32 Insurance Loss 2019 EMENGLE MARTIN 200 Glastonbury Boulevard 0: 860.521.0051
&ASSOCIATES Suite 305 F: 860.521.0052
Adiusten Glastonbury,CT 06033 TF:800.818.5619
February 20, 2019
ATTN: Building Department and/or
Health Department
212 Main St.
Northampton,MA 01060
RE: Insured: 32 Masonic Street Condominium Trust
Location of Loss: 32 Masonic Street,Northampton, MA 01060
Nature of Loss: Fire
Date of Loss: November 29, 2018
Claim Number: 18IIXN248
To Whom It May Concern:
On behalf of Seneca Insurance Company we write to provide notice as required by Massachusetts
law in connection with the matter referenced above. Seneca received notice of loss or damage in
excess of$1,000 at 32 Masonic St.,Northampton, MA 01060 as a result of fire.
We hereby notify your office pursuant to General Laws c. 134, §3B that Seneca intends to make a
payment of $1,000 or more in connection with the above referenced insurance claim. We are
required by Massachusetts law that we must notify the local inspector of buildings or Board of
Health at least 10 days before we make a payment of$1,000 or more for loss to a building or
structure. We must also give notice if there is damage which makes a building a health or safety
hazard or dangerous or unsafe for occupancy regardless of the amount of our payment.
If prior to payment we receive official notice of a pending or existing lien against your premises,
we must delay payment until the matter is settled.If we are required to pay all or part of the amount
of the lien,we will not be obligated to pay that amount to you.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please contact our office at
your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
Robert Lessard
Senior Property Adjuster
rl essard(a�en glemartin.com
Cell Phone: (860)999-3552