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43 -110 Energy Requirement for rebuild 2015-07-22 John Sackrey Sackrey Construction 83 South Main Street Sunderland, MA 01375 July 22, 2015 Re: Suzanne Smith and Adam Hall 107 Whittier Street Florence, MA 01062 Dear Mr. Sackrey, Thank you for meeting me at the 107 Whittier Street site to review the energy requirements for rebuilding of this structure using the existing house foundation. We are currently under the 2009 IECC and the MA Stretch Energy Code. The 2009 IECC in sections 402.2.7, 402.2.8 and Table 402.1.1 requires minimum insulation levels. The below grade basement walls will need to be insulated to from the top of wall to floor with R-10 continuous or R-13 cavity. Be aware that fire blocking is required at the top of the wall and every 10’ horizontally when creating an enclosed cavity per R302.11. The slab on grade which it any section of slab not at least 12” below grade wall will need to have R-10 continuous insulation installed in the inside or outside to completely cover the concrete and continue 2’ below grade or horizontally . To achieve this it will be necessary to either cut out the slab and excavate and install interior insulation or excavate vertically on the exterior to two feet below grade. The above grade portion must be protected from UV and physical damage with a suitable covering and flashed to prevent water infiltration. Furthermore a thermal break must be created at the all door locations to separate the exterior foundation from the interior slab. The above solutions presume that the house foundation has not been damaged by the heat of the fire or that it will be damaged during demolition operations. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 413-587-1240 Charles Miller Assistant Building Commissioner City of Northampton