HERS-1024 19 Higgins Way - RESNET Standard DisclosureRESNET HOME ENERGY 16� 1W RATING Standard Disclosure LNkKLI L] LNU For home(s) located at: 19 Higgins Way, Northampton, MA Check the applicable disclosure(s) in accordance with the instructions on the reverse of this page: Wil. The Rater or the Rater's employer is receiving a fee for providing the rating on this home. E]2_ In addition to the rating, the Rater or the Rater's employer has also provided the following consulting services for this home: E[A. Mechanical system design E[ B. Moisture control or indoor air quality consulting FIC. Performance testing and/or commissioning other than required for the rating itself E[ D. Training for sales or construction personnel El E. Other(specify) jq3_ The Rater or the Rater's employer is: E[A. The seller of this home or their agent E[ B. The mortgagor for some portion of the financed payments on this home WIC. An employee, contractor, or consultant of the electric and/or natural gas utility serving this home []4_ The Rater or Rater's employer is a supplier or installer of products, which may include: Products HVAC systems Thermal insulation systems Air sealing of envelope or duct systems Energy efficient appliances Construction (builder, developer, construction contractor, etc) Other (specify): Installed in this home by Rater DEmployer Rater []Employer Rater DEmployer Rater []Employer Rater ElEmployer Rater []Employer OR is in the business of Rater DEmployer Rater Employer Rater DEmployer Rater Employer Rater DEmployer Rater Employer E]5_ This home has been verified under the provisions of Chapter 6, Section 603 "Technical Requirements for Sampling" of the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET). Rater Certification 9: 5182405 Name: Rafael Loveszy Signature: �C�4eQ�W Organization: Power House Energy Consulting Digitally signed: 3127/20 at 9:00 AM I attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. As a Rater or Rating Provider I abide by the rating quality control provisions of the Mortgage Industry NationalHome Energy Rating Standard as set forth by the Residential Energy Services Network(RESNET). The national rating quality control provisions of the rating standard are contained inChapter One 4.C.8. of the standard and are posted at http://resnet. us/standards/R ESN ET_Mortgage_l nd ustry_National_H E RS_Sta nd a rds. pdf The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider. RESNET Form 03001-2 - Amended April 24, 2007