17C-254 (6) CS Hen 7-26-19
se 2017.1.0.4
Nftass DatI559 1 -1 C Z5
1 Of]
Member Data
Description: Member Type:Beam Application:Floor
Top Lateral Bracing:Continuous
Bottom Lateral Bracing:Continuous
Standard Load: Moisture Condition:Dry Building Code:1BC/1RC
Live Load: 40 PLF Deflection Criteria: U360 live,U240 total
Dead Load: 10 PLF Deck Connection:Nailed Member Weight: 27.4 PLF
Cd*r Loads
Type Tnb. Other Dead
(Description) Side Begin End Width Start End start End Category
ReplacemertUnkrm(PSF) Tap 0 0.00" 20 0.00' 8 0.00" 40 10 Live
Additional Uniform(PSF) Top 0 0.00' 20 0.00' 7 0.00' 20 10 Live
Pant LBS TOP 10 0.00' 4001 0 Live
Bearings and Reactions
Input Mon Gravity Gravity
Location Type Material Length Required Reaction Upkft
1 a 0.000' Wall Steel 3.500' 2.091" 8235# -
2 20 0.000' Wall Sled 3.500' 2.091" 8235# -
Ma>amum Load Case Reactions
LochgpMep�"m-6(arek ibra,yry—t—
Live Dead
1 6500# 1735#
2 6500# 1735#
Design spans
Product: 1-3/4x18 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 3 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS
Conned members with 3 rows of 16d common nails at 120"oc
NOTE:Nags must be applied from both skies
Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord.
Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chord.
Allowable Stress Design
Actual Allowable Capacity Location Loading
Positive Moment 50058M 72812W 68% 10 Total Load D+L
Shear 7279# 17955# 40°/o 0.23 Total Load D+L
Max.Reaction 8235.# 13781# 59% Cr Total Load D+L
TL Detection 0 6229" 0.9781" Lf376 10 Total Load D+L
LL Deflection 0.5083" 0.6521" 0461 10 Total Load L
Control:LL Deflection
Design assumes a repetitive member use increase in Mending stress:4%
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CS Bain
kmtmnFmpw2017.1.0.4 C� 7-26-19
fvtacriaLs Iktabwe 1559
I C - Z ' l� 9:03am
I Ot 1
Member Data
Description: Member Type:Beam Application:Floor
Top Lateral Bracing:Continuous
Bottom Lateral Bracing:Continuous
Standard Load: Moistt a Condition:Dry Building Code:SBC
Live Load: 40 PLF Deflection Criteria: U360 live,U240 total
Dead Load: 10 PLF Deck Correction:Nailed Member Weight: 14.2 PLF
OBier Loads
Type TrIb. other Dead
(Description) Side Begin End Width start End start End Category
ReplacementUrifform(PSF) T 0 0.00" 16 0.00' 10 0.00" 40 10 Live
7' 1600
16 0 0
Bearings and Reactions
Input Min Gravity Gravity
Location Type Material Length Requied Reaction UpW
1 00.000' Wadi Sled 3.500" 1.524" 4001# -
2 16 0.000' Wail Sleek 3.500' 1.524" 4001#
Maodmum Load Case Reactions
Live Dead
1 3113# 889#
2 3113# 889#
Design spans
Product: 1-314x14 VERSA-LAM 2.0 3100 SP 2 ply PASSES DESIGN CHECKS
Conned members with 3 rows of 16d common nals at 120"oc
Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the top chord.
Design assumes continuous lateral bracing along the bottom chofd.
Allowable Stress Design
Actual Alowable Capacity Location Loading
Positive Moment 15567.9! 29034.9# 53°/a 8' Total Load D+L
Shear 3401.# 9310.# 36% 023 Total Load D+L
Max-Reaction 4001.# 9187.# 431/o 0 Total Load D+L
TL Defection 0.4240' 0.7781" U440 9 Total Load D+L
LL Defection 0.3298" 0.5188" U5W 9 Total Load L
Control: LL Deflection
DOLS:L w=100%Sno A=115%FmoF-125%Wind=1600/6
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