2007 Planning Board minutesThe Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting January 11, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Omnipoint Communications, Inc. for a Site Plan Review to install telecommunications equipment on an existing structure (St. John's Episcopal Church) at 48 Elm St, Map ID 31D-101. . Staff stated the applicant’s request for a continuation so they could further address visual elements of the proposed antennas. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Feb 22 at 7 P.M. with Elm Street Historic District Commission. 7: 15 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of Department of Public Works request for site plan approval for the Turkey Hill water tank. Carolyn Misch stated that Department of Public Works requested a further continuation of two months. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to March 8 at 7 P.M. Staff presented request by Tofino Associates for a release of one of the two remaining lots at Rocky Hill subdivision. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to allow release of lot 7 at Rocky Hill Cohousing and a waiver from the subdivision rules. (George Russell and Paul Voss not eligible). 1 2 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the Continuation of a request by PVC West for an amendment to a site plan and new common driveway and access over a side lot line for properties at 168 Industrial Dr., 18D-63 and 69. Mark Tanner described the changes to the lot which included a property boundary change to incorporate parking spaces from the Kissell property. He described common driveway easements/maintenance. George Russell asked about location of staff parking. Keith Wilson asked about the seating area/potential bus stop and why it isn’t connected to the driveway? Attorney Galanek, representing Bradford Woodworking, raised a concern about the addition of the sidewalk which results in pushing the parking spaces closer to the common driveway. He raised concern about leased parking on Kissell and appropriate signage for users coming to the site. The Board discussed the issues of the depth of parking. Loretta Gougeon, West Center Street, asked about change of use between warehouse and educational use and questioned its validity. The applicant described again the exempt status of the use under Dover. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Staff read proposed conditions based on public comments. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted 5-1 to approve (Keith Wilson abstained/ineligible) with conditions. Wayne Feiden showed state hospital map with 40R overlay and described the intention to propose this district. There was a discussion about permanently removing the “Assisted Living” label from the map. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to put on record that the assisted living unit at corner of 66 and Village Hill Drive should not be shown on any plans moving forward because it is inconsistent with discussion about the Village Center and what MassDevelopment has stated is its interest. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell the board voted unanimously to recommend that 40R district proposal be moved forward as formal ordinance. Wayne Feiden began discussion of West Street. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the board voted 5-1 (Paul Voss abstained) recommend to city council that upon further clarification that CB and CBAC should be adopted. Paul Voss raised issue about signs and sign regulations related to billboards and the potential for impacts from adult use. Paul Voss raised issue of Mass Highway Exit 19 interchange proposal and felt the Board should discuss relative to impacts on transportation system and land uses. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting January 25, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson 5 David Wilensky Left 9:30 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the discussion of the recodification of subdivision rules. Wayne Feiden described changes to rules. There was a discussion of changes. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to approve the recodification plus amendments about trees. 7:15 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request for rehearing of Site Plan Review for location of telecommunications facilities on top of 76-78 Main St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-17. Simon Brighenti described project. As –built and described the error in notification. He presented the photo of post-installation conditions with painted tray. Alan Sheinman, 7 Pleasant Street, spoke against project. He asked if there is any risk to the cable relay. David Pesuit, 7 Pleasant Street stated that it was improper that no notice was given. James Thompson, 29 Pleasant Street, wanted to address aesthetic issues and safety. He pointed out that parking shown on the map is in a place that is tagged as “no-parking”. He also stated that Kirkland Avenue is a private way. Thompson also stated that the plans don’t describe the cable wall on back and the cable tray not above a regular door. It states that the tray would be about 6’ from sidewalk. In reality it is 30” off ground and it is already covered with graffiti. Monthly maintenance should include painting and it should be better camouflaged. Brighenti stated they could put a sleeve over the cable box at bottom and he clarified safety requirements. The Board discussed possible conditions. Sheinman reiterated health concerns. Board asked about State requirements as described in the letter submitted by the applicant. Keith Wilson asked about ensuring that tubing comes down to the roof surface. George Kohout suggested that the cable tray coming down is no worse than other pipes coming down the building. There was a discussion about health and board’s responsibility. Upon motion by George Russell and second by David Wilensky, the board voted 8-1 (George Kohout abstained) to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions. 8:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Forish Construction for Site Plan Approval to construct a 35,100 sq. ft. auto dealership at 244 and 280 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-50 & 55. Eric Forish described the project.. He described the intended increase of 70 vehicle sales per year for the next 5 years. George Kohout asked about parking at the rear by the swale. Deb Jacobs, Northampton Tree Committee stated that she was happy to see improvements, but noted that Pin Oaks and Sugar Maple are not tolerant to salt. She suggest a low-salt application and that a 35’ setback from utilities was preferred. Keith Wilson asked for alternatives in back of site. There was a discussion of traffic and the reduction in service bays between previous and proposed. The Board discussed traffic issues and fact that it is not change of use. Keith Wilson asked about medians in the driveway. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to continue to Feb 8 at 7:30 P.M. to discuss: Block from entering buffer Median of 5’ or 7’ Curb cut closed Sidewalk connect to kia Decrease 34’ width between building to sidewalk Light levels at property boundary and in excess of 5 fc 9:30 P.M. Other items: Permit streamlining—Wayne Feiden George Kohout asked for list of all appeals to learn from them. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting February 8, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 8:20 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. George Kohout opened the joint public hearing with Council Ordinance committee (Marilyn Richards, Michael Bardsley) on the zoning change for the Water Supply Protection Overlay district. Councilor LaBarge noted that she was stepping down due to a conflict of interest. George Kohout noted that the Planning Board chair Francis Johnson also stepped down due to conflict of interest. George Kohout continued with the description of the petition to amend §3.4 by modifying the Zoning Map to extend the Water Supply Overlay District west along Ryan Road, Westhampton Road, Park Hill Road and including neighborhood lots and streets between and surrounding these corridors. Map change also extends north of Ryan Road along Sylvester Road all as shown on proposed map that matches the DEP Approved Zone II protection in the Glendale Road area. Amend Section 16.0 WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION DISTRICT to clarify text relating to development within water supply protection overlay zones. Wayne Feiden described basis for the zoning petition. George Kohout opened hearing to the public. Robert Moriarty, 960 Westhampton Rd, raised concern about landfill expansion while property owners are restricted on use. John Skibiski 50 Hastings Heights raised concern about 2 acre lot size for lots with water and sewer. Marianne LaBarge Westhamtpon Road spoke in opposition to the landfill and controlling construction in her neighborhood. George Adams, 1095 Florence Rd, Ravenwold Farms asked if Easthampton had a water supply district to protect its side of the line. He asked about the effect on farming. Don Willard, 3rd raised concerns about uses for the future. David Murphy 78 Elm St. stated that expansion of landfill is a good thing. He asked for clarification of how the map was created and raised the issue of limiting housing growth potentials. Ken Jodrie asked about the connection between landfill expansion approval by DEP and this zoning. Wayne Feiden described the history about DEP encouraging protection of the zone II areas. Jim Laurila described landfill site assignment process required of DEP and waiver of rule to limits to landfills within the zone II. Kathleen Silva, Florence resident. Asked about the consequence of zoning and asked about the need for expansion. George Russell asked if DEP requires 80,000 sf. As a minimum lot size. Wayne Feiden stated that 80,000 sf had been on books for 20 years. DEP uses the figure for its model ordinance. Keith Wilson suggested a continuation. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Mar 22 at 7 PM. 8:15 P.M. George Kohout opened the continuation on a request by Forish Construction for Site Plan Approval to construct a 35,100 sq. ft. auto dealership at 244 and 280 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B- 50 & 55. Based on stormwater application status, the project required continuation. Upon motion Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Feb 22 at 8 PM. Francis Johnson stepped in. 8:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a hearing on the request by Equity Builders Realty, Inc. for a Special Permit with Site Plan for an open space residential cluster within the Residential Incentive Overlay district to create 90-unit townhouse development. Mark Tanner and Jim Harrity introduced history and concepts addressed in the plan. Aharon Sharff, engineer described changes from previous layout. Staff described status of stormwater permit process. George Kohout asked about the fence along quarry wall, paths and tree protection. Sharff stated that there are three “bubbles” of tree protection ( between 21 /22 and 23/24; 27/26 & 32/31; 3,4,5,6 and 2 as shown on L-6) Paul Voss asked about types of trees to be replanted in front of buildings. Will they create shade in 20 years? Harrity stated that he asked the landscape architect to chose low growing trees. Paul Voss asked what level of LEED certification Harrity was shooting for. Harrity could not confirm. George Kohout asked about affordable housing and whether it dispersed. He asked about differences in construction materials and about HOA fees. Harrity stated they are dispersed throughout. Board discussed Fire Department concern and requirement for sprinklers and grades of driveway. George Kohout suggested alternative access. The Board discussed bus service (pVTA) Paul Voss discussed additional conditions. Lou Peugh, 43 Stilson Street and Broad Brook Coalition asked about the 100’ buffer request. Sharff clarified that it would be 75’ at shortest point. John Skibiski, Hasting Heights, spoke in opposition. Francis Johnson asked about blasting. Sharff described potential area for blasting and 250’ radius of potential impact. Blasting only for trenches was anticipated and the contractor would be responsible for blasting plan. Keith Wilson asked about crosswalk. Mass Highway markings. Staff read proposed conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss second, the board voted unanimously to approve with how permit meets special permit conditions in staff report. Other Items: State hospital changes for the south campus crosswalks were discussed and agreed to. The Board discussed the minutes for: 1/11/07, 12/14/06, 11/30/06, 11/9/06 Keith Wilson moved to approve minutes, Jennifer Dieringer second. Unanimous decision. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting February 22, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 8:20 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of Omnipoint Communications, Inc. for a Site Plan Review to install telecommunications equipment on an existing structure (St. John's Episcopal Church) at 48 Elm St, Map ID 31D-101. Staff described request for continuation. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to March 8 at 7 PM. Staff provided update on sustainability plan. 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by William R. Walker for Site Plan approval to construct a common driveway to serve three lots on Westhampton Rd, Map IDs 41-53, 54. Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys described plans. Reed submitted revised plans showing individual driveway cuts. Reed described changes to Route 66 and sight and grade issues with individual driveways. He stated soils were good for infiltration and that there were no ground water interception issues. He stated that the private, individual driveways would include a 12 inch culvert to cross the swale. Crystal Kauffman, 1209 Westhampton Rd, asked for clarification of the design. She stated her concern about runoff and drainage from the development. George Kohout asked for sight distance calculations at the Westhampton Rd intersection. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to continue to Mar 22 at 8 PM to obtain a Department of Public Works stormwater permit and to address grade issues. 8:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a continuation of a request by Forish Construction for Site Plan Approval to construct a new Toyota dealership at 244 and 280 King St, Northampton, Map ID 24B-50 & 55. Mark McCluskey described changes. He confirmed that a stormwater permit had been issued by Department of Public Works. Keith Wilson asked about the rumble strip width. McCluskey stated that a 7’ wide rumble strip would work. Keith Wilson pointed out the sidewalk connection to King Street from KIA. The Board discussed the changes to the plan to widen the tree belt in front by 2’ and reduce the drive aisle by 2’ to 22’. The Board discussed installation of a planting bed in front of the building for shrubs or flowers. (20’ x 10’) one on each side of crosswalk front entry of the building and other conditions. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions. Jennifer Dieringer abstained/not eligible. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Mar 8, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch JOINT HEARING with Elm Street Historic District Commission 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Omnipoint Communications, Inc. for a Site Plan Review to install telecommunications equipment on an existing structure (St. John's Episcopal Church) at 48 Elm St, Map ID 31D-101. Kari Knapp, Marisa Labozzetta, Edythe Ambroz sitting for Elm Street Historic District Commission. Simon Brighenti presented the application for Omnipoint showing revised plans with a layout inside the footprint of the steeple and photo simulations of the same. He stated that the panels would be flush with the edge of the windows and not project beyond the horizontal plane. He clarified that the banding would not require drilling into the stone and would hold the 4 antenna on rear of the chimney. Coax cables will be internal to the building to the equipment cabinets on the 2nd floor. An E-911 cone will be set on the exterior of the building. Francis Johnson asked how the cable will serve the banding and antenna. Brighenti stated that a hole would be drilled into the stone from inside to the outside. Stephen Gilson asked about the E-911 cone and its visibility. Edy Ambroz asked about materials and detailed description for the banding. There was discussion about the mounting and the thickness of the banding as well as the coloring. George Kohout suggested it was probably as thick as a belt. Ambroz suggested board would want to see examples of banding. 1 2 George Kohout asked about duplication service over the 78 main street tower. Simon stated that 78 Main serves that immediate vicinity. Francis Johnson suggested that lower power, lower height antennas service smaller areas. Amboz asked if there would be any way to set them back further? Brighenti stated it would not be possible. Ambroz clarified that they are flush with the window opening and front of building. There was no public comment. Ambroz stated that statements on plans show “approximate” location. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. The Board discussed a condition about setting a bond for the removal of the equipment as is standard in the zoning ordinance for 20K minimum. Francis Johnson read approval criteria. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to approve with condition related to performance bond. By motion of Marisa Labozzetta and second by Edythe Ambroz, the Elm Street Commission voted to continue their hearing to 3/29 at 7 P.m. in the Hearing Room. 7:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a hearing on a request by Department of Public Works for a replacement water tank on Turkey Hill Rd. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Kohout, the board voted unanimously to continue to 5/10 at 7 PM. Based on the request by Department of Public Works. 7:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Don Morrow for Special permit for Auto repair shop at 50 Hatfield St, Northampton, Map Id 23B-96. Morrow and Brendan Greeley, leasing agent, presented the request. George Kohout asked about overnight storage of cars and where they would be located. Morrow stated that all cars should be stored inside. Greeley stated that cars for shop would be stored on opposite side of building. Morrow stated that the number of cars that could be worked on is limited. Steven Bracket, Florence residence, spoke in favor. The Board discussed the bike/ped signs and other conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Stephen Gilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson with request waivers voted unanimously to approve with the conditions discussed. 8:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Albert Mosley for Site Plan Approval to construct a townhouse project at 88 Hockanum Rd, Map IDs 39A-41, 42. Tom Douglas, representing the applicant, described application and layout. Board discussed lot size and garage. Staff read Department of Public Works comments. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie with waivers and conditions. The board voted unanimously to approve the plan. 8:35 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by H.S. Gere & Sons, Inc. for Site Plan Approval for an addition at the Daily Hampshire Gazette, 115 Conz St, Northampton, Map IDs 39A, 33 & 34. Ed Etheredge described the overall project and stated conformance with zoning site plan criteria, planning objectives etc. Aaron Julien, publisher, described the reason for the project. Department of Public Works comments read statements regarding sewage discharge. Ed Etheredge stated that condition would be fine stating that the applicant would need to comply. The board discussed other shade tree conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to approve with waivers and conditions. Adjourn at 9 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting March 22, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 9:25 PM 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson 5 David Wilensky Left at 10 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. George Kohout opened the continuation of the joint hearing with Ordinance Committee on the proposed changes to WSP. (Bardsley and Richards sitting for Ordinance Committee) George Kohout introduced Catherine Skiba from MA Dept of Environmental Protection from the Source Water Protection division. Skiba discussed water resource protection issues and history of water supply protection throughout the Commonwealth. Wayne Feiden described the zoning changes, the existing constraints in the area and finally the economic impact. Marianne LaBarge spoke against the rezoning and read a letter from John Skibiski in opposition. She suggested a 50,000 square feet minimum lot size as a compromise. Glendale Road resident spoke against the landfill expansion. Ellen Tobias Park Hill Rd. spoke against the expansion of the landfill. Glendale Road resident asked questions about the landfill licensing. Joanne Besette, Turkey Hill Road spoke about potential impacts of the landfill and state policy relative to landfill expansion. She argued that the Board could effect the landfill permit by opting not to change the zoning. John Omasta spoke about the impacts of development on the ground water supply and its effects on his irrigation. Then stated he wanted a smaller lots size so he could develop. Boards discussed issues raised and actual effect of various minimum lot sizes. The Board separated the discussion between the landfill licensing and the zoning for source protection. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted 6-1 to close the hearing (Paul Voss voted against). Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted 5-2 (Paul Voss and George Russell against) to recommend to City Council that the WSP be adopted with the updated codification and with lot size as 80,000 square feet for water supply protection. The vote included a statement that this was not an endorsement of the landfill expansion. Francis Johnson joined the hearing. 9:25 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by William R. Walker for Site Plan approval to construct a common driveway to serve three lots on Westhampton Rd, Map IDs 41-53, 54. Mark Reed of Heritage Surveys described plans. Staff gave update on status of stormwater application and the need for a further continuance. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing a continuation to April 12 at 7 PM. 9:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Deborah Eaton, to convert a structure to 3 townhouse units at 32 Round Hill Rd, Northampton, Map ID 31B-63. Eaton described the project. The Board discussed comments from letter submitted by Anne Alexander (on Langworthy Rd.) Douglas Hinckley, property owner of the former Clarke Infirmary asked about the parking area and existing lighting on site. The Board discussed conditions: 1. No Dumpsters are allowed on site. 2. An evergreen screen of 3’ height should be planted along the northwest boundary of the parking area. 3. All water and sewer connections shall be done in conformance with Department of Public Works standards. 4. As offered and to conform to zoning for traffic mitigation, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the 2nd and 3rd unit, a payment of 2,000 for these units (1,000/per unit) shall be made to the City of Northampton. 5. Commercial style lights should be eliminating. All other lighting shall conform to zoning. 6. No expansion of existing paved area is permitted. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Kohout, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with waivers and conditions discussed. 9:55 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Coolidge Northampton LLC for site plan approval for installation of a drive-up bank and construction of a 14,700 square foot pharmacy/drive-up with associated site development with shared parking and special permit for off-site parking at 225-243 King St, Northampton, Map IDs 24B-66, 32A-263. Staff noted that stormwater permit was not yet issued and the hearing would have to be continued. Chris Wall, representative for Berkshire Design Group, described the project. The Board discussed the planting plan and elevations for parcel 2 including the south side of the pharmacy building. The Board discussed the tree planting requirements and the need for an additional tree. Keith raised multi-use trail access on the site and the need for grade separation given the potential for its use. Alternatively, a sidewalk on the Spoletto side should be considered. Chip Nixon, KDA Holdings representing the Five College Credit Union, presented the lighting plan. The Board requested additional information on the rationale for the 2.5 foot-candles at the property boundary. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to April 26 at 8 PM. Upon nomination by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the voted by roll call to elect Francis Johnson as chair. George Kohout voting yes, Jennifer Dieringer voting yes, Keith Wilson voting yes, Paul Voss voting yes, George Russell voting yes, Stephen Gilson voting yes. Upon nomination by Keith Wilson and second by Francis Johnson the board considered George Kohout for vice chair. Upon nomination by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss, the board considered Jennifer Dieringer for vice Chair. Jennifer Dieringer declined offer. Board voted by roll call vote for George Kohout to serve as Vice Chair. Francis Johnson voting yes, Jennifer Dieringer voting yes, Keith Wilson, voting yes, Paul Voss voting yes, George Russell voting yes, Stephen Gilson voting yes. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to accept the modification to the conditions on the Site Plan Approval granted to Douglas Hinckley at 36 Round Hill Rd for the conversion of the Infirmary to 4 residential units. The modification changes the requirement that Clarke hold the conservation restriction on the open space because the Northampton Conservation Commission will hold it. The Board adjourned at 11:15 p.m. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting April 12, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson Vice Chair, George Kohout Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the request by William R. Walker for Site Plan approval to construct a common driveway to serve three lots on Westhampton Rd, Map IDs 41-53, 54. The chair determined that all members present can vote on the application except for David Wilensky, who missed the earlier February 22, 2007 public hearing. Mark Reid, Heritage Surveys, presented the plans, as amended April 3, 2007. He noted that DPW issued the Stormwater Permit today. (Feiden brought a faxed copy received today from DPW.) The board discussed the proposed conditions with the applicant, William R. Walker, who indicated no concerns with the conditions. Frandy Johnson read the findings necessary to approve the permit. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted to close the public hearing. Upon motion George Russell and second Ken Jodrie by unanimously to approve the site plan entitled “Site Plan for Common Driveway, Northampton, Massachusetts, prepared for William R. Walker” prepared by Heritage Surveys, stamped by Richard Weisse, PE and Bruce Coombs, RLS, and dated January 30, 2007 and last amended April 3, 2007. All work as shown on the plans and with the following conditions, which are necessary to ensure the project meets the findings: 1. Individual driveway grades shall not exceed 12% at any point. 2. The entire common driveway shall not exceed 10% at any point. 3. Due to grades, and potential problems for access via emergency vehicles, all structures shall contain residential sprinklers. 4. Prior to any site construction for the driveway, the applicant must submit to the Office of Planning and Development proof of recording of easement documents for shared driveway including maintenance agreements regarding snow removal and generally maintaining the driveway in accordance with the approved plan. 5. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any lot, final as-builts must be submitted showing that the driveway was constructed with conformance with the approved plans. 6. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy and in conformance with 11.6(2) for each of the three units, a payment-in-lieu of traffic mitigation in the amount of $2,000 per unit shall be made to the City of Northampton. Minutes Minutes January 25, 2007 Minutes February 8, 2007 Minutes February 22, 2007 Minutes March 8, 2007 Minutes March 22, 2007 Change effect to affect Upon motion by George Russell and Stephen Gilson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve all five minutes. Florence Savings Bank/Berkshire NOHO litigation Feiden updated the Planning Board on the soon to be settled litigation. Village at Hospital Hill Subdivision Feiden brought the Planning Board up-to-date on why staff held the Village at Hospital Hill subdivision and did not put it on the agenda for April 26, 2007. Planning Board made it clear that they do not want applications until they are ready to be acted on in one night and comply with the subdivision regulations. Committee Appointments The Board agreed on committee appointments. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Russell, the Planning Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting April 26, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Arr. 7:40 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the amendment to Site Plan to address parking condition for the Science and Engineering Building at Smith College, 100 Green St, Northampton, Map IDs 31D-46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 62, 66, 88. Ed Etheredge gave overview of the parking reduction. George Kohout asked about the description of zip cars. Bill Brandt described the program and success to date. George Kohout asked about the fact that community members would use it as well and thus it might not warrant the 19 full parking space reduction. There was further discussion of zip car and the cash out program. George Kohout asked about the park and ride lot and the connection to Smith shuttle. Wayne Feiden described efforts to extend the express bus service to the park and ride lot in Leeds. There was no public comment. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Staff read the proposed conditions. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to approve amendment with conditions discussed. George Kohout made a friendly amendment to ensure data from Zip is presented in an annual evaluation. The amendment was accepted. 7:40 PM Francis Johnson opened the joint hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee on Establishment of a MGL 40R Smart Growth Overlay District on 16.6 acres at the north campus of the Village at Hospital Hill. (Councilor Bardsley, M. LaBarge, Richards present for Ordinance Committee) Wayne Feiden described the changes proposed and reasons for the ordinance. M. Labarge stated her opposition to it. She stated that she couldn’t understand why we would create density here when we are trying to create larger lots out in her ward. Francis Johnson stated that they are complementary ordinances. Wayne Feiden described the similarities to existing single family homes and neighborhoods within the city. He described the link to design standards and importance of evaluating design with density and not just density. LaBarge asked when commercial development would be forthcoming. Mark Bobrowski, consultant to MassDevelopment for the proposed ordinance, stated that in total about $650,000 would be paid to the city if the funding pool is refilled. He stated that he is optimistic on refunding the pot for 40R due to support from other communities around the state with leadership in the State House. Wayne Feiden provided an update on the changes requested by Dept of Housing and Community Development(DHCD). He read line-by-line changes asked by DHCD. The biggest issue was design standards identified 350-20.11. Board should maintain design control contrary to DHCD proposed changes. David Murphy, Ward 5 Councilor, asked about the incentive dollars from the state. He asked if an economic development analysis had been conducted because the estate lots are now gone. He stated that in his opinion the sale value would be lower without estate lots. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to May 10 at 6 PM to enable Mark Bobrowski address design concerns with DHCD. 9:10 PM Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a hearing for construction and expansion of the Potpourri Plaza, 225-243 King St, Northampton, Map IDs 24B-66, 32A-263. Chris Wall described changes for Potpourri, including lighting. Steve Sevaria described the signal study and stated that the full analysis is not completed yet. Board discussed markings/signage for 8’ wide path. James Bernardino, of Bohler Engineer described loading area for the pharmacy. He stated that deliveries would be about 1/week for wb40 trucks. Chip Nix, KDA representing the Five College Credit Union, described the changes. The Board discussed the waiver of lighting for at property boundary. The Board discussed conditions- Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to (Ken Jodrie abstained because of absence at previous meeting) approve. 10:30 P.M. Wayne Feiden described draft land use plan. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 10, 2007 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout Stepped down at 7:40 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the joint hearing with Ordinance Committee on the proposed changes to 40R. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss, the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to June 14 at 7:00 P.M. (Paul Voss, George Russell, Ken Jodrie, Francis Johnson present for Planning Board) The Board recessed until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Department of Public Works for site plan approval to locate a water tank on Turkey Hill Road. Staff presented the Department of Public Works request for withdrawal. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to allow withdrawal without prejudice. Minutes 4/12 and 4/26 were discussed. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to approve minutes with change to remove conditions from first hearing and change complimentary to right spelling. 7:10 P.M. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously by roll call Vote to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing a settlement on the project on King Street. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously by roll call to come out of executive session. Francis Johnson announced the purpose of the executive session. 1 2 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Benjamin G. James and Oona Mia Coy for Site Plan Approval for driveway access other than over the front lot line at 1 Ventures Field Rd, Northampton, Map Id 32C-319. Steven Ross of Construct builders, presented the application. The Board asked for detail on the conservation restrictions. No members of the public were present. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. The Board discussed the condition related to the width of the driveway. (Approve site plan with condition that driveway not be widened beyond what is shown on the plans.) Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the board voted unanimously to approve plan. George Kohout stepped down due to conflict of interest with the next hearing. 7:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Beaver Brook Nominee Trust & Patrick J. Melnik for Definitive Subdivision and Special Permit for cluster development with access over a side lot line for property on the northerly side of Evergreen Drive, Map Ids 5-6, 7, 12, 6-19, 20, 21, 58, 61, 11A-3. Pat Melnik Jr. described the application and the waivers for radius, cul-de-sac length, fire flow. Other waivers noted included r-o-w width, sight distance to the right. Paul Voss asked for clarification on Natural Heritage “sign-off” for the project and Melnik’s statement that there would be a “net benefit to species”. Melnik confirmed that the permanently protected area is 41 acres vs. 15 acres to be developed. He confirmed that Natural Heritage had to find a “net Benefit to grant a permit. Julie Akeret, 69 Grove Ave, Leeds spoke about new traffic and lack of sidewalks for children walking to school and the school bus stop. She asked for speed tables and sidewalks. Kevin Hale, 17 Chestnut Ave resident of Leeds raised concerns about safety, character of neighborhood and the separation created by this proposed neighborhood. The project would be detrimental to neighborhood in his view. Amy Bookbinder, 88 Grove Avenue distributed memo from Cooley Shrair related to question over ownership of Grove Avenue. Rick Hart, 68 Leonard Street reiterated the letter sent to Board. He urged Board not to extend waivers. Linda Butler, 74 Grove Ave. spoke about traffic study and request for waivers. She stated that the sidewalk should continue down Chestnut Street. Emilie Woodward, 44 Evergreen referenced her letter. Spoke about concerns over water. Asked for reduction in towhouses within the development She also read a statement from Amy Stamm who raised concerns for development of the 4 bedroom units Barbara Golden, referenced her letter she sent and asked about logging and buffer plan, lighting, fencing, Lora Sandhusen, 32 E. Center St. raised concern about pedestrian safety in surrounding neighborhood. Questioned traffic study that doesn’t show Deb Orgera, 37 Evergreen, stated concerns about lack of sidewalk on Evergreen. She requested reduction of units. Martha Merriam 63 Evergreen spoke against project based on traffic safety. Jim Montgomery, 74 Grove Ave, pointed out problems with traffic study. Stated that study doesn’t address 35% reduction in plan. Argued against using money for bike path. George Merriam resident of east Center Street spoke against the project. Sandy Glynn, Upland, spoke against the project. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to June 28 at 9PM. The Board discussed the summer schedule and voted to meet the July 26 and August 23 only. Executive session Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously by roll call Vote to go into executive session for the purpose of continuing the discussion of the settlement on the project on King Street. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously by roll call to come out of executive session. Francis Johnson announced the purpose of the executive session. The Board adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 24, 2007 Northampton High School Cafeteria, Elm St, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 9 PM 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson and Clare Higgins opened the joint public meeting with the Sustainable Northampton Steering Committee to discuss the draft of the Sustainable Northampton Plan. 9:05 P.M. The Planning Board began its regular meeting. Staff presented request for field change by Berkshire NOHO Development for the 171 King Street project at the old Honda dealership site. Daren Gray, consulting engineer, was present to clarify request for site changes. 9:20 P.M. Staff presented information for review and approval by Planning Board on the planned pedestrian improvements to Arnold Avenue and the crosswalk across West Street by Smith College. The review was required by the original permit conditions granted to Smith College for the engineering and sciences building. 9:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request for Major Site Plan Approval by Microcal, LLC to construct a 4,800+- square foot addition to a building with parking at 22 Industrial Drive East, Map ID 19- 12. Bob Bartlett presented the application on behalf of Microcal. Mike Liu, Berkshire Design Group, presented the site plan and results of Conservation Commission meeting. He stated that in response to Department of Public Works concerns, Microcal would take on maintenance of the public drainage easement. Liu described existing bike racks and shower facility on site. There was further discussion of traffic mitigation and offer to construct a sidewalk extension along Bates Street. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to June 14 at 6:45 PM in Council Chambers in order to allow for final review by Department of Public Works. The Board discussed the issues outstanding at the new Honda site related to the new paved surface in the rear and the site plan. The Board pressed for compliance with site plan as approved. Board adjourned at 10 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 14, 2007 City Council Chambers, 220 Main St, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 7 5 Jennifer Dieringer 7:10 5 Stephen Gilson 5 David Wilensky 7, left 8:25, return 10:10 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:55 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of review of site plan for Microcal at 22 Industrial Drive East to discuss the following remaining items: Stormwater, Traffic Mitigation, O & M plan, Easement Infiltration chamber. Mike Liu, applicant’s consultant, went over the changes made since the last hearing (May 24, 2007). He stated that the trees will be relocated to west side of lot and two would be relocated along the swale. Keith Wilson asked about traffic mitigation. Liu described the proposal to construct an extension of the sidewalk from the existing terminus on Bates to Bradford Street within the right-of-way. Keith Wilson asked about ride share program and suggested that the language should be changed to include all employees who don’t bring a car to the site. Scott Ricker, an “independent access specialist” from Southwick Mass. asked whether this building was open for the public. The applicant clarified that this was a private business. There were no other public comments. The Board discussed permit conditions and comments from Department of Public Works. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Stephen Gilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second George Kohout the board voted unanimously to approve the Site Plan with conditions discussed. 7:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING with City Council Ordinance Committee on a new 40R district. Councilor Bardsley, Richards, M.LaBarge present. Wayne Feiden described the status of the 40R and recommended a continuation to June 28 at 7 PM in order to finalize language and agree on an MOU with MassDevelopment. Board discussed ramifications of approval and differences between 40R zoning and subdivision. Eileen Hirsh, 36 Massasoit Street, asked for more public comment on possible expansion of development on the site. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell, the Board voted to continue the hearing to council chambers at 7 PM on June 28. Both boards voted unanimously to continue. 7:40 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request for Site Plan Approval to reduce parking by up to 20% by Patricia and Shelley Haggerty-Rahn for at 149 Elm St., Northampton, Map ID 31B-164. The Rahns described the application. The Board asked about non-conformities and asked about the previous parking conditions. The applicant described previous uses and the fact that the spaces weren’t fully occupied previously. Ed Etheredge, representing abutter Melin, raised the concern about reduction in parking relative to common driveway and potential overflow onto the abutter’s parking area. He argued that the single efficiencies were being converted to larger units that would likely mean residents with more income and more vehicles. Catherine Smith, Round Hill Road abutter spoke against the plan due to the expansion proximity to her house. Keith Wilson asked about future ownership issues. The applicant stated that they will be creating condominium units. The Board discussed the other Board’s purview (ZBA and Elm Street). Keith Wilson stated that because this is a residence, there still might be a car parked on site when a resident might walk or bike. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 7 PM July 26 due to the fact that the ZBA had continued its hearing to the 26th. 8:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Dave Ratner for Site Plan Amendment to allow temporary outside storage at 971 Bridge St. Northampton, Map ID 18D-70. Dave Ratner, described the request. He stated that he has 40 extra parking spaces. He claimed that he did have a paint crew on the way to paint the murals that were required under the previous permit. Staff described the non-compliance issues. Keith Wilson stated concern about unscreened storage. Paul Voss stated interest in filling the void of parking spaces. There was a discussion of screening/fencing around the storage. There was a discussion about rerouting traffic circulation and screening. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to continue to July 26 7:20 P.M. so the noncompliance issues could be addressed which included the mural and the lighting. 8:25 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Western United Football Club & Northampton Soccer Club for a Special Permit for outdoor recreation soccer fields on Island Rd, Northampton, Map IDs 45-20, 58; 46-21. David Wilensky stepped down due to a conflict. Jonathan Wright presented application on behalf of the two soccer clubs. He clarified the history of the fields in use and what the proposed schedule would be. There are 52 acres of soccer fields now being maintained by the property owner (Duda). Use of fields is for 500 + families. The president of the Northampton Soccer Club described the changes involved in moving to other fields to spread out the impact. Tim Murphy, Western United football club described his program needs. The goal is to reduce the play to 2003 levels as shown in permit. Wright distributed the traffic counts and determined that there was approximately one car per player. He described their efforts to look at shuttle services and shared parking arrangements. Wright stated the soccer club had secured a permanent speed board for Island Road. Joanne Campbell 431 Rocky Hill Rd, spoke in favor of soccer club use of the fields. Barry Hirsch, 36 Massasoit St, spoke in favor of need of fields and fact that high traffic users are located elsewhere, like on Massasoit Street where the YMCA is located. Emersyn Pullan, player, spoke in favor of soccer programs. Sabra Aquadro , Forbes Ave, spoke about other high traffic areas, the Y and the Schecter and that her feeling was that the Y works to deal with traffic in the neighborhood. Marilyn Richards, ward councilor, spoke against the use based on volume of cars that travel through neighborhood and the resulting impacts. Jennifer Remillard, 178 Island Rd. spoke against the volume of traffic and clarified that the additional fields on south side of Island Rd. is the problem. Peter Shirac, Sr, owns property (Easthampton resident) on Island Rd and argued that the soccer club isn’t allowed a permit. He spoke against permit. Cathy Sargent, 115 Island Road spoke against the soccer field use and asked about practice times. John Fitz-Gibbon, representing neighbors stated that the original permit was for the 150 boat slips and now the Marina has 320 docks. He argued that Soccer is not permitted and read the approval criteria for a special permit. Dave Tischler, resident, spoke about the bad traffic. Karen Simon, resident, spoke against the project and enumerated environmental concerns and impacts of fertilizers etc used on the fields. Marion McDonald, Crescent Street whose daughter plays soccer made some statements about the difficulty in keeping fields for the kids without having an impact on the neighborhood. Jim Dostal, Ryan Road, spoke about the benefits that Duda has granted to soccer. Stated that city should reclaim road to original width. Garrit Stover reiterated need to protect environment interests. Laura Mele 115 Island Road showed petition signed against the project. Glen Golata, 112 Island Road, spoke against the use. George Kohout asked about how the use got to this situation. Staff described the history of permits/evaluations. Francis Johnson asked for Tony Patillo to speak. Board discussed whether the soccer uses could be separated from marina. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to continue to 7:45 on July 26 so that more data on traffic could be collected. 10:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Pioneer Valley Hotel Group for Site Plan Approval to construct a 106 room hotel and associated parking, restaurant and meeting space at 260 Main St, Northampton, Map ID 31D-167. Wayne Feiden described the history and housing redevelopment. Mark Darnold presented the application and renderings. He presented photo representation of similar buildings downtown and photos of alley with less than 15’ of distance. Keith Wilson asked about the dumpster and trash removal. The applicant indicated that service would be provided once per week. Phyllis Roder, raised issue of the “poisons” coming out of the ground. John Skibiski, Hatfield Street, asked about city surplus land and argued that this would be a good location for the new police station. He generally voiced opposition to the project. Joanne Campbell, Valley CDC and coowner of residential building that abuts on South Street, commented that the first floor apartments only have windows facing parking lot and the new structure would significantly impact these units. Micheal Depasquale, Kensington Ave, stated interest in making the hotel a bit more public by allowing walk-through access to the parking lot. Spoke of advantages of the hotel. Bill Pastore, 28A New South Street spoke against project. Peter Frothingham, 181 Main Street, Architect, spoke about the impact on the New South St apartment building and read from his letter that was submitted for the record. Mary Casper, High Street, Florence. stated concern about scale and size of building. She asked that taller trees be used for screening the building and that minimum light standards be incorporated. Michael Kusak, Center Street, raised concern about size and scale and impact on events in the park. Damia Stewert, 316 South Street read letter from Jordi Herold (previously submitted for the record). Francis Johnson read Andrew Crystal’s letter. Francis Johnson summarized Hurley’s letter. Bonnie Rose, 55 South Street asked whether a market analysis had been completed for 106 room hotel and asked about the carbon footprint of the project. She raised the issue of light obstruction. Virginia Shulmann 358 South Street raised the concern about the transition of the park to an accessory use for the hotel. Michael Kirby, 17 Summer Street, spoke against the project. Tris Metcalf, submitted a letter and read it which indicated his opposition. Mary Chapin 28B New South Street, stated concerns of the setback from the existing apartment building. Deb Jacobs, 82 Grove Ave, Leeds and tree committee, was concerned about landscaping plan. She suggested mitigation for the park trees that are being removed. Jonathan Kane, attorney representing Robert Curran claimed that the air and light impacts to the round house were similar to those on the apartment building and that this would create a “tunnel effect “ on the stair corridor. He asked about lighting. Faith Williams, HAP inc. spoke against project. Scott Ricard, (not from Northampton) asked about handicap access from the garage to the park and questioned whether it complied with Commonwealth requirements. Parmar, applicant, answered questions about accessibility. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 8 P.M. in hearing room on July 19 for applicant to address issues raised. 12:30 A.M. Francis Johnson opened Request by TCB Hospital Hill LLC/ for definitive Subdivision approval for property off Village Hill Rd, Northampton, Map IDs 38A-87, 104, 107, 108, 110, 111; 31C-17. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the board voted unanimously to continue to July 19 at 7 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 28, 2007 City Council Chambers, 220 Main St, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a Hearing on the creation of a 40R district. Wayne Feiden described recommendation and MOU between city and MassDevelopment. Ken Jodrie asked how MOU gets implemented. George Kohout suggested that it becomes a note within the zoning, document in zoning. No public comment. Upon motion by George Russell and second by Keith Wilson, two the boards voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to recommend to City council the 40R district with recording, PAA defined and note in zoning. Adam Costa clarified that notes about development MOU could not be in 40R doc itself. 7:15 Francis Johnson opened the joint meeting with SUSTAINABLE NORTHAMPTON STEERING COMMITTEE to discuss: Action items/plan schedule Dale Allen handed out revised version of plan. Committee discussed changes and how Planning Board would give input. Board decided to schedule extra meetings for Aug 9 and 16 to focus on LU, EcDev, Climate, Energy, Environment. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie second to accept minutes of 5/10 (Jennifer Dieringer abstained) Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Stephen Gilson, the board voted unanimously to approve 5/24. Rahn’s change to Rahns for June 14 Phyllis George Kohout moved to accept minutes, Ken Jodrie second. Voted unanimously. Amend motion to eliminate issues to be addressed under Beaver Brook hearing. 8:45 P.M. Francis Johnson opened request by Mananto Holdings LLP (Hotel Northampton) for an Amendment to a Special Permit with Site Plan, for property located at 43 Gothic St, Northampton, Map ID 31B-309. Mark Tanner, representing Hotel Northampton described request. Keith Wilson asked about the difference between trespass rules relative to driveway entrances. Board discussed pedestrian access Keith Wilson asked about users going to restaurant, conferences, bar etc… Board di Upon motion Ken Jodrie and second Keith Wilson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson, voted unanimously to deny permit. 9:12 Francis Johnson opened the continuation of Beaver Brook 9:12P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a hearing on a request by Beaver Brook Nominee Trust & Patrick J. Melnik for Definitive Subdivision and Special Permit for cluster development with access over a side lot line for property on the northerly side of Evergreen Road, Map Ids 5-6, 7, 12, 6-19, 20, 21, 58, 61, 11A-3. Francis Johnson read letter from Pat Melnik for continuation. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to continue to August 16 in hearing room at 7 pm (George Kohout recused) , all outstanding materials must be submitted by Aug 2 or board will not open hearing. Discuss parking on Kensington. Concern on effectiveness of TDM strategies Smith is implementing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted 6-1 (Stephen Gilson) to make no recommendation to council. (George Russell out) The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting July 19, 2007 Unitarian Society Basement, 220 Main St, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Stephen Gilson David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a continuation of a request by TCB Hospital Hill LLC/ for definitive Subdivision approval for property off Village Hill Rd, Northampton, Map IDs 38A-87, 104, 107, 108, 110, 111; 31C-17. Mark Darnold, consultant for applicant, described subdivision layout. Full 4-way stop at intersection at existing intersection (1st, not terminus), stop sign at olander and Moser. Darnold asked for water main be at depth of 7’ instead of 5.5 on Musante Drive at 24+00 and 23+15. Dave Loring went over intersection changes to Laurel and Prince. Keith Wilson asked about signage at 66 warning drivers that it is not a through street to Prince. Loring agreed that signage would be appropriate and be approved upon further review. Paul Voss asked about reason for sharp curve. Keith Wilson asked about 3 and 4-way stops within the neighborhood do they meet warrants for stop signs? Darnold stated that there is obstructed sight for the intersection due to parked cars. Ultimately City Council will have to approve stop sign location. Staff asked for waivers to be read. Darnold read. Staff discussed Department of Public Works comments . Jennifer Dieringer asked whether raised intersections are better than 4-way stops? Keith Wilson stated it depends. Stephen Gilson asked about build out of lots. Staff clarified process for review. George Kohout asked about on-street parking. Darnold described rationale. Francis Johnson opened public comments Benjamin Spencer, 8 Rust Street asked about the 1-entry and timing of earle street redevelopment Where does bike path originate. Why aren’t buildings and buildout shown. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second Stephen Gilson the board voted unanimously to continue to July 26 to 9 PM. Conditions: 1. Headwall allowed as proposed or as modified in permit issued by Conservation Commission 2. Submit plans for final approval of curbing by Department of Public Works. 3. Lighting proposed must be either permanently maintained by HOA or utilize National Grid Standard. 4. If city council does not approve all-way stop signs, then shall be raised intersection. 5. Root barrier installed where treebelt is 5.5’. 6. Full 4-way cross walk at intersection of Moser and Village Hill 7. Duratherm throughout property and default is continental if Department of Public Works has concern. 8:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of the request by Pioneer Valley Hotel Group for Site Plan Approval to construct a 106 room hotel and associated parking, restaurant and meeting space at 260 Main St, Northampton, Map ID 31D-167. Staff described approval criteria. Wayne Feiden described public process and outside counsel analysis of jurisdiction of Board. Mark Darnold, applicant’s consultant, described changes from the last hearing. Ivy on wall, bromine discharge air handlers- no discharge to west. No venting from cafeteria. 2,600 new additional square feet to park. 6 bike racks located at main lobby entrance and at bike path. Jennifer Dieringer asked about changes to landscaping garage façade. Paul Voss asked about how the changes effected parking lot. Stephen Gilson asked about façade changes on hotel since last review. Ken Jodrie asked about what would be planted in planters? Darnold—not sure. Paul Voss asked about ivy on garage even if it is just on pillars. Jennifer Dieringer asked for clarification of existing dumpsters and proposed. Darnold showed picture of existing and described new would eliminate old and be completely enclosed. Keith Wilson asked about type of dumpster and how it would be accessed by service truck. George Kohout asked about fire access. Staff confirmed Fire Department’s acknowledgment that his complies with the code. Keith Wilson asked about dumpster access and grass-crete as buffer. Keith Wilson asked about façade treatment on west side of garage would allow ivy climbing up better. Jennifer Dieringer asked for description of alleys in central business. Darnold went through various locations in CB. Stephen Gilson asked about narrow width between building and garage. Jennifer Dieringer asked for clarification on tree removal. Keith Wilson asked about any trees that would be removed in existing park. Darnold, no. and not relocating play equipment. Michael Bardsley spoke in favor of the project, but stated concern about details of implementation. Impact of historic buildings, neighborhood etc. asked for more participation therefore continue. Hot venue, late get more people to participate--- new???? Bonnie Rose 65 South St wants building pulled away from south street apartments. Fred Fierst, 10 Park St, attorney for abutter (round house structure) gave historical perspective from owner. Concerned about impact to historic building. Rick Gifford, 34 Harlow Ave, concern about the round house impact. Emory Ford, 364 Spring St, Florence. Concerned about fire safety particularly relative to restaurant. Tom Douglas, 204 Crescent St, addressed appropriateness of use, aesthetics, setbacks. Spoke about changes from 5 story to building to 4 story building. Compared to Hotel Northampton, very plain. This hotel has great improvements. Suggested a reduction in parking to allow parking garage to be reduced. David Pesuit, 16 Armory St, Northampton asked for more time to evaluate. Suzanne Beck, 51 Henshaw Ave, director of chamber relative to commercial vitality of downtown would benefit community and applauded applicant for addressing concerns. Bob First, 77 Hawthorne Ln, Felt not enough process, asked about need for timing of permitting. Suggested this should be a park. Martha Acklesburg, 5 hillcrest, Florence raised concern about Housing Partnership concern relative to south street apartments. Asked for continuation. Michael DiPasquale, 17 Kensington Ave, raised concern about impact of park. What can developer do to give something to park. Hedy Rose, 96 Round Hill Rd. raised concern about trees in park and concern about hotel occupancy. Mary Coppola, 12 Vernon St, spoke against. Joel Russell 25 Kensington, Ave. argued that the Board shouldn’t close because just seeing plans tonight. What about café. Argued for separation and windows. Argued for applicant to come back. Gene Tacy, 158 North Maple, asked about procedural issues and permitting requirements. Joel Spiro, Bixby Court stated that a good hotel is desirable. Barry Roth, 88 Acrebrook Drive, spoke about concerns about height. Jordi Herold spoke about interest in reducing rooms (10) Connie Wilson, 240 Crescent St, concern about close proximity of building asked for smaller, historical building. Mitch Craft 34 Butler Place concern about large public events in park that might “block” entrance to hotel. Sandra Blackman, represent ownership entity of south street apartments. Raised concern about setbacks and fire access, stepbacks. Denise Lelo, 35 Woodlawn Ave, stated concern of process and lack of creativity. Tris Metcalf, 142 Main Street stated opposition to site plan. Deb Jacobs 82 Ave, Leeds requested hearing be held open for tree committee to hold hearing on tree mitigation. Ensure tree protection for trees to remain. Jennifer Dieringer confirmed that Tree Mark Carmien, 218 Turkey Hill Rd, stated dependence on tourism for viability of hotel. However, design and scale not quite right. Do need hotel. Mary Ford, asked for extension. Asked about elevations from each angle of hotel and signage. Spoke against hotel project. Should not have been surplussed for economic development… Ann Griffin, 44 Walnut St, Florence. Ellen Dibble 43 West St, concerned about alley Rob Zillin 277 Main St. owner. Concern about nature/uses on Pulaski Park. Bill Pastore, 28A New South street. Porch Depth is 6’ not 10’. Concern about ability to grow plants on that side. And uses within alley as well as access from bike path to park. Wendy Forbes, 38 Elizabeth Street, What about Hotel on top of garage? Wants outdoor café. Councilor Labarge, asked for continuation. Project too big. Jay Girard, 158 Ryan Road spoke on behalf of tree committee. Concern about 200” of trees coming down. Applicant should provide. Peter Brooks 17 New South St, suggested that hotel be separated from park with bridge. Charlotte Componia, Florence, raised concerned about corporatization of downtown. Joel Sachs, West Street. Reiterated concern about globalization of downtown. Concern about density. Anne Marie Lucy, 42 Pleasant St, concern about changes to Pulaski Park with new hotel. Needs café or buffer. Karen Rouse, 33 Roe Ave, asked about legality of changing RFP to provide additional incentives. Todd Sienkiewicz 21 Florence Mass, concern about Board not following rules. John Skibiski , Realtor, raised concern about only 2 bids responded. Paige Bridgens, 12 Northern Avenue, argued that this project is not viable into the future. No income to support tourism. Jackie Misa, 95 West St, asked about contract obligation. Ariel Kotker, Lyman Rd,, asked about green building provisions. Jennifer James, Round Hill Rd, asked why it is not LEED certified. Faith Williams, Hap property management, manages South street and 96 Pleasant St. Barbara Wein, 225 Main St, owner across street stated concerns about design and safety/fire hazard. George Kohout asked about RFP process and clarification of jurisdiction. Wayne described rfp issues and bids. Ken Jodrie suggested that continuing appropriate to get answers on RFP and tree committee decision. George Kohout suggested that CBAC would want to see plans. Board discussion on purview of rfp. Discussion of some of the issues raised. Security of elevator, loading area, fire issues. Discussed other issues. Offered arts wall for sidewalk to Pulaski. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson the board continued to Aug 16 at 8:30 p.m. CONDITIONS: Conditions + others that arise from Department of Public Works formal comments and hearing comments: 1. Prior to issuance of a BUILDING PERMIT, Stormwater maintenance agreements must be recorded at registry. 2. Bike path shall either be constructed by the hotel or city depending upon which construction project comes first. If the city constructs before the hotel construction, applicant shall replace and or repair all disturbed material to preconstruction conditions. 3. Prior to BUILDING PERMIT or site excavation, NH tree warden to verify adequacy of tree protection for those shown on plan. 4. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, the applicant must provide a lighting as-built showing that the lighting installed conforms to the zoning ordinances. No waivers were granted for the lighting. 5. Compactor shall not be run between 5 PM and 9 a.m. except for standard operation during garbage removal, which may be earlier. 6. Bromine vents, if any, from the pool shall be vented into the garage as stated by applicant. 7. Elevators and other rooftop mechanical systems shall be sound insulated such that sounds emitted shall not exceed the standards in section 350-12 of the Northampton Zoning ordinance. 8. Trees removed shall be replaced as determined by jurisdiction of Board of Public Works and Northampton Tree Committee. 9. Grass-crete on service driveway to rear of garage. 10. As offered by the applicant the dumpster shall be available to the south street apartments to utilize for standard residential disposal at no cost. 11. Planters shall be changed seasonally and include flowers?? The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting July 26, 2007 Unitarian Society Basement, 220 Main St, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Vice Chair, George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer Left 12 a.m. 5 Stephen Gilson 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 George Russell, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. FJ OPENE THE JFDKADJContinuation of a request by Pat and Shelley Haggerty- Rahn for Site Plan Approval for reduction in Parking at 149 Elm Street. Staff presented request to withdraw. Upon motion by KJ and second by KW, the board vo unanimously to allow withdarawal without prejudice. 7:00 P.M. Request by John Ewing for Site Plan Approval to construct a common driveway at 297 Old Wilson Rd, Florence, Map ID 44-116. Roger Walezek, representing applicant introduced project Staff Read DPW comments including distance of 300’ maximum separation of turnouts. Discussion of site plan approval criteria and traffic mitigation Applicant offered $2,000 per lot prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy for each lot to conform to s George Russel move to close PV second, unanimously Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss voted unanimously to approve with conditions (2 DPW, easements recorded prior to building permit, traffic mitigation of $2,000 per lot prior to co for each lot.) 7:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Dave Ratner for Site Plan Amendment at 971Bridge Road. Dave described fencing and showed picture of fencing and idea of installing loading zone sign that would be mobile in the middle of the drive aisle and could be moved to allow trucks. Board discussed safety issues around blocking view of crosswalk coming from Hampshire Heights. Conditions discussed: Lighting to be corrected prior to installation of outside storage. Prior to recording plan, submit final plans showing fenced area encompassing 7 parking spaces with substantial sign mobile in the middle of the aisle saying loading area ahead and xwalk sign before crosswalk. Prior to recording plan, applicant shall finalize mural. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Keith Wilson voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second Ken Jodrie voted unanimously to approve the 7:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a request by Northampton Soccer Club for special permit at the Oxbow on Island Road. Staff described data gathered by DPW on streets. Board discussed traffic volumes. Keith Wilson described data and volumes. Jonathan Wright argued that Island Road not historically a quiet road. Argued that there are no other violations with the Marina. Asked for 5 year permit. Jennifer Dieringer asked about carpooling at PCA. Soccer club guy says that PCA wants waiver of liability from city???? Need to brush hog path to soccer field if city would provide it. Francis Johnson asked about break down of NCC vs. Western united. NCC had 14 teams, Western had 18 teams. Traffic counts showed Saturday figures were NCC and Sunday figures were Western United. Jennifer Dieringer asked about reducing club like Western United. NCC stated that Oxbow loves to see kids play there. Duda stated that all to stay. If one goes, all goes including high school and college crew. Paul Voss asked if this was a threat? Owen Lococco high school coach emphasized that Western united has been at Oxbow since 1990s. Paul Voss asked what was being paid? Kevin Krumholtz, NCC stated $20,000. Tim Murphy, President of Western United stated several thousand. Jennifer Dieringer asked about disincentive for single occupant vehicle. Karen Simon, 91 Island Rd, commented that she heard there was a $50,000 payment. Narrow road, residents have nowhere else to go. Attorney Fitz-Gibbon stated that 5 year permit too long. Should be short period –1 year. Jennifer Remillard, 178 Island Road Stated that cons comm. Permit should have been granted for regarding and seeding. John Stiffler, Northampton resident stated that soccer club has obligation to support island road residents and feels that club will step up to the challenge. Jonathan Wright stated that Cons. Comm did sign off on grading requirements. Jim Pelligrino, 78 Turkey Hill Rd. stated support for soccer. Councilor LaBarge, spoke in favor of soccer and marina. City failed yute. Need to get more fields. Lisa Maloney, 168 North St, spoke of empathy with Island Rd. spoke in favor of soccer program. Conditions: Maggie Leonard, Rust Ave, soccer mom stated that mitigation can’t be solved in a short time frame such as a year. Kenneth Hahn stated that it should be about popularity. This is a political aspect. Need fields, land –everyone wants it. Owen Loccoco, made statement about uses is 61B tax classification. Councilor Dostal stated that the city has failed its youth. Stated that road needs to be reclaimed. He’ll take into his own hands to reclaim it. Andy Cohen, 113 Market Street, property changes over time. Risk essentially. Suggested auto tickets for speeding. Set speed at 15 mph not 25. Keith Wilson asked about schedule changes and reduction in level of vehicles. Times separated and distributed through city. Keith Wilson asked about practice schedule M-F. Not all teams practice on one night. 4-6 teams practicing per night and 8 for Western United. Keith Wilson asked if practice could be staggered. Keith Wilson confirmed that games at no more than 2 per night during the week plus practice. Never games on Monday or Friday. Typically no practice on these days too. Western United no weekday games unless rainday. No more than 2 games on any given night. Board discussion about schedule. 30% reduction in trip reduction for Soccer only within 3-year permit for weekday. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Keith Wilson, voted unanimously to close the hearing. Board discussed issues and how to frame a decision. Jennifer Dieringer suggested that volume be reduced by implementing what was offered by applicant, such as shuttle or 60 free lot space. George Russell stated that we owe it to the yute. Can’t keep charging fees for busses. Automated Traffic counts for 7 days week in spring and fall to Office of Planning and Development. (2 ATR counts each) Island Rd entrance and Marina, counts represent a standard week for practices and games. Within 2 months of count. Use lot at Packaging Inc. or equivalent location as carpooling/walking for games and practices. Distribution of proposed schedule to neighborhood each season. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer to approve unanimously a permit valid through June 30, 2010 with conditions discussed above. 10:25 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Hospital Hill LLC for Subdivision Amendment and Special Permit Amendment for property located at Earle Street, Northampton, Map Id 38-50. Michael Sweet, attorney representing applicant, described need to carve out lot 12 from covenants. Beth Murphy clarified the park issue and wanting to merge it with adjacent lot. Staff read Department of Public Works ocmmments. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer voted unanimously to approve Approve requested amendments and waivers, with condition that multi-use trail be for construction and continued maintainenance. 10:50 P.M. Francis Johnson openend request by VCA, Inc. for Site Plan Amendment for property at Earle St, Northampton Map ID 38A-103(lot 12A). Ellen Freyman, introduced team. Bruce Voltz described product. Aharon Sharff, engineer for applicant described application. Staff asked for clarification about future 9 parking spaces. David Loring of tighe and bond clarified that extra parking spaces were included in the dpw revisions. Discussion of cross easements for parking. George Kohout asked about lighting. Bollards in parking area. Board discussed sidewalks. George Kohout asked about green building components. Staff read Department of Public Works Comments. Applicant stated that truck template requires wider neck. Need 34’ of width for truck and grade. Mitch Bilotin, Audubon rd, Leeds Rd. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss, voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Russell voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions. Approved with curb cut as shown (34’) Conditions: • Prior to building permit, Easements documents for common driveway in accordance with zoning for common drive to allow access • Prior to issuance of building permit, the applicant hsall submit revised plans 16 Street shade trees along street frontage. • Revise planting plan and schedule (locate on on plan sheet) • QC located on plan but not specified on schedule should be specified. • Revised plan should show dumpster location as presented in hearing behind pick- up/delivery area. • Lighting plan location of bollards prior to construction. • Department of Public Works conditions. • Driveway curb cut from Department of Public Works required. • Snow shall be maintained on site or removed. • Stripe crossing across driveway with continental as per standard. • Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy lighting stamped to show conformance with lighting in zoning. Staff discussed subdivision conditions of state hospital. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Stephen Gilson, voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted 5-0 (Paul Voss and George Russell not eligible).