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14-011 Forest Cutting PlanWilliam F. Weld GOVERNOR Ar_eo Paul Cellucci LT. GOVERNOR Trudy Coxe SECRETARY Peter C. Webber COMMISSIONER I�flll t2 Cw :)NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS da3o S EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ? { DIVISION OF FORESTS AND PARKS - REGION IV AL��q�� P.O. BOX 481. ANIHERST. VIA 01004 413 -545 -5993 FAX 545 -5995 MAY 1 3 '997 TRANSMITTAL SH ET To: EP Regional Office t Conservation Commission Public Water Supply Authority Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Assessor's Office The enclosed Forest Cutting Plan. has been approved by DEM under the authority of the Forest Cutting Practices Act (Ch. 132, s. 40 -46 M.G.L.) . This copy is provided to you as required 'by the regulations (3.04 CMR 11.00) and /or the DEM /DEP Memorandum of Understanding. If You have any questions or comments please contact me at the above number. Si rely, i Anne M. Kittredge Service Forester, Division of Forests and Parks NOTE TO CONSERVATION COMMISSIONS The Act requires the applicant to deliver this plan to the local conservation commission at least ten business days prior to the start of cutting. If you did not receive the required notice from the applicant please contact me as soon as possible. nil l Crr('ic Ocll?el' Forest Cutti'g Plan and Notice of Intent under Mass. General Laws, Chapter 132 - the Forest CuttingPractices Act. For DEM Onl File Number: 1 Date Rec'd: 7 - 1 '1 - 7 Earliest Sta '51 Iq 7 River Basin: O;rr2 -34 Ch. 61? 0 0 Nat. Her.? Pub. Dr. Wtr.? ! 4TrI41t ACEC? N,.-N Location Town Northampton (Leeds) Road Reservoir Road, Kennedy Road Acres 35 Proposed start date 511/97 Vol. MBF 212 Vol. CDS 183 Vol. Other Preloa of Plan Person other than landowner preparing plan Landowner Landowner name Northampton DPW Mailing address 125 Locust Street Town, state, zip Northampton, MA 01060 Phone 5821570 Chapter 61 ? No Mgmt. Plan# Eat stumpage value'? Lic ensed Timber Harvester* Firm name Finn name Individual name Karl Individual name Davies M Mailing address ailing address Town, State, Zip Phone POB 601 Northampton, MA 01061 -0601 5860825 Town, State, Zip Phone License No. ' This information may be supplied after plan approval. Stream Crossings Indicate location on map wc- WC -2 SC-3 C-4 Type of crossing: BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry Acres to be harvested: E)dsting structure ? MU Mud Resid. Basal Area (>50 ST Stone O Type of bottom: HB Hay bales WINONO OT Other Bank height (ft.): Stabilization: Wetland Crossings Indicate location on map wc- WC -2 WC-3 WC-4 Length of crossing (FL) BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry Acres to be harvested: FO Ford Mitigation MU Mud Resid. Basal Area (>50 ST Stone GR Gravel Stabilization HB Hay bales OT Other Harvestina in Wetlands Indicate location on map HW -1 HW -2 HW3 HW-4 Forest type: (see page two) LE Ledge BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry Acres to be harvested: FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Resid. Basal Area (>50 ST Stone GR Gravel OT Other Cuttin in soil areag will b one when ground is do or frozen. Felling by tracked f eller- buncher will minimize Tree on woods roads and approaches to Filter Strips ' -'�� -G l /L c �c� (�Gz� Mlle, and Lower Leeds Reservoirs will also be done when ground is dry or frozen. See page 3 for additional Indicate location on m information. ap FS -1 FS -2 FS3 FS-4 0-4 E - _ 41 Isz� wdth(sa, ioo' VAriabb)' 100' 100' �,//� _ r U� Refer to regulations for Information regarding variable filter strips. Typ of crossin�tablllzation N litication: TvoeofbotLom CU Culvert BE Seed FR Frozen LE Ledge BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry ST Stony FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud PO poled ST Stone GR Gravel OT Other HB Hay bales OT Other Note: Applicant must provide DEM with all relevant information before plan maybe approved and cutting may begin. Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. Consult MA Fonsatry BMP Manual for further information. Attach a Narrative Page if further explanation is needed or "other" is used for any category. Stand treatment (See codes at bottom of page.) Indicate location on map ST -1 ST -2 ST-3 ST-4 Forest Type WK5 RN WK5 RP5 ,a cres 18 7 1 9 Primary objective WP DT DT DT Designation of trees cut' Cr ar Cr Cr Type of regeneration cut 1SE 1SA 1SE SA Source of regeneration Sb SE AD Type of intermediate cut 'tf not by marking, describe sm.. ate, quality and b.a. to be art below. * Cut all uprooted, broken, and leaning trees in damaged areas; cut every fourth row and all trees under 8" DBH in undamaged areas. See page 3. Products %, harvested Species Units Vol. Species units Vol. White Pine M 102 Red Maple M 1 Red Pine M 77 Sugar Maple BC Black Cherry SB Stand Boundary Pitch Pine BB Bee/Bir/Mapie OT Other Red Oak SM Sugar Maple 1 Hemlock M 30 Black Oak BE Beech IM Inprvwrrrnt Spruce OT Other PrMary Ot>)edhra White Oak o ro uction Other Softwood IN Short Term Income Other Oak WH Wildlife Habitat ylhite Ash AR A sthatia & Roe Other Hdwd. BW Sol & Water Mgmt Beech OT Other Hdwd Fuelwd C 6 White Birch Softwood Pulp 177 B & Y Birch Chips Black Cherry M 1 TOTAL m Speoies: Record sawtirnber volues by species. s Unit MBF - 1,000% d Board Fast, COS - Cads, TON - Tons, CCF - 100s d Cubic Fed Volume: Record to the nearest whole unit (MBF, dc. ECD 212 183 Landowner I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the legal authority to carry out the afore - descri bed operation. Failure to accurately- the material herein required and provide other relevant information can result in the voiding of this plan. I (We) also certify that I (we) have natified the Conservation Commission in the municipality in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two- hundred feet of the area to be harvested. Signature( of landowner(s) or agent ate Appointment of agent As owner of the property to be harvested I hereby designate the following parson to act as my agent for the purpose of conducting the harvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan including executing all forms and documents required by law. I understand, however, that the statutes, including criminal fines, continue to apply to ms as the owner of record. Agent's Name Mailing Address Town, State, Zip Phone Bignature(s) of landowner(s) Date Forest Cutting Plan H593 - -�l ae -Px-c � ' I Z A44 t vef Disapproved Expires ing Plan td ❑ � y Ignature of Servkx For er irector's Agent Efate: ck.J Approved Disapproved Expires Serv. For. Inks. Extension ❑ ❑ Amendment ❑ ❑ Final Report I hereby certify that the afore- described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially wmp i :.a. with. Signature of Service Forester/Director s Agent Date Service Forester's Comments: Forest Type- WP White Pine WK WP/Hem WH WP/Hdwd WO WP/Oak RP Red Pine SR Red Spruce PP Pitch Pine PO PP/Osk Twee of Regeneration Cut Source of Desionation: HK 6 km ock OM Mbced Oak Cr Cut tree HH Hem/Hdwd RM Red Maple LT Leave Trees TK Tamarack BC Black Cherry SB Stand Boundary CD Cedar BB Bee/Bir/Mapie OT Other OH Oak/Hdwd. SM Sugar Maple TvoedlnterrrisdieteCut BW White Birch SM Bir/Red Maple SF SprucWMr BE Beech IM Inprvwrrrnt OR N Red Oak OT Other PrMary Ot>)edhra OT Other o ro uction IN Short Term Income WH Wildlife Habitat AR A sthatia & Roe BW Sol & Water Mgmt OT Other Twee of Regeneration Cut Source of BE Selection Regeneration SH Shelterwood AD Advance BT Seed Tree BE Natural Seed CC Clearcut DS Diect Seed SA Selvage PL Plant CO Coppice CO Coppice CS Coppicew/Standards OT Other TvoedlnterrrisdieteCut TH Thinning RE Release IM Inprvwrrrnt SA Salvag OT Other Forest CuttivI Plan Page Pa g _ Use only if further explanation is required of information on pages one or two or if "other" was used in any category. Although the Leeds/Roberts Meadow Reservoir system is no longer used for m system. Therefore all necessary precautions will be taken to protect water quaL or stone at the approaches to the bridges, will � prevent siltation The we approa additional branches and tops from the uprooted hemlocks and pines in this area L%. downer: Northampton DPW Town: Northampton (Leeds) File Number: HS -LO pal water supply, it is an 3ridges at all stream cros to SC5 will be protected 2 is actually two red A diameter. The unc stands in locators 11 and 39. These stands were not hi d be removed. Stand 4 is a red y nne and are therefore of low is of these stands will be thinned by the prescription indicated on page 2; all damaged trees stand that was thinned in the 1960's. Average diameters are medium to high. Undamaged Parts of this stand were marked for a commercial thinning All damaged trees „sere also marked, plus some addtional trees nearby to facilitate access and release the better residual trees. The primary objective is to salvage trees damaged by the December and April snowstorms. Additional trees were marked in all 'ttands were marked in order to provide an incentive to potential buyers of the sale a material, as well as to accomplish ilvicultural objectives for these stands. Good soil and water management are also objectives for this cuttirw --ti-- indicated on page 1, it is an ild be more ea sily accessed that harvesting will be by feller- buncher and forwarder. er, i.e., the areas closest to the reservoirs and some of t he ver, there are some areas that areas in stand 4. FOREST STAND TYP' AND BOUNDARY MA�` for land of NORTHAMPTON D. P . W . (Roberts Meadow Watershed) located in Northampton and Westhampton, MA 1 is = 600 . True N `, Map traced from the composite map of the Roberts Meadow Watershed. Stand type information taken from Col -East aerial photographs. All metes and bounds are approximate on this map. Prepared by Karl Davies, Consulting Forester, P.O. Box 601, Northampton, MA 01060. December, 1987. Clark Brook / le , 37. k� • KEY 3 log landing property line abutter's line towrVcounty road discontinued town road — — — — — — woods road electric right of way Ooa+01NIOI000N stone wall X x x wire fence streal�l Reservoir Road ' swamp stand type boundary r ,N reservoir \ \ excluded area Roberts Meadow Brook SALE AREA r3S� .f . WP3� J 9�'- e% 6 r* -- 33. � i•o � F 32. /// Chesterfield Road ' u,04 FOREST STAND TYPE AND BOUNDARY MAP for land of NORTHAMPrON D. P. W,. (Roberts Meadow Watershed) located in Northampton and Westhampton, MA SALE l" = 600 AREA True N - 2 , Kennedy Road 1 Marble Brook U it /d 1 V\ �� gip cvk3 A l • � � ' ' "Rp3r7 Chesterfield Road NEt log landing property 1 ine — abutter's line 20. toWcounty road /7. 1 V� discontinued town road – – – – – – woods road e right of way OIO� �INI0IIIIN stone wall X x x wire fence - - stream swamp r stand type boundary s:z:r- reservoir \ excluded area . 20. 26• /r /7. 1 V� 3�•� ,� i -40 r N' / = r � " /7• • ` 1 I 0 0 H i r "o" \.� �-/ ;; � � � � �','� , 1, V, V" WROAMMUME LDCUS MAP //� ' for land of NORTHAMPTON D. P. W located in Northampton and Westhainpton, MA (Easthampton and Westhampton Quads) 1 = 2083 N 402 I T r . Robe,",, �` ��/ �' �� �' �� Meado I'iP a 71 avel F p mti i �/ � � �•�_ ��� �Nrid) V/ ! fl ' � �� �� I ZZI- 1) ' o n OU 1 1�� _ Yra 00 i i v FORM A NORTHAMPTON, MA APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLAN BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL file six completed fo p rms and plans and one mylar with the City Clerk and the Planning Board in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.02. I (we) believe that the attached plan of property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, and herewith submits said plan for a determination and endorsement that Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required. 1. Applicant (print or type): W `/NE G. - Re A uT Signature: W Address: 830 0-k+&:51G*1ELD ?D Phone: Sao 1-1. N O V—TH AMMO 2. Owner (print or type): Signature: Address: Phone: ALMOZ 4 U NTLL 1 t J IZ 3. Surveyor (print or type): &- 45WIQ - M5 , I NC Signatur 0 � 3o rN vU SFMI at- 17tuv E E _por-T14AtyTbN rv�. 584 - -74g4 Address Phone Deed or property recorded in Hampshire County Registry of Deed o; r ­j Cam Book 9b:l_ 142_ Location and Description of Property: A 14 ,300 5Q.Ff. PARLEc, of- uMo ON - tNE' 1�-Oan+t ,,y sr pE o r " 0`[EV.V r EL-9 PD,&Q 6. Assessor's maw o r or rlannulg Board Approval: City Clerk (signature): (////98) Date Planning B914d Decision Filed: City Clerk (signature SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - - - - -- -PAGE 60 PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTING FORM A'S APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLANS BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDMSION CONTROL LAW NO APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: A. The original, reproducible (mylar) drawing of the Plan, with the endorsed Seal of a Professional Land Surveyor, registered with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, B. Six (6) prints of the Plan, C. Six (6) copies of the fully completed and endorsed Form A $100 per sheet fee made payable to the City of Northampton. E. If any portion of a plan falls within 500 feet of a published control point shown on the most recent version of a plan available in the Office of Planning and Development entitled "City of Northampton, Control Points," the plan must have at least four survey - quality (centimeter, or its English equivalent, accuracy) points on each sheet tied into the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System (NAD 1983 datum), using said published control points 'or the global positioning system. The plan must note the coordinates of the four tie -in points, the datum, and the source and location of monuments used for data. F. Any plan which does not include the tie -in points in the above paragraph must include a plan showing all survey details at the same scales) as the Northampton Assessors' and Zoning Map for that area. The plan at ` the scale of the Assessor's & Zoning Map may be the recordable plan or a second non - recordable copy of the `` plan. • `��` ��i" G. Plans shall show all buildings owned b sub' S y sect landowner(s) within 100 of any newly created property lines. Application should be delivered to the City Clerk for date stamping and then delivered to the Office of Planning and Development. All accepted Applications will be acted upon within twenty-one (2 1) days of their acceptance. Once an Application has been acted upon, the Applicant receives back only the original, reproducible (mylar) drawing. . The six (6) prints and the six (6) "Form A's" shall remain in the Office of Planning and Development for distribution and the Filing Fee shall be deposited with the City (regardless of whether the Plan has been approved or disapproved). SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - - - - -- -PAGE 61 Forest Cutting Plan and Notice of Intent under Mass. General Laws, Chapter 132 - the Forest Cutting Practices Act. For D EM Use Only: Location Town Northampton Road Chesterfield Road, Marble Road Acres 72 2115;'00 Proposed start date Vol. MBF 470 Vol. Cds 200 Vol. Other Preparer of Plan Person other than landowner preparing plan: Firm name Davies & Company Individual name Karl Davies Mailing address POB 601 Town, State, Zip Northampton, MA 01061 -0601 Phone (413) 586 -0825 Landowner Landowner name lcio ampton DPW Mailing address 125 Eocust Street Town, State, Zip Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413 587 -1570 Chapter 61? No Mgmt. Plan # Est. stumpage value? _— Licensed Timber Harvester* Firm name Individual name Mailing address Town, State, Zip Phone License No. • This information may be supplied after plan approval. Stream Crossings -- Indicate location on map: FsC -1 I SC -2 : SC -3 : SC-4 Existing structure ? NO YES 'NO NO ST IST ST t ST Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate location on map: HW -1 HW -2 HW -3 HW -4 Forest type see page two): WK Acres to be harvested: 2 Resid, Basal Area >50% ? YES I- Wetland Crossings Indicate location on ma WC -1 WC -2 WC -3 WC -4 Le ngth crossing ft Mitigation i Stabilization Filter Strips Indicate location on map: FS -1 FS -2 FS -3 FS -4 Width (50' 100' or VAriable)' VA IVA VA Refer to regulations for information regarding variable filter strips. Other BMPs Indicate location on m ap' i SC -5 SC -6 L SC -? S C -8 i Type of bottom: Bank height (ft.): 2 1 Stabilization: CO Igo Filter strips are generally at least 100' along all streams and along the reservoir. *Cutting m the wet part of stand WK5 (marked with small w's on map) will be done with dry or frozen ground and a light - weight, tracked machine. Type of crossing Stabilization Mitigation File Number: 1 Ch. 61? Her.? Recd: Date Rec t � v'p Nat. Nat. Pub. Dr. Wtr.? Earliest Start MU Mulch DR Dry CO Corduroy OT Other River Basin: 3µ ACEC? Location Town Northampton Road Chesterfield Road, Marble Road Acres 72 2115;'00 Proposed start date Vol. MBF 470 Vol. Cds 200 Vol. Other Preparer of Plan Person other than landowner preparing plan: Firm name Davies & Company Individual name Karl Davies Mailing address POB 601 Town, State, Zip Northampton, MA 01061 -0601 Phone (413) 586 -0825 Landowner Landowner name lcio ampton DPW Mailing address 125 Eocust Street Town, State, Zip Northampton, MA 01060 Phone (413 587 -1570 Chapter 61? No Mgmt. Plan # Est. stumpage value? _— Licensed Timber Harvester* Firm name Individual name Mailing address Town, State, Zip Phone License No. • This information may be supplied after plan approval. Stream Crossings -- Indicate location on map: FsC -1 I SC -2 : SC -3 : SC-4 Existing structure ? NO YES 'NO NO ST IST ST t ST Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate location on map: HW -1 HW -2 HW -3 HW -4 Forest type see page two): WK Acres to be harvested: 2 Resid, Basal Area >50% ? YES I- Wetland Crossings Indicate location on ma WC -1 WC -2 WC -3 WC -4 Le ngth crossing ft Mitigation i Stabilization Filter Strips Indicate location on map: FS -1 FS -2 FS -3 FS -4 Width (50' 100' or VAriable)' VA IVA VA Refer to regulations for information regarding variable filter strips. Other BMPs Indicate location on m ap' i SC -5 SC -6 L SC -? S C -8 i Type of bottom: Bank height (ft.): 2 1 Stabilization: CO Igo Filter strips are generally at least 100' along all streams and along the reservoir. *Cutting m the wet part of stand WK5 (marked with small w's on map) will be done with dry or frozen ground and a light - weight, tracked machine. Type of crossing Stabilization Mitigation TYpe of bottom CU Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen LE Ledge BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry CO Corduroy OT Other ST Stony MU Mud FO Ford PO Poled ST Stone GR Gravel OT Other Hay bales OT Note: Applicant must provide DEM with all relevant information before plan may be approved and cuttng may begin. Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. Consult MA Forestry BMP Manual for further information . Attach a Narrative Page if further explanation is needed or "other" is used for any category. Stand Treatment (See codes at bottom of page) Indicate location on ma ST - 1 ST - 2 ST - 3 ST 4 Forest Typ WK5 WH5 RN Acres 43 28 1 Red Oak Prima o jective WP WP WP 15 Designation of trees cut' CT* CT CT Type of regeneration cut SE SE Other Sftwd Source of're eneration SE SE OR Type of intermediate cut TH 'If not marked, describe species, size, quality and BA to be cut: *All unmarked poplar in the westem part of stand 1 (WK5) must be cut. Products to be Harvested specles White Pine Mbf 338 Cds 90 Species Red Maple Mbf US 13 50� Red Pine 7 5 Sugar Maple Pitch Pine Red Oak 27, 20 Hemlock 59 15 Black Oak 1 Spruoe White Oak Other Sftwd Other Oak White Ash 1 Poplar 20 15 Beech Hdwd Fuelwood White Birch 4 5 Softwood Pulp B & Y Birch Chips Black Cherry TOTAL Species: Record sawtimber volumes by species. Units: MBF = 1,000s of Board Feet, CDS = Cords, TON = tons, CCF = 100s of Cubic Feet. Volume: Record to the nearest whole unit (MBF, etc) M13F Q QR 470 200 TON F Landowner I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the legal authority to carry out the afore - described operation. Failure to accurately update the material herein required and provide other relevant information can result in the voiding of this plan. I (We) also certify that I (we) have notified the Conservation Commission in the municipality in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two hundred feet of the area to be harvested. ?ign Iture(s) of la wner(s) or t Date Appointment of Agent As owner of the property to be harvested I hereby designate the following person to act as my agent for the purpose of conducting the harvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan including executing all forms and documents required by law I understand, however, that the statutes, including criminal fines, continue to apply to me as the owner of record. Agent's Name Mailing Address Town, State, Zip Phone Signature(s) of landowner(s) Dale Forest Cutting Plan 9 5 - 0 0 Approve Disapproved Expires Cutting Plan El 2-1g10) /L1�C�i� /Director D / zi o0 ice Fo's Agent Date: Approved Disapproved Expires Serv. For. Inits. Extension ❑ ❑ Amendment ❑ ❑ Final Report I hereby certify that the afore - described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with. Signature of Service Forester /Director's Agent Date Service Forester's Comments: Forest Type WP White Pine WK WP /Hem WH WP /Hdwd WO WP /Oak RP Red Pine SR Red Spruce PP Pitch Pine PO PP /Oak HK Hemlock HH Hem /Hdwd TK Tamarack CD Cedar OH Oak /Hdwd. BW S W p hite Birch OR N Red Oak OM Mixed Oak RM Red Maple BC Blk Cherry BB Bee /Bir /Ma le SM Su ar Maple BM Bir�ed Maple BE Beech OT Other Designation: CT Cut trees LT Leave Trecs SB Stand Boundary OT Other Primary Objective WP Wood Production IN Short term income WH Wildlife Habitat AR Aesthetics & Rec SW Soil & Water Mgmt OT Other Type of Regeneration Cut: SE Selection SH Shelterwood ST Seed Tree CC Clearcut SA Salvage CO Coppice OT 0 p pence w /Standards Source of egl� eneration AD Advance SE Natural Seed DS Direct Seed PL Plant CO Coppice Type of Inte rmediate Cut: TH Thinning RE Release IM Improvement SA Salvage OT Other Forest Cutting Plan Narrative Page Use only if further explanation is required of information on pages one or two or if "other" was used in any category. Landowner: Northampton DPW Town: Northampton File Number: Aso3 -DD Although the Roberts Meadow Reservoir system is not currently in use for municipal water supply, it is a backup system for use in case of emergencies. Therefore, special care will be taken to minimize the risk of soil erosion that could lead to increased turbidity in the streams and reservoirs of the system. Bridges will be used at all stream crossings. Corduroy will be put in place in all approaches to stream crossings. Waterbars will be installed and maintained during the cutting operation.. All skid roads will be seeded to grass after completion of the cutting operation. I S The timber is generally oid and overmature in stand 1 (WK5) and stand 2 (WH5). These stands grew up from abandoned pasture about 100 years ago. They were selectively cut about 50 years ago. The current cutting operation will be essentially another selective cutting. The objective is to remove the poorer quality overstory trees, plus those most at risk of crown damage and windthrow, in order to give the better overstory and midstratum m trees more room to grow and to produce seed. The midstratu developed after the last cutting operation. It includes many high quality oaks and other hardwoods. The overall objective is to create more diversity in the age structure, especially in new regeneration, so that the forest will recover q uickly in case of a catastrophic windstorm that would likely uproot most of the big, old softwood trees. As forests mature, the sk of this type of event increases, especially now with the increased likelihood of more freq and more severe storms due to global warming and climate change. Depending upon the type of equipment sytem to be used on the job, skidding operations may or may not be limited to dry or frozen ground. Tracked harvesters and forwarders may be used with "somewhat moist soil conditions, whereas rubber- wheeled skidders would be limited to dry or frozen ground conditions except on the driest parts of the sale area. FOREST STAND TYPE AND BOUNDARY MAP for land of NORTHAMPTON D. P. W. (Roberts Meadow Watershed) located in Northampton and Westhampton, MA SALE AREA El - :1 •.• . It 1' = 600' True N �I Chesterfield Road KEY property 1 ine — abutter's line t0WrVc0unty road discontinued town road – -- – – – – woods road ' electric right of_ way O�O+I �IIOIIIN stone wall x x w ire fence stream swamp �' `•- stand type boundary reservoir . Kennedy Road • �vP3 A / !4 3 A z . .4 /7. \ V r � a � /7 /7 Wh 2 - 3L 1 � _ All su ts U1 4 erts qD I t LOCUS MAP for land of located in Northampton and Westh MA (Easthampton and Westhampton Quads) gain ,02 � n Mea d" ' � cv -- _ ~�~ n a� Z LL to c� O O O C) uj w v Q J W H Y Z H �O N w otO a a CO)� �w O C ' �O V CO) O CC V O a u- Z= CO)~ �v az 0 t L 3 O 8 c je ca l E 0 W O 0 s s� f a � E V 0 LL ~ C t� g y Y w U � a C c Z � C d a o o °' C y a � L L. o (� c "- o m Z W ® 0 — O � � m MONO o � ai E F- f- Cn Q w as � O LL uj w v Q J W H Y Z H �O N w otO a a CO)� �w O C ' �O V CO) O CC V O a u- Z= CO)~ �v az 0 t L 3 O 8 c je ca l E 0 W O 0 0 N m m p O c a P c IL I uj z Q Q i s s� • 0 o Y c � C d o CM � m LL m L L. 4- p 0 a � o 0 � � m C P 0 N m m p O c a P c IL I uj z Q Q i • 0 Y c � C d W } m LL m L L. 4- p W a 0 � _N > - C 0 N m m p O c a P c IL I uj z Q Q i