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235 Plan Review 2018 PLAN REVIEW- SYSTEM COMPONENTS City/Town go/44V 4V Application No..2C)i S " S Lot Number // Address OWNER NAME e- / gG, e — ADDRESS a3E Coles, /t- nc.. ) Pc--( . TELEPHONE# ( ) cs Hit DESIGN ENGINEER\SANITARIAN "3, Suet J FACILITY DESIGNED FOR A. /Single or Multifamily dwelling # Bedrooms y Garbage Disposal yes no 1 Total Design Flow gallons per day (1#4O f eg i t ed B. Other(describe) l Design Basis Total Design Flow 456 gpd COMMENTS or PROBLEMS: IDPi�r �� FILE COPY 9,1,93111_ 1,41,5 ;0 k Pager I of 16 I 1 - ,. HFAL.TH BUILDING SEWER ITEMS TO4....—(7- pNOTE: [j-Pipe diameter I /� Th Schedule of pipe —e4 t5 'I-1 "'c, Sewer I r� J Watertight joints 1" Slope (min for 4" pipe is 0.01 or 1/8" per foot; desired slope is 0.02 or ''/." per foot) C• 3 ytA Invert elevation at building a00 . O) Length Z7 1 Alignment and grade (manholes required at changes in both alignment and grade.) Manhole (Must have metal frame and cover at grade) Pager 2 or 16 SEPTIC TANK (ex ist--,.-, 5 1500 3cAt ...) ,1) V Tank size at least 200 % of design flow (minimum tank size is 1,500 gal) 2"-3" drop from inlet to outlet 1-i Minimum 4' liquid depth v Tees extend 6"above flow line ✓". Inlet tee 10" below flow line(minimum) L------ Air space(3"above tees,9" above flow line) ✓ Depth of outlet tee(minimum 14") Access manhole over center of tank and each tee (ff I - II Number of compartments= 2 f. I4t 0.. T) Gas baffle on new construction Septic tank detail provided eic%s c . 2 Buoyancy calculation (if necessary) I On 6" crushed stone Pager 3 of(6 DISTRIBUTION BOX ITEMS TO NOTE: ''`/ Inlet elevations j 9'E , 17 y Outlet elevations 19 S . 3 3 Drop (inlet- outlet) ' I 4 (5e I-P - Sump (6" minimum) Baffle or inlet tee ( eaG ere-) 1 All outlets at same elevation ventilation J Manhole cover to grade #of outlets I/ s�size of outlets (diameter) �( 1' Distribution laterals: No, r Size t'{ I Detail Provided rJDT� 5 S,L I Pager 4 of 16 LEACH FIELD Items to note: QI / L./Dimension of field(s): Length 3o Width „t2(...) 4/ Number of fields ) Field separation (10 ft. min) -p Total area provided for disposal 760 (sq. ft.) 3:5A-4-erv‘ (1 x w x no.of fields) � �� Pettit e Gallons of treatment provided: �' 1 IGO Bottom area x loading factor(from 15.242)= gal. \ (must be equal or greater than design flow) CL 4 \ Note: Leaching area must be increased if garbage grinder is used. ( " D reek -HwT / Elevation of bottom of the field q 'reek f (must be 4 ft/or 5 ft above max.high groundwater depending on perc rate.) Number of distribution pipes 4 Type t Length in. 0.005) )1q , c1 Ll 7 q Length Slope (min. '. ax. { �'3 -� 7 1.---'.. Spacing(6' max.) '� ' Depth of stone beneath pipe - min 6") Pian states stone is double washedi i/ _ 1/zS�r.xe 2"cover of 1/8" to %" stone over pipe crown /1 /�j N Ends capped /Aggregate depth 6" minimum and 12" maximum r Depth of cover material above stone(min.9") ✓Construction of leaching facility in fill? Yes No/K Fill is specified as TitleV on plan v Certification on fill submitted ri e I '.J ) .J ) I/ Fill is specified for 5' around entire syste J //✓ Separation between lines (6 ft maximum) i/ Separation between lines and edge of bed -four feet maximum. Pager 5 of I6 LEACHING TRENCHES Number of trenches , length _(max.100') width_(min.24) Depth of stone beneath pipe (6" min) Leaching area available bottom=length x width x no. trenches --- sides sides=length x depth (2'max)x w x#of trenches sq ft. TOTAL = sq ft. note: the effective depth shall be equal to the depth of the trenches below the invert of the distribution pipe up to maximum of 2 ft. Leaching are requirements: Total leaching area(bottom plus sides)x loading factor=gallons treated Loading factor is based on perc rate(see 15.242) Total gallons treated by system design must be>design flow for system LEACHING AREA REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED? Yes 1 , No (note: leaching area must be increased if garbage grinder is used) Ground water elevation: e r 5 feet separation between trench bottom and max. high groundwater. L Trench spacing 3 x effective width or depth whichever Is greater Trench width 4 ft maximum 'Pipe slope(min. 0.005 slope,or 6" per 100 feet) !-----Backfill depth (min. of 9") /'Ends capped Distribution lines exceeding 50 ft are vented. Diameter of distribution pipe_(min.3") _ Distribution line orifice (min.3/8, max 'A") The area between trenches shall be designated as reserve area only where the separation distance between the excavation sidewalls is at least six feet. Fill is specified as Title V on plan _ Certification on Fill submitted _ Fill is specified for 5" around entire system Pager 6 of 16 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL INFORMATION CHECK TO VERIFY THAT THE PLAN INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION: MASS.REG. SANITARIAN, or ✓MASS. P.E. stamp and signature "Scale of 1"=40' for plot plan v Scale of 1"=20' for system component details Legal boundaries of the facility being served including easements which could affect the impact the system installation/performance. !/All dwellings, buildings existing and proposed impervious areas t.-"---Location of all existing and proposed impervious areas Location and dimensions of the system including reserve area Design calculations: Sewage flow gpd Septic tank size required gpd "provided gpd Porth arrow, existing and proposed contours Location and log of deep hole observation test date of test existing grade elevations for each test Pager 7 of 16 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST(cont.) Name of approving authority representative Name & approval no. of soil evaluator / dation and results of perc test Date of perc test Location of water lines and other subsurface utilities on facility _ Observed groundwater elevation in vicinity of the system complete profile of the system _ A note on the plan listing all variances to the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 and local requirements sought in conjunction with the plan __ Location and elevation of benchmark within 50 to 75 feet of the facility which is not subject to dislocation or loss during conjunction of the facility _ If dosing sys in is proposed: complete sign and specifications of the system dosing chambe capacity; required ,provided __ number of dosing c es, depth of cycles Pager 8 of 16 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST (CON'T) RecirculatingSa Filters Complete pl s and specifications _ hydraulic profit ___ location of the trea went works and nearest existing street _ street and lot number Pager 9 of 16 DOSING TANK Dimensions L x W x D=Vol. Number size of siphons Number an. .ize of pumps (No. ,Capacity gpm Discharge size Manholes to grade Groundwater elevati. (min. 1 ft below inlet) Pump controls Alarm (on separate power 'rcuit) Buoyancy calculations(If nee. d) Pump system calculations Pager 10 of I6 LEACHING CHAMBERS/PITS ITEMS TO NOTE Manufacturer Installation Bed Formation Number of beds of trenches Length idth t pth Leaching area available: bottom: (length x width x no.of pits)_ sides: (2 x (length x depth (2'max.)+(2 x (width ' depth (2'max) x# of pits. Total leaching area available= sq. ft. LEACHING AREA REQUIREMENTS: Total leaching area (bottom+sides)x loading factor from 5.242 gals. This must be greater than or ei al to the design flow for the system. Increase leaching area if garbage grinder is used. Distribution Trenches: every 20 feet Beds: area for pipe not to exceed 60 x 60 feet Spacing Trenches: 2 x effective depth or width Beds: 4 feet between excavation sidewalk. Manholes(min-one 20" access per unit; a 24" diam for> 2,000 gal units) Stone around chamber F12"to 48"of/. " to 1 '/z" stone) 2"cover of I/8" to %x" stone 4' separation between max. high GW and trench bottom? Yes No Pager I I of 16 PLAN REVIEW-SYSTEM SITING Performed Br Approval# Witnessed By Date Location Address or Owner's Name, Lot Number: Address and Telephone No. Office Review Published Soil Survey: NO YES Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Drainage Class Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No Yes Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No Yes Within 500 year boundary No_ Yes— Within 100 year flood boundary No_ Yes_ Pager 12 of 16 Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map(map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map(map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range: Above Normal__ Normal__ Below Normal_ Other References Reviewed: Minimum setback distances(where applicable)shall be shown on the plan for the proposed disposal facility(septic tank and soil absorption system.) Soil Absorption Septic Tank System(SAS) �operty line 10 10 `Cellar walinground swimming pool 10 20 Slab Foundation 10 25 V' Water supply pressure essure line 10 10 Surface waters (except wetlands) 25 50 Pager 13 of 16 Septic Tank SAS Bordering vegetated wetlands,salt marshes, inland and coastal banks 25 50 SURFACE WATER SUPPLY Reservoirs and impoundments 400 400 Tributaries to SWS 200 200 O'etlands bordering SWS or tributaries thereto 100 100 _Certified Vernal Pools 100 100 Private water supply well or suction line 50 100 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELL /.ravel packed 400 400 Tubular 250 250 Irrigation well 10 25 Open, subsurface,or surface drains which discharge to SWS or tributaries thereto 50 100 Pager 14 of 16 Soil Absorption Septic Tank System Other open,surface or subsurface drains(ex- cluding foundation drains) which intercept seasonal high groundwater 25 50 Other open, surface of subsurface drains (ex- cluding foundation drains 5 10 Leaching and catch basins & drywells 10 25 Downhill slope N/A 15' (min) to top of 3:1 slope inspection Port(s) gnetic Tape __Correct#of deep hole per code revision Note: slope stabilization shall be provided (including retaining walls)when an adjacent downhill slope to a disposal facility is greater than 3:1. Pager 15 of 16 EFFLUENT LOADING RATES (gpd/sq. ft./day) PERC.RATE SOIL CLASS (min./in.) CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV <5 0.74 0.60 - - 6 0.70 .0.60 - - 7 0.68 0.60 - - 8 0.66 0.60 - - 10 - 0.60 - - 15 0.56 0.37 - - 20 0.53 034 - - 25 - 0.40 0.33 - 30 - 0.33 0.29 - Loading criteria listed below apply only to the upgrade of existing systems pursuant to 310 CMR 15.405 (1)(c)or systems constructed pursuant to 310 CMR 15.417 40 - - - 0.25 60 - - - 0.15 Pager 16 of 16 PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST GENERAL INFORMATION CHECK TO VERIFY THAT THE PLAN INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION: _ MASS.REG. SANITARIAN, or MASS. P.E. stamp and signature _ Scale of 1"=40' for plot plan ___ Scale of 1"=20' for system component details _ Legal boundaries of the facility being served including easements which could affect the impact the system installation/performance. _ AU dwellings, buildings existing and proposed impervious areas Location of all existing and proposed impervious areas Location and dimensions of the system including reserve area Design calculations: Sewage flow gpd Septic tank size required gpd " "provided gpd North arrow, existing and proposed contours Location and log of deep hole observation test date of test existing grade elevations for each test Pager 7 of 16