421 Pump Report 202094 Commonweal of Massachuseits City/Town bf SysteMP no Record. Form 4. DEP has provided this formi for use by local Boards of Health. Cghei fohns mafr. be used, but the Information must be substantially the sialne as. that provided hem. 5ebre using this.form, check with your local Board. of Health to determine the form.they use. The System Pumping Record must be submitted' to. . the local Board of Health or other approving authority within 14 days from the pumping date in accordance with 310 CMR 15.35.1. I Important When Ming out forma on The rr. use Zb 0jpth a key to mow your, amr'- do not use the return key. A. Facility Infomiation 1. System Location: Address; 2. 3, aty/Town state zip CO& cwrrown I rumpingmecorp. Qate.cf.Pumpingate Quantity Pumped:ed: D Type'of -system: ff] Cesspool(s) 171 SopticTank ❑ Tight Tank capons Grease Trap ❑ Other. (describe): 4. Effluent Teo Filter present? ❑ Yes No If yes, was It clearied? .171 ye!j240 5. Condition. of System: B. System Pumped BY.' _iv ollk VaNde Lloanse Number 7. Location where contents were disposed: swnJre of kaul er. Date SIgnatura of ReceMng Fadflty Date ftrm4.doc 03/08 System Pumping Record.- Page 7 of 1