Community Preservation Committee October 21, 2020
210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
RE: CPA Funding for Affordable Housing Soft Costs
Honorable Members,
This letter is to express the Housing Partnership’s support for the use of Community Preservation
Act funding of about $46,000 for the soft cost’s associated with the predevelopment of sites for
Affordable Housing.
The Housing Partnership was updated on possible affordable housing units on Woodland Drive
and Burts Pit Road by the staff from the Office of Planning & Sustainability. The vote in favor of
supporting the request was enthusiastically unanimous.
The Housing Partnership has long supported affordable housing and affordable homeownership
in Northampton. The Housing Partnership is excited that two to four affordable single-family
units may be in the housing construction pipeline. Paying for pre-development costs such as
surveys, plans, engineering, inspections, lead paint & asbestos remediation, legal, environmental
site assessments, infrastructure due diligence, taxes, and other real estate associated fees will
allow for affordable home developers to start construction on the site quite quickly.
The Housing Partnership appreciates the work that the CPC has been doing and is thankful for
their continued support of affordable housing.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you need additional information, please contact us
at 413-587-1288.
Reverend Todd Weir, Chair
Northampton Housing Partnership
DocuSign Envelope ID: E1183AAA-2FFF-440A-AE3D-A13A2390FE93
10/22/2020 | 11:13 AM EDT