13-030 (8) 402 NORTH KING ST BP-2019-1147 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS a 'Block: 13 -030 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL 042A) CatceorvDoor Replacement BUILDING PERMIT Permit4 BP-2019-1147 Project# JS-2019-001657 Est.Cost:$8824.00 Fees40 00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const Class Contractor: License: Use GEMPELLA PRODUCTS, INC 096556 Lot Siae(sa. It.): 43560.00 Owner: ALLEN NANCY B&SARAH E SMITH Zoning, Applicant. PELLA PRODUCTS INC AT: 402 NORTH KING ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 155 MAIN ST (413) 772-0153 Liability GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON.•4/18/2019 0:00.00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-INSTALLING 3 DOORS USING EXISTING OPENINGS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: y Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of OCCUDancy signature: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 4/1820190:00:00 $40.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner aov1�5 Cfly of No mpt6n Building De riment 212 Main reed APR 1 6 201 Room 1 0 Northampton, A 01 onl r - �FMIIMA NSP phone 413-587-1240 F :41 �«@F7po6 ln APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION �'��It 7� 7 1.1 Property Address-. This section to be c PWWI by office 402- N K1ng S� Map 0013 — Let- C 30 N04hami too qA 010(00 zon* Overlay District Elm SL Dhnlct CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSMPIAUTHORI2ED AGENT 2.1 7er of Record: A3 Allen 402 N Ktro Nora mmplUn M4 —� M l iO�0101100Name(arra/ f - (n1Lbcll�+ 2' Teleplg $grebes 2.2 Autilorivid Aper: —rrtnor PA 01;l`() ) Name( ' �, Clnenl MaSrg Ad ss: 41'x113 IISI Signelurt TNepM --TNMTEI)CONSTRUCTION C0978 I Item Estimated Coat(Dollars)to be Official Use Only winill6ted plinnitappricant L Building 2�1 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. ElecNal _ �1 (b)Espmated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing _ Building PermR Fee 1' 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5. Fina Protection 6. Total=(1 +2-3-4+6) Check Number This Section For Official ties Only Building Permit Num Date Issued'. /I,, I Signature. l Ib" Z08 Building CommissiorenAmpedor M Buldkgs Dale TbT' Oss @ cue lkcsdn . com EMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING al Information avat ae Completed.Perms Can M Denied Due To laomptete Infermation Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column m Inc rIIM,n by Hmldma Depesmmi Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (lel.minus Wit a paved Piolow #offrarking Spaces I.velum.a Lpcaem A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW YES O IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW IM YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Docum��l�rrrr(}ttten����t# er B. Does the site contain a brook, body of wator wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW 1` YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs Intended for the property? YES O NO (9j IF YES, describe size, type and location: Y^ E. Vial the construction activity,disturb(casing grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 sure or is it pan of a common plan Met Will disturb aver 1 acre? YES O NO IF YES,than a Northampton Slam Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION f~DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all anollnble) New Noose ❑ Addition ❑ Replauman ndawa A"On tion(si ❑ R.M.9 Q Dr Doom Accpsory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Sgm IO] Decks 1M Siding=] 00,9,101 Brief Cis pdon of Zn Work',Ti�=lltrh 3 fYOM mim exI%3nn4 �_wllh W CbMCM to hitildi�F Alt nition of edsting bedroom_Yes 4L No Adding new bedroom Yes , >(1 No Attached Nanativa Renovating unfinished basement _Yes _,6L_No Plana Attached Roll -Sheet 9a.If Nsw hoes WA or*"Rim to""no houlna complete the 11011WAne. a. Use of building One Family Two Family Other b_ Number of roans in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms e Is there a garage attached? d Proposed Square footage of new construction- Dimensions e. Number of stories? I. Method of healing? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form aftsched? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands?_Yes Ni Is concoction within 100 yr. floodplain_Yes_No I. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform W this Building and Zoning regulations? Yes_No. I. Septic Tank_ City Sewer_ Pnvete well_ City water Supply -SECTION 7a-OWNER A11Tf1ORWTWN--TO Be COMPLETED MEN OWNERS AGENT OR COMRACTOR AAP/PIIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I. /V Q. /-T�.C.1 1 Ole/7 as Owner of this subject property hereD ay uthaizeyt\ to act on my behalf in as matters relative to wok authorized by this building parmit application. O Ci .Lc �jof a�nYw ..a�� Date as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare Nal tiro atatemeas and inbrmabon on the foregoing application are true and accurate.to the best of my knowledge and belref. Sigud under the pain ono parishes of perjury. PrintNe slg neW2 OwnclAgana Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 UparrM Conatnatt1w SSupeMaor:Q M Not App{caabbis ❑ (Mm of uB.r..Hold, ll Cy�r Om1� s-0p&5ER Litems Number E 'p ( 1ipw Addreu �Date ' 1 SIBelepher�e ,.�,,,�� � Not Applicable ❑ \ 1U til7J 7ET 1922-19 Comaarig Nam* Registration Number 1ntas Mcun G e FwJd MA 01301 1 31 nen Address 1 Ekq tion ate Telephane41301�%- 1151 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L c.ili§28g8)) Workers Compensation Insurenue elfidavK must be completed and submiffed with this applirabon-Failure to provide this alfidavd will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. S ned Affidavit Attached Yes....... No...... ❑ PELLA PRODUCTS INC. 155 MAIN STREET GREENFIELD, MA. 01301 Date: To: l/�_1�11 01F NSI l"1 Y1 Subject: Disposal of Debris The purpose of this letter is to certify that all debris from any project undertaken by Pella Products, Inc. in your town will be transported to a dumpster at our main facility; 155 Main Street Greenfield, MA. Pella Products, Inc. is under contract with Waste Management of Massachusetts For the disposal of the contents of this dumpster. Very truly yours, PELLA PRODUCTS, INC John P. Benjamin Accounting Manager The Common wealth ofMassackaasetts FsEiiiiREEI Depatrinent of Industrial Accidents Office of Investigations 600 Washington Street Boston,MA 02111 waiw.mass.gov/dla Warkers' Compnuatiou Insurance Affidavit: Builders/ContraNma/Electriciane/Plumhen Aildolkilat Information Plem Point MdW Name(Budnesvag,ni>saawnai.iauu): C rcpt ✓I .�. Address: /�S /%.•!.o Ci lstatelzi ' ! A 013,21 Phone#: 3 Arc a u employer?Check the app prtata :: Type of project(required): I. I un 8 employer with 'S <. 1 aril a general contractor and i P Ycr _ 6. ❑New construction employem(full and/orpart-time).• ave hued the wfreonMctors 2.❑ 1 am a wk proprietor or partner- listed on the attached shat. 7. WRognodeling ship and have no employees These wbcomaaas have 8. Demolition working for me in any capacity. employees and have workers' 9. ❑Building addition [No workers'comp. insurance comp.insurance.: mqdured) 5. ❑ We are a corporation and its 10.❑ Electrical repairs or additions 3.❑ 1 am a hanaousu r doing all work officers have exercised their I I.❑Plumbing repairs or additions myself[No workers'comp. right of exemption per MGL 12.❑ Roof repairs insurance inquired.]• c. 152,§I(a),and we have no employees.[No workers 13.0 Other comp. insaarcerequired.) •AnY nations air 3Nn W.a l auwcubo fin oW tlmY lM b shw Neje wadoa'cwrymrrrnn adh'infbonu n. f Romww'ra vita rnYnil NY aniEavil iediorm8 mreY we doiy NI seat atl Nw hire aomtle mancws wW a.bnir a new raWvil hdvay rna. kaanmm cur sherd NY ho.mm ryrhed rn tlaaiowl ren da.ry Ne sum oftlY uh<wmcrvn.nd nae whnhm w.o,Nine eYuim h.vr mnalo)em. Iran nrmmaaon hive mNayeW.Nei inn Pnvitla Ned.atm:wow pdkY awrer /esu an mpiryn uratr proa4ing wonten'eorpeartlomr brarranee jar req enp/ayea. ffdaw h ahr poaryend/ob ske htferarfbn. lrma.n«canp.ny N.mr:_ /�nnl/�trim. �'xrtlF lJ ecu/✓ Policy a or Self-ins.Lic.0: L!�/J/fN ./� 7 6SOrx Expiration Date: D/" O(' � (J Oof lob Sita Addrms:�n2 N 1'l1co City/statelzip:No r*nnh MA QIP Attach a copy of the workers'compeaatia policy dahratioe pad(showing the policy number dad expiration date). Faille m secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lad to the imposition of criminal paallies of a few my to 81,500.00 and/or orw-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties,in the form of a STIP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to 8250.00 a day against the vielaor. Be advised that a copy of this stafmme nt may be forwarded to the Office of Iovealigaias of the DIA for uunanrx coverage verification. I do hereby cargo anal she pelm andpombliff tion the hrJbraratlen Provided shone it orae ad/casrers. cimamw.. a t��� Data, ta,wmw a OQ9eb/we only. Do see wrkr in this area,m be complard by cky or town ajjlcial City or Tows: PermtULieeoae a ttaafq Authority(drele ode): 1.Bard of Health 2. Beildlag Department 3.Cityrrguwv Clerk d. Electrical inspeemr c. Ptambing Imapeetor 6.Other Contact Person: pbae A: wcd CERTIFICATE OF UABIUTY INSURANCEYP1,D Dlq TNs CERTRICATE M WRIED AS A MATTER OF KORNATIOHo YAND COTFEE NO MGHM UV THE CERTIFICATE IgLDER.TNS CERTIFICATEDOESMDTAFFBOM N YORMEQAT YAMED,E)DEO QA ALTEi TIE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES ND.OW. THIS CER11F1f M DF NEIIRANCE DOER NOT CONBTNTDTE A CONTMM BETWEEN THE UWJWM PURMUBA AUTHOM ID REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER.AND TIE CERTMOTE HOLDER. aMPWkohBor YRIADOnlOkAL POURED,tM PaYY(I )muN hen ADDRWMAI MURED PmYYbn w WaMYW. BWNOOATIONE WAfYEO,w10�ctb1W LFIBr•n0CN1IaM•INaIW paYry,pwYb pvlblw le•y l•W1m FnwMON•mwlL AWwa w TAY e11Y1cAr N•r na caVw blW ultlne•YII010•r MIIBIa MMA WnaelNW} 11�1m1 MNN•al CY111N Ba1a1N•Intu•nu Olmb.111c Ht])T1Y1] 1113)J!t-]SR3 In MYn sL ,Ipp,RF,: �.L<m AIFBpptY•lIAY ]1315N ttM OIwr.N 66A o1w1 1NaaA: CEYNa Ya CamprryaAmr Falco rsaNR•: ARw1Y FraIW BNaM sb PW PmJq•IK y1ap,DF, HYvv Ym•so Q*FrM 2Y182 1556 6PM1 MEl C' DIlFIIENO 1M 01301 F; COVERAGES CEtTMATEN1lNi: IEOL,AM M REVISM MIBAStR: TH818 TO CERIFY THAT THE POIIC,ES OF M811RyNE LISTED BELOW MW BEEN NIRIED TO THE N61INE0 NYRS IBOJE FOR TIE POLICY PERICO P TM. NOTVAD16TNd MYMINFENEHT,TEAM OR CONCI1pN OFµY CpARACT OR OTWRODCL•B!T VAIN RESPECT TO N1•CH TINS CFATI TE MY BE IB.WWFD OR NAY MTTNN TIE MWMANLE MFOR[EO BY TIE POLICES OESCPoBED HEREN M S CT TO ALL TN TERNS, EFCLUSIWS AND CpipTION6 OF BIIfN POIlLE6.LINIIS 6110VA1 MAY MW BEEN REOU=BY PAD Cl/JI6. L1N TRY NNINIS VOICYMYl1 la•I• �( fYNNBNLI YOBW.4Nt11Y Eq�Q.M hY t 1. BOB t tOm C1.W6WR ❑X OCWR .M OtNI �Dy _ t 1,=, A IDNWS•]BS 01N1201• 11@0 FT3ICNYA.VT NNRv t zmm YMAWNFyIFIYfAPPIIF•PLF. aEN61KMd1Eu1TE t 3.000.00] FIXCv❑ 1:1 MC4cIs.ECNl1CV Mp 13.W0.00D Avm•pt2lMtlry t 1.000000 µV.VRO ISIY MAMY IPnpav:l t B A �OmV ® ANHD159W olmim1B p1DI110i0 BtlA1Y.". t A�NO•Y6Y L t IMOlIAIM• OGI/1 EMIO[CIMPDfE t F+R••1ar QIY•WDE ✓MEY.iE 6D KTBItImI t t .�TM x •pBRN1'NYMWM1 YIN Sm.m C EYpyO®T aN NIA VAINO]IS BlMlM1• p1A120M El F!olAc4EM t �aNMO uRINN[-Fw(NRm'G' t �.Y• COMMATE HOLDER ypYfIMYY YBMIIONtIM EL�.NYCV WT t �� YCIIPIYY01Al1sYlLOLAlllta/YBbb IANIOaI,AASY�IItibtYy,�FMNYNaOI.:.��1r Yr1:NAt) OOaaOaa wal b the tM•aM YItYYYuI a Nm•8 wYMwt. SNOWED ANV OF THE I.BWE PIfGRIPD MLDEi E CANCELLfO BIfpRE THE EARATDM MTE TXBI6Cf.NOTMY WLL�DELIVERED M cb a HPIMgT AawwNCF TYI1M TI!POLcr P1IONYYM. 212 & Aumal@DMNl01TAIN! NaMaFPb: w 01080 I M,LjJt� 0 1M 5 ACORD CORPORATIM AE rWft N•NYe6 ADDRD W(3016D]I TW ACORO was•nN YSO NB NSYYIM mub a ACORD Pella Products, Inc. 155 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301 Office:413-773-1157 Ext.317 Cell:413-834-8799 To:Building inspector From:Trevor Bross—Installation Manager Date: March 5, 2018 Subject: Building Permit Applications&Designees Pella Products Incorporated is in the business of replacing windows and doors for our customers. Our process includes providing a building permit for each and every project. I am a licensed Construction Supervisor. Building Permits will be applied for using my CSL#CS-096558 and my HIC#142279. Please find a copy of my licenses below. Cameoel esM.W YueslweNis Conetrutlios SupenMrc OMYee* It41PYywe Rc.IrKe4 to bW if MrMYb Umestrwwe euMiryear uM yaq 001901 eerIY111 Ia than 35.000 cube fM IL ox mdav Gr eWYsed space_ onw gWE NAMO eeYYYW O TPE;supeM CaM 11 RpYbYbn wMbrMNYurtwpst, W4 URI[IMB O acY �Yia d.YY.Rea�+Yn PEVA PRODUCTS;MID. TREVORBROSS 155MAINSTREET GREENFIELD.MA 01301 Un wwroYry Each Installation will be staffed by our installers who are all licensed in accordance with current building codes. Below listed are our installers and their license numbers. Please accept these individuals as my designees. Willard Brown CS106010 Vladimir Shevchuk CSSLO99209 Scott Bowdish CSSLI00232 Bill Leger CS89338 David Ruffner CS57308 Brian Thompson CS67121 Igor Kravchuk CS094911 Contract - Detailed Pella Window and Door Showroom of West Springfield gales Rap Name: Schulz,Jonathan e 69 Ashley Avenue gabs Rep Phone: 413-736-9239 West Springfield, MA 01069 Sales Rep Fax: 413-736-3390 Phone: (413)736.9239 Fax: (413) 736-3390 gabs Rep E-Mail: jschulzQpeIIasales.wm /Ids Order IR10rmadiM1 Mom Allen Allen Morey 402 N M0n9 St Northampton MA 01050 Quote Noe: Allen Nancy 225&809 Entry Ski&Patio Doors 402 N King St 402 N King SI Order Number: 739T2ES031 NORTHAMPTON, MA01060-1121 Lott Oude Number: 11226852 Primary Phone:(413)6871093 Northampton,MA 01060-1121 Order Type: Installed Sales Mobile Phone: County: Payment Tame: C.O.D. Fax Number Tax Code: MASS &600: IecMang99@nen mm Quoted Date: 452019 5122 Gnat PMM 0: 1005145347 Cuatarrwr Number: 1009097848 OV r A&AI n " 1�*,L-f$�- CuManw Aceoun: 1005145347 Cusiomer Notal: House iwilt 1942. includes installation,buildrg permit,sales Mx,and deposal. Friermdy anirtals on lint. Check received 04/092019-$4400.00. Remaindar$442400 upon completion. Lead We Practices For more information regarding the finishing, maintenence, service and warranty of all Pella®products,mstt the PelleS website at www.Pella.wan Prinadon 4/102019 Correct-Detailed Page 1 of 12 Customer. Nancy Allen Project Nmne. Alien Nancy 402 N King St Nortllmrpton MA 01060 Order Numha. 739TZES031 quote rl miter. 11226652 laaaaan, 10 Raw 0oor Pella Brand,Entry Door Inswing,31.5X 78.75,Poplar White, 59116" loam Price City Exr'd Prim 1 $3.97239 1 $3,97230 / 1:3080 Entry Door ■ PKI Frans Size: 31 la X78314 2D33 Unit Type: Left Inswing.Standard SAI No Fire Rating,No Fire Rating Dlrrrawnn Options: CW Down T7own"lnformaeon: S7/6. 15116',5 SiMv✓ i Paw": 12 Light✓ Glass: Tempered!lmv-E Fir FAted Vowed From Exterior Groin: No Gnlle Paw BtlMlon: Smooth,Panted.B.*Ped,Palntad.eawraaC LINW NAyflF- Frans Selection: Clad, Pine,Oak 7hreahold. No Parity Reedomamere.Standard E ldrawcod. Popkr Nuts,Wood, Linen VftM Hardware options: Latch Bora with Creditor,2316,21 Ar No Integrated Sensor,No Nandur Sat Standard Stool,Breadoro�jnc Dichranae,&sae Pna,5II Unit Aonsso les: No Beg Panel Pwforrrrarlu mlonrwion: l Fedor 022,SHOC 009,VLT0.15,CPD EL-M-170.02400.00001,Csk:Waled Posove DP Rating 30,Cssc awl Negative DP Rating 30,Year Rated 08 Wrapping Inlortrralon: Nail Fin,Factory Applied,No Exterior Tr 5911 7/6°.Factory Applied,Peua Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length= Frame Slae:31.5'X78.75' 1 fAd If7>i�S ED-1 -Envy Dov Inswadan W10 Saalght Ory 1 , C � 7�/H % Eli-EXT Alarinur Mcltneuld Capping Ory i l� LP.1 -Lead saes practices Uis opening Ory 1 WCa1l0a_ Agnail$BS 15 interior CNN Wood Products 3112 CreBsmen 2,Length:96, Linen White.Wood Type: Pine Hawn Prim City Exrd Prem 579.62 3 $14888 1: Accessory PKI Fran,Sae: 1 X 1 2033 General mremasun: Pins.31/2 Craftsmen 2 Inkedor Colorl Flnlal: Limn Whaa Paintlrawior Wrapping hllorrtralon: Perimeter Length=Q. Vexed From Exei Frame Slee:0'X 0' For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty or all Pella40 Products,nor¢the Palla®welosee at www.Pena.com Pnnadon 411"19 Contract-Detailed Page 2 of 12 Cusco na:Nancy Allen Project Name: Allen Nancy 402 N King St Natlbnplon MA 01060 Order Number 73MES031 Ovule Number: 11226652 tap�kn: Andbdo 20 Transition slip Wood Products Stool Round 2,Length:96,Natural Stain.Wood Type: Oak hem Price City Exna Prim $706.06 1 SI06.04 1: Accessory PKIF Frasla Slate: 1 X 1 2033 General Inlornr/on: Oak.Stool Routs 2 Interim Color 1 FMIM: Natural Stein Irasrar Wrapping Inbmatlon: Perimeter lenllth=G' Viewed Fran ExMa Frame size:0'X 0' t.orm: 25 Roar Swm Entry Systems, Stam Door Nfidlriew Rolscreen Right, 30 X76,Poplar Wirke item Price City EKt'd Paid a 7-' 51.262.92 1 $1.262.92 6•,• 1:Nom&ndamd SluNonStnaN She Rlghl erorm Door PKF Frame Slate: 30x76 20M Gwwrel lnfam agm: Gaal Ealxbr Colorl Rnlsh: Shuslard EMursdad,Papal White Sash 1 Panty: 1'Said Core Glass: Clear Gdltes: No Gelb Viewed Fran Exlena Hardware Corinne: Standard,Ennis Exterar I Coke Malchsd Interior Me": 3525 Wrapping IMomrtlan: Perimeter Lerpth=216'. Froser Size:30'X 76' E041-Ssorm Door Insall on PalN Entry Door Ory 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products,wait the Pella®wensite at vmw palls.corn Rindon 4IM19 ContactDetailedPage 3 of 12 Custdrer: Nancy Allen Projerl Name: Allen Nancy402 N King St Natlwrplon MA 01060 Order Number. 739T2E5031 Quota NurlBer. 11226652 W"— Laclaw AiM101MS. � a Pelle 350 Series, Double Sliding Door Fixed I Vent Lot 71.5 X 79.5,Almond Bent Price City Ext'd Price S4,748891 u roe ee 1:72ea Find I Vat LM DouWla Seeing Door, :.� FXs Frame e4s: 7112X7912 c pts (?oral IrdomYYM: Yea,Slvdard.N-50.N-50,Vinyl.Nail fin, Foam raListed.6'. 1 3re'.4 59',IJo SA Row I Exhis or Calor 1 Finish: Almond GlInsides:'Colordid Fresh; AJ,nTempered y}�O� filen: Ise dal Tempered Lox-E mnd,Al ond. teal irM Glee/ r W Non High Pllihde Natuna: Opng So Keylocwn.Nkinducted Cor Almond.Steal VAWBd Fmm ExWdv paned: sore Screen.oceu Premium,Converlional Fibarplaes One Accessories: Noion: L-Fa Option Ruling 5 .Col dated ogle l DP R 0.33, .Yew Rate VLT 0.51.GPD PEL-N-161 0110PQ00)1,Perlormarce Clave R,PG 50,Calculated PoaNve DP Reline 50,CekWeled Negetiva DP Retire 50.Vear Rated O8111 Califs: No Gr . W rappingillo Inlomalbn: PNIa Recommended Clearance.Perimeter lerpth•302'. Frame SW:71.5'X795' PD4 -Page,Doan Install up to SFT In width Ory 1 LP-1 -Lase sift practices,this opanit g Ory 1 FAC43M-EXT AluMnum BdekmouW Capping Qty t 1J4w1Y11: 35 mrkrCall Wood Products 3112 Craftsman 2, Length:96, Lints White.Wood Type: Pine them Price Oty Exrd Price 54982 3 $146.86 (� 1: Accessory Li.J 2D3 Flowsgeneral Bina: 1 %1 �p General Inbmainis Pine,3la WhQA4man2 WeederInlor oslsh: Linan Wtile Pain)lraedor Wrapping IMemalbn: Perimeter Length=T. Vsaed From Eebda Frame She:0'X T For mon information regarding the finishing, rnwMenonoe, service and warranty of all Poling products.Nwt the Pella®website at www polls mm Pdnbdon 4192019 Contract-Detailed Page 4 at 12 Custara.Nervy Allen Project Nana. Allen Nancy 402 N I(ug St Nattla#m MA 01080 Order Number 73gT2ES031 Quote Nurnow 11226652 Q�rgect Checklist has been rovievied Z2�L,,4 Jw�z lount Cuabmer Name IP'ea+e rTul Pelle Sable Rap Name 1 ++ee'�annj Subtotal $5,067.21, x a 6.25% 5318.71able Subtotal 53,440.88,824.Dam Dale Received 54,4,00.Due $4,42COI Credit Card Approwl Signature For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,mr:the Pelie®website at waw Pella can Prinked on 452019 Contact-Detailed Page 12 of 12