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Village at Hospital Hill Subdivision Phase I permit 1 22 2004 backupVillage at Hospital Hill Phase I Definitive Subdivision Approval Conditions January 22, 2004 Section No. Approved Waivers 7:01.5.a Request temporary cul-de-sac for Type II Subdivision (Phase One). Cul-de-sacs not allowed on Type II subdivisions. This is only for phasing construction. 7:01.6.a Less than required roadway width and including on-street parking lanes along the Type II roadways 7:01.7 Type I Subdivisions - 50 ft. instead of 60’ Type II Subdivisions - 66 ft. instead of 70’ 7:01.8.b Type I roadways - 22’. Type II roadways - 22’-30’ (plus on-street parking) 7:01.8.d Offset required along “Road A” 7:01.9 Street Standards – Grades cannot exceed 5% 7:10.1 Tree belts requested to be eliminated in area where on-street parking is planned. 7:18.1 Two horizontal to One vertical in some areas 7:23.4 Underground utilities located under the sidewalk where no grass strip is provided 7:24.16 Distance between inlet and outlet pipes in drain manhole to be greater than 1 foot. 7:26.3 Waterline covered in 5.5 7:26.7 Temporary dead ends for water line for Phase 1 Covenants: Prior to endorsement of the definitive plans, a performance guarantee that conforms to Northampton Subdivision Rules and Regulations §6:06 (4) must be posted. The developer may place a covenant not to sell lots or, in lieu of placing a covenant, post a Letter of Credit in accordance with the standards in the Regulations. If a Letter of Credit is posted it must be in accordance with the Regulations, two lots must still be covered by a covenant not to sell, must be adequate to cover the costs of the city completing the project, at prevailing wages and with a 15% inflation factor, and the Letter may not be reduced below $100,000 until the project is complete and has been accepted as such by the Planning Board. An $12,000 escrow account shall be established, in the Owners’ Association (OA) name and taxpayer identification (appearing first) with a signature line for the City, prior to the first lot sale as an assurance that the OA will perform required capital improvements and/or maintenance. Funds withdrawn by the OA require a signature by Planning Board agent after approval by the Board. Funds withdrawn for such improvements shall be replaced by the OA through assessments as to be spelled out in the OA covenants, within three (3) months so that the $12,000 base is permanently maintained. The City may draw on this account, without signature of the OA, if it determines that required capital improvements, maintenance, or inspections are not being performed. The Permanent Covenants must clearly state that the City will have a right to place a lien on any or all properties within the subdivision or shall provide some other equivalent, in the opinion of the Planning Board, level of protection for the city, in order to recover the cost of maintenance for stormwater facilities. Prior to the construction of the road, the applicant must record all covenants. The covenants shall not require financial payment from the owner of the open space areas. All maintenance of the roadway infrastructure and sidewalks will be the responsibility of the OA until such time as the City accepts the streets. Snow removal on sidewalks is the responsibility of the owners or owners’ association and shall be part of the covenants. This includes the paved walkways bordering and within the open space. OA shall be responsible for all snow removal on sidewalks that are 10’ wide and those that border open space. Roadway, Traffic & Pedestrian Safety: Prior to the final release of the performance guarantee, 100% design of the best solution to accommodate four pedestrian crosswalks at the Prince Street /Village Hill Road/”Enterprise Drive” intersection shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development. The analysis of appropriate solutions shall include a full assessment of a round-about option. If a traffic signal is warranted at the intersection of Prince Street /Village Hill Road/”Enterprise Drive”, the signal must have a pedestrian phase. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first structure on the north campus, and if warrants have not been met for a traffic signal or other traffic control system, a flashing yellow light shall be installed at the intersection of Prince Street /Village Hill Road/”Enterprise Drive” to warn vehicular traffic of the intersection. All internal crosswalks shall be raised or be art of a raised intersection. The multi-use trail shall be constructed prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the subdivision. Revised Multi-Use Trail exhibit with the corrected scale must be submitted. The plans should contain a statement that the trail will be built to AASHTO or some other standard/ADA spec; Prior to the release of the performance guarantee, an easement shall be accepted and recorded for the multi-use trail that allows the public to pass and repass along its entire length. Alternatively, may conduct a fee simple transfer to the City. Street signs, in accordance with city standards, must be shown on the plan and placed at intersections prior to the issuance of the first building permit for structures on Village Hill Road or “Enterprise Drive”. Sidewalks shall be continuous with no breaks for curb cuts. All driveway entrances shall constructed so that traffic “ramps up” to sidewalks. Street Names- Enterprise Drive----fitting the Planned Village concept????? A license from the Northampton Recreation Commission is required for the necessary regarding shown on the plans of their Prince Street property prior to construction of the road on the south campus. A copy of any request for a license shall be provided to DPW and OPD concurrent with a submittal of the request to Recreation. Sanitary Sewer Roots within Earle Street Manhole 10, located across from the former State Hospital Laundry Building, must be removed by the applicant prior to additional sewer connections or use. All existing sewer racks/lines and combined sewer overflows (CSO) must be removed or abandoned in place and capped in accordance the DPW standards and with plans approved by DPW prior to implementation. Prior to connection to City sanitary sewer lines, the applicant must receive approval from Massachusetts DEP for sewer line extensions and said approval must be submitted to DPW prior to any request for sewer availability to tie-in to the City sewerage system. Infrastructure: None of the existing infrastructure shall be used, except as specified and noted herein, and it shall all be removed or capped within the street right-of-way as part of the subdivision construction. The same treatment shall be required on private property as it is developed. All existing tunnels onsite must be demolished. Asbestos must be removed and clean fill utilized to fill the voids left by the demolished tunnels. All water, sewer and drain lines leading from existing buildings that will be preserved must tie into new water, sewer and storm drain lines. All existing roof drains must be eliminated or redirected. All underground utilities must have warning tape installed a minimum of 3’ above the pipes. The plans and road cross-section detail must show cable on the same side of the street as electric, telephone and cable. Plans must show a minimum of 18” of vertical separation between private utilities and water, drainage, and sanitary lines. Tie cards showing location of all water, sewer, and drainage must be submitted to Northampton DPW prior to requesting street acceptance or release of performance guarantees. Construction plans and as-built plans must be revised to incorporate final Route 66 utilities once Route 66 as-built plans have been completed. Detention Ponds, Stormwater, Erosion Control and Open Space: All detention ponds shall be constructed prior to road construction and shall act as erosion control devices during construction to prevent sediment from entering wetlands or the river. The plans must be revised to show management of stormwater and erosion control during construction prior to beginning of construction and must include dewatering and spill prevention plans identifying any and all potential catchbasins that may receive stormwater and/or contamination. The Owner’s Association (OA) Covenants shall not prohibit irrigation systems that draw from the stormwater system and the detention ponds on OA or common land at shall allow water users to tap this water at their own expense. The Planning Board and DPW will review stormwater flows on each lot as applications for site plan approval are reviewed. Because catch basins are not being provided, prior to acceptance of any street or removal of performance guarantees, drainage at Prince Street and the southern parcel drainage problems at this intersection, if any, must be corrected by the developer in a manner acceptable to DPW. Because the project is subject to NPDES Phase II requirements, a copy of the detailed Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) ad EPA Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted to DPW prior to the start of construction. DPW and OPD shall be notified once all erosion control barriers have been installed prior to any construction adjacent to those barriers. Maintenance of all stormwater structures outside of right-of-ways shall be the responsibility of the owner’s association. Maintenance shall be in accordance with those plans submitted and shall be included in the OA covenants with the following modifications: Outlet control structures shall be inspected once per year by a qualified person. Any silt and debris build-up must be removed from the riprap surface area. The maintenance plan shall spell out in detail the OA responsibility for maintaining the sediment forebay of Basin #5. Sweeping of paved areas shall occur four (4) times per year. Sweeping of streets shall be included in this requirement until such time as the City accepts the streets. Sediments from the infiltration basin and detention basins shall be removed every five (5) years. A report of all inspections and maintenance performed shall be sent to the Office of Planning & Development (OPD) yearly, no later than May 15th. Any modifications to drainage structures must also be reported to DPW. A copy of the plan providing specific directions relating to sediment removal must be provided to OPD and DPW. Water: The water line looped to the Federal Street line must contain double gates at its connection to the existing system at Federal Street and at its connection to the new Village water system The City will not take over the portion of this existing water line. If any such existing line fails, the City will simply close the gates. Hydrant flow tests in the Spring 2004 must confirm the applicant’s presentation that fire flow and pressure requirements can be met with the Federal Street line disconnected. The developer may not release covenants-not-to-sell lots until this work has been successfully completed, or if adequate water pressure and fire flow is not met until the developer receives an amended subdivision approval of an alternative method to provide adequate fire flow and pressure without the Federal Street line. The developer may not release covenants-not-to-sell or any other performance guarantee until they show evidence, satisfactory to the Northampton DPW, that the existing cross-country water line from Grove Street was installed according to industry-accepted standards, or, if this standard is not met, until the developer receives an amended subdivision approval of an alternative method to provide adequate fire flow and pressure without this line. All other existing waterlines within the street right-of-way and adjacent to the Federal Street and Grove Street cross-country water lines must be abandoned, filled with cement, and capped in accordance with DPW standards or must be removed. The same treatment for water lines on private property is required as those parcels of land are developed. All gate valves must open right and close left. All gates for hydrants must be connected directly to the main utilizing hydrant restraining tees. All services to building must have a valve at the main and at the property line (double-gated). All service stubs at the property line must be located within a grassed area (not under pavement). If a waterline loop is determined by Northampton DPW prior to street acceptance not to be feasible, then the waterline shall be dead-ended at a hydrant. Construction sketches of all typical crossings of waterlines greater than 5.5 feet deep shall be submitted to and approved by the Northampton DPW. Plans must show a minimum 10’ separation Plans must show no conflict between private utility lines and hydrants, shut-off valves, and gates. Any existing fire hydrants that are proposed to remain must be inspected and approved by the Northampton DPW Water Division or, if not approved, must be replaced with new hydrants. The note in front of Building D, “connect to existing water” should be revised to read “connect to existing 10” water line.” Easements for any existing or new cross-country waterlines shall be provided to the City, with the waterline centered in the easement. The plans must note that all hydrants must be American Darling, Kennedy, or such other hydrant as approved by the Northampton DPW Water Division. The plans must show detail for the connection to the 12” water line entering the site at Route 66 showing the use of solid sleeves. Landscaping: Sheet 22 shall be revised to show one street tree every 30’ along all the common elements frontage on Prince Street and Earle Street. Other: The existing bus shelter at the entrance to the Village shall be improved for use as a school bus shelter until and unless an alternative bus shelter is provided. These improvements will be required prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the 10th residential unit. Prior to final endorsement, mylars and all electronic submittals required in the subdivision rules shall be submitted with all revisions detailed in these conditions shown. Applicant shall submit the lotting plan on a reduced scale such that the entire layout may fit on two to four 24x36 plan sheets (depending on layout). Except as waived herein, all aspects of the subdivision, including construction materials and methods, easements, inspections, plans, and process, shall conform with the Northampton Subdivision Regulations. In accordance with the subdivision rules, as-builts shall be submitted prior to the final release of performance guarantee and shall include detention basins and multi-use trail. Because the site plan approval portion of the special permit for the Planned Village was deferred, all residential and commercial construction projects require site plan approval regardless of size or type. The applicant may apply for one overall site plan or may file in phases. All curb cuts will be approved as part of site plan approval except for those shown on the plans. Any field changes must be approved both by the Department of Public Works and the Office of Planning and Development (OPD) and determined to be field changes by OPD. More significant changes which do not alter the basic character defining features of the project or the conditions contained herein may be approved by a simple majority vote of the Planning Board. Any more significant changes shall require an amended subdivision submission and approval.