18D-040 (8) File#SM-2019-0036 APPLICANT/CONTACTPERSON ADDRESS/PHONE 68 AMES AVE-3RD LEFT PROPERTY LOCATION 375 KING ST-PRIDE 1 MAP 18D PARCEL 040 001 ZONE HB(I00)/WP(6V THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid i Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Tvoeof Construction: INSTALL PREFAB KITCH EXHAUST HOOD INCLUDING DUCTWORK AND FAN New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 13107 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON ()O E S p PAEC M�PRMIATION PRESENTED: Approved _Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Pg D( NuT Intermediate Project:_She Plan AND/ORSpecial Permit with Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Finding_ Special Permit Variance' Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed _Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee _Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management /JL� 2 ZI I Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. •Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. Commonwealth of Massachusetts RECEIVED City Of Northampton FEB 13 2019 Date: 02-12-2019 Sheet Metal Permit Permit# 4� DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Estimated Job Cost: $ 6,000 Permit Fee: NORTHAMPTON,MA01M30 Plans Submitted: YES X NO Plans Reviewed: YES NO Business License# Applicant License# 13107 Business Information: Property Owner/Job Location Information: Name: CLAYTON BERUBE JR Name: PRIDE Street: 68 AMES AVE 3RD LEFT Street: 375 KING ST City/Town: CHICOPEE, MA City/Town: NORTHAMPTON Telephone: 860-394-9946 Telephone: 413-737-6992 Photo I.D. required/Copy of Photo I.D. attached: YES X NO scan Initial J-1 M-1-unrestricted licemse J-2/M-2-restricted to dwellings 3-stories or less and commercial up to 10,000 sq. ft./2-stories or less Residential: 1-2 family Multi-family_ Condo/Townhouses Other Commercial: Office Retail X Industrial Educational Institutional Other Square Footage: under 10,000 sq. ft. X over 10,000 sq. ft. Number of Stories: Sheet metal work to be completed: New Work: X Renovation: HVAC Metal Watershed Roofing Kitchen Exhaust System X Metal Chimney/Vents Air Balancing X Provide detailed description of work to be done: INSTALL PREFACRICATED KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD INCLUDING PREFABRICATED DUCTWORK AND FAN. (FIRE SUPPRESSION SYTEM TO BE DESIGN AND INSTALLED BY,ALLSTATE FIRE EQUIPMENT) Fees with Building Permit:$25.00 Residential, $50.00 Commercial. Fees for jobs without a Building Permit$6.00 per$1000 Minimum fees for jobs without Building Permit$50.00 Residential, $100.00 Commercial INSURANCE COVERAGE: 1 have a current liability insurance policy or Its equivalent which meets the requirements of M.G.L.Ch. 112 Yes[] No N If you have checked Yes,indicate the type of coverage by checking the appropriate box below: A liability insurance policy ❑ Other type of indemnity ❑ Bond ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licenese droe—t have,the insurance coverage required by Chapter 112 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check One Only Owner ❑ Agent Signature of Owner or Owners Agent By checking this box®,1 hereby cenity that all of the details and Information I he"submitted(or entered)regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all sheet metal work and Installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be In compliance with all pertinent provision of the Massachusetts Building Code and Chapter 112 of the General Laws. Duct inspection required prior to Insulation installation: YES NO v."g.a , t..t:p pale C" cat. EiloWltaspWAIM pate 17,nmnn>ntQ Type of License: By N Master Title ❑Mester-Restricted Cityrrown ❑Joumeyperson Signature of Licensee Permit a OJoumeyperson-Restricted 13107 License Number: Fee$ El Check at www mus.env%dp„I Inspector Signature of Permit Approval w Cwtk�f�:N GF PROFE55tG ti�� LfC `.'- e t r 68 A • LEFT :..,:a. CHICOPEE, 3 n ui�.vcc 'i -� cmi n� dIP'C N J 'rF t eea { The C0lnaonusettlih nJ Nocvachmeits w�'Sw Depmmtenl a/Invewi itllions Arne '�il`�nW/fes/j[ OJjlceaJlnrrstixminnr 600 Washington Vrrect Reston, Mots. 02111 mov.ntars.gowdia Workers' Compensation Insurance AMdavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Pimnhers Applicant Information Please Prinf LePlbh__ Name(purinndlgrnin!iMOAdMdueq! lzlt1 6 Address,_ cZ1y(a Cornw6 3-r. City/S(atej7Ip: 1&9Qi )(wF1&'1e%.)lA o)Io14 Phonem V3-r737-699a _ A Wa an emplsyery Claude the appropriate bas: Type of project(required): 1 t. am sn aadoyer wdh !!Y& 4.0 1 an,a general contrac err and 1 6, 0 New comwrsion I employees(AM aedlor pet dam).• havehired one n0bcantraerm ! 7. 2.= 1 am a rob Proprietor or Pier- Asad on the anached sheer. .p Remodeling ship ed haw.so emuoyms Than aubconinclnn have R. !Demoihnn working fm me in any ospsa y. emOoyees mod haw rkm' [M wolten'count,insurance camp.inamerce.t 9. 1 Buildingaddiuon requited) 5.0 We as a corporation ad in, 10. 1 P.lectinl rep,m err additions 3. - I am a homeowner doing all work of icas have exercised their I I. :1 Plmbing repairs or additions myself pit workers,comp. tightafaedptimperm MOL insurance requited)t c. 152,41(4),and ere have no 12, l Roaf repair, U111"M[W workers, 13. !Other meq,in —required.) '49 appaww dwdueb an el mtaM N aw on awW,ado uiamogthb re -wwpwaarY,pwky Wwaahc —J ttllawarnme,w th@GMnt Ynshgnyin dba dawuW dun Mn 11114 e.m.ewn mal Maine.veer nYara na"d,weer. -_i(ARfralanrtaerdldTW'MY/'eMa�aWNMNMduaagMaw.rea n4waw,eM1n W 1u..wawl+a naenwr,mn.am nappkyee� it W rM_+am9,warYwawbwa drr a!md!awl4dW wwWrwaw!wMrnawMr, I as an omrplayar that ifpran hibt;tarhaes'anrpatalm hmroterfor my ewpbymC Bel"it the Palley and/ob the b &,Mdm /�77 Insurance Company Nuum AYtD/4f]TfV6 TiJ'Raa-rer6S `ONp Poikyd or Selfdm.Lir.d: WG O] gal-C- 019 Expindon owe: la-31- ac,Q — yobSheAddnn: �h'f k .+t. sY Ciry/SMe/6ip:1J,>Pnsa,nvmj MA of s .,o_ Attach a copy of the workeea'tompmutlon policy declaration page(thawing the policy number and espinrian(Arte). Faihin to.sere mvmge u required sender Section 25a of MOI. 152 can lead to the impotition of criminal pemides of a fine sup to f 1,500.00 and/or oro year imprisonment as well as civil penalties in the form ol'a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of 5250.00 a dry against violator.Be advised that a coq of this statement maybe forwarded to the Ogee o(Invratipdons„r rbe DIA famvenp verification. I de he*"to wj#r the po/nf and pen a of pwJary that the information provided show Is true and rorrect She"o,, /40� Dan: 1- 3-_7:0.14 __.. PrletN"CR6CEIZ'l- L. &Led C- Phones 413-197-Ln99e3. _ Of/ldal errs only Do not write In this area to he completed by city or lawn ofJlelal ..j City ar Tiara: Perr!rltOktue d: Insting Authority(thele am): j 1.1tordefflenth 2. Bu0diog Department 3.Clty?own Clerk 4.Eleetrlen)Impecter 5,Plumbing inspector I 6.other Phone t: Content person: , — AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES COMPENSATION CORPORATION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY COVERAGE POLICY/CERTIFICATE INFORMATION PAG Automotive Industries Compensation Corporation P.O. But 1528 Springfield,MA 01101-1528 policyCenificate Number WC 009065-19 Policy year 1/1/19-1/1120 Dale of lesue: 1211&19 1. Name of Member. Pride Stores,LLC Mailing Address' 246 Cottage Street Street Address: Springfield,MA 01104 Additional Named Insureds: pride Stations&Stores Pnde Liquors _ Additional Workplaces: 395 Main Street,Agawam.MA 0 100 1 60 Union Street,Faslhampion,MA 01027 824 Suffield Sweet,Agawam,MA 01001 618 N Main Street,F Longmeadow,MA 01028 361 Burnett Road,Chicopee,MA 01020 14 Center Square,E Longmeadow,MA 01028 167 Chicopee Street,Chicopee,MA 01011 13 N Main Sueet, E Longmeadow, MA 01028 27 Montgomery Sweet,Chicopee,MA 01020 21 N Main Street,E Longmeadow,MA 01028 445 Russell Road,Hadley,MA 01035 1053 Thnmdike Street,Palmer,MA 01069 1553 Dwight Street,Holyoke,MA OI040 198 College Highway,Southwick,MA 01077 1730 Longmeadow Si,Longmeadow,MA 01106 549 Page Boulevard,Springfield,MA 01104 478 Center Street,Ludlow,MA 01056 1225 Parker Street,Springfield,MA 01129 375 King Street,Northampton.MA 01060 1143 Berkshire Avenue,Springfield,MA 01104 1211 E Columbus Ave.,Springfield,MA 01105 234 East Main Sweet,Westfield,MA 01085 77 West Street,Springfield,MA 01104 137 Riverdale Street,W Springfield,MA 01089 75 West Sweet,Springfield,MA 01104 1247 Riverdale Street,W Springfield,MA 01089 1110 Wilbraham Road,Springfield,MA 01109 6 North Westfield Street.Ajp"w,MA 01001 2. The cenificate period is from January 1,2019(l2 OI a.m.Standard Time)to but not including January I,2020 at the Members mailing address. 3. A. Workers'Compensation Coverage: Pan One of the Cenlficme applies to the Workers'Compensation Law of the Comnwnwealth of Massachusetts. B. Employers'Liability Coverage: Pen Two of the Certificate applies to the workplace(s)listed in item 1. The limits of our liability under Pan Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident: 5500,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $500,000 cenif3cale limit Bodily Injury by Disease: 5500,000 each employee C This certificate includes these endorsement,and schedules: See Schedule. 4. The comributom for this certificate will be determined by our Manuals of Rules,Clvsificatiom, Rates and Rating Plains. All Information required is subject to verification and change by audit. S. Total Estimated Annual Contribution: Clessifca(on Poge all ed. 1 MK M. rAG NDIEL LEMm GmNvc mTA �° w0 m � 1FW. EKIL CM VIp1M LwG DIA LM VEL SP. Lw3ilXKilw FND RDV _ 1 6052 ]' 3' U. 0' ISE Ow H7] -0.652' WH.*AE.yAXw ALOE ALOE RMATION Y R FIRE HED 70 TILL 6FttIfi1CY ! ] VINE YSTE 1 16 ]YfE iY IEtpf LEMGIN MICRONS iv LY%: LOGT01 513E TYPE SIZE MODEL 9 OWHTITY PIPING WENT Capge4 SW FRtw S 16' I6• 6]S =SR, 9 LR Lr4N F2[ NO IU �W TAI mild SPE[IFI[ATIOIP. CAPTRAT�GREASE-STOP'SOLO FAEL ILTER yRFpp$y CANNEL - Fr—H. glFt TIC FMTMTE CBwEC-$TON SRO FILTER IS A SIK1E-ST.Y¢ TV TEN FEATURING LEFT END STRIl6T0'WSLP) r V4e %• 1, ImJaM m DELIVERUNIQUE EYCES. FILTRCd�TIDNIaV1OM R ELDi201EM D4TLE IC$Id, RIdT OIINIIER ENp PNFL 26• Tap W<M, p• bttu: VNq, 26• Ip4 430 $S FILTER IS STAINLESS STEEL CE ST41Cild. AND USED To Fir INTO STANDARD LEFT gMHTER ENO PANEL 26• Tap V4q. 0' bttq V414. 26' IILA Cb SS 2-MEM DEEP Ha" CNWELE" INSRA]Id Fd Td OF NEED ...IS SMALL INCWK R STAINLESS STEEL WARES AM A FASTENING DEVICE TO SECURE TM TWO [RECLAIM Fd BALK OF Mar. CORMHENTS WHEN ASSEMBLED. GREASE EXTRACTION EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCE SMALL RE EVE AT LEAST ]$K OF GREASE PMTICLES FIVE MICMHS IN SIZE. AM SIR GREASE PARTICLES SEVEN MICRONS IN SIS ME LARGER, WITH A CORRESPONDING MULAIC mp NOT TO EXCEED LO INCHES OF WATER GAUGE. THE LVTRATE GREASE-Sid SOLD WAS TESTED TO ASTM STANDARD ASTM F2519-05 1' LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY ru N�gorT+wrure INSTALLED IN BACK STANDOFF. MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. t 1' LAYER OF INSULATION 4Q FACTORY INSTALLED IN C 1.00' ENO STANDOFF MEETS 5 $ u 0' REQUIREMENTS CLEARA CE y TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. PC¢ u XwN-maws Ra, ._C` • ` FNcvun HAu 36' CMTMTE flLiwS ARE MLL IN [OFLIAILE VIM UL. Llstetl L55 Se bs E26 Canopy NMA !96 LlBht FlMture - WDM Tern AzseNH�• .STADARDiN.6 ® J MT.IEd CGDE C°SI ® ® LL4S6N9 38 I/2'T AB 1/2' FOR THE$]IOXS, s TXG 1/2- NORTHEAST STRUT SPRI OSEUD, A50 COTTAGE STREET ) 594-am MAX 01104 )' 3-Nom./7' 3.00'00 PHONE: (!N) NA-9X90 FAM: (91E) 33]-59GC r-R.00. OveraO LeNth CAPTIVE-AIRE HOODS ARE BUILT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLAN VIEW — Hood H1 7N 3.00" LONG ftBO-2 NFPA R96 - 2014 EDITION ETL LISTED TO UL-710 REQUIREMENTS IMC 2015 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE AMA —a AN. ❑ AA,._A.n.NO E._A_1. >9 ✓OBPritle Northampton R ❑ — LOCAT/ON NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 zIDN.TMO � TJaRWiLA. Se6sFeuic ss A NB. � 3—a L55 SERIES E26 CANOPY LIGHT FIXTURE - HIGH TEMP ASSEMBLY. INCLUDES CLEAR THERMAL AND SHOCK RESISTANT CLOSE (L55 FIXTURE) V LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY INSTALLED ON TOP OF HOOD. MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE tD SURFACES EXHAUST RISER CLpNtlF[R RARE BV IRE W'IxsT6[A11BB) 16' CAPTRATE SOLO I- LAYER OF INSULTSROMIITMCM®W INSTALLED IN 3- INTERNAL STANDOFF. 14' NOM MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY w•m OF THE ARCHITECT/oVNER TO ru.m ENSURE THAT THE HOOD CLEARANCE �. FROM LIMITED-COMBUSTIBLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALSQ0' MAX IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS, I� GREASE DRAIN WITH REMOVABLE CUP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FIELD INSTALLED71' HANGING ANGLE MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH 1/2' - 13 TPI QUARTER END PANELS WADE 3 (MINIMUM) ALL-THREAD. SANDWICH MANGINL ANGLES AND CEILING ANCHOR POINTS WITH 1/2' GRADE 5 (MINIMA) STEEL RAT WASHERS AND 1/2' - 13 TPI W W 3 (NUMMI.) K% NUTS AS SIR)VN. MAST USE 35' DOUBLED X KNUT CONFIGURATION BENEATH HMD HANGINGANGLES NOES AND ABOVE CEILING ANCHORS MAINTAIN 1/4' OF EXPSE0 THREADS NE BEATH BOTTOM KX WT. TURBO ALL HEX NUTS TO 37 FT-LBS. SECTION VIEW - MODEL 365OBD-2 HOOD - #1 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE- 0 __ ANrewM+„,M E,w T— p( fVBPrlde Northon ton R,.�„ ,,,e ❑ _= LBG1f NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 sNwuuE wDsntiLA- sa4o 1/IL O �/r-- == af6 1/28/19 JOB 3677333 = =-- I DAC 2 1 BR4FV BYTSH-37 'X EpWIiT TIN IT iW FpX Wli XOOEL 9 LM ESP. XA. BNA. 0 VRT fLP 0VE6NT SAES I, VFLQIiY "m M SM THE FIN M THE p agfP 1160 0.JS0 1.03 aSD] 03]90 1 U. S6 MI R" ]fi Ip - ASS R rW Pi1Q1 mly. - v.—I I TO THE TRINUT P.I.,III mue Bo. 1 - EM VFAp P zHc W-Exha I - H—a w p-W VBL R.Pe'mee Speetl Lmtr MIEEC YELPP ME PHE rtZTFP' XaWr) TIC. X w VEIGXi lip SQE fM Y 1 31 LBS CT[XIMRTm4 l9 12' 19 1/Y FAN M1 OOSONFq - E%HHOST FRN VEXTCp FEATURES, j� CURB . aErs. Em IRX Pu nu m A GNGE STEEL EII. CT -HIGH 1.11 coxsmucnon HIG0 � 3' RY1LE R06 OPENING BIIEHSIQIS OREPSE DRAIN WSX CWS[WNR Of°Rrma J L Xww PITCHED NIBS ORE AVAIL MWSIMB Y S M PITCHED WIFE. VN.EXHIYt S p• DINMED mo� THAT mPP SPECIFY 12 PITCH Q' E=, )/ PITCH M' SLOPE IN TIIX — PLOIS BOX. O%. ECM SEWIRING PACKAGE-EXHAUST - MANUAL OR C-l0VLC REFERENCE SPEED CONTROL CNIDEC MOTOR). CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE- 0 pme.n as ru umPLm T.Xm �' JOBPride Northampton IMPTIME De. i�A. SzSniviiE, �T/ONPNORTHAMPTON,✓OB 0I060 36]]333 ..�.na. BBAFN B7TSH-37 job 13 H1. TAG PRCNK[ N LpCAT10i SVIiCXES �TRN fNIS 01ipR1Ep LOCii1Q1 ..'T" TYPE 1 MR. VOLT MA 1 SC-IIp11pPP V W Mwn< In $$ b. b ' SS Voll 1 -',' Snw< Lontrds iFer'nosWtic --'AAEgpust 1 pSW 113 36 (bunt a- 1 Fon .FW WaTRE I I SEXSIR� OCTA/L Of RE'NOAL S S worts f In FN�PI. I el .S�n ® p gNmP RP.F. Vn!/NTRO RpNPFFI ('fiNAfiF OIi�Q6A[F NOTE: IF MULTIPLE HOODS OR ® MULTIPLE SENSORS ALL MUST BE FIELD WIRED TO REMOTE MOUNTED .CONTROL PANEL ROOM THERMISTOR n r-- - - - - ROOK ifs$UaRlt-USED TO MJIpNTPALLY TRI FANS ON VIES MT TFIe RfMET 7aplonm ES KF S AM M TEMEPATIK. �mRgauxs.M enWll'P �..a m mra.sr A.—as as mi w. <ms <w er sm.<vvv�wLl—Itoi sm-si vmw nm've av v.mvrt w vunv utwv<. i a uem nu M<riwrvmv�aremmmiseenvan 11 rnr —1 n—-10-,is M gvbmn i T—'--vt m..a—un rw evA aR W�v awn arw�< auttl.n to iss, s.vva�vv ecavv gbe�MMs:+sass—I­ oas,w bm Wma W lab t t� sis fsa v nev v �eN t rv.ac rro w gaµ A. se.v�. . ' eUin Ssnwr tronctw„o<s nr•�np else.an tv rP m.r.,a ..ay rv..< ry aur ulwdC W �t emasa�es.'T .n t <rcrvm sAemsnm wvwC ..ay..e,us.wv.t e...wu�wr ue C or.. w<gat ewrca. PM iM aXeuM I,A.'a under an HVAC rebm or text tolna XVAC tlwmpBtbl, Nlr Anatialta Ts. V.N 011f¢d0 @TOP �� 4M� {pR2M 4F nvrY CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE, rov=.w oa rasa ❑ APwaeM .rts,AT tr<.PtEm ra.n ✓OBPritle Northon {on aeaa..ne Nauu< .�Q � ��/�,��� LOG/T/ON NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 I.—na. n... •112111�jJJ�— O M�7r _—� OAT6 1/28/19 JOB 36]]333 Saw,l.e P7e...�.A. S�smuir. ��T �__ uNar --- B,IC 4 BR FN BYTSH-37 �ff�k Of 1977 laa te0 vvt • CM sr. Wy,< velsltr OT Oesrsq<bn CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURD PI OVINXT 1160 40177 ]197011471% 1 SMye Voll pact 12• porwtfr, 47' L, Am nt k fM4 StWfu S4f1.PY pV123Ai 1160 -001% 1 Srgif Vall puc! 12' Jcwb, 3a• Ipq, ilp,pe n< [oq fMF StaNeu Steel.P3DVINNJDDIT IIM -00091 1 � c . Jisf. ID-!oR[er, 47. I . ED~ of aw eN VIN fIY 4wp4n TfHne/P4 T S.0vI9121P Ilw o 1 Vis.. STrynyY 19-1/L'Cv0 4 12'Pc[,u M M.i4eF WN m MOIL :p%ng 3N-2N�LUS 1 Pct - SII fN R,"M' Y000 M. u'— - IIseC ns sale. 4 Sxl PctWUSX6SY 3 0-t N' Clory M. rct MSYyn 11 W T PLL PICTVVMc 13 REWIRED RITE MS7KLEp VRX THE MAXIMUM SIPFiRT Pw PIG LISTED S W. f9f A COIM.ETE LIST W MAAVED SVPvgT METHODS. SEE THE INSTfLLSTIUI MD M TM MN RPL - PICTVTSy. SN SLOE NOT ILSS TNM: 1/I6' v LPEIR TIDT TPVKDS THE NDDD M MI fvvWVEO GREASE LRLE[1PM 1ESERV®1. MERE IIXI2UITK FIRS EMEEED 75 FEET N LENGTH. RE SLVI£ SW IOL SE LESS TNM: 3/I6•PIA LP Pm T. WET DM TER 110 ImTK M. V vERTICERTICK WRP7T "I VR LL Sp WORT 11. IDIS SLPPDRT Vtl D' jai IV 14t Ir w' 10' N• W DE IM N' 16' w W N' Y IT w N' ID IP W 24' 2r IC Ir N' 24' 10' 10' N' ® GREASE DUCT & CHIMNEY SPECIFICATIONS: PROVIDE GREASE DUCT EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS STEEL DUCTWORK. MODEL 'DW' IS LISTED TO UL-1978 AND IS INSTALLED USING 'V' CLAMP LOCKING CONNECTIONS SEALED WITH 3M FIRE BARRIER 2000 PLUS. MODEL 'DW' DOES NOT REQUIRE WELDING PROVIDING IT HAS BEEN INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION GUIDE. PROVIDE RATED ACCESS DOORS AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION AND EVERY 12' ON CENTER. PER MANUFACTURES LISTING MODEL 'DW' HORIZONTAL RUNS LESS THAN 75 FT. CAN BE SLOPED 1/16' PER 12', HORIZONTAL RUNS MORE THAN 75 FT. CAN BE SLOPED 3/16' PER 12'. DUCT SHOULD BE SLOPED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE CHANCE OF GREASE ACCUMULATION IN HORIZONTAL RUNS. IF THE DUCT OR CHIMNEY IS WITHIN 18 INCHES OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL, PROVIDE UL-2221 OR UL-103 HT LISTED DOUBLE WALL GREASE DUCT OR DOUBLE WALL CHIMNEY EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW- 2R, 2R TYPE HT, 3R, OR 3Z' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS INNER DUCT INSULATED WITH A 24 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS OUTER SHELL. JOBPrice NOrtS m tan �� �� __= LOGIT/ON NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 /�r==S 41Td' t/28/l9 JOB 3677333 NrvM � QCV ( �i i va-= DR' S B"W BYTSH-37 DuctWork #1 Front View DuctWork #1 Side View s �rr+++III SY4EM SYSTEE M DuctWork #1 SE View P4 4 Im 13 6T EiS N'i DuctWork #1 Top View P3 P3 sv si[M'i P4 � d P3 P4 P2 P2 125.5'X4% 12106, 106' 106' 1255'MPx P2 86'MM 86-MIN 106' 86-MIN f^21,50—1 F. PI PI E1 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE M'awe er was DK 4yeuw4 wa w uwa�I ❑ ✓BBP,ld. Northon ton �y,ti,,,a�, ❑ /a\ �� _ ��� _ __� 6OCAf NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 W — B07 1/28/19 ✓OB 36]]333 �-err � / Exhaust Pan Wiring DRAWING NUMBER '' - rr�ue nWr wrung ao.� EXH3677333-] SHIP DATE 112$719 MODEL DU50HBA RD_____ XK_____ 0-DOW ______ Ipsta e OPTIONAL 0-IOVDC GND MOTOR SPEED REFERENCE 24 VqC CONTROL INPUT P2 RD.v BK C-01 I TR-01 BK H K____ 2 D � ] LSV-O--J MT-01 3 o-GR___z l R FORE230//24VE 0VgNApPLICATIONS n< 4 Lpbe D.=mn MT-01 Fon Rotor 121 MT-02 Dopper Motor [2] 5 X-01 RTC-FSC-1 [1] SV-01 Mob Jltt ect 4elt h [2] 6 TR-01 24VAC 20VA TrvnePornerll] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 EXHAUSTMGTGR OSHP-115V-IP-5,6FLA NUTOR/L�FLTRI[4L I _ p NpiOR/CTRL MOP1 15A — ---� DENDT�ES FIELD WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING WIRE r BK - BLACK YV - YELLOW BL - BLUE GR - GREEN BR - BROWN GY - GRAY OR - ORANGE PR - PURPLE RD - RED PK - AM WH - WHITE JOB NOOOEL NUMBER rn ors vs ESCRIPTION ❑ OPERATION- 3677333 NAME SC-110110FP Ee msrxLL �I � A, .r...r..�owr.Ix...m.•a�ar Fr11M INA -N,M VEV19 E; 4-1 I 1 BREAKER PANEL TO PRIMARY CONTROL PANEL R ' BREAKER SIZE�SIUSVNNIS TETE MAXIMUM ALLO4EB Ir� mEAP � INS w W UEo� _ WEAAEN pAw PASNA., PMEL m rlf (IMM R04,SEE ANNUAL. ' _ _ ___ _ _ _-tlM1. 116P -- sere VH -Jhb� _ m ISA vbE NrBxfl0.AN E. - -- SS I ' nM CdVTROL POVER.-Bo NOT VI�FE_ sKr SEMSOf EMSRt 1ONTEvq E.EEr Rlsm1 TO GFCI OR SHUNT TRIP BREAKER1..' THE PEyMUG fM6rpC Mynd SvsOrIrM�S9.V®V/ I4r OR I4r M rE . IEY , MSEO OI.OSSR r1pli r SrENFq SAN _W ]KC61CM1_ yyI��1L _r AM 1.0< X _Ysu [ __Rl- SICANAL _ M s MVSO Sr .n . IS SAENNAE 3HNN" M PEE0I0 [011101 P ��' $PMK FIRE SLI m NMC ILri vis IWF T m o CONTROL PANEL TO FANS SISTEM ORr Nu wl x'SrsrEN rs NNEE nv Es1V T.T VE410 OIER E EOJO , Respdnstlity� Electrkldn of E MTM r r a v�o o�iacr1LLAPir"ra4Nmri 1 ..V— T"..S ITCH..0IN AN.4I. Lwd VFFO _JR.l N. F. nloi FS SVIIT(H S E_I _ '� 0V m1I1LL – –�a'l (.JV.r..___ _ o v MSSNEoRExr ___s_________ _ ______________ m srwTER ENrwxxL S OISL1MECr mrp LNINWT..CrrvxrE lOFI PM6 Ns CONTROL PANEL TO ACCESSORY ITEMS ResWnslbNty, Ete trkldn Op IlITSN 1 mnRn von �aUF T mSo gS rIRE mcvosvrrm m Ny m Iiiiiii 1Y 40Eo Ra e CI m lT 9YLE IMK fMg,SMOII NFN INEO .•mob l6i'.�. S Ir "'NE rxµ "N'S F– PINE SYSTEM, VOS NSS _ N SERIES AS SISINI IL .............. _ _ ..... NnILL rYEi NL!VANES P/Llgr YOEO TO 'J4 aT-S EpSETT. e mracs ' 1 EfNTRE _______–___ ®� }1I ro ____. m }` Hy LN.T3 – –J NM v IMM vm Ti J-N M Te y IS® A B CD I E I F 1 G 1 H I I FACTOIT VIR4 UNLESSSPE[RIEp DTHERVI$E, ALL EACLpRY AC VIKING 16 AVG. PLL EALipRY OC VIRRIG IBP+V4 MOTOR POWER CIRCUIT SCIEM4TIC J9 120V 2 R V 0 IBII Rrv. 2.10. - CDNTRDL DiPUT IP AWG C-1 mnlm n� - _ 120V H1=LINE, I sa KgiA_s� • NI=NEUTRAL, ISA 24TO Iiz A BREAKER. DD I/F�� A A 1p A AV Nc R l xt R LD $HIINi TRIP _ BRERKER. $EE 3-N UC CpI 6 i WI 6 . Q) INSTALLATION s SCHEMATIC PDR _ -- ADDITIONAL REO. � _ 4!4 i>aPIO! PAKL L1D-If�v-- � n-x n�I v�les�u it n�nmlZ:wvo V _ J7 I20V I If 1u J't R �4D 0 Na 1 DC�•�LJ ---gIGROI ARIA—l�-[f.®�dlll —PIC10.R . r BC a/IX ry-1GIA 1-BIE LY-�Y 49LW RNA[ NM[ W D DRY ACTS (SHOWN DE-ENERGIZED) - Ir ANLG RA-1-1 __ x/on a•„m aivn rnort NVfEIIPAP d!E%GCN. KNN F'16 Im9F iD9l SIM2 F __ \Wl-MVL STOK 1 JIO EVM3 CIPS lq<�r FF'M,fuu I ugncM�eY YtiWgM�s M1u w..m.v nYn P-P r.. A Y r'r r-o' x-e• � r-e• F x-e' £ s,-P S-P rs �( 4 V-6" 4'-0" R.O. V-6" 9 ih i7 y 6' <4 ' zg � BAIN BKRY F IA III GRILL - - ~ SOFFIT zm BREWER 3'-6" CAFE / BAKERY CUPS E PRESSO „ REAMER Chicken 3 —0 TURBO 3' x 6' SALES COUNTER TO SUIT SUGAR :; 'Frymaster npmrA r-+AW CSI S.,Ilon 11.00 Standard Gas Fryers DNA Models ❑GF 14 ❑GF40 C Standard Features Options & •Open-pat design is easy to clean Accessories 1� i •Millivolt temperature controls,no elec- Vic connection required ❑Frypot cover •Durable temperature probe ❑Piezo ignitor kit V) •Deep cold zone,1-1/4'(3.2 cm)IPS El Casters ball-type drain valve •Master Jet burner heat-transfer system El Full basket •Stainless steel frypot and door.enamel 0Tdplet basket cabinet El Crisper tray -Two twin baskets El Sediment tray /T •6'steel legs with l"adjustment ❑3/4"x 36'quick disconnect with r V •3/4(1.91 cm)(NPT)gas connection gas line r /� GF74 3/4"x48"quick disconnect with V 3 —400,0. inoil capacity gas Ilse W —1p00Btu/Boutin.input(25,189 kcal/hr.) (29.3 kw/hr.) []Top connecting strip Frying area 12"x 15"z 4 (30.5 x 3111 x 10.2 cm) See Frymaster domestic price list for GF40 other available options and acces- .(251iter•)oil capacity sories. cFaa snows wits oplimacanen —122,000 Btu/hr.input(30,730 kcal/hr.) (3511 kw/hr.) —Frying area 14"x 15"x 5'(35.6 x 38.1 z 12.7 cm) Specifications Designed for versatile frying �Q CP production and solid The open frypot has a large heat- performance transfer area and every inch of the �Y frypot and cold zone can be cleaned These all-purpose fryers feature and wiped down by hand. outstanding Frymaster reliability and durability. GF fryers are capable of The large cold zone and forward cooking a wide variety of fried foods sloping bottom help collect and with consistent uniformity and great remove sediment from the frypot taste. to safeguard oil quality and support routine frypot cleaning. The Master Jet burnerrealesystem's �,. I Al durable metal targets create 'titer conversions are for solid shortening t1�(rttf`ll a large heat-transfer area for @70'E o -� 1 ';`• wa.n l.J' m reliable,even heat distribution. Durable temperature probe senses temperature changes and activates 1i01 m"1 burner response. -- wm+w.w e..vp.u"v..pmemm f]OO tine armue Tk 31ai(S-1]11 vwJrymmlmmm Sh—p-C LF]LOfidp1. 1; -...� ,.SAA I N,YMn a�alay393 vsa hx:31433asw] rww lmns �an/Iowof FnRd1.YrT.ml.rsr 'Frymaster U) 7 tlYEN6KN8—py` Yl b.M ®1 4w 156t pq I L 111411.51 ® Nm N abw..w \� asto Imm a+a 057) DIMENSIONS 0 MODEL OIL DRAIN NET SHIPPING INFORMATION NO. CAPACITY HEIGHT WEIGHT N WIDTH DEPTH 4HIIGHTwith Drain WEIGHT CLASS CD.FT. DIMENSIONS Pipe (cml6114 40Ibs. IS-5/e• 301/8' 13' 1151bs. 15216s. a5 19 W D XhOGtersl139 �.1cml03.Ocml (51 kq1 (69 kq) 33' 36• 46-t/1155.9cm) (91.1 cm) (118.1SOlbv 15-5/B' 30-)/e' 13' 131 lbs. 17616x 85 ]I 31' 36' 461/2' 135 Gtersl (39.7 curl IJBA cm) (330 cm1 (59 kq1 (80 kq) 155.9cm1 (914CM) D18.1cm) POWER REQUIREMENTS NOTES MODEL NAT/LP GAS ELECTRICAL •Check plumbing codes for proper supply line thing. GFIL 100,000 Rtu@r. ne required for Recommended minimum store manifold pressure DS,189 kn11139.3level millivolt system to be 6"W.C.for natural gas and ll'W.C.for LP gas. Check plumbing codes for proper supply line thing GF40 133.000 Mu/hf. to attain burner manifold pressure of g.1Q'WC. (3¢130 kcall(35.8 kWl natural or 8-1/4'W.C.LP CLEARANCE INFORMATION HOW TO SPECIFY A minimum of 14'(61.0 cm)should be provided at the The following descriptions will assist with ordering the features desired Runt of the unit for servicing and proper alienation, for this equipment: and 6'115.1 cm)between the sides and rear of the fryer to any combustible material.A minimum of le' GFI4 40-11D standard,open-pot gas fryer with millivolt controls and 145.7 con)should be maintained between the flue durable temperature probe outlet and the lower edge of the exhaust hood filers, GF40 SO-lb.standard,open-pot gas fryer with millivolt controls and durable temperature probe SO Stainless steel tryout and door,enamel cabinet e76q Yneleenee T131N6L]]II wn�'.hlma[rn[om SBnnparL L1]110L400 two s'.3]NB0 an,ni Na.ml U51 I Fm.31eaY3M] IIMnI InNs ruanito E-smh lnfe@hywomeown 1a601n U.aAOrrymMv.LLC We reserve the nght to change specifications appearing in rho bulletin without inct-mg any abligNlou far equipment prerlootY as sobsequenth olid. Chcrk www 4vmaamrnm fnrunda,ea Project: VOLL,rA�f�e�'e��1•i� Item Number: Quantity: ouryre,im„ a ,y„ CAYENNEO MEDIUM-DUTY FLAT TOP as ITEMS Item No. Model No. Description Manually Controlled Griddles 40718 FTG9012 12"Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU 40719 FTG9016 18"Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU w " 40720 FTG9024 24"Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU 40721 FTG9036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU 40839 FT09048 48"Gas Griddle, 112,000 BTU 40840 FTG9060 60"Gas Griddle, 140,000 BTU T,�orrrtoytatially Controlled Griddles 40722 FTA1024 24"Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU " 23 FTA1036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU Cayenne®Gas Gnddle-Model 40720 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Shipped set up tot natural gas, includes kit for conversion to propane Vollrath's Cayenne*Gas Griddles provide a simple and • Includes regulator and gas valve effective way to prepare food In an economical,safe and • 28,000 BTU custom stainless steel U-shaped hassle-free way.These griddles are ideally suited for use in burners for superior versatility,even heat distribution and steak houses, restaurants,coffee shops,clubs and pubs. efficient operation • 12" (30.5 cm)wide heating zone per control (18'griddle has one burner) • Stainless aluminized steel with fully-welded construction for durability and long 18e • Polished-A"(1.09 cm)thick steel griddle plate for even heat distribution and retention • Welded griddle plate seams eliminate grease and CLEARANCE AND POSITIONING dirt traps This appliance must be installed adjacent to non-combustible • All metal knobs and knob guards protect gas valves from < surfaces only,with a minimum of 6"(15.2 cm)from all sides. damage and won't break or crack and are This appliance must be a minimum distance of 6'(15.2 cm) GUARANTEED FOR LIFE e from another appliance.The appliance must have the supplied • 3/4'NPT gas inlet 4"(10.2 cm)legs installed and be placed on a non- • Heavy-duty adjustable legs combustible surface. • Thermostatically controlled griddles maintain user settings to ensure consistent surface temperature S p �e r r Agency ListingsWARW IM M models shown come with Volrath's standard wYun4lagainst defects In noderals and waMwarohin For full wamety chataft.please refer to winlNodralk". Cl SA"' "� Approvals Oale Due fa con roved product Imwowemenc please ronmft www.vallrath.com for current product spsclliciihans. The Vollrath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 1236 North WI 53081-3201 Street Technical Services Fax: 920.459.5162 Sheb1236 ygan,North Wth Street -3201 U.S.A. Customer Service: 800.628.0830 omemr>m. yd,V Canada Customer Service: 800,695.8560 wwa.vollrath corn Main Fax: 800.752.5620 or 920.459.6573 CAYENNEO MEDIUM-DUTY FLAT TOP GAS GRIDDLES DIMENSIONS (Shown in inches(cm)) Gas inlet Has lash7,eight Sieespl'6n)ght 1%(3.8)toodeppth 4 \ T12 Cooklnp Surface Depth 19(48.2) 27 vik (305) (68.6) \ o from NPT Gas Inlet surface to(165) hom center,a4'(10ace to center _5(110.2- e of inlet,at 4'(10.2)1e9 height q3 (10.2- 4) From View Side view Top View SPECIFICATIONS (A) Cooking Surlace i. er of .( Will Dio eeelgts(W x 0). 4.. 40718 28,000 12(30.5) 11"A. x 19(29.7 x 48.3) 1 93(42.1) 40719 28,000 18(45.7) 17'vw x 19(45 x 48.3) 1 135(61.2) 40720 56,000 24(61.0) 23"As x 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 174(78.9) j 40721 84,000 36(91.4) 35"Aa x 19(90.7 x 48.3) 3 244(110.7) J 40839 112,000 48(121.9) 47"Ae x 19(121.2 x 48.3 4 412(186.9) 40840 140,000 60(152.4) 591Ae x19(151.6 x 48.3 5 502(227.7) >; 40722 56,000 24(61.0) 23"Ae x 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 187(84.8) 1 40723 94,000 36(91.4) 35"Ae x 19(90.7 x 48.3) 3 244(110.7) 0 s U �4.� The Vollrath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 Yi "Mm 1236 North 18th Street Technical Services Fax: 920.459.5462 Sheboygan,WI 53081-3201 USA Customer Service: 800.628.01330 ompe.ro,m ave,y aq- Canada Customer Service: 800.695.8560 Main Fax: 800.752.5620 or920.459.6573 wmAvgllath.cor0 02014 The Vollrath Company L.L.C. Farm Number L35822 12/15/14 Printed in USA lam Nn.: Q-fit, Project Nurse: G111�5► 515" MNCSI#: FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT Gas Fry Kettle Gaentiny W,Isstlng Equirmeni S WW- Model GGF-720 ii Available in natural or propane gas,the Giles Gas Fry Kettle will cook crispy,moisturized fried chicken,as well as other mouthwatering foods. The completely automatic Auto-Basket Lift",on the Giles Gas Fry Kettle,enables the operator to load the l fryer,lower the basket,and activate the chosen product menu.When the pre-set frying time is complete,the Auto-Baskct Lift automatically raises the finished product out of the oil to avoid over cooking. + Constructed of durable,polished stainless steel,the GGF-720 is also equipped with casters for easy cleaning and maintenance,ensuring years of efficient,attractive service. BI� Automatic Oil Filtration Gas Heat Exchanger System ' - The exceptional design of the -' Designed to complete a filter Giles Heat F.xchangr allows .,.,a cycle within five minutes,the for a true"cold zone and a Automatic Oil Filtration more efficient heat transfer •�� _ System,uses disposable filter resulting in an increase in �9 ie paper,and allows the operator energy vmgs thHeat Exchangger heats to wash,rinse,drain and filter heats shortening evenly inside the the oil in one operation. pot in a 360'radius from the Refilling the Giles Gas Kettle sides of the pot.This special Fryer is automatic.The dual bumer defivers 85,000 system will help extend BTUs using natural or shortening life for additional propane g2s while savinmoney when cooking light cost savings. loads or during idle periods. CE10.. Giles Foodservice Equipment An ISO 9001 Registered Company 2750 Gwar M Drirc West•Montgomery,Al,MIN USA Phone.134.272.1457•Fu•PhoneTo0 Fra 900.554.4537 Imm No.: Quantity: Gas Fry Kettle'"iTe S15 : Model GGF-720 AINCSig ee. — — s ) li sz ] Front \ I \\ Inches[mBBmetees] Top / - Side -- We mnnrc,bc.aht.,huge grdficanma.d piNundoign,.sda..nndreSuch—uk—dnnw entitle theddinnw w 2plaame.o for p soly Im¢hvd roWp,nmt. C.'emostmom C-P-cit': Cabinet and Fry Vat:20Ga m ISM SnWaas Sad Shortening Cap icy:75 11s. kg] Heating Dual burner Prostate.Capity.24 lbs.chirlsen[I1 kg](72 pieces) Dimensions: Floor Sparc-7.1 sq k[.7 eq m] Electrical Spcdfiea isms: Width:24-3/8" 1619m rl 120/60A-7 A(Sersim mrd provided on lWV only) Depth:42-1/8" [1070.1 208-2"60/1-4A Hcighe 44-1/8" I11M.1 Gas Specifications: ylnsrallalion immacowu musth fulluw,d)" Fry Vat:15-1/4"Deep X 18-5/8"Dia[.387 mm X 473 mm] 1/7Gu1.ine input with in-Om regldrzm(noteuppled) Fry Basket W:13-27/32"Deep X 14-1/2"Iffi.(352 mm X 368 mm) 850 BTU Cooking Controls: Listings: FT CEFL.ETLSAN Computer,antmller:Digita0yrmtralledte mumuJgwpuate Prud tDesignation:GGF-720 pmgraarmable menu keys. T peratue Bange:75^-350'F [24'-Ir Cl Shipping Specifications: Annotator end ofcyde basket lift w mamas basketopnation Cramd Wcighe 3%lbr1177kgl Coral cycle Crated Cube Sire 42"X30"X56"-41mfr Solid Assuming melt cycle [Wrourn X 762mm X 1423mm-1.1 cat metro] "I.uw CO"and"Doi.Open"waming messages Bal Out program Unit is shipped with(1)Fry basket,(1)Discharge wind hast,(5)Filter paper sheers,(1)Pot brush,(1)Kettle drain brush,(1)Stir paddle,(1)Cenmb sh,ma,(2)additional orifices for high altitude installations and(1)Manual. Electrical Option.; Aesessorief 1. Specify the pact.omher from the FnO.wing 2• Specifya. iono,needed: quantity nf he(nlhm ng araesnry items needed: Mudd V.I., Hz Pluu Lod CuSgundm Put Numb. Gu Qty DuulpOon Pon Number ❑ GF-720 120 60 1 Dcha 71393 LP ❑ dm'p et 91811 910 ❑ GF-720 120 60 1 Ddu 71392 Nn ❑ deer Pape.((Wpadm100)Short 7o ❑ .GF-72o 208-240 60 1 DO. 71395 1Y ❑ sit P.+4)8to...Wn 72004 ❑ F-720 208-240 d0 1 Deb. 71394 Nu ❑ oX Onv(q a lb conn 72003 'Additional 6argre Giles Foodswmim Equipment 3" Sbipping 2750 Gunter Park Drive Wet•Montgomery,AL 36109 USA Specify the shipping method Phone 334.272.1457•Fez 334.2.39.4117•Pb.T.H Fra 900.554.4537 xmR TM wDEl =R clvuE N TOTPL X T s ERR Tv TEN,. EXIL —YNLNG LIGx Ma LSN vp., SP. —xmv'ellp'TOM EMU wW 1 9�2 )• r Ilw A. yr Nw ulT Y6 VMSm.' . — XLQ4 NIO T a LOE xmv ne w TM rrPE M wlpr LpcTx vFrcTExcr• T TYPE DANE LHEArorH SIDE s rsTE MICRp6 TrPE SIS w6.1 Y OLWIrITr plPlw Vpi 1 c,,t a Sdo P,Ae, a IE• I 16• BSX T*e.. M 9 Lee R..E. No w LBS TM CATION SPECIFICATION, CAPTRATE'GREASE-STOP'SOLO FILTER ypypER nSyREl _ '..M(At TIE CIPTRPTE pKASE-Stip SOLO FILTER IS P SINGLE-SINE FILTER FEATURING IFR EIW STMIUiTVIW$LRf 1' V4e 36' L InwYstN P LgGIE S-BPFFIE RESIGN M CON.ANCTION WIN P SLOTTED REM 9Y !E DESIGN. sq TO SLIVER EXCEPTRIYL FILTRATION UFICUENCY. 1 RIrM PMRrfr1 ENO TAEL ee. TLP VNM, V btta VMA, 29• M9M .b YS FILTER IS STAINLESS STEEL CONSTRUCTION, MO SIZED TO FIT INTO STANDARDIM LETT OLLRTFN CNC PANEL E6' I. VYIM. C ptten VYIM, 26' M9N .b SS 2-MCM DEEP Imv Cwt .'1 MSATIW FW TRP RF w0R UNITS SNALL INCLUDE STAINLESS STEEL HANDLES AND A GPSTEMMG DEVICE M SECURE THE TWO MSLLPiIMI FOR BACK OF HZED L9pMENTS VIEW PSS.E. GIEP4 EXTRACTION EFFICwCY PERFOLMHKE SHALL REMVE AT LEAST M OF G4ASE PAA CLES FIVE MICRONS M SIDE, AM 69%GREASE PARTICLES SEVEN MICRONS M SIZE ANC LROLR. WITH A CONESPMUMG PROSLK Tl® wi TO EXCEED A INCHES OF WATER GAME. UE CMTMTE GREASE-STOP SOU WAS TESTED TO MIM STANDARD ASTM F2N9-0 V LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY neHAm:HEMAUNT6 mssiMHCen Naeure INSTALLED IN BACK STANDOFF. MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. L 1• LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY INSTALLED IN A IAO' END STANDOFF MEETS , BBl6 O' REQUIREMENTS CLEARANCE , TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. 2• I Me, � v6[n,ssOLLwITOI.m) � naA'um.MN 38' CMTRPTE FILTERS ARE MIILi IN COMPLIANCE VILM UL. Us4tl L55HigE26 Canopy I SPA TAN M ® •� Light Fixture e - HI Temp Assembl}r` TAA1MNAT M6 Ix,. MEC% (DUE (IND ® ® MC_ S6AD 38 1/2' T 48 1/2' LMR INE9NOx9. CALL TAE: IgErNEASTSMIDE LES MvlSWN LD. 490 COTTAGE srREEr SPRINGFIELD. MP oTTW T 3'Non./l' 3.00'00 WIT 59h6]90 f1X: (9T9) 2])-5958 7-4.00. OWer6M Length CAPTIVE-AIRE HOODS ARE BUILT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLANIFW — HOod N1 7' 3.00 LONG 3ftd=2 G,,wFa, NFPA R96 - 2014 EDITION ETL LISTED TO UL-710 REQUIREMENTS lSfC 2015 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE APP.,.a.rcN w Eraan rNNn .� JO6Pritle Northampton RAwu .na Re. , ❑ zFEE ___� LOG1A/ON NDRTHAMPIDN, MA, 01060 SURATAE ZJavAecL,A. MTB !/28/19 ./nw • .,._ Seninr Pmi Mnr .__ MaMDtR RNC ® �+r. r w=-- -- L55 SERIES E26 CANOPY LIGHT FIXTURE HIGH TEMP ASSEMBLYINCLUDES CLEAR THERMAL AND SHOCK RESISTANi GLOBE [L55 FIXTURE) V LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY INSTALLED ON TOP OF HOOD. MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES IR EXHAUST RISER MODoCNAN - . DART 11 L[Ao HOOD BLE 16' CAPTRATE SOLO V LAYER OF I1,49DO ROMI€M0901 INSTALLED IN 3- INTERNAL STANDOFF. 1A' NOM. - WETS 0 INCH REOUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. IT IS INC RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT/OWNER TO N.eAo ENSURE THAT THE Hf100 CLEARANCE �• »m. FROM LIMITED-COMBUSTIBLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS 474- MAX iT e.M. IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH Nr� LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. GREASE DRAIN WITH REMOVABLE CUP 71- ASSFMBI T WTRUCTIUMS FIELD INSTALLED HANGING ANCLE MUST IF SUPPORTED VITH 1/2' - 13 TPI QUARTER END PANELS GRADE 5 (MINIMA) MIL-THiEAM SANDWICH HANGING ANGLES AND CEILING ANCHOR POINTS WITH I/2' DRAW 3 EOU[PMENi MINIMUM) STEEL RAT WASHERS AND 1/2' - 13 TPI BT QTHERS [RADE 5 (MINIMUM) HEX NUTS AS SHOWN, W6r USE 35' DOUBLED HEX NUT CONFIGURATION BENEATH MOOD HANDING ANGLES AND ABOVE CEILING ANCHORS. MAINTAIN IA' OF EXPOSED TNEAIS BENEATH BOTTOM HEX NUT, TODpff ALL HEX NUTS TO 57 EM1LBS. SECTION VIEW - MODEL 365OBD-2 HOOD - #1 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE, AHrw�B cA w<w ❑ _ - _ _ _ _ _ sr=•w mM NO [.e.P.a ruw, JOBPritle Northunpton x.M.w B.w. ❑ * �\ ��� �� _ __= LOCATION NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 MNIATAE TlewdA Stl6srsMllX. I BAT§' 1/28/19 1 JOF r - NW[r M1w rw Fw IHIr waL • aw Ev. wl w. tMP. r VLLT GLA MIT, VEIWT mcs vLvau WJM1(a IVA 6ry1 IN] 15W 1AA 1 IO 36 MN i6 la Iei11ERr Is V¢0 it rw vrly [Rty. - bv] 4 1 - Gmq bx M YMII PCr Is ful L 1 - Ea VFYN P•a,.a-E.I.�ss - w,.l : o-wvrc br...� aw..�o-a amec wiz�ow rz'nm". xes�) !NI WEIGHT 11Ex JI]E 4RPOA t I ]1 LtJ Curt 19100'V v 19.%O'l n ]6tlpM V.nbtl M,pfO RII�IWrNK asmrK m0t.mw lam ars sv. 91, 19 1/2' FAN YI B SOHPA - EXHAUST FEATURES, cWweER VV� C�TT9 IIIJ' fLMSE L.. W �r PENALrMxUIIEMR6 T. PITEMER N 3$ ME PVPL r0[PITMOI a• SPECIFY P'" JI 5 xpuT[s„1[npJi E , 7/12 PITCH N' SLOK l9 OPTIONS — I GREASE EBO%arm rrxa.Km<an EXHALE,, n aE ECM MIRING PACKAGE-EXHAUST - V MANUAL OR 0-IOVOC REFERENCE SPEED CONTROL (NIDEC MOTOR). CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE, MVwN a XebO ❑ _ _ _ _ _ OBPrldp NORTMTOn L ❑ +oo.e..tl.nn xo E.<yra, T..- OCA}SON NORTHAMPTON, MA, 0I060 www.xe v.ux. - --I-- .p,,.,,,E nr...:/.A S .1:..,.,:. � ��•// / I=-- -- o�rB 1i2en9 1 .. _ -t—w nv i[G P1p(Yi • {pgr01 sysrCKs Riml FRIT ILRNRIEo LpL[ilpl YURIiIiY iYK P RY. VOLL M 1 SC-IIOIWFP VaY Meurt N Ss Bw Kxoin�i 1 WILY Srora CmWs i•rw•ssK Centrd E�e.w< 1 LLNl LLS 16 1 Fpn 1EIFV[M SE14 osrui a•.ervare s s ear / e B II/r. yplrRTRO CORTROL C3MTRR Iml iEW[i� U® NOTES IF MULTIPLE HOODS OR ® MULTIPLE SENSORS ALL MUST BE FIELD WIRED TO REMOTE MOUNTED CONTROL PANEL ROOM THERMISTOR TM mr usml -usm m WINKS m !Rus V1FN u[r Tov IFno[srvuw.•w[.n...e+.•.........:.ur.•«.... a. RX AEAEES RAK 17011dE1.[R2 w aw.•a�.a�wae•n w _ a�•w.wws w lwic u M vw+p u•<<wn•rw Fm<.a•ae _ _ _ www>•w.n w.•riv er.e m.: •rn•.i•r r[m• • .ru+•••• s pens••w•waw _e.[m•[.wR wap n w.ar ww.w[[•mus..ss w zw••..•spw p w.<•.c...a.[.•w b ww w a.ma.e arrsnm seam m••wn rri w••�y.�iM mm.V w�v+•e m•[a..b w rw pyn. r•.a w aa•.ba�Mn� tmii••wv�...%Mii~b~i•[ yam,a�[we eWwe�w�i.w r.�.+a�.<b.n w w.rk w�m+� Roan TMapsN[.Swew b....a.. x i < mnrw nnMY M Anpw!'ne a w M•ar•w ra p 1iv nb.r•[•w n [mma tls[Re W rql EiwJIY wM••wem.maa m•Aw.�.[ve aM1�ti m pn mmn wMr •v.e.n m wiw.�•rw w wew m . M01WNn4iseb i.m'#.a n.rn.m.[a.. +n Tpbus Mtlil NWpi MallBCtltl Ey Y. Neal Malbn b "WA MV M[nwM[Ib the M•qf. IMmmWI. �0 rx¢ nr�Nw v4 A @�4 d9 Iml 1M 141Ui KpeM 6.wR CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE. rae�...a[•�� � ✓OBPritle Northpnptpn ma.•e.ru b E.=.Pm..raw, x LOGTJON NORTHAMPTON MA01060 A Ra ��.� �� _ _ smwiwE n 7>....;JA- S sr-as� �s {Wi --�c__ea BATE l/28/19 ✓nR i er�•^^_ 1. P..< s rnl v. ve t Vs tr mr wsc.lPum CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE. PI M 2111T IMP -min 1110 1476.% 1 3Ygle VW p t 12• d mter. RJ• Iwp. PS'..- S. ,pvrs6..IyM O P2 MIESAT 1160 -PA132 I493 1/76% 1 SFPIe Voll I—T 2' Mmh , 35'tp ' Ap e! beq s Ss. Stall la SN L P3 yye VW PK! gfuMtle. M' OawtT. 41.25' I Plerpe ct me eN Vlq s IE' sNevN wq M E-s T— Tlkm tt psssMAsp sN4 M125WPEli I. -0D]91 2214 Ln 1 AP„Slstahe Cdlsr - StahMss St M. ReNse antl WSTu fMt �f ��++"�(( ❑ P4 OVMIPIP IMO 627 IIM.% 1 pCt b Cv4 Tmngfbn. 19-VY W6 b IY pct, HE G AMsi6x.0 U.m EWII. 6TeYTW6 Daf�LA, J60llLW sertle0 ./P3 Ices. 30 O 31 >f1`ZWOPLVS PW 1 pC< - 3X fFe SseJiee 2000 M— S.H— - :ISH os ip15n< b SXI Mc< . HSS. MlRpif W 3 pct N• psp NM vide 14 G Y u-IE' pct.P VPHSS'. iebl --ot 6613 s t PUC7VpM IS IEWHEEO TO SE INSTALLED VIII 111E M%IXIM SIAPpiT SPACM LISTED %LM. MR A EORETE LIST OF M VED SIWpIT IIETMTM, SEE THE INSMLATIPI ANO Q THEN XANJAL =TV SMALL SL VC Mi LESS T 1/I6' PER LMEAR FOOT TMWDS THE HVID ER MI M41 ... ELLLECTNI 121ERVDR. VIE$ HESH p T. DUETS EE[FFD 73 FEET M I TH, TIE AmE 9 NOT SE LESS TMMI 3/16• PER LDFM SOOT. pK1 DIMET6R I6R®RAL VEmIGL VERTIVL SIMOfT (ft) VALL SU"1W (ftl LURE SI T (ft) r IP MY N' M M' MY N' Ir l0 10' 24' 14' Ip IC 24' 16• 10 IC 24' Ir ST W 24' YO W Ir N' ZY W AT 24' 24' 10' HT 24' It GREASE DUCT & CHIMNEY SPECIFICATIONS: PROVIDE GREASE DUCT EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS STEEL DUCTWORK. MODEL 'DW' IS LISTED TO UL-1978 AND IS INSTALLED USING 'V' CLAMP LOCKING CONNECTIONS SEALED WITH 3M FIRE BARRIER 2000 PLUS. MODEL 'DW' DOES NOT REQUIRE WELDING PROVIDING IT HAS BEEN INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION GUIDE, PROVIDE RATED ACCESS DOORS AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION AND EVERY 12' ON CENTER. PER MANUFACTURES LISTING MODEL 'DW' HORIZONTAL RUNS LESS THAN 75 FT. CAN BE SLOPED 1/16' PER 12', HORIZONTAL RUNS MORE THAN 75 FT, CAN BE SLOPED 3/16' PER 12', DUCT SHOULD BE SLOPED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE CHANCE OF GREASE ACCUMULATION IN HORIZONTAL RUNS. IF THE DUCT OR CHIMNEY IS WITHIN 18 INCHES OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL, PROVIDE UL-2221 OR UL-103 HT LISTED DOUBLE WALL GREASE DUCT OR DOUBLE WALL CHIMNEY EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW- 2R, 2R TYPE HT, 3R, OR 3Z' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS INNER DUCT INSULATED WITH A 24 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS OUTER SHELL. JOBPride NorthpMptpn NORTHAMPTON. MA, 01060 MTB 1/28/19 1 JOB Y c""' •Err O �./��/ / L!�oc = DuctWork #1 Front View DuctWork #1 Side View n z�so- S YS TCM SYSTEM — DuctWork #1 SE View �P4 f-PP4 i IHIISY_iCNI DuctWork #1 Top View P3 P3 SYSTEM P3 P4 P2 1255'MR% 106' 1,15.5'MA% P2 '6-MIN 106' 86'MIN L 21.50 j P1 PI III III EI CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUEACTURE- AN.e.w... W. _ M r..mm. rw. CI JOBPritle Northon ton NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 DATz vasti9 W / EXhaust Pan Wiring rror nosy wrr DRAWING NUMBER EXH3677333-7 SHIP DATE 1/28/19 MODEL Du50NPp RD____ 0-10V Inst" ea OPTIONAL 0-IOVDC GND MOTOR SPEED REFERENCE 24 VAC CONTROL INPUT p2 RD.v BK SC-01 1 TR-01 BK WH N ___ 2 o—M---_Z J MT-01 3 o-R--_z 5031 R REMOVE ORANGE J PER rom ent Ixen FOR 230/240V APPLICATIONS 1"eetbn ter"' 4 Lvc4SbO NT-01 Fun Motor 121 MT-02 Donper Motor 121 5 SC-01 RTC-FSC-1 01 SV-01 T4n W�ornectev121 6 R-01 24VAC 20VA TIprefrneHO 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 MDiDR 1 EXHAUST 0.5HP-115V-IP-56FLA MOTOR MOTOR MOP: ISA --- DEVOTEES F humCLO WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING VIRI r= BK - BLACK YW - YELLOW BL - BLUE GR - GREEN BR - BROWN GY - GRAY OR - ORANGE PR - PURPLE RD - REO PK - PINK WN - WHITE OF JOB NOODFL NUMBER SC-IIO110FP n INST.ui D.SCi,RP I. OPERATION- NO RA1IDNr�...a.rr.. •r.,f.,.o mro..,......r«mir 3677333 • «e••— .M. "` NANE �� M>YI9xMMn L•29.19 SEP .,_, V91-I I 1Sl BREAKER PANEL TO PRINARY CONTROL PANEL m V�Tr� youy6- rrZL- 12!E SHOWN IS HE MX IRD rF1P SExM W ImI..Vxr lml lur ml rfN BREAKER SIZE SHOWN IS THE MA%IMUM ALLOVEO SENSER malas.m wr MTP SOI01 _ IIISMOFI P FRI Y L PMLL WI M SCRWG GAN.SEE wWJN. 1 p®� GNIIO-P -�i 1Mv Vb£ti[iMMICNF..---- --IEI9ir 1 VIA CBHTROL POWER— 00 NOT WIRE NIEr ffxsM SENSOP NORTED W Ew ST MT elIIx 1 TO GFCI OR SHUNT TRIP BREAKER. I E POOUDIm CLSCCTm6 I LVA'PC.w Slwea V• MYlR 1MY NOT E !LIDS. .=ON .0511E _ SPEPYIGTOLt MS.W.E11 Vx 119V _ _ CYIIIR !QT .�Ml SR1L 91N C06 , EXH-1 __ IEIIIRPL fv_ WKIEEE 1 M0.P. IS�. HON, D IN TEE CM IS ENEwIS. — sxuxr rRR• W lure conolrlaa clw a -----------I_4 SanME E _ IQa_PLLYm o CONTROL PANEL TO FANS srsra oRY wiz wu Ti rrtlylli..A.r. To fp1TCC! WE u3E➢ m U ERN'IFllr Respon9WIIItY' Elec4kWn MIDVNE s aa!rm WRyNpwpfAEµNM NIIOI NRl � P fM6 NNM.YIUTW SVlld ITA�IEII fP11 % EMN-I M NE II WI.' LwO VYYp _1R)t�lr _y�o MS SWITOR -'04, x C-1 r< w^'_ _4 0V _� VWE . TE., -�---------- --To i9 m srMTER VWE m ExITO s1aML SV1rfH IMOILM dR- ---- 5 DINASGE! VLLL wiSV/.iE IDICI PMIS ONO Ma Lam CONTROL PANEL TO ACCESSORY ITEMS RCfwansl011Ny1 Electrlden r c 5 1 - tMTia PM6 is r mN SYSTEM M. x1cROSV IrEx WDE PlS�11BT B). e WE M. TO JUDNA Et➢3[.ax CL T Owl L4.IMYE mrtx3-1 o9.lY Nal MSE4 0. 5 ME SY TEN. ONE r- ----- ME __ EWE RI S AS WIRE L IIS-G xNp� L SERIES AS SNIVN - 1-�� 0 T IaRILL PM4 ML 1V11O[5[CION V.S➢ To -14 ur-S mSFCruM SVR ES I®4IIM51 S Ca1IELL IMCVI.IE _ 1® LVi1T3 P IN. V IMx V WC m J-SOx SI lIF 6 II® A I B C I ➢ I E i F G H I FACTORY vIRO UNLESS SPECIFIED OMRVISE, ALL FACTORY RC VIKING l6 AVG ALL FACTORY a Vw01G IB AVG. MOTOR POWER CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT BOM{ 1 J9 120V " V R¢x. 2m !MI At, 2]a -- CONTROL INPUT w PVc c-) xiwo-ipmo 120V H1=LINE, rMss v ¢N PR _ N1=NEUTRAL 15R 24V 8 9 rs R �K �An DREAMER. C rq�77� )pQ m NOT CONNECT ` J 1 4 6 -- TO SHUNT TRIP - �V CQE R BREAMER, SEE RS-0) cou E s cau e m INSTAL" TOM SCHEMATIC FOR - -- ADDITIONAL REO, ' B EI1xPfINFXT LIQ _ W_ fl Y[Sf81Ci➢EL PANEL LIDq w ® __ z9 u L� Ah V J7 120V M R R �i_ 9(OII all ) 0 l MI _ VX ---WN. —rrcI rvmR R x, v emm w-Ami E W-'c 9P KO DRY CONTACTS (SHOWN DE-ENERGIZED) RA-1-1 w/1-WY SidR LRF BAN PRM xPME w Rw wTEm¢x. -_�pq�`'� �¢im mew xnIN s� Y xur ELWRYI -� ivw'.Euav eAp�,ov crus 1 TOPs1113 11 EIMMMER r-r } It I, T 0 Sd uu.wxm a ain � ra •'-0 r-Y *TMI � SP 6 4 �.rE V-6" 4'-0" R.O. V-6" 9 M M 6' V) 4' = g BAIN w BKRY . F IA. GRILL - - SOFFR m o zm ,.0 BREWER 3'-6" CAFE ' BAKERY CUPS E PRESSO REAMER Chicken 3'-0" TURBO 3' x 6' SALES COUNTER TO SUIT SUGAR :: -'Frymaster � IM Copu.nXry Co cv s.upn l,uo Standard Gas Fryers Models -� GF 74 ❑GF10 (� Standard Features Options & a^� •Open-pot design is easy to dean Accessories U I •Millivolt temperature controls,no elec- tric connection required ❑Frypot cover Co •Durable temperature probe ❑Piezo ignitor kit V) •Deep cold zone,1-1/4"(3.2 cm)IPS OCasters ball-type drain valve •Master Jet burner heat-transfer system [I Full basket •Stainless steel frypot and door,enamel ❑Triplet basket cabinet ❑Crisper tray •Two twin baskets El Sediment tray /tl •6'steel legs with l'adjustment ❑3/4"x 36'quick disconnect with t V •3/4'(1.91 em)(NPT)gas connection __7gas line Ln GFl{ 3/4'.48'quick disconnect with —400,0 0 Btu/hr. oil capacity gas lure --(29.3 Whir.) .input(25,189 kcal/hrJ OTop connecting strip (29.3 area.) —Frying area 12'x 15'z 4'(305 z Al z 1 an) See Frymaster domestic price list for GF40 other available options and acces- . 25 liter')oil capacity sories. GF10 shr m mth opnmal caaeo —122,0001stu/hr.input(30,730 kcal/hr.) (35.8 kw/hrJ —Frying area 14ex 15'x 5•(35,x 38.1 x 12.7 cm) Specifications Designed for versatile frying �Q CP production and solid The open frypot has a large heat- 4 performance transfer area and every inch of the frypot and cold zone can be cleaned These allpurpose fryers feature and wiped down by hand. outstanding Frymaster reliability and rA durability. GF fryers are capable of The large cold zone and forward cooking a wide variety of fried foods sloping bottom help collect and with consistent uniformity and great remove sediment from the frypot taste. to safeguard oil quality and support routine frypot cleaning. The Master Jet burner system's 'Ener converss are shortening ionfor solid shingf 1� durable metal targets create I �J. @70'F. a large heat-transfer area for reliable,even heat distribution. ma.•s / Durable temperature probe senses _ n temperature changes and activates j0t.,1 burner response. arowR wa.+w+va°eweravw n°°onee.mue iA:nsaFSnn w.'.Fyaa,ecum Shrrvepert LP 7II°61tl0 TI: IJp0.]] BUIWnNa F1WFF] usa r..:alaw.Nlosso ww.eelnms �annowloe F+.ik IrrbMmraew.mn l 'Frymaster n� DNEN61O16 rNCHFB WAS LJ IBW O41 C) Ml 1.5i ® Ibl T atwr� I I 98.15 "A'• rete) xM (sm) B.m ItsO DIMENSIONS a MODEL OIL DRAIN NET SHOPPING INFORMATION p NO. CAPACITY HEIGHT WEIGHT Us m WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT with Draln WEIGHT CLASS CU.FT. DIMENSIONS is s UI Plpc (cm) GF14 40166. IS-5/B' 30-0/e' 41-1/8' 13' 115163. 153163. BS 19 W D N (20 liters) 139.)cml 179.4 cml PO1.4 cml (33.0 cm1 153 kq1 169 kg) 33' 36' 16-1/3' (55.9 cm) (914 em) (118.1 Cm) A c Gf10 50 His. IS-5/B' 30-7/8' 46-1/8' 13' 131166. 176113. 85 31 33' 36' 461/T (251Ren) (3917 cm l 1794 cm) (11).3 cm) (33.0 cm) 159 kg) IB0 kg) 155.9cm) (91.4 cm11118.1 cm1 POWER REOUIREME NTS NOTES MODEL NAT/LP GAS ELECTRICAL •Check plumbing codes for proper supply line string. GF14 100,000 Btu/hr. none required for Recommended minimum store manifold pressure U5,189 k<aO 139.3 kw) ..'egtsyslem to be 6'W.C.for natural gas and 11-WC.for LP gas. GF4O 133,06 Btu/bL Check plumbing codes for proper supply line sizing (3D,130 cropER 5.8. 1 to attain burner manifold pressure of 3-1/3'W.C. natural or&1/4"W.0 LP CLEARANCE INFORMATION HOW TO SPECIFY A minimum of 34'161.0 cml should be provided At the The following descriptions will assist with ordering the features desired front of the unit for servicing and proper operation, for this equipment and 6'115.]cm)between the sides and rear of the fryer to any combustible material.A minimum of 18' GF14 40.16 standard,open-pot gas fryer with millivolt controls and (45.7 cm)Should be maintained between theft ue durable temperature probe outlet and the lower edge of the e8haust hood fibers. GF4O 50-Ib.standard,open-pot gas fryer with millivolt controls and durable temperature probe SO Stainless steel frypot and door,enamel cabinet 8700 Lme Arenue TN:31H65-1)11 slryma Un-,-1 1.106,63.0 Tek 1J06u1J30a I NIYNain USA Fast.,. Ka., IWxWtnvls can/towoc Ew.N xro.in..-.. LMw.U.s.A.c ,rUaNr LLS We resew me right to change specifications appearing in this bulletin vMhout housing any obligation For equipment prektouNy or subsequently Ad, rMkw o—sr—W,.Naln Project: Item Number: Quantity: Outperform we.y d.y.- s ITEMS Item No. Model No. Description Manually Controlled Griddles. 40718 FTG9012 12"Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU �— 40719 FTG9016 1C Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU 40720 FT61024 24'Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU 40721 FTG9036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU 40839 FTG9048 48"Gas Griddle, 112,000 BTU 40840 FTG9060 60"Gas Griddle, 140,000 BTU ,. Thermostatically Controlled Griddles 40722 FTA1024 24"Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU 40723 FTA1036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU Cayenne Gas Griddle-Model 40720 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Shipped set up for natural gas,includes kit for conversion propaneto Vollrath's Cayenne'Gas Griddles provide a simple and • Includes regulator and gas valve effective way to prepare food in an economical,safe and • 28,000 BTU custom stainless steel U-shaped hassle4ree way.These griddles are ideally suited for use in burners for superior versatility,even heat distribution and steak houses, restaurants,coffee shops,clubs and pubs. efficient operation 12" (30.5 cm)wide heating zone per control (18"griddle has one burner) • Stainless aluminized steal with fully-welded construction for durability and long 18e . Polished-A'(1.09 cm)thick steel griddle plate for even heat distribution and retention • Welded griddle plate seams eliminate grease and CLEARANCE AND POSITIONING dirt traps This appliance must be installed adjacent to non-combustible • All metal knobs and knob guards protect gas valves from surfaces only,with a minimum of 6'(15.2 cm)from all sides. damage and won't break or crack and are This appliance must be a minimum distance of 6" (15.2 cm) GUARANTEED FOR LIFE from another appliance.The appliance must have the supplied • 314"NPT gas inlet - 4"(10.2 cm)legs installed and be placed on a non- ' Heavy-duty adjustable legs combustible surface. • Thermostatically controlled griddles maintain < user settings to ensure consistent surface temperature 1 t V a j Agency Listings 1NABAAIffy: All models shown come with Vollrath's standard W imuroy against defects in materials and workmanship.For full � details,please refer to w .Volliath.com.wx- - - - - - r rovals Date Due to cdeanuedpmducl improvement,please consult www.rwllrad.cam kr cumam Product spWearlions. The Volliath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 1236 Norm 1 and Street Technical Services Fax: 920.459.5462 Sheboygan,WI 53081-3201 U.S.A. Customer Service: 800.628.0830 omvara.m r„,d.r Canada Customer Service: 800.695.8560 www yollrath corn Main Fax: 800.752.5620 or 920.459.6573 MEDIUM-DMEDIUM- DUTY FLAT TOPGRIDDLES DIMENSIONS (Shown in inches(cm)) Gas indent adds saelash Height Sidesplas Height 1A(3.8)to depth 2 \ Cookingy Surface Depth 12 19(48.2) (30.5) (6876) 0l 1a'NPT Gas Inlet-615' ricer ofCentel (10.2) f0 henget -511(10.2114 el inlet,at 4'(10.2)leg height 4-5'A(10.2-14) Front Vre* Side Vr Top View SPECIFICATIONS "N"I" ( Cooking Surface Number of 'I.- ,.. ,.1 Imelnlolu 1WCooking Cardrola .;.... 40718 28,000 12(30.5) 1111A. x 19(29.7 x 48.3) 1 93(42.1) 40719 28,000 18(45.7) 1711A. x 19(45 x 48.3) 1 135(61.2) 40720 56,000 24(61.0) 23191. x 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 174(78.9) j 40721 84,000 36(91.4) 35191. x 19(90.7 x 48.3) 3 244(110.7) J 40839 112,000 48(121.9) 47191. x 19(121.2 x 48.3 4 412(186.9) 40840 140,000 60(152.4) 5911/x. x 19(151.6 x 48.3) 5 502(227.7) o 40722 56,000 24(61.0) 23191. x 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 187(84.8) 1 40723 1 84,000 36(91.4) 35eh. x 19(90.7 x 48.3)1 3 244(110.7) 7 0 b The Volhath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 VOUMAM 1236 North 18th Sheet Technical Services Fax: 920.459.5462 Sheboygan,WI 53081-3201 U.S.A. Customer Service: 800.628.0830 ouroe•rwn,....yero Canada Customer Service: 800.695.9560 Main Fax: 800.752.5620 or 920.459.6573 "w.voilrath.corn 2014 The Vollrath Company LLC. Form Number L36822 12/15/14 Printed in USA Ire.No.: Q,anriry: N jcct Na.c GII..ES� $15k AW&C FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT Gas Fry Kettle su6.a logg inp Fy ia.ent_nIutNns Model GGF-720 I ,nN Available in natural or propane gas,the Giles Gas Fry Kettle will cook crispy,moisturized fried chicken,as well as other mouthwatering foods. ,- tt The completely automatic Auto-Basket Lift",on the Giles Gas Fry Kettle,enables the operator to load the s'r fryer,lower the basket,and activate the chosen product menu.When the pre-set frying time is complete,the Auto-Basket Lift automatically raises the finished product out of the oil to avoid over cooking. Constructed of durable,polished stainless steel,the GGF-720 is also equipped with casters for easy cleaning and maintenance,counting years of efficient,attractive service. �rJ Automatic Oil Filtration Gas Heat Exchanger System ° The exceptional design of the "- - Designed to complete a filter Giles Heat Exchmgr allows cycle within five minutes,the for a true"cold zone and a Automatic Oil Filtration more efficient beat transfer System,uses disposable filter resulting in ant increase in paper,and allows the operator energy savmgs.The Heat to wash,rinse,drain and filter Exchanger heats the shortening evenly inside the the oil in one operation. pot in a 360°radius from the Refilling the Giles Gas Kettle sides of the pot This spWal Fryer is automatic The dual burner delivers 55,000 system will help extend BTUs using natural or shortenin life for additional propane gas,while Savingg B n when cooking hght cost savings. loads or during idle periods. AiRus W Giles Foodservice Equipment An ISO 9001 Registered Company 2750 Gw=Puk Drive Weat•Montxo.ery,AL 36109 USA Phone 334.2]2.1457•F�.•PbmTetl Fn x M550.4537 Item Na: Quantity: Gas Fry Kettle 'siSX AIA/CSI#: Model GGF-720 a Front lnches[milGanaas] Top \- f Side Wr nerve then8hc to chanµc qu ficaunm and pndm de ign wiih,or oouce.Such miavm,dn nor mdh the b9n mmmrymding chan8c,,impammrnn addir—s m wplurmenu for pari—sly Pithead apapmenr. Canemtsaon: Capacity: Cabinet and Fry Vat:WCa to 18Ga Stainless Steel Shortening Capacity:75 tbs.[34 kg] Hearing Dual bums Production Capacity 24 IN.chicken(Il kg](72 pian) Dimcndonec Flom Space-7.1W k[.7 aq m] FJatriulSpecificuians: Width:24-3/8" [619mm] 120/60/1-7A(Servim card provided on 120V only) Dcpth:42-1/E" [1070.1 218-240/60/]-4A Ileighe44-1/8" 11120mm1 Gas Specifications:91nsnOation insmeemn must be follmwd)• Fry Vat:15-1/4"DMX 18-5/8"Dia 13W mm X 473 mm] 1/2"Gas line input with in-line regulation Into supplied) Fry Raskn VA:13-27/3T Rep X I4Ilr M.(352 mm X 368 mm] WIN BTU CooldngControl: Limp: ETVCETL,ETLSAN C psusnr controOa:Digiity comralled tan,..and 8 separne Pmduet Designation:GGF-720 programmable menu keys. T prrenue Ranga75^-35(fF [24'-177C1 Shipping Specifications: Aromatic cid of cycle basket lift manual basket operation Cramd Weighs 390 IN 1177 kg] Cool gels Crated Cube Stan. 4TX 3WX 56"•U m It Solid shortening melt cycle [1067.X 762mm X 1423mm•1.1 cu macs] "Low Wand'Drain Open"wvning morasses Boil Out Paogrzm Unitas shipped with(1)Fry basket,(1)Discharge wand hots,(5)Fdtm paper sheets,(1)Pm brush,(1)KeWc drain brush,(1)Stir paddle,(1)Crumb shovel,(2)additional orifices for high altitude installations and(1)Manuel. ntrica(Ofeionr Acurroria' El 1 2 Specify the part number front the fo0aning crosenssury. Srcepartnumber and quanriryof he follow ng apmms needed: Mudd Vdog He Phue In.dCmfigonuon Paan Nmnhr Gu Q�r Rrai'ion Pur Numb ❑ F720 120 (A 1 2elra 7ll93 iP ❑ ryRaaket 91811 ❑ F- 2. 120 60 1 Odm ]1]92 Nat ❑ dor Papa,(100)Sham 60810 ❑ ,GF-J20 208-2b to I Ikha 71395 I.P civ Pwdea,(w)Pxkees 72004 ❑ GF-720 208-240 W 1 Rln 713% Nn ❑ 00 Ona(4)B lb mnminen J2003 'Additional charges Giles Faadsewite Equipment 3. Sbrfftng 2750 Gunter Pah Dri a West•Montgomery,AL 36109 USA Specify the shipping method Phone 334.272.1457•Fax 334.249.4117•PhoneTeR Free 800.554.4537 'm0 Fac waL IEwTx worzmc mix '® M w' ICK. EM ICM VIDTX LEw IWi DIA CiM V6. S➢. CRISTRYCTIM 1 o-t YY IW 4' 12' 11E0 1.1 -O6y2' NwM ESrPort ImD r FOPS ItlOD w, MG rrPEtt.NE101r lfNrx M e T rr TYPE Vy LDCAT@1 srzE TYPE sin MODEL • QUANTITY viviN6 vLNT 1 CppYeG SWo Fits 9 16' - R`A =`ATMr S l8— C26 NO w Lu TAG OPTION SPECIFICATIONi CAPTRATE!GREASF-STOP'SOLO FILTER VRM'RR CNNNEL Twnt. MLJ:t TME CMTR I0.FASE-STIP 50.0 FRIER IS A SMOLE-STAT FILTER FEATIRIw WRA dp NAID. PIWSLP) Y W. SP A UNIQUE S- FILE DESIGN IN CMJ.RCTION VIM A SLUTrED ACM SOFTIE SESIGN. LUV I^RA^tN m DELIVER EMR9TVRAL FILTRATION EFFICIENCY 1 RIWT gWTER ONO 26' Ftp Yytli. D' BptIM VW 26' MDN ASO 1 FILTER IS SIAOIESS STCCL CONSTAMIJE . NLD SIDED m FIT MID STANDARD LEFT iiPiM,ENO PANEL 2S' TW VMM. P bt. V WM. 26• MOP, .. SS 2-INCH SEEP NEED CHANNEL(S), pWAM34 FOR TON 6 Lm0 LHUS SMALL MOLINA STAINLESS STEEL HN16FS WD A FASTEING TYKE TO SECURE ME TWO TN T. FDR MCN OF .1 MIMNENTS WHEN ASSEMM". SASE [%TRACTION EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCEAMLL REEVE AT LEAST ]s% OF GMGSE 114ES FIVE KI ANS M SIM. AND WS QAESSE MATICLU SE.M1@WS M SIS MD LORCER, WITH A CWRSSFWDDG PRESSURE MEOP wT NO CALLED 1-0 NF1ES OF WATER GAUOL. THF CAPTRATE EFASE-SLIP 50.0 VK TESTED TO AM STANDARD ASTM FE519-OS 1' LAYER OF INSOLATIWI FACTORY vUDAU INSTALLED IN BACK STANDOFF. LEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. t 1' LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY INSTALLED IN L0O' END STANDOFF MEETS D td 0' REQUIREMENTS CLEARANCE . TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. 12' M. sM:wn pw+mamil wMYTti« 36' CAPTMTE FILTERS ME BUILT IN CTMPLWFE VITK U.L. Llstrpra tl L55 Sers E26 EAPy .S M^Ip6k FlMtur - HIBH temp gssenbx M. T' DART, 0 IWMT.wQt LTDE LDS1 ® ® ILC-5649 38 I/2' T a8 1/2' MR THETL NORTHEAST SYS WISKM ASO COELCMEET SPINGFTCU). W DI1M J' 3'NN./7' 300 PHONE: (1 ) 594-9.T9D FAA: (919) 227-5956]•-e00. OYerml L"Ain CAPTIVE-AIRE HOODS ARE BUILT IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLAN VIEW — MUD ® 1 Z' 3.00° L0N0 MUD-2 E w 17X %FPA B96 - 2014 EDITION ETL LISTED TO UL-710 REQUIREMENTS IMC 2015 CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE Nva..a sA nae ❑ APPA Ru«o u.. .I. ,� _ - — � — MRPrWe Northon ton w.M.w AmAst ❑ Ls ® =T'6,N NONTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 p A www �� sWATuc Dnr Pini . .Sa6smv,T ( {w I V�, t ofrs 1/28/l9 /nn • ,-•---_ .,. SPninr Prni ldnr ___ aa_9ntB C. L55 SERIES E26 CANOPY LIGHT FIXTURE - HIGH TEMP ASSEMBLY, INCLUDES CLEMR THERMAL AND SHOCK RESISTANi GLOBE RLE5 FIXTURE) V LAYER OF INSULATION FACTORY INSTALLED ON TOP OF HOOD. MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE 36' SURFACES EXHAUST RISER HMD COMFR axwnveRc er ms.xLEA HOOD BLE 16' CAPTRATE SOLO 1' LAYER OF w@ULWRDWIFWCYOAO INSTALLED IN 3' INTERNAL STANDOFF, IX' NOM' MEETS 0 INCH REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLE SURFACES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT/OWNER TO ENSURE THAT THE HOOD CLEARANCE 50' FROM LIMITED-COMBUSTIBLE AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS QD' MAX �•�+ IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH mLOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. GREASE DRAIN gcEFMBI Y INSTRUCTIONS WITH REMOVABLE CUP FIELD INSTALLED TI MANGING ANGLE MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH 1/2' - 13 IN QUARTER END PANELS GRADE 5 (MINIMUM) A-L-THREAD, SANDW1611WY➢RG ANGLES ANY CEILING ANCHOR POINTS WIN 1/2' GRADE 5 EQUIPMENT (MINIMUO STEEL FLAT WASHERS AND 1/2' - 13 TPI BY OTHERS GRADE 5 (MINIMUM) HEX NUTS AS SHOWN MIST USE 35' DOUBLED HEX NUT CONFIGURATION BENEATH WOOD MANGERS ANGLES AND ABOVE CEILING ANCHORS, MAINTAIN IH' IF EXPOSED THREADS BENEATH BOTTOM HIS NOT. TORDIIE ALL HEX NUTS TO 57 FT-LBS. SECTION VIEW - MODEL 365OBD-2 HOOD - A CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE- MAP...MR. ❑ S.c..T.A.n m9Pride Nartharoion rI TlVff NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 1XIMAN1AB, DsviLA 5❑ W= U iw Pw IIIM IUp[L • 67 LSP. IPM w. BW. • vRT M mmwA6E •E1mn yyEs IAMYST rw I. w.alrr arse OWIPA 1160 ISM IW OSx, 0. 1 US ]6 NI S1M % 11 4MUMET tMXII lwul XM MTEM MAL SP41I FM�M N T i.W mr01(OtY. - 0.wJ 1 -4esw b rte MP pFl G flLLr vEYI N K ME ESE 01 lI. tL IhePCM VkMp hWsq-EYvwt - Mala 0-IOVOC WPwniu SP0.a! fanbtl Op[(L v6vS M2 0.rt rtSrt0. ON vLlpR Rp SISE Iw 0. 1 91 LK Cv4 19�Y. 19.Sm1 .AOAIM V.n4tl IPyY AS rm. SEOp N M UST"S PGII x5r. 9 1/Y 19 12' FAN YI DUMHF_ A - L VFxrE4 FEATURES_ r �i CMD ZIS ORrv[ tui .oM o0 6¢)SmLt.n 2m IDGMC STEEL -wolf a.ani11. CT.411 ox s1 \ \ mLarnucn6x / r wE U 1/ .. . / rz mllwoa. / �SUNS m6`.w�.m+x.ro y 6TxExslDxs fAFA6E IS,ATx vo0.o twos wtx[ruPnbtSrx J_ aea F R PIT LWS ME AVA6A�0' [ A. p.rWl0.m fW PITCIEY IdV3. SdZTI%lJT TW FM K� . I'1116 m0 6 v 0' SFEL(Fv it. .w u�i I EATENT.1. nor mMo cv15[ ETNPLE� )/12 PR[x . ]P SLOM: OPTIONS -Nv � OIL S GREASE ECM SE BO PACKAGE-EXHAUST MANUAL OR 0-IOVDC REFERENCE SPEED CONTROL (NIDEC MOTOR). CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE, 0 A❑ - - - - - - - - - - - - JOBPride Northonpton AA. ecmaM�T. _ LOGTJON NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 ..•rmw ..w saxnrwL 77 �A S .4 � p� m��m—c O./TB 1/28/19 .mwA +•++^^^ 677333 1II M r/LYI¢ • L1KI,rm SKTCXES MTI FMS SIDr1 UD LpCerOH pMXiltt TTME � xP. M 1 SCYMI6P VaY bnt In SS Be. W - 33 vIIO�t fwr< Cmbal. 11wne.N4 fatrel EYwat 1 1104 11! !6 Mont b.x rpPm1M ID6 OBTM/L Of/U'YOfb'S — — F-- 14'-----7 I I I I wm4mvei. fpm I KM a SOCK e Mr IL Y(1CMT64 CONTMOL CRMRR ®1 rpepuruC p� NOTE: IF MULTIPLE HOODS OR ® MULTIPLE SENSORS ALL MUST BE FIELD WIRED TO REMOTE MOUNTED CONTROL PANEL ROOM THERMISTOR IqM TSP$q$.'-WFD M QTWTR Y M FM6 M NfX MT TfIP T S ryp.p.♦n{enr n.M r ISM KSRES PMIE ICYI IPWRIUE M bsn.e...w wsC w�qx♦^♦lW s�+wi w.♦w,wr....♦.w♦Oc u M x^nxv n4sl 4v.w.a Ww.wur4 6bf b w M vrYrml4am wxw Kt� vbn s w.ww sY rs rW NYWMwwNltl..wwn Y��b.4rwe wiwYxYxfmw♦.q�nR d�w.w exwwn w vw bx xlvnh Ar Mw Y Iu<wY w'x<b..xwb w Iw wu sew swr.�rcw leM..W.x ♦u'f.rrwrw.w�O.xwRM .ti..�w .e pmo�nr rbi�M�amw u r�xl t agx.�w Mi M ./�uv♦rvwp dw1 Mmn TeMxe40n8nMO bmx.a...w♦ w.a. ♦ rro w♦ a~l.pr.v.Y Seuox.`w ae�M n.wq Is�wx m�+.arw rry xwlw br w �naYdan� � +s Mnww x♦uq uy u rw uYw a w b.e lco wb.nw iweaa wr w.nw nabw.b nMpq EulMdie 11/ swi♦�MmM M e su.�a ruexr•s�N.0 m wn ea.ypr rw.em m w.wu♦Iw w v..w1 w uMeTlM lnr4 wtbeb Mu b^ anp6ov Nltl:e rW4iYb MMl.tleO LY tl. tlwllmRenwugw x�HV MYn OMV b tlIB XVhL 0:4nmeY1. w>A vx4 �♦ To mM Mr�'w �r mRi m ww CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE rowo..e..:npe O - - - - MUM•wa Ma ro r c.Ma.�r.Mm Xp ✓OBPride L Nwthpnptpn I- TE / NORTHAMPTON, MA, 01060 c MT6 1/28/l9 1 JOR + i•Y Wt L GM u. V• tr eir YzzvpY CUSTOMER APPROVAL TO MANUFACTURE, ~t PI DWl24&T 1" -4017 1In I6n% 1 Stq. v.. putt W. !ow<m, m Iaq, NW,,W a< bM eNt S... SOLI. s4s ❑ P2 pVR35Li Ilw -041Y U➢3 106.% 1 Shq. Va. Duct @• done<er. A' lore, IT, •! bM mb. S4Mo. 54L1. .�•M.IP%u bvnML4 ./PO ONN%]q(IL 111A .1 M14 106% 1 AOy�4R1 I01-A°StaNRless Stx�Mtm. OY lap. iNrp•t m.wY VIN a 12' m Lb xPM^ i'tm�+ ` ❑ P' M19121P Ilw 0 627 1<M.% 1 Pct b M Trontltbn. Ifl/2' CW to IE' Pct. 16 W MuiQN IM1.4 m Lplll. ppPTlg D .A. JQOOIq!/L .'!. t*O ./PS pLF]. }3 L 33 Se-EPl0.U3 4A0 1 pact - fl M MrrMr 2w4 Muz SSicpr- Ilrri aL crol•nt M Swl Pct Jntrta pV1251ASr LYi ] Pct M Llap VM ryz hsgn 1. As Ir.de4.12' Pc<..Lz..rtlY. Tepl VLI�< .0 ALL PICTVOM IS AMUSED M LE PST/ WIN TIE W" SUPFOR SPLCDG LISM SELW. M P COi<LTE LIST W YItl%3 O LIRPIT HENM. $ NE NSTM T01.Vp (PERAN)H MMML DIISTWIK ylµl y MT LESS NM 1/I6' M LMA MT TpV.V(DS TE I®M M VgpVN p L6LELT01 RESpIVDIR. VNERE ILLP]pi/L S%CTS EY D JS FEET p LENGTN. THE SLDPE SIPLL WT SE LESS NVI 3/16' PER LMR MT. WCL DWETER IpR1IDITAL VERTICAL V X. SUVRT IFt) V4L SIeMiT lit? EIRE S T (ft) R' a IV 24' IV IV Ie N' 2 la IC N' u• TV TV N' I6' IV IV N' IV IV IV N' 24 W IC N' 2Y W IV N' 2L' w IV V It GREASE DUCT & CHIMNEY SPECIFICATIONS: PROVIDE GREASE DUCT EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS STEEL DUCTWORK. MODEL 'DW' IS LISTED TO UL-1978 AND IS INSTALLED USING 'V' CLAMP LOCKING CONNECTIONS SEALED WITH 3M FIRE BARRIER 2000 PLUS. MODEL 'DW' DOES NOT REQUIRE WELDING PROVIDING IT HAS BEEN INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURES INSTALLATION GUIDE. PROVIDE RATED ACCESS DOORS AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION AND EVERY 12' ON CENTER. PER MANUFACTURES LISTING MODEL 'DW' HORIZONTAL RUNS LESS THAN 75 FT. CAN BE SLOPED 1/16' PER 12', HORIZONTAL RUNS MORE THAN 75 FT. CAN BE SLOPED 3/16' PER 121. DUCT SHOULD BE SLOPED AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE CHANCE OF GREASE ACCUMULATION IN HORIZONTAL RUNS. IF THE DUCT OR CHIMNEY IS WITHIN 18 INCHES OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL, PROVIDE UL-2221 OR UL-103 HT LISTED DOUBLE WALL GREASE DUCT OR DOUBLE WALL CHIMNEY EQUAL TO CAPTIVEAIRE SYSTEMS MODEL 'DW- 2R, 2R TYPE HT, 3R, OR 3Z' ROUND 20 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS INNER DUCT INSULATED WITH A 24 GAUGE 430 STAINLESS OUTER SHELL, JOBPNde NPrt1TPPlpton LOGPIOA'NORTHAMPTON, NA, 01060 . �Yw ���u 5==� AITdr 1/29/19 ✓/1// O �R/1'7�/ / W�_— _ r DuctWork #1 Front View DuctWork #1 Side View Fu' s�— $YS'Eu SYSTEM Ductwork #1 SE View F4 4 SYSiEMJ P3 DuctWork #1 Top View SYSTEM P4 P4 P2 12IV 1255'Ma% I 106• 106' 12106. / �6'MIN 86'MIN 106' 86'MIN / 21.50 PI P1 �j� 1 CUST[IMER APPRUVAL TO MANUFACTURE Fvww••w<m IA' N�..e wa ro n..Mm,r. ❑ Mara.M..ru,e,,e�Ny,••�. - .A .❑e.(.. -.L. ® I �V��l{�7�r��/�� ����`� _ __= J' N , MA. 01060 Q4Tr 1128119 11OP l oe-,-...... F Exhaust Pan Wiring ., .0 JD//JJJ - r1'lYtl IYVI'LIIY RIILVII DRAWING NUMBER EXH3677333-1 SHIP DATEY 1/2H/19 MODEL DUGOF6'A .ID_------------- 0-IOV �sinle OPTIONAL 0-IOVDC ------_-- GND MOTOR SPEED REFERENCE 4 VAC CONTROL INPUT P2 RD u„BK S -01 1 TR-01 BK VH SV-01J MT-01 3 o- ---� 230/ R OREORANGE JU R r FpR 230/240V APPLICATIONS iae. L L4I OR t MT-01 Fon Motar 121 5 Ni-02 Danger Motor 121 SC-01 RTC-FSC-I 121 SV-01 NA� tllscannect sYFt E01 6 24V TR-01 24VAC 20VA ironsiornm[11 7 D 9 IO 11 12 :3 4 5 ' EXHAUSTmDLE INF 0.5HP-115 V-IP-5.6FLA MDIORIV�NLTRI MOTOR/CTRL MOP' 15A ---- DENOTEESS EFIELD WIRING DENOTES INTERNAL WIRING WIRE rn novo BK - BLACK YV - YELLOW BL - BLUE GR - GREEN BR - BROWN GY - GRAY OR - ORANGE PR - PURPLE RD - RED PK - PINK VH - WHITE A. JOB,NO ODEI NUMBER wn ass TsD SCRIPTION OF OPERATION- AM, 3677333 SC-IIOIlOFP NsrAuZ� B NAME P.NAM ��� nVU/19 EE➢ RI-1 BREAKER PANEL M PRIMARY CONTROL PANEL m vtrx TOT6�TRFl�MBTNTNAT RAApOM51pIJtY' HE MAD(IMn MITOEM TEIR OS®1 p®I AMST S TEAT BREAKER SUE SHBVN IS THE MAXBMI ALLUVEO SExsw mesas.a wr 116TALL surae _ Il[Oe P PR PM4 d M aRp4 fi1N.Sa nlWl. 1 - __ _ -------- ___ _ - _ -qz�l SNEAMER NN 120 V _ AMJL TO 1T�10 CJSA�-5�3(Q -16Rr 1 IS • Toe�x_- R.IR SEMSpM 5Le®1 ImJITEO IN F%MNJSr qCr RISER 1 CONTROL ROVER. 00 W VIRE TO BREAKER OR SHUNT TRIP BREAKER M EmyOmpG mACETmm 1 �.4 U. MG¢M wPEE V/ MAY OR MAY Wf F IFYaFL MSEp Oe _at SIECFIERiR4& O e RFArtTI MAN _ m. r II5V -- 4i iY FNNT LYI --o�o-� MEN 1A A EXH-t NAR, 5W __ IEVrMk rM D.IR __ _ MpfA a A EximW.l 5T TERINNK IS FIEAORED SHUNT TRIP IN FRE CONDITION I ___________C SPME ITIS NQi-N Y a CONTROL PANEL TO FANS nsTEN wY s2 nEr�i ssnn.SrA' E AERrt�n pTpilEr10 mRAcr ARE l ro°diwLi m iP T RAAponWNp Elec4ldon m PRm 5y�.O� _ EILYW 0 1 10V�•9L 1 KMMVB TM VdTT`M LOCATED N MSE Aumsl rVMEDMC q11nfMY01 EM-1 Iaa.r ___aVP_________ _-�u TO A VIRE ro ExTERxI4 51OML 3V1lEM iIApIRI pll5_ ____ 3 pISCOECCI SVITIM LpH>5 iIVNIS IOCI fN4 Re10 1 s CONTROL PANEL TO ACCESSORY ITEMS ResyonAYWtY' Electrkbn i P R VRG 1 LOe1RT PMEL p FIRE SYSTEM MILRpSV ITCH ___ ____WIRE IAN N MORXAALKY ELOYO m e a To Am pW➢IxvF i¢-1�Ra� Lwrwnrr NTE)I ARIE6 NbJ� R T MQIE I. DL r- ----- TOM: __ IN S IES A. VIIE IL M !o, _ IN SERIES AS SXQVN 0 �1 L911RR PMQ ALL SVRpEs X/ VOER TO 4 Gii 05ECT T SVITOES 3 CWIRLLP _��. 10I1 ImRL.TS ______ ___ I+Z¢I ____- 1100 V MAX VOE TO}KN&TI OF 1m0 • B C D E G H I FACTORY VIRD UNLESS SPECOED OTHERWISE, ALL FACTORY AC WIRING W AWG ALL FACTORY BE YUOG 10 AW4 MOTOR POWER CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC 1 CIRCUIT BOARD J9 120V R.Y. EIC NII Rev. 210. vH -- CONTROL INPUT w RVG C-s omNn ,, 120V N1=LINE, 115 vs�,T �__1yp wnSsoo B4 NI•NEUTRAL, ISA 24V 93 4 6 ISR ;3 Uguy� SIT BREAKER. 00 �I xo ♦ xo ® NOT CONNECT J xc a xc R --In TO SHUNT BREAKER. SEEP nss EW �NI16 r EWL!!L� INSTALLATION y SCHEMATIC FOR -- ADDITIONAL REO. _ _ IC®I PANEL LIOn, m ® -- u2 sr-x 1A K'1 11 ��I�Omrl Om Zh`Noise"'°e V _ J7 120V m N r OG� 9J -�Fml —ravNWm a-ara -raw ' a-uE cv-ocr r mm m R)F� w- w is w DRY CONTACTS <SHOVN TIE-ENERGIZED) w wrz om _ sA RVG RA-1-1 ova-ova wort i� m aiM atw SI WE LP RIP INTERLICK. B11H 1� ��SrI�E Ju�ER _ i21[SIB--}iI NVa-Mva n� �A En' ccF.00 " oVw"vrr"` ii. rAe 1 r-r 6 41 Y-Y B'-Y V-6" 4'-0" R.O. V-6" 9 M M N 6 n 4 ZZFo BAIN r BKRY Fla GRILL - $OMT - m C1 2 BREWER 3'-6" CAFE / BAKERY CUPS E PRESSO 3,_0„ REAMER Chicken TURBO 3' x 6' SALES COUNTER TO SUIT SUGAR . Frymaster �iM � gu.ne„ a) Standard Gas Fryers D�a Q Models QJ--t O GF14 D GF40 Q Standard Features Options & • Open-pot design is easy to dean Accessories •Millivolt temperature controls,no elec- tric connection required DFrypot cover •Durable temperature probe D Piezo ignitor kit V) •Deep cold zone,1-1/4"(3.2 cm)IPS D Casters ball-type drain valve •Master Jet burner heat-transfer system D Full basket T •Stainless steel frypot and door,enamel ❑Triplet basket cabinet DCrispertray -Two twin baskets ❑Sediment tray •6"steel legs with l"adjustment 03/4"x36"quick disconnect with rD • 3/4'(1.91 an)(NPT)gas connection gas line GFl{ 314"x 48'quick disconnect with —40-1,0.(2 Btu tenon capacity gas line —(29.3 k0Btu/hr.input(25,189 kcal/hr.) ❑Top connecting strip (29.3 kw/hr.) —Frying area 12'x 15"x4'(30.5 x3&1 x 102 an See Frymaster domestic price list for GF40 other available options and acces- .(25 liter-)oil capacity sories. GFQ sh.Mth ondonAl. 1v. —122,000 Btu/hr.Input(30,730 kcal/hr.) (35.8 kw/hr.) —Frying area 14'x 15'x 5"(35,6 x 38.1 x 12.7 cm) Specifications Designed for versatile frying r I production and solid The open frypot has a large heat- performancetransfer area and every inch of the frypot and cold zone can be cleaned These all-purpose fryers feature and wiped down by hand. SC) outstanding Frymaster reliability and durability. GF fryers are capable of The large cold zone and forward cooking a wide variety of fried foods sloping bottom help collect and with consistent uniformity and great remove sediment from the frypot taste. to safeguard oil quality and support - routine frypot cleaning. — The Master Jet burner system's durable metal targets create 'iter conwnlons are for solid shortening a large heat-transfer area for reliable,even heat distribution. °" 1 Durable temperature probe senses temperature changes and activates burner response. as.w.a uw tim e.w..•a.e,.v.o:. 9700U W—..x..n,:. Ta:nsass-nn ...en.m.n...wm Sh,w.y1At n17Itnalt,a hh t-eooafr-.sxs ea4un N.ariaSW �J yw us1 n.:TBi4., Yp Inzn ��/1/"' r...a: 'Frymaster r+ gMEN510N6 IN—COXES \ , 3 MB1 pB 1 4.0 Cow 1]WI � Iv41 1.57 ® Pat T Asr� I 1 _ N sa Is< ate) ' 11\ e V 810) V) e1B ItsN DIMEN510NS N G MODEL OIL DRAIN NET SHIPPING INFORMATION G NO. CAPACITY HEIGHT WEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT with Drain WEIGHT [LASS CU.FT. DIMENSIONS m IAI DIPe 1cm1 s GF14 40 on. ISi/e' 30J/e• 41-1/e' 13' 11516s. 15316x. AS 19 W D X (20 liters) (39.)cm1 OBA cmI ❑04.4 cm) (33.0<m) (52 kg) 169 kE) 13 36' 46-I/]' (559 cm) (91Aam) (118.1 amt ca GF40 SO lbs. IS-5/8' 30-]/8" 46-1/8" 13' 131 lbs. IT61bs. 85 21 33' 36 161/i' (25 liters) l39)cml O8.4 cm) 111)1 cml (33.0 tm1 (S9 kg) 180 kg) 1559 cm) (91A cm1 H18.1 cm) POWER REO UIREME NTS NOTES MODEL NAT/LP GAS ELECTRICAL •Check plumbing codes for proper supply line sizing. GF14 100,000 etu/hr. n required Recommended minimum store manifold pressure require tobil W.C.fornatoodgasand ll"W.C.forLPgas. 05,189 kcall 139.3 kw1 millivolt system Check plumbing codes for proper supply line siting GF40 122,000 Mu/hr. to attain burner manifold pressure of 3-1/2'WC. (30,]30 kcal)(35.8 kW) natural or&1/4"WC.LP C LEARANCE INFORMATION HOW TO SPECIFY A minimum of 24'(61.0 cm)should be provided at the The following descriptions will assist with ordering the features desired front of the unit for servicing and proper operation, for this equipment! and 6"p 5.2 cm)between the sides and rear of the fryer to any combustible material.A minimum of 18" GF14 4044 standard,open-put gas fryer with millivolt controls and (45.7 cm)should be maintained between the Flue durable temperature probe outlet and the lower edge of the P haust hood filters. GF40 50-16.standard,open-pot gas fryer with millivolt controls and durable temperature probe SO Stainless steel frypot and door,enamel cabinet OOa LIm.Wenue Tel:31ai6i1>tl nw M1ymaalecmm Shrtouper LR)1106N00 Te I:I=7S 15.3 BURatln Naata-0593 USA Fae:3leHeMhMJ RwbH./Ia/IS Canitowoc E—flAnteed,denid— one.In U.3.A.PF,rusteE LLC We reserve the right to change specifications appearing in this bulletin without intoning ars,obligation for equipment pmskl dy or subseyuenlly sold (hrh www frvma cb,rnm M::Maws �•�,/ Project: VOLL/U/f/�`a//7 Item Number: -� Quantity: Outperform every day. CAYENNEO MEDIUM-DMEDIUM- DUTY FLAT TOPGRIDDLES ITEMS Item No. Madef No. Description Manually Controlled Griddles 40718 FTG9012 12"Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU 40719 FTG9016 18"Gas Griddle, 28,000 BTU 40720 FTG9024 24"Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU { 40721 FF09036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU 40839 FTG9048 48"Gas Griddle, 112,000 BTU 40840 FTG9060 60'Gas Griddle, 140,000 BTU hmilly,Conlrollhad OrWas ` 40722 FTA1024 24"Gas Griddle, 56,000 BTU 40723 FTA11036 36"Gas Griddle, 84,000 BTU Cayenne®Gas Griddle-Model 40720 FEATURES DESCRIPTION Shipped set up for natural gas,includes kit for conversion to propane Vollrath's Cayenne''Gas Griddles provide a simple and Indudes regulator and gas valve effective way to prepare food in an economical,sale and 28,000 BTU custom stainless steel U-shaped hassle4ree way.These griddles are ideally suited for use in burners for superior versatility, even heat distribution and steak houses, restaurants,coffee shops, clubs and pubs. efficient operation • 12' (30.5 cm)wide heating zone per control (18'griddle has one burner) • Stainless aluminized steel with fully-welded construction for durability and long lee • Polished 34"(1.09 cm)thick steel griddle plate for even heat distribution and retention • Welded griddle plate seams eliminate grease and CLEARANCE AND POSITIONING dirt traps This appliance must be installed adjacent to non-combustible • All metal knobs and knob guards protect gas valves from surfaces only,with a minimum of 6'(15.2 cm)from all aides. damage and won't break or crack and are This appliance must be a minimum distance of 6"(15.2 cm) GUARANTEED FOR LIFE from another appliance.The appliance must have the supplied • 314"NPT gas inlet 4'(10.2 cm)legs installed and be placed on a non. • Heavy-duty adjustable legs combustible surface. • Thermostatically controlled griddles maintain user settings to ensure consistent surface temperature Agency Listings """ "• Approvals gate Due to continued product improvement,please consult www vollmtn.con,for current product specifications. The Vollrath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 rarlii/W�' 1236 North 18th Street Technical Services Fa: 920.459.5462 ®� Sheboygan,WI 53081-3201 U.S.A. Customer Service: 800.628.0830 outo•n•rra.•ery day- Canada Customer Service: 800.695.8560 www vollrath corn Main Fac: 800.752.5620 or 920.459.6573 CAYENNEO MEDIUM-DUTY FLAT TOP GAS GRIDDLES DIMENSIONS (Shown in inches(cm)) Gas inlet adds Barks;Wsh Height Sidesppl 5.72 Height 114(3.8)to depth 12 Contain Su dace Depth P9(48.2) 27 ®, ®, (30.51 1d'NPT Gas Inlet-854'(16.5) o from center surface to center AdVIable leegps of inlet,at 4"(10.2)leg height 4-5'h(10.2-14) Front View Side View Top Vre- SPECIFICATIONS 40718 28,000 12(30.6) 11"As x 19(29.7 x 48.3) 1 93(42.1) 40719 28,000 18(45.7) 171%, It 19(45 x48.3) 1 135(61.2) 40720 56,000 24(61.0) 23"As at 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 174(78.9) 40721 84,000 36(91.4) 35"As x 19(90.7 x 48.3) 3 244(110.7) 40839 112,000 48(121.9) 4711A. x 19(121.2 x 48.3) 4 412(186.9) 40840 140,000 60(152.4) 5911A. x 19(151.6 x 48.3) 5 502(227.7) 40722 56,000 24(61.0) 23+Vr x 19(60.2 x 48.3) 2 187(84.8) 40723 84,000 36(91.4) 3511Ae x 19(90.7 x48.3) 3 244(110.7) ��//w���� The Vollrath Company,L.L.C. Technical Services: 800.628.0832 B/Yi,f.il 1236 North 18th Street Technical Services Fax: 920.459.5462 Sheboygan,WI 53081-3201 U.S.A. Customer Service: 800.628.0830 ome.n.,m.,.....v.- Canada Customer Service: 800.695.8560 Main Fax: 800.752.5620 or 920.459.6573 www.vollrath.com X2014 The Vollrath Company L.L.C. Form Number L35822 12/15/14 printed in USA Imm No.: Qu .N : Pmj«c Nene: GII..ES� g'St. AIAICSI FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT Gas Fry Kettle Cnmrrting Innnvnnve Lnng luJng F.yuipment Solu[Mna Model GGF-720 Available in natural or propane gas,the Giles Gas Fry Kettle will cook crispy,moisturized fried chicken,as well as other mouthwatering foods. - The completely automatic Auto-Basket Lift",on the Giles Gas Fry Kettle,enables the operator to load the • fryer,lower the basket,and activate the chosen product menu.When the prc-set frying time is complete,the Auto-Basket Lift automatically raises the finished product out of the oil to avoid over cooking. on.s aM Constructed of durable:,polished stainless steel,the sal•"' GGF-720 is also equipped with casters for easy cleaning and maintenance,ensuring years of efficient,attractive service. Ir Automatic Oil FId ation Gas Heat Exchanger ",..... System The exceptional design of the � r Designed to complete a filter Giles Heat Fxchangr allows cycle within five minutes,the for a true"cold zone and a Automatic Oil Filtration more efficient heat transfer iWoostsavings. System,uses disposable filter resulting in an increase in paper,and allows the operator energy savings.The Heat to wash,rinse,drain and filter Exchanger heats the shortening evenly inside the the oil in one operation. pot in a 360°radius from the Refilling the Giles Gas Kettle sides of the pot.This special Frye is aummatic.The dual homer delivers 85,000 system will help attend BTU's using natural or shorteninglife for additional propane gas, cook saving money when cooking light loads or during idle periods. AM. C 0 Giles Foodservice Equipment M ISO 9001 Registered Company 2750 Guntu Pk Aire W.,•Montgmouy,AL 36109 USA Phone 334.272.1457•Fa 134.219.4117•Phonc Taa F.&10.554.4537 Imre No.: QFmfity: Gas Fry Kettle �°'"`5 S» AINCSIR: Model GGF-720 'V_ 4. Front Inches[rNllimeteos] TOP \"` ./ I Side NE mi—a the ogin n.ehanw eP ,camom and p,lura drnpvotrut relic Such ithatis do no o Isrrmrne lin pm:.mrly I^nmssed enoiMe t. Construction: Capacity: Cabinet and Fry Vat:2UGa to 18Ga Stainless Sted Shamming Capacity:75 lbs.[34 kg] Hearing.Dual burro Production Capacity:24 Us.thickest[I I kg](72 prices) Dimensions: Flour Space-7.1 al ft[.7 sq m] 8lemiol Speo&atimaa: Width:2a3/8" [619mm1 120/6011-7 A(Service cord provided on 120V rely) Depth:42-1/8' [10]0.1 208-240/60/1-4A Ildghc 44-IA" 11120 mm1 Gas Specifications:•(huta0ation instructions most be fuumnd)• Fry Vat:15-1/4'Deep X 18-5/8"Dia.(387 mm X 47.3 mm] la"Gee Line input with mr-line rtgulamr hos supplid) Fry Bukct Vok 13-27/32-Dxp X 10.1/T Do.[352 mm X 368 mm] 85.M 13TU Coolmtg Carmol.: Listings: E IJCETLEFLSAN Computer cmtadly:Digitally controlled tanpenune uad a is ante product Designation:GGF-Toll progunmable..no keys. T pc.Range:75--350T [24'-177M Shipping Specifications: Automatic end ofeycle basket lift or manual beaker operation Coned Weight: 39016.1177 kill Cool"� Craod Cube Sbe: 42'X 30rX 56'-41 a ft Solid Aronadng melt cycle (1067mm X 762.X 14D.-l.]on morml 'I..Od'and'Dnin Oper;w.ming n..aga Bog Out progrm Unit is shipped with(1)Fry basket,(1)Discharge sand hose,(5)Filter papa sheets,(1)Pot booth,(1)Kettle drain brush,(1)Sar paddle,(1)Crumb shovel,(2)additn n d orifices for high altitude installations and(1)Manual. Ekcrricaf Options Acetify the ep" 1 Specify the Put number from the following 2. Spxify,items number andquanrirynf hef lLm ng acxasory items needed: Model Voluge Ha Ph—LNI. Pu,Numher Gu (by Ddaiption Pur Number ❑ GF 720 120 60 171393 LP ❑ ryBukev 91811 ❑ GF-720 120 no 171392 Nu ❑ ilool'",000)Sheeu 10810 ❑ GF 720 209-ib 60 171395 Lp ,Ircr Pu`M°n(601P¢try 72001 ❑ GF-7M 20Bdb 60 171391 Nu ❑ oB Our 14)8 lb ronufxn 72003 'Additional charges Giles Foudserlrice Fquipment 3e Sbipping 2750Curves Puk Drive War•Mongoresse AL36109 USA Specify the shipping method Phisc 114.172.1457•Fu 334.239.4117•PhreeToll Free 900.554.4537