31C-017 (27) Order Acknowledgement #CONKLIN-
6/72018 2:27:34PM Gmtffying7y Gemn Simargsis.
Conklin Office Furniture Saks rroa:James R.Macdonald
56 Wna1 Street R
Holyoke,MA 01040 Page 1 of I
Sold To: 1742 Shl To: 0 Dock Access: No Elevator Available:No
City ofNorthamptn > > pp�g City ofNorbampmn
210 Main Street 210 Main Street
Northampton MA0 Northampton MA 01060
Contact: Hasbrouck,Louis Contact: Louis Hasbrouck
Phone: 43-587-1242 Phone: 413-587-1240
Email: lhmbrowk@northmpwma.gov Email: Bmsbrouck@nothamptonma.gov
Fas: How many Bights for cur ,up?:
Order Cost PO Ship via Ship Date Request Date Order Date Terms
574620 Conklin D&1 6/272018 06/152018 6/6/2018 Net 30
Project ID: Tracking ID: Drawing#:
Line It.. Description Qty Unit Price Eat Price
1 5CLDS603ODC New Conklin 1 140.00 140.00
Desk Shell 30x6O LCS Dark Cherry
2 5CLBFISDC New Conklin 2 115.00 230.00
Pedestal 18"BF Hanging LCS Dark Cberry
3 3SCLEAP E.Rec on itioned I 295.00 295.00
C61241 C-Leather Suxlcam Leap Chairs
These S,M—Vvsion I Lean Cbe4s be a block I..u.sot and back wiN.black
fivue. Tlsiv in<IUJe.d'osobk u WW.k.otl ,ic hn&eJlummo�.
Finish Notes
Paint Laminate:
Fabric: Laminate Edge Color:
Power(SWire/gWire): Upholstery Fabric:
Hinge Colon
D 2G : I t 4417- V1
al 2Sales Amount 665.00
ON: 6y io� V{ n�guD 0.00
Ga{ L • d Freight: 75.00
Installation: 0.00
Signature: Deposit:Name: Deposit (0.00)
Solea Tea: 0.00
Total 740.00
By signing this acknowledgement you agree that this order is accurate and ready for production.Please note it is subject to Conklin's
standard terms and conditions which are available here:www.conklinoffice.com/iofo/CoaMio-T&C.pdf
Conklin Office Furniture -Terms & Conditions
pricag a dmtlarrma to a�nremer.
• purcMu aiders conn be received by 12:00 PM awn FST in order form blowing day Who considered sun of ship dm Irad-lime.
• The uml net acouent of uMet mm W closely indicated w all p.Me maj
• Accounts conn be in stud au Ming and have no lams clue balaox Repurchase adntn he scorched.
Conklin often flee doild service for initial gnjett punning and gmverhotu to wAl as two rcvuiim. Should yourprojm require atlditimal revision Cnoklio will invoitt Ole eustymerU f'/S pan hour. Me,
races are baled io I him minimums.
Customer mta also We Exuntm and Tmmt said Caaimlom and rc to Cmamr Saw«within u homy.omen was he mmnknmed snipped but boosted hased npmt the momentum on the
aekoowlMpurint 1fJerc is any disaepaney.plessor notify Cm@Im immedimcly,
order snbmu.l®
• other My W based or e-mamd by Contin Cmloner Seems,of directly to your salesperson
Fax 413.315.4988
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• Any qumtom on how to aidnst and track orders should be directed w you Cmtanv Servites Reprcmtmve or 5aksp n:800,81].118]
Orator Cllmxex&Caae W tiom(StaMard teal Time Out
Cmcldin mttlenuMs fimn time to time miler clanger Or MmJW au MY be requined;Mwevm,m call Conklin padtas arc mtiqualY manufacluM As each order.my chmges or carceNtiom will users
additional cuts based on Me,following sclo duk
• No fee for oraerid can celled withn l MSiars saw.
• Ane of 10%of the net prtux soul ofafiavM product ifmder is cancelled wihio 3 busime clays.
• Afee of 50%of 0e nes P...mul of.ffa mems ifomer is urcelka ham 35 business clays
A W m15%-1 W%,um at preux card of affected product ifomer Is careened our 5 hasima days
Impoebol:Chan8m8 a plWutt size to Monter size is comNe a"emuepstino"ofDan ptWuct for another and falh under Ne share pmgnm
ExaNud I tau Chaom fkrden
For om.requiring less sun amdaM Ieaa.—,Conklin will dementia f onflu icy of treeing rtquhed lead-time and will users are Missing"cosh fee"if the rmmst can we acconmwdaad, Acldon ceders
to original W arc cmai@tW sepmate orders and also will incur the chmges below if my acquire rush aervicm On defied humin.
6-10bmia—inis day's lean-Oats rod Mwimum 10%of at
ss day's Iced-time retluclmem Mn-Muti mum 20%start
Orders arc i o—ad at be shoe of adjacent N a Psiond delivery of an ower u cords,Conklin sill actual a Pmhal uwoia to 0e Meant No the Pm t deliveml.Paymem fm the panel wmien will be
subjat to m aforememinned tarm.Cnoklin Will.4—ice to luctmeer for ehmugm or teplaemeou mon.sbpmem of thine deme.B the Wyer's accu m urs io utas mpW Miler Nin,(30)days,tunes
orders may be subject to mon of evh with the Orden,Cobalt mann es nM right to require clown Paytanu with nmers da le.bed act IiaicM to,credit haory,project size,emmm prim m liabilities.em.The
buyer will pay an dem all cmc of colksams heard expenae,and mormy fm ummred or paid by Cancun in nation.No pus Me invoices.
Comm,is rePaMM wind multiple slices,A Nis case,we we remb ed by low as contact card emir aides tat no the steres he which we arc mgmened.Cusmmers wait are me eampt an,rtquirM to remit the
mAevam ux excenpt!in Conklin.
Prvmem TO,
A signed purcMae order as retained for all orders,For time codon require a 50%deposit and Mknce tla in use of delivery,umess wvved by an officer of Caoklin With appovM credit,all babaes are am
within 30 days of invoice dae unless n@erwiae spiv ved by Conklin.
(Assume militants modal art required to marc m a Conds"credit application. Withappmved credit,Macs me due within 3)days of see inmie aam.All menunu wird hlmore beyond 30 dry,of invoice
dam will be Ion an antic hold of tit Mlaae is paW in full.
All ackuowlMgrants issatl by CON]iu nam an eninuled Nip dale.Cnnk4n wit me acs bac eQnru con wmp1Y wiN,ah sem,.If the ryMun Ms Fern mmufenmed bat Fm cot shipped Mame 1M1e Pu¢hattr
aomc coke delivery.Cmdlin can sou be pmtlnca for,In,rive(5)Fmiasa days ac to charge,After five(5)bmiass mu Me pmineu art mbje[s o a—o 1,a.,cbmge of 3%of the product castle,
Poul months of momge are invaiead um are WYaFe to whole month.If Ne cunonmr moves IM shat,dm Inco We am baWtg mind Conklb rearvxs Ye right m invoice Pe cmomer in the current haling
pains and anxage chvga call M enforced. Rescheduled shuns wiWn 2 businme tlrys of the accapetl dace wW imme a 50%Ih ping all,charge plat any handbag he,up co a rmximum charge of
Shod Term M..-Charua
If a delivery be left am docks and as in ttwh mrd the cmomr can on seem&has,node will by nchvge of"00 Mday.
Fauht Pole,
All orders arc shappM viana of Ne following mNM,'.Cumo lark-W m FOB Holyoke,MA,An epgiintmem re required for cunooer pickups•M must be mtmged in Mvaoce.SNpmena omside aMe,mmpa m"stares,wall M
wm agaed to wird the cmcmar.Conklin will select Me method and hmm of shiPmat unless nthowue nego rm at wird the perform.If"tied cares are iatmed by ream of
Cmlk4n ice Fumhure crucifying with a apenal shipment values,by tie cmomr,Ne MtlM cost wal he wvoi A to the cmamL Title and risk a liss stall Pus or Ne purchma at Ne time Combo Places
guard in the MM
possession of a m in
at the se of mMo Nmmas m
er of dah ery e coMe from of delhvary by a Caitlin vehice.Poecessary
Poul Maintains may be naL Nsc
re the aum of
C®klin. Ca,lklin wal atkmpt o homrcinm]cletivery Iryo,rs,bat we wit nm be IeW vspamibk fmhbp wiro nimM tlelveriea,union Ou,Itipmmc Ms hen guannteM withstr rmrier io writing.
FuleM Calm,
Conklin is nm responsible for damage to guts,wbkb oceiu in aconic Is as the pastimes waphdby to esamia smile upon raeyn and to file any chains with the caries.Any tisane spiral Conklin for
appaem defer.,enm,or abortion,muss the mode by m pxMttr in wining wiWn 2 business drys alt,my delivery.Failure by le larchwerm make any[hurn obtain Cmddih.wihin 2la tineas days shot]
caumme oceptmce of IN gods um waiver of any W.defens,enms a,Mrugh.
Buyer my delay cement of up to 10%of the invoke,without penalty,unfit all Fuoch Lin imw are wmsW. However,is is.,..IY uMerawetl you Je r Mnu,90%athe invma as due and porom,
cher rod credit cornu extended by Conklin,regWlesa of tM Moro,car..m of Punch List nen..
R.t Chink,
Buyer agner to pay a prceessim fa of$35 for chech mu da to imuReimn me .and boom,agaee Mi the mart Buyer's I.balms re imatiately Me and WYable upan uilimben hum
Coal.'MI Ne chalk as.t .ad fa onyaymm.
Act M,aiM Rasonable C M
Coaddin atoll nm be]cable fin my lose of damage--bot from any delay a failure or a1 iplaem,or cher fail—an preform 0 or pan of I.abl,m—,where such deb ,faJua.lays or damage is Or
p mmte result of any cot of my gnvessmem aNMNy in pohlkal ands ivuwn thereof"mind=.clot,civil Gaster no alternate mama facilities,Me,IMM,weather,ac of GM,to any cause not within
the remamble cooled of CmuAn