DAR drainage easement NSH APR May 15, 2008 Upon the recommendation of the Conservation Commission BE IT RESOLVED WHEREAS, On May 19, 1989, City Council voted to accept an Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) on 283± acres at the Northampton State Hospital; and WHEREAS, On May 15, 1990, the APR was granted, with the city co-holding the APR with the Commonwealth (recorded at Book 3561, page 285); and WHEREAS, The redevelopment of Village at Hospital Hill will create a drainage outfall at the edge of APR; and WHEREAS, The Conservation Commission requested that this outfall be located at a location on the APR property, instead of at the edge, because such a location will dramatically reduce the risk of erosion and environmental damage; and WHEREAS, The Agricultural Commission reviewed this request and found that it will not have any detrimental effects on agriculture; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The City Council authorizes the granting of the necessary drainage easement.