Appendix 4--Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan
Office of Planning and Development
City of Northampton
June 2002
Revised June 2003
This plan was completed with funding from the Attorney General’s
Brownfields Grant Program and revised in coordination with a grant
from the EPA Brownfields Pilot Program.
Project Team:
Wayne Feiden, AICP, Director of Planning and Development, Project Manager
Carolyn Misch, Senior Land Use Planner
Gloria McPherson, Land Use and Conservation Planner, Project Outreach
James Thompson, GIS Coordinator
Bruce Young, Outreach Coordinator (2002--contractor)
Laurie Gagnon, GIS Technician (2002--contractor)
Ann Renee Larouche, GIS Technician/Landscape Architect (2002--contractor)
Huntley Associates, PC, Surveyors (contractor)
Tighe and Bond, Inc. LSP (2002--contractor)
O’Reilly, Talbot & Okun, LSP (2002-2005—contractor)
Lou Moore, Environmental Attorney (contractor)
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 2
The City of Northampton is seeking the revitalization of the Historic Mill River
corridor as a vibrant recreation, residential and commercial corridor and partial
restoration of the Historic Mill River as a flowing stream. The corridor and river flow
through downtown Northampton, an already vibrant regional retail, cultural and
government center. The restoration project would fulfill a long held dream of citizens and
city leaders for an urban greenway, dovetail with an expanding regional bikepath
network, and provide new opportunities for economic development at the city core.
This is a long term project projected to take two decades to complete. The first
phases are focused on identifying and assessing possible sites of hazardous waste
contamination in the Historic Mill River corridor, and starting the process of assigning
responsibility and remediation where contamination is discovered.
Both as an asset and as an occasional liability, the Mill River is intimately and
critically woven into and through Northampton’s history from the earliest days.
Historically a source of water power and processing water as well as a cheap and
convenient means of waste disposal, it was the one indispensable factor in the
establishment of manufacturing in Northampton, which laid the foundation for the
community’s economic growth and eventual prosperity.
The Mill River was a modest affair that could nevertheless pack a wallop when it
flooded. Its power was catastrophically on display in the Great Flood of 1874, which
resulted from the breaching of a dam at Williamsburg. The torrent that ensued took 145
lives, destroyed 15 factories and 100 homes, and wiped off the face of the earth the entire
hilltown hamlet of Skinnerville.
The early European settlers of Northampton worked ingeniously to limit the
river’s potential for harm through various schemes to dike or divert it. These yeomen
were mainly worried about preventing the drowning of their low-lying crop lands. The
first dike was built in 1699 in the Pynchon Meadows. The so-called Maple Street (now
Conz Street) dike was built sometime in the late 1800’s and operated by an entity called
the Northampton Dike Co. The river was first diverted and re-channeled circa 1710. At
approximately the current intersection of Pleasant Street (Route 5) and Conz Street, it
was redirected from a westerly direction (around the base of Fort Hill) to a southerly
direction, into the Connecticut River.
The Mill River in flood time was especially dangerous when it teamed up with its
big brother, the Connecticut, such as occurred disastrously in the back-to-back floods of
1936 and 1938 (the latter exacerbated by a hurricane). Some 2,000 people were
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 3
evacuated as a result of the ’36 flood which turned many city streets into canals and did
extensive damage throughout the city center.
It was in response to these events that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1939-
40 undertook a major flood control project which included cutting off the flow of Mill
River through the downtown.
A dike just downstream from the West Street Bridge at the Smith College power
plant (formerly the site of MacAllum’s Hosiery) diverted the river from a southeasterly to
a westerly direction. The stream was redirected through a newly dug channel to connect
at the Old Oxbow with its old bed. It flows southerly through the Pynchon Meadows and
empties into the Manhan River.
As part of this same flood control project, across town near the southeasterly
meadows, the Army Corps constructed a pump station off Hockanum Road (near where
the sewage treatment plant is now) and a 4,800 -foot dike that runs from the south end of
Pomeroy Terrace south and then west, crossing Route 5, to Lyman Road.
There were both gains and losses to the city netted from the 1940 Mill River
diversion and from the subsequent installation of storm mains and the filling in of
roughly two-thirds of the estimated 1.3 miles of discontinued stream bed.
There was the obvious gain of flood control. There also was a net gain of valuable
center city land made available for public and commercial development which eventually
included parking lots, a recreational field ( the 7.84-acre Veterans Field on West Street),
and some new commercial buildings.
Meanwhile, the one-third of the stream bed that was never filled in has become
wild, some of it in a deleterious way. It is impenetrable thicket in some places and in
others an unattractive, overgrown, occasionally trash-infested drainage ditch full of
stagnant or slow moving water - much of it run-off from city streets, and some of it
looking like sewage. In places it stinks and is infested with mosquitoes.
The Vision of a Restored Historic Mill River
EVOLUTION OF THE VISION: “The idea of having a park along the river bed
is not a new one,” wrote the late local historian Alice Manning in 1977 in one of her
many columns on local history which appeared Daily Hampshire Gazette. “Agitation
for…a beauty spot along the river to be called ‘Paradise Park’“ first began in the 1880’s,
she reported, without elaborating.
A half century later in 1934, one Gerald Stanley Lee, “author and lecturer,”
advocated for converting the Mill River corridor from Pleasant to West Street from what
he called “a sleazy sewer stringing itself shamelessly through the very heart of our fair
city” into a trailway to be named “Calvin Coolidge Riverpath Park,” Manning reported.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 4
In more recent years, the importance of the abandoned Mill River corridor as a
greenway has been discussed in various city planning projects and documents. Upgrading
of the streambed also fits with a variety of the city’s major planning goals including those
summarized in Northampton Vision 2020, a visioning document with broad-based
community input that outlines a consensus on community goals for the next 20 years,
adopted in June, 1999. (See box: Planning history.)
Meanwhile there have been improvements made in the Historic Mill River
corridor. Some of these are directly related to an ongoing project to develop a network of
bike paths, mostly on old rail way right-of-ways, within the city and the region. (See box:
Redevelopment in the Corridor to Date.)
THE VISION: The vision for the Historic Mill River that informs this project
has at its centerpiece the restoration of a controlled level of flow into the historic channel,
thus making the river in its passage through the city center once again a living presence.
It is a millennial vision in the utopian sense of the word. The river which historically
served the community as a utility will continue to serve it as an amenity, as an ornament,
and as a unifying factor.
There are multiple recreational, aesthetic, cultural and economic benefits to be
derived from the realization of this vision:
Strengthen the core: The restoration of the Historic Mill River will both
practically and psychologically enlarge the geographical boundary of the city’s already
vibrant central business district. As planning documents for a quarter century have
pointed out: the stronger the core the stronger the city.
A unifying factor: The restoration would provide an attractive amenity that
encourages walking within and around the center of the city and walking - and biking-
from contingent residential neighborhoods into and out of the center, thus helping to
“unify” the city, in the words of the city planner.
Recreation and alternative transportation: A river running beside bike path(s)
will only encourage more use of these paths not only for recreation but also as an
alternative means of transportation. It is expected, for instance, that people who
eventually live and/or work in the Village at Hospital Hill - a mixed use neighborhood
being planned for 125 acres at the former Northampton State Hospital on Route 66 (West
Street) - or those wishing to visit or shop at the new Village will be encouraged to use the
bike path in the old river/railroad corridor to commute to and from downtown.
Cultural enrichment: This project also promises a cultural benefit through a
renewed public appreciation of the city’s industrial legacy. The assessment of the
Brownfield sites will, in addition to providing information pertinent to environmental and
health concerns, cast new light upon the industrial and commercial history of the
riverway. The process of unearthing and presenting some of this history to the public is
one more advantage of the project. (See history).
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 5
Health and environment: A regular flow of water through the historic channel
would mean less stagnant water to serve as mosquito breeding ground and would serve to
flush out of tainted water from street run-off.
Economic benefit: Restoration of the historic stream also presents economic
development opportunities by making certain undeveloped or underdeveloped properties
more attractive for investment, as described further on in this report.
Mill River Restoration
Planning history
Redevelopment of the corridor of the abandoned stream bed of the Mill River for
recreation, for improved circulation in the downtown and as an economic stimulus has
been addressed in various past city planning studies, including:
• The Pleasant/River Redevelopment Project, May, 1975, prepared by the
Northampton Redevelopment Authority as an outgrowth of the 1972 Comprehensive
Plan (which created the office of planning and development and identified the
important of the downtown as “the civic and economic heart of the community). The
Bike Path (Planned)
Mill River
Historic Mill RiverHistoric Mill River
Mill River
Bike Path (Planned)
Northampton Waste Water Treatment Plant
Former Northampton Dike
Nagle Walkway
Veterans Field Recreational Area
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 6
focus was on making the Central Business District a better place to live and to
revitalize downtown.
• The Resource Team Report for Northampton, Mass., 1981, done by the National
Main Street Center of the Trust for Historic Preservation.
• The City of Northampton, Mass., Downtown Business Area, Commercial
Revitalization District (CARD), 1980, which addressed revitalization of established
commercial districts.
• The Mayor’s Task Force on Land Use and Development, Final Report, 1986
which included findings and recommendations on housing, economic development
and natural resources and set as a goal “to integrate public and private improvements
into the downtown area so as to complement the unique character and appearance of
the area….”
• The Strategic Plan for Resource Conservation, 1987 by Lozano, White &
Associates which addressed the preservation of ecological resources as well as
• The Mill River Revitalization Plan, Northampton, Massachusetts, 1999, a project
of a landscape planning class in the Department of Landscape Architecture and
Regional Planning at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst is a study of the full
extent of the Mill River from Williamsburg to Northampton, which includes a focus
on the abandoned section through downtown Northampton which the study terms
“The Lost River.”
• Several of the goals and objectives listed in Northampton Vision 20/20, 1999, a
document based on extensive citizen input that outlines future directions for planning
and development in the city, relate to the Historic Mill River restoration project.
Among these are the goals of “compact development patterns that encourage walking
and biking” and encouraging walking and bicycling as part of a “multi-modal
transportation system”; business development in the urban core and in areas with
access to parking; linking conservation districts; providing recreation, conservation
and open space opportunities; reuse of brownfield sites; and preservation of cultural
and architectural history.
• City of Northampton, Open Space and Recreation Plan: 2000-2004 which makes
reference to a “downtown greenbelt” as part of larger “Mill River Greenway.”
Recent redevelopment efforts in the corridor
Redevelopment of properties in the Historic Mill River corridor over the past quarter
century have included:
The Roundhouse area: The site of a gasification facility operated by the Northampton
Gas Light Co. has been redeveloped for various uses: a municipal parking lot; conversion
of the former gas works office and storage building into municipal offices (1962);
conversion of the gas processing facility (the round building) and connected gas holder
into offices (private project completed in 1986); reconstruction and expansion of former
gas company garages into a bus station with retail and office space (1984).
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 7
The brick industrial building at 53 Clark Avenue was converted to residential
condomiums in 1988.
The Maplewood Shops retail complex at the intersection of Conz Street and Old South
Street, were constructed starting in 1979.
Randolph Place, a condominium off Pleasant Street that backs onto a section of open
channel of the Historic Mill River,was constructed in 1987.
Millbank II condominiums off Pleasant Street between Michaelman Avenue and (the
former) Pound Avenue, now Millbank Avenue, built in 1987, also overlook an open
channel of the Historic Mill River. A non-profit organization committed to affordable
housing has purchased the condominiums with plans to add an additional 10-unit
condominium, Millbank III. The organization has granted an easement to the city
guaranteeing public access to the stream over their property.
There has been a variety of development within the Service Center special
industrial district over these years.
In 1989, the 2,100-foot William P. Nagle Sr. Walkway was constructed. This is a
landscaped bituminous path running from Main and Strong streets at the east end of
downtown, south alongside the old railroad depot, then west across Pleasant Street and
continuing westerly adjacent to an open stretch of the old stream bed from Pleasant
Street to the South Street parking lot. This was built in 1989, funded in part by a
Massachusetts Urban Self Help Grant.
Several parts of the original walkway plan were never built, including an overlook
onto the stream bed and a non-bituminous path that would have followed the open
stream bed southeast from the Maplewood Shops to the Millbank condominiums and the
Service Center special industrial district. This path was to include two bridges across the
stream bred. Neighborhood opposition squelched this part of the plan.
The bikepath network: The Nagle Walkway also serves as part of an extensive
network of bike paths evolving within the city and the region.
It will eventually connect on both ends to new bike paths now in advanced planning
In the spring of 2002, the city completed the purchase from Massachusetts Electric of
easements to two sections of right-of -way of the former New Haven Northampton
Railroad, both of which will be reconstructed as bike paths.
One section (which will eventually tie in with the west end of the walkway) runs east-
west along an embankment parallel to the Historic Mill River stream bed from the
southwest corner of the Roundhouse parking lot beneath the South Street Bridge west
past Veterans Field, past the Felt Building, past he Smith College physical plant office
and power plant, and on to the south portion of the former Northampton State Hospital
property almost to Route 10. At Route 10, the new bikepath will join with the
Easthampton bike path now under development..
From the Roundhouse to Smith College, this old rail bed has for years has been used as
an informal “unsanctioned” dirt pathway for strollers and bikers.
The second section where the city now has an easement runs from the north end of the
Nagle Walkway at Main Street north parallel to King Street to 203 King St. (Wendy’s
Hamburgers) where there will be a connection to the existing city bike path.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 8
Design work for the King Street section is due to be completed in the fall of 2002 by
Huntley and Associates. Design of the Roundhouse-to-Route 10 section is due to be
completed by the spring of 2003 by McDonough and Scully.
The steps
Early planning for the Historic Mill River Corridor Restoration project is preceding
in phases. This preliminary redevelopment plan was the first step in the project and was
designed to create an outline of the entire many-year project. As part of this plan, the
Office of Planning and Development, working with grant funded consultants, updated
our electronic mapping database of the corridor and created a series of maps to
understand, plan, and illustrate the project. In addition, the project included the
1. Historic Environmental Analysis/Hazardous Release Investigation
The realization of the vision begins with the hard and detailed work of assessing sites for
possible past contamination, identifying responsible parties where contamination is
found, and beginning planning for remediation. The Historic Environmental Analysis
is a historical assessment of contamination or possible contamination at various sites
within the abandoned section of the river corridor. This work has been performed by
Tighe & Bond, Inc., under the state Municipal Brownfields Grant Program, Spring,
The sites is likely to have some environmental contamination, possibly within the
historic stream bed itself, including in sedimentation and in fill, and certainly in the
Roundhouse parking lot and plaza which was the site of a gasification facility and coal
storage areas belonging to the Northampton Gas Light Co. (1856-1951).
The Roundhouse parking lot has already been examined (Metcalfe & Eddy,
January, 2002) and the findings have been documented in the resulting “Targeted
Brownfields Assessment” of the Roundhouse parking lot. Based on several soil samples
taken, some contamination of the area was verified. The Bay State Gas Co., the last
owner before the city, has accepted responsibility for some of this contamination.
Several points in the stream channel have been identified for initial assessment,
especially adjacent to:
• The Felt Building at 136 West St., formerly home to National Felt Co. and, reportedly
before that, of the MacAllum Hosiery Co.;
• Smith College physical plant and power plant;
• Veterans Field;
• Clark Avenue condominiums, a former factory building with a rich history of uses. Its
former uses include a wire factory, two print shops, a hat shop, and a printmaker’s
Other possible candidates for study include:
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 9
• The Service Center special industrial district between Conz and Pleasant Street, site
of the former Williams Manufacturing Co., a basket manufacturer.
• On the west edge of the South Street parking lot, the site of a former railroad depot
with coal sheds. Where the Northampton Brewery (at 11 Brewster Court) is today is
said to have been previously owned by Kimball & Cary fuel dealers, later bought by
the Whiting fuel company. Also, just off the west side of the Nagle Walkway on the
east edge of the parking lot, the remnants of an area where coal was washed.
2. A full environmental analysis (Phase I, Phase II) as a follow-up to the preliminary
analysis, began in the fall of 2002 and will be completed in the summer of 2005,
with funding from the U.S. EPA Brownfields Pilot Program.
3. A full environmental analysis (Phase I, Phase II, Phase III) of all contamination
from the former Round House Manufactured Gas Plant (coal gasification), funded
by Bay State Gas, the responsible party for this contamination.
4. Environmental Cleanup, if needed, will depend on the findings of the
environmental analysis. As part of this work, the city will attempt to identify
potentially responsible parties (PRPs), who have a legal obligation to cleanup or
cap whatever contamination is found that needs to be mitigated.
5. Survey by Huntley Associates, spring 2002, is a survey of existing storm water
sewers that feed into the stream bed and of the existing storm drainage mains
within the stream bed, plus preliminary topographic mapping in preparation for
more detailed planning, site assessment, engineering, and restoration of portions
of the river channel.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 10
Environmental Concerns
6. Feasibility Analysis, Engineering, and Restoration of sections of the historic
river bed.
Rehabilitation of the historic streambed prepares the way for the restoration of
stream flow. Flow will be reintroduced into the discontinued stream bed by engineering
a controlled opening in the dike at West Street, possibly incorporating radio telemetry so
as to insure that the stream is kept confined to the limits of the stream bed and/or pipes
where pipes remain.
Some existing pipes will be removed. It is anticipated that two-thirds of the
stretch will be open stream when all is said and done, compared to one-third now.
Grants for engineering work and for river restoration will be sought from the
Army Corps of Engineers, which has a program for restoration of urban waterways which
funds up to 75 percent of costs for projects where the Corps was involved previously in
re-channeling of streams
Historic Mill River Corridor
Veterans Field Recreational Area
City Parking Lot
Roundhouse Parking Lot
Nagle Walkway
Former Northampton Dike
Northampton Waste Water Treatment Plant
Northampton Dike System
Bike Path (Planned)
Mill River
Historic Mill River
500 0 500 1000 Feet
Date: 29-Nov-2001
Author: jt
Revision: 0
File: z:\projects\public\environmental\
City-owned Parcels
Parcel DesignationA
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 11
Exactly which pipes would be removed and exactly where the restored stream
will be visible cannot be determined until a feasibility study is completed, followed by
design work and a full permitting process.
However, it is envisioned that there will be four main stretches of “scenic
waterway”: (a) starting at the west end of the abandoned historic stream bed at the Smith
College power plant to the westerly side of Veterans Field; (b) from a point east of
Veterans Field to Old South Street; (c) from the Maplewood Shops to the Millbank
condominiums (where the city will have obtained easements for access to the stream
bed), and (d) from Pleasant Street easterly and flowing between Hockanum Road and the
city treatment plant to the pumping station at the dike.
While both ( c ) an (d) are now mostly open channel, there are two short sections
that currently are buried in underground pipe which are candidates for being opened up:
one just east of Millbank condominiums and one immediately east of Pleasant Street
(Route 5).
7. Economic opportunity areas
Restoration of the river just east of Pleasant Street near Hockanum Road would
likely be done as part of the development of a “gateway park” at that location, an idea
which has been aired at community meetings and has received strong community
support, including from the Northampton Rotary Club.
Such a “gateway” would effectively demarcate a new “beginning of the
downtown,” in the words of the city planner- expanding the radius of what is considered
“downtown,” thereby opening up economic development opportunities.
Specific, currently vacant and/or underutilized sites likely to become more
promising for commercial development as a result of the restoration of the river corridor
• Two undeveloped parcels in the Service Center complex: one west across Pleasant
Street from the Hockanum-Pleasant Street “gateway” and another on the south bank
of the stream bed directly across from the Millbank condominiums.
• Several properties on Fulton Street.
• In the Roundhouse complex, there have been proposals put forward in the past to
develop the air rights above the parking lot for office and apartments, an idea that
becomes more economically compelling with restoration of the adjacent stream.
In the spring of 2002, a committee formed to study possible sites for a new senior
center in Northampton put the Roundhouse lot on its short list.
• Vacant land on the southerly bank of the stream across from the Round house parking
• The air rights above the South Street parking lot.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 12
8. Outreach
Community outreach by the city Office of Planning and Development and its
consultants was aimed both at gathering information pertinent to history of the sites and
raising public awareness of the Historic Mill River corridor as a community asset.
Seven hundred flyers were distributed to all abutters of the Historic Mill River
corridor. Outreach coordinator for the project, Bruce Young, meet with numerous
business and residential neighbors to discuss the plan. Wayne Feiden, Planning Director,
met and spoke with numerous more business and residential abutters.
Eight citizens and Ward 4 City Councilor Rita Bleiman attended a public
information meeting on the project held June 12, 2002 in City Hall during which Wayne
Feiden, the director of the Office of Planning and Development, introduced the project
and received comments and questions.
Feiden said that people who own property in the historic corridor will at some
point be asked if they wish their properties to be tested by the city for hazardous
materials. The benefit would be their having the testing done for free. The risk would be
that any contamination is found would have to be reported.
Generally speaking, based on comments heard at the meeting and some heard in
the field, public opinion about the project appears to be mixed at the outset.
People seem to find the “vision’ of a restored Historic Mill River interesting,
while at the same time some question how practical or affordable it is, especially at a
time of economic retraction and shrinking tax revenues.
Property owners in the river corridor are clearly concerned about how their
property values might be affected. They are nervous about what the discovery of
contamination in the corridor might mean to them in terms of property values or liability.
Flooding remains a concern of abutters to the currently open stream bed, Some of
them complain that the stream is even now prone to sudden flooding in times of heavy
rain when it receives the outfall from many city storm drains.
On the other hand, people are hopeful that a steady regulated flow through the
stream bed will flush out contaminates and eliminate stagnant and smelly pools which
breed mosquitoes.
The homeowners at the Clark Street condominium support the project mainly
because they prefer a stream and a bike/walking path out their back doors to the
construction of a roadway along the old railroad right-of-way such as has been proposed
in the past.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 13
Some of the questions and concerns about the project heard at the meeting or
otherwise conveyed to the planning department to date coupled with brief responses from
the planning department - are as follows:
• Will this project increase the risk of flooding in the historic channel? No, because the
technology exists to regulate the inflow.
• How was it decided which points in the stream bed should be looked at initially as
part of the first phase review of records to determine where contamination is likely? -
- Land which the city owns or where it has easements was preferred. So were
locations considered at highest risk. A third criterion had to do with the identification
of possible responsible parties who might eventually help pay for clean-up.
Because of limited funds, the study is to be done in “bite sized chunks,” said Feiden.
• What happens if contamination is found? -- Abutters will be notified. Any health
risks found will be addressed.
• If contamination is found, will the soil be dug up and removed? Not necessarily.
Sometimes an impervious covering, like parking lot blacktop, which prevents
leaching of the contaminants, is the best solution.
• Is street run-off considered hazardous? -- Some of it, such as anti-freeze.
• Is private property being contaminated from run-off from city streets? -- This is
possible, although the city is gradually reducing this hazard as it replaces old storm
water pipes and outfalls with new structures that are required to meet stiffer standards
for water quality.
• Shouldn’t correcting that problem take priority over restoring the stream? --
Increasing the flow of fresh water in the stream bed will help to flush out the channel.
• Does the project include any land taking or demolition of buildings? -- That is not in
the plan.
• Given the lack of upkeep by the city evident in such public places as the Nagle
Walkway and the “unsanctioned” foot and bike path that runs from South Street to
Veterans Field, what assurances are there that a restored riverway will be properly
maintained?-- Volunteer efforts with coordination and some practical assistance from
the city are the best route to go for maintenance in times of limited resources. The
experience of converting old railroad rights of way to public “rail trails” suggests that
appreciative users pitch in to help with upkeep.
• The city currently uses land under the South Street bridge at the east end of the
Roundhouse parking lot to dump snow tainted with road salt in wintertime. --True.
And this is an environmental issue.
• Homeowners at the Clark Street condominium are concerned about losing
cottonwood and locust trees growing in the river channel that in spring and summer
screen their view of the new Smith College parking garage on West Street and the
light pollution that comes from there. -- Trees growing in the center of the stream bed
are likely to be removed, but those on the sides may be kept.
There were at one time a many as 55 mills located on the banks of the 10-mile long
Mill River proper from its headwaters in Williamsburg to where it joins the Connecticut
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 14
River in Northampton, according to a study called the Mill River Revitalization Plan
done by graduate students in regional planning and landscape architecture at UMass.
While the city villages of Leeds, Florence and Bay State are perhaps better known for
their riverside industry, there was also significant industrial activity at the river’s edge in
the city center.
Key industrial sites included:
• the Maynard (Shovel and) Hoe Works located where the dam is on the Smith College
campus at the outlet of Paradise Pond and near the present Smith College Faculty
Club. On the 1895 map, College Avenue turned into what is called “Factory Street”
where the road follows the stream south towards West Street.
• the power plant operated by Smith College (labeled the West Street Substation of
Massachusetts Electric), located at the West Street bridge at College Avenue , also
near a railroad bridge. This is the point where the river used to bend sharply east
towards the downtown but in 1940 was diverted by a dike to a new westerly-running
channel. The plant used to operate on coal but currently runs on oil and gas. This area
was known as Welch’s End, where settlers first arrived from Westfield.
• MacAllum Hosiery, where the current Smith College physical plant offices and the
Felt Building at 136 West St. are now located. After MacAllum’s, it became the
National Felt Co. The Felt Building was converted in the 1990’s to commercial
• The Clark Avenue factory building, converted to condominiums in 1988, formerly
contained a variety of enterprises including a wire mill, the Metcalfe Printing Co., a
linotype shop which served Metcalfe’s (referred to by a neighborhood resident as
Mrs. Whittaker’s printing shop, where racing forms were printed), Dottie Cohen’s hat
shop running the full length of the second floor (referred to by this same neighbor),
and at the east end, where a four bay garage used to be as old by a series of wide
arches, the famed printmaker Leonard Baskin’s workshop.
• The Northampton Gas Light Co. (1855-1951), a coal gasification plant that used to
provide gas for city streetlights, located on the former rail bed between Old South and
New South streets.
• The Northampton and New Haven Railroad depot on what is now Hampton Avenue.
The 1895 map shows various coal sheds, a store house and a water works. One
longtime neighborhood resident says that where the Brewery now is used to be Cary
& Kimball fuel dealers, later sold to Whiting. He points out a place on the south side
of the old rail bed (now the Nagle Walkway) where two beams jut above the old
stream bed, and says that’s where they washed the coal.
Residents remember both the former Meadow Street bridge that spanned the
stream in this area and a tunnel under the railroad tracks that connected Meadow
Street (Conz Street) and the downtown.
Others remember a railroad turntable here.
• Where the Service Center special industrial district is now between Conz and
Pleasant, and located right on the river, was the Williams Manufacturing Co.,
apparently a basket manufacturer. The Northampton Book says it started in 1862, and
in the 1880’s was said to be producing 10,000 baskets a day, supposedly the biggest
such factory in the world.
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 15
Mill River: 12,000 years before the current era to 1710
hypothetical reconstruction of Mill River channel
from I-91 ramp to sewage treatment plant
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 16
Mill River: 1710 to 1940
Historic Mill River 1895 - 1998
Historic Mill River corridor showing:
2002 property lines
MassGIS orthographic image (c. 1998)
1895 Northampton Street Atlas path of Mill River
old dike
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250
Historic Mill River Redevelopment Plan: Page 17
Additional project-related work products:
1. Survey by Huntley Associates, PC, showing the river, culverts, property line, and
topography, along the project path.
2. Historic Site Assessment by Tighe and Bond, identifying the industrial historic
and an understanding of the risks of environmental releases along the corridor.