Village Hill open space Resolution 11 18 2009 November 18, 2009 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the Office of Planning and Development WHEREAS, the north campus of Village Hill abuts permanently protected land on three sides:  City owned Conservation Easement on Smith College’s property to the east;  City owned Conservation Restriction on Hospital Hill Development LLC’s property to the north;  City owned Agriculture Preservation Restriction on the state’s Northampton State Hospital Agricultural Fields to the west. WHEREAS, The city is negotiating to acquire the undeveloped buffer of land outside the development area on the north campus of Village Hill, excluding the detention ponds within this buffer, for permanently protected open space open to all; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Northampton City Council authorizes the Conservation Commission to accept a deed or deeds for the buffer on the outside of the developed Village Hill area on the north campus, subject to such terms and conditions agreed to the Commission.