25C-071 42 Day Ave Performance MethodARCHITECT JEFFREY SCOTT PENN 77 Worthington Road, Huntington, MA 01050 tel. 413-667-5230 fax. 413-667-3082 jspsed@verizon.net 2 July 2014 Client: Danielle and Denise McKahn 42 Day Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton Building Department Puchalski Municipal Building, Town Hall 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Louis and Chuck: Danielle and Denise have asked me to assist them in assessing and planning their proposed renovation at 42 Day Avenue. After reviewing your preliminary comments and further code research, I have used the IEBC chapter 13, Performance Compliance Methods. I have produced the attached Investigation and Evaluation. To summarize, adding one unit brings the building from Use Group R-3 to R-2, and requires compliance with IBC 2009, the Commercial Code, or modifications to satisfy Table 1301.7 for Perfomance Compliance. Thus we are outlining our intention to add fire detection and alarms, add exit signage and emergency egress lighting and protect the structure ofthe egress Stairways, front and rear, and apartment separations by using Contego Intumescent paint (or approved equal). We believe this path reveals no requirement to add a fITe suppression sprinkler system. We welcome your input and will be happy to furnish required information. The owner will produce building plans for a Building Permit. ARCHITECT JEFFREY SCOTT PENN 77 Worthington Road, Huntington, MA 01050 tel. 413-667-5230 fax. 413-667-3082 jspsed@verizon.net 2 July 2014 Investigation and Evaluation Client: Danielle and Denise McKahn 42 Day Avenue Northampton, MAO1 060 General The McKahn residence at 42 Day Ave. is currently a two story two family residence with unoccupied attic, built c. 1895. The building was renovated over the last 5 years with structural and energy upgrades properly done under abuilding permit. The.new proposed project is to add an additional housing unit for a total of 3 which will change the building occupancy from R-3 to R-2. The new unit will be contained on the third level with primary access at the street front stair with secondary egress at the rear stair. The building is Type VB construction with wood stud Balloon frame and typical fmishes (at Table 503 VB allows maximum use for R-2 of2 stories and 7000st). It is my understanding that some criteria are waived ifthe whole building satisfies one of the Compliance methods (IEBC 101.5.3), such as the maximum number offloor levels. The intent is to add fire detection and alarms, add exit signage and emergency egress lighting and· protect the structure ofth~ egress Stairways, front and rear. The 3 story building footprint is approx. 1,400 sq. ft. and the height approx. 35'; table 503 shows maximum 40feet height, 2 stories and7,000 sffootprint for R-2 (table 601 identifies VB construction due to ratings). I have reviewed relevant citations in theIEBC Performance Compliance Methods, chapter 13, and provide the followingresults ofthe investigation and evaluation. Chapter 13. Performance Compliance Methods 1301.6.1 -Building Height -.t11e lowernumber is due to the building not complying with Table 503 maximum of 2 stories (will have 3), thus -1 x 7 = -7 . 1301.6.2 -Building Area -the greatest deductiQnjs for the first floor at 1,390sf/7000sf allowable x 7000/1200 4.6 =4· .. 1301.6.3 -Compartmentation -the whole building's net area is 2,766sf at Table 1301.6.3 = 16 1301.6.4 -Tenant and Dwelling Unit Separation -the egress stair has doors at each level but is less than 1 hour protected..,.. usingContego Intumescent Paint, the owners will protect the stair (including doors, corridors and apartment sides ofthe walls and apartment ceilings) to Ihr for category c =0 will add 5 112" L VL's at 24"oc augmenting the existing 2"x6" @ 24"oc joists. During design and when opening structure, any further encountered deficiencies shall be remedied. The owner welcomes the building official's comments regarding any perceived dangerous conditions for remedy. I will provide analysis ofthe structure as revealed. Additional Explanations and Information Site The site is a typical building lot on Day Avenue platted in 1890 with driveway, garage and back yard in addition to the house. The building is approx. 40' from side neighbors but approx. 21'-6" from the neighbor's garage. Change of Occupancy (307) 307.1 Conformance. Addition ofone residential unit for a total of3 makes the building subject to mc 2009, the Commercial Code with several ramifications. The building will meet the code using Chapter 13, Performance Compliance Methods. 307.2 Certificate ofOccupancy. Will be sought upon completion ofproject. 307.3 Stairways. the existing space and construction does not allow a reduction in pitch or slope. Separation and protection shall be accomplished 307.4 Structural. I believe this to be an ordinary structure and the change ofoccupancy is within Residential. The attic floor structure and bearing as well as the dormer structure shall be augmented to code. The addition ofnew interior walls will strengthen the lateral performance. 307.5 Energy. The new unit will meet the Stretch Code Energy code (Northampton is a Green CommUllity). 307.6 Electrical. The new construction shall comply. 307.7 Fuel gas. The buildings HV AC and fuel supply shall comply. 307.8 Mechanical. The building systems shall comply. 307.9 Plumbing. The new construction shall comply. Historic Buildings (308) 308.1 -the building is located in apotential historic district; all effort will be made to maintain the period character even with the addition ofwindows and skylights. Accessibility for Existing Buildings (310) 310.1 Scope. Exception: type B dwelling or sleeping units ... are not required ... (when) change ofoccupancy. There is no intent to furnish an Accessible Apartment, parking Qr pathway at present. mc 1107.6.2 shows that type A units are required for 20 or more units (2% or min. 1), no accessible units are required for R..2 apartment buildings and type B units are excepted inIEBC 310.1, thus there is no requirement for accessible units. PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHODS TABLE 1301.7 SUMMARY SHEET-BUILDING CODE '" '" *"'No applicable value to be inserted. ~ l 2-l I \ \ 14­ Existing occupancy f.c'."S Proposed occupancy· ~."2. Year building was constructed t:..-l t;'lS' Number ofstories 3 Height in feet 3~' Type of construcU.on 11 t2 Areaperfloor (I) 1~1~4P rl.) 1~~J'P(~) q"J~~ Percentage of open perimeter increase ~% ~ Completely suppressed: Yes __No Corridor wall rating " 1.... or ' . Compartmentation: Yes __No ~ Required door closers; Yes No X Fire-resistance rating of vertical opening en~ures ~ . b.c: Type ofHVAC system (I) ",6 p,AotEMT 1444-10..('5 MIM'f.{f,'" r: serving nmnberoffloors ~'~Id-S'.?rIp,.n. Automatic fire detection: Yes ~No • v ype and location u..Aon ..... W I ~ I FIre alarm system: Yes~No Type I I Smoke control: Yes __No -,(, . Type Adequate exit routes: Yes --p'-No Dead ends: Yes Maximum exit access travel distance ZS' Elevator controls: Yes Means ofegress emergencY lighting: Yes~o Mixed occupancies: Yes I MEANS OF EGRESS {ME}SAFETY PARAMEI'ERS FIRE SAFETY (PS) I 1301.6.1 Building Height 1301.6.2 Building Area •1301.6.3 Compartmentation 1301.6.4 Tenant and Dwelling Unit Separations 1301.6.5 Corridor Walls 1301.6.6 Vertical Openings 1301.6.7 HV AC Systems 1301.6.& Automatic FIre Detection 1301.6.9 FIre Alarm System 1301.6.10 Smoke control 1301.6.11 Means ofEgress 1301.6.12 Dead ends 1301.6.13 Maximum Exit Access Travel Distance 1301.6.14 Elevator Control 1301.6.15 Means ofEgress Emergency Lighting 3412.6.16 Mlxed Occupancies 3412.6.17 Automatic Sprinklers 3412.6.1& Standpipes 3412.6.19 Incidental Accessory Occupancy Building score -total value -,-, ++ I&' It" t!:!tt:? ,t:!)D 7 lIf) ! Ii' CI~ Dt:> **** 6**** 1­**** ! I 11 :!~ -2­** I 4"­,0 d -(p I -t,";-"2. -.:. -"3 0 I **** ~-1-1 ~'L~1- No X No ~ No X GENERAL SAFETY (GS) ;,." 4­ L~ 0 0 7 "5 G::t (:) "6 2. )t -2­4 t!> -,=, 10 -I q-t.:) r: ... 2009INTERNAnONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODe® 68 2"x8" VALLEY ADD 2-7114"LVL'S APPROX.13' UP TO 42" WINDOW HEADER: 91/2" LVL -BEARING JACKS 4x4 P=4053# @ CTR ~ ~N SCALE: 114" "" 1'-0" o l' 5' 10' EXISTING 2"x8" VALLEY ADD2xS VERIFY LOAD PATH BEARING TO GRADE 4x4 POST P=2496# -0\ r-­-" I APPROx. 12' REPLACE 1"x(7") RIDGE WITH: 7"xU 718" PSL / ~ \I')-" M ~ VERIFY LOAD PATH BEARING TO GRADE 3 112"x5 114" PSL POST P=9412 CUT VALLEYS; HANG TO RIDGE EXISTING 2"x8" VALLEY ADD: REPLACE 3 112"x9 liZ" PSL 1"x(7") RIDGE WITH: 7"xU 7/8" PSL a-. N ALL~ EXISTING~ 2"x6" @24"00 ~ RAFTERS ADD: EXISTING 5 112" LVL'S @ 24"'oc 2"x8" VALLEY REPLACE WITH: 5 1/4"xU 7/S"7 SECURE RAFTERS TO RAFTER PLATES AND WALL USING HURRICANE TYPE STRAPS AND VERIFY FLOOR STRUCTURE BEARING AND TIE EFFECT APPROX.44' UP TO 42" WINDOW HEADER: 91/2" LVL -BEARING JACKS 4x4 P=5506# @ CTR EXISTING CHIMNEY DAN! AND DENISE MCKAHN ATTIC LEVEL 4"1J)AY AVENUE, NORTHAMPTON, MA STRUCTURAL ANALYSISIRECOMENDED CHANGES JEFF PENN 413-667-5230 2 JULy 2014 EXISTING 2"x4" @24"00 JACKSTIJDS VERIFY LOAD PATH BEARING TO GRADE 4x4 POST P=3120# NOTE: ENGINEERED LUMBER TECH TO RECALCULATE AND SUPPLY STAMPED DESIGNS ALSO, 4x4 POSTS SHOULD ALL BE LVL MATERIAL M = MOMENT FOR DESIGN P=POINT LOAD POUNDS ALL EXISTING 2"x6" @ 24"00 FLOOR JOISTS ADD: 51/Z" LVL'S @Z4"'oc --- -- I -~I~ 00 ~ I r:i r !;'L> UJ Io >0 0 ! :::: -Il£!­- i 0. /:"1 \11[// KIT (H E N ~'------¥111-------";B"":-E.-D-~0-0""-'1"1::-­r (+0 el"ld o{ Cyo;-to«" ,.,.-_________ C.oJ::.i.ne1S) , .--------­ \SED \<.. 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