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36-376 (3)
205 EMERSON WAY G BP-2019-0249 GIs#: COA4A'i0'_, V EA_1,Tq OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 36-376 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CGi''TRACTING WI1:-1 UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL C.142A) Category:New Single Family House BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2019-0249 Project# JS-2019-000400 Est. Cost: $425000.00 Fee: $2091.00 PERMISSION IS HEREB Y GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: SOVEREIGN BUILDERS INC050176 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 13242.24 Owner., SOVEREIGN BUILDERS INC Zoning: Applicant: SOVEREIGN BUILDERS INC AT: 205 EMERSON WAY Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 135 SOUTHAMPTON RD (413) 527-800:. Workers Compensation WESTHAMPTCANMA01027 "SSifQED OA:915,'2018 G:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORE.CONSTRUCT NEW SFA POST THIS CARD SO IT IS =JISI'3LE FROM THE STREET Insppee for ff Plumbing Inspec*or of V.firing D.P.W. building Inspector Udide, r�.rhd: GAG%� Service: Meter: Footings: Rough:_, 3// Rough: q House# Foundation: Final- / l RP V\ Briveway Final: Final:� �� Rough Frame: 1Zu Gas: Fire Denartment Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: j.e Final O A �9 Smoke: /Z7/t 9 Final: (}.]�. 6-�7- I Q k y? wick THIS PERAiT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE' CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES ANDRLCUL IONS. � .64x. ps a•u-Gv, Certificate cf Occupancy g FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Ani- k'.pit: Building 9/5/2018 00:00:00 $2091.00 212 Main Street,Phone Louis Hasbrouck—3..Kldin2�:,orafrassio,.er 5���� �''�'�r� ��"� 2� The Commonwealth of Massachusetts { City of Northampton = ` Certificate of Occupancy In accordance with 780 CMR, Section R110 (The Ninth Edition of the Massachusetts Residential Building Code) this Certtificate of Occupancy is issued to the premise or structure or part thereof as herein identified. Identify Name of Building of Space Within, Building Owner, or Permit Holder Certificate No. Issued to BP-2019-0294 Sovereign Builders Inc. Identify property address including street number, name, city or town and county Located at 205 Emerson Way Florence, Hampshire, Massachusetts Use Group Classification(s) Single Family Dwelling This Certificate of Occupancy is hereby issued by the undersigned to certify that the premise,structure or portion thereof as herein specified has been inspected for general fire and life safety features. This certificate shall allow for the use as herein described and in conformance with any and all conditions as identified below. It shall be posted in a conspicuous place within the space as directed by the undersigned. Failure to post the certificate,failure to comply with conditions or, tampering with the contents of the certificate is strictly prohibited. Conditions of Use Single Family Dwelling All fire protection and life safety systems must be maintained, and all means of egress must be kept clear Name of Municipal Date of Final Map/Plot BuildingOfficial Kevin Ross Inspection 08/27/2019 Signature of Municipal Date of Building Official / �� Issuance 08/027/2019 36-376 2015 IECC Energy Cost Compliance Property Organization HERS Todd G. Cellura Noonan Energy Corp Confirmed 205 Emerson Way 413-427-2423 2019-08-21 Northampton, MA 01062 Paul J. DellaTorre Rating No:0073_0483 RaterID:8776762 Weather:Westfield-Barnes AP, MA Builder Todd Cellura Custom Home Sovereign Builders Inc 0073-0483-Cl_Sovereign_Builders Annual Energy Cost $/yr 2015 IECC As Designed Heating 1497 1129 Cooling 244 191 Water Heating 341 343 SubTotal- Used to Determine Compliance 2082 1663 Mechanical Ventilation Fan 44 72 Lights ax Appliances (minus MechVent) 1178 1028 Photovoltaics -0 -0 Service Charge 177 177 Total 3480 2940 Mandatory Requirements Annual Energy Cost Check PASSES Duct Insulation R-Value Check (per Section 405.2) PASSES Window U-Value and SHGC Check (per Section 402.5) PASSES Home Infiltration (Section 402.4.1) PASSES Duct Testing (Section 403.3.3) PASSES Mechanical Ventilation (Section 403.6) PASSES Mechanical Ventilation Fan Efficacy (Section 403.6.1) PASSES Mandatory Requirements Check Box (2015 IECC) PASSES This home MEETS the annual energy cost requirements of Section 405 of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code based on a climate zone of 5A. In fact, this home surpasses the requirements by 20.1%. Name Paul J. DellaTorre Signature Organization Noonan Energy Corp Date 127 August 2019 In accordance with IECC, building inputs, such as setpoints, infiltration rates, and window shading may have been changed prior to calculating annual energy cost. Furthermore, the standard reference design HVAC system efficiencies are set equal to those in the design home as specified in the 2015 IECC. These standards are subject to change, and software updates should be obtained periodically to ensure the compliance calculations reflect current federal minimum standards. REM/Rate -Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v15.7.3 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy costs or savings. ©1985-2018 NORESCO, Boulder, Colorado. HOME CERTIFIED TO MEET THE PROVISIONS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE This home built at 205 Emerson Way, Northampton , MA by Sovereign Builders Inc exceeds the minimum requirements for the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code Building Features Ceiling Flat R-39.0 Duct R-6.0 Sealed Attic: NA Duct Leakage to Outside: 38.00 CFM @ 25 Pascals Vaulted Ceiling R-38.0 Total Duct Leakage: 228.00 CFM @ 25 Pascals Above Grade Walls R-20.0 Infiltration: Htg: 1038 Clg: 1038 CFM50 Foundation Walls R-13.0 Window U-Value: 0.290, SHGC: 0.250 Exposed Floor R-42.0 Heating Fuel-fired air distribution, Natural gas, 96.0 AFUE. Slab R-0.0 Edge, R-20.0 Under Cooling Air conditioner, Electric, 13.5 SEER. Water Heating Instant water heater, Natural gas, 0.96 EF, 0.0 Gal. The organization below certifies that the proposed building design described herein is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in compliance with Chapter 4 based on Climate Zone 5A and with all mandatory requirements. Name Paul J. DellaTorre Signature 'Pw..P A.D..CXR�.�-� Organization Noonan Energy Corp Date 27 August 2019 The 2015 International Energy Conservation Code is a registered trademark of the International Code Council, Inc. ( "ICC"). No version of this software has been reviewed or approved by ICC or its affiliates. REM/Rate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v15.7.3 2015 IECC Certificate 205 Emerson Way, Northampton, MA 01062 Building Envelope Insulation Ceiling R-39.0 Above Grade Walls R-20.0 Foundation Walls R-13.0 Exposed Floor R-42.0 Slab R-0.0 Edge, R-20.0 Under Infiltration Htg: 1038 Clg: 1038 CFM50 Duct R-6.0 Total Duct Leakage 228.00 CFM @ 25 Pascals Window Data M„ U-Factor SHGC Window 0.290 0.250 PW� . HEAT: Fuel-fired air distribution, Natural gas, 96.0 AFUE. COOL: Air conditioner, Electric, 13.5 SEER. DHW: Instant water heater, Natural gas, 0.96 EF, 0.0 Gal. Builder or Design Professional Signature REAR/Rate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v15.7.3 Home Energy Rating Certificate Property HERS Todd G. Cellura Rating Type: Confirmed Certified Energy Rater: Paul J. DellaTorre 205 Emerson Way Rating Date: 2019-08-21 Rating Number: 0073_0483 Northampton, MA 01062 Registry ID: 401057768 Estimated Annual Energy Cost Use MMBtu Cost Percent HERS Index: 50 Heating 67.8 $1043 40% General Information Cooling 2.2 $94 4% Conditioned Area 3809 sq. ft. House Type Single-family detached Hot Water 14.9 $222 8% Conditioned Volume 32773 cubic ft. Foundation Conditioned basement Lights/Appliances 30.3 $1101 42% Bedrooms 4 Photovoltaics -0.0 $-0 -0% Service Charges $177 7% Mechanical Systems Features Total 115.3 $2637 100 Heating: Fuel-fired air distribution, Natural gas, 96.0 AFUE. J Cooling: Air conditioner, Electric, 13.5 SEER. E_ Criteria Water Heating: Instant water heater, Natural gas, 0.96 EF, 0.0 Gal. This home meets or exceeds the minimum criteria for the following: Duct Leakage to Outside 38.00 CFM25. Ventilation System Balanced: ERV, 115 cfm, 56.0 watts. Programmable Thermostat Heat=Yes; Cool=Yes Building Shell Features J Ceiling Flat R-39.0 Slab R-0.0 Edge, R-20.0 Under Sealed Attic NA Exposed Floor R-42.0 Vaulted Ceiling R-38.0 Window Type U-Value: 0.290, SHGC: 0.250 Above Grade Walls R-20.0 Infiltration Rate Htg: 1038 Clg: 1038 CFM50 — Foundation Walls R-13.0 Method Blower door TITLE Company Lights and Appliance Features l Address Interior Fluor Lighting (%) 0.0 Range/Oven Fuel Natural gas City, State, Zip Interior LED Lighting (%) 100.0 Clothes Dryer Fuel Natural gas Phone# Refrigerator (kWh/yr) 739 Clothes Dryer CEF 2.32 Fax# Dishwasher Energy Factor 0.46 Ceiling Fan (cfm/Watt) 0.00 REM/Rate- Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v15.7.3 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy costs or savings. © 1985-2018 NORESCO, Boulder, Colorado. The Home Energy Rating Standard Disclosure for this home is available from the rating provider. RESNET HERS Index Certificate HERS*Index 205 Emerson Way Northampton,MA 01062 More Energy Rater: Paul J. DellaTorre I so Registry ID:401057768 140 Annual Estimates*: Existing t30 Elec(kWh): 7810 Gas(Therms): 886 Homes 120 CO2 emissions(Tons): 10 110 Energy Savings($)**: 3184 Standard 10t) *Based on standard operating conditions New Home **Based on U.S. DOE designation of a HERS 90 80 Index of 130 as the'Typical Existing Home' 70 e0 TITLE TM""0"10 se Company 50 Address 40 City,State, Zip 30 Phone# 20 _ 10 This home has been inspected Zero Energy 0 and performance tested in Kr Less � EnerET gy accordance with Chapter 3 of t� � � y the RESNET standards. www resnet.us Air Leakage Property Organization HERS Todd G. Cellura Noonan Energy Corp Confirmed 205 Emerson Way 413-427-2423 2019-08-21 Northampton, MA 01062 Paul J. DellaTorre Rating No:0073_0483 RaterID:8776762 Weather:Westfield-Barnes AP, MA Builder Todd Cellura Custom Home Sovereign Builders Inc 0073-0483-Cl—Sovereign—Builders _I nc_205_E merson_W ay_CO D E_H E Whole House Infiltration Blower Door Test Heating Cooling Natural ACH 0.11 0.08 ACH @ 50 Pascals 1.90 1.90 CFM @ 25 Pascals 661 661 CFM @ 50 Pascals 1038 1038 Eff. Leakage Area (sq.in) 57.0! 57.0 Specific Leakage Area 0.00010I 0.00010 ELA/100 sf shell (sq.in) 0.76 0.76 CFM50/sf shell 0.14 0.14 Duct Leakage Leakage to Outside Units duct Sysytem CFM @ 25 Pascals 38 CFM25 / CFMfan 0.0214 CFM25 / CFA 0.0100'. CFM per Std 152 N/A CFM per Std 152 / CFA N/A CFM @ 50 Pascals 60 Eff. Leakage Area (sq.in) 3.27 Thermal Efficiency N/A Total Duct Leakage Units CFM25/CFA Total Duct Leakage 0.05991 Ventilation Mechanical Balanced ASHRAE ASHRAE 1 Adj. Sensible Recovery Eff. (%) 69.0 62.2-2010 62.2-20131 Adj. Total Recovery Eff. (%) 74.0 Rate (cfm) 115 76 115 Hours/Day 24.0' 24.0 24.0 Fan Watts 56.0 Cooling Ventilation Natural Ventilation ASHRAE 62.2 - Ventilation Requirements The ASHRAE 62.2 flow rates shown above are the CONTINUOUS mechanical fresh air ventilation which will meet the'whole-building' requirement under that version of the standard. The 62.2-2013 rate incorporates any appropriate'infiltration credit'. Intermittent mechanical ventilation may be used if the flow rate is adjusted accordingly. For example, the runtime can be reduced to 12 hours per day using a doubled flow rate, as long as the system provides ventilation at least once every 3 hours. For more detail, refer to the appropriate standard. REM/Rate - Residential Energy Analysis and Rating Software v15.7.3 This information does not constitute any warranty of energy costs or savings. O 1985-2018 NORESCO, Boulder, Colorado. 205 EMERSON WAY EP-2019-0496 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Map: 36 Lot: 376 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit: Electrical Category: WIRE NEW HOUSE WITH 200 AMP U.G. SERVICE Permit# Electrical PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# JS-2019-000400 Est.Cost: Contractor: License: Fee: $200.00 STEVEN KEYES MASTER ELECTRICIAN 21213A Owner: SOVEREIGH BUILDERS INC Applicant. STEVEN KEYES AT. 205 EMERSON WAY Applicant Address Phone Insurance 13 STATE RD (413) 422-1220 () C-(413) 695-4968 SOUTH DEERFIELD MA01373 ISSUED ON:1/9/2019 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: WIRE NEW HOUSE WITH 200 AMP U.G. SERVICE Call In Date: Date Requested Inspection Date/SignOff: Reinspect?: Trench/UG: Special Instructions x Rough X Special Instructions: Final: 49,/y'11 SRE Called In: 27689251 140 `/Ct 2('\I\ Signature: Fee Type:: Amount: DatePaid Electrical $200.00 1/9/2019 0:00:00 7270 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1244,Fax(413)587-1272-Inspector of Wires -Roger Malo aALt'A-/rid-, � MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM PLUMBING WORK CITY MA DATE PERMIT# L4Q\ J013SITE ADDRESS OWNERS NAME P OWNER ADDRESS TEL FAX TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL 0 PRINT CLEARLY NEW:2-' RENOVATION:r-1 REPLACEMENT: MITTED: YES El NOE] FIXTURES I FLOOR- BSM 1 2 3 5 MAI q 1� j 4 11 12 13 14 BATHTUB CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE DEDICATED SPECIAL WASTE SYSTEM DEDICATED GASIOIUSAND SYSTEM i hl ti cni DEDICATED GREASE SYSTEM DEDICATED GRAY WATER SYSTEM DEDICATED WATER RECYCLE SYSTEM DISHWASHER DRINKING FOUNTAIN FOOD DISPOSER FLOOR I AREA DRAIN INTERCEPTOR(INTERIOR) r KITCHEN SINK I LAVATORY IPJ ROOF DRAIN SHOWER STALL 15 SERVICE/MOP SINK TOILET URINAL nc, P unitR o! WASHING MACHINE CONNECTION or T)WT ;k4 iRiGRI IXFMAIUMT491 WATER HEATER ALL TYPES i" u-011. AW. WATER PIPING V-10F I Oki I Lilorrillu ED OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YES UT'-NO [I IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY [g,-- OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY 0 BOND 0 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement, CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER C3 AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and Installations performed under the permit issued for this application"I be inanoe with all P t provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. 710z� PLUMBER'S NAME -Sats- 6UC-j--/— LICENSE# /02'9 SIGNATURE MP ED`- JP 0 CORPORATION 01#373E-C PARTNERSHIP[:]# LLC El# COMPANY NAME.--_,,,,, Wo"a i'j c ADDRESS ff(:A, CITY STATE A-4 ZIP 0/00? TEL FAX CELL EMAIL 6 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK CITY MA DATE .6-z! _Z�i PERMIT# v JOBSITE ADDRESSI OWNER'S NAME I GOWNER ADDRESS — I TE FAX TYPE'OR OCCUPANCYTYPE COMMERCIAL❑ EDUCATIONAL❑ RESIDENTIAL[' PRINT CLEARLY NEW:B' RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMENT:❑ PLANS SUBMITTED: YES❑ NO❑ — n F o n 1i i2AP?L{AnCES 7 rCLOOOo_% u u u 7 u a i0 13 BOILER -- — - _- -- -- ---- — BOOSTER CONVERSION BURNER COOK STOVE . _ DIRECT VENT HEATER DRYER FIREPLACE FRYOLATOR FURNACE _ GENERATOR - GRILLE INFRARED HEATER _ I A 1- LABORATORY COCKS MAKEUP AIR UNIT I OVEN POOL HEATER ROOM I SPACE HEATER _ _... __ - ROOF TOP UNIT TEST r UNIT HEATER -- — — UNVENTED ROOM HEATER WATER HEATER OTHER ----- ___ _ HEATER RANGE --- VENTED ROOM HEATERI GAS PIPING _. INSURANCE COVERAGE I have a current liability Insurance policy or Its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Gil.142 YES Q O ❑ I IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY[ OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY❑ BOND OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit Issued for this application will be in comp) Y with all Pert i t rovislon of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME LICENSE#tGS92 t SIGNATURE MP[y MGF[] JP❑ JGF❑ LPGI❑ CORPORATION Q# 3 G PARTNERSHIP®#C=LLC❑#= COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS[-7,-4!,< 3C$ CITY rF r1�L��Zv STATE ZIP vi aZ TEL FAX CELLIJEMAIL z r