kayce Warren: And promote Florence, as a whole, this is a private enterprise across the city absolutely nothing like someone talking about concerts, we have concerts all summer long at the Civic Center zero cost of the city. 403 01:03:05.790 --> 01:03:08.070 Kayce Warren: After that, the sidewalks. 404 01:03:09.330 --> 01:03:20.220 Kayce Warren: And we don't need all new sidewalks, you can go down the street. I mean, they can be a DW crew that can jam Cameron and put concrete and it's patching there's sections that need to replace. We don't need an entire new sidewalk system. 405 01:03:22.020 --> 01:03:26.310 Kayce Warren: St. Paul's, it would be nice to have nice St. Paul's I know this is a much bigger expense. 406 01:03:26.910 --> 01:03:35.760 Kayce Warren: And it was something that was supposed to happen 30 years ago I grew up around the corner from Main Street. I've been in town for 54 years. I can tell you everything you need to know what downtown Florence. 407 01:03:37.230 --> 01:03:43.140 Kayce Warren: On the sidewalk part the newest building in Florida is 100 range Street and for some reason they forced them and put it right on the sidewalk. 408 01:03:43.590 --> 01:03:53.730 Kayce Warren: So when people say the sidewalks are unclear to snow and stuff. I have the same problem over 36 sidewalk I paint company I go out myself. I clean it the DP W comes by and fills it up. 409 01:03:54.210 --> 01:04:05.520 Kayce Warren: not their fault, not my fault is nothing you can do about it. I used to have my business cross the street and I had 10 feet, you know, shorter taken every parking spot on that side of side of mine now. You can't do that. 410 01:04:06.780 --> 01:04:09.180 Kayce Warren: Yes, you could do improvements or sections or you do that. 411 01:04:10.200 --> 01:04:22.650 Kayce Warren: As far as trees go the trees. You can't put out the curb like Chris said they die, they don't get water. The dogs use them. And the worst thing is when they plow in the winter, all the salt ends up on the trees and they die by late spring. 412 01:04:23.850 --> 01:04:33.000 Kayce Warren: We do have a lot of trees and Florence, actually, if you take a walk up and down the street. We could add more. My only concern is, is you put them on the opposite side. On the business side. 413 01:04:33.450 --> 01:04:37.800 Kayce Warren: But be careful not to put it right in front of the business and block their signage that they are trying to make a living. 414 01:04:40.470 --> 01:04:48.180 Kayce Warren: Trash cans could really use trash cans next to the bus stop, like Chris's I can't tell you how many times when I do my building. Once we're gonna go around my building pick up trash. 415 01:04:48.780 --> 01:04:59.790 Kayce Warren: And I also, a lot of times when I'm walking down the street by the bus stop at the valley medical pick up trash. There's an amazing amount of trash it gets left there. I think benches are great, but you need to have trash cans. Next one, hopefully people will use them. 416 01:05:02.610 --> 01:05:09.390 Kayce Warren: And as someone talks about arts promoting arts, I would be interested in talking to them, we have from 417 01:05:10.110 --> 01:05:25.830 Kayce Warren: Bring through fall a farmers market at the Civic Center every Wednesday. And if someone in the arts community wanted to come up with a section people to do Arts at the same time, we have enough space over there. We would be open to listening to them and helping them promote their businesses. 418 01:05:27.330 --> 01:05:42.090 Kayce Warren: Disabilities. Yeah, we have done new carvings and clients for disabilities. It's always nice to expand on a little bit. I ended up raising my entire parking lot, even with my Korean so that there is no rapids is all even that was on me, you know, 419 01:05:43.110 --> 01:05:51.480 Kayce Warren: As far as parks. We do have some nice parts we spent 38,000 private funds to redo the fountains at Trinity row through our couple others, you know, 420 01:05:52.170 --> 01:06:03.000 Kayce Warren: You people we let everybody use our property at the Civic Center. I mean, we don't throw people off the lawn. We have benches and we put up trying to put events on you around for everybody. I think that's all my points. 421 01:06:05.580 --> 01:06:07.110 Kayce Warren: That was after listening to everybody talk 422 01:06:10.080 --> 01:06:10.740 Kayce Warren: That's all I got. 423 01:06:11.460 --> 01:06:16.290 Wayne Feiden: Thanks, Kurt. That's very helpful. I don't know the name was ever Marcus iPad. 424 01:06:21.900 --> 01:06:25.410 iPad: Um, it's Dave Murphy with is winter beard. So you don't recognize 425 01:06:26.130 --> 01:06:26.700 iPad: what it looked like. 426 01:06:26.850 --> 01:06:27.810 Any plugs. 427 01:06:30.570 --> 01:06:34.020 iPad: Your update. Oh, yeah. Um, I want to 428 01:06:35.160 --> 01:06:46.890 iPad: Just, just talk about the basics and a lot of people have mentioned this, but you know the sidewalks are deplorable in the center performance. I remember when they did them. 429 01:06:48.480 --> 01:06:56.580 iPad: And they were so Brian had to wear sunglasses. When you walk down the sidewalks because the reflection off the sidewalks, but their patch with us fall there. 430 01:06:56.910 --> 01:07:06.810 iPad: They're pretty treacherous you know someone that when they've been treacherous head bowed the knee and hip replaced. You gotta be really careful you don't trip until yourself, particularly from the Bank of 431 01:07:07.050 --> 01:07:13.620 iPad: Up to the corner where the light is with main and Maple Street that section, the template section is just falling apart. 432 01:07:15.570 --> 01:07:27.210 iPad: There's one tree there that looks like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree in front of the bank. I remember about 12 years ago and Arbor Day, personally, putting a tree, there is now just a hole in the ground because because that one died. 433 01:07:28.620 --> 01:07:36.360 iPad: And with, you know, with available funds money's not real great now and it's going to get get worse in the next couple years. 434 01:07:36.810 --> 01:07:49.440 iPad: Be just happy to get the sidewalks done something done with the trees and the light bulbs. This the concrete on the sidewalks is bad. It's also bad around the basis of the light poles. So those things are going to start wobbling around at some point. 435 01:07:50.370 --> 01:07:58.800 iPad: And I do remember, you know, again, when it was done the last time and Robert right a lot of money gets spent bearing utility lines. 436 01:07:59.550 --> 01:08:05.400 iPad: Because it was going to get Revisited and it just hasn't been revisited except with asphalt patches and dead trees. 437 01:08:05.700 --> 01:08:20.130 iPad: So you know in the in the grand scheme of things. I'm very, very much engaged and enjoy the concept of all of the grand plans, but on the ground level. The basic stuff the sidewalks. The streetlights the dead trees. 438 01:08:21.570 --> 01:08:33.150 iPad: That stuff is going to consume, most of what I see is available resources, but that's basic stuff that really, really needs to be done. So, you know, I'd like to see us concentrate on that. 439 01:08:34.560 --> 01:08:46.590 iPad: For starters, after that. Yeah. And this other stuff that's in Richmond stuff is great, but when the sidewalks are decaying the street lights are losing their submit supports and the trees are all dead. You know, that's 440 01:08:47.340 --> 01:08:54.630 iPad: I wouldn't call it low hanging fruit. Because what's it going to cost to do that stretches sidewalk. A lot of money in the sidewalks are expensive and 441 01:08:55.080 --> 01:09:03.390 iPad: So, so the basic stuff and you know it's it's the same way downtown. We haven't dealt with the sidewalks downtown because we were going to do this grand reconstruction. 442 01:09:03.810 --> 01:09:10.710 iPad: But you know the papers are coming up the sidewalks are shifting or i mean it's it's it's getting kind of hazardous. 443 01:09:11.250 --> 01:09:21.090 iPad: And that basic level of maintenance really really needs to stop getting getting put off in in favor of long term plans because the, the basic 444 01:09:21.630 --> 01:09:36.030 iPad: Ability to traverse Warren center is getting kind of tough. So, but I've heard a lot of other people say the same thing, but let's not lose track of that because that's where our resources go initially sidewalks lighting fixture trees. 445 01:09:37.650 --> 01:09:48.090 iPad: It's big stuff and I do know. You know, when I was counselor for that area. A couple of times I did talk about the trash cans at the PTA bus stop. And I think Pvt. I was actually going to do that a couple of times. 446 01:09:48.930 --> 01:10:05.340 iPad: They come, they go the trash is always there to trash cans on, are they, they come. They come, they go and the trash pickup in Florence, so you'd have to ask them why that trashcan keeps disappearing, because there are some in this, you know, in the center that are 447 01:10:07.560 --> 01:10:20.460 iPad: That are chained to something they don't go away. But the one down at that bus stop seems to always keep disappearance. So that's Pvt. What happened to that one, but thank you. And thanks for continuing to keep Florence on the agenda, you know, 448 01:10:21.030 --> 01:10:21.480 David 449 01:10:23.010 --> 01:10:23.970 Wayne Feiden: Robert Eastman 450 01:10:27.780 --> 01:10:38.700 Robert Eastman: Hi I'm joining the meeting, just a few minutes ago. So I'm not really sure what I've missed or what the premise for this meeting is really so I'm just going at it from the email I got 451 01:10:39.750 --> 01:10:48.660 Robert Eastman: I'm Robert Eastman I live in ward three, but I was born and raised in Florence very close to mainstream is funds, many days and afternoons. 452 01:10:50.850 --> 01:10:59.430 Robert Eastman: On Main Street visiting friendlies going from JFK and our half days to buy candy of birds, lots of different things, but 453 01:11:00.660 --> 01:11:02.550 Robert Eastman: A few of the things I wanted to bring up 454 01:11:03.690 --> 01:11:08.790 Robert Eastman: Our about street trees. I heard someone saying that 455 01:11:09.690 --> 01:11:17.310 Robert Eastman: street trees are not suitable and that we already have a few, but I have to say, personally, walking down Main Street in Florence on a hot summer day. 456 01:11:17.700 --> 01:11:31.380 Robert Eastman: It feels really hot. I've found myself trying to hide behind the crosswalks like malodorous for a bit of shade sometimes and I know that shade published a tree planting programs, you know, the 457 01:11:32.370 --> 01:11:43.830 Robert Eastman: Success rate is not always great. But since we're talking about the sidewalks. I think that this would be a great opportunity to make our sidewalks more conducive to street tree planting. I'd also love to see 458 01:11:45.000 --> 01:11:57.690 Robert Eastman: When we redo the sidewalks to incorporate dream storm water infrastructure which I think would provide a really great educational opportunity for pedestrians to learn about the watershed are located them. 459 01:11:59.820 --> 01:12:12.030 Robert Eastman: But that's all I also want to say that I would love to see in addition to trees, other kinds of planting, such as pollinator habitat. I think collaborating with the North Hampton pollinator pathway project that's getting started, would be pretty cool. 460 01:12:14.490 --> 01:12:23.820 Robert Eastman: And I also just wanted to make a comment in response to the previous speaker about the low hanging fruit. I think that, you know, doing one thing at a time. 461 01:12:24.750 --> 01:12:38.190 Robert Eastman: Doesn't really make sense to me. I think a comprehensive plan that addresses all of these issues makes a lot more sense. I don't see things as bunches, for example, is just furnishings. They think they're vital for civil society to assist 462 01:12:39.420 --> 01:12:50.940 Robert Eastman: Which reminds me of a quote I read of former employer Ben Janice who writes letters for the Gazette. Sometimes I quoted someone I can't remember. 463 01:12:51.720 --> 01:13:10.080 Robert Eastman: But he was said that the best measure of civil society is whether you can take a nap in the public. So I just wanted to mention that, um, oh yeah, sorry, one more thing before I sign off is that in addition to the way finding science. I'd love to see some of the signs. 464 01:13:11.610 --> 01:13:19.500 Robert Eastman: Tall residents and pedestrian sit out some very cultural heritage, particularly Florence's founding the abolitionists community. 465 01:13:20.610 --> 01:13:23.190 Robert Eastman: All right, that's it. Thank you. Great. 466 01:13:23.220 --> 01:13:27.030 Wayne Feiden: Thank you. Hey, I just want to win quick shameless plug to interrupt for one second. 467 01:13:27.750 --> 01:13:37.380 Wayne Feiden: So I know many of you were on our email list and got an invitation for that if you didn't get it if you got the invitation for this indirectly through someone else and you're interested 468 01:13:37.740 --> 01:13:41.280 Wayne Feiden: You can go to North Hampton ma.gov slash plan. 469 01:13:41.790 --> 01:13:49.200 Wayne Feiden: And sign up for the planning newsletter. We don't. We promise not to overwhelm you with email. But if you want to be aware of meetings like this. 470 01:13:49.470 --> 01:13:56.640 Wayne Feiden: It's a place to go. Just to warn you of course it's not just me. It's about Florence, that you are going to get an average about one email a week. So we try to 471 01:13:57.750 --> 01:13:59.040 Wayne Feiden: I'm David Drake. 472 01:14:00.960 --> 01:14:01.380 David Drake’s iPad: I think 473 01:14:02.520 --> 01:14:09.780 David Drake’s iPad: There's any just did an awesome job rebuilding North farmed road from Bridge Road up to the 474 01:14:10.830 --> 01:14:26.280 David Drake’s iPad: Up to the way we're aligned and it's it's really amazing. The changes that happened with that wrote one of the features that I seen our that there are four blinking pedestal speed. 475 01:14:28.410 --> 01:14:33.690 David Drake’s iPad: weed out that are up there and it does a good job of keeping everyone at 35 476 01:14:34.830 --> 01:14:50.310 David Drake’s iPad: And helping them stay in line in downtown Florence, the streetlight mean the traffic lights to a pretty good job once you're in Florence of slowing calling traffic but approaching from the west or approaching from the east. 477 01:14:51.360 --> 01:14:56.370 David Drake’s iPad: People are often speeding and certainly not driving at the 478 01:14:57.540 --> 01:14:59.490 David Drake’s iPad: Gym. The posted 20 mile an hour zone. 479 01:15:01.860 --> 01:15:17.040 David Drake’s iPad: And it, you know, and if the traffic people hit the traffic lights right they also are speeding downtown and I just like to suggest that perhaps one consideration might be to insult to one in each side Route nine 480 01:15:18.150 --> 01:15:27.210 David Drake’s iPad: To remind people of the speed, they're going and how the how the City Police Department, choose to enforce that. It's up to them, but it pretty effective. 481 01:15:28.590 --> 01:15:29.430 Wayne Feiden: Okay, thank you. 482 01:15:40.170 --> 01:15:41.370 Wayne Feiden: Robert Ross here help 483 01:15:45.540 --> 01:15:49.890 Robert Ross: You meet yourself. Yes, it always takes me a while to find that unmute button. 484 01:15:51.270 --> 01:15:55.470 Robert Ross: I don't know if you change the screen or I did but we lost you. 485 01:15:57.030 --> 01:16:05.250 Robert Ross: I guess I want to speak to that, if you want to make downtown Florence better. You have to understand downtown Florence. It's, I think, 486 01:16:05.910 --> 01:16:14.970 Robert Ross: There's been a lot of people working really hard to make Florence unique community, our own not a duplication of another community, not a tiny Northampton, but Florence. 487 01:16:16.800 --> 01:16:27.570 Robert Ross: Some of the characteristics that are different about Florence's that we do not have any municipal parking in Florence, the only municipal parking, we have in Florence is the street. 488 01:16:28.740 --> 01:16:29.760 Robert Ross: parallel parking 489 01:16:30.840 --> 01:16:46.680 Robert Ross: So to eliminate that would be an actual hardship in downtown for little businesses in Florence. So the street is not quite wide enough for bike lanes. We actually don't have bike lanes in downtown Florence, we have shadows. There's just 490 01:16:48.240 --> 01:16:57.840 Robert Ross: Painted figures on the road to let you realize that they will be buying traffic in downtown floors, that would be great. And part of the way finding sizes. The 491 01:16:58.590 --> 01:17:02.730 Robert Ross: Parallel to Main Street. We have a terrific bike path that is a great way to 492 01:17:03.270 --> 01:17:08.640 Robert Ross: Commute in and out of downtown Florence and it would be great if we could highlight that and the way 493 01:17:09.000 --> 01:17:24.690 Robert Ross: And accentuate that. So this is the way you get into downtown Florence on your bike, you can you can come in if there's any place that we probably could really use bike racks would be on the bike path so that you could cruise into town park your bike and then roll around town. 494 01:17:26.310 --> 01:17:40.680 Robert Ross: Somebody mentioned some Bob bike racks and Tom Ford's. There are about 14 bike racks in downtown Florence that are all privately owned and supplied by businesses or the Florence business in civic association. 495 01:17:41.460 --> 01:17:50.190 Robert Ross: There is like racket foreign civic there's a bike rack and full circle. There's a bike rack at the diner. There's one at Coopers 496 01:17:50.850 --> 01:18:03.600 Robert Ross: There's one of the medical logins has one of their building for you. They are quite actually, there's probably more bike parking in downtown Florence. And there actually isn't downtown Northampton, to be quite be quite honest with you. 497 01:18:04.980 --> 01:18:22.020 Robert Ross: But I really like, you know, I really would like to stress that instead of having wishes and things thinking the way it ought to be that you really need to experience downtown Florence and look at it carefully to understand how it can be improved in me. 498 01:18:23.160 --> 01:18:31.410 Robert Ross: The biggest problem Florence's that there's been a lot of bad architecture dropped in it's dropped in over the years. So 499 01:18:31.980 --> 01:18:42.060 Robert Ross: Hopefully with zoning corrections that we will curb some of that like Kurt mentioned earlier 100 mainstream was a great idea to duplicate the 500 01:18:42.570 --> 01:18:49.800 Robert Ross: Parsons block and the good one block to finish off that corner, but it was, you know, in the great idea of 501 01:18:50.250 --> 01:18:56.790 Robert Ross: Yes, it should be on the sidewalk, but it got literally put on the sidewalk where unfortunately 502 01:18:57.300 --> 01:19:05.580 Robert Ross: The sidewalk in front of that building is only five feet wide at the corner. It is a 10 foot sidewalk. But the handicap ramp was an 503 01:19:06.060 --> 01:19:10.260 Robert Ross: afterthought to go into the building of the building was built backwards in reality. 504 01:19:10.860 --> 01:19:24.240 Robert Ross: So half of the sidewalk, they've given up to that end cap preamp so these little things of the things that really need to be paid attention to. And I guess I also want to point out, which brought it up before over and over again is the duplicity 505 01:19:25.890 --> 01:19:46.620 Robert Ross: Yeah, maybe a park central and downtime for us would be great. But there are three parks in downtown Florence and many parcels of park like land, including the library, the cemetery Florence Savings Bank has large parked behind their, their behind their bank in the box. Um, 506 01:19:47.940 --> 01:19:52.020 Robert Ross: And also very medical so just want to point those things out. 507 01:19:53.370 --> 01:19:55.320 Wayne Feiden: Thank you, Rachel Europe. 508 01:19:59.130 --> 01:20:00.570 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Yeah. Hi. I just wanted to 509 01:20:02.550 --> 01:20:06.090 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Support a few ideas that have been put out there. I really 510 01:20:07.380 --> 01:20:12.450 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Agree. What about around the around the sidewalk, the issues around the sidewalks and those kind of low hanging fruit there. 511 01:20:12.870 --> 01:20:19.860 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Are senior population in North Hampton in our region is set to grow exponentially explode really 512 01:20:20.250 --> 01:20:30.120 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): And so I every, you know, all of our planning has to be done with the lens that we're going to have a very large senior community and a healthy senior community and a healthy community actually has a 513 01:20:30.660 --> 01:20:43.380 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Has a lot to the accessibility in terms of the intergenerational use so I support bike lanes Elena brought that up. I think that's great. I don't think they have to be at odds to think about 514 01:20:43.860 --> 01:20:49.110 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): You know that the fact that our population is going to be getting older, but we also want to be attracting 515 01:20:49.860 --> 01:20:58.530 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): young families. And so I think, and that's good for seniors as well. So it has to be accessible for seniors and that's the bottom line, because that's where we're going. 516 01:20:59.220 --> 01:21:05.220 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): I think a park. You know the thing about parks that you know when you have young children, a few blocks is a long way. So, 517 01:21:06.090 --> 01:21:13.590 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): Having a place structure. So maybe either looking at how dynamic those parks are or how to support young families kind of hanging out. 518 01:21:13.950 --> 01:21:26.370 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): That would be good for businesses in Florida centered have that. So, you know, if you're important center meadow streets, kind of a long way. If you have a three year old who's whining. But, you know, maybe I'm going to get older, um, 519 01:21:26.970 --> 01:21:35.820 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): And so yeah, I think. I also want to really applaud all the trash picker uppers. I always hear this. I'm in Florida leave mostly but you know thank you to Chris and Kurt 520 01:21:36.180 --> 01:21:54.330 Rachel Maiore, (she, her): That's fabulous. And I wanted to take, take a moment to thank you for that. And just to say, you know, I think we could use better lighting and just let's make sure that it follows the dark sky guidelines. So we're not you know impacting our are migrating birds and such. But yeah, thank you. 521 01:21:55.080 --> 01:21:55.890 Pick Rick 522 01:21:57.180 --> 01:22:01.860 Wayne Feiden: Aaron, I was driving didn't lower your hand before, if you have something else to add, so you're off with you have more to say. 523 01:22:09.780 --> 01:22:10.440 Erin: Hi, Wayne 524 01:22:11.160 --> 01:22:24.870 Erin: Parent. So I was born and raised in this city. And I actually lived on Lucas straight and David Murphy can tell you that because he lived on South Main Street before they moved down to Elm Street. 525 01:22:25.530 --> 01:22:39.030 Erin: So when we were growing up, we not only had Trinity row we had mains field. We had our cane. Um, and we hit Escape skating rink up in the center, Florence, where the business association is right now. 526 01:22:39.660 --> 01:22:50.490 Erin: And the Business Association does an excellent job they put up Christmas decorations. They do a share. Greg prayed for the kids at Halloween. 527 01:22:51.000 --> 01:23:09.690 Erin: This association does more for Florence and anybody else in this city and it's certainly not the mayor, I can tell you that right now. We have a lot in this center. It's just that a lot of you don't realize it and you aren't utilizing it 528 01:23:10.920 --> 01:23:17.130 Erin: We love being able to go to the playgrounds. We worked everywhere, or we rode our bikes. 529 01:23:18.120 --> 01:23:34.710 Erin: And we went to look Park. We went to Maine sealed. We went Archana. We went to our friends house we played well in the side we're out in the side streets. You can't do that now. But Florence is a place for families. 530 01:23:35.880 --> 01:23:52.260 Erin: And I think that's what we need to concentrate on in the center of Florence, we've lost that and we need to bring that back, but we need to support our businesses at the same time. So you guys, you know, let us know what you think. 531 01:23:53.790 --> 01:23:56.760 Erin: But we've been here and we aren't going anywhere. 532 01:23:58.020 --> 01:23:59.220 Erin: So, thank you. 533 01:23:59.670 --> 01:24:09.750 Wayne Feiden: Thank you. So we're getting close to the end, I want to respect your all time. And so we're going to end it seven is anybody who hasn't spoken yet who 534 01:24:10.980 --> 01:24:11.970 Wants to speak. 535 01:24:22.050 --> 01:24:22.920 Kayce Warren: Can I say one thing. 536 01:24:23.010 --> 01:24:27.750 Kayce Warren: Gregor, just real quick. We talked about dining on sidewalks and stuff. 537 01:24:28.830 --> 01:24:35.730 Kayce Warren: Just like you know Florence pizza friendlies and the pie bar all have dining behind their buildings around the side of their buildings. 538 01:24:36.210 --> 01:24:48.150 Kayce Warren: And JJ is actually has a deck upstairs in the back side. This past year, we did a big tent for them because the cold coffee thing. So there are places. Eat outside. They're just not on the sidewalk. 539 01:24:49.500 --> 01:24:51.960 Kayce Warren: So just something to think about. I mean, 540 01:24:53.370 --> 01:24:53.790 Kayce Warren: That's all. 541 01:24:54.900 --> 01:24:56.970 Wayne Feiden: Thanks, Dylan Europe. 542 01:24:59.550 --> 01:25:00.300 Dillon Sussman: Good evening. 543 01:25:02.400 --> 01:25:16.110 Dillon Sussman: It strikes me hearing a lot of the comments at night that these are just. These are the basics of what makes a walkable village center, you know, sidewalks that are safe to walk on trees that give you your shade benches, where you can sit 544 01:25:19.050 --> 01:25:19.860 Dillon Sussman: And 545 01:25:21.570 --> 01:25:23.700 Dillon Sussman: I fully support the idea of 546 01:25:24.960 --> 01:25:26.910 Dillon Sussman: Making change to 547 01:25:28.380 --> 01:25:33.780 Dillon Sussman: To meet those to meet the basics. But I also see that there are some places in Florence, where there's 548 01:25:35.310 --> 01:25:46.830 Dillon Sussman: limited space. And they're competing needs. And I think it'd be worth investing some of the money, some small portion of money to try and do a really quick. 549 01:25:47.490 --> 01:26:05.310 Dillon Sussman: Plan to try to figure out what to do in those places of conflict and I'm thinking particularly of the of the space between basically Valley medical group. And probably you know Chestnut Street on the south side of the street where the sidewalk is narrow 550 01:26:06.990 --> 01:26:17.700 Dillon Sussman: There isn't really space for street trees on the street side and the sidewalk largely becomes impossible in the winter when the snow builds up 551 01:26:19.470 --> 01:26:19.980 Dillon Sussman: So, 552 01:26:21.780 --> 01:26:34.620 Dillon Sussman: I think not doing a full engineering plan, but doing some quick plan to figure out where benches would go what the best location for trees is 553 01:26:36.810 --> 01:26:46.470 Dillon Sussman: That can be implemented, both by the city and by the amazing people that are on the call tonight from Florence civic and this desolate business owners and other 554 01:26:47.730 --> 01:26:48.900 Dillon Sussman: Florida Keys. Yes. 555 01:26:51.060 --> 01:27:01.050 Wayne Feiden: Okay, thanks. JOHN AND. And of course, I think you all know it's always depressing. How far $80,000 does not go. You did not a big, but I didn't for any of these things. 556 01:27:02.520 --> 01:27:07.830 Wayne Feiden: However, you have before. So I'll let you talk quickly but you try to keep your remarks quickly. 557 01:27:08.910 --> 01:27:15.210 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Yeah, it's really easy. I think I know why that garbage can keeps disappearing from the bus stop in front of La med 558 01:27:15.990 --> 01:27:25.350 Heather Craig (she, he, they): Because the Pvt puts the garbage can. Under the bill shelter in the section that's free were for the wheelchair to be in the shelter. 559 01:27:25.710 --> 01:27:35.340 Heather Craig (she, he, they): And then they get called on it and they have to remove it so to fix that problem. I think we actually have to negotiate with La med to have a maintained garbage can, on their property. 560 01:27:36.540 --> 01:27:38.340 Wayne Feiden: Great. Okay. Thank you, Heather. 561 01:27:39.600 --> 01:27:47.760 Wayne Feiden: Yeah, when they came up in the survey instead of that shelters all on Valley medical property down City property. So we couldn't do anything here without their approval. 562 01:27:49.200 --> 01:27:58.710 Wayne Feiden: Okay, it is five or seven. So I think I'm going to end the formal form. This has been incredibly helpful. You probably spent about $5 million tonight. 563 01:28:00.030 --> 01:28:01.350 Wayne Feiden: So we have to figure that out. 564 01:28:02.490 --> 01:28:12.060 Wayne Feiden: I'm not running anywhere. So I'm going to end the meeting but haven wants to stick around. Have any questions, feel feel free, but I'll let you all go thank you so much for taking partners. 565 01:28:17.190 --> 01:28:18.120 Erin: Have a nice night. 566 01:28:36.210 --> 01:28:45.330 Wendy Foxmyn: So Wayne. Yeah, um, I'd already emailed you about that, since, not really. I see very much why this isn't very pertinent 567 01:28:45.930 --> 01:28:55.800 Wendy Foxmyn: To the street scaping but I asked Wayne because people said to me, Why don't we do something about empty storefronts and they were talking about downtown Northampton. 568 01:28:56.310 --> 01:29:08.790 Wendy Foxmyn: More than Florence. So I said I would inquire about any regulations rules policies intentions goals that there are two dealing with empty storefronts 569 01:29:10.350 --> 01:29:17.310 Wendy Foxmyn: Not really, in terms of finding tenants, but so much about utilizing them and I'm just wondering if you know 570 01:29:18.810 --> 01:29:24.900 Wendy Foxmyn: That's all I'm asked about rules, regulations, policies, I have some from other communities. I'm just wondering what the city has done. 571 01:29:25.680 --> 01:29:28.950 Wendy Foxmyn: Yes, right. Other people. If you have questions about the street scaping so 572 01:29:29.940 --> 01:29:40.560 Wayne Feiden: I can answer quickly. We haven't done any we flirted with something, you know, some communities do if your spaces empty for a long time, you have to make it, you know, provide a pop up. 573 01:29:41.580 --> 01:29:49.530 Wayne Feiden: I have to say, having looked at some of the communities to do it to have not, it's often a feel good ordinance and I think we're careful about feel good ordinances that don't 574 01:29:50.040 --> 01:29:57.510 Wayne Feiden: Actually make a difference that's out there. One of the things I'm interested in, and David and if you want to pine this because he's trying to real estate more than I do. 575 01:29:57.900 --> 01:30:05.220 Wayne Feiden: I know for free standing buildings. The argument is always made that there's actually a major center for landlords that 576 01:30:05.730 --> 01:30:17.070 Wayne Feiden: Their fire insurance goes up at the spaces vacant and so they actually want to fail when it's not. It's because they can't, I don't know if that's true for multi use buildings have enough that's individual insurance companies. 577 01:30:18.150 --> 01:30:25.680 Wayne Feiden: But so far, we haven't found a model which really satisfying. It's not really just a feel good piece. I think our focus more is 578 01:30:26.040 --> 01:30:35.370 Wayne Feiden: Sort of the economic development focus, how to make places desirable, so people want to come in the first place and the baby giving us this money for, for instance, and other investments that we're making. 579 01:30:35.910 --> 01:30:44.280 Wendy Foxmyn: Well, I just wanted to check in with you about that. I think there are a group of people that I just found out about have come to me who are be interested in my sound you know about what Pittsfield did 580 01:30:45.390 --> 01:30:57.180 Wendy Foxmyn: You know you probably are familiar with that program, which is, you know, something to think about as we move forward into I think some dark days in terms of small businesses instead. Okay. 581 01:30:57.210 --> 01:30:58.080 Wayne Feiden: Thank you. 582 01:30:58.260 --> 01:30:59.820 Wendy Foxmyn: Or Arts Council and others have 583 01:30:59.820 --> 01:31:09.000 Wayne Feiden: Reached out to specific building owners to say, would you allow pop up, you know, an art pop up space to occupy the building and every landlord server and some do most 584 01:31:10.320 --> 01:31:10.710 Things for me. 585 01:31:12.390 --> 01:31:13.020 iPad: Anyway, 586 01:31:25.200 --> 01:31:26.460 Wayne Feiden: Any other comments. 587 01:31:32.460 --> 01:31:36.210 Wayne Feiden: I see rich sitting quietly because richest woman is going to inherit this report. 588 01:31:37.440 --> 01:31:38.520 Wayne Feiden: I thought you'd be speaking right 589 01:31:42.960 --> 01:31:43.320 Yeah. 590 01:31:45.030 --> 01:31:53.190 Dillon Sussman: I wanted to say one thing to that's not actually related to the streets. It's on the park topic, and it's not to Wayne. It's to 591 01:31:54.630 --> 01:32:01.920 Dillon Sussman: To Robert Ross and the other foreign civic and Business Association people in the long timers, which is that I think part of the issue is 592 01:32:04.110 --> 01:32:16.320 Dillon Sussman: For relatively new people like myself, we don't actually know which of these park like private properties are semi public and which are fully private 593 01:32:17.460 --> 01:32:28.470 Dillon Sussman: So the floor and civic and Business Association. For example, I know I can go there when there's a concert, but I'm not really comfortable hanging out there when there's a lot of public again. 594 01:32:29.760 --> 01:32:35.010 Dillon Sussman: I don't consider that public space right it's it's a private organizations face. 595 01:32:36.480 --> 01:32:56.400 Dillon Sussman: Or the Florence bank park like space. It's, you know, not really public. So I think some effort. And I guess maybe I'll have to volunteer to be part of this to figure out how to mark those spaces so that people know which ones they can use and which ones they can't would be worthwhile. 596 01:32:57.450 --> 01:33:00.270 Wayne Feiden: And delay, my dad. If we do way finding program that could 597 01:33:00.270 --> 01:33:00.960 Dillon Sussman: Be part of its 598 01:33:00.990 --> 01:33:01.470 Wayne Feiden: Way finding 599 01:33:02.670 --> 01:33:06.420 Wayne Feiden: The Florence, which shows green spots in Florence civics well and 600 01:33:06.720 --> 01:33:07.440 Dillon Sussman: That's what yeah 601 01:33:08.640 --> 01:33:08.970 Dillon Sussman: Right. 602 01:33:10.350 --> 01:33:12.570 Wayne Feiden: David, your, your electronic hand is up to. Do you want 603 01:33:12.570 --> 01:33:13.110 Dillon Sussman: To listen 604 01:33:19.980 --> 01:33:22.470 Wayne Feiden: And Robert your electronic hand is up. Did you want to say. 605 01:33:23.970 --> 01:33:24.270 You're 606 01:33:29.490 --> 01:33:34.620 Robert Ross: Sorry, I didn't know if you unmuted. Everybody or while but the forum was right now. 607 01:33:35.100 --> 01:33:35.970 Wayne Feiden: We're in for a while now. 608 01:33:37.140 --> 01:33:49.620 Robert Ross: Let's take a poll was it when I put my hand up, it was five minutes ago. Um, the problem with the bus stop, which I am responsible for the location of that bus stop. I take full responsibility for that. 609 01:33:50.910 --> 01:34:10.830 Robert Ross: Is that PV TA has no trash as a business, you know, funny, they are they are non participatory in the business community, you know, if they were any other storefront business, they would have that was serving people that needed trash, they would be responsible for their trash, bro. 610 01:34:16.830 --> 01:34:20.610 Wayne Feiden: You're frozen. So we just kind of frozen. Go ahead. 611 01:34:20.700 --> 01:34:34.800 Robert Ross: That's why that trash barrel disappears because it gets filled up and doesn't get empty. So if it serves no purpose. What if you have a trash crowds sitting there overflowing onto onto the onto the sidewalk your 612 01:34:36.000 --> 01:34:46.350 Robert Ross: City to put a permanent trash pile and actually have the pedal people put it on their route, but it has to be part of it has to be part of their route which which at this point it's not. Yeah, I agree. 613 01:34:49.170 --> 01:34:52.560 Wayne Feiden: David did you find that your hand is up. Yes. 614 01:34:53.730 --> 01:35:02.580 Robert Ross: Oh, and we don't have any vacant storefronts and downtown Florence. I don't know if you've noticed, but we've weathered the storm pretty well here. And I think it's partially 615 01:35:03.120 --> 01:35:16.440 Robert Ross: It's come back what what the thing that's different about Florence's it's more of a service community. And I think because of that are storefronts have weathered better than downtown Northampton, yeah. Agreed. 616 01:35:17.220 --> 01:35:26.010 Wendy Foxmyn: To people know that tandem bagels is coming into the former freckled Fox, which was the former I forget, but 617 01:35:26.130 --> 01:35:26.850 Up and top 618 01:35:31.830 --> 01:35:36.390 Wayne Feiden: Okay, I'm going to end the meeting. Thank you all so much for coming, this has been useful. 619 01:35:36.570 --> 01:35:37.140 Robert Ross: Thanks. Great. 620 01:35:37.170 --> 01:35:38.370 Molly Hale: Night. Thanks.