421 N Main St Asbestos Abatement 7-8-20 #100329724Lam 4 AerErwtronmsntai PO BOX 929 NOR.THBORO, MA, 01532 ereg@Aerotecasbestosremoval.com PHONE: 978-375-9534 FAX: 508-393-3365 ATT : BOH Fax : 413-587-1.221 FROM: Greg Harding DATE: 6/812020 PAGES: L'd 99£££6£809 oeloaey utd6Z LOZOZ9Zunr EDWARD T KOLODZIEJ a. Name of Project MonRor 9 ATCGROUPSERVICES INC a. Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab 10. 7/0/2020 a. Project $!art Date (MM1DD1YYYY) ANIM1905 L---- & DLS Certification AA000005 b. DLS Certification ti I 7/10/2020 b. End Date (NIMIDD/YYYY) 5AM 9PM 5AM 9PM c, VVork Hours- Monday Through Friday--- d. Work Hours - Saturday & 11.. What type of project is this? r a. Demolition g b. Renovation r— c. Repair r d. Other -Please Specify: Paeo I of e, d 9g££E6££0s oat o.lav wd6Z' l OZOZ BZ unr Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 1100ii29724 BWP .AQ 04 (ANF -001) q As'b sYos Project #� - Asbestos Notification Fonn j-` roject Revision i ject Cancellation A. Asbestos Abatement Description 1. Facility Location: NORTHAMPTON VAMC 421 N MAIN ST Instructions 1. All a. Name of Facility b. Street Address suctions of this form NORTHAAIFTON MA 01053 4136444040 must be completed In order to comply with C. Ciry/Town d. State o. Zip Code L Telephone MassDEP notification JOSEE GOLDIN COTAR requirements of 310 — CMR 7.15 and g• Facility Contact Person Name h. Facility Contact Person Tide Department of Labor Worltzite Location: BLDG#1 RM 2160,1265D, Standards (DLS) -------- nogliication t Builtling Name, Wing, Floor, Room, et . requirements of 453 2. Is the facility occupied? Ir a. Yes r b, No CNIR 6.12 3. Is this a fee exempt notification (city, town, district, municipal housing authori , state facility, or owner -occupied residential property of four units or less)? R a. Yes r' b. No k1assDEP Use Only 4. Blanket Permit Project Approval, if applicable: Usla Received Approval ID # 5. Non -Traditional Asbestus Abatement Work Practice Approval, if applicable: Approve! 10 #� b. Asbcstos Contractor. AERO TECH EN\4RONM5tiTA- 163 RICE AVE a. Name b, Address t �� NORTHBCRCUGH MA 01532 °763759534i a CityTown � � d. State e. Zip Code I. Telephone AGOOD921 h. Contract Type: w 1, Written r 2. Verbal g. DLS License # 7 ANDERSON MARTINEZ -� A8002444 a. Name of Contractors On -Site Supervisor/Foreman bi DLS Cert!ficatlon EDWARD T KOLODZIEJ a. Name of Project MonRor 9 ATCGROUPSERVICES INC a. Name of Asbestos Analytical Lab 10. 7/0/2020 a. Project $!art Date (MM1DD1YYYY) ANIM1905 L---- & DLS Certification AA000005 b. DLS Certification ti I 7/10/2020 b. End Date (NIMIDD/YYYY) 5AM 9PM 5AM 9PM c, VVork Hours- Monday Through Friday--- d. Work Hours - Saturday & 11.. What type of project is this? r a. Demolition g b. Renovation r— c. Repair r d. Other -Please Specify: Paeo I of e, d 9g££E6££0s oat o.lav wd6Z' l OZOZ BZ unr Massachiisetts Department of Environmental Protection ".l0 I"32972 4 �,- — WP � Q 04 (ATNF'—OOT.) 1 Asbestos Nati cation Form lis �esto6 Project it f rojectRevision i roject Cmlecilation A. Asbestos Abatement Description: (cons.) 12. Abatement procedures (check all that apply): V a. Glove Bag 7 b. Encapsulation r" c. Enclosure F d. Disposal Only j'- c. P f. Full Containment F- g. Other - Please Specify: 13, Job is being conducted: F a. Indoors r- b. Outdoors 14 a, Total amount of each type of asbestos Containing materials (ACT[) to be encapsulated: 1. Linear Feet (Lin. Ft ) b. Boner; Broaching, Duct, Tank Surface Coatings 1, Lin. Ft z. Sq. Ft. d. Pipe lasulaurna 'f. Spray -On Fireproofing h. Cloths, Woven. Fabrics J, insulating Cement 1. Lm. Ft. 2. Sq. Ft. 1. Lm. Ft, 2. Sq. FL 1. Lin. Ft. ' 2. Sq. Ft. 1. Lin, Ft 2. Sq. Ft. 15. Describe the decontamination systems) to be used: 3 CHAMBER WASH BUCKET 260 2. Scpare Feet (Sq. F t%) c. Tramite Pipa e. Transite Shingles g. Transite Panels i. Other - Please Specify: FT, MASTIC enclosed, or 1. Lin. Ft. 16. Describe the comainerizanon/disposal methods to comply with 310 CMF. 7.15 and I 6 MILL DOUBLE BAG 17, For Emergency Asbestos Operatic n.% the MassDEP and DLS officials who a. Name of MassDEP Official It. Title of MassDEP Official r.. Date of Authorization (M MIDDNYYY) _ d, Wawarft e. Name of DLS OfficialM.� f. Title of Sq, Ft. 260 Ft. 2. Sq. Ft. 3 CMR 6.14(2) the emergency: 9. Date of Nuthorization (MMIDDNYYv) jl 16. Do prevailing wage rates as per M.G.L. e. 149, § 26, 27 or 27A F apply to this ro- a• Yes 1M b. No project? xevlsea: I U iX21) Li II Page 2 of 4 6"d 99£££^0£809 oe_L oaey u1d6Z:1 OZOZ 9Z unl' Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ---- IO $29724BWP AQ 04 (ANF -001) ^� A�bi sro5njeDt# Asbestos Notification Form J roject Revision :T roject Cancellation B. Facility Description 1. Current or prior use of facility: Plots: 7omporary slorage of Asbestos containing waste material is only a!lewec attire place of businsss of n DLS Ilconsed Asbestos contractor or a transfer satlon tha: is pormltted by IdassDEP and operated in compliance with Solid Wast. Rogalagons 310 CMR 19.D00 HOSPITAL 2. Is the facility owner -occupied residential with 4 units or less? IF a. Yes iW b. No 3 NORTHAMPTON VAMC J _ 421 N MAIN ST ^, a. Facility Owner Name b. Address NORTiA IPTON MA 01053 4138444040 c. Cityfrown d. State e. Zip Code f. Telephone A NA NA a. Name of Facility Owner's On -Site Manager b. Address NA MA 00000 a arfirown — a. sista e.Zip code S AEROTEC 163 RICE AVE a. Name of General Contractor b. Address NOR-1H80RQli c- Cilyfrowr ACE g. fontradt< 656200 6. what is the size of this facility? 0000000D00 MA 01015 9787553534 d. state e. Zip Cade LTolophone� 5512021 1800 2 a. square Feet — b. # of Floors C. Asbestos Transportation & Disposal 1. Transporter of asbestos -containing waste malarial from site of generation: i a Directly to Landfill or r7 b. To Temporary Storage Locatioid'Fransfar AERO TEC ENVIRONMEr.'TAL c. Name of Transporter NORTHBOROUGH VA e. Cityrrown f. State 163 RICE AVE d. Address 01532 9783759534 g.Zip Code h. Telephone 2. If a temporary storage location/transfer station is used, list name of transporter of ash estos containing waste material from temporary storage location/transfer station to final disposal site: RT. 173 PICKCRING ST a. Name of Transporter b. Address PORTLAND Cr 06480 8604211324 c. City/Town d. Stale e. "Lip Code f. Telephone 13 Page 3 014 t'd 59£££6£809 09-L 0.10V wdo£ L OZOZg?, Ung Massachusetts )Department of Environmental Protection �— -- BWP AQ � � As stas Q4 (ANF -001) Aa s testes Project # Asbestos Notification Forth r xoject Revision �— xoject Cancellation C. .Asbestos Transportation & Disposal: (cont.) 3. Name and address of temporary storage location/transfer station for the asbestos con aining waste material: NA NA a. Temporary Storage Location Name b. Address _ NA MA 00000 0000000000 0. Cityfrown _ d. State e. lip Code f. Telephone— --------- -- - 4. Name and location of Gaal disposal sits (asbestos landfill): MINERVAFNMRP )ICF MINERVAINV a. Final Disposal Site Name b, final Disposal Site Owner Name 90DO MINERVA RD c. Address WAYNESPERG OH 44636 d. CltyrTown z. State I. Trp Cade Note: Contractor must sign this form for DL5 notification purposes D. Certification "I certify that I have personally examined the foregoing and am familiar with the information contained in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those Individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including possible fines and imprisonment. The undersigned hereby states that I have read the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations governing asbestos abatement (453 CMR 6.00 promulgated by the Department of Labor Standards and 310 CMR 7.15 promulgated by the Department of Environmental Protection), and that I am aware that this permit application or notification shall not be deemed valid unless payment or the applicable fee is made." J cod gg£££6£809 GREGHARD'ING 3308663436 g. tetapnone CkA N FR 6/25/2020 3. Position?tie 9783759534 4. Date (M AERO TEC 5. Telephone 163 RICE AVE S. Repress NORTHBC 7, Address MA F city/Tov 01532 9, state 10. Zip Cc 11 Page 4 of 4 091OJOV wdl£I;OZOZ4Zunr