Nov12zThe Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes of Meeting Nov 12, 2015 City of Northampton Council Chambers 212 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time   Chair, David Bloomberg   ( Vice Chair, Malcolm B. “Barry” Smith   ( Sara Northrup   ( Bob Riddle, Assoc. Member    Elizabeth Silver, Associate Member    Staff: ( Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch    Planning Director, Wayne Feiden   5:30 PM Sara Northrup opened public comment. There was none. 5:30 PM Sara Northrup opened the request for a commercial finding for 5,600+- square foot expansion in URC/OI district Smith Street Associates, LLC 32-36 Smith St, Northampton, Map Id 32C-107 Jeff Squire, landscape architect representing the applicant, presented the project and layout. Sara Northrup asked for clarification regarding permits required and asked if there were floor drains planned inside the addition. Squire stated that there would be no drains inside. Bob Riddle asked about parking and the area currently used for staging. Is this also an area for parking? Squire noted that employee parking will not change and is located on the paved portion of the property. Squire noted that sandblasting currently performed outdoors would be brought into the new building. Malcolm Smith asked if that was a noisy operation. Squire confirmed that the compressor used for the sandblasting is noisy. Upon motion by Bob Riddle and second by Malcolm Smith, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Malcolm Smith and second by Bob Riddle, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Finding as presented. Upon motion by Bob Riddle and second by Malcolm Smith, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes for 8-13 and 9-10-15. 5:45 Adjourn.