820 Title 5 Form 2019 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1 Public Health Director—Merridith O'Leary Municipal Building—212 Main Street—Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215—Fax(413)587-1221 http://www.northamptonma.gov/245/Health CERTIFYING TITLE V INSPECTION Date of Inspection: Property Owner Location of Title V Inspection: 9a0 N K p`h ` Title 5 Inspector �r � �►:V1 y , £ License#: Phone#: 413'S'-)7L 4Y® ' y . dgJ,�' .dpi iW, COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED: S j?+1 Z., .k 4- ( 'Q C ►h 1 R 1' BUILDING SEWER: I1�' LLA �f�� f '�"� % ,0�� SQA t �►�1 SEPTIC TANK: ow N ons _ n �G n Jo n 1< kCL 10 v g ifons 3 Yes No Liquid levelbelow--theutlet/mv rt ( r Rau a f` 3 sa 14, Yes I�o r Evidenc&,p-ft aEckup � � } 2 f ) Yes... No Sludge depth and thickness (Within 12 inch s of outlet to pumping recommended) JUL 11 L L 3- D-BOX: / r Yes No Stati water le el is at or higher x an inv rt of outlet pipe` Yes No Br,ken box, ob tructed pipe, 'r box is un ven or settled 1 Yes 10 -box is level an flow is e, al Y No\ Evidence of solids arty er SAS: Ifachinq qj-1 pc)3s, biq in h t to . - y r om dtC C bt 1 l°;j a ( ckqs 0. ole- L r` rm �W j Yes V No Leaching system located Yes No Portion of the SAS exposed to determine condition Yes No Evidence of breakout,ponding, or sewage backup Set c-b iD &,4-9 0 Yes ✓ No Leaching pit/Cesspool PUMP CHAMBER: J a - Ye/ No Ala s and pu nfunct ning correct Y r es o Does s include a siipho CESSPOOL/PRIVY: NOT : CESSPOOL TQBE PUMI,ED AS PA NSPECTION ha "r : A �.. 4 GREASE TRAP/TIGHT TANK: _ NOTE:TANK /IyI�E PUMPED AS PLS INSPECTION / GROUNDWATER DETERMINATION: Methods of estimating HIGH groundwater elevation: S -.hX)y.-, U i�►' In q E 7 d 41 3 oLpcation of bottom of'leacliing faci�ty compared to theIIGH groudwter 1 vation coml7leted? 11 PASSES, . D'PASSES w „AILS xtiFC1TIReEUALATr;ON;NEEDED Signature of Board of Health Agent Date