10D-023 39 Florence St ZPA Determination 2012-03-12City of Northampton
DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 Main Street ● Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060
Kathleen Elliott
39 Florence Street
Leeds, MA 01053
March 12, 2012 Dear Ms. Elliott,
I have reviewed your zoning permit application for an accessory apartment at 39 Florence
Street. I have approved the application with conditions.
The proposed construction includes 899 square feet of floor area on the first floor and 899
square feet of space in the cellar. The maximum space gross floor area allowed for an accessory apartment is 900 square feet. In addition to meeting all the requirements of the zoning ordinance (350-
10.10), the letter required by 350-10.10 (B) (10) and (12) must include a permanent restriction on use of
the cellar as habitable space in order to ensure compliance with (B) (6) .
I have also reviewed the plans submitted with the zoning permit application. We will need some additional information with your building permit application, including smoke and carbon monoxide detector locations and more detail on the fire separation between the units. The unit separation must be
protected from both sides of the common wall. We also may request more detailed information about the framing.
Additionally, the new unit must comply with the “Stretch Energy Code”. The code requires that new dwelling units have a HERS rating done by a RESNET certified HERS rater.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Louis Hasbrouck
Building Commissioner
City of Northampton (413) 587-1240 lhasbrouck@city.northampton.ma.us