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5-9 Pomeroy Demo Historic commissionDEMOLITION REVIEW APPLICATION Activity Tracking Sheet Property: 9 Pomeroy Terrace Map: 32A Parcel: 086 Year Built: 1870 Address: 9 Pomeroy Terrace Received in Building Department: January 14, 2016 Referred from Building Department: January 15, 2016 Action Taken/ Northampton Historical Commission Action Taken By: _X__ Entire Commission ____ Sub-Committee of the Commission ____ Commission Designee/ Staff Date Action Taken: January 28, 2016________________Initial Determination February 10, 2016_______________ Public Meeting held February 10, 2016_______________ Public Hearing Held April 25, 2016___________________ Alternate Plan Approved Determination Made: ___X___ Alternate plan has been approved/ delay terminated. Demolition may or may not be approved as part of plan. The Commission found unanimously that the barn meets the requirements of the Demolition Ordinance for qualification as Preferably Preserved, but approved an alternate plan for a replacement structure that fits in with the streetscape and the historic character of the proposed Pomeroy Terrace National Register District to include demolition, with the following conditions: The replacement structure shall conform to the plans dated April 8, 2016 Prior to demolition, photographic documentation shall be provided to the Commission Referred by: Sarah LaValley Date: April 26, 2016