994 Disposal Construction Permit 2019 op Commonwe Ith of Massachusetts W City/Town o Northampton Number Disposal S stem Construction Permit Form 2A M DEP has provi ed this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information mutt be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. Permission is hereby granted to: Important:When Michael John filling out forms Name Name of Company on the computer, use only the tab 68 Congress S . key to move your Address cursor-do not Greenfield MA 01301 use the return City/Town State Zip Code key. to perform the ollowing work on an on-site sewage disposal system: ran ® Constructi n ❑ Repair or replacement ❑ Repair or replacement of system components 994 Florence d. Facility Address Northampton MA 01062 City/Town State Zip Code Mathias Kaindi Owner Telephone Number The work to be performed is further described in the Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. Theapplicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions: PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, THE FOLLOWING ARE REQUIRED: -Title 5 and C3b Sand certificates -Northampton Electrical Inspector sign off on electrical work/wiring for pump Installer certifi ation from Eljin -Asbuilt from C esigner -Please leave all lines and components open for inspection prior to backfill All construct on must be completed within three years of the date below. Bri Eichstaedt, REHS/RS 10/2/19 Approved by Date Health Agent Title t5form2a.doc•06/03 Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 1 of 1 Eljen Geotextile Sand Filter (GSF) (5�'c1'tl ica-1c Gf Z?ra nin y is presented to: Michael John Attended Eljen Corporation's 2.5 hour GSF Design and Installation training, covering an overview of design and installation principles. Reissued. September 30, 2019 Eric Daniels, Eljen Technical Representative eloen GO.R.PO.R.ATI.ON PP 2.5 credit hours Innovative Environmental Products and Solutions Since 1970 Approval: T507-0025 Commor wealth of Massachusetts City/TMA n of Northampton Percola ion Test Form 12 Important:When filling Percolation to t results must be submitted with the Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage out forms on osal. DEF has f Health. ther be computer,use only the butpthe information provided st be substantia ly the amle as Boards at p o�ded here. Beforeforms using this form,used, tab key to move your check with th( local Board of Health to determine the form they use. cursor-do not use the return key. A. Site In ormation Owner Name: Mathias Kaindi Street Addres or Lot 994 Florence Road Map 44 Lot 133. Subdivision lot 1 City/Town: N�rtham ton State: MA Zip Code: 01062 Contact pers n (if different from owner) Telephone N mber413-834-3000 Homestead Inc.#: 778 B. Test esults 7/1/19 7/1/19 Date Date 9:00 AM Time Time Observation Hole # 1 2 Depth of P rc 38 inches Start Pre- 'oak 9:20 AM End Pre-s ak 9:35 AM Time at 12' 9:35 AM Time at 9" 9:40 AM Time at 6" 9:45 AM Time (9" - ") 0:05:30 Average Mate per Inch 1 .7 Test Passed: Test Passed: Test Failed: Test Failed: Test Performed By: Thomas S. Leue, Homestead Inc. Witnessed By: Bri Eichstaedt, Northampton Comments: t5form12.doco 06103 Perc Test o Page 1 of 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Site Address: 994 Florence Road, Northampton Homestead Inc. #: 778 DEP has provided this form for use by on-site professionals and local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. A. Facility Information 1. Facility Information Mathias Kaindi Owner Name 994 Florence Road Map 44 Lot 133. Subdivision lot 1 Street Address Map/Lot Northampton MA 01062 B. Site Information 1. (Check one) New Construction . Upgrade Repair 2. Published Soil Survey available? X Yes _ No If yes: 1980 15840 17 Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit SrA Sudbury fine sandy loam severe limitations: poor filter, wetness Soil Name Soil limitations Comment• _ 3. Superficial Geological Report available? X Yes —No If yes: 1980 1: 190,080 Year Published Publication Scale Map Unit glacial outwash outwash plain_ Geologic Material Landform 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map: bove the 500year flood--bountlary? ^ No— --Within-the-400-year=flood-boundary? _Yes No Within the 500 year flood boundary? Yes X No Within a Velocity Zone? _Yes X No 5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Unit Name Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map Unit Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) Range: Above Normal X Normal Below Normal Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed: DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Site Address: 994 Florence Road, Northampton Homestead Inc. #: 778 °�, C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area) 1 Deep Observation Hole Number! 7/1/19 10:30 AM Clear Perc date Time Weather 2 Land Use: mowing Surface Stones: Q 0% (e.g. woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc.) Slope (%) Vegetation grass Landform outwash plain Latitude: Longitude: Position on Ian scape attach sketch) 3 Distances from: Open Water Body >150 Drainage Way >100 Possible Wet Area: 120 Property Line 25 Drinking Water Well >150 Other: feet feet feet 4 Parent Material: glacial outwash Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes If Yes: Disturbed Soil Fill Material Impervious Layer(s) Weathered/Fractured Rock Bedrock 5 Groundwater Observed: Yes If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 64 inches Depth Standing Water in Hole _ inches Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 16 inches Depth Soil Soil Matrix Redoximorphic Features Soil Texture Coarse Fragments Soil Soil Other (In.) Horizon Color-Moist mottles (USDA) Cobbles Structure Consistency / Layer Munsell Depth Color Percent Gravel & Stones Moist loamy fine 0 - 10 Ap 10YR 3/3 sand 0% 5YR 4/6 loamy fine 10 - 16 Bw 10YR 5/4 16 7.5YR 5/1 >5% sand 0% blocky friable bold streaks loamy fine 16 - 78 C 10YR 4/6 sand 0% 0% blocky friable DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 2 of 3 r r Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Site Address: 994 Florence Road, Northampton Homestead Inc. #: 778 D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method used: Depth observed standing water in observation hole A._ inches B._ inches Depth weeping from side of observation hole A._ inches B. _ inches X Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. 16 inches B._ inches Groundwater adjustment (USGS methodology) A.— inches B.= inches 2. Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: _10 Min. inches Lower boundary:_7 8 Max. inches F. Certification I certify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.017 to conduct soil evaluations and that the above analysis has been performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. 1 further certify that the results of my soil evaluation, as indicated in the attached Soil Evaluation Form, are accurate and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107. / 7/1/19 Signatu�valuator Date Thomas S. Leue SE 1368 June 1995 Typed or Printed Name of Soil Evaluator/License Numbe Date of Soil Evaluator Exam Bri Eichstaedt City of Northampton_ Name of Board of Health Witness Board of Health Note: In accordance with 310 CMR 15.018(2)this form must be submitted to the approving authority within 60 days of the date of field testing, and to the designer and the property owner with Percolation Test Form 12. DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 3 of 3 gjct 1 Septic Plan Review-Checklist Permit# Location: q q 4 f'l® e- - 1 o � I OwnerAa:NQ3 koonp Owner Address: Q!cQ Design Engineer/Sanitarian: Tom Le-u_e, Installer: &yj, rMhn Installer Permitted?101*y es❑ No Single or Multi-F Number of Units: Number of Bedrooms: New or Existing: n;Q ' Review Date: Reviewed By: Building Sewer ipe diameter Schedule of p pe: � ,!Watertight j oftits CSlope (min. for 4"pipe is 0.01 or 1/8"per foot; desired slope is 0.02 or '/4"per foot) Invert elevation at buildings Q 0 f�Length: ti /Alignment an grade (manholes required at changes in both alignment and grade) VC�/ Manhole (mut have metal frame and cover at grade) Septic Tank Tank a least 200% of design flow-1,500 gallon minimum /,Septic "to 3" drop om inlet to outlet Minimum 4' liquid depth ees extend 6" above flow line Inlet tee 10"b low flow line (minimum) -71 /2- Air 7i /Z- Air Space (3" Bove tees, 9" above flow line) Depth of outlet tee (minimum 145') ..5VX 1 Access manhole over center of tank and each tee (if tank is >9" from grade) VzNumber of co partments? t ,Effluent filter n outlet of tank, new and repair /Bn 6" of crus ed stone LSTuoyancy (ifnecessary) C� Detail provide Leaching Trenches 11 Depth of stone beneath pipe: (6"min.) El Number of trenches: length:_ (max. 100'), width:_(min.' 24") 0 Trench s acin 3 x effective width-or depth, whichever is greater 0 Trenc idth [ feet maxim I 0 The ea betwe n trenches hall e designated as eserve area only where the sep ration dist, cc betw n the xcavation side" alls is at least six feet. 0 L ching area ivailable- o Bol tom--le gth x wi th x#of tre ches= sq. ft. o Sid s= len h x dept (2' max) x sidewalls x# of trenches= sq. ft. o TOAL— sq. ft. 11 eaching area requirements fulfilled: Total leaching area(bottom plus sides)x loading factor=gallons treated Loading factor is based on perc rate Total gallons treated by system design must be> design flow for system 0 Leach Field 443 Length: ft. &es 0 Width: ft. oos I at 0 Total area provided r di osal: sq. ft 0 oading factor: 7 400 5F 0 otal area x loa i g factor: gpd 10 otal area is gr ater than o equal to desig flow 15' rf\Q&au� Elumber of di ribution pip s: ❑ ength(100' ax): 0 S ape: (min 0.005): 0 S cing(6 max): 0 Pip slop (min. 0.005 slope, o " er 100') 0 Fill is ecified for 5' around entire system(only required when T5 sand is required) LEACHING AREA REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED? Yes No (note: leaching area must be increased if garbage grinder is used) 611 Ground water elevation: 4 feet of 5 feet separation between trench and bottom and max. high groundwater. CvIBackfill depth(min. of 9"--->3 ft. requires vent)A\� El/ Ends capped IV Distribution lines exceeding 50 ft. are vented vtev" C�Vented if system is 3-6 ft. below gradeAlc0.- iameter of distribution pipe: 1AV (min. 3") Distribution line orifice (min 3/8",max. 3/4") V /Cill is specified as Title V on plan .), C33 ertification on fill submitted AC47- F)r ' General Inform tion Location and dimensions of system(including reserve area for new construction) pesign flow calculation (110gallons/bedroom day, or other, as required) Mass. Reg. Sanitarian or Mass. P.E. Stamp and Signature ?Is [ cale of P= 0' for plot plan C9' Scale of P= 0' for system component details E/Legal boundaries of the facility being served including easements which could affect the impact of he system's installation/performance G eAl1 dwellings buildings and existing and proposed impervious areas L� Design calcul tions: Sewage flow: $30 gpd Septic tank size required: (5700 gallons Septic tank size provided: 1500 gallons �orth arrow, existing and proposed contours ocation and og of deep hole observation test 15rJ1JJIJ Date of test Existing grad elevations for each test n Name of ar vin authority: pp g S A 1-N'1(abIi� Name of soilvaluator.rim men n n a A- ThM let,L.. 2- Location and esults o test ❑ Location of water lines and other subsurface utilities on facility Observed groundwater elevation in vicinity of the system /Complete profile of the system C A note on the plan listing all variances to the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 and local requirements ought in conjunction with the plarf\kP'(_ ✓Location and elevation of benchmark within 50 to 75 feet of the facility which is not bject to dislocation or loss during conjunction of the facility If dosing system provided: c" Comp ete design and specifications of the system c /Dosin chamber capacity: 1000 �/ Numb r of dosing cycles: ®"Wired to separate circuit c"Filter rior to entering tank ❑ Garbage grinder: Yes: No: ✓ Location of existing and proposed water supply(including water mains) are shown on plan VLocation of w lls within 200' of system (if none, statement saying so) VLocation of st eams, surface and subsurface drains, and/or wetlands within 100' of system and reserve area or a statement that none exist within 100' spection Poits CY/Magnetic tape C� Correct# of d ep hole per code revision A note stating how existing system will be abandoned, if applicable n kc'�- I/A Systems/Tight Tanks ❑ O&M Contract signed between homeowner and company 3 ❑ Deed restriction recorded with Registry of Deeds Distribution Box IV Inlet elevations: 0S.01 EV Outlet elevations: I j rop(inlet-outlet): Sump (6"minimum) W)� Baffle or inlet tee(>I"per foot(.08)requires baffle/inlet T)X'f All outlets at same elevation Manhole cover to grade if d-box is>9"from grade # of outlets: 9— ,"'!of outlets: t-i (diameter) iV Detail provided Setbacks Septic Tank Soil Absorption System 0 Property line 1 10 El Cellar wall/inground pool 10 20 11 Slab foundation 10 10 El Water supply pressure line 10 10 El Surface waters (except wetlands) 25 50 El Vegetated wetlands, salt marshes, inland and coastal banks 25 50 Surface Water Supply El Reservoirs and impoundments 400 400 El Tributaries to SWS 200 200 El Wetlands bordering SWS or tributaries thereto 10 100 El Certified vernal pools /0 100 El Private water supply well or suction line 50 100 Public Water Supply El Gravel packed 400 400 El Tubular 50V 250 11 Irrigation well 1 25 El Open. subsurface, or surface drains which discharge to SWS or tributaries thereto 50 100 Setbacks Septic Ta/k" Soil Absorption System El Other open, surface or subsurface drains (excluding foundation drains) which intercept seasonal high groundwater 25 50 0 Other open, surface of subsurface drains (excluding foundation drains) 10 ❑ Leaching andcatch basins & drywells 10 25 11 Downhill slop N/A 15' (min.)to top of 3:1 slope 9/15/2019 Mail-Eichstaedt,Brianna L.-Outlook 994 Florence Rd. Eichstaedt, Brianna L. Sun 9/15/2019 11:10 AM To: Thomas Leue<vegheat gmail.com> Cc: mejohnb@comcast.net<mejohnb@comcast.net>;Merridith O'Leary<moleary@northamptonma.gov>; Melissa Roberts-Cote<mro ertscote@northamptonma.gov> Tom, I re-reviewed your plan today. Did you submit the perc info from 6/28? Form 11+12? In addition, can you please answer the two questions I had as they have still not been answered or changed on the plan. See below: by does it state the required minimum number of modules is 18?According to page 12 of the ,Inanual, and correct me if I'm wrong, a class 1 soil with 3 bedrooms would require a minimum of 15. If you're over designing, that's fine but the minimum should be noted as 15 and provided noted as 18. /Why does it state the rninimum required square footage is 445.9?445.9* .74 loading rate= V329.6 GPD. Plus, I'm not sure this is relevant using Eljin because the minimum#of modules is 15 which equals 626.25 SF when you multiply 15*41.75? k On Lastly, I will need confirmation from Eljin that they are able to train Mike John on site the day of installation.Once the above are answered/changed and the perc info is submitted, I can draft up `X the permit. Before the p rmit is issued, I'll need confirmation from Eljin. Please give them my contact information. Thanks. https://oullook.office.com/maU/sentitems/idli QkADNhNmVjYjFmLTVhNjU1NGV1YiIhYmRkLWRj-MyNWFmMGU2ZAAQAP1Zjp74ISNKg%2F... 1/1 8/9/2019 Mail-Eichstaedt,Brianna L.-Outlook 994 Florence Rd. Eichistaedt, Brianna L Fri 8/9/20191:37 PM To: Thomas Leue<vegheatC gmail.com> Cc: Melissa Roberts-Cote 'mrobertscote@northamptonma.gov>;Merridith O'Leary <moleary@northamptonma. ov> Hi Tom, I reviewed your newly s bmitted plan for 994 Florence Rd. -Lot 1. Please see below. When re- submitting the plan, pie se ensure everything is on it that is listed/questioned below. If the items listed below are not on t e re-submitted plan, I will not accept the plan or issue the permit. In addition, because this r quired an entire new plan review with different technology, I believe the city is requiring a new pi n review fee. 0 thew plan review fee �erc info from 6/28 (F-rm 11+12) required to be submitted by does it state the r quired minimum number of modules is 18?According to page 12 of the anual, and correct me if I'm wrong,a class I soil with 3 bedrooms would require a minimum of 1 15. If you're over desigr ing, that's fine but the minimum should be noted as 15 and provided noted as 18. Q9hy does it state the minimum required square footage is 445.9?445.9* .74 loading rate= .6 GPD. Plus, I'm n t sure this is relevant using E1jin because the minimum#of modules is 15 which equals 626.25 SF when you multiply 15*41.75? 40 reserve area noted Rater line location lacking � nlet T required 10"bel w flow line-plan is showing 71/2 but noting 10"below? _14r space not noted V/o'utlet T required to be 14!'-plan is showing 10" 'I Aike John's Eljin trainipg certificate lacking. I checked with E1jin and you are trained but Mike Qohn is not and they require installer's to be trained as well. h4s.1/outlook.office.conVmaii/sentiterns/i(IAAQkADNhNmVjYjFnflXVbNjUtNGVlYilhYagaLWRj-YW]yNWmMGU2ZAAQANxMg'FSGPVpUM... 1/1