route 10 corridor planning study PVPC APPENDIX volume IIFINAL DRAFT REPORT ROUTE 10 CORRIDOR PLANNING STUDY A Comprehensive Analysis of Traffic and Land Use Within the Route 10 Transportation Corridor Interconnecting Easthampton and Northampton, MA VOLUME II APPENDICES Prepared for: Town of Easthampton, Massachusetts City of Northampton, Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Public Works and Urban Mass Transportation Administration Prepared by: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission 26 Central Street West Springfield, Massachusetts 01089 December 1991 APPENDIX A PROPOSED SITE PLAN REVIEW BYLAW FOR EASTHAMPTON L COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR SITE PLAN REVIEW BYLAW EASTHAMPTON Section XVII SITE PLAN REVIEW (a) Purpose This section of the town by -law is enacted under the authority of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws to protect the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the town. The site plan review by -law regulates the development of structures and sites in a manner which considers the following concerns and, where necessary, requires modification of development proposals to eliminate or minimize potential problems and nuisances. In considering a site plan the reviewing authority shall assure: (1) Protection of adjacent areas against detrimental or offensive uses on the site by provision of adequate surface water drainage, buffers against Light, sight, sound, dust and vibration, and preservation of light and air; (2) Adequacy of methods of disposal for wastes; (3) Protection of environment features, especially ground water resources on the site and in adjacent areas; (4) Promotion of safe vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and in relation to the adjacent areas, the enhancement of highway traffic safety and the protection of capability of state and local roads to conduct traffic smoothly: and (5) Discouragement of unlimited commercial "strip development" and curb cuts along highways and the encouragement of commercial growth in nodes and clusters. (b) Projects Requiring Site Plan Review No special permit or building permit shall be issued and no application for such permits shall be accepted for any of the following uses unless a site plan has been approved and endorsed in accordance with this section: (1) new construction of commercial, industrial, utility, office, institutional, municipal, or non exempted residential structures; (2) expansion of any existing commercial, industrial, utility. office. institutional, municipal, or non exempted residential uses resulting in a floorspace increase of twenty -five percent (25 or five thousand (5,000) square feet, whichever is less; any change in commercial, industrial, utility. office, institutional, municipal, or non exempted residential use in any structure; (3) (4) resumption of any use described above discontinued for more than two (2) years. *NOTE: Revisions are indicated by underlining. (1) (3) (e) Required Site Plan Contents 2 All of the above uses require site plan review. However, some uses require a special permit in addition to site plan review. Section V. (Use Regulations) delineates which uses require only site plan review and which uses require both site plan review and a special permit. When only site plan review is required the site plan review authority is the Planning Board. When both site plan review and a special permit are required the site plan review authority is the Board of Appeals. (c) Exemption from Site Plan Review Site plan review is not required for: (1) The construction or enlargement of any one to four family dwelling or building accessory to such dwelling; (2) Any building used exclusively for agriculture, horticulture or floriculture; (3) Customary home occupations as defined in the zoning bylaw; (4) Projects for which, after a pre application conference, the planning board may waive all site plan review requirements. (d) Applications for Site Plan Review An applicant for site plan review under this section shall file with the Town Clerk ten (10) copies each of an application and a site plan, including the mylar originals. Receipt of the documents shall be acknowledged by the Town Clerk dating them. A copy of the site plan so endorsed shall be kept on file by the Town Clerk. (2) In those instances where the reviewing authority is concerned about a traffic or safety issue of a proposed development, along a state highway the reviewing board will submit a copy of the site plan review application and map to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, District II, North King Street, Northampton, Ma. The application to MDPW must be accompanied by a letter stating the municipality's concern. The reviewing authority shall obtain with each submission, a deposit sufficient to cover any expenses connected with a public hearing and review of plans, including the costs of any engineering or planning consultant services necessary for review purposes. Site plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, surveyor, architect, or landscape architect at a scale of one inch equals twenty (20) feet, one inch equals forty (40) feet, or one inch equals eighty (80) feet, whichever is appropriate to the size of the proposal, on standard twenty- four -inch by thirty- six -inch sheets. All of the following requirements shall be met unless specifically waived at a preapplication conference. (1) Name of project, boundaries, and locus maps showing the site's location, date, north arrow, and scale of the plan. All revisions occurring after original submission shall be noted and dated. (2) Name and address of the owner of record and the developer, and the seal of the engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect, as applicable. (3) (4) All existing lot lines, easements, and rights -of -way. Included area in acres of square feet, abutting land uses, and the location and use of structures within three hundred (300) feet of the site. (5) (9) Names and addresses of all owners of record abutting parcels and those within three hundred (300) feet of the property line. The location and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures within the development. Include all dimensions of height and floor area, and show all exterior entrances, and all anticipated future additions and alterations. Structures to be removed shall be indicated by dashed lines. (6) The locations of all present and proposed public and private ways, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, fences, paths, landscaping walls, and fences. Location, type, and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown. The location, height, intensity and bulb type of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown. (8) The location, height, size, materials, and design of all proposed signage. The location of all present and proposed utility systems including sewage or septic system; water supply system; telephone, cable television, and electrical systems; and storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, endwalls, manholes, and drainage swales. The reviewing authority may also require soil logs, percolation tests, and storm run -off calculations for large or environmentally sensitive developments. (10) Plans to prevent pollution of surface or groundwater; erosion of soil both during and after construction; excessive run -off; excessive raising or lowering of the water table; and flooding of other properties, as applicable. Existing topography, indicated by dashed lines of two -foot contour intervals where slopes are greater than three (3) percent but less than fifteen (15) percent, and at five -foot contour intervals where slopes are fifteen (15) percent or more. All elevations shall be referred to the nearest U.S. Coastal and Geodetic datum. Where any changes in topography are proposed, finished contours shall be shown as solid lines. 4 If any portion of the site is within the one hundred -year flood elevation of any water body, the area will be shown and base flood elevations given. Indicate all areas within the site and within fifty (50) feet of the site, where ground removal or filling is proposed, and give its approximate volume in cubic yards. (11) A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features, major trees, forest cover, and water sources, and all proposed changes to these features including size and type of plant material. Water sources will include ponds, lakes, brooks, streams, wetlands, floodplains, and drainage retention areas. General soil types shall be indicated as part of the landscape plan. (12) Zoning district boundaries within five hundred (500) feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the plan. Such features may be shown as a key map on the detail plan itself. (13) Traffic flow patterns within the site, entrances and exits, loading and unloading areas, size and location of curb cuts on the site and within one hundred (100) feet of the site. Include the possible organization of traffic channels, acceleration and deceleration lanes, additional width or other means necessary to prevent difficult traffic situations. (14) For new construction or alterations to any existing building, a table containing the following information must be included: (1) a. area of building to be used for a particular use such as retail operation, office, storage, etc. b. Maximum number of employees c. Maximum seating capacity, where applicable d. Number of parking spaces existing and required for the intended use. (15) Elevation plans of a scale of one quarter (1/4) inch equals one foot for all exterior facades indicating pertinent design features and type of materials to be used. Procedures for Site Plan Review The reviewing authority, within five (5) days of receipt of the site plan review application, shall transmit to the building inspector, the conservation commission, the planning board or board of appeals, and any other appropriate town boards, commissions or departments, copies of the application and site plan. The boards, commissions or departments shall review the application and submit their recommendations and comments to the reviewing authority concerning: a. the adequacy of the data and methodology used by the applicant to determine the impacts of the proposed development: b. the effects of the projected impacts of the proposed development: and (2) The reviewing authority shall hold a public hearing within sixty -five (65) days of receipt of an application and after due consideration of the recommendations received, the reviewing authority shall take final action within ninety -day (90) from the time of hearing, as provided in M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 9. The reviewing authority's final action in writing shall consist either of: (3) c. recommended conditions or remedial measures to accommodate or mitigate the expected impacts of the proposed development. Failure of the boards, commissions or departments to make recommendations within 35 days of referral of the application shall be deemed to be lack of opposition. a. approval of the site plan based on the determination that the proposed project will constitute a suitable development and is in compliance with the standards set forth in this bylaw; b. denial of the site plan based on the determination that either 1) insufficient information was submitted with the application in order for the reviewing authority to adequately review the proposal, or: 2) determination that the project does not meet the requirements of this Section: or c. approval of the site plan subject to conditions, modifications and restrictions necessary to ensure compliance with the standards for review. Projects requiring both site plan review and a special permit The period of review for site plan review and a special permit shall be the same as any other special permit and shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 40A Sec. 9. Specifically a joint public hearing. to address the Special Permit application and the Site Plan Review application shall be held within sixty -five (65) days of the filing of a special permit application with the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals shall then have 90 days following the public hearing in which to act. (g) Preapplication Conference (1) An applicant for a special permit for site plan review may request a preapplication conference from the reviewing authority. (2) The preapplication request form shall contain such information so as to describe the nature, scope and site of the intended project, and such waiver of the site plan content requirements (Section e. Required Site Plan Contents) to be requested by the applicant. (3) 6 The reviewing authority shall forward the request for preapplication conference to the planning board or board of appeals and the conservation commission for comment which shall be returned to the reviewing authority within thirty -five (35) days, and the reviewing authority shall schedule a conference within thirty -five (35) days of the receipt of the request to hold such meeting. Such meeting shall be an open meeting, but the notice and publication requirements of Section 11 of Chapter 40A will not apply. (4) The preapplication conference shall be conducted by the reviewing authority to determine which if any filing requirements of the site plan submittal may be waived, to schedule with the applicant public hearings before the board so as to coordinate and /or reduce the number of separate public hearings on the same or similiar subjects, and to suggest to the applicant specific areas of concern relative to the project that should be addressed in the site plan submittal, such as presenting optional methods for handling stormwater run -off, traffic patterns, or other matters covered by the site plan. (5) Waivers of the site plan submittal requirements shall only be granted to an applicant if the appliant requests a preapplication conference. If, after a preapplication conference, the reviewing authority is satisfied that the proposed project does not require the filing of a site plan or any part thereof, and if within thirty -five days of receipt of the preapplication conference request the conservation commission and the planning board or board of appeals have no objection, the reviewing authority may waive all requirements of site plan review. (6) If it is determined that one or more additional special permit and /or variance are required in addition to the site plan review and special permit, then one or more public hearings could be held. (h) Site Plan Review Criteria The reviewing authority shall review the site plan and supporting data taking into consideration the reasonable fulfullment of the following critera: (1) Conformance with the provisions of the bylaws of the Town of Easthampton, the General Laws of Massachusetts and all applicable rules and regulations of state and federal agencies; (2) Protection of town amenities and abutting properties through the minimizing of any detrimental or offensive uses or destruction of unique or important natural, scenic, or historic features on the site; (3) Convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and in relationship to adjoining ways and properties; (4) Adequacy of the methods of disposal of sewage and refuse and the drainage of surface and subsurface water; (5) Adequate means of protecting wetlands, watershed, aquifers and well areas. (6) Mitigation of adverse impacts on the town's resources including the effect on the town's water supply and distribution system, sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection and streets; (7) Provisions for the off street loading and unloading of vehicles incidental to the normal operation of the establishment, parking, lighting and internal traffic control; (8) Applicant's efforts to integrate the development into the existing landscape through design features such as vegetative buffers, and retention of open space or agricultural land; (9) Minimization of the area over which existing vegetation is to be removed. Where tree removal is required, special attention is to be given to the planting of replacement trees; (10) The consistency of the development with respect to setback, area, placement of parking, architectural style and landscaping of the surrounding buildings and development. (11) The site plan complies with the Commercial Development and Performance Standards contained in Section (1). Commercial Development and Performance Standards In order to receive a site plan approval. all pro iects or uses must demonstrate compliance with the commercial development and performance standards herein. (1) Access Standards Applicants must demonstrate that the proiect will minimize traffic and safety impacts on highways. a. The number of curb cuts on state and local roads shall be minimized. To the extent feasible. access to business shall be provided via one of the following: 1. Access via a common driveway serving adiacent lots or premises 2. Access via an existing side street 3. Access via cul -de -sac or loop road shared by adiacent lots or premises. b. One driveway per parcel shall be permitted as a matter of right. Where deemed necessary by the reviewing authority, two driveways may be permitted as part of the Site Plan Review process which shall be clearly marked "entrance" and "exit c. Curb cuts shall be limited to the minimum width for safe entering and exiting, and shall in no case exceed 24 feet in width. d. All driveways shall be designed to afford motorists exiting to highways with safe sight distance. e. The proposed development shall assure safe interior circulation within its site by separating pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. f. Driveway design and placement must be in harmony with internal circulation and parking design such that the entrance can absorb the maximum rate of in -bound traffic during a normal weekday peak traffic period. g. Driveway entrance must be able to accommodate all vehicle types having occasion to enter the site, including delivery vehicles. h. Driveway placement should be such that loading and unloading activities will in no way hinder vehicle ingress or egress. i. Driveway design must be such that an entering vehicle will not encroach upon the exit lane of a two -way driveway. Also. a right turning exiting vehicle will be able to utilize only the first through traffic lane available without encroachment into the adiacent through lane. (2) Parking Standards Proposed projects or uses must comply with Parking and Off Street Loading requirements in Section VII and the following standards: a. Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard of structure. b. To the extent feasible, parking areas shall be shared with adiacent businesses. (3) Landscaping a. A landscaped buffer strip at least fifteen (15) feet wide, continuous except for approved driveways, shall be established adiacent to any public road to visually separate parking and other uses from the road. The buffer strip shall be planted with grass, medium height shrubs, and deciduous shade trees (minimum 2 -inch caliper) planted at least every 50 feet along the road frontage. At all street or driveway intersections. trees or shrubs shall be set back a sufficient distance from such intersections so that they do not present a traffic visibility hazard. The sidewalk required above shall be incorporated into the buffer strip. b. Large parking areas shall be subdivided with landscaped islands so that no paved parking surface shall extend more than 80 feet in width. At least one tree (minimum 2" caliper) per 35 parking spaces shall be provided. c. Exposed storage areas, machinery. service areas. truck loading areas, utility buildings and structures and other unsightly uses shall be screened from view from neighboring properties and streets using dense. hardy evergreen plantings, or earthen beams. or wall or tight fence complemented by evergreen plantings. (4) Appearance /Architectural Design (5) d. All landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. Shrubs or trees which die shall be replaced within one growing season. a. Architectural design shall be compatible with the character and scale of buildings in the neighborhood and the Town through the use of appropriate building materials, screening, breaks in roof and wall lines and other architectural techniques. Variation in detail, form and siting shall be used to provide visual interest and avoid monotony. Proposed buildings shall relate harmoniously to each other with adequate light, air, circulations, and separation between buildings. b. The reviewing authority may adopt such regulations as may be necessary to further specify design standards. Storm Water Runoff a. The rate of surface water run -off from a site shall not be increased after construction. If needed to meet this requirement and to maximize groundwater recharge, increased runoff from impervious surfaces shall be recharged on site by being diverted to vegetated surfaces for infiltration or through the use of detention ponds. Dry wells shall be used only where other methods are infeasible and shall require oil, grease, and sediment traps to facilitate removal of contaminants. b. Neighboring properties shall not be adversely affected by flooding from excessive run -off. (6) Erosion Control Erosion of soil and sedimentation of streams and waterbodies shall be minimized by using the following erosion control practices: a. Exposed or disturbed areas due to stripping of vegetation. soil removal. and regrading shall be permanently stabilized within six months of occupancy of a structure. b. During construction, temporary vegetation and /or mulching shall be used to protect exposed areas from erosion. Until a disturbed area is permanently stabilized, sediment in runoff water shall be trapped by using staked haybales or sedimentation traps. c. Permanent erosion control and vegetative measures shall be in accordance with the eroision /sedimentation /vegetative practices recommended by the Soil Conservation Service. d. All slopes exceeding 15% resulting from site grading shall be either covered with 4 inches of topsoil and planted with a vegetative cover sufficient to prevent erosion or be stabilized by a retaining wall or other structure. e. Dust control shall be used during grading operations if the grading is to occur within 200 feet of an occupied residence or place of business. Dust control methods may consist of grading fine soils on calm days only or dampening the ground with water. (7) Water Quality All outdoor storage facilities for .fuel, hazardous materials or wastes, and potentially harmful raw materials shall be located within an impervious, diked containment are adequate to hold the total volume of liquid kept within the storage area. (8) Explosive Materials. a. No highly flammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases shall be stored in bulk above ground, unless they are located in anchored tanks at least seventy -five (75) feet from any lot line. town way, or interior roadway plus all relevant federal and state regulations shall also be met. Underground storage tanks are prohibited. Underground storage tanks for storing gas and diesal fuels of gas stations are exempt. b. Propane gas tanks in 100 -1b cylinders (or smaller) shall be exempt from these safety regulations. (9) Lighting a. Any outdoor lighting fixture newly installed or replaced shall be shielded so that it does not produce a strong, direct light beyond the property boundaries: b. No light standard shall be taller than fifteen (15) feet. (10) Vibration 10 a. No vibration shall be transmitted outside the property where it originates. (11) Pedestrian Safety Improvement Sidewalks along Route 10 are required for new developments or existing uses undergoing a major improvements. A major improvement shall include the alteration, change. addition or reconstruction of a structure where the costs of the actions exceeds seventy -five percent (75 of the assessed value of structure at the time of the change. J. 0927K :7/12/91 (12) Traffic Impact Statement 11 The reviewing authority may require a detailed traffic study for large developments, high- volume traffic generating uses with a trip generation rate over 700 vehicles /day (based on Institute of Transportation Engineers rates found in Trip Generation) and new uses with 10,000 square feet or more of gross floor area. The traffic impact statement shall contain: a. The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site, estimated for daily and peak hour traffic levels. b. The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements at all maior intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site: c. Traffic flow patterns at the site including entrances and egresses. loading and unloading areas, and curb cuts on site and within one hundred feet of the site. d. A detailed assessment of the traffic safety impacts of the proposed project or use on the carrying capacity of any adjacent highway or road, including the projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or depart from the site estimated for daily hour and peak hour traffic levels. road capacities, and impacts on intersections. Existing daily and peak hour traffic levels and road capacities shall also be given. e. A plan to minimize traffic and safety impacts through such means as physical design and layout concepts, staggered employee work schedules. promoting use of public transit or carpooling, or other appropriate means: f. An internal traffic and pedestrian circulation plan designed to minimize conflicts and safety problems. g. Adequate pedestrian and bicycle access by providing access to adjacent properties and between individual business within a development. h. Specific mitigating measures which will alleviate impacts to the adjacent roadway network. Enforcement (1) To ensure compliance with the plan and conditions, including landscaping and off -site improvements, the reviewing authority may require any of the following: a performance bond, deposit of money, bank passbook, or letter of credit in an amount determined by the reviewing authority to be sufficient to cover the cost of all or any parts of improvements required. The reviewing board may suspend any permit or license when work is not performed as required. (2) Any special permit issued under this section shall lapse in one year if a substanital use thereof has not commenced sooner except for good cause. r- L r SITE PLAN REVIEW AMENDMENTS TO THE EASTHAMPTON TABLE OF USES SECTION V. USE REGULATIONS (a) Applicability of. Use Regulations Except as provided in the Zoning Act or in this bylaw, no building, structure, or land shall be used except for the purposes permitted in the district as described in this section. Any use not listed shall be construed to be prohibited. (b) Permitted Uses The following notations apply to the Table of Use Regulations: up" Use permitted by right "SP" Use permitted by Special Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals "SPR" Use permitted with Site Plan Review from the Planning Board "SPR /SP Use permitted by Special Permit with Site Plan Review from the Zoning. Board of Appeals _II Use prohibited (c) Uses Subject to Other Regulations Use permitted by right, site plan review, or special permit shall be subject, in addition to use regulations, to all other provisions of this bylaw. (d) Table of Use Regulations See Table 3 on accompanying pages which is declared to be part of this bylaw. APPENDIX E ZONING BYLAW AND MAP Table 3. Use Regulations Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 1. One family detached dwelling P P P P 2. Multifamily dwelling (two to four family units per P SP structure) 3. Multifamily dwelling (more than four dwelling P SPR /SP units per structure) 4. Conversion of existing one family dwellings to S S S two- three, and four family COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1. Church or other religious purpose SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 2. Educational purpose which is on land owned or leased SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR by the commonwealth or any of its agencies, subdivisions, or bodies political; or by a religious sect or denomination; or by a nonprofit educational corporation 3. Public park, conservation area and preserved open spaces P P P P P P P including areas for passive recreation, but not including active recreational facilities 4. Nonprofit recreational facility, not including SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR /SP SPR a membership club 5. Nonprofit country, hunting, fishing, tennis, or golf SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR club 6. Day camp or other similar camping area SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR T I Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 7 Town building except highway equipment garage SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR /SP and electric utility garage 8. Town cemetery, including any crematory therein SPR /SISPR SPR SPR 9. Historical association or society SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 10. Public libraries and museums SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 11. Nursing, rest, or con- valescent home SPR /SISPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP 12. Hospital, sanitarium, or philanthropic institutions SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP 13. Street, bridge, railroad SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 14. Town highway equipment and electric utility SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR garage 15. Public utility except power plant, water filter SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR plant, sewage treatment plant, and refuse facility 16. Essential services SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR AGRICULTURAL 1. Agriculture, horticulture and floriculture except a S P P S S S greenhouse or stand for retail sale a. On parcels of 5 acres S P P S S S or under b. On parcels over 5 acres P P P P P P 2. Year -round greenhouse or S S S P P stand for wholesale and retail sale of agricultural or farm products a. Retail products b. Wholesale products S S S P P P P P P S P Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 3. Temporary (not to exceed erection or use for a S S P S P P period exceeding 3 months in any one year) greenhouse or stand for retail sale of agricultural or farm products raised primarily on the same premises 4. Raising and keeping of livestock, horses, and poultry, not S P including the raising of swine or fur animals for commercial use 5. Raising of fur animals and /or swine S S 6. Commercial stables, kennels, or veterinary S S S S S S hospital in which all animals, fowl or other form of life are completely enclosed in pens or other structures. 7. Noncommercial forestry and growing of all vegetation P P P P P P P Commercial forestry APPENDIX E- ZONING BYLAW AND MAP Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I RETAIL AND SERVICE 1. Retail establishment selling principally con- SPR SPR SPR /SP venience goods including but not limited to food, drugs, and proprietary goods 2. Retail establishment selling general merchandise, including but not limited to dry goods, apparel and accessories, furniture and home equipment, small wares, and hardware, and including discount and limited price variety stores SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP L_1 Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 3. Eating and drinking places not including drive -in SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP establishments 4. Drive -in eating establishments 8. Lodginghouse 9. Personal and consumer service establishment 13. Automotive repair, auto- mobile service station or garage (not including a junkyard or open storage of abandoned automobiles or other vehicles) 15. Miscellaneous business repair services 16. Amusement and recreation service, outdoor 17. Amusement and recreation service, indoor SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP 5. Sales by vending machines as a principal use SPR /SP SPR /SP 6. Establishment selling new and /or used automobiles and SPR /SP SPR trucks, new automobile tires and other accessories, aircraft, boats, motorcycles and household trailers 7. Motel SPR /SP SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR SPR 10. Funeral establishment SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR SPR 11. Membership club SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR SPR 12. Professional and business offices and services SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP 14. Motor vehicle, machinery or other junkyard, provided SPR /SP it shall be screened from outside view by an enclosed solid fence or wall and gate at least 10 feet in height or by natural or topographic features SPR SPR /SP SPR SPR /SP SPR SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP, SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP 20. Reserved APPENDIX E- ZONING BYLAW AND MAP Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 18. Communications, radio and television tower or station SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP 19. Antique or gift shop SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR SPR 21. Planned business development (see Section IX(C)) SPR /SP SPR /SP 22. Construction of drainage facilities other than SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP essential services or damming up or relocating any watercourse, water body or wetlands WHOLESALE, TRANSPORTATION AND INDUSTRIAL 1. Removal of sand, gravel quarry or other raw material SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP 2. Processing and treating of raw materials including SPR /SP SPR /SP, operations appurtenant to the taking, such as grading, drying, sorting, crushing, grinding and milling operations 3. Construction trailers (temporary) while con- struction is in progress SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SP SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR /SP 4. Transportation service facilities SPR /SP SPR /SPSPR /SP SPR 5. Open storage of raw materials, finished goods, or con- SPR /SP SPR /SP struction equipment and structures for storing such equipment provided it shall be screened from outside view by an enclosed solid fence and gate at least 10 feet in height, or a solid wall of evergreens when planted not more than 18 inches apart and at least 3 feet in height, and a solid gate at least 10 feet in height and not more than 20 feet in width SPR Principal Uses Accessory Uses 3. Accessory building such as P a private garage, play- house, greenhouse, tool shed, private swimming pool, or similar accessory structures, subject to provisions of Section VI APPENDIX E- ZONING BYLAW AND MAP 1. Home Occupation (see Section XI(e)) S S S R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35GB NB 6. Research offices or establishments devoted to research and SPR /SP SPR development activities 7. Planned industrial development (see Section XI(d)) SPR /SP SPR /SP 8. Manufacturing SPR /SP 9. Radioactive waste disposal. No land or structures with- in any use district in the Town of Easthampton may be used for the collection, treatment, storage, burial, incineration, or disposal of radioactive waste, including, but not limited to wastes classified as low -level radio- active waste, or for the gar- aging or temporary storage of vehicules used in the transpor- tation of radioactive waste. R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35GB NB I 2. Private day nursery or kinder- garten, provided it shall S S S S not occupy more than 40 percent of the gross floor area of the structure; and there shall be a minimum of 100 square feet of outside play area for each enrolled child P P P P APPENDIX E- ZONING BYLAW AND MAP Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB I 4. Accessory private garage for not more than 3 non- P P P P P P P commercial motor vehicles, and, except on a farm, not more than one -half ton -rated or less in size commercial motor vehicle. Subject to provisions of Section VI 5. Accessory storage of a trailer, unregistered automobile P P P P P P P or boat provided: it shall either be stored within a principal or accessory building or not less than 25 feet from any front line and not within the side yards; and it shall not be used for dwelling or sleeping purposes. Maximum number -two trailers, autos, or boats 6. Accessory repair and storage facilities in any retail SPR SPR /SP SPR sales or consummer establishment provided: it shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the gross floor area 7. Keeping of a small flock (25 maximum) of poultry S P and saddle or riding horses and other farm animals, for use of occupants only 8. Accessory industrial and commercial uses to serve P p p principal industrial and commercial uses respectively 9. Accessory signs subject to the provisions of Section VII P P P P P P 10. Accessory off street parking and loading spaces as P P P P P P P required in Section VIII APPENDIX E- ZONING BYLAW AND MAP Principal Uses R -5 R -10 R -15 R -35 GB NB 11. Accessory uses which are necessary in connection SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR with scientific research or scientific development or related production provided that the board of appeals finds that the proposed accessory use does not substantially derogate from the public good TEMPORARY 1. Temporary mobile homes to be placed on the same lot as a P P P P P P P residence which has been destroyed by fire or other natural holocaust. Such temporary living quarters may remain on the lot for 12 months while the residence is being rebuilt. Any such mobile home shall be subject to the provisions of the state sanitary code. (Bylaw of 5- 31 -79; Bylaw of 5/19/82) SECTION VI. AREA, HEIGHT AND BULK REGULATIONS (a) Applicability of Area, Height, and Bulk Regulations. The regulations for each district pertaining to minimum lot area, minimum lot frontage, minimum lot depth, minimum front yard depth, minimum side yard depth, minimum rear yard depth, maximum height of buildings, maximum number of stories, maximum building area, and minimum open space shall be specified in this section and set forth in the tables of area, height, and bulk regulations, and subject to the further provisions of this section. (b) Table of Area Regulations. See Table 4 on accompanying pages plus attached notes, which is declared to be a part of this bylaw. (c) Table of Height and Bulk Regulations. (See Table 5 on accompanying pages plus attached notes, which is declared to be a part of this bylaw. (d) Reduction of Lot Areas. (e) Separation of Lots. 0928K:3/6/91 The lot, yard areas or open space required for any new building or use may not include any part of a lot that is required by any other building or use to comply with any provisions of this bylaw, nor may these areas include any property of which the ownership has been transferred subjsequent to the effective date of this bylaw, if such property was a part of the area required for compliance with the dimensional regulations appliable to the lot from which such transfer was made. Lots shall not be so separated or transferred in ownership so as not to comply with the provisions of this bylaw. APPENDIX B PROPOSED SITE PLAN APPROVAL ORDINANCE FOR NORTHAMPTON COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL ORDINANCE NORTHAMPTON 10.11 COMMERCIAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1. Purposes a. To promote the safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement with the site and in relation to the adjacent areas, highway traffic safety and protect the capability of state and local roads to conduct traffic smoothly. b. To promote an attractive and viable commercial district and expand the commercial tax base of the City; c. To discourage unlimited commercial "strip development" and curb cuts along highways, and encourage commercial growth in nodes and clusters. d. To assure proper drainage, safe access, adequate parking and loading spaces, public convenience and safety and adequate consideration of abutting land owners. 2. Proiects Requiring Site Plan Approval Within the Central Business, General Business, Highway Business, Neighborhood Business, General Industry and Special Industry districts, no special permit nor building permit shall be issued and no application for such permits shall be accepted for any of the following uses: a. the construction, exterior alteration, or remodeling (value over $10,000) of a business structure; b. the construction, exterior alteration or remodeling (value over $10,000) of an industrial structure; or c. any expansion or change in use of a business or industrial structure, unless a site plan has been endorsed by the Special Permit Granting Authority (SPGA) after consultation with other boards, including but not limited to the following: Building Inspector, Board of Health, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Office of the Mayor, City Council, Historical Commission, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, Fire Department and Police department. The SPGA may waive any or all requirements of site plan review for external enlargements of less than 10% of the existing floor area. See the Table of Use Regulations for a complete list of uses that require site plan approval. 3. Applications for Site Plan Approval a. Each application for Site Plan Approval shall be submitted to the Special Permit Granting Authority by the current owner of record, accompanied by eleven (11) copies of the site plan. b. The Special Permit Granting Authority shall obtain with each submission, a deposit sufficient to cover any expenses connected with a public hearing and review of plans, including the costs of any engineering or planning consultant services necessary for review purposes. 4. Required Site Plan Contents a. All site plans shall be prepared by a registered architect, landscape architect, or professional engineer unless this requirement is waived by the Special Permit Granting Authority because of unusually simple circumstances. All site plans shall be on standard 24" x 36" sheets at a scale of 1 inch equals 20 feet, with additional narrative as necessary. (1) name of the project, locus, date and scale plan; (2) name and address of the owner of record, developer, and seal of the engineer, landscape architect or architect; (3) 2 the location and boundaries of the lot, adjacent streets or ways, and the location and owner's names of all adjacent properties and those within 300 feet of the property line, and all zoning district boundaries; (4) existing and proposed topography at the two foot contour interval the location of wetlands, streams, waterbodies, drainage swales, areas subject to flooding and base flood elevations and unique natural land features; (5) existing and proposed structures, including dimensions and elevations; and all exterior entrances and exits; (6) the location of parking and loading areas, parking layout, public and private ways, driveways, walkways, access and egress points; (7) the location and description of all proposed septic systems, percolation test when necessary, water supply, storm drainage systems including existing and proposed drainlines, culverts, drainage swales, catchbasins, drainage calculations, and subdrainage along with soil logs, utilities, hydrants, manholes, lighting fixtures, and refuse and other waste disposal methods; (8) proposed landscape features including the location and a description of buffers, screening, fencing, and plantings, including the size and type of plant material; (9) the location, dimensions, height, color, illumination and characteristics of existing and proposed signs; (10) the location and a description of proposed open space or recreation areas; (11) the location and design of access points; (12) the location and design of any intersections in close proximity to the site, (13) the width of circulation roadways and radius of horizontal curves; 3 (14) the plan shall describe estimated daily and peak -hour vehicle trips to be generated by the site and traffic flow patterns for vehicles and pedestrians showing adequate access to and from the site and adequate circulation within the site. A detailed traffic impact statement is required for uses as specified in Section 10.1 -8. (15) a plan for the control of erosion, dust, and silt, both during and after construction sequencing, temporary and permanent erosion control, and protection of water bodies. (16) for alterations to any existing or new business /commercial /industrial uses a table containing the following information: aa. Maximum area of building to be used for selling, offices, business, industrial or other uses. bb. Maximum number of employees where applicable. cc. Maximum seating capacity where applicable. dd. Number of parking spaces existing or required for the intended use. (17) elevation plans at a scale of 1/4 =1'0" for all exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and /or existing facades plus additioin(s) showing design features and indicating the type and color of materials to be used. The Special Permit Granting Authority may waive any information requirements it judges to be unnecessary to the review of a particular plan. 5. Procedures for Site Plan Review a. The Special Permit Granting Authority shall transmit one copy each to the Building Inspector, Board of Health, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Office of the Mayor, City Council, Historical Commission, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, Fire Department and Police Department, who shall review the application and submit their recommendations and comments to the Special Permit Granting Authority concerning: (1) the adequacy of the date and methodology used by the applicant to determine the impacts of the proposed development: (2) the effects of the projected impacts of the proposed development; and (3) recommended conditions or remedial measures to accommodate or mitigate the expected impacts of the proposed development. Failure of Board to make recommendations within 35 days of the referral of the application shall be deemed to be lack of opposition. b. In those instances where the reviewing board is concerned about a traffic or safety issue of a proposed development along a state highway, the reviewing board may submit a copy of the site plan approval application with map to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works (MDPW), District II located on North King Street in Northampton for their review. The application sent to MDPW must be accompanied by a letter stating the concerns of the municipality. MDPW will investigate these concerns when the applicant applies for a state curb cut permit. c. The Special Permit Granting Authority shall hold a public hearing within sixty -five (65) days of the receipt of an application and after due consideration of the recommendations received, the SPGA shall take final action within 90 days from the time of hearing. The Special Permit Granting Authority's final action in writing shall consist of either: (1) Approval of the site plan based on a determination that the proposed project will constitute a suitable development and is in compliance with the standards set forth in this bylaw; (2) Disapproval of the site plan based on a determination that the proposed project does not meet the standards for review set forth in this bylaw; or (3) (3) 4 Approval of the project subject to any conditions, modifications and restrictions which will ensure that the project meets the Standards for Review. d. The period of review for a special permit requiring site plan approval shall be the same as any other special permit and shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 40A, Sec. 9 "Special Permits Specifically, a joint public hearing to address the Special Permit application and Site Plan Approval application shall be held within sixty -five (65) days of the filing of a special permit application with the Planning Board or Board of Appeals. The Board shall then have 90 days following the public hearing in which to act. 6. Site Plan Review Criteria a. In reviewing and evaluating the site plan, and in making a final determination regarding site plan approval, the Special Permit Granting Authority shall consider the following criteria: (1) The site plan complies with the Commercial Development and Performance Standards contained in Section 10.1 -7. (2) The site plan minimizes traffic and safety impacts of the proposed development on adjacent highways or roads, and maximizes the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site. The proposed development, to the extent feasible: a) is integrated into the existing landscape and protects abutting properties; b) minimizes adverse environmental impacts on such features as wetlands, floodplains, and aquifer recharge areas; c) minimizes obstruction of scenic views from possibly accessible locations; d) preserves unique natural or historical features; e) minimizes tree, vegetation, and soil removal and grade changes, f) maximizes open space retention; and g) screens objectionable features from neighboring properties and roadways. 1 I T I L_ P i L_ (4) The architectural design, layout and landscaping of the proposed development is in harmony with the character of the neighborhood and the City of Northampton. (5) The proposed development is served with adequate water supply and waste disposal systems and will not place excessive demands on City services and infrastructure. (6) The site plan shows adequate measures to prevent pollution of surface or groundwater, to minimize erosion and sedimentation, and to prevent changes in groundwater levels, increased run -off and potential for flooding. 7. Commercial Development and Performance Standards In order to receive site plan approval, all projects or uses must demonstrate compliance with the commercial development standards herein. a. Access Standards (1) The number of curb cuts on state and local roads shall be minimized. To the extent feasible, access to businesses shall be provided via one of the following: aa. Access via a common driveway serving adjacent lots or premises. bb. Access via an existing side street. cc. Access via cul -de -sac or loop road shared by adjacent lots or premises. (2) One driveway per business shall be permitted as a matter of right. Where deemed necessary by the Special Permit Granting Authority, two driveways may be permitted as part of the Site Plan Approval process which shall be clearly marked "entrance" and "exit." (3) Curb cuts shall be limited to the minimum width for safe entering and exiting, and shall in no case exceed 24 feet in width. (4) All driveways shall be designed to afford motorists exiting to highways with safe sight distance. (5) The proposed development shall assure safe interior circulation within its site by separating pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. (6) Driveway design and placement must be in harmony with internal circulation and parking design such that the entrance can absorb the maximum rate of inbound traffic during a normal weekday peek traffic period. Driveway entrance must be able to accommodate all vehicle types having occasion to enter the site, including delivery vehicles. (8) Driveway placement should be such that loading and unloading activities will in no way hinder vehicle ingress or egress. (9) b. Parking Standards Proposed projects or uses must comply with Parking and Off street Loading requirements in Section VIII and the following standards: (1) Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard of a structure. (2) To the extent feasible, parking areas shall be shared with adjacent businesses. c. Pedestrian Safety Improvement Internal pedestrian systems are required for large business /commercial /industrial developments and applicants are encouraged to link pedestrian systems between proposed new large 'developments and existing developments. d. Landscaping (1) A landscaped buffer strip at least fifteen (15) feet wide, continuous except for approved driveways, shall be established adjacent to any public road to visually separate parking and other uses from the road. The buffer strip shall be planted with grass, medium height shrubs, and shade trees (minimum 2 -inch caliper, planted at least every 50 feet along the road frontage). At all street or driveway intersections, trees or shrubs shall be set back a sufficient distance from such intersections so that they do not present a traffic visibility hazard. The sidewalk required above shall be incorporated into the buffer strip. (2) Large parking areas shall be subdivided with landscaped islands so that no paved parking surface shall extend more than 80 feet in width. At least one tree (minimum 2" caliper) per 35 parking spaces shall be provided. (3) 6 Driveway design must be such that an entering vehicle will not encroach upon the exit lane of a two way driveway. Also, a right turning exiting vehicle will be able to utilize only the first through traffic lane available without encroachment into the adjacent through lane. Exposed storage areas, machinery, service areas, truck loading areas, utility buildings and structures and other unsightly uses shall be screened from view from neighboring properties and streets using dense, hardy evergreen plantings, or earthen beams, or wall or right fence complemented by evergreen plantings. e. Appearance /Architectural Design (1) Architectural design shall be compatible with the character and scale of buildings in the neighborhood and the City through the use of appropriate building materials, screening, breaks in roof and wall lines and other architectural techniques. Variation in detail, from and siting shall be used to provide visual interest and avoid (3) (5) monotony. Proposed buildings shall relate harmoniously to each other with adequate light, air, circulations, and separation between buildings. The Special Permit Granting Authority may take into consideration whether exterior building facades and materials are consistent with neighborhood's character. Large work area doors or open bays shall not open toward or face roadways. (2) The Special Permit Granting Authority may adopt such regulations as may be necessary to further specify design standards. f. Storm Water Run -off (1) The rate of surface water run -off from a site, shall not be increased after construction. If needed to meet this requirement and to maximize groundwater recharge, increased runoff from impervious surfaces shall be recharged on site by being diverted to vegetated surfaces for infiltration or through the use of detention ponds. Dry wells shall be used only where other methods are infeasible and shall require oil, grease, and sediment traps to facilitate removal of contaminants. (2) Neighboring properties shall not be adversely affected by flooding from excessive run -off. g. Erosion Control Erosion of soil and sedimentation of streams and waterbodies shall be minimized by using the following erosion control practices: (1) Exposed or disturbed areas due to stripping of vegetation, soil removal, and regrading shall be permanently stabilized within six months of occupancy of a structure. (2) During construction, temporary vegetation and /or mulching shall be used to protect exposed areas from erosion. Until a disturbed area is permanently stabilized, sediment in run -off water shall be trapped by using staked haybales or sedimentation traps. h. Water Quality Permanent erosion control and vegetative measures shall be inaccordance with the erosion /sedimentation /vegetative practices recommended by the Soil Conservation Service. (4) All slopes exceeded 15% resulting from site grading shall be either covered with 4 inches of topsoil and planted with a vegetative cover sufficient to prevent erosion or be stabilized by a retaining wall. Dust control shall be used during grading operations if the grading is to occur within 200 feet on an occupied residence or place of business. Dust control methods may consist of grading fine soils on calm days only or dampening the ground with water. All outdoor storage facilities for fuel, hazardous materials or wastes, and potentially harmful raw materials shall be located within an impervious, 8. Enforcement 8 a. The Special Permit Granting Authority may require the posting of a bond or other adequate security to assure compliance with the plan and conditions and may suspend any permit or license when work is not performed as required. b. Any special permit issued under this section shall lapse within one (1) year if a substantial use thereof has not commenced sooner except for good cause. The time required to pursue and await determination of a judicial appeal pursuant to Chapter 40a of the General Laws shall be included within the one (1) year time limit. c. The Planning Board or Board of Appeals may periodically amend or add rules and regulations relating to the procedures and administration of this section. SITE PLAN APPROVAL AMENDMENTS TO THE NORTHAMPTON TABLE OF USE REGULATIONS ARTICLE V USE REGULATIONS Section 5.1 Applicability of Use Regulations. Except as provided in this Ordinance, no building, structure, or land shall be used except for the purposes permitted in the district as described in this article. Any use not listed shall be construed to be prohibited. Uses permitted by right, by special permit, or by a variance granted under the provisions of Section 10.9, shall be subject, in addition to the use regulations contained in the Article, to all of the other provisions of the Ordinance. Section 5.2 Table of Use Regulations. The Table of Use Regulations on the following pages is hereby declared to be a part of this Ordinance. In the Table, the following designations shall apply: Note: See also 0925K IIAII SP "PC" PB" shall designate uses allowed by right in the district indicated. shall designate uses allowed in the district indicated, but only with a specal permit granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the provisions of Articles X and XI. shall designate uses allowed in the district indicated, but only with a special permit granted by the City Council subject to the provisions of Articles X and XI. shall designate uses allowed in the district indicated, but only with a special permit from the Planning Board subject to the provisions of Articles X and XI. "SPA" shall designate uses allowed in the district indicated, -but only with site plan approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the provisions of Articles X and XI. shall designate uses not allowed in the district indicated. Any use which is accessory to a principal use allowed under the Table of Use Regulations shall be allowed only in connection with the bona fide operation of a principal use allowed under the Table of Use Regulations, and subject to the provisions of Section 5.3 where applicable. Article VI for dimension and density regulations Article VII for sign requirements Article VIII for parking and loading regulations Article X.II for Site Plan Approval requirements L N U L U C 47 L U N N N O N C7 m a a a m a a a Z N N Q Q N a N N N a CO U w a m 0. a a a m N a N N N N a 4) U X 47 o_ a a a N• N N N m a m a m 4) 41 4! E a r z t 0 a+ 4- L v- 0 0 0 L L L 47 9 4 Y 0 1- 4- L E E E L L L 41 (1) 4) CL a a C m m m m a L U O) (1) 0. 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E v- 0 C 0 v v 0 3 v v '0 N CO a+ V T O 0. 0 C 0 Q 2 0¢ Q N L L V L 01 CO V 8) 0 a 4 C 0) CO 4) 4) 41 N V G Q L (0 7 U C v N 0. .c 0) 0) C 0) v (0 L 4 D. a 10 L I a- i+ 4 L 4) V L 0 0 N O V U 0 C 43 O) U C 0) 0 0) U 7 Y 7 0 0 0) a V L 0 T C E E E E U C 0 03 a+ U c) a CO a N L C L L C (0 O O) 7 0) 7 0) N C a N a N P O. 0 a Y 7 v u F O L g S v U O U L N G CO Q a Q Q U a a N a N C/) 0 0 0) C m a Q Q U a a N 0 N a N N 7 CO CO Q Q U a CI- 0 a N N U a ce a a N a (1) a N O N U v N a) L _c a) O 4-+ Y O U 0 C a+ P C U L a) 7 L 0 0 O N L O 4- N al O i•+ n U 0 E 0 U 0 0) Q 0 O 0 L v 2 tL U 7 U -0 L O O U O' a U T i+ 0 0 L U U O S w L C (0 O O U CO E O L N 0) io c L E a) 0 N (.7 a) CO 0 c) a a n. N N co a) a a. U a a w a N N O U L J U 0 CO U O m L) a a C O a N N 7 m O) O c U 0. a C C a CO V) t+ C CO O L) N a 0 a a a) 0) 0) E a N V) L L C 0 i• Y i L 4- E 0 O O L L L CO 0 E L a) a a a c co CO m Ca a t U U U a) co a) a) a) i+ a a Cl. L N CO N N U a) 3 O O 4 O Q v 0. m a a N a N m in a N C c a Q 03 z a a z m a a a x N N W C Q Q Q N (7 m U N Oc Q a 7 N 0) a a m a 0. a 4- 4 m= y O V O 4.. L C a a 0 CO a a a a 0. a C co m o N N N 7 m O) 0] W O C ce U 0) C c c a a a N co y a+ C co C O 0 NJ a N OC a a W a) a) E OC N N L t L 0 L• 4-• L m L 7 r.. i+ C L 4- N 0 U 0 C L 0) 7 W 0) 0 W 4- 0 0 3 E 0. C C c N 0 L L C O 0) 3 7 p a+ v .0 0) L C 0 CO C 0 U 0 C 0 U C c0 m 4- a+ m 3.. C.0 m 4 4 W W E '0 U .c E 0) M C 0 U L L W L L W W U L W N 7 W 7 L 0 L W W N CO W "0 W W W 0 0 0) 0. C c 0 ..t a C L L L 0 "0 4- W C W 3 CO 7 0) O m L W 'O W 0 0 W W N a W 4- L (17 0) Y C v c 'O m J W U 0 CO 0 0 L W L 7 N E X 0 L 0 0 a+ O 4- CO 7 L W 'O m O 0 C 0 a 0 O at m O L W CO a) W .0 i+ 4- 0 -r- W m 0 W-' W L a• L N L O-. C W 4 L C i• CO W 3 i• 7 i• 0 W 0 X W L L W 0 W i+ N .0 0 W i+ 0. 0 4- L W m W 0 a L 0 m 4- U 0 0 .0 a+ L 13 0 7 E Oa 7 0 -lt m W W O) C-' C m C L '0 W N E L t CO a+ W L L m m v (0 0 0 L N 0 4-• W 0) 0 L 7 "0 L L 4- L 0, (.1 0 L U 0) Q Q z Q 7 F• L C W 7 O C 0. CO m L CO N L 0) 43 0 7 a• L 4- a W E W CO 0) 0) 7 4■ 0 m-' CO C E E 0 L W C 0 C E 7 U L 0 7 L W N m L m L C CO L E U "0 W 0 0 N. i CO 0 W m 4 L CO 0 0 L C L a 7 4+ N 4- E W 0 W E 0 (0 33 0 L 0 m CO 0 L E C W E-. 4 a• C 0 n. co a O) ...o W. 0) W L 0 L L. .0 0 L W C 7 0 4- a N a V) 4- 0 3 CO I- 0 E 0 0 a+ U 03 0 f0 .0 z 0 4- E E O 0 4 f 4- '4- 0 Y• L E E L L Q W a 0. c m m m m 0. C U U U 0) co 0) a) a) a• a a a L N N U) a W T T .0 3 .0 .0 4 0 'O 'O a a W W -J 3 W W 3 3 m 3 3 3 O 0 0 0 0 N N C7 '0 0) 4.4 1+ L N N 0 M co 0 O Q O 0) a' a U a 0) U C 0) a (1) C 0) C C O a n U O O 0' 0' a O. N 07 0 a O C O. C C O. 0) O O) 0 0) U C O) 44 0) L C L CO 7 .0 0) 7 N a 5) L 0) W O) O L Q) L co N N O 0) U W W •C N C' Q. W 4- 1 0 V "0 '0 1 0 L (5 (5 L O) C L 0) C Q L (0 L O 0) O 0) 0) 0) Q. C) O a+ E U E co L 0_ a) 0 0 0 Q 0 X Q a '0 0 Cr C 0 v C 0) v W 4 C 0 0 0) CO (5 F C CO O C 0 4- 0 L r.+ O L a-' O O E 0 C C U t 0 E O 4- CO O) i+ (0 0) 4- N 0) 7 4- 0 4- 07 4- A W 7 E C L w (0 0 0) 7 .Q 10 X O 0 L CO L 0 07 O) L CO CO L O a 4.+ E C 0 U 7 w N W 0 .0 O 4- X I- 4- N 0) 0 .0 0) 0 (0 07 CO 0) 0 L+ 4. 0 0 "0 7 0 '0 J 4 l0 i C C U C 3 1+ 4- •1- 4- 0 r- L 0 a F a+ L 0) L 4 W 0) 0 0' 4 0) v Q 0 a' i+ (0 0) .0 4 0 O) 0) F+ 0 L 07 N N O) O) i+ 0) 0 E 0 X 0) L 4- 0) m t v L C N 0 v a) 0 C L 0) (0 4 i+ 0) C 0 0 L L 0) O) 0 0 9 L 0 0. CO to 3 4- 4 0) 0) a 7 4 (0 (0 E E 0 00) X 0" 0) (0 0) N O C .0 O O) O) a+ O C 0. 3 O M 0) CO 0 03 C 0• 0 7 O 0 0) "0 O C 0) Q 0 v E E E 0 0 0 L L L 4 4 4 O) 0 E -c .c 0 +4 4.+ L •F- 4- 4-. E E L L Q O) 0) 0. a c co co O L U a m a Q a N a N 4 f0 N N I N I N L y.. N 7 .Q al a I a I a I c a a a a C7 N N N N 0) N a m a N N N I NI N I N I N I N I N I 4) c 0 CM N I N I NI NI co I NI NI N <1 <I <1 <I <I 03 0- I NI N N N N a ce m 4) a w o. 0 '0 L V 4) C L 4) 3 4+ CA C C 0 4) CA 0 C C 01 L o. L AT rn E 7 0 C a C L (0 _C 0. W C L 0) N Y C L i+ 'o C i. C C C 4, O L 0 i+ C 0 C1. rn E C 7 W W .O 4 C 4 W O O L 0) U1 U 4+ 0 W 0) L 4) CO L 4-• 47 w L. O v CO L 0 0 CO CO L 0 CO CO 0 C 40 0) C C 0) 0 C C N C C 0) 4) O .0 NJ a a+ 4) 4) E L L 0 i+ i+ L w E E O O L L CO w 4- O 4) 0) C O 0) a T i+ 4+ 4 L E E L o O (13 ni 0 U E E E 0) 4) 7 .0 U N 0) P 4) 4) 4) C 0 f0 13 0) W 4, a a a C 7 C 0 U 0, W V 3 0 0] 0 P co L 4) 0) l0 U CO (0 CO a 0 O C '0 L 0 L 4) 0) 0 .c 0 U U 4) "O O O 0 C N C)) 0) 4) 0 a+ o C 0) 0 C 0 at 7 O. O_ O_ O. 0) 0) N 0) O. L 1+ 0 L N CO CO N P C U 0) N P CO C 7 "O 'O CO a 0 7 U 7 r E W C V 4) S 0) L U O 7 E U CO 4) 0 .0 3 .0 0 .0 4, CO t CO .0 C a 0 W o w o. C N C C a v 0 0 O U 0) d V L. '6 0 U 0) 4) W 0) 0) 0) C 0 C (1) C U L L E 3 3 O 3 3 3 O CO 4 E CO .0 m 0 T. a• .n 4) CO O O 0 O O O• c C 0 4 V C m 4 W 4 J 7 (1) N 0 O 0 4) 7 C 0) i+ C 0 J J O h 0 E 7 W 4) 4 W E N 4) (I) N z N 0 0 07 C U E 'a 0 W 0 L W N C.) W 0) .0 (0 0 O .I••• a+ N C 0 U 0 II C 07 CO 07 4+ O. A E 0 L C O d L U U •-4 0 Y N V N C +J L N W N co W E L i+ C O O 0 U 0 a m a N Q 0 W 7 O O Q W N 7 W W 47 a N a N O. z w L l0 a+ E v a 0. W a Z E V 0 L_ J U L N CO a a N on al 0. cn ae a N cc a cn cn ce 0. ae cn o) V C (L) N N C L a) 7 U C m o 0. N U (0 o: U a7 (0 4 0 L N a) N U 0) U C 0 a) J- 0 0 L (.4 7 C 0• a) 7 _0 c0 co 0 7 .0 L N 0) N 0) Os c C m m rn n c '0 O) O 7 7 E CO 7 C U a+ l0 O C (0 v m 0) N 0 O) C N CO 0 L a) (1) 'O C O 'O 0 E E L L U 0_ L v (0 C a) a) 0 a co N i+ N a) CO a) L F+ L C a) a) C CO 4 v N 4- N E O a+ C c a) O 0 a) U L E 0. a) 0 +J 0 0 0 4- i+ L N CO i+ M 4- 0 a+ 7 a+ L 7 0 0.. C 0 CO 0 (0 U 4/) yl V) y l N I V)I N N V) I 4)) I y l I y l I al 0.. 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'0 13 V 0 'O "O L CA Y 7 CO O) W W O) O) W 0 O) 4- 03 C O L 4- N L CO 3 3 0) 3 3 3 L "0 W W U W C 4+ 0. 0 0 0 0 0 7 C 0 3 7 L a C 3 N 0) M C m 4 0 C C 0) 0 O. L .0 .0 -3 07 {0 W 0 0 E 0 0 0 Z 3 W L 0 .0 0 L. O) C O) C 0 0. W C L 4' 0 W '0 L L 4+ C 0 C O L E L 0 0 07 '0 C W W 0 .0 W 7 0. 0 C CO W E E 3 4+ 4+ 07 O. 0 4+ '0 C L 0 U E E E L W U 4+ W C 0) U 0 C CO a O C CO 0 L< O 0 4.' 0) 0) m L 0 .0 a N a N Z Z U 0. 03 v U U co u. V) u. N 111 a U 4+ L L 4- 4- 0 4d 4. L E E L L O) O) a a c m m m m a 4+ t U U U 0) m 0) 0) 0) 4 a a a'- L CO N m N 0 d .O 3 .0 .0 0 N n. 4+ N U L N 0 Q L) aI aI U N N N CO L 0 0 U N NI NI N I N I N I N I N I N I N cn N I N I N N I N I CO N I c N I N I N I N I 0 0 O (.0 NI NI NI 7 m I m a U N L O T L L 0 0) a) a) c0 L 0) c C 07 N 0) L O a a I N I 0. N 0 7 3 0 0 0 C co C 7 0 L 0 0 O) i+ v c O) O (0 O) L L C 0 0) 0) L a c a -e o 0 O (0 (n i� Y O) c0 N C 0) C N 0) L L C +a 0 J- 0 O L E C U 4+ "0 (0 C 0) n7 C O) "0 4-i CO L L O. 0) O. 0 CO CO 0) L 0) 0) 0 X m a C a7 (0 C E L 0) N L 0) 0) C 0) 0 0 0. 0 7 CO cal 0 (0 0 (0 a) 0. a 0 v 4 L O 0 CO L 0 CO O [O C C C 0 C CO 0) t 0. V 0) 0) 0) E .c .c .c 0 1 4+ L w E 0 L L L (0 Y 4- 0 E L L Q 0) a a a c (0 (0 (0 0) a Y C U U U 0) CO 0) 0) 0) a a 0. a L N N 0 CO 0) 3 fl s O 0) 0) (0 3 3 3 O 0 0 y. -J O Q C.) a m a a c V) 0. CO v a l 0 al V1 V) N (11 (1) (n y (4) N NI 0. C7 tn N N (n N S I cn cn �I N m a a a al al a l ca co N N N al 0. a l U (N N (q CC 0 4- tO C- L G) U) 0 E LL r .0 0 0 a d C7 L O co a O 0 0) C a 0 0 a .0 O N L 4- (0 el C P 0 0 a L Os v O L 0 0. a C C N 0) O 0) E C 4 O. N E 0 7 (0 Q E 0' 0. 0 O1 3 .L U) 0' U 0 O 7 O) CO CO C L O O) 0 C N U L 3 0 0 L a N N N N 0 0 L U 4- 0 N 0 0 L i� (0 a L o E U L W 0 N C a N a m C O m N N L C 0 CO C t U 0 0 0 N O Q 0 a m- a 4- 0 a L 0 CO III I N 0 a co L 0 0 m CO (0(0 0. 1-' C U U U 0 0) 0 0 0 a a a a L V) N (1) T 0) d Q 3 -0 -0 .0 0 a a a a O 0—' 0 0 3 3 CO 3 3 3 O 0 0 0 0 O Q Q Z Q Q Q 0) CO (0 L 0 0 Q L 0 0 U 41 6. m 4. 3 a- 0) a CO a CO CO (1) U U U U Vl a a C (0 L N O U L W W 0 U 0 a f/) a a 3 1/) z N .4 Q I 0 0 a 0 a a C N 0) W U W r. a N m W. L L W 0) Y W CD U U W E a a m U U x a a W C a o_ o m U U U U a a N N N E sts 0 0 v L O L L U CO N L 0 p 0 i N W W 0 3 C 0) W 0) U U a' a K U U ne 0. a 0) N L W W N N "O 0 a W 0 0 L N 0 L 0 0) 4- D O W-' t+ Q 0 3 0 N E C 0 c 0) 0) 0) 0 U O E 0 .0 N E 3 4-+ CO 1+ 0 "0 CO 0 (0 0 E U 0 C CO 4t L 07 L L m E 0 0) 0 W a t L 0) C a L 0) .0 0 .0 t L U 07 0 4- 0) C L W L 0) 4- 0) O 0) O N O 07 3 4- 3 07 .a 0 E 07 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 4- W 0) L _0 0 0) 0) K 0 CO 0) 0) 0) C 0 0) a L L W 3 L .0 L 0 3 O N U 0 3 3 (0 L O m W 0 CO 0 W W C E L C 0 L a W U L L l0 W 4 4 3 0 a 0) 0 3 0. 0 .0 _0 0 4 2 .0 0 W 0 4K O 0) 0 0 a W 0 CO O N L v W 1 L +-I C W 0 0 L CO 0) T L O_. W 3 0) W L 0 U 3 N 0 er J C- U W 0 a W w U 3 z W CL U 0) N a L W N E L W a W 0) N W N O E E V) 0 4. U N W 0) c 0) 0 C C N C W 0) 0 L N a W •W W _c L L N C 0) O C W 0 0) L L L 3 O 0) L U C U [L a s C O N CO L 0) f0 E 0) m CO m n. a 7 .0 N .0 0) 0) U C U U 0 0) 0) 0) W W 4. 4- K U 4- a a a O CO L (n (I) 0 V) 0 L 0) C 3 0 O C 0) C 0 0) 0) 0) W .C1 3 Y O) 0 0 L L C 0 73 W O 07 0 0) 0) Y a Y 3 3 co C 3 0 L 0 0 W CC E V W 3 c a 3 0 0 c (0 a z O 07 0) 0 W N i E 0 3 0 0 U a m a O L Q a I N a V) v 4- APPENDIX C MODEL SIGN BYLAW MODEL OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING BYLAW Source: Massachusetts Executive Office of Communities and Development and Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, "The Growth Management Workbook," 1988. MODEL SIGN BYLAW (Based on a zoning bylaw developed for the Town of Hadley, Massachusetts. Includes excerpts from a comprehensive sign bylaw developed by the Center for Rural Massachusetts.) E -2 SIGN BYLAW 2.00 tjg The purpose of the sign regulations set forth in this section shall be the following: a. to protect public and private investments in buildings and open spaces; b. to encourage signs which, by their location and design, are harmonious to the buildings and sites which they occupy, and which eliminate excessive and confusing sign display; c. to eliminate potential hazards to motorists and pedestrians; and d. to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare. 2.01 Applicability The provisions of this section shall apply to the construction, erection, alteration, use, location, and maintenance of all signs located out -of- doors, to those signs affixed on any part of a building for the express purpose of being visible from the exterior of the building. 2.02 Definitions a. Sign: Any permanent or temporary structure, devise, letter, word, model, banner, pennant, insignia, trade flag, or representation use as, or which is in the nature of an advertisement, announcement, or direction, or is designed to attract the eye by means including intermittent or repeated motion of illumination. b. Sign. Accessory: Any sign that advertises, or indicates the person occupying the premises on which the sign is erected or maintained, or the businesses transacted thereon, or advertises the property itself or any part thereof as for sale or rent, and which contains no other matter. c. Sign. Area of: 1. The area of a sign shall be considered to include all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background on which they are displayed, any frame around the sign and any "cutouts" or extensions, but shall not' include any supporting structure or bracing. 2. The area of a sign consisting of individual letters or symbols attached to or painted on a surface, building, wall or window, shall be considered to be that of the smallest quadrangle or a triangle which encompasses all of the letters and symbols. 3. The area of a sign consisting of a three dimensional object shall be considered to be the area of the largest vertical cross- section of that object. 4. In computing the area of signs one side of back -to -back signs shall be included. d. Sign, Awning: A sign painted on or attached to the cover of a movable metallic frame, of the hinged, roll, or folding type of awning. e. Sign. Free Standing: A self supporting sign not attached to any building, wall, or fence, but in a fixed location. This does not include portable or trailer type signs. Growth Management Workbook 151 f. Sign. Movable: A sign capable of being readily moved or relocated, including portable signs mounted on a chassis and wheels, or supported by legs. g. Sign. Non Accessory: Any sign not an accessory sign. h. Sign. Projecting: A sign which is affixed to building, tree, or other structure and which extends more than six (6) inches beyond the surface to which it is affixed. i. Sien. Roof: A sign which is located above, or projected above, the lowest point of the eaves or the top of the parapet wall of any building, or which is painted on or fastened to a roof. Sign. Temporary: Any sign, including its support structure, intended to be maintained for a continuous period of not more than thirty (30) days in any calendar year. k. Sign. Wall: Any sign which is painted on, incorporated into, or affixed parallel to the wall of a building, and which extends not more than six (6) inches from the surface of that building. 2.03 General Regulations 3• 2.031 Permitted Signs Only signs which refer to a permitted use or an approved conditional use as set forth in Section (Schedule of Use Regulations) of the (town) bylaw area permitted, provided such signs conform to the provisions of this section. 2.032 Prohibited Signs a. Billboards or non accessory signs are not permitted. b. Flashing signs, roof signs, signs containing moving parts, and signs containing reflective elements which sparkle in the sunlight are not permitted. Signs indicating the current time and/or temperature are permitted providing they meet all other provisions of this bylaw. c. Any sign advertising or identifying a business or organization which is either defunct or no longer located on the premises is not permitted. d. In no case shall nay sign exceed sixty-four (64) square feet, and all signs shall conform to size standards in Section 2.08. e. No new sign shall be permitted in the Floodplain District. 2.04 General Standards 2.041 Any exterior sign or advertising device hereafter erected or maintained, must, unless expressly provided, conform to the following restrictions in all districts: a. Any traffic, informational or directional sign owned and installed by a governmental agency shall be permitted. b. No private sign shall be placed on a public property. c. Signs necessary to warn of a hazard or to post land shall be permitted as required to accomplish these purposes. d. Lettering signs: Letters shall be carefully formed and properly spaced, to be neat and uncluttered. Generally, no more than 60% of the total sign area shall be occupied by lettering. e. Sign materials: Sign materials should be durable and easy to maintain. Signs may be constructed of wood, metal, slate, or marble, gold leaf, glass, canvas, stained glass, or encased in a wooden frame. 2.05 Placement Standards /Sign Height Growth Management Workbook 152 —n 2.051 Signs shall not be mounted on roofs or extend above the roof line. 2.052 No sign together with any supporting framework shall extend to a height above the maximum building height allowed in the district Free- standing or movable signs cannot extend more than ten (10) feet above ground level. 2.053 11 any sign is supported by or suspended from a pedestal, post, or tree, it cannot project more than 24 inches over or into any pedestrian or vehicular way customarily used by the public. 2.054 Signs must not dominate building facades or obscure any architectural details, (including but not limited to arches, sills, moldings, and cornices). 2.055 No sign may be placed in a side yard or a rear yard as required for the particular district in which it is located. 2.056 Signs shall be placed at least feet from any lot line and shall be placed so as not to obstruct the view of traffic. 2.06 Illumination Standards 2.061 No sign shall incorporate, or be lighted by, flashing or blinking lights, or be designed to attract attention by a change in intensity or by repeated motion. 2.062 Any illumination provided for signs shall be white only. 2.063 The light source shall be shaded from view off the premises. 2.064 no signs shall be illuminated between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. unless the premises on which it is located is open for business. 2.07 Additional Standards for Specific Types of Signs 2.071 Awning Signs a. Awning signs must be painted on or attached flat against the surface of the awning, but not extend beyond the valance or be attached to the underside. b A minimum of eight (8) feet above sidewalk level must be allowed for pedestrian clearance. 2.072 Construction Signs One temporary sign of an architect, engineer, or contractor erected during the period such person is performing work on the premises on which such sign is erected and shall be permitted, provided: it shall not exceed four (4) square feet in surface area; and, it shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from the street lot line. 2.073 For Sale, Rent, or Lease Signs Any temporary sign advertising property for sale or lease shall be permitted provided: a. Only one sign shall be erected and it shall not exceed four (4) square feel b. Such signs shall advertise only the property on which the sign is located. c. The sign shall be removed by the owner or agent within thirty (30) days of rent, sale, or lease. 2.074 Moveable Signs Moveable signs are not permitted in any district, except the Town Center district(s) or Central Business district(s). In these areas, moveable signs made only of wood, and standing on legs not over four (4) feet in total height may be allowed by special permit by the Special Permit Granting Authority. 2.075 Multiple Signs Growth Management Workbook 153 Multiple signs shall be defined as a group of signs clustered together in a single structure or compositional unit. Multiple signs are used to advertise several occupants of the same building or building complex or development. a. The display board shall be of an integrated and uniform design. b. The allowable sign area shall be computed at 10% of the building front face square footage (FFSF), as computed by the length of times the width of the building facade, to achieve the base square footage, or sixty-four (64) square feet, whichever is smaller. 2.076 Political Signs a. A maximum of two (2) temporary signs per lot are allowed. b. Such signs may not exceed four (4) square feet in area. c. Such signs shall be displayed no earlier than twenty (20) days prior to a voting day, and shall be removed within ten (10) days after a voting day. 2.077 Special Event Signs A special event sign is a temporary sign that is used in connection with a circumstance, situation, or event (i.e., church bazaar, grand opening, fair, circus, festival) that is expected to be completed within a reasonably short or definite period. a. A maximum on one (1) temporary sign per lot is allowed. b. Such signs may not exceed ten (10) square feet in area. c. Such signs may be erected no sooner than fourteen (14) days before the event and must be removed not later than seven (7) days after the event. 2.08 Districts and Special Regulations 2.081 Signs in Residence Districts a. A maximum of two (2) signs per lot is permitted. b. Such signs may not exceed eight (8) square feet in area. c. One sign per lot indicating the names of the occupants thereof shall be permitted which sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area. d. One sign per lot relating to an allowed accessory use shall be permitted provided said sign shall not exceed two 92) square feet in area. e. One identification sign for each membership club, funeral establishment, community facility or public facility if permitted provided that the sign shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in surface area. f. Signs designated historical places or points of interest, erected by governmental authority or by a duly chartered historical association or the like is permitted, not to exceed four (4) square feet in area. g. Signs relating to trespassing and hunting shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area. One sign per 50 feet of frontage is allowed. h. Signs in residence districts must be Located at least ten (10) feet from the front lot line. 2.082 Signs in Agricultural Residential Districts a. A maximum of three (3) signs per lot is permitted. Growth Management Workbook 154 b Such signs may not exceed ten (10) square feet in area. c. Any sign allowed under Section 2081 in an Residence district shall be permitted. d. No sign shall be permitted on which the principal product or service advertised is not regularly produced or available on the premises. 2.083 Signs in Town Center or Central Business District(s) Within these districts the intent of the sign regulation is to ensure visual compatibility with the scale and character of the surrounding architecture. The signage shall be designed to be readable by pedestrians and slow moving cars. a. There shall be no more than three (3) types of signs (i.e., free standing, window, wall; or awning, free standing, and window) employed per building, regardless of the number of occupancies. 1. Each ground floor occupant of a building may display two (2) signs. 2. Each occupant in an upper level of a building may display one sign. b. Such signs may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area. c. Any signs allowed under Section 2.081 in a Residence District, Section 2.082 in an Agricultural district shall be permitted. d. Free standing pole signs shall have a maximum height of 10 feet, a maximum area of 10 square feet and a minimum ground clearance of 7 feet. Other free standing signs shall have a maximum height of 4 feet and shall have a maximum area of 16 square feet. f. Window signs shall not exceed more than thirty percent (30 of the window area in which they are displayed. 2.084 Signs in the General Business Districts and Industrial Districts a. Each business may not display more than two (2) signs. b. Each development may not display more than two (2) signs, one of which may be free- standing. For the purposes of this Section, development shall refer CO a site which includes a lot or lots considered as a unit for the development purposes where the lot or lots is occupied by more than one business whether in the same structure or not. c. Such signs shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet in area. d. Any signs allowed under Section 2.08 in a Residence District, Section 2.082 in an Agricultural District, and Section 2.083 in a Town Center or Central Business District shall be permitted. e. The allowable sign area for a free standing sign or wall sign shall be computed at 10% of the building front face square footage (FFSF), as computed by the length times the width of the building facade, to achieve the base square footage of width along the wall on which the business has its main entrance. In no case shall the area for any sign be greater than 64 square feet. f. Any detached sign shall be set back from all adjacent public rights-of -way a distance of at least two (2) feet. Signs, in all cases, shall avoid conflicts with public utilities and services. g. Signs on adjacent storefronts should be coordinated in height and proportion. The use of a continuous sign -bank extending over adjacent shops within the same building is encouraged, as a unifying element. 2.09 Administration and Enforcement Growth Management Workbook 155 2.091 Permits 2.091 Fees 2.10 Enforcement a. No sign larger than two square feet shall be erected, altered, displayed, relocated, enlarged or created without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector or Sign Officer. At minimum, all applications shall include a scale drawing specifying dimensions, illumination, materials, and location on land or buildings. b. The Building Inspector or Sign Officer shall issue a permit for a sign when an application therefor has been made and the sign complies with all applicable regulations of the Town and the State Building Code, Article 14. Such application may be filed by the owner of the land or building, or any persons who has the authority to erect a sign on the premises. c. The Building Inspector or Sign Officer shall act within 30 days of receipt of said application together with the fee. The Building Inspector's or Sign Officer's action or failure to act may be appealed to the board of Selectmen. A schedule of fees for such permits may be established and amended from time to time by the Planning Board. 2.101 Designation of the Sign Officer The Building Inspector (or any other qualified person) shall be appointed by the Selectmen as the Sign Officer. The Sign Officer is authorized to order the repair or removal of any sign and supporting structure which is erected or maintained contrary to this bylaw. Whenever a Sign Officer is designated, the Selectmen should notify the State Outdoor Advertising Board. 2.102 Maintenance and Removal Every sign shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times. All signs shall be kept neatly painted, including all metal parts and supports thereof that are not galvanized or of rust resistant material. The Building Inspector or the Sign Officer shall inspect and shall have the authority to order the painting, repair, alteration or removal of a sign which shall constitute a hazard to safety, health, or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, or obsolescence. 2.103 Abandoned Signs Except as otherwise provided in the Section, any sign that is located on property which becomes vacant and is unoccupied for a period of three months or more, or any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which no longer applies, shall be deemed to have been abandoned permanent signs applicable to a business temporarily suspended because of a change of ownership or management of such business shall not be deemed abandoned, unless tote property remains vacant for a period of six months or more. An abandoned sign is prohibited and shall be removed by the owner of the sign or owner of the premises. 2.104 Dangerous or Defective Signs No person shall maintain or pennit to be maintained on any premises owned or controlled by him any sign which is in a dangerous or defective condition. Any such sign shall be removed or repaired by the owner of the sign or the owner of the premises. 2.105 Removal of Signs by the Building Inspector or Sign Officer a. The Building Inspector or Sign Officer shall cause to be removed any sign that endangers the public safety, such as an abandoned, dangerous, or materially, electrically, or structurally defective sign, or a sign for which no permit has been issued. b. The Building Inspector or Sign Officer shall prepare a notice which shall describe the sign and specify the violation involved and which shall state that, if the sign is not removed or the Growth Management Workbook 156 c. All notices mailed to sign owners or property owners by the Building Inspector or Sign Officer shall be sent by certified mail. Any time periods provided in this section shall be deemed to commence on the date of the receipt of the certified mail. d. Any person having an interest in the sign or the property may appeal the determination of the Building Inspector or Sign Officer ordering removal or compliance by filing a written notice of appeal with the town Board of Selectmen within 45 days after the date of mailing the notice, or 45 days after receipt of the notice if the notice was not mailed. 2.11 Penalties Violation of any provision of this bylaw or any lawful order of the Sign Officer shall be subject to a fine of not more than per offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. 2.12 Non Conforming Signs 2.121 Continuance 2.122 Replacement 2.123 Abandonment violation is not corrected within 20 days, the sign shall be removed in accordance with the provisions of this section. A non conforming sign lawfully existing at the time of adoption or subsequent amendment of this bylaw may continue, although such sign does not conform to the provisions of this bylaw. Any sign replacing a non conforming sign shall conform with the provisions of this Section, and the non conforming sign shall no longer be displayed. If a non conforming sign associated with a permitted use or structure has been abandoned for no less than six months (i.e., the structure has not been occupied for six months) than the non -conforming sign shall be removed and its non conformity shall not continue. Growth Management Workbook 157 P L MODEL OFF- STREET PARKING AND LOADING STANDARDS (Based upon excerpts from Westfield Zoning Ordinance, Northampton Zoning Ordinance, and A Unified Development Ordinance, by Michael B. Brough) E -3 GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS 3.00 General Parking Regulations 3.001 Off street parking shall be provided in conjunction with and during the construction, conversion and /or expansion of any structure, as well as upon the expansion of use. In the case of expansion or conversion, these standards shall apply only to the expanded or converted areas. 3.002 In granting special permit for any use, the Special Permit Granting Authority may require off street parking spaces, standards, or conditions in addition to those set forth in this Bylaw, if it deems necessary for the use. 3.003 Any specific, more stringent provision in any other section of the Town Bylaw relating to parking shall prevail over provisions in this section. 3.01 Parking Areas Design and Location All new structures and additions or extensions on existing structures shall be provided with off- street parking spaces in accordance with the following specifications: 3.011 Definitions: 3.012 Location 3.013 Drainage 3.014 Screening a. Driveway A space, located on a lot, which is not more than fifteen (15) feet in width for residential uses nor more than twenty-four (24) feet in width for commercial or industrial uses at the lot line, built for access to a garage or off street parking or loading space. b. Parking Space An off street space at least nine (9) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length, excluding the portion of the driveway to such space. a. Required parking shall be provided on the same lot with the main use it is to serve or, in Commercial and Industrial Districts, on a lot that is in the same ownership as, and located within, three- hundred (300) feet of the main use. Parking required for two or more buildings or uses may be provided in combined facilities where it is evident that such facilities will continue to be available for the several buildings or uses. b. Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard of the structure. a. Drainage facilities for each parking area should be designed and constructed to contain stonnwater run-off on the premises. a. For five (5) or more vehicles, parking spaces shall be effectively screened with planting or fencing which adjoins or faces the side or rear lot line of a lot situated in any district. b. Screening may consist of decorative elements such as building wall extensions, plantings, berms or other innovative means, must be maintained in good condition, and no advertising shall be placed thereon. The screening shall be designed so that vehicle sight distance shall not be affected at entrances, exits, or at street intersections. Growth Management Workbook 158 3.015 Lighting a. Drives and parking areas shall be illuminated in such a way that there shall be no glare for motorists, pedestrians, or adjoining premises. 3.016 Driveway Access Perrnits A driveway access permit must be obtained from the (Building Inspector or Public Works Department) for all new or relocated driveways or parking lots. 3.02 Additional Parking Area Standards for Areas with Ten (10) or More Parking Spaces 3.021 In a parking lot or parking building up to sixty percent (60%) of the parking space must be 9 feet by 20 feet in size. The remaining forty percent (40%) may have a reduced parking space size of 9 feet by 16 feet to accommodate smaller cars. The parking space sizes are exclusive of adequate driveways and aisles. 3.022 Surfacing The area and access driveways shall be surfaced with bituminous or cement concrete material. The location of spaces shall be suitably marked by painted lines or other appropriate markings. 3.023 To the extent feasible, parking areas shall be shared with adjacent uses. This may be accomplished via one of the following methods: a. Access via a common driveway serving adjacent lots or premises. b. Access via an existing side street. c. Access via a cul-de -sac or loop road shared by adjacent lots or premises. 3.024 Parking areas shall be designed so that vehicles cannot extend beyond the perimeter of such area onto adjacent properties or public rights -of way. Such areas shall also be designed so that vehicles do not extend over sidewalks or tend to bump against or damage any wall, vegetation, or other obstruction. 3.025 Landscaping All open air surface parking area shall be landscaped in the following manner. a. A landscaped buffer strip at least fifteen (15) feet wide, continuous except for approved driveways, shall be established adjacent to any public road to visually separate parking and other uses from the road. The buffer strip shall be planted with grass, medium height shrubs, and shade trees (minimum 2" caliper, planted at least every 50 feet along the road frontage). At all street or driveway intersections, trees or shrubs shall be set back a sufficient distance from such intersections so that they do not present a traffic visibility hazard. b. Large parking area, areas providing more than seventy-five (75) parking spaces, shall be subdivided with landscaped islands, so that no paved parking surface shall extend more than 80 feet in width. At least one tree (minimum 2" caliper) per 35 parking spaces shall be provided. c. Exposed storage areas, machinery, service areas, truck loading areas, utility buildings and structures and other unsightly uses shall be screened from view from neighboring properties and streets using dense, hardy evergreen plantings, or earthen berms, or wall or tight fence complemented by evergreen plantings. d. All landscaped areas shall be properly maintained. Shrubs or trees which die shall be replaced within one growing season. 3.026 Driveway Location a. Any portion of any entrance or exit driveway shall not be closer than fifty (50) feet to the curb line of an intersecting street nor shall it be closer than fifty (50) feet to any portion of an existing driveway Located in a Business or Industrial District b. Any two driveways leading to or from the same street and from the same lot shall note be within thirty (30) feet of each other at their intersections with the front lot line for an interior lot and forty (40) feet for a corner lot. Growth Management Workbook 159 USES REQUIRED MINIMUM SPACES Residential Single Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit Accessory Apartment 2 spaces per dwelling unit, except the one bedroom units require only one space Dwelling Conversion 2 spaces per dwelling unit Home Occupation 1 additional space Rooming House, Boarding House 1 space for each room rented in addition to dwelling unit requirements Tourist Home/Bed Breakfast 2 spaces, plus 1 additional space for each rooming unit Two- and Three Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit Multi family Dwelling limited to persons of low or moderate income or the elderly 1 space per dwelling unit Multi family Dwelling 1 space for each bedroom in each unit plus 1 additional space for every 4 units in the development Congregate Housing for Elderly and Handicapped 1.5 spaces for each sleeping room r L L_ 3.03 Required Minimum Parking Spaces 3.031 For all zoning districts, off street parking spaces shall be provided for every new structure, the enlargement of an existing structure, or the development of a new land use. 3.032 For all zoning districts, except the Central Business District, in cases of a change in use where the existing use (or in cases of vacancy, the next previous use) did not provide for the number of off street parking spaces required under this Bylaw, then the proposed use does not have to provide for the number of off- street parking spaces, provided said proposed use does not require any more off street parking spaces under this Bylaw than the existing use or in cases of vacancy, the next previous use) would. In situations where the proposed use would require a larger number of off street parking spaces, the proposed use shall only have to provide an additional number of off street parking spaces equal to the difference between the number required under this Bylaw for the proposed use. 3.033 All uses shall provide parking spaces adequate to accommodate under all normal conditions the vehicles of occupants, employees, members, customers, clients, residents, and visitors to the premises, as determined by the Planning Board. 3.04 Mixed Uses In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall be the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses computed separately. Parking spaces for one use shall not be considered as providing the required parking for any other use. 3.05 Parking Guidelines The following guidelines may be used by the Planning Board when determining adequate parking: Growth Management Workbook 160 USES REQUIRED MINIMUM SPACES Business, Commercial, and Industrial Uses Automobile retail and service establishment, and other retail and service establishments involving usually extensive display areas, either indoor or outdoor, in relation to customer traffic. 1 space per 800 square feet of gross floor space. In the case of outdoor display areas one for each 1,000 square feet of lot area in such use. Commercial, retail, and personal service establishments 1 space per each 300 square feet of gross floor area Miscellaneous professional and business offices, including banks, insurance, and real estate establishments. 1 space per each 300 square feet of gross floor area Medical/Dentist Office /Clinics 5 spaces per professional space Kennels, Veterinary Establishments Parking spaces adequate to accom- modate, under normal conditions, the vehicles of occupants, employees, members, customers, clients, and visitors to the premises shall be provided as determined by the Special Permit Granting Authority Gas /Service Station 3 spaces /service bay, but not less than 1 space /100 square feet of gross floor area Hotel or Motor Inn 1 space for each sleeping room, plus 1 space for each 500 square feet of public meeting area or restaurant Funeral Parlors 10 spaces for each reposing room Drive -in Eating Establishment 1 space per 30 square feet of gross floor area Restaurants, Taverns 1 space for each 4 seats, 1 space addition for each 2 employees on largest shift Warehouse or Storage Facility 1 space for 3,000 square feet of gross floor area and/or of lot area in such use Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment 1 space for each person employed on the largest shift For all other permitted commercial or industrial uses, including, but not limited to, farm stands, open lot sales, place of the building trades, storage, or distribution plants Parking spaces adequate to accom- modate, under normal conditions, the vehicles of occupants, employees, members, customers, clients, and visitors to the premises shall be provided as determined by the Board of Appeals Growth Management Workbook 161 USES REQUIRED MINIMUM SPACES Government, Institutional, and Public Services Uses indoor place of assembly with fixed seating capacity including theaters, auditoriums, assembly hall, churches, arenas, and convention centers 1 space for every 4 seats Indoor place of assembly without fixed seats, including libraries, museums, art galleries, govern- ment buildings, recreation and community centers membership clubs, skating rinks, or other places of amusement 1 space per each 300 square feet of gross floor area Bowling Alleys 1 space per 3 lanes Day Care, Nursery School 1 space per 2 employees Elementary and Junior High School 1 space for each teacher and employee, including space for the gymnasium or the auditorium, whichever has the larger capacity High School 1 space for each teacher and employee, phis 1 space per 4 students, including space for the gymnasium or the auditorium, whichever has the larger capacity Hospital 1.5 spaces per bed at design capacity Rest, convalescent, and nursing homes and homes for the aged 1 space for each 4 beds Any use permitted by this Bylaw not interpreted to be covered by this schedule Closest similar use as shall be determined by the Planning Board Note 1: Gross floor area shall mean the total area of a building measured by taking the outside dimensions of the building at each floor level intended for occupancy or storage. Note 2: When the computation of required parking OD loading spaces results in the requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of one -half or more shall require one space. 3.06 Off Street Loading and Unloading Requirements 3.061 Adequate off street loading and unloading space with proper access from a street, highway, common service driveway, or alley shall be provided whenever the normal operation of any development requires that goods, merchandise, or equipment be routinely delivered to or shipped from that development. 3.062 The loading and unloading area must be of sufficient size to accommodate the numbers and types of vehicles that are likely to use this area, given the nature of the development proposed. The following table indicates the number and size of spaces that generally satisfy the standard set forth in this subsection. However, the Planning Board may require more or less loading and unloading area if it deems such increases or decreases reasonably necessary to satisfy the foregoing standard. Growth Management Workbook 162 Gross Leasable Number of Spaces* Area of Building 1,000 19,999 1 20,000 79,999 2 80,000 127,999 3 128,000 191,999 4 192,000 255,999 5 256,000 319,999 6 320,000 391,999 7 Plus one (1) space for each additional 72,000 square feet or fraction thereof. Minimum dimensions of 12 x 55 feet and overhead clearance of 14 feet from street Growth Management Workbook 163 grade 3.063 Loading and unloading areas shall be so located and designed that the vehicles intended to use them can maneuver safely and conveniently to and from a public right -of -way, and complete the loading and unloading operations without obstructing or interfering with any public right -of -way or any parking space or parking lot aisle. 3.064 No area allocated to loading and unloading facilities may be used to satisfy the area requirements for off street parking, nor shall any portion of any off street parking area be used to satisfy the area requirements for loading and unloading facilities. 3.065 Whenever there exists a lot with one or more structures on it constructed before the effective date of this chapter, and a change in use that does not involve any enlargement of a structure is proposed for such lot and, the loading area requirements of the section cannot be satisfied because there is not sufficient area available on the lot that can practically be used for loading and unloading, then the developer need only comply with this section to the extent reasonably possible. APPENDIX D PROPOSED EASTHAMPTON PLANNED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BYLAW PROPOSED PLANNED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EASTHAMPTON SECTION XIX. PLANNED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (a) Planned Business Developments shall be permitted in the General Business and Industrial districts only upon issuance of a Special Permit with Site Plan Review from the Zoning Board of Appeals. (b) General Description. A Planned Business Development shall mean a development constructed on a lot or lots under single or consolidated ownership at the time of application, planned, developed, operated and maintained as a single entity containing one or more structures to accommodate retail and service uses. Planned Business Developments are permitted a reduction in the parking requirements contained in the Table of Off Street Parking Regulations provided that the Special Permit and Site Plan Review requirements (Sections XI and XVIII) of the bylaw are met as well as additional requirements herein specified. (c) Uses permitted by special permit with site plan review in a Planned Business Development shall be limited to the following: (1) Retail establishment selling principally convenience goods including but not limited to food, drugs and proprietary goods; (2) Retail establishment selling general merchandise, including but not limited to dry goods, apparel and accessories, furniture and home equipment, small wares and hardware, and including discount and limited price variety stores; (3) Eating and drinking places not including drive -in establishments; (4) Drive -in eating establishments; (5) Sales by vending machines as a principal use; (6) Establishment selling new and /or used automobiles and trucks, new automobile tires and other accessories, aircraft, boats, motorcycles and household trailers; (7) Motel; (8) Personal and consumer service establishment; (9) Membership club; (10) Professional and business offices and services; (11) Automotive repair, automobile service station or garage (not including a iunkyard or open storage of abandoned automobiles or other vehicles); (12) Miscellaneous business repair services; (13) Amusement and recreation service, outdoor; (14) Amusement and recreation service, indoor; 2 (d) Dimensional and density regulations (11 All uses in a Planned Business Development shall be in conformity with the dimensional and density regulations set forth in the Planned Business Development Table of Dimensional Regulations: (3) Planned Business Development. Table of Dimensional Regulations District General Business Industrial Minimum Lot Area Per 5 acres 5 acres Planned Business Development: Minimum Lot Width: 120 feet 140 feet Minimum Frontage: 120 feet 140 feet Minimum Front Yard: 30 feet 50 feet Minimum Side Yard: 25 feet 25 feet Minimum Rear Yard: 30 feet 30 feet Maximum Permitted 30 feet 30 feet Height: Maximum Permitted 2 stories 2 stories Stories: Maximum Building 50% 50% Coverage of Lot Based on Gross Floor Area: (2) Uses shall be contained in one continuous building except that groupings of buildings may be allowed by special permit of the board where such groupings are consistent with the safety of the users of the development and are further consistent with the overall intent of this section; the development shall be served by one common parking area, exit and entrance. High- volume traffic generating .uses, uses that have a trip generation rate of 700 vehicles per day or more. are restricted to a total of only twenty (20) percent of the gross floor area of a building. These uses include, but are not limited to, fast -food restaurants, service stations,' convenience markets and automatic teller bank machines. Unless the applicant provides data from existing uses, the Institute for Transportation Engineers' publication, Trip Generation shall be used to calculate the number of vehicle trips per day for proposed uses. Building permits for additional high- volume traffic generators will not be issued once the twenty (20) percent threshold has been reached. (4) The screening and buffer requirements for industrial or business districts apply to Planned Business Developments. (e) Additional Planned Business Development Requirements In addition to the Special Permit and Site Plan Review requirements (in Sections XI and 'XVII) of this bylaw, the development must conform to the following: 7 L._ (1) The development shall be served by a public water and sewer system. (2) The development shall be served by one common parking area and by common exit and entrance areas. (3) The proposed development must comply with the Commercial Development and Performed Standards of Section XVIII. (4) A reduction in parking space requirements is permitted for a Planned Business Development. (5) Reduction in parking space requirements shall not exceed more than ten (10) percent of those required under normal application of requirements for the particular uses proposed. Except for the permitted parking space reduction, the Planned Business Development shall comply with the Off Street Parking and Loading regulations in Section VIII. In addition, the development must comply with the following: a. Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard of a structure. b. Notwithstanding other screening and landscape requirements set forth elsewhere in the bylaw, all front and side yards shall be landscaped. Such landscaping shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the planting of grass, ground cover, flowerbeds, shrubs, hedge or trees. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance, and free of refuse and debris. All plantings shall be arranged and maintained so as not to obscure the vision of traffic. c. Street frontages shall include shade trees and there shall be trees planted for every 30 feet of street frontage, using trees no less than 2.5 inch caliper at the time of installation. In the case of an uncleared site, existing vegetation can be preserved to achieve said objective. d. When a parking lot is located adjacent to a public right -of -way, at least a 10 -foot wide landscaped area between the' right -of -way and the parking lot shall be provided. This area shall be landscaped with one shade or ornamental tree planted every forty (40) feet along the right -of -way. e. For interior parking lot areas at least two (2) percent of the gross area of the vehicular use area shall be landscaped. Developed areas shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width. One shade tree for every fifteen (15) parking spaces is required in parking lots of over 20 parking spaces. 0930K 3/7/91 4 f. Failure to maintain landscaping shall be grounds to revoke parking lot approval and the approval for the principal use which the parking lot serves. g. Loading and unloading facilities shall be located in a manner so as not to be visible from the street frontage. In addition. such facilities shall be screened from public view from anv side streets abutting the lot on which the building is located. (6) A traffic impact statement is required for all Planned Business Development. (f) Application.' for a Planned Business Development (1) The applicant must comply with the application requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 9 and the requirements contained in Sections XI and XVII of this bylaw. Where the site plan constitutes a subdivision. the development shall be subiect to Planning Board approval under the subdivision control law. (2) The applicant shall provide the Town with a performance guarantee if the development requires subdivision. The performance guarantee is subject to approval from the Planning Board and shall be in the form of (a) a Covenant covenanting that before any lot is built upon or conveyed, all roads and utilities shall be, built and approved by the Planning Board, or (b) performance bond or surety. In the case of (b), the applicant shall complete all the required improvements at least nine (9) months prior to the expiration date of the financial performance guarantee so that the Town will have time to draw upon said funds and complete the unfinished work. r r L APPENDIX E PROPOSED BYLAW TO RESTRICT HIGH VOLUME TRAFFIC GENERATING USES IN EASTHAMPTON r PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION V. USE REGULATIONS OF EASTHAMPTON'S ZONING B Add the following amendment: SECTION V. USE REGULATIONS (e) Prohibit all high- volume traffic generating uses in the General Business and Industrial districts unless the uses are included in a Planned Business Development. A high- volume traffic generating use shall be defined as any use that has a trip generation rate of 700 vehicles per day or more based on the statistics provided in the most recent edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineer's publication, Trip Generation. Traffic data from existing uses may be used to supplement the ITE's information for a particular use. 0932K 3/7/91 APPENDIX F PROPOSED EASTHAMPTON PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BYLAW PROPOSED PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT EASTHAMPTON SECTION XVIII. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT a. Planned Industrial Developments shall be permitted in the General Business and Industrial districts only upon issuance of a Special Permit with Site Plan Review from the Zoning Board of Appeals. b. General description. A Planned Industrial Development shall mean a development constructed on a lot or lots under single ownership at the time of the application planned and developed as an integral unit, and consisting primarily of manufacturing or service industrial uses. Planned Industrial Developments are permitted a reduction in the minimum area regulations as specified in Table of Area Regulations provided that Special Permit and Site Plan Review requirements (Sections XI and XVII) of this bylaw are met as well as the additional requirements herein specified. c. Uses Permitted By Special Permit With Site Plan Review The permitted uses shall be limited to manufacturing or service industrial uses with the total use completely within building. d. Dimensional Requirements 1. The tract in single or consolidated ownership at the time of application shall be at least forty (40) acres in size. 2. Individual lot sizes shall not be reduced more than ten (10) percent below the largest that is normally is required in the district. 3. The total number of establishments in the development shall not exceed the number of establishments which could be developed under normal application requirements of the district.. e. Additional Requirements In addition to the Special Permit and Site Plan Review requirements (in Sections XI and XVII of this bylaw), the development must conform to the following requirements: 1. The development must be adequately serviced by a municipal water system and a municipal sewer system. 2. Proposed developments must comply with the Commercial Development and Performance Standards of Section XVII. 3. In addition to the Off Street Parking and Loading regulations in Section VIII, the development must comply with the following standards: (a) Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front yard of a structure. (f) (g) 2 (b) No more than one (1) curb cut per twenty (20) acres is permitted onto any collector streets already existing when the Planned Industrial Development is proposed. A collector street is a street which receives and distributes traffic to and from various sub -areas within a neighborhood and receives traffic from a given neighborhood and carries it to an arterial highway. These roads can be Dart of the state roadway system. (c) Not withstanding other screening and landscape reauirements set forth elsewhere in this bylaw, all front and side yards shall be landscaped. Such landscaping shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the planting of grass, ground cover, flowerbeds, shrubs, hedges, or trees. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance, and free of refuse and debris. All plantings shall be arranged and maintained so as to not obsure the vision of traffic. (d) Street frontages shall include shade trees and there shall be trees planted for every 30 feet of street frontage, using trees no less than 2.5 inch caliper at the time of installation. In the case of an uncleared site existing vegetation can be preserved to achieve said objective. (e) When a parking lot is located adjacent to a public right -of -way at least a 10 -foot wide landscaped area between the right -of -way and the parking lot shall provided. This area shall be landscaped with one shade or ornamental tree planted provide per every forty (40) feet of along the right -of -way. For interior parking lot areas at least two (2) percent of the gross area of the vehicular use area shall be landscaped areas shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width. One shade tree for every fifteen (15) parking spaces is required in parking lots of over twenty (20) parking spaces. Failure to maintain landscaping shall be grounds to revoke parking lot approval and the approval for the principal use which the aprking lot serves. (h) Loading and unloading facilities shall be located in a manner so as to be visible from the street frontage. In addition, such facilities shall be screened from public view from any side streets abutting the lot on which the building is located. 4. Roads and utilities adequate to serve each stage of development must be installed prior to the occupancy of any structure within that stage of development. 5. A traffic impact statement is required for all Planned Industrial Developments. f. Common Land Requirements 1. At least ten (10) percent of the total tract area (of which at least fifty (50) percent shall not be wetlands or over five (5) pecent slope land) shall be set aside as common land and shall be either deeded to the town or covenanted to be maintained as permanent "open space" in private or cooperative non profit ownership. g. 1/3/91 0929K 2. Such common land shall be deeded to the town or permanently covenanted simultaneously with the planning board's approval of the definitive subdivision plan, if any. 3. Such common land shall be restricted to open space, playfield, golf course, or conservation area. 4. Such common land shall have suitable access to a street. Application for a Planned Industrial Development 1. The applicant must comply with the application requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 9 and the requirements contained in Sections XI and XVII of this bylaw. It shall be referred to the planning board for advice and recommendation. Where the site plan constitutes a subdivision, it shall be subject to planning board approval under the subdivision control law. 2. A Planned Industrial Development may be developed in stages, in accordance with a sequencing plan approved by the Board of Appeals. 3. The applicant shall provide the Town with a performance guarantee if the development requires subdivision. The performance guarantee is subiect to approval from the Planning Board and shall be in the form of a) a Covenant,.. covenanting that before any lot is built upon or conveyed all roads and utilities shall be built and approved by the Planning Board, or b) the applicant shall complete all the required improvements at least nine (9) months prior to the expiration date of the financial performance guaranteed so that the Town will have time to draw upon said funds and complete the unfinished work. APPENDIX G AMENDED EASTHAMPTON DEFINITIONS OF LOT FRONTAGE AND STREET AMENDED EASTHAMPTON DEFINITIONS OF LOT FRONTAGE AND STREET Lot Frontage The unbroken horizontal distance measured along the front lot line of a street between the points of intersection of the side lot lines with the front lot line. The portion of a lot fronting on a discontinued or unconstructed road does not constitute frontage. Street A constructed way which is over thirty (30) feet in right -of -way width which is dedicated or devoted to public use by legal mapping or by any other lawful procedure. A street includes all public ways, a way which the town clerk certifies is maintained and used as a public way, a way shown on a plan approved and endorsed in accordance with the "Subdivision Rules and Regulations" of Easthampton, Massachusetts, and a way having in the opinion of the Easthampton Planning Board sufficient width, suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed uses of the land abutting thereon or served thereby, and for the installation of municipal services to serve such land and the building erected or to be erected thereon. 1507K APPENDIX H STREETSCAPE DESIGN Source: Design Consortium, Ltd., "Williams Boulevard Corridor," 1985; City of Boulder, Co., "Urban Design Plan," 1986 a) '�OZJ —I U1 ''p N 77 3 C 0 0 .0 ,C .0 0 ,C .0 0 N .S] E 0 Al N 0 0, C ct5 C •r ai 0-) 4J E-1 C 0 •u r1 4-' -r.1 C.) ro (0 4J U a) U O U O Uw c'G 0 r6 a 1 U) zi; -Q 1) 1� O r6 `0 ar 8 C ca Ul to O w O C U .5 0 0 W f t U U N 3 1 J .,1 C ro C U .41 U }•1 Chi O. N a) U> R U N U 4.J O J O C U r6 EE_, 'a 1 O .4",, O O al l, 4 .0 0 U 0 O C a) 0 t 1 -1 o CL 0 4) U '0 p a Er) 4-1 r 1 •-i a) ■_1 U U O u E C U U RI O��oaO�� C �r 1C .�tn P(1) efj U O 7 o U 4.4ra 4J .4.)..9 E w E j r �j w U rC U) O a) U E H .0 U E U a m •O a) 114 a) E1 r6 C O a) rC U .0 r-i U) w •r•1 r, N N U a U O, a-1 O 0 0 C g 0 U .0 U 'S C U C r 1 o E1 4 w C .'1 4.) 4_, C ro a) U 41 w C `‘i U O Rf 04 1 7 'O •.1 .0 --1 0 C w C 0 a .r N r 1 O P U 4-I (t1 ms cu r ?-1 a) a) r a) U s3' r0 W X r I'S r U r6 ra N r•C) r6 RS Q >1 U C C U r C a-' N C O •.1 U) r01 4-+ c En W p ro 4.r ,C •E x 4 w o U 2,-4 N 3 O 0 ,i rC U 7:3 E '..-1 C (ti .,1 .,1 t a n C 3 ).4 0.3 u) V) U U 4a u) O u) 0 C� r0 _c 0 r U) ((0 0.) w co RS E cf) C U) O a U •r a) O C N r0 S rC U U a) U? U 1) U) C rt 0 a -1 r -1 ∎-1 04 U U 1 a) C 1 U U) 7 a U ?-4 0 -i1 •r•1 -,-.1 a) C r1 r O (11 O a) U) O a) O u) C ..--1 )4 r1 4-4 •'1 ,,.0 r1 3 1 C a) U) _0 •r1 .--I rC a) 0, r-i 4 ro ,.c o v r1 (.l, a) JP W 3 3 1 0 O C O 4-1 U .0 0 0 0 0 U O O U O U) (n a) N C 3 04 4 04 3 a) I-1 04 3 a) 4-' 0 04 co 4) O Oa 3 C 4 CL 'a w .0 0 U C 0 4.).. W rC -r•1 0 M to N 4-1 -0 •,-1 W 0 0 •.-i 0, .,-1 U) 4-' r•1 a U) r•( U) 0 r1 r() O i rp U U) a 4J 41 �•rr N 3.4 0 C u 1aL)° 0001 U) U )a CO 3, W U) 1-1 �0 4- .0 •C U) 0 a) U 4-) a) •r-1 C r+ -,-1 U) 0 C )4 C O (13 m Rx roc�0a) raC U E U E1 (n 4-' -1 ra a) 0 o a) -'1 a a) v 04C u) 0 ou 0 3 (us ro o., .0 (x .....-1 m a) w w •4 O N >y E U ,0' a -4 c E C o E cC N a, C C U) .,•1 C w; Ex0,�04 cC U) O al a) RS 0 1 0 O U )4 0 O N U) a) r 6 U 1 a) r a H a 5 S U) E 4.' 0., r-1 .C1 co (C 0 4-) r--I 1 r() C -n 0 -,1 3 U 0 al 44 3 0 In •1 .0 3 E x O C 0 4) tor),, 3 3 It O O, aa O-' U .0 c (I) a) Ca -C a X u 4- O (n U 0 O n3 1 CO as 0 .0 C 0 U0 0 al a) C RS U r1 O r 0 Q) 0 va r0 ''C RS RS C U 41 1 P] 41 .-I U C E (CCU 4-3 ri r' O p U) w O r-1 .1 C w U •'1 •-4 P r1 (1) C 0 x .,..1 U -41 1-1 •i1 4J) r1 U a U 3 r1 C a) r� 3 O r a) 1 0 J x U) C i 0 r a) RS 0 0 0 0 C '--r 0 a) 0 (n -.1 CU 0 0 .O a) .0 a) W Z (CS G) rC 14 a) (n 4 ,S2 Lr C E 0) w 1 .1-4 -p a) 4-) rC is O .r.1 a) 1 CO U) E •-1 a) a) .0 0 4 13 E -4 13 E U 3 w U .1-1 C 1 •aJ ra o U E w 2" 0' U wr0 o Oww x a) ro w ra aJ -U w n3 0 -0 v r a9 ro ''O ^C) o 0 a) ra r0 o, �0 -W 04 4. U U O H -9 a) C ^C 4'' 4 3 E r- (13 O U 4-+ E r 4 04 W W 0 En a) -i1 r1 E Q,U1.�^C r, O1C 0 U U C O O ra Q r1 r1 C a) 4-' 4 (t) g C ro u) 3 o) rD a) u 3 a) u) O v C 0 rC U) 1 0 v 3 04 .0 0 U> O C C 0 Cn W rp 0 ri 0 4 '--t 1-t •r•i .0 0 E1 W Pl a-' ro 0' a) a-' ••1 .0 0 0 r- 4-) •,1 r1 3 0 r6 1 0 3-1 (n ra r1 O O u) a) O C U 4 O 3 -r U Cn O p r0 U F`D tn C r 1 ..-1 U U) r 0 Rs C X U a) O cC 'V Q) N O 1 O >4 E E 5 O '8 (13 0 .0 Oi W r1 p CO Q, 1J 'a r-1 U) 0 r to CP r@ f' m a'-- 4 0 ro V 4)r0 0 U cC a) r0 1 U) O 4, O p •'a E a 0 1) C O u) C r1 O 0 U O, 0 O w x as r 3 E 0 (n E ra o 'Co p >a U C U C •r-' c r° RSa�'a 0 "cc u RS p •E1 (n O E c a) m .41 .,1 C 1 J cn U q E 4 W 0 4a C 0) N w 04 ro O U) C 0 0 r1 .0 C U O, E E N C E1 r0 W C O C O C C ri 4-( ,-C CL -0 •-4-1 w 0 U) 3 0 N -1 1 .41 C r6 r1 3 •,1 C 41 U a 3 r0 4J O 0 C 3 O C '00 N N N p (n 0 r1 a) i4-, U Cl O U ra 3 ?"1 a r O 113 ,--1 ,..i a) a) r1 O i W 04 E E O 0 0 -0 as 0 .0 0 O rcS U r 4 1 f/f E CO 4- 3 U) 4J •W KC •r1 U) c U O r, C a) -C -1-) ra in 0 0) 4� �3 al N O U) O 03 al a) 4.) Q>4 U r C c R3 ro C ....4 �ro 'a ru 4' O C U R7 (13 a): r C C C a a-' .II UI C -C C al 0 4) w W a) .0 W O C ro 1 3 I i I 11 C Q .4- •r•, 0 ,C c a) .,1 cf) v O ,Cal 41 ro Cn W 3 U) 0 ro Cc) ro o W 3,- *HI O El w o%, u aJ o' .0 C 4 1J .y..) N ..0 a) •u U rs U U1 aJ o a) ro cn (Is a) Sl iT U) N C cn al O C •H U) y 41 O •'i w W 6 O C. O C x .4 0 o C ro U] CD �4_1 -0 m o x 0) U.) RI Q) (n 4-) (0 Ul C 1•1 rs (1) •r Ul O o (o a -1-) cn (1) .0 2T LH O C U .-a 3 C a) Q) O 1! p r O U1 ,.c S -1 ?-1 ,--1 3 0 Ul W -1-1 03 N J am (U 1J a ro c N c° o o cn u ai 0 C a1 3 a) 3 w O 3 v oa 7 ,_c as _IC •0 E w J U _4 U� ?-I 4-1 1.1 N O U W C 0-1 U••1 C2 C O O ro w rl r( r_i 11 U) 4..J p C U W 1 4 �ro Q U) •r'1 4! -C •r•, —1 H O C 4 a) Ei U -C O d L2, c 13 -2 U) O O U? —I C ro w U ro •H (C.13 U c 3 O U? •r1 ro ro C O U1 ro U --1 N a 3 m U U C l A U I Q) a) C ZJ U) O -1-1 cn 1j N (1 as O C (n C .c rl f2, -1 H 1 co 1. 1 a) (t1 E '0 E C O L' U) •r( C O O U U a) 03 ,-O o C W C C la W W w O O (T5 04 al 0 L. .c c 03 z tri 0°1 (9 -w rn ,-9 g e Ea 3 (A E E U U Q., 4 a v el >1 4J WJ p u) ts .c a) a) r-( o., 4J E U2 C U 4J El v UU U p ID 0 •4-4 N r rx W 0 3 03 cz 0 1) U) 0 U) •1-1 v 0 r 0 ra ra a �ama) a aQ a9 coo ug0 ro a) u-+ c c a-' a) R, 3 u C C 4-I W •--I CT --I u) •r-■ 0 0 CC X CT w ua a) 0 u) U ra a) --I p .n >4 il, •r r r6 .--1 ID 0 3 H w 3 I c ra ..c ((t 3 r I x u) 0 >1 a) H C C er >1 ID Hi O 0 V 73 0 0) r aJ aJ N H C 0 4r O 0, a) a) U) N a 4 0 O -x C -S) w dJ r•i u),-'2, ui a) a) 0 .0 u) rt a) C 0 E-• 0 2' c a c E- 0 rU V CD Li 0 L .1 A e 1 C.1 2111 ,41 3 r71 5 ?4,A, 1.■■■■■• a IA; L r '2.1 8 .,:,1, t" ...Ls i.Z.1 14 `.:7 i• ,i1011 i c 3 8t- ..■e .",a. ...2', OM' t.4.4 4.1j %.7.1 50.11111111111111.11111 Z.;:; .../.1 f 7.1 4 1' e, 4 j 1 7 9 CO Am j .ii ..st A. 1, t'•, i .:'...1 x v'-■ 1 a) ttrI 2,.`, m ....v. 1 CS 8 tn ill_ bC mil Q. cit ri#,0 1 i 7 A 8 0 .•t n e iiii,rogegggfeeffirgegte& _II I t z' k 2 Streetscape Plan: Streetscape Improvements The objectives of the streetscape plan are to support the identity of downtown; to encourage visual continuity for the area; to encourage expanded pedestrian use; and to improve pedestrian safety. These are similar to the overall objectives of the de- sign guidelines but focus on improvements to the public rizht -of -way. The street network acts as the primary circulation path for a variety of users: motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians. Our view of the city and countryside is most often from vantage points along these cor- ridors. Our image of the world and the se- quence with which we move through space is determined by the pattern and character of the street system. The Urban Design Plan proposes improve- ments to the downtown streetscape which will help the traveler arrive more easily at a particular destination, providing a continuous and distinctive image for downtown and its sub areas. The emphasis is on pedestrian movement in the downtown. 77 STREET HIERARCHY The concept of the street hierarchy system is based on an understanding of the differ- ent functions that each street has with re- gard to its image or purpose in the down- town. Canyon Boulevard and Broadway, as examples, are major vehicular routes through the downtown. As this is their primary function, any planned public im- provements along either street should have, as the main objective, the smooth passage of large volumes of traffic. Pedestrian improvements along.. either street would then seek to buffer the pedestrian from the negative impacts of the traffic volume and to reduce pedestrian ve- hicular conflicts with a slight bias towards the automobile. For planning and design purposes, varying degrees of priority should be given to pedestrian use depending on street func- tions. Four types of streets have been de- fined. 'A' Streets (exclusive pedestrian streets): The Pearl Street pedestrian mall is designated as an 'A' street in recognition of its role as exclusively for pedestrian use. It is to remain the most intensely used pedestrian zone. Its characteristics are: Vehicles prohibited (service or emer- gency vehicles excepted). Permanent change of use to public rights -of -way. Streetscape Plan: Streetscape Improvements Pedestrian paving design throughout. Intense landscape treatment, including seasonally- varied plantings. Coordinated street furniture. Food concessions, street vendors permitted. 'B' Streets (pedestrian- oriented vehicular streets): 'B' streets are identified as major pedestrian corridors. The objective along these streets is to incorporate paving ma- terials, landscaping, street furniture, and roadway improvements which enhance pedestrian movement and emphasize pedestrian scale. Land use regulations and architectural guidelines regarding first floor uses, bulk, scale and architectural details which affect pedestrian interest and movement will be enforced along these streets. Its characteristics are: Removal of pedestrian obstructions by consolidating elements such as news- paper vending boxes. Widening of sidewalks at intersections. Consolidation of signs. Special treatment of sidewalks and pedestrian crosswalks (e.g. brick sidewalks and crosswalks). Tree planting. Coordinated street furniture. 78 Pedestrian scale street lighting. Adjacent land uses, such as restau- rants, may be permitted to expand into the public right -of -way. 'C' Streets (pedestrian /vehicular streets): Secondary pedestrian corridors are those streets where there is expected to be less pedestrian traffic and which serve an im- portant role as inter -area vehicular circu- lation routes (e.g. mall traffic loop). The objective along these streets is to improve mobility and render existing pedestrian space more pleasant and efficient with minimal capital cost. Its characteristics are: Special treatment of pedestrian cross- ings such as brick crosswalks. Special treatment at building entries such as bricked entry alcoves. Tree planting. Street lighting. 'D' Streets (Vehicular priority streets): The primary objective along these streets is 'safe efficient movement of large volumes of vehicular traffic. Design features along these streets will seek to buffer the pedestrian from the negative impacts of the traffic volume. This includes greater build- ing setbacks, detached sidewalks with planting strips between the sidewalk and curb, and extensive landscaping. Its char- acteristics are: Removal of vehicular obstructions. Streetscape Plan: Streetscape Improvements Consolidation of traffic signs. Landscaping /tree planting where significant setbacks are required. Pedestrian improvements along either 'D' street, Canyon Boulevard or Broadway, would then seek to buffer the pedestrian from the negative impacts of the traffic volume and to reduce pedestrian vehicular conflicts with a slight bias towards the automobile. Many improvements to the public right -of- way have already been carried out by pri- vate property owners. These improve- ments consist primarily of using brick �r other sidewalk paving materials and street trees. In these instances, the existing improvements should be retained and missing elements such as lighting and street furniture should be added. 79 hgY-Re ;:':i Typical 'C' street sidewalk pavi ng and street planting Alternate paving pattern appropriate far street. Streetscape Plan: Street Hierarchy r; dz Bldg. 'tK` t. Lighting a spaced at 50.0' O.C. 1 1 .0' Bldg. Street Trees spaccd at 30.0' O.C. Tree Grates compatible with mall lighting 8.0' 11.0' Travel Travel Elements: Scored concrete sidewalk with 2.0' wide brick band along curb edge, tree grates with street trees 30.0'0.c., decorative street lighting 70.0' o.c., metal halide light source, high scale/ high pressure sodium lights at intersections. Travel Left Turn 11.0' 80.0' R.O.W. Store Entrance 85 1 1.0' 8.0' i 4.0'1, Travel Parking Note: Encourage variation in conc. sidewalk to enhance bldg.. entrances. Light Standard "C" Street, Walnut Typical Section Typical Plan 11.0' f Scored Conc. -X Sidewalk Bldg. F I L_ r Streetscape Plan: Street Hierarchy Bldg. 1 1 1 .0' 14.01 scored tree travel conc. grate sidewalk Conditions Where Bldg. Close To Street (Broadway) Decorative light standards appropriate mid block between Walnut and Spruce on Broadway Conventional "Cobra- Head" Street Lights travel median travel 80.0' R.O.W Broadway 86 10.0' travel min. D Street, Broad Typical Section Street Trees 40.0' O.C. 1, 8.0'1 10.0 k Meander Side Walk w /in 28 SO From Curb Condition Where Bldgs. Set Back From Street Landscaped median potential on Broadway at Walnut, Spruce and Pearl where left -turns are not possible ornamental trees shrubs Streetscape Plan: Street Hierarchy Conventional "Cobra- head" Street Lights I 10.0' 8.0' i :10.0' Sep. Bet. Ave. Ped. Landscaped Parking Setback Elements: Street trees at 40.0' O.C., "cobra head" type street lights, intensively landscaped separations between pedestrian and vehicle. Median Left Turn I 12 0' 1L5.0r 10 :0' 66.0' F.L.to F.L. 80.0' R.O.W Canyon Blvd 87 12.0' 12.0' Travel Travel 1 ,10.0 r 8.0' 10,0' Meandering Sidewalk "D" Street, Canyon Typical Section Street Trees 40.0' O.C. Note.: Landscaped medians can only occur where no left turns are allowed (ie: Canyon blvd. between 13th and 14th streets APPENDIX I PROPOSED BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT IN NORTHAMPTON Based on proposed, business park district prepared by the Office of Planning and Development BUSINESS PARK PROPOSED ZONING Section 3.1 Division into Districts. [revise by adding a new district] Industrial "I" Business Park BP District Section 3.4 Zoning Mao PROPOSED NORTHAMPTON BUSINESS PARK ZONING That the following described land located generally off the westerly side of Easthampton Road (Route 10), and more particularly described below, be rezoned from the Suburban Residence (SR) District to the Business Park (BP) District: all of Parcels 49 and 50, Assessors /Zoning Map 37. all of Parcels 29, 30, and 31, Assessors /Zoning Map 44. Section 5.2 Table of Use Regulations. [revise to add a new column of industrial uses:] BP [the same designations of uses shall apply to BP as currently apply to SR (A, PC, SP, PB, [revise to add a new row under WHOLESALE, TRANSPORTATION AND INDUSTRIAL USES:] Planned Business Park [in all columns except for BP, this use is not allowed in the BP column, Business Park shall be allowed by a special permit from the Planning Board, PB] Section 6.2 Table of Dimensional and Density Regulations. [add a new row below SI:] BP For Planned Business Park uses: see Article XVII, Business Park District For all other uses: 2 Minimum Lot Area: 30,000 Minimum Lot Frontage /Width: 125 Minimum Lot Depth: 160 Minimum Setbacks: Frontyard: 30 Sideyard: 20 Rearyard: 40 Maximum Height 35 Maximum Building Coverage 20 Maximum FAR: none Minimum Open Space 70 Section 6.5 Screening and Buffers Industrial or Business Districts. Screening and buffers shall be required on any lot in any industrial or business district where it adjoins a lot in a residential district and shall be required for any lot in the BP district to screen the use from abutting collector streets as follows: Section 7.5 Signs Permitted in anv "I" District. [revise 7.5 (1)(a) In all GI... to read in all GI and BP] [add new section:] (c) For GI and BP Districts where a number of individually owned parcels are developed as a single collective entity (I.E. an Industrial or Business Park) the Planning Board may grant a Special Permit permitting one additional ground sign identifying the collective entity and /or the individual business located therein. Said sign must conform to all of the requirements for ground signs contained in section (b) above. Section 8.1 Off Street Parking Requirements. [revise the last paragraph before the Table of Off Street Parking Regulations to read:] Parking shall be provided to serve the parking needs which are generated by a particular use or structure. When there is more than one primary use of a structure, the parking requirements for each use must be met unless one use is incidental to the principal use of structure. Section 8.2 Off Street Loading and Unloading Requirements. Add the following to Table of Off Street Loading Regulations: Business services and offices Section 10.11 Site Plan Review /Approval Process. [add the following to the end of Paragraph 2 (major projects):] Planned Business Park projects 3 ARTICLE XVII BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT Section 17.1 Purpose: To encourage economic development, provide an area for light industrial uses, research facilities, and large scale business offices, and encourage planned and integrated land uses which minimize impacts on public services and natural resources and which links housing needs to housing production. Section 17.2 Planned Business Park: In addition to the uses allowed in S5.2, the Table of Use Regulations, the Planning Board may grant a Special Permit for a Planned Business Park (PBP) for the following uses, within the allowed percent of each use listed below: 1. All residential uses listed in the Table of Use Regulations except one family dwellings and cemeteries. A minimum of ten (10) percent and no more than twenty (20) percent of gross floor space shall be residential uses. 2. All community facilities listed in the Table of Use Regulations except power plants, and municipal parking lots or structures. No more than ten (10) percent of gross floor area shall be community facilities. 3. The following retail and commercial uses, but no more than four (4) percent of gross floor space shall be retail or commercial uses: a. Retail establishment selling principally convenience goods including, but not limited to: food, drugs, and proprietary goods with a maximum of 10,000 sq. foot /floor area for any single establishment. b. Eating and drinking places where consumption is primarily intended to be within the building. c. Establishments selling foods prepared on premises where consumption is primarly off the premises and where consumption of food in motor vehicles on the premises is not permitted nor encouraged. 4. The following service and office uses: a. Tradesman, not involved with retail sales on the premises. b. Business offices and services, including large scale offices but excluding professional offices, such as medical or legal offices, and any offices where the primary function is to provide services to retail customers or individuals. 5. The following wholesale and industrial uses: a. Manufacturing and light manufacturing. b. Research offices or establishments for research and development activities. 4 Section 17.3 Planned Business Park Requirements: The following conditions must be met for any Planned Business Park Special Permit, in addition to S10.10 criteria for Special Permit approval: 1. All uses must use municipal water and municipal sanitary sewage systems, built in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Public Works. 2. Planned Business Parks must be a minimum of 75 contiguous acres in size. All Special Permit Applications, plans, Special Permits, and sequencing plans must be for the Business Parkin its entirely. 3. At least fity (50) percent of the total tract area (of which at least fifty (50) percent shall not be wetlands), excluding screening and buffers required under S6.5 and detention ponds and and structures which require on -going maintenance and shall be set aside as open -space common land. Common land must be easily accessible from the developed areas of the park and must have suitable access to a street. Said open -space common land can include land adjacent to the area zoned Business Park if the Planning Board finds that the additional land is valuable for open space and conservation purposes and is accessible to the public and the business park tenants. If land outside of the BP zone is included, the total tract area for the purposes of calculating required open space shall include the Planned Business Park and the additional open space land. Common land shall be restricted to open space, conservation, and recreational uses such as tot -lots, playground, playfield, golf course, park land or conservation. The deed for the common land must contain such conservation restrictions or be transferred to a conservation agency /organization to insure that it will be maintained as common land in perpetuity. 4. Common land shall either be deeded to the City as park or conservation land at no cost (but only with the consent of the. Conservation Commission or Recreation Commission and the City Council) or shall be conveyed to a tax- exempt conservation organization or to a legal entity established for the purpose of owning and maintaining such common land, such organization shall be created by covenants running with the land. The plan for disposition and protection of the open space land shall be subject to approval by the Planning Board as part of their approval of the planned Business Park. 5. A Business Park may be developed in stages, in accordance with a sequencing plan approved by the Planning Board. Each stage of development must comply with all the Business Park requirement, except as provided for below. 6. Roads and utilities adequate to serve each stage of development, including the perrcent of residential development required, must be installed prior to the occupancy of any structure within that stage of development. 7. The applicant shall provide the City with a performance guarantee, subject to approval by the Planning Board, in the form of a.) Restrictive Covenant covenanting that before any lot is built on or conveyed all roads and utilities shall be built and approved by the Planning Board, or b.) performance bond, letter or credit, or cash escrow. In case of b.), the applicant shall complete all the required improvements at least nine (9) months prior to the expiration date of the financial performance guarantee so that the City will have time to draw upon said funds and complete the unfinished work. 5 8. Residential development may occur after other aspects of the Business Park are developed, but the approved plans must show where residential space can be developed economically and this land can not be used for any use other than residential development. 9. No more than one (1) curb cut per 25 acres is permitted onto any collector streets already exisiting when the Planned Business Park is proposed. 10. Site plans must be provided in accordance with S10.11, Site Plan Approval Process. None of the requirements for information on the site plan may be waived. 11. The applicant must demonstrate that the project will not overburden municipal /public facilities, including water, sewer, or traffic circulation, and must make such improvements as are needed to mitigate any impacts. 12. The applicant must demonstrate that the project will not create objectionable noise, odor, or emissions of any kind at the property boundary and all public ways. 13. The applicant must demonstrate that the project will not in the opinion of the Planning Board excessively degrade natural systems, including wetlands and wildife habitat and corridors. 14. The applicant must demonstrate that the project will not increase storm water peak flows during a one (1) or two (2), ten (10), and hundred (100) year Soil Conservation Service design storm and will not degrade water quality. 15. Parking Standards a. Parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the structure. No parking shall be permitted within the required front vard of a structure. 16. Additional Landscaping Standards a. Not withstanding other screening and landscape requirements set forth elsewhere in this bylaw, all front and side yards shall be landscaped. Such landscaping shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the planting of grass, ground cover, flowerbeds, shrubs, hedges, or trees. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance, and free of refuse and debris. All plantings shall be arranged and maintained so as to not obscure the vision of traffic. b. Street frontages shall include shade trees and there shall be trees planted for every 30 feet of street frontage, using trees no less than 2.5 inch caliper at the time of installation. In the case of an uncleared site existing vegetation can be preserved to achieve said objective. c. When a parking lot is located adjacent to a public right -of -way at least a 15 -foot wide landscaped area between the right -of -way and the parking lot shall be provided. This areas shall be landscaped with one shade or ornamental tree planted provided per every forth (40) feet along the right -of -way. 6 d. For interior parking lot areas, at least two (2) percent of the gross area of the vehicular use area shall be landscaped areas shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width. One shade tree for every fifteen (15) parking spaces is required in parking lots of over 20 parking spaces. e. Failure to maintain landscaping shall be grounds to revoke parking lot approval and the approval for the principal use which the parking lot serves. 17. Additional Loading and Unloading Requirements Loading and unloading facilities shall not be be visible from the street frontage. In addition. such facilities shall be screened from public view from any side streets abutting the lot on whcih the building is located. 18. All Planned Business Park uses shall follow the Dimensional and Density Regulations below. 1/4/91:0931K N 0 0 m CC G1 ti 0 O N 2 0 W W O 0 M 0. U M t Y 0.6. r-. F 0. CO C 3. N .0 N a+ E 0 M 01 0 O M O v.0 0) U L 4- G) 1■ 0 a_ L o L el 0 0 4. C N v 1.N 1+ _%c +J E C CO L 1• L 0) 0 O 0 0 CO 1+ U J N 40 •O •O 0.= c C c 0 0 0•0 0 CO al 4- 'O a) 0 0 CO C N a+ E C i+ 0.c 7 al C 7 a+ E L a) a 0 U C C L 0 '0 0 0 I G) E G) CO 0 0 O CV "O aC 0 -t )!1 C 0) co X CO a+ 0 Q W 4.1 C N O X x a•- a, t 0 l• E CO L 3 L 0 (0 c a 0) (0 0) Ca _C 4- 0 c jt 3 0 co 4-. CC c 7 o Y Q i+ 0 0) 0 O W 0 0 t 7 C OC O 0 0 0' O CO N N N X L 0) )-2 01 0) 0 L 4+ W C 4- (n X ..0 •p. 0 C 0 '0 L 0) 4- .0 10 i+ 0 0 lL 30. i+ 7"O Y O C U 0 E O 0) N {C1 C•1 in 4. L _0 .0 00 e- 0) CO 0) i+ F. 2 0) L 0. 0 W L 0) t N f 4 4- a)L+ 0 0 4- L i+ 3 0) 3 L CO t O V U 0) i1 4+ "0 0 F- U C C t C 2 0) CO 7 3 0 Y O '0 U CC O) L L L W O 0 0 O C 0) 0 0 CO N N N U a 4- 0 2 C 0 w E 0 a+ m N Y O L. L 0) G) C 4- U 9-80- (1) 0. a+ 0) 0 F- 0) L 0 0 0) in /0 0) 0 J x O 0 0 4- 7 W CO 0 •0 Q. 0" 0 2 CL a- m CO N 0 .-.w 0 E X 0 00-CC 000 v 4- 9- 3 1.11 Y a 0 U 0 4- E L a) 07 7 O 0 O) U d U N 0) C N 0.c C O 0 01 CO 0 O J 3 IC1 0 0 "0 0 i+ h 0 0 L 1N 1-• 1 2 0 e- 0 0 0 0 a1 U i.+ H CO U L 4- el CO E X W J 01 U 03 0 L 1. 01 O) 11 1+ C C 01 .c O a+ CO 0 7 a+ E L Cr C 0) 4- 0 C '0 F- 7 U C C 0< 0\ 0 0 CO '0 0 CO J '111 0 0 0 0 .0 C 01 0 0 K O O O O 4-• 0) L to 4J 3 2 0 01 a) 0 0 0 0 0 L 7 f.- C x )n U Cr 7 .0 y L 0-. 0 10 C CO 4- a+ E N a+ L 0 07 7 CO 0 0 O 0 4- 7 N E 0 4+ 01 0 v 0 E C L c) U 7 O C CO 0) i+ L .0 N U t L 0) C 0) E 0 a+ a E U O) 0 4- G) U 0 "0 'O 01.c 0—' 01 0 4- C t 1✓ .0 i+ MI LL 4- 07 0 E f+ 03 0 CO N '0 0 7 C 7 C If 7 h. C .0 a••- E G) L L i+ 0) •t 0 0 4. 0) U L L C 8.9-0 C 0 L V O 0 4- 7 0) 0C =Limo E CO 0 G) 0 E 4+ 0) L N 01 O 0) CO 0 0 0 j1 U CC7 NCC7 11 Li APPENDIX J PROPOSED HIGHWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT IN NORTHAMPTON PROPOSED HIGHWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT IN NORTHAMPTON 11.12 HIGHWAY CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT 1. Purpose The purpose of the Highway Corridor (Overlay) District is to provide additional traffic performance standards, in the Site Plan Approval process, in areas where a large volume of traffic already exists. 2. Scope of Authority The Highway Corridor (Overlay) District is an overlay district and shall be superimposed on the other districts over which it lays. All uses, dimensional, and density requirements and other provisions of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance applicable to the underlying district(s) shall remain in force and effect, except that, where the Highway Corridor (Overlay) District imposes greater or additional standards, such standards shall prevail. The rules for this superimposed district shall be in addition to, rather than in place of, the rules for the underlying district. 3. Applicability The Highway Corridor (Overlay) District regulations shall apply to those uses in the district that are subject to the site plan approval process as specified in Section V (Use Regulations). 4. District Delineation The Highway Corridor (Overlay) District is herein established to include land abutting Route 9, Route 10, King Street and Damon Road in Northampton. The map entitled "Highway Corridor Overlay District City of Northampton, on file with the City Clerk, delineates the boundaries of the district. NOTE: A Highway Corridor Overlay Map has not been provided in the model ordinance language. 5. Additional Site Plan Approval Requirements a. Traffic Impact Statement A traffic impact statement shall be prepared, which shall contain: (1) Traffic flow patterns at the site including entrances and egresses, loading and unloading areas, and curb cuts on site and within one hundred feet of the site. (2) An estimate of the motor vehicle trips generated by the proposed development entering and exiting the site for daily and peak hour periods. (3) (4) Specific mitigating measures which will alleviate impacts to the adjacent roadway network. A detailed assessment of the traffic safety impacts of the proposed project or use on the carrying capacity of any adjacent highway or road, including the projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or depart from the site estimated for daily hour and peak hour traffic levels, road capacities, and impacts on intersections. (5) A detailed assessment of project related traffic impacts on the safety and capacity of any adjacent highway and /or road via a comparison of no -build conditions to build conditions. (6) A place to minimize traffic and safety impacts through such means as physical design and layout concepts, staggered employee work schedules, promoting use of public transit or carpooling, or other appropriate means. (7) An interior traffic and pedestrian circulation plan designed to minimize conflicts and safety problems. (8) Adequate pedestrian and bicycle access shall be provided as follows: aa. Sidewalk shall be provided to provide access to adjacent properties and between individual businesses with a development. b. Trip Reduction Plan (1) In each case where a new building(s) or new use of more than 10,000 square feet is developed the applicant shall prepare and submit a "Trip Reduction Plan" which clearly identifies a combination of transportation systems management strategies which are designed to reduce anticipated vehicle trips by 35 These strategies should include, but are not limited to: aa. Creating vanpool /carpool incentive programs, such as employer subsidies for vanpools /carpools, preferred vanpool /carpool parking, ride matching services, and providing parking at the vanpool /carpool pick -up site. bb. Allowing and encouraging flexible work hours and flexible work weeks. cc. Encouraging pedestrian and bicycle commute modes by providing on -site bicycle parking storage, locker room facilities, bike and walking paths, and similar features. dd. Developing site designs which are conducive to transit or vanpool use, such as convenient, weather protected transit shelters. ee. Encouraging employee and customer use of transit services, including providing transit subsidies for improved transit service and accessibility. ff. Providing of on -site services, retail opportunities, and housing if allowed in the zone. gg. Naming a full -time or part -time transportation systems management coordinator to oversee implementing all strategies identified in the "Trip Reduction Plan 2. For developments which make a long -term commitment to actively promote employee and public use of transit, ridesharing, and other means to reduce single occupant vehicle (SOV) trips, minimum parking standards may be reduced by a percentage to be determined by the Special Permit Granting Authority based on the adequacy of trip reduction plans submitted. c. Pedestrian Safety Improvement Sidewalks along Route 9, Route 10, King Street and Damon Road are required for a new developments or existing uses undergoing major remodeling. 0926K/dl:3/26/92 :1 APPENDIX K TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT WORKSHEETS MIN. REQUIREMENT DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK FULFILLED 150 s X 2 300 N/E tt S/W ft Yes No 80% /3 Pm DIST CO RTE PM Major St: +c ig 1 Lane 2 or More Minor St: F/04- rr CC Aed 2 1 Lane n 2 or More 6 ,46 7 /4 a fir.() Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph or In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume IF MIDBLOCK S PROPOSED WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable Not Applicable TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 0 RURAL (R) URBAN (U) Critical Approach Speed 4 S mph Critical Approach Speed 3 0 mph EXISTING CONTROL: STOP n YIELD 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT-phasing is proposed. CALC. P DATE 3 CHK DATE 100% SATISFIED: 100 %SATISFIED: i X MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H our Yes Yes n No No E6 ;a our l i No No our SATISFIED: Yes No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 7 k,v, A A-.. J/ PM 80% /3 Pm SATISFIED: /4 r .Z A P n. Yes E r.. H U u APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more Both Apprchs. Major Street Both Apprchs. Major Street 500 (400) 600 (480) f 4 136 3 11 /1 /07/ /3f3 I3 /1/4 Highest Apprch. Minor Street' 150 (120) 200 (160) 2. 5-2, 1 1 7 2.1 Zz°1 2°''- r Zg 2-)e. DIST CO RTE PM Major St: +c ig 1 Lane 2 or More Minor St: F/04- rr CC Aed 2 1 Lane n 2 or More 6 ,46 7 /4 a fir.() Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph or In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume IF MIDBLOCK S PROPOSED WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable Not Applicable TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 0 RURAL (R) URBAN (U) Critical Approach Speed 4 S mph Critical Approach Speed 3 0 mph EXISTING CONTROL: STOP n YIELD 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT-phasing is proposed. CALC. P DATE 3 CHK DATE 100% SATISFIED: 100 %SATISFIED: i X MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H our Yes Yes n No No E6 ;a our l i No No our SATISFIED: Yes No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 80% SATISFIED: Ill Yes C r APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more i Both Apprchs. Major Street 750 (600) 900 (720) 107,4 10 i If 1 0 1 I7 13 13c3 1 44 Highest Apprch. Minor Street' 75 (60) 100 (80) :-S 2-ti 17-1 S iLG 7.Fj?i 74c 7_,99 7_1, DIST CO RTE PM Major St: +c ig 1 Lane 2 or More Minor St: F/04- rr CC Aed 2 1 Lane n 2 or More 6 ,46 7 /4 a fir.() Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph or In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume IF MIDBLOCK S PROPOSED WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable Not Applicable TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 0 RURAL (R) URBAN (U) Critical Approach Speed 4 S mph Critical Approach Speed 3 0 mph EXISTING CONTROL: STOP n YIELD 'NOTE: Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT-phasing is proposed. CALC. P DATE 3 CHK DATE 100% SATISFIED: 100 %SATISFIED: i X MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H our Yes Yes n No No E6 ;a our l i No No our SATISFIED: Yes No MIN. VOLUME REQ. ENTERING VOLUMES ALL APPROACHES V FULFILLED 1000 VEHMR During typical weekday peak hour VEHMr and/or Sunday V Yes n No During each of any 5 hours of a Saturday VEH/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST. MINOR ST. �//gap, 7 Ace- o%�r 'J Pan of highway system serving as principle network for through traffic. Conne areas of principle traffic generation. Rural or suburban highway outside of entering or traversing a city. Appears as major route on an official plan. Any major route characteristics met. Both streets. r X Yes No REQUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED ONE WARRANT SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume or WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic or WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume or iN i On isolated one way street or scree with one way tratlic significance adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary platooning speed control would be lost. On 2 -way street where adjacent signals do not provide necessary platooning speed control, proposed signals could constitute a progressive signal system. x Yes No �f Yes No Accident within a 12 month period MINIMUM REOUIREMENT susceptible of corr. involving injury or $200 damage. NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5ormore' �//gap, 7 Ace- o%�r 'J r.rn rc. L ft MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED 1000 ft N 11 S ft E tt W h Yes On isolated one way street or scree with one way tratlic significance adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary platooning speed control would be lost. On 2 -way street where adjacent signals do not provide necessary platooning speed control, proposed signals could constitute a progressive signal system. t No X REOUIREMENT WARRANT V FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED 80% The sari d WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume WARRANT 2 Interruption ol Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume A Yes No WARRANT 5 Progressive Movement WARRANT 6 Accident Experience e cum aaadents can be included w L T phasing is proposed. WARRANT 7 Systems Warrant WARRANT 7 Combination of Warrants (Used it no one warrant satisfied 100% TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT (continued) s aaron a warrant rs not necessanly/ust for signals. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for fight of way assignment must be shown. SATISFIED SATISFIED SATISFIED SATISFIED Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Minor Street Volume (highest volume approach) 2 2 o1 2. o' Z Z-43.5 'Z• C Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) Major Street Volume (total of both approaches r /J J 3 /3 G 7 f c Minor Street Volume fhiohest volume aoproach) �S 2-5 �.l ,vv, Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) /02-4-- 14/4- 1/ i7 n rli r WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods :Apply vol ume totals, geometnc conditions and population characteristics to either Figure 4.7 or 4 -8 of the M.U.T.C.D. WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 1 100 (80) U 2 or more 150 (120) AM/ 5 PM 15 X 80 l SATISFIED: 1 Yes umJ OTHER 36-..-;;36-..-;;,-/ Hour APPROACH LANES Minor Street (one direction only) 4 OR MORE APPROACHES 800 (640) 3 APPROACHES 650 (520) (703 /334 TYPE OF INTERSECTION Total Entering Volume WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 2- Pr,', l 11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) F J AM .S P SATISFIED: P Hours Pr`^ Total 100% SATISFIED: Apply vol ume totals, geometric conditions and population characteristics to either Figure 4-5 or 4 -6 of the M.U.T.C.D. SATISFIED: X Yes No a Yes Yes I I No No DIST CO RTE PM 24- (eAt?—. 2 or More Major St: 1 Lane Minor St: ,71 1 Lane Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. Major Street Highest Apprch. Minor Street 'NOTE. Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT- phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic 'NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Maja Street included when LT is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume IF MIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable D NE,'L 2 or More 7 Not Applicable TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS EXISTING CONTROL: RURAL (R) URBAN (U) CALC. .1.f r DATE CHK DATE 100% SATISFIED: 1 v Critical Approach Speed q mph Critical Approach Speed 3c) mph STOP YIELD Yes Inl No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 1 500 (400) U 2 or more 600 (480) 150 200 (120) (160) 77° 76q /as 6 Zs 6 q 7 /39 2Z 97 9/¢ lyy 80% SATISFIED: t 3 /4/ 833 Yes X 6/7 /33 No A /S Hou SATISFIED: Yes MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any lour hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H 100% SATISFIED: our MIN. REQUIREMENT 150sX2300 DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK N/E 11 SW ft FULFILLED Yes No No 'our No /✓A MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80°/ SHOWN IN BRA 80% SATISFIED: X Yes E u 7 A /Z /3 /4 /S 6(� L APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more L. Both Apprchs. 750 900 Major Street (600) (720) 779 769 6 9 7 3L-Z- 9 j 1 93c, 8 33. 6 7 Highest Apprch. 75 100 Minor Street' (60) (80) /OZ /2-s" /39 57 /'v 1- /4/ l& /35 DIST CO RTE PM 24- (eAt?—. 2 or More Major St: 1 Lane Minor St: ,71 1 Lane Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. Major Street Highest Apprch. Minor Street 'NOTE. Heavier of left rum movement from Major Street included when LT- phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic 'NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Maja Street included when LT is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume IF MIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable D NE,'L 2 or More 7 Not Applicable TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS EXISTING CONTROL: RURAL (R) URBAN (U) CALC. .1.f r DATE CHK DATE 100% SATISFIED: 1 v Critical Approach Speed q mph Critical Approach Speed 3c) mph STOP YIELD Yes Inl No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 1 500 (400) U 2 or more 600 (480) 150 200 (120) (160) 77° 76q /as 6 Zs 6 q 7 /39 2Z 97 9/¢ lyy 80% SATISFIED: t 3 /4/ 833 Yes X 6/7 /33 No A /S Hou SATISFIED: Yes MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any lour hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H 100% SATISFIED: our MIN. REQUIREMENT 150sX2300 DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK N/E 11 SW ft FULFILLED Yes No No 'our No /✓A ,MIN. VOLUME REO. ENTERING VOLUMES -ALL APPROACHES FULFILLED FULFILLED 1000 VEH/HR During typical weekday peak hour VEH/Hr and/or Sunday I I Yes No During each of any 5 hours d a Saturday VEH/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST. MINOR ST. Yes X No Pan of highway system serving as princple network lor through traffic. Connects areas ci principle traffic generation. Rural or suburban highway outside of entering or traversing a city. Appears as major rouse on an official plan. V Any major route characteristics met. Both streets. REQUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED FULFILLED ONE WARRANT SATISFIED 80 WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume or WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic or WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume or Yes 1 No Yes Accident within a 12 month period MINIMUM REQUIREMENT susceptible of corr. involving injury or $200 damage. NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5 or more' MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED 1000 ft N it S It E 11 W tt Yes No O n isolated one way street or street platcomrige. speed control would be On 2 -way street where adjacent signals constitute a progressive signal system. wrth one way traffic significance adjacent signals are so tar apart That necessary tost. i do not provide necessary plalooning speed control, proposed signals could REOUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED t90% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume Yes X No WARRANT 5 Progressive Movement WARRANT 6 Accident Experience 'NOTE: Left rum accidents can be included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 7 Systems Warrant WARRANT 7 Combination of Warrants (Used if no one warrant satisfied 100 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) SATISFIED SATISFIED The satisfaction c' a warrant is not necessarily justification for signals. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need Ice right of way assignment must be shown. Yes SATISFIED Yes SATISFIED P1 Yes No Yes No No Minor Street Volume (highest volume approach) 7 /67- 3 9 '76, 7 Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) 9/4 Q 3 L 833 G '77 Minor Street Volume (hiohest volume approach) Z Z.:2. r noun Major Street Volume (total of both approaches AIIITC. '76, 7 B 3 WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay APPROACH LANES Minor Street (one direction ony) TYPE OF INTERSECTION Total Entering Volume WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Sat�tied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) 3 4 t e,A (0 /S-' G PM 1 g eometnc S condrhons and papurenon cha ractenstics to either Figure 4 -7 or 4.8 of the M.U.T.C.D. 1 1 Apply volume rota geometnc conditions and population characteristics to either Figure 4-5 or 4 -6 of the M. U. T.C. D. 7 2 AM .S SATISFIED: Yes No Hours 100% SATISFIED: Yes X No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U 100 (80) U 2 or more 150 (120) 80% SATISFIED: AM/ s PM PM OTHER Z5 /62 /3 9 Yes Hour 4 OR MORE APPROACHES 800 (640) 3 APPROACHES 650 (520) 59 83 Co SATISFIED: LC Yes No No MIN. REQUIREMENT DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK FULFILLED 150sXa300 NIE ft SAN ti Yes No 80% pi/3 DIST CO RTE PM Major St: ,LJ^ 1 Lane Minor St: 1 Lane 2 or More Oin 50 }4 ST 2 or More Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS EXISTING CONTROL: ot RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop URBAN (U) 'NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrlan Volume IFMIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED Applicable CALC. CHK Critical Approach Speed 45" mph �KD Critical Approach Speed mph STOP YIELD 100% SATISFIED: 100% SATISFIED: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H SATISFIED: Yes our WARRANT 4 School Crossings Not Applicable DATE 1 /'u DATE Yes Yes No No C6, r.1 Our fi No No our No N MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) `"I pM. /g tisr /I 7.-- /VI rM/,-- 80% pi/3 SATISFIED: 1 X Yes E >Z /Hti, F P,tr. U U APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more Both Apprchs. Major Street 500 (400) 600 (480) 5 4 4S' i l S P66 /L S G L Highest Apprch. Minor Street' 150 (120) 200 (160) 2-01- 3:v 7 if it 44 4' 4 u c°, c L 3? DIST CO RTE PM Major St: ,LJ^ 1 Lane Minor St: 1 Lane 2 or More Oin 50 }4 ST 2 or More Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS EXISTING CONTROL: ot RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop URBAN (U) 'NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrlan Volume IFMIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED Applicable CALC. CHK Critical Approach Speed 45" mph �KD Critical Approach Speed mph STOP YIELD 100% SATISFIED: 100% SATISFIED: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H SATISFIED: Yes our WARRANT 4 School Crossings Not Applicable DATE 1 /'u DATE Yes Yes No No C6, r.1 Our fi No No our No N MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 80% SATISFIED: Yes E U APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more Both Apprchs. Major Street 750 (600) 900 (720) s d t4-5 t t b 1 0 (Q L L 136 S 14-S2., 1 ¢LG, Highest Apprch. Minor Street• 75 (60) 100 (80) 2-k2- ENO/ 411 441 4. 4c I° 6::"! DIST CO RTE PM Major St: ,LJ^ 1 Lane Minor St: 1 Lane 2 or More Oin 50 }4 ST 2 or More Critical speed of major street traffic 40 mph WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS EXISTING CONTROL: ot RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop URBAN (U) 'NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic NOTE: Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrlan Volume IFMIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED Applicable CALC. CHK Critical Approach Speed 45" mph �KD Critical Approach Speed mph STOP YIELD 100% SATISFIED: 100% SATISFIED: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H SATISFIED: Yes our WARRANT 4 School Crossings Not Applicable DATE 1 /'u DATE Yes Yes No No C6, r.1 Our fi No No our No N MIN. VOLUME REO. ENTERING VOLUMES ALL APPROACHES FULFILLED 1000 VEHMR During typical weekday peak hour VEH/Hr and/or Sunday f Accident within a 12 month period MINIMUM REOUIREMENT During each of any 5 hours of a Saturday VEH/Hr ‘'C Yes No CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST. MINOR ST. Yes No Pan of hghway system serving as principle'rletworlc for through traffic. Connects areas 01 rind a traffic p pl generation. Rural or suburban highway outside of entering or traversing a city. Appears as major route on an official plan. f T V y Any major route characteristics met. Both streets. REOUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED FULFILLED ONE WARRANT SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume or WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic or WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume ar 1 Yes No Accident within a 12 month period MINIMUM REOUIREMENT susceptible of corr. involving injury or $200 damage. NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5 or more' 15'87 S ',g 2' 4- Yes No MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED 1000 ft N It S tt E tt W ff Yes No On isolated one way street or street with one way traffic significance adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary platooning speed control would be lost. On 2 -way street where adjacent signals do not provide necessary platooning speed control, proposed signals could constitute a progressive signal system. REQUIREMENT WARRANT 1/ FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume I\ X Yes No WARRANT 5 Progressive Movement WARRANT 6 Accident Experience Left fum accidents can be inGuded when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 7 Systems Warrant WARRANT 7 Combination of Warrants (Used if no one warrant satisfied 100 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT (continued) he sanslaa�on d e warrant a no necessanly lust dicabon for signals. Delay, congestion, confusico or other evidence of the need for nght of way assignment must be shown. SATISFIED Yes SATISFIED SATISFIED SATISFIED No Yes No Yes n No Yes No Minot Street Volume (highest volume acproach) G 1 4 S1 C I 4.'3 Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) Maio( Street Volume (lotal of both approaches) l 2 C. 1'3 (o a 14 2. 1 4 6,4 Minor Street Volume (hiohest volume approaghl 3407 407 i'.% Z i I Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) l 4- 5-S- i L. C I e v WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods 'NOTE: Apply volume totals, geometnc conditions and population charactenstxs to either Figure 4-7 or 4 -8 of the M.U.T.C.D. WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U 100 (80) U 2 or more 150 (120) AM/ 5 M 80 %SATISFIED: I� I Yes 2_ NI OTHER 411 Hour APPROACH LANES Minor Street (one direction only) 4 OR MORE APPROACHES 800 (640) 3 APPROACHES 650 (520) /ei _TYPE OF INTERSECTION Total Entering Volume WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) Z 3 a 4 'NOTE: Appty volume totals, geometric conditions and population chara to either Figure 4-5 or 4 -6 of the M.U. T.C.D. CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 5 2. 11 SATISFIED: 100% SATISFIED: SATISFIED: AM 1 PM t t. OTHE s- X Yes n No Hours Total Yes n No No Yes No DIST CO Major St: x 1 Lane Minor St: X 1 Lane APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. Major Street Highest Apprch. Minor Street' RTE PM �o� iii 1 D (�i�S; r Y 1 17 2 or More TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume Critical Approach Speed mph n 2 or More EXISTING CONTROL: E STOP YIELD Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop or RURAL (R) URBAN (U) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U 500 (400) 150 (120) U 2 or more 600 (480) 200 (160) 80% SATISFIED: Yes H 'NOTE. Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT- phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H IF MIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED MIN. REQUIREMENT 1505X2300 DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK N/E ft S/W ft FULFILLED Yes No WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable yr Not Applicable CALC. DATE 1/7. CHK DATE Critical Approach Speed mph 100% SATISFIED: Yes No 100% SATISFIED: our our No No our No SATISFIED: Yes No MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) 80% SATISFIED: Yes u u APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more Both Apprchs. Major Street 750 (600) 900 (720) Highest Apprch. Minor Street' 75 (60) 100 (80) DIST CO Major St: x 1 Lane Minor St: X 1 Lane APPROACH LANES Both Apprchs. Major Street Highest Apprch. Minor Street' RTE PM �o� iii 1 D (�i�S; r Y 1 17 2 or More TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume Critical Approach Speed mph n 2 or More EXISTING CONTROL: E STOP YIELD Critical speed of major street traffic 2 40 mph In built up area of isolated community of <10,000 pop or RURAL (R) URBAN (U) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) U 500 (400) 150 (120) U 2 or more 600 (480) 200 (160) 80% SATISFIED: Yes H 'NOTE. Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT- phasing is proposed. WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic Heavier of left tum movement from Major Street included when LT phasing is proposed. WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 100 pedestrians or more (any four hours) 190 pedestrians (any one hour) H IF MIDBLOCK SIGNAL PROPOSED MIN. REQUIREMENT 1505X2300 DISTANCE TO NEAREST ESTABLISHED X WALK N/E ft S/W ft FULFILLED Yes No WARRANT 4 School Crossings Applicable yr Not Applicable CALC. DATE 1/7. CHK DATE Critical Approach Speed mph 100% SATISFIED: Yes No 100% SATISFIED: our our No No our No SATISFIED: Yes No MIN. VOLUME REQ. ENTERING VOLUMES ALL APPROACHES V FULFILLED 1000 VEH/HR During typical weekday peak hour VEH/Hr and/or Sunday Yes No X Yes No I x l Yes No During each of any 5 hours of a Saturday VEH/Hr CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST. MINOR ST. C Yes No Part of highway system serving as principle network for through traffic. Connects areas of principle traffic generation, Rural or suburban highway outside of entering or traversing a city. Appears as major route on an official plan. i Any major route characteristics met. Both streets. REQUIREMENT WARRANT -V FULFILLED ONE WARRANT SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume or WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic or WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume or Yes Yes No X Yes No Accident within a 12 month period MINIMUM REQUIREMENT susceptible of corr. involving injury or> $200 damage. NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5 or more' MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED FULFILLED 1000 It N It S tt E h W tt Yes Yes No No On isolated one way street or street platooning speed control would be On 2 -way street where adjacent signals constitute a progressive signal system. with one way Iratlic significance adjacent signals are so far apart that necessary Lost. do not provide necessary platooning speed control, proposed signals could REQUIREMENT WARRANT FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS SATISFIED 80% WARRANT 1 Minimum Vehicular Volume WARRANT 2 Interruption of Continuous Traffic WARRANT 3 Minimum Pedestrian Volume Yes No WARRANT 5 Progressive Movement WARRANT 6 Accident Experience WARRANT 7 Systems Warrant WARRANT 7 Combination of Warrants (Used if no one warrant satisfied 100%) TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) SATISFIED Yes SATISFIED x Yes I I No 'NOTE: Left tum accidents can be included when LT phasing is proposed. The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for signals. Delay, congestion, contusion or other evidence of the need for right of way assignment must be shown. SATISFIED x Yes No No SATISFIED Yes No a B 7 r o rv. Total Minor Street Volume (highest volume approach) Z 43 1-33 3 a 3 of Major Street Volume t (total of both approaches) I 2- �O 1 Z t> 0 1 10 13 1 7 1 7 'NOTE: Anoly volume totatc nnmm.rnn......wb;.....- e s MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED: X Yes C (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) OTHER U U 7 AM/ 5 PM/ Hour APPROACH 1 2 or more LANES Minor Street 100 150 (one direction only) (80) (120) G 43 1 3 Q TYPE OF 4 OR MORE INTERSECTION APPROACHES APPROACHES Total Entenng 800 650 Volume Minor Street Volume (640) (520) I D9 1 1 C a OT ri ry HOUR (highest volume approach) 4-; 1 c F Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) 17— r NnTF• A l vol t WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) (1) a Nu CTE1) o ether Figure 4 -7 or 4.8 of the M.U. T. C. D. SATISFIED: PP y unit ota/s geometric co ndrt�ons and papula ton characteristics to either Figure 4 5 or 4 of the M.U. T.C.D. Yes No Hours 100% SATISFIED U Y L I No SATISFIED: X No Yes No e s MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 80% SATISFIED: X Yes C (80% SHOWN IN BRACKETS) OTHER U U 7 AM/ 5 PM/ Hour APPROACH 1 2 or more LANES Minor Street 100 150 (one direction only) (80) (120) G 43 1 3 Q TYPE OF 4 OR MORE INTERSECTION APPROACHES APPROACHES Total Entenng 800 650 Volume Minor Street Volume (640) (520) I D9 1 1 C a OT ri ry HOUR (highest volume approach) 4-; 1 c F Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) 17— r NnTF• A l vol t WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) (1) a Nu CTE1) o ether Figure 4 -7 or 4.8 of the M.U. T. C. D. SATISFIED: PP y unit ota/s geometric co ndrt�ons and papula ton characteristics to either Figure 4 5 or 4 of the M.U. T.C.D. Yes No Hours 100% SATISFIED U Y L I No SATISFIED: X No Yes No a OT ri ry HOUR (highest volume approach) 4-; 1 c F Major Street Volume (total of both approaches) 17— r NnTF• A l vol t WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) (1) a Nu CTE1) o ether Figure 4 -7 or 4.8 of the M.U. T. C. D. SATISFIED: PP y unit ota/s geometric co ndrt�ons and papula ton characteristics to either Figure 4 5 or 4 of the M.U. T.C.D. Yes No Hours 100% SATISFIED U Y L I No SATISFIED: X No Yes No WARRANT 9 Four Hour Volumes Time Periods WARRANT 10 Peak Hour Delay WARRANT 11 Peak Hour Volume Time Periods CONCLUSION Number of Satisfied Number of Not Satisfied Number of Not Applicable TOTAL 11 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS (continued) (1) a Nu CTE1) o ether Figure 4 -7 or 4.8 of the M.U. T. C. D. SATISFIED: PP y unit ota/s geometric co ndrt�ons and papula ton characteristics to either Figure 4 5 or 4 of the M.U. T.C.D. Yes No Hours 100% SATISFIED U Y L I No SATISFIED: X No Yes No