10B-111 ZPA 2007-12-06 Jeffway DemoMr. Anthony Patillo, Building Commissioner
Office of the Building Inspector
Puchalski Municipal Building
212 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Patillo,
37 Front Street
Leeds, MA 01053
December 6, 2007
We have a project to construct an addition to our home in Leeds that we have been
working on for quite a while. We have had a number of delays on our end, but we are in
pretty good shape now. We will be making the final selection of our builder, and they will
be applying for all the required permits. Quite a while back I filled out the Zoning Permit
. Application, and the application was approved.
The purpose of this letter is to follow your recommendation on how to work out one final
issue. Bob Walker from Construct stopped in a couple of months ago to review the
situation with you, and you suggested that I submit a proposal to you. I will first recap
the details, explain the problem, and then give my proposal for a solution.
My wife and I live at 37 Front Street in Leeds with our five children. We also own the
adjacent single family house to the left, 47 Front Street. We wish to build an addition on
37 Front Street which would involve construction to the left and rear of 37 Front Street.
Upon completion, 47 Front Street will be either moved or demolished.
It would be a great help to our family (and may even impact whether or not we proceed
with the project) if we could temporarily live at 47 Front while the construction proceeds
at 37 Front. The problem with that is that it will temporarily violate the side setback
requirement to begin the construction on 37, while 47 still exists.
I am requesting that you grant us a Building Permit to begin construction on the addition,
and then after final inspections are complete, grant a temporary Occupancy Permit
(maybe 3 months?) for 37 Front, thereby allowing us to live at 47 Front Street during
construction. .
In order to give you 100% assurance that the temporary side setback violation is
remedied after construction is complete, I would put the amount required for demolition
of 47 Front Street into escrow (or post a bond) before any permit was issued to begin
construction, thereby guaranteeing that the violation is remedied, no matter what
unforeseen circumstances might occur.
It is my plan that we move back into 37, have found a place to move 47 to, and if not, .
have it demolished. I am not asking for any special treatment; I am just asking if there is
some way for you to allow us to temporarily live at 47 Front, while assuring you that at
completion, the project meets your requirements.
I have attached copies of the Zoning Permit Application, and a quote on demolition of 47
Front Street for your reference.
Thanks for you lime, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
N tL~~ 0h~.fJufI~
Bob and Celeste Jeffway U {/ r -()
and r.eturn· 'form to
.'·'{ch'eck'or:m,otieyorder) payable to the
. ". . . . .. ..~Cit:jio(Northamptop ,", ,' .. ,:'. ,
_,. Nam~~fAPp"ca~J~°fit'1fi,~',?(2i.fes&~I"'··
Address: (21',pconf ·:sh '.' Leed$~ H~ 0('063 Telephone: tfj?:>"'S8S-RtIQ .
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6. . Description of Pr.oposed UseIWorklPrQjectiOccupation: (Use additional ~heets if.necessary):· '.
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," . Has a SpectaJPermltiv~riance/Finding ever'been.!$sued for/on the·site?,.
NG VOON'l' KNOW' ..: 'YES. -IFYES, date Issu~:~ _____ ~:-:---,-_
IF YES': . Was the permit recorded at !:he Registry of Deeds?
NO "', ... .. "DON~'KNOW .' .:.<")., ,YES ___ _
YES __ _
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Will the construction activity disturb (cleariryg! grading,.ex~avation, orfllling) ~acre or Is' It part of.a common
. plan of development that'wilJ disturbo~er1·acret>;·,'y~~ ... ·· Nq. ~,;"', ..., ...
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IF YES~ then a Northampton St6m1·~~ter¥?n~ger~n~pe~I~Jr().m.~~ qp'y'v I.s r~~ired .
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13: Certification:., hereby cei1:lfythat.the'lrifO~!?~I'!n .. ~)lje:d,. h~reln is ..
my knowledge. .... .'. . . . ' ...... »" .'
Date: . ,-b4(1 .. APPllca';t':~I~~~!"-"'~;';" •• -I-':'"..··A.;.,;..~_:. ~.:"~' I'7'·V·Z:~::."-'''''.;;:,;="""-,,...;.,..'' '_.'_. __ ,,_,; ...,.::_
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NotE: Issuanceofa Zoning pM-mtt do~.?.o.t t,cbllev~.an.~appi,i~t·sbW-den to complymth all.Zorililg.· ..
. requi.re~eptsand obtain all required peiiri!ts fr.OmtheBo~d ofHe'alth.ConServation .Comm.ission.
I-Ibtor'1c'and ArthitecturBl Boards, Oepartment' of'Publlc Works and oth~ appllc:a.ble permit granting
authorities~ ." ','. '. . . '; , :. , ',' . .., " , . ~ .: ..
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""O~'l C lr",
." MAP 1 OBP ARCEL 1 ii "001 'ZONEiiRAi'7.'i:':~:~~!~:~;f;:::~~,:":'~ "'." "
, . '" '~ss~dZJJ~~~'b~ItIALUSEONLY:
Building Permit Filled out ' "",
, Fee Paid '. ~",
,,';TWeofConstruction:ZPA. MOVE OR DEMO'47 FRONT ST. COMBINE LOTS FOR 1 RESIDENCE New Construction ' . . ',;-.' ,', .":,.': :·~""'V·':." '" ,,' ' .. ""'." ' "
Non Structunil interior renovations i. J. Addition to Existing , .... ; .. "",
Accessory Structure
Building Plans Included: ',' ' , •• ', ">
Owner! Statement or License
, 3 sets of Plans / Plot Plan
, :,·1:, .,: . . . ' '" .
INFO TION PRESENTED:' ',,',," ',: ", ':' ~ved, _' _' Additional permits req*~d (s~e below)
. PLANNING BOARD PltnMIT R:EQtrrim~:{UNPER :'§ /' . '., ;.::;::'::' .-----.,-----,---
Intermedia(~ ProJect':_, __ , _. Site Plan AND/OR:...·, __ S.pecial Permit with Site Plan
Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR . Special Permit with Site Plan
, '. ~ '.: .'
Finding, ___ _ " Special P~n:nit.;... ___ _ Variance· -----,."~' '. " "/;1'
___ ,Received & Recorde,dat Registry?fDeeds Proof Enclosed:....' ___ _
__ Other rermits Required:
___ Curb Cut from DPW ___ Water A vailaoility __ ---'Sewer Availability
___ .Septic Approval Board of Health . ~ ___ Well Water Potability Board of Health
-.,... __ .Permit from Conservatioll Commissioh' __ ,---Permit from CB Architecture Committee
,Note: Issuaric~ or Ii Zoning p~rmit does nofreliev~ a ~PJ?licant's burden to comply with all zoning
'requirements and obtain ~~l requlreci perDiltsJ~om :ao~rdorHealth, Conservation Commission, Department
or public works and other applicable permitgrantfng authorities.' ,
.. , * V arlances ar~ Sranted only to those appli.~an~v.ih6 meet the strict standards ofMGL 40A. Contact the Office of .
Planning &, Development for more information: '. '" . . . .
, ',Tel: (413),732-3179/(800) #8-2822
" ,",}lax: (413) 734-6224 , '
February 15,'2006'
Mr. & Mrs. ,Charles Jeffway,'
37 Front Street ' ,
Leeds, Massachusetts 01053
For tht} sum of $11~950.00 and salvage,rights, we offer to 'demolish the house,garage, and in-,
ground pool located at 4 7 F~nt Stre~t, Leeds, MaSsachusetts. " '
, Associated' Building Wreckers worki~CtlldeS: ' , " ' '
1) Demolition, of the house, garage, and ~-gro1;Uld pool, removing all combustible debris and
"metals to an approved facility.';.:·" ",' " , '
2) "Notifying Dig Safe and arranging for the disconnection of services. ' ,
3) Taking out the demolition pert:nifandfurnishing a 'certificate for demolition general
liability and worker's compensation insurance, upon request.
4) ,Leaving the cellar hole open and cracking the cellar floor for drainage.
5) Using water for dt:Jst control, as needed.
Mr.iMrs. Charles'Ieffwaywill be responsible for:
,1) Any service disconnection charges, if any.
:: 2) Obtaining any historical permits ,~nd/ or special notifications, if required.
3) Any repair to trees, asphalt; grass, landscaping, fencing and/or asphalt driveway damaged
", during demolition in the work area.' ,
4),,-Any damage to underground services that Dig Safe and! or Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffway
, have not made us awa~ of (inpluding, but not limited to, undergroundsprinlders, roof
drains lUid'septic systems). ' I
,5) An asbestos survey, as required. ' ,
,6) Cost associated with any hazardous materials found at the site. ,
'7) . Marking ou~ septic tank and/or,well with stakes prior to demolition, if applicable.
8) : Marking the property for Pig Safe. ' " '
9) " Ma,kingjob accessible to work-by draining the pool prior to Associated Building ,Wreckers,
Inc. arrival on site. , ',,",'
10) Any fill needed for the site after demolition.
11) Rodent control, if required; . ,I
12)'Securing cellar and pool excavation once Associated Building Wreckers, Inc. is off site;
Option #1: ' While on site; to remove and dispose of the foundations and slab would add
$2,000..00 to our above price. '
FV/jks "
, " .' '"
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