133 PUmp Report 2018 . . °Willa- vales) .IZ, , Commonwealth of Masssehusetts 4 City/Town of _ N ,01•+k_' ,,,,(t�/ `� 1 System Pumping ectd.k l Form 4 DEP has provided this firm for use by load Boards of Hewh.°ibirTahm may be used,but the information must be substan hly the sane es that provided hat Before ting tld -bm,check with you local Bond of Heath to determine the farm they use.The System Pumping Record mut be submitted_ta the local Bond of Health or other eppmvng etehody within 14 days from the puna);date in - accordance with 910 CMR 15.351. ' A. Facility Information rAfT,,,,"r4 out 1. System Location: bre on the canputer,use mn�e1 la theT do not ObvrieR able �� use the ream - . �. 2. System Owner _ /J ST63NisLwsKL : �6hn. gm Snel33 Ni2E ENTus hie1i) 624Q *ism nhanfine bac") B. Pumping Record . .1. •Date:otPumping I : .,2 Qam9yPumped: •) 6C . S. Type:of eystem:. p Ceaspoats) iaiiepticTank 0 Tight Tent 0 Grease Tap 0 Otter(describe): ..3.4.. Effluent Tee Fite � No present? 0 YM yes,vas It deemed? 0 Yea - No - 5. Condition.of System: .i Clo 0l'ii) , 6. 7 Pumped By:' �U63 _ Ir�� � • L l�✓0/<\!✓4I1 . Wide i,�..Number•V Slit . 7. Locationwhere contents were deposed: - i' V S1F n . SfaeeGee d}iever. ... ads Signature of Receiving Fedy Deb - • rormi.doe•aorta sen.Pmc c Resew•Page I eft