Housing Grow Smart Northampton Executive Order 418 Northampton Community Development Plan Adopted by the Northampton Planning Board December 2, 2003 (unanimous vote) Accepted by City Council Industry Committee, December 8, 2003 (unanimous vote) Northampton Housing Partnership, Resolution December 16, 2003 (unanimous vote): “The Northampton Housing Partnership commends the Commonwealth for recognizing the importance of comprehensive planning and the important issues facing cities in the Commonwealth; and further applauds the inclusion of the assessment of housing needs as part of that process and the Grow Smart Northampton report that the EO418 funding enabled. We look forward to using the valuable tool in our planning process.” Adoption and acceptance of the plan does not imply endorsement of the consultant’s recommendations in the Appendices. Grow Smart Northampton is part of the information gathering phase for an upcoming Northampton Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan. As such it is a work in progress. The plan will be revised and fully endorsed after the public input portion of the city’s comprehensive planning process. This plan was developed using funds provided pursuant to Massachusetts Executive Order 418 program. While all the funds for the plan and consultants were provided by the Commonwealth and the format of the planning was partially determined by the EO418 guidelines, all of the conclusions are those of the City of Northampton. Grow Smart Northampton Page 2 Grow Smart Northampton Project Team Consultants Pioneer Valley Planning Commission—Community indicators and community profile Karl F. Seidman—Northampton Retail Market Analysis Open Space Development and Large Building Design Standards Zoning--Joel Russel King Street Corridor Study-- VHB Project coordinated by the Northampton Office of Planning and Development Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Development, Project Coordinator Peg Keller, Housing and Community Development Senior Planner, Housing Element James Thompson, GIS Coordinator, GIS map production Carolyn Misch, Land Use Senior Planner Gloria McPherson, Conservation and Land Use Planner Michael Owens, CDBG Administrator Assistance from the Mayor’s Office Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator, Retail analysis and economic development Grow Smart Northampton Page 3 Grow Smart Northampton Executive Order 418 Northampton Community Development Plan December 2003 Table of Contents Executive Summary and Putting it all Together Element..................................................... 4 A Vision for the Future Identified in Vision 2020.................................................................. 8 Goals and Objectives Identified in Vision 2020................................................................. 11 Open Space and Resource Protection Element................................................................ 16 Housing Element............................................................................................................... 24 Economic Development Element ...................................................................................... 48 Transportation Element..................................................................................................... 60 APPENDIX—Community Health Indicators (PVPC).......................................................... 62 Grow Smart Northampton work products available at www.NorthamptonPlanning.org: o Grow Smart Northampton o Northampton Community Indicators (Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, January 2003). o Northampton Retail Market Analysis (Karl F. Seidman, December 2003) o King Street Corridor Study (VHB, December 2003) o Possible Zoning Amendments—Large Scale Residential Development and Open Space Development (Joel Russel, December 2003) o Possible Zoning Amendments—Large Building Design Standards (Joel Russel, December 2003) Grow Smart Northampton Page 4 Executive Summary and Putting it all Together Element Grow Smart Northampton generates some of the data and tools necessary to support the upcoming city-wide comprehensive plan. Grow Smart Northampton is an outgrowth of the City’s comprehensive planning process, which began in 1999 with Vision 2020: Vision and Consistency Analysis. In 2004 and 2005, the City will go back to the community for a series of workshops to understand how the community’s vision has evolved and how best to implement that vision. With extensive citizen and board participation, Vision 2020: Vision and Consistency, Grow Smart Northampton, and other existing city plans will be updated and linked together to create a single comprehensive plan. Ultimately, Vision 2020 will be designed to reflect our community’s vision and commitment. The most important aspect of Vision 2020 is that Northampton’s planning is an on-going process, not a onetime effort. The City will always work with our residents to ensure a future we all can embrace. The table below summarizes the implementation plan to create a city-wide comprehensive plan, and thereby implement this plan. Current and Planned Vision 2020 Comprehensive Plan Elements Plan Element Purpose and Status When Vision 2020: Vision and Consistency Analysis Identify community vision. Create a blueprint for the comprehensive plan 1999 Open Space and Recreation and the Environment To be revised in 2004-2005 and expanded into full environmental element 2000 2005 Consolidated Plan For support public services and housing elements of comprehensive plan 2000 & 2005 Grow Smart Northampton Develop the data to support a comprehensive plan 2003 Land Use Plan Downtown, Florence, State Hospital (1993-1997), Pleasant Street (2001). Other area plans underway. 2005 Housing Consolidated plan revision will complete housing element 2005 Economic Development Economic Development Strategy, to be revised into comprehensive plan element 1999 2005 Public Services Consolidated plan revision will complete public services element 2005 Comprehensive Plan Merge elements into seamless plan 2006 Grow Smart Northampton is designed as part of the data collection phase necessary to support the creation of a comprehensive plan for the city. Some of the data in Grow Smart Northampton will soon be out-of-date and will be updated as the comprehensive planning process progresses. Over the coming months the Planning Board and other city boards and agencies will work to update the data, consider some of the preliminary findings, and move forward strategically on specific implementation steps, such as amending zoning and planning a CDBG Action Plan for FY2005, to implement elements of the plan. Grow Smart Northampton is part of the information gathering and option identification that is necessary to support a comprehensive plan. It is NOT the primary participatory part