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pdf of PPT Presentation 606552 NOI Continuance 2020 04 23- FINALProject Update I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR, and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Conservation Commission Meeting Via Zoom on-line meeting App, due to COVID-19 April 23, 2020 | 5:30 PM •Paul King – MassDOT Project Manager –Robert Natario – MassDOT District 2 Environmental •Haris Awal – Parsons Project Manager, Design Consultant –Steven Cronkite – Parsons Planner, Design Consultant –Cory Grayburn – Parsons Planner, Design Consultant I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Introduction I-91 at Exit 18 and Hockanum Road Limits of Work Project Area I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 I-91 at Exit 18 and Hockanum Road Limits of Work Project Area I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 I-91 at Exit 18 and Hockanum Road Limits of Work Project Area I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Changes since the original NOI submittal on December 24, 2019 and the Conservation Commission Meeting on January 23, 2020 Project Updates I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 What Changed Original NOI Submittal Updated NOI Soil Test Report for Bioretention Ponds Not included. Included. I-91 Bioretention Pond Design No underdrain. Existing trees not mapped. Underdrain added. Existing trees surveyed, avoided where possible. Route 5 Bioretention Pond Design No underdrain. Underdrain added. Flood Storage Compensation Area Designed based on available survey; survey update was in progress. Design revised based on updated survey. Landscaping Minimal landscaping proposed. Additional landscaping proposed and shown on dedicated landscaping sheet. Project Updates I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Impacts & Mitigation Original NOI Submittal Updated NOI Comments Wetlands (BVW) Impact (s.f.) 174 Perm. 8,688 Temp. 174 Perm. 8,688 Temp.No Change. Wetlands (BVW) Creation (s.f.) 215 215 No Change. BLSF (s.f.)24,695 33,688 Increased due to base mapping updates. Flood Storage Impact (c.y.) 1,640 1,874 Increased due to base mapping updates. Flood Storage Creation (c.y.)1,793 1,897 Increased by adding a retaining wall. Resource & Mitigation Overview Map I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 I-91 Bioretention Pond I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 I-91 Bioretention Pond - Detail I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 US Route 5 Bioretention Pond I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 US Route 5 Bioretention Pond - Detail I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Flood Storage Compensation Area I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Flood Storage Compensation Area - Detail I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 I-91 over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 MA WPA Resource Impacts & Mitigation Bordering Land Subject to Flooding (BLSF) and Flood Storage Volume Elevation (range, in feet) Route 5 Embankment Fill (cubic yards) Proposed Compensation (cubic yards) Net flood storage increase (decrease) 122.3-122 335.7 26.5 -309.1 122-121 1074.5 78.5 -996.0 121-120 154.5 61.9 -92.6 120-119 128.6 82.0 -46.6 119-118 89.0 115.0 26.1 118-117 48.3 194.6 146.3 117-116 20.6 185.0 164.4 116-115 11.1 201.4 190.3 115-114 6.7 218.0 211.3 114-113 3.6 236.4 232.8 113-112 1.1 206.9 205.9 112-111 0.5 290.5 289.9 Total (Cu. yd):1874.0 1896.6 22.7 The project will fill approximately 33,688 square feet of BLSF in order to widen the US Route 5 roadway, and will create approximately 11,880 square feet of new BLSF. The project will displace approximately 1,874 cubic yards of flood storage below the 100-year flood elevation 123.0 feet NGVD29 (122.3 feet NAVD88) (the 100-year flood elevation) in order to widen the US Route 5 roadway embankment. Proposed fill and compensation volumes, by 1-foot elevation increment: Landscape Plan I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Landscape Plan - Detail I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 • NEPA Categorical Exclusion - complete • MEPA ENF – Submitted to the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs on April 1, 2020 and published in the Environmental Monitor on April 22, 2020. • Section 106 (Historic/Cultural resources) – no impacts. (Bridges found ‘not eligible’). • MA WPA NOI submitted to Con Comm for wetland impact & mitigation. Update at 4/23 Continuance: additional fee, soils testing, survey updates, design revisions. • Section 401 WQC submitted to MassDEP Jan. 2020. In review; and updates have been provided to MassDEP. • Section 404 Permit – SV to be submitted to ACOE. • Rare Species review complete including NLEB (bat) coordination. • NPDES Construction General Permit eNOI to be submitted to EPA after Contractor is selected. • Section 408 review -- coordination with ACOE regarding flood control levee – completed. I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Environmental Permitting Project Schedule Conservation Committee Meeting January 23, 2020 Conservation Committee Meeting April 23, 2020 100% Design Submittal May 2020 Construction Starts Fall 2020 I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Paul King, MassDOT Project Manager; Cell: 617-939-6915 I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552 Contact Information Thank You Q&A Conservation Commission Meeting Via Zoom on-line meeting App, due to COVID-19 April 23, 2020 | 5:30 PM I-91 Bridge Replacement over U.S. Route 5, B&M RR, and Hockanum Road Northampton | Project File No. 606552