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17C-319 (6)
70 CHESTNUT ST BP-2020-0578 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 17C-319 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYS'T'EM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2020-0578 Proiect# JS-2020-000990 Est.Cost: $19657.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: DEVLIN CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE 111884 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 11979.00 Owner: GEIS NELSON Zoning: URB(81)/GB(20)/ Applicant: DEVLIN CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE AT: 70 CHESTNUT ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 86 FINNELL DRIVE SUITE 21 (781) 812-0420 Workers Compensation WEYMOUTHMA02188 ISSUED ON.111512019 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:18 PANEL GARAGE ROOF MOUNT SOLAR ARRAY - 5.67KW POST THIS CARD SO IT I&VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspec or of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Fina .l: Final. Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smok�- Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 11/5/2019 0:00:00 $75.00 1212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner uff)e,- _ Department use only Ci of Northampton Status of Permit: y B ilding Department Curb Cut/Driveway Permit ;A, 2 019 12 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability Room 100 Water/Well Availability prrNo hampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans I`dcTl N -- � X13- 87-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Site Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR, RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 8 P- ZU 5'?9 1.1 Property Address: vC"eS k 1'l V t �__j This section to be completed by office `e CA S M A I C)l C)S Map 7C Lot 3 I Unit Zone Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: n t _ 10 6ti k n u+ coos Na (Print) Current Mailing Address: Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: ZenJUm,n T O conn-e- I l g� �l/1r1E (I Dr, see z i UJNal0uih t4tt 0 1 Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building d (`/ (� I (a)Building Permit Fee o i a 2. Electrical ' 4r G ! (b)Estimated Total Cost of O o l0 Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total=0 +2+ 3+4+5) ) , Check Number This Section For Official Use Only BuildingPermit Number: Date Issued: Signature: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: volume&Location) A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO er DON'T KNOW O YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DON'T KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Q Obtained Q Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading, excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing ❑ Or Doors E-1 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [0] Decks [Q Siding [0] Ot er ®] Brief De cription of Proposed � R � Work:�9 Jlarve � 01l'.f&! [1�JD COMtl�7(l�-C8 1GIC Cr(-C\14 G� (A)tAh 4-o'coI�oe&r Jbxl C�n"aS, i Mkcro . 7M) ex,5 %nc y V &I G.U-70 YS Vr) Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family ✓ Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft.of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION -TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT N I, e.\sQ(-� GI-e-, as Owner of the subject property her by authorize �e' i `� Co n�ru.CA ,� vl to a on my behalf, i II atters relative to work authorized by this1luilding permit application. 3o el Signature of Owner Date I, T->en �CkM%A —(' C)IC (371 as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. epeo T t) 'COnn�t( Print Name 10 �) % . Signature of Owner/Agent Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction �Supervisor: t Not Applicable ❑�+� Name of License Holder:T L(���U.Yn (1 -T C,),(,C) C S- 1 1 \ License Number ` U ftnoell br- Ste• "21 o3e4mov4h HA 0z1i'l 0-6 ( Z 1 1-Z Address Expiration Date Signature Telephone 9.Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ -bev 1,o Con-lyra c f,,n!�i I � j �- 9 Company Name Registration Number, �-b rInnPk1 Tr , S�C -21 ozV�Z (01a & 3 / 21 Addr ss Expiration Date Telephoner 2-OZ C) ECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... P, No...... ❑ City of Northampton �s S� 't. Massachusetts G r DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 ssp •�...... AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation("OCABR")regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes. Prior to performing work on such homes,a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor("HIC"). M.G.L.Chapter 142A requires that the"reconstruction, alteration,renovation,repair,modernization, conversion, improvement removal, demoliti n, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied building containing at least one but not more than four dwelling units....or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by registered contractors. Note:If the homeowner has contracted with a corporation or LLC,that entity mu t be registered Type of Work: %1 C� T 1 Est.Cost La S SC s Address of Work:�d C�1 f 11U t S-� �F e \-\)A 1 3 3 Date of Permit Application: ( Z C) I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): _Work excluded by law(explain): _Job under$1,000.00 Owner obtaining own permit(explain): Building not owner-occupied Other(specify): OWNERS OBTAINING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L.Chapter 142A.SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT.SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Signed under the penalties of perjury: I hereby apply for a building permit as the agent of the owner: /d� r9 / �a �'CP97 Date Contractor Name HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice, I hereby apply for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and Signature City of Northampton \ Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS . 212 Main Street •Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at: --lo Clf�2S�fl -- -'--s�- . (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: rev 1 Con--r 0-CA�n c F on n-e 1� by , Sit 2 W eJ m o Z 1 (Please print name and location of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: (Company Name and Address) Signature of Permit Applicant or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. '\ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents d 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 M www mass.gov/dia «'orkers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information ^ p // Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual):�QV I kA C 0 f1 (A% �C10J M A l ri o a n-0 . Address: $(p F I n n e.11 -b r v e21 City/State/Zip:W Mit 0 Z 1$ g Phone#: �1$ 1 $ I Z- — O Z�A(� . Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.&am a employer with 1 S employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. ❑New construction 2.❑I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 9. El Demolition 3.❑I am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No workers'comp.insurance required.]t 10❑Building addition 4.❑I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. T will ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.❑I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.❑ p Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.[ 6.❑We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.❑Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. tContractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. ii Insurance Company Name: i�rCl --T7l/l SU can C - Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: 9,z V J(,-�0 H S L_ - Expiration Date: Z 0 2 d Job Site Address.--70Cie skn J��� �e e6 S M Irl O kO�3 City/State/Zip: I te-J,5 µl9 1 3 N 0S-3 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under /t)he pains and penultiees/of t perjury that the infbrntation provided above is true and correct. Signature: alczm./ i, Date: �0LW Phone#: 1$1- $1 Z - O-z'-{c-) Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: ®� Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure Board of Building Regulations and Standards Constr#0t6d t bpervisor CS-111884 (, ires:0812112021 BENJAMIN T O'CONNELL 74 BAYVIEW AVE QUINCY MA 02168 Commissioner f✓ Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR TYPE:Supplement Card Registration valid for Individual use only Registration Expiration before the expiration date. If found return to: 182869 08/03/2021 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation DEVLIN CONT ACTING AND MAINTENANCE INC. 10 Park Plaza-Suite 6170 Boston,MA 02116 jnl BENJAMIN O'CONNELL 86 FINNELL DR#21 WEYMOUTH,MA 02188 Undersecretary Notvaii without signature t+f DEVLCON-01 M OMEZ ACORO" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) 4/22/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER C N ACT R.S.Gilmore Insurance aco,Nly,Ext: 508 699-7511 FAC,No: 508 695-3597 27 Elm St North Attleboro, MA 02760 -M INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:EMC Insurance Companies 25186 INSURED INSURER 13:AmGuard Ins Co Devlin Contracting&Maintenance,Inc. INSURER C: 86 Finnell Drive INSURER D: Weymouth,MA 02188 INSURER E INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADOL SUER POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXPLTR LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR 6D02139 3/20/2019 3/20/2020 DAMAGE TO RENTED 500,000 occurrence)Fa MED EXP(Any oneperson) 10,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000,000 POLICY EI JJEECT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 2,000,000 OTHER: _ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 ANY AUTO 6ZO2139 3/20/2019 3/20/2020 BODILY INJURY Perperson) OWNED X SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY Per accident X HIRED X NON-AWNED P OPERTY AMAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY er accident A X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE 5,000,000 EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE 6J02139 3/20/2019 3/20/2020 AGGREGATE 5,000,000 DED I X I RETENTION$ 10,000 B WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITYT T R ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N R2WC014523 4/3/2019 4/3/2020 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT 1'000,000 WF CER/MEMgER EXCLUDED? N/A 1 (Mandatory In NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE ,000,000 If yes,describe under 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE For Informational Purposes THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN P ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Only AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD JAMES A. CLANCY Installed weight of PV System PV Module Weight=44 lbs Area= 39"x 65"nominal (17.6 SgFt) Mounting Rail(Extruded Aluminum) Weight= 1.03/lf There are 80"of rail per module=6.87 lbs Module+Rail=50.87 lbs over 17.6 SgFt=2.89#/SgFt Foot spacing is 32"o.c. across panel width with 2 rows per module. Typical layout provides 13 feet on one rail for each 10 modules in a row. This provides for an average of 1.3 feet/module/rail x 2 rails=2.6 feet/module. Module+Rail weight distributed per mounting foot= 50.87 lbs/2.6 feet= 19.56 lbs/mtg foot. Composite Shingle Roofg=3.8 psf '/2"Ext Ply Sheathing= 1 psf Installed Solar Array=2.89#/sf(above) Total load= 7.69#/sf IRC-Table R802.5.1(3) after Spans for Common Lumber Species AIRC DIESIGN 409 N. MAIN STREET ELLER, NJ 08318 (856) 712-2166 FAX. (856) 358-1511 Date: October 17,2019 Re: Structural Roof Certification Subj: Geis Residence 70 Chestnut Ave Leeds,MA 01053 We have provided a review of the house roof construction of the above named property in regards to verifying the capacity of the lexisting roof for installation of a new Solar Panel Array. We have found the residence roof to be of wood frame construction. The roof is of 2x4 @ 24"o.c.truss and is sheathed with 1/2"ext-ply sheathing and a single layer of composite shingles roofing. The wood framed roof structure bears directly upon the framed exterior wall system. The existing trusses as installed meet the required (MA 780 CMR) IRC-2009 design span ratings with sufficient capacity to carry the 4#/sf additional load imposed by the proposed solar array per the details below. Installation of solar rack systems shall be as follows: Each panel row shall be supported upon 2 mounting rails. Rails shall be screw anchored through roof and directly to rafters below. Rail attachment points to rafters shall be staggered each row with exception to the first fastener row from the gable end which is attached to two adjacent rafters. A roofing compatible sealant or shingle flashing kit shall be utilized at each mtg. foot location. Solar panel mounting systems installed parallel to the plane of a roof shall be no more than 12" above the roof when measured perpendicular to the roof surface. 6 ft mx spacing between"L-Brackets". When attaching to rafters, use IPC 5/16" x 4" SS lag or equivalent. When attaching to sheathing,use 4 PCS '/4"x 2"SS lag or equivalent. When installed per the above specifications the system shall meet the required 117 MPH wind load and 40 PSF ground snow load requirements. Should you have any further question or comment please feel free to contact our office. Respectfully, �ZH OF 9� ti JAMES A. OCLANCY U o.467775 ca James A.Clancy 0°� Professional Engineer F MA License#46775S �ONAL� r �, A B C D E F G H GENERAL NOTES SHEET LIST TABLE CT NTES: 1 11.2 THSJEPHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NEW PV SYSTEM. 5.670 kWp SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE ";&' INSIGI Tr, NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) ARTICLE 690. ALL T-001 COVER PAGE Y� M ' DSTING AND INSTALLATION TRUCTFOH AND THE RELEVANT CODES AS SPECIFIED By THE AUfHORIT!HAVING G-001 NOTES JURISDICTION'S(AHJ)APPUCABLE CODES, GEIS RESIDENCE A-101 SITE PLAN 1.1.3 THE UTILITY INTERCONNECTION APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED AND PV SYSTEM INSPECTED PRIOR TO PARALLEL OPERATION A-102 ELECTRK:AL PLAN 1.1.4 GROUND FAULT DETECTION AND INTERRUPTION DANCE DEVICE IS 70 CHESTNUT AVE X103 SOL AR ATTACHMENT PLAN CONTRACTOR INTEGRATED WITH THE MICRONVERTER IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 690'41(8) E-601 LINE DIAGRAM 2 1.1.5 ALL PV SYSTEM COMPONENTS: MODULES, UTILUY•INTERACTIVE LEEDS MA 01053 INSIGHT SOLAR INVERTERS,AND SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINER BOXES ARE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR USE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS AS REOLXRED BY 1 E-602 DESIGN TABLES PHONE: 413.338.7555 NEC 690.4: E-0 PLACARDS ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST PV MODULES.UL 1703.IE061730,AND IEC61215,AND NEPA 70 CLASS C FIRES-501 ASSEMBLY DETAILS NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 INVERTERS.UL 1741 CERTIFIED,IEEE 1547,929,519 R-001 RESOURCE DOCUMENT COMBINER BOX(ES):UL 1703 OR UL 1741 ACCESSORY R002 RESOURCE DOCUMENT LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192101 • 1.1.6 MAX DC VOLTAGE CALCULATED USING MANUFACTURER PROVIDED HIC.NO.: TEMP COEFFICIENT FOR VOC.IF UNAVAILABLE.MAX DC VOLTAGE R•1103 RESOURCE DOCUMENT ELF-NO.: CALCULATED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.7. .. UNAUTHGRM USE M VHS 1.1.7 ALL INVERTERS,PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES,PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS, R-004 RESOURCE DOCUMENT GRAv SET WIHGUI wRmEN AND SOURCE CIRCUIT COMBINERS INTENDED FOR USE IN A PEWSSION FROM CONTRACTOR IS IN R-005 RESOURCE DOCUMENT VIOLATION OF US.COPYRIGHT)AWS 3 PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEM WILL BE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR DAND MLL BE AMAGES AND SUBJECT TO MI MIL THE APPUCATION PER 690.4(D).SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO R-0 RESOURCE DOCUMENT ANY INSTRUCTIONS FROM LISTING OR LABELING[NEC I IDA. NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kW 1.1.8 ALL SIGNAGE TO BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE NTH LOCAL BUILDING P CODE.IF EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT.IT SHALL BE UV RESISTANT.ALL GEIS PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED BY THE r NEC AND AHJ. 1.21 SCOPE OF WORK: PROJECT INFORMATION RESIDENCE 1.22 PRIME CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GRIO•TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM OWNER 70 CHESTNUT AVE RETROFIT. PRIME CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NAME: NELSON GEIS LEEDS,MA 01053 COLLECTING EXISTING ONSITE REQUIREMENTS TO DESIGN,SPECIFY. AERIAL PHOTO AND INSTALL THE EXTERIOR ROU-MOUNTED PORTION OF THE 4 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS DETAILED IN THIS DOCUMENT. 01 PROJECT MANAGER NOTTOSCALE NAME: ERIC WILSON 1.3.1 WORK INCLUDES: PHONE. 41"-•33&7555 ENGINEER OF RECORD 1.3.2 PV ROOF ATTACHMENTS-IRONRIDGE FLASHFOOT2 1.3.3 PV RACKING SYSTEM INSTALLATION-IRONRIDGE XR-100 \ CONTRACTOR %A OF 134 PV MODULE AND INVERTER INSTALLATION-HANWHA O-CELLS O PEAK ` NAME INSIGHT SOLAR DUO BLK•65 3151 ENPWE 107*ZUS PHONE 42038-7555 V s A 1.3.5 PV EQUIPMENT GROUNDING _ _ /� N 1.3.6 PYSYSTEM WRINGTOAROOF-MUUNTEDJUNCTION BOX _ AUTHORITIES RANNGJURISDICTION III Y 1.3.7 PV LOAD CEN IERS BF INCLUDED) �� s BUILDING HAMPSHIRE COUNTY 1.3.8 PV METERING(MONTORING BF INCLUDED) ZONING HAMPSHIRE COUNTY 1.3.9 PV DISCONNECTS 1.3.10 PV GROUNDING ELECTRODE 8 BONDING TO(E)GEC 1 UTILITY: AL ' 5 1.3.11 PV FINAL COMMISSIONING I DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1.3.12(E)ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT RETROFIT FOR PV I PAPERWE II'.I I'1AN518) . 1.3.13 SIGNAGE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITHLOCAL BW.DWOCCUPANCYII BUILDING 1 CONSTRUCTION: SINGLE-FAMILY COVER PAGE A _ ZONING. RESIDENTIAL GROUND SNOW LOAD: 40 PSF SCOPE OF WORK WIND EXPOSURE B DATE: 10.08.2019 SYSTEM SIZE STC:18 x31 SW=5.670kW WIND SPEED 114 MPH DESIGN BY:V.B. PTC:18 x 2922W=52OW DC (18)HANWHA O-CELLS OPEAK DUO BUK-135 315 APPLICABLE CODES 8.STANDARDS CHECKED BY: M.M. (18)ENPHASE 107-60-2-US PLAT MAP N BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 6 CGDE.9TH EDITION,AS AMENDED(780 CMR) REVISIONS ATTACHMENT TYPE. IRONRIDGE FLASHFOOT20� w E ELECTRICAL. NEC 2017 MSP UPGRADE. NO NOT TO SCALE S FIRE: SAFEF�tt CODE 52 CNIR 1.TFS 001 LVE FIRE T-001.00 A B C D E F G H (SHEET,I A B C D E F G H 2.1.1 SITE NOTES: 4.5.1 GROUNDING NOTES: 2.1.2 A LADDER WILL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA 2.5.2 GROUNDING SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE, REGULATIONS. AND GROUNDING DEVISES EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS SHALL BE RATED FOR I[��I �� 1 2.1.3 THE PV MODULES ARE CONSIDERED NON-COMBUSTIBLE AND THIS SYSTEM IS SUCH USE. A UTILITY INTERACTIVE SYSTEM WITH NO STORAGE BATTERIES. 2.5.3 PV EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.43 AND 2.1.4 THE SOLAR PV INSTALLATION WILL NOT OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMBING, MINIMUM NEC TABLE 250.122. MECHANICAL,OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. 2.5.4 METAL PARTS OF MODULE FRAMES,MODULE RACKING,AND ENCLOSURES 2.1.5 PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE AROUND EXISTING AND CONSIDERED GROUNDED IN ACCORD WITH 250.134 AND 250.136(A). PROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE PROVIDED AS PER SECTION NEC 2.5.5 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 110.26. 690.45 AND MICROINVERTER MANUFACTORERS'INSTRUCTIONS. CONTRACTOR 2.1.6 ROOF COVERINGS SHALL BE DESIGNED,INSTALLED,AND MAINTAINED IN 2.5.6 EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED USING WEEB GROUNDING CUPS AS ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CODE AND THE APPROVED MANUFACTURER'S SHOWN IN MANUFACTURER DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVED BY THE AHJ.IF 2 INSTRUCTIONS SUCH THAT THE ROOF COVERING SERVES TO PROTECT THE WEEBS ARE NOT USED,MODULE GROUNDING LUGS MUST BE INSTALLED AT INSIGHT SOLAR BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, THE SPECIFIED GROUNDING LUG HOLES PER THE MANUFACTURERS' INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. PHONE: 413.338-7555 2.2.1 EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS: 2.5.7 THE GROUNDING CONNECTION TO A MODULE SHALL BE ARRANGED SUCH ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST 2.22 ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL MEET MINIMUM SETBACKS AS REQUIRED BY NEC THAT THE REMOVAL OF A MODULE DOES NOT INTERRUPT A GROUNDING NORTHAMPTON,MA01MO 110.26. CONDUCTOR TO ANOTHER MODULE. 2.2.3 WIRING SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT MUST BE RATED FOR 2.5.8 GROUNDING AND BONDING CONDUCTORS,IF INSULATED,SHALL BE COLORED EXPECTED OPERATING TEMPERATURE AS SPECIFIED BY NEC 690.31(A),(C) GREEN OR MARKED GREEN IF#4 AWG OR LARGER[NEC 250.119) LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 AND NEC TABLES 310.15(B)(2)(A)AND 310.15(BX3)(C� 2.5.9 THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH NEC 690.47 AND NEC HIC.NO.: 2.2.4 JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES PERMITTED INSTALLED UNDER PV MODULES 250.50 THROUGH 250.106. IF EXISTING SYSTEM IS INACCESSIBLE, OR ELE.NO.: ACCORDING TO NEC 690.34. INADEQUATE,A GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM PROVIDED ACCORDING TO UIV-10RIZED uSE OF THIS 2.2.5 ADDITIONAL AC DISCONNECT(S)SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE THE INVERTER NEC 250,NEC 690.47 AND AHJ. DRAWINGSET-Ho"wwTTEN E WNSSION FROIA CONTRACTOR IS I I IS NOT WITHIN SIGHT OF THE AC SERVICING DISCONNECT. 2.5.10 GROUND-FAULT DETECTION SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.41(8X1)AND(2)TO =O TIONOF U.S.COPrRIGHRAws 3 2.2.6 ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL REDUCE FIRE HAZARDS ANO MLL BE SUBJECT rO CNB ACCORDING TO NEC APPLICABLE CODES. DAA4AGES AND PROBEW TIONS 2.2.7 ALL COMPONENTS ARE LISTED FOR THEIR PURPOSE AND RATED FOR 2.6.1 DISCONNECTION AND OVER-CURRENT PROTECTION NOTES: NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp OUTDOOR USAGE WHEN APPROPRIATE. 2.6.2 DISCONNECTING SWITCHES SHALL BE WIRED SUCH THAT WHEN THE SNATCH IS OPENED THE CONDUCTORS REMAINING ENERGIZED ARE CONNECTED TO GEIS 2.3.1 STRUCTURAL NOTES: THE TERMINALS MARKED"UNE SIDE'(TYPICALLY THE UPPER TERMINALS). 2.3.2 RACKING SYSTEM 8 PV ARRAY WILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO 2.6.3 DISCONNECTS TO BE ACCESSIBLE TO QUALIFIED UTILITY PERSONNEL,BE RESIDENCE CODE-COMPLIANT INSTALLATION MANUAL. TOP CLAMPS REQUIRE A LOCKABLE,AND BE A VISIBLE-BREAK SWITCH DESIGNATED SPACE BETWEEN MODULES,AND RAILS MUST ALSO EXTEND A 2.6.4 PV SYSTEM CIRCUITS INSTALLED ON OR IN BUILDINGS SHALL INCLUDE A MINIMUM DISTANCE BEYOND EITHER EDGE OF THE ARRAYISUBARRAY, RAPID SHUTDOWN FUNCTION TO REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD FOR EMERGENCY 70 CHESTNUT AVE ACCORDING TO RAI MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. RESPONDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH 690.12(A)THROUGH(D). LEEDS,MA 01053 2.3.3 JUNCTION BOX WILL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURERS'SPECIFICATIONS. 2.6.5 ALL OCPD RATINGS AND TYPES SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.8,690.9, IF ROOF-PENETRATING TYPE,IT SHALL BE FLASHED 8 SEALED PER LOCAL AND 240. 4 REQUIREMENTS. 2.6.6 MICROINVERTER BRANCHES CONNECTED TO A SINGLE BREAKER OR 2.3.4 ROOFTOP PENETRATIONS FOR PV RACEWAY WILL BE COMPLETED AND GROUPED FUSES IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 110.3(8). SEALED WI APPROVED CHEMICAL SEALANT PER CODE BY A LICENSED 2.6.7 IF REQUIRED BY AHJ,SYSTEM WILL INCLUDE ARC-FAULT CIRCUIT PROTECTION ENGINEER OF RECORD CONTRACTOR. ACCORDING TO NEC 690.11 AND UL1699B. 2.3.5 ALL PV RELATED ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO BE SPACED NO GREATER THAN THE AtAOPy SPAN DISTANCE SPECIFIED BY THE RACKING MANUFACTURER 2,71 INTERCONNECTION NOTES: ''cy 2.36 WHEN POSSIBLE, ALL PV RELATED RACKING ATTACHMENTS WILL BE 2.7.2 LOAD P SIDE INTERCONNECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH(NEC 705.12 JAMES A. G� STAGGERED AMONGST THE ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS. MAI GLANGY, a 2.7.3 THE SUM OF THE UTIU IY OGPD AND INVERTER CONTINUOUS OUTPUT MAY 5 2.4.1 WIRING 8 CONDUIT NOTES: NOT EXCEED 12D%OF BUSBAR RATING[NEC 705.12(DX2X3)). 2.42 ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE WILL BE LISTED AND APPROVED FOR THEIR PURPOSE. 2.7.4 THE SUM OF 125 PERCENT OF THE POWER SOURCE($)OUTPUT CIRCUIT ST CONDUIT AND WIRE SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE CURRENT AND THE RATING OF THE OVERCURRENT DEVICE PROTECTING THE NAL REQUIREMENTS AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING. BUSBAR SHALL NOT EXCEED 120 PERCENT OF THE AMPACITY OF THE 5 2.4.3 CONDUCTORS SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.8,NEC 690.7. BUSBAR,PV DEDICATED BACKFEED BREAKERS MUST BE LOCATED OPPOSITE PAPER slg.+r.vIANSI BI 2.4.4 VOLTAGE DROP LIMITED TO 1.5%. END OF THE BUS FROM THE UTILITY SOURCE OCPD[NEC 705.12(B)(2X3)1. NOTES 2.4.5 DC WIRING LIMITED TO MODULE FOOTPRINT. MICROINVERTER WIRING 2.7.5 AT MULTIPLE ELECTRIC POWER SOURCES OUTPUT COMBINER PANEL,TOTAL SYSTEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AND SECURED UNDER THE ARRAY WI SUITABLE RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF WIRING CLIPS. BUSBAR. HOWEVER, THE COMBINED OVERCURRENT DEVICE MAY BE DATE: 10.08.2019 2.4.6 AC CONDUCTORS COLORED OR MARKED AS FOLLOWS: EXCLUDED ACCORDING TO NEC 705.12(BX2X3XC). DESIGN BY:V.B. PHASE A OR Li-BLACK 2.7.6 FEEDER TAP INTERCONECTION (LOAD SIDE)ACCORDING TO NEC 705.12 PHASE B OR L2-RED,OR OTHER CONVENTION IF THREE PHASE (BX2X1) CHECKED BY: M.M. PHASE C OR L3-BLUE.YELLOW,ORANGE",OR OTHER CONVENTION 2.7.7 SUPPLY SIDE TAP INTERCONNECTION ACCORDING TO NEC 705.12(A)WITH NEUTRAL-WHITE OR GREY SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC 230.42 REVISIONS 6 IN 4-WIRE DELTA CONNECTED SYSTEMS THE PHASE WITH HIGHER VOLTAGE 2.7.8 BACKFEEDING BREAKER FOR ELECTRIC POWER SOURCES OUTPUT IS EXEMPT TO BE MARKED ORANGE[NEC 110.151. FROM ADDITIONAL FASTENING[NEC 705.12(13)(5)]. G'OO 1.00 A III B C D E F G H ISHEET z) A B C D E F G H GENERAL NOTES 1 11. FIELD ALL 2. ITEMS BELLOW FY MAYLNOT BE ONETHIS PAGE �I NS I GHT; —"---- PROPERTYLINE CONTRACTOR 2 — — — �— INSIGHT SOLAR PHONE: 413-338-7555 ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST \ NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 68'-2" y � LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 HIC.NO.: ELE.NO.: thAMHORIZED USE OF THS O o9� DRAWL TWITNWT--EN 0 ❑ AND WL 0 PERMSSION FROM CONTTMGTOR IS IN 3 I wannON OF MS.COPm TuwS AL EUBJ E SECT TO CIVIL WAGES ANO PROSECUIBMS, I NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp GEIS II METER RESIDENCE 70 CHESTNUT AVE ENTRANCE Ott LEEDS,MA 01053 36'-9 II �L;t tL ENGINEER OF RECORD AREA OF WORK ttt _ I jN OF Afgq�.cY JAWME A. LA 4 5 I — — I 9'-8. , -"pTONALk 5 — — AC LOAD CENTER PAPER SIZE tt-r IrI,I lel SMART UTILITY METER AC DISCONNECT SITE PLAN DATE: 10.08.2019 DESIGN BY:VB, CHECKED BY: M.M 6 SITE PLAN N 01w[j]B E REVISIONS 1116'=V-0" 0 A-101.00 A B C D E F G H (SKEET TI A B C D E F G H GENERAL NOTES [�€ 1 1. FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS I t i�S I G HT 5 Z. ITEMS BELOW MAY NOT BE ON THIS PAGE a� 0 MODULE STRINGING CONTRACTOR 2 INSIGHT SOLAR g, MODULE STRINGING PHONE: 413.338.7555 INTERIOR PV EQUIPMENT ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST IEI(1)MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 EXTERIOR PV EQUIPMENT LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 (E)(1)METER HIC.NO.: ELE.NO.: unnun.DRRED Lm a TMS DRAWINDBETW HOUT MUTTEN PERMSSION FROM CONTWLTOR 5 N WOIAT"OF U5.COPTWOM IAVS 3 AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CVL GAMIGES AND PROSECUTIONS. NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp (N)(1)JUNCTION BOX GEIS RESIDENCE 70 CHESTNUT AVE ARRAY 1-6.670 kW LEEDS,MA 01053 (z16)(N)MODULES 4 TILT:35 DEGREES ROOF PITCH:912 AZIMUTH.170 DEGREES ENGINEER OF RECORD OO !✓ � OOO � O 5 INTERIOR PV EQUIPMENT PAPERSVE 1T'.Ir IPNBIBI (E)(1)SUB PANEL ELECTRICAL PLAN EXTERIOR PV EQUIPMENT (N)(1)AC LOAD CENTER (N)(1)SMART UTILITY METER 39.4" DATE: 10.08.2019 (N)(1)AC DISCONNECT DESIGN BY:V.B. N MODULE: CHECKED BY: M.M ELECTRICAL PLANW 66 3" HANWHA Q-CELLS REVISIONS E Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 315 01 315 WATTS A-102.00 A B C D E F G H ISNEETn A B C D E F G H GENERAL NOTES 1 i. FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS +INSIGHT 2 ITEMS BELOW MAY NOT BE ON THIS PAGE TRUSSES CONTRACTOR 2 INSIGHT SOLAR PHONE: 411338-7555 ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST NORTHAMPTON,MA 01080 LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 HIC.NO.: ELF NO.: UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THIS DRAWINGSETWITHOUTW EN PERMISSIONFROM COH IGHT RW IN WOLATWN OF U.S.C T TO CINIL LAWS 3 AND WILL BE SUBJECT U IONS DAIMGES ANO PROSECUTIONS. NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 -IF 1- +- GEIS I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I RESIDENCE 1 I.. I_. 1 _1 —I___ I. .I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 70 CHESTNUT AVE I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I LEEDS,MA 01053 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ROOF MATERIAL IS ASPHALT SHINGLE ENGINEER ECORD � tH OF dWys'n FLUSH MOUNT$DEAR MODULE$ a 6G 29'9 1 ATTACHED TO ROM SURFACC(SEE JAMES A. SHEET S-501 FOR MOUNTNC OETAILS) o CLANC.Y- 0. 5 a AL 6 oAf£942E'N',IT(MLS!51 SOLAR ATTACHMENT PLAN 39.4° DATE: 10.08.2019 DESIGN BY:V.B. MODULE: CHECKEDBY: M.M 6 SOLAR ATTACHMENT PLAN ffi 66:3" HANWHA UO BLK- REVISIONS O.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 315o® 315 WATTS A-1 03.00 A B ( D E F 1— G H ISHEETSI A B C D E F G H CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE W/ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTORS D TYPICAL CONDUCTOR CONDUIT IN CONDUIT OCPD EGC TEMP.CORR.FACTOR CONDUIT FILL FACTOR CONT.CURRENT MAX.CURRENT(125%) BASE AMP. DERATED AMP, TERM.TEMP.RATING AMP.®TERMINAL I��I�` -� 1 1 1 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER FREE AIR a 20A 6 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.76(54.79C) 0.8 9A 11.25A 40A 24.32A 75-C 35A H 1 10 AWG THWN-2,COPPER D.75'DIA EMT 2 WA 8 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.96(32.7•C) 1 18A 22 SA 40A 3&4A 751C 35A 1 10 AWG THlM12.COPPER 0.75'DIA EMT 2 WA 8 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.96(32.7-C) 1 18A 22.5A 40A 38.4A 75-C 36A 1 10 AWG TH1NW2,COPPER 0.75'DW EMT 2 25A 8 AWG THWN-2,COPPER 0.96(32.7-C) 1 IaA 22.5A 40A 38.4A 75-C 35A CONTRACTOR O MODULE STRINGING TO UTILITY INSIGHT SOLAR 2 GRID(UG) OMODULE STRINGING PHONE: 413.338-7555 ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST L2 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 N L1- ENPHASE ENVOY MAIN SERVICE PANEL UC.NO.: HIC-MA192t02 HIC.NO.: COMMUNICATIONS 2401120 V 10,3W ELF,NO.: GATEWAY 125A LOAD CENTER MAIN BUSS:200A uNarNORIZED umms 120/240V,10,3W MAX BREAKER SIZE: PPRMSMSIONf"A CONi�Wt MIS IN P E)lzav HOunM DU.S.CMMGHT uWS CONTINUOUS CURRENT:60A (200 A x 1.2)-200 A=40 A n mu RE SUBJECT TOCIVR 3 OUTLET MAX.OCPD:90A DAMAGES ulD PROSECUTIONS. oE - ( ) NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp UTILITY GROUND 1. PV SYSTEM EQUIPEED WITH 10A METER ROD GEIS RAPID SHUTDOWN 2. SYSTEM COMPLIANT WITH NEC 690.12. N G _ (E)GROUNDING RESIDENCE SUB PANEL (E)MAIN ELECTRODE 2401120 V 10,3W 200 A 70 CHESTNUT AVE MAIN BUSS:125A LEEDS,MA 01053 MAX BREAKER SIZE: N 4 HANWHA Q-CELLS (125 A z 1.2)-100 A=50 A (E) TO(E) j L2 LOADS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 315 100a2P UTILITY REVENUE AC DISCONNECT u ENGINEER OF RECORD MA SMART METER 30A IN BRANCH �,• 20A N 1 I TOPLUGS C -- ----- --- - D1 ; 5 9 ; 20A 03 04 05 N (N) TO(E) IN BRANCH 25Al2P w LOADS PAPER52EH'.A'IANSRI aAnc L2 LINE DIAGRAM ENPHASE ------ G- --- --, ------ - ------- '- IQ7-60-2-US JUNCTION BOX LOAD `-- -- LINE DATE: 10.08.2019 DESIGN BY:V.B. BOTTOM LUGS CHECKED BY: M.M. 6 EQUIPMENT LEFT EQUIPMENT RIGHT REVISIONS LINE IS(N)NEW LINE IS(E)EXISTING E-601.00/� UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. E-601.011 A B C D E F G H '.F76, A B C D E F G H 1 SYSTEM SUMMARY MODULES SIGHT101 BRANCH d1 eRu4cH n REF. QTY. MAKE AND MODEL PMAX PTC Isc MIP VOC vMP TEMP.COEFF.OF voc FUSE RATING IN � ��®j INVERTERS PER BRANCH 91 9 PMI-16 1 18 1 HANWHA04ELLSOPEAK DUO BLK-135315 I 315W 292.2W 929A I 9.41A 14029V I 33.46V I -0.113VPCI-02WC) 20A MAX AC CURRENT gAI 9A MAX AC OUTPUT POWER 2.250W I 2,25OW INVERTERS ARRAY STC POWER 5.670W F. TY MAKE AND MODEL AC VOLTAGE]GROUND OCPD RATED POWER MAX OUTPUT MAX INPUT INPUT VOLTA CEC WEIGHTED ARRAY PTC POWER 5.26CW RATING CURRENT CURRENT EFFICIENCY MAX AC CURRENT 16A 1-1 16 ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US I 240V FLOATING 20A I 24OW I 1A 15A I 48V MAX AC POWERa,SooW CONTRACTOR DERATED(CEC)AC POWER 4,5oow DISCONNECTS OCpDS REF.IQTY.l MAKE AND MODEL RATED CURRENT MAX RATED VOLTAGE REF. QTY. RATED CURRENT MAX VOLTAGE INSIGHT SOLAR 2 DESIGN TEMPERATURES sw1 1 EATON DG221URB OR EQUIV. 30A 24DVAC CB7-2 2 20A 240VAC AW*W EXTREME LOW -25.9'C(44.6•F).SOURCE BARNES MUM(42.16•,-12.7Y) C83 1 ICA HVAC PHONE: 413-338-1555 ASIRAE 2%HIGH 327'C(90.VF),SOURCE:BARITES MUNI(42.16';-7272') CB4 1 25A 240VAC i ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 HIC.NO.: ELE.NO.: —UTHOR12ED USE OF TWS oRAVIING SET AITHOUT WRITTEN PERI JSSION FROIA CONTRACTOR IS IN NOLATION OF U S.COPYRIGHT LAM 3 AND NIEL BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL DAMAGES AND PROSECUTIONS. NEW PV SYSTEM:5.6701<Wp GEIS RESIDENCE 70 CHESTNUT AVE LEEDS,MA 01053 4 ENGINEER OF RECORD PAPERSIU Jf.ir(ANSIBI DESIGN TABLES DATE 1DA8.2019 DESIGN BY:VB. CHECKED BY: M.M. 5 REVISIONS E-602.00 A B D E F G H �T tI A B C D E F G H 1 0 !CAUTION! 0 �iNSIGHT�5? POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAYS WITH SAFETY DISCONNECTS AS SHOWN: CONTRACTOR 2 INSIGHT SOLAR PHONE: 413338-7555 7HAZARD ♦ 1PV ARRAYADDRESS:89 MARKET ST 3NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 FRONTBACKUTDOWN LIC.NO.: HIC-MA192102 �E'3E*OFF HIC.NO.: AT EACH DISCONNECTING MEANS FOR UTDOWN ELF.NO.: PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT REDUCE[NEC 690.13 AND 690.15] IN ARRAY �rAUTNORNEO USE OFTW$ DRAWINGSEi WITHOUTM HEN N PE VIOLATION FROM CO COPYRIGHT RW IN NOTATION OF U.S.COPYRIGHT LAWS AND WILL BE SUBJECT i0 CNK 1 LABEL'! LABEL 2 yy DAMAGES AND PROSECUTIONS. AT RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM AT RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM (NEC690.56(CKIKAII. INEC6W.5%CK1KB)I. DY4ECTORY S F MAIN DISTRIBUTION NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp PERMANENT PLAQUE OR INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DIRECTORY PROVIDING O 0r±EIS 0 CONNECTED O SERVIICEATION OF THE V PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECT LOCATED DISCONNECTING MEANS III RESIDENCE SOUTH SIDE OF THE GARAGE AND THE PHOTOVOLTAIC LABELS LABEL 7 PLAQUE SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS IF NOT IN THE 70 CHESTNUT AVE AT POINT OF INTERCONNECTION:LABEL,SUCH AS LABEL 5O LABEL 6 MUST IDENTIFY SAME LOCATION HOUSE 1 GARAGE LEEDS,MA 01053 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM [NEC 690.56(8)] [NEC 7D5.12(B)(4)] WHERE THE PV SYSTEMS I 4 PHOTOVOLTAIC ARE REMOTELY LOCATED TO PV ARRAY INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT ♦ ♦ ♦ FROM EACH OTHER.A i (N)AC COMBINER PANEL 0 CONNECTED O O O ♦ ACCORDANNCE WITH 705.10 i (N)PV METERCTORY IN ENGINEER OF RECORD OPERATING CURRENT 18 A AC SHUTDOWN SHALL BE PROVIDED AT I (N)AC DISCONNECT OPERATINGVOLTAGE NOVAC i EACH PV SYSTEM 1 LABELSATDISCONNECTING MEANS. AT UTILITY METER AT POINT OF IN TERCONNEC I ION.MARKED ATBRAPID SLRITDOWN SWITCH PV SYSTEM EQUIPMENT (E)METER INEC690.56(B)I AT DISCONNECTING MEANS INEC 690.',MC)I. ANDDISGONNECIING [NEC 690.:4) LETTERS AT LEAST 3t8 INCH,WHITE ON RED MEANS SHALL NOT BE � TO(E) BACKGROUND,REFLECTIVE INSTALLED IN BATHROOMS TO MEP 1 SUB PANEL FC 605.11.1.1 [NEC 690.4(D),(E)] (INSIDE) i (INSIDE) 1 6 PHOTOVOLTAIC PHOTOVOLTAIC (E)UTILITY POWER SOURCE 0 0 1 PAPERSRE.tt'a Ir IPNSIBI AC DISCONNECT PLACARDS LABEL 11 LABEL 12 LABEL 13 AT EXPOSED RACEWAYS,CABLE TRAYS,AND OTHER WIWNG AT EACH AC DISCONNECTING MEANS AT POINT OF INTERCONNECTION DATE: 10.08.2019 METHODS;SPACED AT MAXIMUM 10 FT SECTION OR WHERE [NEC 69D.13(B)] OVERCURRENT DEVICE DESIGN BY:V.B. SEPARATED BY ENCLOSURES,WALLS,PARTITIONS,CEILINGS, LABEUNG NOTES [NEC 70512(BK2K3KB)] OR FLOORS. 1.1 LABEUNG REQUIREMENTS BASED ON THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE,INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE 605.11,OSHA EQUIPMENT E L EVAT I0 N CHECKED BY: M.M. [NEC 690.31(G)1 STANDARD 1910.145,ANSI 2535 LETTERS AT LEAST 318 INCH;WHITE ON RED BACKGROUND; 1,2 MATERIAL BASED ON THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 6 REFLECTIVE 1.3 LIBELS TO BE OF SUFFICIENT DURABILITY TO WITHSTAND THE ENVIRONMENT INVOLVED. NOT TO SCALE REVISIONS o 1 (IFC 605.11.1.1! 1.4 LABELS TO BE A MINIMUM LETTER HEIGHT OF 318'AND PERMANENTLY AFFIXED. LLo1 1.5 ALERTING WORDS TO BE COLOR CODED.'DANGER'WILL HAVE RED BACKGROUND:'WARNING'WILL HAVE ORANGE E-603.00 BACKGROUND.CAUTION'WILL HAVE YELLOW BACKGROUND.[ANSI Z5351 A B C D E F G H (SHEETB) �50 w GENERAL NOTES ISI j n 1. FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS M 4 5 e 1 1 w 3 I // _ s0 - / -I CONTRACTOR N 25 Ds 23 2. INSIGHT SOLAR - PHONE: 413.33&7555 O SHEET KEYNOTES ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST 1i --- t3 1a t5 16 z2 - 12 i. ROOF MATERIAL:ASPHALT SHINGLE NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 f - 2. ROOF STRUCTURE.TRUSS A i 3. ATTACHMENT TYPE:IRONRIDGE FLASHFOOT 2 LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 4. MODULE MANUFACTURER:HANWHA O-CELLS HIC.NO.: S MODULE MODEL O.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 315 ELE NO.: DETAIL TRANSVERSE RACKING DETAIL LONGITUDINAL 6: MODULEWID IT 39,-x" --- DnAurHOR¢EousEan4s & MODULE WEIGH-:41.2 LBS. D-NG SET WTHOUT M"EN [��nRACKING ®� NOT TO SCALE ER ISS ION FROI4CONTRACTORISN & SEE SHEET A-103 FOR DIMENSION(SI mounoN or us.covrwGHi EAWS 10. MIN.FIRE OFFSET.NO FIRE CODE ENFORCED AND'MLL BE SUBJECT TO CIA 3 DAHAGES AND PROSECUTONS. 12. RAFTERS SPACING 24 IN.O.C. 0 O 12. LA BOLTERS DIAMETER.MINAL NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kW 13. LAG BOLT DIAMETER:9161N. p 14. BOLTISCREW SU-PLIED WITH RACKING:3IN, GEIS 15. TOTAL R OF ATTf.CHMENTS:34 10 aaJ 16. TOTAL AREA:32'6.53 SO.FT. 17. WEIGHTTOTAL PER WE35.98 IGHT NT. RESIDENCE 18. WEIGHT PER ATTACHMENT:24.59 LRS. _ 19. DISTRIBUTED LOAD:2.56 PSF. 20. MAX.HORIZONTAL STANDOFF:481N. lU CHESTNUT AVE 21. MAX.VERTICAL STANDOFF: © O LANDSCAPE: 261N..PORTRAIT:32IN. LEEDS,MA 01053 22. STANDOFF STAGGERING:YES i 23. RAIL MANUFACTURER(OR EQUIV.) 41 IRONRIDGE 24. RAIL MODEL(OR EQUIVALENT).XRIO - 25. RAILWEIGHT. SPAPCF. ENGINEER OF RECORD 26. MAX.RAFTERS SPAN:10 FT, l27. MODULE CLEARANCE.31N.MIN.,61N.MAX. ZH OFI{(4e_O H ID �G JAMEEA. y� D3 RACKING DETAIL TOP Y 11 NOT TO SCALE 5; - --- - -� r� PAPER SIZE it•R IT IAMND ASSEMBLY DETAILS t 1 DATE IOXM19 i DESIGN BY:VB. CHECKED BY: M.M. 6i DETAIL TRANSVERSE) .rl DETAIL (LONGITUDINAL) REVISIONS - - D4NOT TO SCALE ®" NOT TO SCALE S-501.00 A 8 C D E F G I H (SHEEI% A B C D E F G H I r..mai=J 1MMq (1685-10000 1685mm10000mm32-) j#INSICTg Li W." 41.211z(18.71,91 ;-� o u o] rwM Cwx 0.1INMEMW3m 13.2mm11Mmulb PedrmW b�rrILN ami.MMclrm uc6reM[/ .�..�x..r .�`�- ,� AacY cm crvr*wm film .. "w", 84sY bn46LM.umrnum 41 P4V 6.P nr4nPpral.IrrM O.MITUM s4Mr IWkells - eYv� AMOM 2.763.35rn.1.97-2.76rn.0.51.083rn CONTRJ4CTOR (7LL85mm.50.70mm.13-21 mm).aecewr.1t44.IP67 WNW 4mme341ar e{file:1.1 z43.3m11100mm6(-I z43.3m II IODmm7 _ "- ""' W."', MUI1 Conrad MCC IP68 ...«"'- > DlSIGHT SOIAR 2 ELtb a+ss 300 ]Os 318 328 PHONE: 413.338.7555 t , DUO : 300-3201 ' , LatllrgUtt PEMMNgtICE AI}IANUMU 161 CBr1nIIlONS.STC'IPOwFR 11111AN111111-0Y/1 ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST Pe"M al MPI' Pu„ IWI 300 305 310 315 320 SAae GrvxII 4PnxR' ,. MI 9.12 9.78 9,83 9.11 9-" NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 Oaen n'racvrt vvPi{e' V" IYI 39.11 39.]5 40.02 40.29 40.56 m"c I,,, IA) 9.25 9.31 9.36 9.41 9.47 UC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 Q.ANTUM SOLAR 1e MODULE •. .mPP Vp„ IYI 32.43 32.78 33.12 33."6 3380 HIC.NO.: -... •, n 1%) :118 lel x18.4 x18.7 x19.0 E.NO.: nn un aventonn+xcE ar OunrmE UPEIInu°c c0mm�0xs,RMOT uNaurROR¢ED usE OF Tws Iurxx MPP P.,, 1W1 224.1 2278 231.6 235.3 239.1 DRAWINGSET wTHOUTWRITIEN The new> solar module from Q CELLS impresses with PERWS9GNFROMCONTRACTORISIN 4M CxxW Nrt191 1. IM ].83 7.18 1,92 7.97 8.01 VIO(AnON OF U.S.COPYRIGHT TAWS its outstanding visual appearance and particularly high performance 6{4lr o-it vow V. IV1 3].15 37.40 31.66 37.91 38.17 MD MLL BE SUBJECT TO CIVN 3 on a small surface thanks to the innovative '.r,N l;t,l I,i r,Technology. s CE MM I, w 7.28 x32 7.37 7.41 7A5 OMIAGES AND PROSECUTIONS. Q.ANTUM's world-record-holding cell concept has now been combined "a".WP Y. Ill 30.78 31.11 31.44 1 31.76 1 32M with state-of-the-art circuitry half cells and a six-busbar design,thus Mix-^'+...n <3...,x.,e:.a1c.I0°°*x.zs,rc..0 Lsa:.aa-rtcwPwo Rax.. «a1.Pxn"..M L8a NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp achieving outstanding performance under real conditions-both with Q WAS KRFGMAMCE WM U PEIIr01R4RRCE AT UM IMMMWCE low-intensity solar radiation as well as on hot,clear summer days. -bob GEIS -F-._. -.u• - Mw19BY.WnmvnM Paan 4i.r+l Yat M. .... ��-•�•-•-'�-•••-• I 1MrwlLx ao40.51':4yaExar Pr Rar. - ' .- � MNa1931:,M nvSv,w px,M upM lO las. O.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY:LOW LEV111110 COST OF ELECTRICITY" �„Ia„ ,,,,,ma°,, emmwa zsT�s _ __ RESIDENCE Higher yield per surface area,lower BOS costs,nigTer power e i PPP wrML.a,a+tt.a.ve uWr ma AT, "� classes,and an efficiency rate of up to 19.3%. NVO°E,,`Sa.Re"v"rxba"1"° ._ - - 70 CHESTNUT AVE INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY .�_ LEEDS,MA 01053 Optimal yields,whatever the weather with excellent low-light TpcY,-e,1r Palewurme-rear a"xowea<x,a4xaax A and temperature behainor. a ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE T4.t.W.i 0"IIWm416 a 1%Jxl .0.04 T4.Y.rr.fW{.4N..v" p 1%n(1 -028 e Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, C,OMAAS i T4ww{rYc4rnMLrrr-, r t%/KI -037 0-1"aRM4.W 1AaYa7a�4raMn mu [-If 109.5.4(43:3'C7 ENGINEER OF RECORD Anti PID Technology',Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.QTM. Moff s EXTREME WEATHER RATING MIMIM Alrow,vow V," M 1000(IEC)J 1000(ILL) SdM C1m It H1gRtech aluminum alloy frame.certdled forhigh snow c eEc7/TVPL I IUIs - MaaMPM•Lwl.hxr/arY lyLY YS tSwU!-„1/'+`+(264YPu1 tirrlM wa4xa M.gxaea -4U`(WI<•�IBS'T (5400 Pal and wind loads fA000F'a)regarding IEC. �� -- Mu.TM 1441.h4l IYR 10.1 IMUMI 113(Sa00Pal/84 I400pPal 'ssP u,M/pm mamW O ARELIABLE INVESTMENT o Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year a„a,a. ,,,„ Yx 4 1 I I linear pedOrmance guarantee`. uL r tot:I.,ower,taste°.cE.<anPo,�,i. N w.1 MWIIwi Pa1M 32 - rc iE,. RwIM.MMMR37 TnNM 30 O UP3.b: STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY Na.M.MrM Rx 4W IR{fr fkYa CarxaNrar 26 5 I e S�oe - PAPER612E 1-1 Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation D E Patw1w-Lleeau.W.N) 69.3m.45.3-.46.9rn _ TIAN618) and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. APT re:I<°°a4u �°P,a«o,a��x ro 76omm"1150-m.I IW-) RESOURCE DOCUMENT IECrtS 628041.2015, hx.W." 14151bs(6424) °J a(-150r)X IBBsr1 n+iuciio�z muU m mane°.Sec sm xrYgtm am eCnxm{mewl a<anracr ar N<mr[al serrce aepxlnenl Ix earM rMomutm m aapa e4 rmWravn>d use ' See JalaeMLan rear td lWNer or n..+oo��ri A THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: DATE: 10.08.2019 wu sn�rr,„ c:.m<<mr..sine tzs0.N.xe.a 92618.LRA us..r 9.9].e»46 Ro,rmP xr.n DESIGN BY:V.B. CELLS CHECKED BY: M.M. 6 Engineered In Germany Q CELLS REVISIONS R-001,00 A as B C at D E 1 0 G H 15NEF1101 A B C D E F G INSIGHT1 PRELIMINARY US Enphase IQ 7,IQ 7+,and IQ 7X Microinverters liphase Misroinveners INPUT DATA(OC) 107-60.2•US 7 LIAt-72-2-US 107X-96-2-US � - �15W-4�Wl Commonly used module pairings- 105W,330W 235W-40OW- n -1 CONTRACTOR lii.=.P.,Wil, 60 Call F bO Cell ar.0 72 cell Pir modules 96 celi Pe m000les a "..DC.luig. 48V 60V SON, Peak Pltwk,ng vonage 27V-37V 27V-45V 53V 6 2 The high-powered smart grid-ready Ooelmoi-ange 16 V-48 V 16V bc,v 25V aOV INSIGHTS" I.-11.ge 22 V/48 V 22 v,6o V 30V 80 v Enphase Enphase IQ 7 Micro and Enphase 10 7+micro'" M..DC s"mr I e...-I(nuid.le Isc, 15A -5A IOA PHONE: 413-338-7555 IQ 7, IQ7+, and IQ 7X dramatically simplify the installation process while Ovin,-ollaye 0_DC ret It 11 It ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST achieving the highest system efficiency CIC,Lin,b..Ll-drmu 0A 0A 0A NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 VV.—Y I.I omp—nded Iney.No lftuo.luf OC sWe w,ceumd. Microinverters Part of the Enphase IQ System,the IQ 7,IQ 7+and AC side Preton requires Imm 2GApei march-co.1 10 7X Micro integrate seamlessly with the Enphase OUTPUT DATA(AC) IQ 7 MWraimermr IQ 7+miciek—e. IQ 7x mi"aime'le, Peat marut par 2.50 v/1 29SVA 32a YA LIC. HIC-MA192102 10 Envoy".Enphase Q Aggregalor-,Enphase IQ selmun.nuniiourput pa e, 240 VA MVA 315 VA HTC.NO.: Battery"'.and the Enphase Enlighten"'monitoring Nmn,nal(Luvnlmye,ranye, 24OV, 208VI 2.10 v, 20l 24OVi 2OBVi -ELE.NO.: and analysis software 2112"V iB32nV 211261V 183229v 211.264V 183.229V IZED USE OF IM 64a--mu-nnuooutput cin,em IDA 115A 1.21A 1.39A 1 31A 1 51 A n.ffiNGSITOTHOUTINFITTEN The IQ Series Microinvertefs extend the reliability NonoruIl P-punt., PERINS ONFROIAOIDNITRACTORMIN WW 60 W 60 H. VICLAr ON OF U.S.COPYRI LAWS 3 standards set forth by previous generations and F.I....d fte,Iu,,nL,,qe 17.68 Hz 47-68 H,, 47-68 HE AND WILL BE SUWECT TO Clew 1kc 11 or I11-11 culem1.3 cycler 5.8 Arms 5.8 Anmr 58V_ DQi AND PROSECUTIONS. undergo over a million hours of power-on testing. omaper'.0 A(Lu 11-11h C-un 16(240 VAC) 13(240 VAC) 12(240 VAC) enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading 13(208 VAC) It(208 VACI 10(208 Vila NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp warranty of up to 25 years. 011,-maqe clAC mul III "1 11, AC Piur bI,_uII.m 0A 0 A 0 GEIS .ower laoor setting 1.0 .0 1.0 Fofact.,(..,uh,ibl.) 0.7 leading O'llagi 07 leading .0 7 laggiet, 0.7leading 0.7Wq9m9 EFFICIENCY 0240 V 0208 V 0240 9208 V '_0240 V ±208 V RESIDENCE Easy to install CEC1040 efficiency .6 96.5,—, 97.0!" 96 IjEiCMAIMICAL DATA 7Miorofinerlcr IQ 7.MV,.i....I., IQ 7x microlovelhir 70 CHESTNUT AVE Lightweight and simple Ab,e,urange 40-C to+65-C -40-C to+65-C 40-C to+60-c Faster m,lallation wi if.imo,oved,lighte two-wee cabling -M 1.100%(c-den—tj) LEEDS,MA 01053 Binh in opo shutdown compliant(NEC 201.18 2077) Connector type MC4 for k,nplumoi Hil UTXvAh additional Q-,)CC-5 adapter) 4 Den-ii,...(WxH.,D) 212 mm,175 min x 30.2 IT,-J,,ahoul,biarket) Productive and Reliable Werph. 92 kit(2 03 lost) footing No •Opt,ed for high powered 60-lell,72-cellA.and Atirnued for-.-,at locationsY. ENGINEER OF RECORD 96-cele modules Pollution aeg.. PD3 •More than a—lien hours or testing Enclosure Class It double-e--lal- Class Ii d-We-insulated enclosure ..........uv Smart Grid Ready M-n—,in Inli,h Compatible vnlh Enphase 10 Eii,-oy C ITes ralln aO,,ancerl gild support,voltage and means The AC and DCC hacloirs have own iia ted and approved by UL for use as[he*ld rulik 11=11y gide thlo,gh requuemems 0...m".e,ud or NEC 690 Remotely updates to respond to changing complmncu Ca Rule I I(111.7.1&A, 91-dmema UL 621i,�1.UL1 741/lEE1115,17.FCC PIt Class B.ICES 0003 Class B. Configuiable to, aFying grid profiles CANICSA-C22.2 NO 107101 Ties 0 oduC1 13 UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Do—Equipment and conforms,,nh NEC-2014 ant PAPER SIZE 11',17-(0VISI 8) Meeks CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA) NEC 2017690.12 end C22121315 Rule 64.218 Rapid Shute—al FV Systems.to,AC and DC canduao,s mien Installed acco,ding manufacturer sms-cuons RESOURCE DOCUMENT nu. MDATE: 10.08.2019 To learn more about Enphase offerings.visit enphase.com ENPHASE To learri more about Eri offerings,visit eniptutuse.man E)ENPHASE DESIGN BY:VTI. CHECKEDBY: M.M. 6 REASIONS R-002.00 C D E F G ---'r— H I�ET ll) A Fis B C Fic D se E seFre G FisH INSIGHTS Data shoe: Enphase IQ Combiner 3 Enphase Networking MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiners%-IQ-AMl•'L40.9 gCombiner3wnh Enphaseq Erlvq'gmtetl ehwnboard for ute9taled meow gratlk PV production metering(ANS)C12.20a-0.5s)said aplunal•c4Huumplwa mOWtanlg(.h 2.s1J CONTRACTOR? ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS(101 mcluded,rrrder.Sepmat III tnPhase Mnolle Conned' --_----l� --_---- -- CELLMOOEM-O3(4O/12yeatdal,plait) Pug.anulplaymdurnalgladecellularrttcdemv,andataplanforsys,e—up to 60 INSIGHT SOLAR 2 - -...—._.___._. ___..-.._...-..._. _.__..._,..._..._.__._..___ -_.... - CELLMOOEM OI(3G/Syeai data plan) Imoomvrrl—(Avadablemlhe US.Canadz.Mexico.Puerto Rico,and the US Virgin ls:ands. CELL MODEM MI(4G lwsed LTE-M I'yuar data olanl where the,e•is aUequate celh,lar serace in the mstallanon area.) Enphase The Enphave w Caml2lner 8"with Enphase C...W.,ubm,...nounq`C1 PHONE: 413-33&7555 CY 200 SPLIT Split I:oie runeu it W,slorme,s aurora wlmle hcme consuinpt,on.—nag(./.2.53.. IQ Envoy"consolidates interconnection circmlaleaka. shppunnEam.,BR210.BR2l5,BR220.BR230,BR240.BR250.and0R26o--lMoslara_ ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST IQ Combiner 3 equipment single enclosure and El KIUA2240 C11-11 breaker.2 pole.TOA,Eaton BR216 NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 e Q g BRK 15A 2240 curt orwker-2 pole,15A.Eaton BR215 I p;-iQ-Annl-;ao-3) streamlines PV and storage installations 20A 2P 240 Circuit breaker 2 uns by I1OP'20A,Eaton BR220 Epic m Powe,tine—Hc,(oomman,cal an armge pa.r)..dorm(,2 LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 providing a consistent,pre-wired solution for xA PLUG-1204 Accessory,etept-fe to,Pmvar Line Ginter m 10 Combiner 3(reguued for EPLG01) HIC.NO.: residential applications.It offers up to four %A-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement 10 Envoy Parle0.—a board(PCB)lar Combiner 3 ELE.NO.: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THIS 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series - ._.__.._.__ __.._._._.—.__ _-----..__.---- _-_--__ DAAwINGSEFPATHOUTw81TTEN RaU,g Continuous duly PERMISSION FROM CONTRACTOR IS IN busbar assembly. system voltage 120/240 VAC.60 H, NOIATION OF U.S COPYRIGHT TAMS AND NUL BE SUBJECT TO CIVIC 3 Eaton OR series busoar raring 125A DMIAGES AND PROSECUTIONS. Max conbnuoue^-unutt mnatt t a'pul lu OM 65A Mae.lies-1- a—mg(output) 90A NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp — -..----.-.-------___--..__ Branco circuits(solar and/a,starage) Up to lour 2 pole Eaton OR Series Orstnbuted Generation(DGI We,.— nl,-(netlndudern EEI�,��ppppPl� Max.continuous ew rent raong(input from PV) 64A GEIS Max.total bmach circuit breaker rating(input) BOA OI Wsmbuled generation/90A VAIN IQ Erna.•breaker nduded I� S Smart Product-Material CT 200 A solid tate pre installed and wired to to Envoy RESIDENCE�3.L� •Includes IQ Emoy for communication MECHANICAL DATA _ _______ _ _____ OR lE ylK.'IE `' std mnrr0l O,mensiuns(1VAHADI 49.S x 37.5 x 16 8 and 09 5".A 14 75'x 6.63'7 Heights 21.06"(53.5 can with mOunimg brackets). 7t)CHESTNUT AVE E Flexible networking supports Wi-F,. Vluglu 7.5kg(16 51bs) q Ethernet or cellular n temperature 1-40-10115-F) LEEDS,MA 01053 Y�IR. P age C to t.16-C •Optional AC recdpia.le available for PLC Ambient .. .. 'i badge Cooling Natural comecuon,plus heat shield 4 1 Provides production mete ing and opimnal End—.envacannu ralraNng Outdoor.NRTLceaili d,NEMA t ype 3P.fady rbonate consnu roan consumption moml0ring 11,re sues 20 A to 50 A breaA a units.1411-,AV/G cuppe•.ond—cas •60 A breaker branch Input.410 1/0 AWP c10ce1 111dud013 ENGINEER OF RECORD Alam Iu9 Combined output'.1010 2/0 ANG Dopper ronduclats •Neutral and ground w ca 14 1/0 coppe: n'Juctars Simple AICvays follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. •Reduced sue from previous combiner Attitude To 2000 mel—J6,560 feet) centered mounting DracAe15 support srmpe INTERNET CONNECT)DN OPT IONS -ntelpa.r.__.- --�-- --._ stud muuni,n9 mteglalea wl�i 802wdn, •supports tuck—sine condun vmry Elnemel Oplmaal.&121 Cat5E for C;16)UTP Ethsa t rank InmmrludM) r , Up to law 2 pole branch dreuts lar 240 VAC U Cellular from ducledIMOOEM OI(3C)dCELIMOUEM 03 MG)or CELLMOOFr.AM1(4G bO:ed LTE M) Ping,n Weakers trial mclurintl) (not mduded) - -90 A 101a1 fN OF storage 01 anch corn is COMPLIANCE ConppMCe.CdrMYler UL 1741 --- •----- -- .---+---- CAN/CSA C22.2 No.107.1 - - - -- 5 Reliable 42 CFR.Pan IS.Class H.ICES 006 PAPER SIZE 11•x 1T(ANSI B) Poduclianconean9 ANSIC12.20ac—ocVcloFsoS(PVpmdNcl�) •Do sidle NRT E certified HE MA t ype Conpb—.IQE.-4`Co ourada tiUL 606011/CANCSA22.2 No.61010: O 3R enclosure ----------.--- — RESOURCE DOCUMENT n num U� •Fiveyear.varann• geiegWtetllaEnphaseSto,age•Systeins •UL hsteo DATE: t0,OQ2019 L'�D To team more about Enphase offerings.visit en m Q ENPHASE nr,......,,r.,n,.,.•,...,-..,: �".:.,-,,:,...°naseCo...,,. „ :nxann ,..,n. a r.. a ENPHASE DESIGN BY:V9. To learn more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.cum n" n CHECKED BY: M.M. 8 REVISIONS R-003.00 A isB C FisDis E F G H ISHEEf 12) A B isCIs D E m F as G ia H INSIGHT91 Q13W.E341165 Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System Equipment 9atJ1ao0 Enphase"Energy//Rapid Shutdown Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System Equipment CONTRACTOR narmra aausr slat rwuss INSIGHT SOW 2 Rapid shutdown is built-in PHONE: 413-338-1555 rn.mv.a.Ia r.pe aewa..n mamm.aalam.ae ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST The 2014 edition of the National Electrical Code(NEC 2014)added What's new in NEC 20147 rmr N1m-m.,rx mwm A, —16.4mx new rapid shutdown requirements for PV systems installed on buildings. NEC 201.SeClgn NG!2 applies m:rxora s m Mx .uaw NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Io PV conouClprS e,:er 10 feel Trwi Enphase without then fully meet raped shutdown requirements in the 1,n pt..array a d I ncs amt Im row amrrac amwNa � iw a.lmx o,uQ w new code without the need to install any additional electrical equipment. :OIXilClus i=ws:anmuw Nz1s w mr ARmwla Gu la 11(o LIC.NO.: HIC-MA 192102 a�xt.y0 v«Iartyxres,wltw,Ili wwa: zw a uazaa.::sw WC.NO.: ;ewws pl lapxl SnulcnnN,anNllan wxso-m.n AIuwNa .mlmAc mPa:1a-.svoc ELE NO.: awPw lxrme a 1=N:.a.xsow szm-m-LL-.-us nmrAc"Im..,ar a„ou:zz.avoc Irwn!awn:D usE of tws String inverters require work arounds for rapid shutdown mm:xwa x.a,=xwN «WWINGSET VVIMUTMTIEN w w u z us ne./Ae ulmwlwzevO[ FERIASSION FROM CONTRACTOR IS IN NOLA71ON OF U.S.COPVRz'sNT NWS ar leo,xraw AND MI.SE SUB=ECT TO CNS 3 Workaround. Work srouncl. IQ6nus-=a-wu5-(a)(a) c.rAc rur�mwro. I mn.`1r,•axvo[S xww DAMAGESMDPROSECUTxwS. SDe—lazed ROpzl Sr" sinng Imer—se(I / IQW -I=.K"-(e) eWcurcal box nL'taA2a«;the pn IM.a n(1Ne Ipso-x-us•(aXa) mmmrACArmmaa Iniac 1a-Pxvoc NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp .ont wllnm l0 Teel of arlay. ��� envx«mRnl Iltix Slruxl IQr-eQAoa-us•le) Aanw.Ia P,r:za a xw.:xow � unerWSa,er,011xrl IQ>�Nr.xx...Ns.l.x.)1Q�NB.,x.�".(a) �w,rw,K 1.�r.-.xN.� :o INe QIM:xa.r a.0.=ray Work around' GEIS axx-..*-Ia•mxa)IQr.so-.c"-us•(w mw.n..i.c war 1yr:lFwl�oc ShulOII Sw ch Incl 4 olwav:amass,sa a ea*accessible lour! (w-waa.xm.,wa 1S RESIDENCE resporgel5 xr 1112 groi—I. ■ (a)- •wrw. am,w am mmaa.a a Imam a nwewn m nraw a.nen. g ' ------- Work 0 m a1'"'-" 70 CHESTNUT AVE -------- — WQm.roand. ar■aart 'm"fJ'= °°"a LEEDS,MA 01053 E.,ba cpnou�n n,s;a!alla,. Residential string irwarter Commercial Ytring pawner a xsu uuc ,na aroaalav r.ramrawan.,woerwmnrNawmwmsear wraxma.a..as a.ana mlases a.a.rm..is,_ p ar u� aio. aev m. 4 orr uam paew a.nlro um u Nark 1IIon1a m rmmrea m w cendw ala rarena I.aar wy Iibnip ssears ar I.ar weal lir awes w w.a+m m..mr.e.mn a u.Ir.eew maw"4"u+orwa cannomn aa.aw.aern m W mam.ala.a.arm:a.ar ease a+.r.ae.N ww.ras, Enphase comes standard with rapid shutdown capability ^` ENGINEER OF RECORD .w Ero.�mu rrar,rno. Enw,av+,,.., Iwerr:r_ a I•rv.,,+v nsi:UNt:I. UWOfr.SIG:Av.WawrKl enlH nl X rapid Only xA-oftale DC. JWlck"y L(,wefrsnI4. PJectr0ry lSOtaed 10 no awit.u'.eq(gMNar: ITR P/Mdule «rv«NNWIOS IvetlOO 5 PAPERSIH 11•rr7•(ANSIB) Raaldenhal Micrmmarter comm...1.1 NuominN.n.. RESOURCE DOCUMENT DATE: 10.08.2019 [e]enphase DESIGNeY:V.B.To leam more,visit enphase.com E u r, E MlplMambn..W.n cgFUrdXWft W"WLISEXTl1FRAMEInzlwpage.h ?MmeNIJW.E341165acCMMNi Phow,A c•Raad.stwrdow... vt CHECKED BY: M.M. REMSIONS 6 Rm004.00 A ar B sa C D asE asF m G H 1�013 ) A B C D E F G H INSIGHTIS /lL IRONRIDGE Flush Mount System XR Rolle XR10 RW XR/00 Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices "� >* CONTRACTOR s 2 � ....•�" .�.,�1 Ate_ INSIGHT SOLAR 3 A low-profile mounting rail The ultimate residential A heavyweight mounting All rails use internal splices PHONE: 413-338-7555 _ for regions with light snow. solar mounting rail. rail for commercial projects- for seamless connections. ADDRESS:89 MARKET ST •6'spanning capability 8'Spanning capability 12'spenning capability Self-drilling screws NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 •Moderate load capability Heavy load capability Extreme load capability Varying versions for rails •Clear and black finish Clear and black finish Clear anodized finish -Forms secure bonding UC.NO.: NIC-MA 191102 Clamps&Grounding® -- —=--- --------------- HIC.NO.: ELE.NO.: --'"-�'•. __ — UFOs Stopper Sleeves CAMO Grounding Lugs UNAurnoRUEDUSEnFTHIS D—NTEN PERNIS I NFET rnnnukTm TON IS AE TION FUS CONTGHTL WIN NOTAMLL OFv5.COPVRIGHi LAWS SNIT WILL BE DPROSECUTIONS NI 3 ^— '_ _. �A1.l PES V YM: "jI as- �`� = E NEW PV SYSTEM:5.670 kWp Universal Fastening Objects Snap onto the UFO to turn Bond modules to rails while Connect arrays to GEIS bond modules to rails. into a bonded end clamp. staying completely hidden, equipment ground. •Fully assembled&tubed Bonds modules to rails Universal end-cam clamp Low profile •Single,universal size Sized to match modules Tool-less icstalletfon Single tool installation RESIDENCE •Clear and black knish Clear and black finish Fully assembled Mounts in any direction 70 CHESTNUT AVE Built for solar's toughest roofs. s; —.-----_ ..._ IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar.Every component has been tested to Attacnrll:_,nts LEEDS,MA 01053 the limit and proven in extreme environments. FlashFoot2 Conduit Mount Slotted L-Feet Bonding Hardware 4 Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features,such as curved rails and reinforced flashings,and is also why our products are fully certified,code compliant and backed by a 20-year warranty. ENGINEER OF RECORD AW Strength Tested PE Certified p..•=!'F• Att components evaluated for supenor Pre—stamped engineering tenets Flash and mount AH Halls Flash and mount conduit. Drop-in design for rapid rail Bond and attach XR RaiLs ® structural performance. available in most stales. with superior waterproofing. strut,or junction boxes. attachment. to roof attachments. • Twist-on Cap eases install Twist-on Cap eases install Secure rail connections T&Square Bolt options •Wind-driven rain tested Wind-driven rain tested Slot for vertical adjusting Nut uses 7116"socket Class A Fire Elating ❑ Design Assistant Mill and black finish Secures%"or 1"Conduit Clear and black finish Assembled and lubricated Certified to maintain the fire resistance Online software makes it simple to g rating of the existing roof. create,share,and price projects. -" q'aso`i'c"` --- PMEq SIZE 11'•IT 1rt1s sl _ Design Assistant NABCEP Certified Training RESOURCE DOCUMENT UIL 2703 Listed System 25-Year Warranty Go from rough layoutto fully 1el Earn free continuing education credits, engineered system.For free. NADP while learning more about our systems. Entire system and components meet �i Products guaranteed to be free Go to IrorAidge.com/design Go to honRid9s.com/finuning DATE: t0A9.1019 newest effective UL 2703 standard. of impairing defects. g 0 DESIGN BY:VB. CHECKEDBY: M.M. 6 REVISIONS R-005.00 A B C D E F G H kslrtEl ul A B C D E F G H INSIGHT'a /l&IRONRIDGF_ FlashFW2 Installation Features The Strongest Attachment in Solar - OEI I q�Alignment Markers CONTRACTOR IronRidge FlashFoot2 raises the bar in solar roof INSIGHT SOLAR 2 protection.The unique water seal design is both Quickly align the flashing with chalk lines to find pilot holes. elevated and encapsulated,delivering redundant layers .- of protection against water intrusion.In addition,the PHONE: 89413-338-7555ARKET twist-on Cap perfectly aligns the rail attachment with the ') (p J, ADDRESS:89 MARKET O lag bolt to maximize mechanical strength. `-�� V Rounded Corners NORTHAMPTON,IM 01060 -� - Makes it easier to handle and insert under the roof shingles. r � uc.No.: Hlc-MAlsnoz HIC.NO.: ELE.NO.: - _ C Reinforcement Ribs En UTFDN¢E❑USE OF THIS (A;_ t - _ DR WNG SET MIHOUT wRmEN PERIAISSION f ROTA CONTRACTOR IS IN Twist-On Cap Help to stiffen the flashing and prevent any bending or `4OLATION or u.S.COPYRIGHT UWS 3 FldshFODl2's UnlgUa Cap design encapsulates I AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CML crinkling during installation. DAnwGEs AND PROSECUTIONSthe Iag boll and lacks into place with a simple Three-Tier Water Seel 1wis1.The Cap helps FlasTiFcol2 deliver 9ast-Fool2's seal architecture unities three 1 superior snuciami strength.by aligning layers of protection.An elevated platform I NEW PV SYSTEM:5.6701(WP the raH an' Iag bolt in a cwrcenhic divans water away,while a slack of rugged load path. components rases the seal an em nerich GEIS _t The seal Is than Lully-encapuslated by the Cap.FlashFoo12 is the lost solar attachment '--- - to pass the TAS 100 w hd Driven Ran Test. Benefits of Concentric Loading a RESIDENCE uted`""T pTraditional solar attachments have a horizontal offset between the rail and lag L' sob 70 CHESTNUT AVE >' bolt,which introduces leverage on the lag $ Soo `^ LEEDS,MA 01053 bolt and decreases uplift capacity. Pao 4 FlashFoo12 is the only product to align the zdd rail and lag bolt.This concentric loading ENGINEER OF RECORD results in a stronger attachment for 0 1 + B the system. Rail-to-Lag Offset(in) Testing&Certification _ Structural Certification Designed and Certified for Compliance with the International Building Code&ASCE/SEI-7. Single Socket Size 5 Acustonl-design lag bon allows Water Seal Ratings RatERSff:WsIrPIMIT, the tp 7/1 FlasbFet s with _ Water Sealing Tested to UL 441 Section 27"Rain Test"and TAS 100-95"Wind Driven Rain Test"by Intenek. RESOURCE DOCUMENTS you same Jn Fl..hFel size Used en ether Flush mount Ratings applicable for composition shingle roofs having slopes between 2:12 and 12:12. System components. Water-Shedding Design UL2703 An elevated plenwm swans water DATE: 10A82D19 away nom the water seal. Conforms to UL 2703 Mechanical and Bonding Requirements.See Flush Mount Install Manual for full ratings. DESIGN BY:VB. r CHECKED BY: M.M. 6 ,WIN REVISIONS U06.00 A B C D To E f G H (SHEET ts)