15B-023 326 Chesterfield Forest Cutting PlanI 'Sg ozs 'Purest Cutting Plan and Notice of intent under Klass. General Laws, Chapter 132 - the Forest Cutting Practices Act. Location Town - Rnad v' Ca �SyE�e/L�? Arses �'a ♦ Proposed star: date Vol. MBf Vol. Cd> -� Vol. Other. For DEM Use On ly_ File Number: 3 7 9 - Ch. 61 r Date Recd: d Nat. lien. r Earliest Start: /jP Pub. Dr. Wtr.?_ -%� River Basin: _ &9�n_ ACEC? 6�1 Landowner Landowner name V . _ FRK rsrjC*gr ot n r= Mailing address Town, State, Zip L.�,l� S / 5e _ . Phone 5 �_ ��� a — Chapter G 1 ? Mgmt. Plan N Est. stumpage value ? - -- Pr eparet of 1 Person other than landowner prep9mig plan 1 - inn name bn,n -� -_ -_ - -- Individual li m "' yi � e � - -- _ Mailing add:ess •� ti�e7 - ,, „�1 4-y)ry'� Town, State, Zip j jj�a �iyp} _IMLj Phcile ' �� ` — - - - -- L- c -ensed i itnijer Harvester Firm name 5 _ _ __ Individual name �Q� —_ Mailing address r _ <,ay-oQm - t " Town, State. State. Zip �-a - Phone Zse No. —__ —. -- -- This information may be supplied aflar plan approv:ll. Stream Crossings Indi.:d!e location on map '^�' I SC 1 SC 2_ SC-3 SC -4 type of_ Existing struclule 7 11re _ Type of bottom: ST -- —. - - -- Bank height tft.): Stabilization: CQ_ Wetland Crossings hrdicale location orr It WC V/u 2 WC-3 WC -4 Length of crossing Ift.) Mitigation -- - -- -- — Stabilization Filter Strips Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate location on map I-W -1 I IIW 2 1 HW -3 I F114' 4, Fo t yp e: (see page two)__ Acres to be harvested: Re sid. Basa A rea ( > 50% ?): Other BMPs Indicate location nn mar, "mot► FS -1 j FS 2 FS -3 _FS 4 - Wid :h(50' 100' or VAriable)'L A. 'neler 10 reuula Dons lot udonnaw, regarding unable litter strips. NORTHAY"10N MA 0 1060 J Attach a Nafrative Page if further explanation is needed or "other" is used for any category. Note: jypliy.(_cr- Qssirlg; Stab) zat!on. Mrufl2uotr: 1Y0-0-W-120 ( k0m); Applicant must provide UEM with all relevant infonnaticn PP CU Cnlverl SE Seed Fn frozen LE Ledge on 81Wgo rAl) Meld, On Dry ST Stony before plan may be approved and cutting (nay begin. FO Fora CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and PO Poled S T Slone Gn Gravel pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional oT oilier 1 bales permits. Consult MA Forestry BMP Manual for further U T 0 Other Oth er information. Attach a Nafrative Page if further explanation is needed or "other" is used for any category. Stand treatment IS" codes at bottom of Pagel As owner of the property to be harvested I hereby designate Indicate location on map ST- Forest Type Red Pare Acres �. _ Prima ob active understand, howlever, that the statutes, including criminal Designation of trees cut' (0 Type of reasneration cut ©'1 UK Type of intermediate cut QUOM bY Qi 1t Yip w, S & Z tiJ Y and b a. ro ,©,A.y: To uT f y11 oAK' 714 A , z0 K ,1--4F F T �S �® Y2 S Landowner f (Wei hereby certify that I (Wei have the leg to carry out the afore - described operation. F accurately update the material herein requin provide other relevant information can resull voiding of this plan. i (Wet also certify that 1 (we) hove notified t Conservation Commission in the municipelit the operation is to take place and the ebutte within two hundred fee: of the area to be ha o Srgn�itrlydlfl'or nrro`Mr.':..•st oriQsnt ' ut bal" •j : ?"fl ni P Products to;be harvested Species 'Units Vol. Species Units Vol. White Pine As owner of the property to be harvested I hereby designate f Red Maple _ Red Pare in the Sugar Maple Pitch Pkre understand, howlever, that the statutes, including criminal N Red Oak Amendment ❑ ❑ yt O HMMock C Cut trees WK Black Oak White Oak Spruce Ham /Hdwd I RM Other Softwood f LT Leave Tress Other Oak WP/Hdwd White Ash Tamarack BC Other Hdwd. Se Stand Boundary Beach WP/Oak CO Hdwd Fuelwd ` White Birch OT Other Softwood Pulp R ed Pine B )k Y &rch Oak/Hdwd. sm Chips n Black Cherry SR Red Spruce ; BW White Birch Species; Record stwtimber volumes by species UMN ; MBF - 1.O�Os of Board Feat. COS - Cords. TON - Tana, ICCF - 100s of Cubic Feat. Vektrtra; Record td the nearest whole unit rMBF, etc.) T F Appointment of agent 11 authority As owner of the property to be harvested I hereby designate tilure to the following pedson to act as my agent for the purpose of i and conducting the hlarvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan in the including executing all forms and documents required by law. 1 !ts Serv. For. In4s. understand, howlever, that the statutes, including criminal N fines, continue tii apply to me as the owns► of record. in which s of record , vested. Agent's Name Mailing Address Town, State. Zip Phone Signaturets) of larldownerls) Data Forest Cutting Plan 5* - `f 9 - A- Approved Disapproved Expires Cutuno Plan `Y ❑,/ /' // � So" Tree CC Signature ui aoolvr;e i'ur gen' !ts Serv. For. In4s. Approved Disapproved Expires Extension ❑ ❑ Hemlock Amendment ❑ ❑ Mix Final Report 1 hereby certify that the afore- described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with. Signature of Service Forester/Director's Agent unto Service Forelter's Comments: Ewe or Raaanarstion Cut: Selection SH Shelterwood ST So" Tree CC Q I= SA White Pine HK Hemlock OM Mix OT C Cut trees WK WP /Hem I HH Ham /Hdwd I RM Red f LT Leave Tress i WP WH WP/Hdwd TX Tamarack BC 011 Se Stand Boundary Wo WP/Oak CO Cedar BB Beaple OT Other 'RP R ed Pine 1 OH Oak/Hdwd. sm Sagle SR Red Spruce ; BW White Birch IBM Bir/at o'n tW PP Pitch Pine : SF Spruce /Fir 8E Bee PO PP/Oek OR N Red Oak I OT Oth emery O biaenw 6 /p 1 yy Production IN Short term income WH Wildlife habitat AR Aesthetics )k Rec SW Soil i Water Momt "Me SE or Raaanarstion Cut: Selection SH Shelterwood ST So" Tree CC Clearcut SA Salvage CO Coppice CS Coppice w /Standards OT Other Source AD of Regeneration Advance SE Natural Seed OS Direct Seed PL Plant CO. Coppice OT Other Type TH of Intermediate Cut- Thinning RE Release IM Improvement SA Salvage OT Other 10 o _ - -- ,K� m PO N o �o� 1 INN Fs a , - 'thy -,-) KA— rl) r LF�-�� ® c &3 6, 6/ T au C dz fj Tr c. 8K 17 - *r',' ,) 7— S J6- A& k Y 1v /,rJP�J��cc� Z- f\ d b C-) t- C d - , -- -i- c- P, a o H cold L O D t-- 3w - 7f -A S COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS VEY f'I 7 1 '- ''ELL) �- ','/ 6468 1 NW 687 6 88 42'30" WILL I All 6 90 (WILLIA MSBURGf 6 91 layd vi '.�•• l /� `/ 1 `. _ I �j Ill ���\ \ \, / ��1� +�.\ .•:\ ��PrarB ��.� ••j (/ O t�� I Q - V ft I j t� 9 b % G I t Iub ( ( 0 L , If t M �5"O / ;''; ( r \ �' �• •',i r � I� (141 '1 � v \ \ Q4• ( h \� i�p���\ �� �1�'1 uMry Clubs e TI A) f Jm tery kv , lI f {{ ( I( 1-00k ��)� J \ ',• MEM IAII PARK Zob UU O O \ /_ \ h" /) 1 '" \\ \,, i Aead � 0 , L r 0 c 1 0 IV ... 1i 7�'t�n. 0 0 M Q � �o 0 ° - < 0 N � C a 0 c m .. -q v 0 m CL d e� N C a s o r o• 0 v a m CL a m. o� o ; s :1 e 8 m 8 Z * 4 Z = -"i mZ o M 0 rn o �� 0 o . 0 0 mC 30 CO) z 0 _m C OX -i Z a� m= m ra n m ma v 0 O v m Cl) .rt 0 0 C o � o o — m Z w 0. 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