nth_337 Inventory No:NTH.337 Historic Name:Dignon, Ellen - Boudway, Joseph House Common Name: Address:43 Finn St City/Town:Northampton Village/Neighborhood:Northampton Local No:24D-202-001 Year Constructed:c 1884 Architect(s): Architectural Style(s):Queen Anne Use(s):Multiple Family Dwelling House Significance:Architecture Area(s): Designation(s): Building Materials(s): Roof: Asphalt Shingle Wall: Asbestos Shingle; Wood Foundation: Brick The Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has converted this paper record to digital format as part of ongoing projects to scan records of the Inventory of Historic Assets of the Commonwealth and National Register of Historic Places nominations for Massachusetts. Efforts are ongoing and not all inventory or National Register records related to this resource may be available in digital format at this time. The MACRIS database and scanned files are highly dynamic; new information is added daily and both database records and related scanned files may be updated as new information is incorporated into MHC files. Users should note that there may be a considerable lag time between the receipt of new or updated records by MHC and the appearance of related information in MACRIS. Users should also note that not all source materials for the MACRIS database are made available as scanned images. Users may consult the records, files and maps available in MHC's public research area at its offices at the State Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, open M-F, 9-5. Users of this digital material acknowledge that they have read and understood the MACRIS Information and Disclaimer (http://mhc-macris.net/macrisdisclaimer.htm) Data available via the MACRIS web interface, and associated scanned files are for information purposes only. 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FORM B  BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION MASSACHUSETTS ARCHIVES BUILDING 220 MORRISSEY BOULEVARD BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02125 Photograph Topographic or Assessor's Map Recorded by: Bonnie Parsons Organization: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Date (month / year): March, 2010 Assessor’s Number USGS Quad Area(s) Form Number 24D-202 Easthampton NTH.337 Town: Northampton Place: (neighborhood or village) Address: 43 Finn Street Historic Name: Dignon-Boudway House Uses: Present: Three-family residence Original: Two-family house Date of Construction: 1884-1885 Source: Registry of Deeds & Directory Style/Form: Stick Style Architect/Builder: Exterior Material: Foundation: brick Wall/Trim: asbestos shingles Roof: asphalt shingles Outbuildings/Secondary Structures: Major Alterations (with dates): Sided, some windows replaced, ca. 1960 and 1990. Condition: good Moved: no | x | yes | | Date Acreage: 0.309 acres Setting: This is a residential neighborhood on the edge of a commercial district and has heavy traffic on Finn Street. RECEIVED AUG 19 2011 MASS. HIST. COMM. INVENTORY FORM B CONTINUATION SHEET [NORTHAMPTON ] [43 FINN STREET] MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Area(s) Form No. 220 MORRISSEY BOULEVARD, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02125 Continuation sheet 1 NTH.337 ___ Recommended for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. If checked, you must attach a completed National Register Criteria Statement form. Use as much space as necessary to complete the following entries, allowing text to flow onto additional continuation sheets. ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Describe architectural features. Evaluate the characteristics of this building in terms of other buildings within the community. This is a two-and-a-half story house with a front-gable roof. The main block of the house is three bays wide and the equivalent of four bays deep and there are two rear ells both two-and-a-half stories but lower in height. It is a modest house stylistically with a full-width porch on the south façade with posts connected by arched braces and respondent pilasters on the façade. There is a variation of a King Post truss in the front gable giving the building its Stick Style identity. The asbestos siding possibly covers additional features of the Stick Style. HISTORICAL NARRATIVE Discuss the history of the building. Explain its associations with local (or state) history. Include uses of the building, and the role(s) the owners/occupants played within the community. From Form B of 1980: “In 1884, Hammond and Sullivan, two prominent, local real estate developers, filed a subdivision plan for Warfield Place and the north side of Spring Street (now Finn Street). Later that year, they sold lots no. 9 and 10 to Ellen Dignon for $800. The house was built soon thereafter as the 1885-86 Directory lists Joseph Boudway, co-owner of a Main Street grocery and fish market, as living here. Mrs. Dignon, widow of Thomas, also lived here. BIBLIOGRAPHY and/or REFERENCES Beers, F. W. County Atlas of Hampshire Massachusetts, New York, 1873. Hales, John G. Plan of the Town or Northampton in the County of Hampshire, 1831. Miller, D. L. Atlas of the City of Northampton and Town of Easthampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, 1895. Walker, George H. and Company. Atlas of Northampton City, Massachusetts, Boston, 1884. Walling, Henry F. Map of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, New York, 1860. FORM B - BUILDING MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL COMMISSION Office of the Secretary, State House, Boston i. map. jjraw sKexcn 01 ouuaing location in relation to nearest cross streets and other buildings. Indicate north. a a • S • •ST D In Area no. Form no. 2 4D-20 2 to Northampton ess 43 Finn St. Dignon-Boudway House ent use residence ent owner ription: Donald and Anne Ouimette 1884-85 puree Reg. of Deeds and Directory Architect Exterior wall fabric asbestos sidinj Outbuildings (describe) Other features Altered Moved sided Date Date mid 20th c 5. Lot size: One acre or less Over one acre Approximate frontage Approximate distance of building from street 6. Recorded by E. Lonergan Organization NHC Date May 1980 37M-7-77 (over) Ellen Dignon ._____> •— residence Subsequent uses (if any) and dates__ , 8. Themes (check as many as applicable) Aboriginal Conservation Recreation Agricultural _____ Education Religion Architectural x Exploration/ Science/ The Arts settlement invention Commerce ZZZZ Industry Social/ Communication Military humanitarian Community development Political Transportation 9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above) In 1884 Hammond and Sullivan, two prominent, local real estate developers, filed a subdivision plan for Warfield Place and the north side of Spring St. (now Finn St.). Later that year they sold lots no. 9 and 10 to Ellen Dignon for $800. The house was built soon thereafter as the 1885-86 Directory lists Joseph Boudway, co-owner of a Main St. grocery and fish market, as living here. Mrs. Dignon, the widow of Thomas, also lived here. The house is two-and-a-half stories in height with gable end to the street and a twe-and-a-half story gabled projection on the western side. The gables are trimmed with collar braces, king post and pendant, and collar tie, while the one-story front porch has a hipped roof, chamfered posts and balustrade. The openings between the posts are arched with cut-away spandrels, while the balustrade has arched patterns with solid spandrels. 7. Original owner (if known) Original use 10. Bibliography and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records, early maps, etc.) 1884 and 1895 Atlases. Registry of Deeds: Bk. 606-P. 313, 393-350, 384-310.