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COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Job Name: COACH HOUSE Location: VILLAGE HILL NORTHAMPTON, MA. Drawing Date: 1-22-18 Remote Area Number: 1 Contractor: LEGACY FIRE PROTECTION, INC. Telephone:413 589-0672 592 CENTER STREET PO BOX 582 LUDLOW, MA. 01056 Designer: KPL Calculated By:SprinkCAD www.sprinkcad.com 451 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 Construction: COMBUSTIBLE Occupancy:MIXED Reviewing Authorities:LOCAL FIRE DEPT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM DESIGN __________________________________________________________________________ Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:LIGHT System Type:WET __________________________________________________________________________ Area of Sprinkler Oper. 705 sq ft| Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0.100 | Make: Area per Sprinkler 148.0 sq ft| Model: UPRIGHT Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm | K-Factor: 5.60 Hose Allowance Outside 250 gpm | Temperature Rating: 155 __________________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION SUMMARY 10 Flowing Outlets gpm Required: 420.0 psi Required: 58.8 @ Source __________________________________________________________________________ WATER SUPPLY __________________________________________________________________________ Water Flow Test | Pump Data | Date of Test 5-23-2015 | Rated Capacity 0 gpm | Static Pressure 89.0 psi | Rated Pressure 0.0 psi | Residual Pres 82.0 psi | Elevation 0 | At a Flow of 1350 gpm | Make: | Elevation 0" | Model: | __________________________________________________________________________ Location: ON SITE Source of Information: FLOW TEST REPORT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM VOLUME 245 Gallons __________________________________________________________________________ Notes: COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 1 170 46.5 psi 1 4" Grvd Check Valve VICTAUL 717R CHART LOSS 170 0.3 2 4" Grvd Butterfly Valve VICTAUL 7 24' 120 4.026 170 0.2 1 4" Grvd Back Flow Valve (5 psi dro CHART LOSS 170 5.0 1 6" x 4" Flngd 90 Ell CI 14' 120 6.065 170 0.0 3 6" MJ 90 Ell DI 56' 120 6.065 170 0.1 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 250 gpm 1 Pipe 6" DIx18 America DI 350 500' 140 6.338 420 2.1 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve Gate 3' 120 6.065 420 0.0 1 6" MJ Tee DI 19' 120 6.065 420 0.1 Elevation Change 10'0" 4.3 ______ Hydr Ref R1 Required at Source 420 58.8 psi Water Source 89.0 psi static, 82.0 psi residual @ 1350 gpm 420 gpm 88.2 psi ======= SAFETY PRESSURE 29.4 psi Available Pressure of 88.2 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 58.8 psi This is a safety margin of 29.4 psi or 33 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 18.4 fps COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Page 3 FITTING NAME TABLE ABBREV. NAME C Coupling E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow S Straight Flow Thru Tee T 90' Flow Thru Tee V Valve LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. __ K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Qa Flow added or subtracted Qt Total flow DIA Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Pf/ft Friction loss per foot of pipe PIPE Length of pipe FTNG'S Number of fittings. See table above. TOTAL Total length (PIPE + FTNG'S) Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = l x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi), where Pn = Pt - Pv NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.01 psi. Pressures are listed to 0.1 psi. Addition may vary by 0.1 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Page 4 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) 1 29.67 5.60 10.0 17.7 14.8 0.12 2 42.67 5.60 7.0 14.8 14.8 0.10 3 29.67 5.60 10.2 17.9 14.8 0.12 4 42.67 5.60 7.1 14.9 14.8 0.10 5 29.67 5.60 10.9 18.5 14.8 0.12 6 42.67 5.60 7.6 15.4 14.8 0.10 7 29.67 5.60 11.9 19.3 14.8 0.13 8 42.67 5.60 8.3 16.2 14.8 0.11 9 29.67 5.60 11.7 19.2 14.8 0.13 10 42.67 5.60 8.2 16.0 14.8 0.11 60 29.67 17.9 61 29.67 12.9 62 42.67 11.7 63 42.67 9.1 A2 40.08 12.9 B3 29.33 25.3 B4 18.67 35.1 B5 18.67 37.4 B6 8.00 43.5 B7 8.00 43.8 W 3.00 46.5 Max velocity of 18.37 occurs in the pipe from 60 TO 61 COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 5 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 1 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 17.75 1.442 8.00 10.0 10.0 K = 5.60 1 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 17.75 0.022 8.00 0.2 10.0 Vel = 3.52 17.90 1.442 8.00 10.2 10.2 K = 5.60 3 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 35.65 0.081 8.00 0.6 10.2 Vel = 7.07 18.46 1.442 1T 4.45 10.9 10.9 K = 5.60 5 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 54.11 0.174 11.88 2.1 10.9 Vel = 10.74 38.50 1.442 1T 3.16 12.9 12.9 61 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 See PATH 2 92.61 0.471 10.59 5.0 12.9 Vel = 18.37 77.39 2.157 1E 4.78 17.9 17.9 60 C=120 2T 30.77 0.1 0.0 See PATH 3 170.01 0.204 35.55 7.2 17.9 Vel = 15.07 2.157 2E 12.91 25.3 25.3 B3 C=120 12.31 4.6 0.0 170.01 0.204 25.22 5.1 25.3 Vel = 15.07 2.635 1E 6.05 35.1 35.1 B4 C=120 1T 24.71 0.0 0.0 170.01 0.077 30.77 2.4 35.1 Vel = 10.10 2.635 1E 10.67 37.4 37.4 B5 C=120 8.24 4.6 0.0 170.01 0.077 18.90 1.5 37.4 Vel = 10.10 4.260 1T 11.98 43.5 43.5 B6 C=120 26.33 0.0 0.0 170.01 0.007 38.31 0.3 43.5 Vel = 3.86 4.260 2E 46.56 43.8 43.8 B7 C=120 26.33 2.2 0.0 170.01 0.007 72.90 0.5 43.8 Vel = 3.86 W 170.01 46.5 K = 24.92 PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 9 TO 61 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 6 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 9 TO 61 CONTINUED 19.17 1.442 8.00 11.7 11.7 K = 5.60 9 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 19.17 0.026 8.00 0.2 11.7 Vel = 3.80 19.33 1.442 1T 3.55 11.9 11.9 K = 5.60 7 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 38.50 0.093 10.98 1.0 11.9 Vel = 7.64 61 38.50 12.9 K = 10.70 PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 2 TO 60 14.82 1.442 8.00 7.0 7.0 K = 5.60 2 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 14.82 0.016 8.00 0.1 7.0 Vel = 2.94 14.95 1.442 8.00 7.1 7.1 K = 5.60 4 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 29.77 0.058 8.00 0.5 7.1 Vel = 5.90 15.43 1.442 1T 4.45 7.6 7.6 K = 5.60 6 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 45.19 0.125 11.88 1.5 7.6 Vel = 8.97 32.20 1.442 1E 3.96 9.1 9.1 63 C=120 3.72 0.0 0.0 See PATH 4 77.39 0.338 7.68 2.6 9.1 Vel = 15.35 2.157 2.58 11.7 11.7 62 C=120 0.00 1.1 0.0 77.39 0.048 2.58 0.1 11.7 Vel = 6.86 2.157 10.42 12.9 12.9 A2 C=120 0.00 4.5 0.0 77.39 0.048 10.42 0.5 12.9 Vel = 6.86 60 77.39 17.9 K = 18.28 PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 10 TO 63 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 7 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 10 TO 63 CONTINUED 16.03 1.442 8.00 8.2 8.2 K = 5.60 10 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 16.03 0.018 8.00 0.1 8.2 Vel = 3.18 16.17 1.442 1T 3.55 8.3 8.3 K = 5.60 8 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 32.20 0.067 10.98 0.7 8.3 Vel = 6.39 63 32.20 9.1 K = 10.69 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) Flow (gpm)ISP20406080100120140100150200250300350400450500JobCOACH HOUSEVILLAGE HILLNORTHAMPTON, MA.Remote Area: 1WaterStatic Pres: Resid. Pres: Flow: Date: 5-23-2015Loc: ON SITE89.082.01350psipsigpmRequiredPressure: Sys Flow: Sys+Hose: Safety Pres: Hd Elv Pres: 58.817042029.417.2psigpmgpmpsipsiHose AllowanceIn: Out: 0250gpmgpm Supply 17.2 psi 250 gpm hose COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Job Name: COACH HOUSE Location: VILLAGE HILL NORTHAMPTON, MA. Drawing Date: 1-22-18 Remote Area Number: 2 Contractor: LEGACY FIRE PROTECTION, INC. Telephone:413 589-0672 592 CENTER STREET PO BOX 582 LUDLOW, MA. 01056 Designer: KPL Calculated By:SprinkCAD www.sprinkcad.com 451 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 Construction: COMBUSTIBLE Occupancy:MIXED Reviewing Authorities:LOCAL FIRE DEPT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM DESIGN __________________________________________________________________________ Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:RESIDENTIAL System Type:WET __________________________________________________________________________ Area of Sprinkler Oper. 364 sq ft| Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0.100 | Make: RELIABL Area per Sprinkler 144.0 sq ft| Model: RFC49 Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm | K-Factor: 4.90 Hose Allowance Outside 250 gpm | Temperature Rating: 155 __________________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION SUMMARY 4 Flowing Outlets gpm Required: 308.4 psi Required: 40.5 @ Source __________________________________________________________________________ WATER SUPPLY __________________________________________________________________________ Water Flow Test | Pump Data | Date of Test 5-23-2015 | Rated Capacity 0 gpm | Static Pressure 89.0 psi | Rated Pressure 0.0 psi | Residual Pres 82.0 psi | Elevation 0 | At a Flow of 1350 gpm | Make: | Elevation 0" | Model: | __________________________________________________________________________ Location: ON SITE Source of Information: FLOW TEST REPORT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM VOLUME 245 Gallons __________________________________________________________________________ Notes: COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 2 58 29.6 psi 1 4" Grvd Check Valve VICTAUL 717R CHART LOSS 58 0.2 2 4" Grvd Butterfly Valve VICTAUL 7 24' 120 4.026 58 0.0 1 4" Grvd Back Flow Valve (5 psi dro CHART LOSS 58 5.0 1 6" x 4" Flngd 90 Ell CI 14' 120 6.065 58 0.0 3 6" MJ 90 Ell DI 56' 120 6.065 58 0.0 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 250 gpm 1 Pipe 6" DIx18 America DI 350 500' 140 6.338 308 1.2 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve Gate 3' 120 6.065 308 0.0 1 6" MJ Tee DI 19' 120 6.065 308 0.1 Elevation Change 10'0" 4.3 ______ Hydr Ref R1 Required at Source 308 40.5 psi Water Source 89.0 psi static, 82.0 psi residual @ 1350 gpm 308 gpm 88.5 psi ======= SAFETY PRESSURE 48.1 psi Available Pressure of 88.5 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 40.5 psi This is a safety margin of 48.1 psi or 54 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 5.6 fps COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Page 3 FITTING NAME TABLE ABBREV. NAME C Coupling E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow S Straight Flow Thru Tee T 90' Flow Thru Tee V Valve LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. __ K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Qa Flow added or subtracted Qt Total flow DIA Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Pf/ft Friction loss per foot of pipe PIPE Length of pipe FTNG'S Number of fittings. See table above. TOTAL Total length (PIPE + FTNG'S) Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = l x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi), where Pn = Pt - Pv NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.01 psi. Pressures are listed to 0.1 psi. Addition may vary by 0.1 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Page 4 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) 11 39.98 4.90 9.2 14.8 14.4 0.10 12 40.12 4.90 9.0 14.7 14.4 0.10 13 40.08 4.40 10.7 14.4 14.4 0.10 14 40.08 4.40 10.7 14.4 14.4 0.10 15 29.33 15.5 17 29.33 16.0 60 29.67 16.4 64 29.33 16.1 65 29.33 15.8 66 29.33 16.1 67 29.33 15.6 A1 40.08 11.5 A2 40.08 11.8 B1 29.33 16.6 B2 29.33 16.6 B3 29.33 16.8 B4 18.67 22.2 B5 18.67 22.5 B6 8.00 27.3 B7 8.00 27.4 W 3.00 29.6 Max velocity of 5.56 occurs in the pipe from 15 TO 11 COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 5 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 12 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 14.72 1.049 3E 19.39 9.0 9.0 K = 4.90 12 C=120 6.00 4.7 0.0 14.72 0.074 25.39 1.9 9.0 Vel = 5.52 1.380 1T 22.24 15.6 15.6 67 C=120 6.00 0.0 0.0 14.72 0.019 28.24 0.5 15.6 Vel = 3.19 1.394 2T 20.54 16.1 16.1 66 C=150 19.05 0.0 0.0 14.72 0.012 39.58 0.5 16.1 Vel = 3.13 14.83 2.157 1T 16.66 16.6 16.6 B2 C=120 12.31 0.0 0.0 See PATH 2 29.56 0.008 28.97 0.2 16.6 Vel = 2.62 28.82 2.157 2E 12.91 16.8 16.8 B3 C=120 12.31 4.6 0.0 See PATH 3 58.38 0.028 25.22 0.7 16.8 Vel = 5.18 2.635 1E 6.05 22.2 22.2 B4 C=120 1T 24.71 0.0 0.0 58.38 0.011 30.77 0.3 22.2 Vel = 3.47 2.635 1E 10.67 22.5 22.5 B5 C=120 8.24 4.6 0.0 58.38 0.011 18.90 0.2 22.5 Vel = 3.47 4.260 1T 11.98 27.3 27.3 B6 C=120 26.33 0.0 0.0 58.38 0.001 38.31 0.0 27.3 Vel = 1.33 4.260 2E 46.56 27.4 27.4 B7 C=120 26.33 2.2 0.0 58.38 0.001 72.90 0.1 27.4 Vel = 1.33 W 58.38 29.6 K = 10.72 PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 11 TO B2 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 6 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 11 TO B2 CONTINUED 14.83 1.049 3E 17.38 9.2 9.2 K = 4.90 11 C=120 6.00 4.6 0.0 14.83 0.075 23.38 1.8 9.2 Vel = 5.56 1.380 1T 8.81 15.5 15.5 15 C=120 6.00 0.0 0.0 14.83 0.020 14.81 0.3 15.5 Vel = 3.21 1.380 6.55 15.8 15.8 65 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 14.83 0.020 6.55 0.1 15.8 Vel = 3.21 1.380 7.99 16.0 16.0 17 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 14.83 0.020 7.99 0.2 16.0 Vel = 3.21 1.394 2T 21.59 16.1 16.1 64 C=150 19.05 0.0 0.0 14.83 0.012 40.63 0.5 16.1 Vel = 3.15 2.157 0.59 16.6 16.6 B1 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 14.83 0.002 0.59 0.0 16.6 Vel = 1.32 B2 14.83 16.6 K = 3.64 PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 13 TO B3 14.40 1.101 1E 9.26 10.7 10.7 K = 4.40 13 C=150 1T 13.39 0.0 0.0 14.40 0.037 22.65 0.8 10.7 Vel = 4.90 14.42 2.157 1T 24.77 11.5 11.5 A1 C=120 12.31 0.0 0.0 See PATH 4 28.82 0.008 37.07 0.3 11.5 Vel = 2.56 2.157 10.42 11.8 11.8 A2 C=120 0.00 4.5 0.0 28.82 0.008 10.42 0.1 11.8 Vel = 2.56 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:29 Tyco Fire Products Page 7 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 13 TO B3 CONTINUED 2.157 1E 4.78 16.4 16.4 60 C=120 2T 30.77 0.1 0.0 28.82 0.008 35.55 0.3 16.4 Vel = 2.56 B3 28.82 16.8 K = 7.02 PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 14 TO A1 14.42 1.101 1E 8.46 10.7 10.7 K = 4.40 14 C=150 1T 13.39 0.0 0.0 14.42 0.037 21.85 0.8 10.7 Vel = 4.91 A1 14.42 11.5 K = 4.24 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) Flow (gpm)ISP20406080100120140100150200250300350400450500JobCOACH HOUSEVILLAGE HILLNORTHAMPTON, MA.Remote Area: 2WaterStatic Pres: Resid. Pres: Flow: Date: 5-23-2015Loc: ON SITE89.082.01350psipsigpmRequiredPressure: Sys Flow: Sys+Hose: Safety Pres: Hd Elv Pres: 40.55830848.116.1psigpmgpmpsipsiHose AllowanceIn: Out: 0250gpmgpm Supply 16.1 psi 250 gpm hose COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Job Name: COACH HOUSE Location: VILLAGE HILL NORTHAMPTON, MA. Drawing Date: 1-22-18 Remote Area Number: 3 Contractor: LEGACY FIRE PROTECTION, INC. Telephone:413 589-0672 592 CENTER STREET PO BOX 582 LUDLOW, MA. 01056 Designer: KPL Calculated By:SprinkCAD www.sprinkcad.com 451 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 Construction: COMBUSTIBLE Occupancy:MIXED Reviewing Authorities:LOCAL FIRE DEPT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM DESIGN __________________________________________________________________________ Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:RESIDENTIAL System Type:WET __________________________________________________________________________ Area of Sprinkler Oper. 388 sq ft| Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0.100 | Make: RELIABL Area per Sprinkler 144.0 sq ft| Model: RFC49 Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm | K-Factor: 4.90 Hose Allowance Outside 250 gpm | Temperature Rating: 155 __________________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION SUMMARY 4 Flowing Outlets gpm Required: 317.0 psi Required: 53.2 @ Source __________________________________________________________________________ WATER SUPPLY __________________________________________________________________________ Water Flow Test | Pump Data | Date of Test 5-23-2015 | Rated Capacity 0 gpm | Static Pressure 89.0 psi | Rated Pressure 0.0 psi | Residual Pres 82.0 psi | Elevation 0 | At a Flow of 1350 gpm | Make: | Elevation 0" | Model: | __________________________________________________________________________ Location: ON SITE Source of Information: FLOW TEST REPORT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM VOLUME 245 Gallons __________________________________________________________________________ Notes: COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 3 67 42.3 psi 1 4" Grvd Check Valve VICTAUL 717R CHART LOSS 67 0.2 2 4" Grvd Butterfly Valve VICTAUL 7 24' 120 4.026 67 0.0 1 4" Grvd Back Flow Valve (5 psi dro CHART LOSS 67 5.0 1 6" x 4" Flngd 90 Ell CI 14' 120 6.065 67 0.0 3 6" MJ 90 Ell DI 56' 120 6.065 67 0.0 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 250 gpm 1 Pipe 6" DIx18 America DI 350 500' 140 6.338 317 1.3 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve Gate 3' 120 6.065 317 0.0 1 6" MJ Tee DI 19' 120 6.065 317 0.1 Elevation Change 10'0" 4.3 ______ Hydr Ref R1 Required at Source 317 53.2 psi Water Source 89.0 psi static, 82.0 psi residual @ 1350 gpm 317 gpm 88.5 psi ======= SAFETY PRESSURE 35.4 psi Available Pressure of 88.5 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 53.2 psi This is a safety margin of 35.4 psi or 40 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 14.5 fps COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 Page 3 FITTING NAME TABLE ABBREV. NAME C Coupling E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow S Straight Flow Thru Tee T 90' Flow Thru Tee V Valve LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. __ K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Qa Flow added or subtracted Qt Total flow DIA Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Pf/ft Friction loss per foot of pipe PIPE Length of pipe FTNG'S Number of fittings. See table above. TOTAL Total length (PIPE + FTNG'S) Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = l x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi), where Pn = Pt - Pv NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.01 psi. Pressures are listed to 0.1 psi. Addition may vary by 0.1 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 Page 4 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) 11 39.98 4.90 8.6 14.4 14.4 0.10 15 29.33 4.40 14.9 17.0 14.0 0.12 16 29.33 4.40 15.5 17.3 14.0 0.12 17 29.33 4.40 17.2 18.3 14.0 0.13 64 29.33 19.8 65 29.33 16.1 B1 29.33 28.0 B2 29.33 28.0 B3 29.33 29.1 B4 18.67 34.6 B5 18.67 35.1 B6 8.00 39.9 B7 8.00 40.0 W 3.00 42.3 Max velocity of 14.51 occurs in the pipe from 64 TO 17 COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 Tyco Fire Products Page 5 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 11 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 14.40 1.049 3E 17.38 8.6 8.6 K = 4.90 11 C=120 6.00 4.6 0.0 14.40 0.071 23.38 1.7 8.6 Vel = 5.40 16.99 1.380 1T 8.81 14.9 14.9 K = 4.40 15 C=120 6.00 0.0 0.0 31.39 0.079 14.81 1.2 14.9 Vel = 6.80 17.33 1.380 6.55 16.1 16.1 65 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 2 48.72 0.178 6.55 1.2 16.1 Vel = 10.55 18.27 1.380 7.99 17.2 17.2 K = 4.40 17 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.320 7.99 2.6 17.2 Vel = 14.51 1.394 2T 21.59 19.8 19.8 64 C=150 19.05 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.202 40.63 8.2 19.8 Vel = 14.22 2.157 0.59 28.0 28.0 B1 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.036 0.59 0.0 28.0 Vel = 5.94 2.157 1T 16.66 28.0 28.0 B2 C=120 12.31 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.036 28.97 1.1 28.0 Vel = 5.94 2.157 2E 12.91 29.1 29.1 B3 C=120 12.31 4.6 0.0 66.99 0.036 25.22 0.9 29.1 Vel = 5.94 2.635 1E 6.05 34.6 34.6 B4 C=120 1T 24.71 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.014 30.77 0.4 34.6 Vel = 3.98 2.635 1E 10.67 35.1 35.1 B5 C=120 8.24 4.6 0.0 66.99 0.014 18.90 0.3 35.1 Vel = 3.98 4.260 1T 11.98 39.9 39.9 B6 C=120 26.33 0.0 0.0 66.99 0.001 38.31 0.1 39.9 Vel = 1.52 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:28 Tyco Fire Products Page 6 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 11 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 4.260 2E 46.56 40.0 40.0 B7 C=120 26.33 2.2 0.0 66.99 0.001 72.90 0.1 40.0 Vel = 1.52 W 66.99 42.3 K = 10.31 PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 16 TO 65 17.33 1.049 1T 0.69 15.5 15.5 K = 4.40 16 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 17.33 0.100 5.69 0.6 15.5 Vel = 6.50 65 17.33 16.1 K = 4.32 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) Flow (gpm)ISP20406080100120140100150200250300350400450500JobCOACH HOUSEVILLAGE HILLNORTHAMPTON, MA.Remote Area: 3WaterStatic Pres: Resid. Pres: Flow: Date: 5-23-2015Loc: ON SITE89.082.01350psipsigpmRequiredPressure: Sys Flow: Sys+Hose: Safety Pres: Hd Elv Pres: 53.26731735.416.0psigpmgpmpsipsiHose AllowanceIn: Out: 0250gpmgpm Supply 16.0 psi 250 gpm hose COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Job Name: COACH HOUSE Location: VILLAGE HILL NORTHAMPTON, MA. Drawing Date: 1-22-18 Remote Area Number: 4 Contractor: LEGACY FIRE PROTECTION, INC. Telephone:413 589-0672 592 CENTER STREET PO BOX 582 LUDLOW, MA. 01056 Designer: KPL Calculated By:SprinkCAD www.sprinkcad.com 451 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 Construction: COMBUSTIBLE Occupancy:MIXED Reviewing Authorities:LOCAL FIRE DEPT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM DESIGN __________________________________________________________________________ Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:LIGHT System Type:WET __________________________________________________________________________ Area of Sprinkler Oper. 1318 sq ft| Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0.100 | Make: Area per Sprinkler 148.0 sq ft| Model: SIDEWAL Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm | K-Factor: 5.60 Hose Allowance Outside 250 gpm | Temperature Rating: 155 __________________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION SUMMARY 15 Flowing Outlets gpm Required: 524.3 psi Required: 51.0 @ Source __________________________________________________________________________ WATER SUPPLY __________________________________________________________________________ Water Flow Test | Pump Data | Date of Test 5-23-2015 | Rated Capacity 0 gpm | Static Pressure 89.0 psi | Rated Pressure 0.0 psi | Residual Pres 82.0 psi | Elevation 0 | At a Flow of 1350 gpm | Make: | Elevation 0" | Model: | __________________________________________________________________________ Location: ON SITE Source of Information: FLOW TEST REPORT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM VOLUME 244 Gallons __________________________________________________________________________ Notes: COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 4 274 36.8 psi 1 4" Grvd Check Valve VICTAUL 717R CHART LOSS 274 0.6 2 4" Grvd Butterfly Valve VICTAUL 7 24' 120 4.026 274 0.6 1 4" Grvd Back Flow Valve (5 psi dro CHART LOSS 274 5.0 1 6" x 4" Flngd 90 Ell CI 14' 120 6.065 274 0.0 3 6" MJ 90 Ell DI 56' 120 6.065 274 0.2 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 250 gpm 1 Pipe 6" DIx18 America DI 350 500' 140 6.338 524 3.2 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve Gate 3' 120 6.065 524 0.0 1 6" MJ Tee DI 19' 120 6.065 524 0.2 Elevation Change 10'0" 4.3 ______ Hydr Ref R1 Required at Source 524 51.0 psi Water Source 89.0 psi static, 82.0 psi residual @ 1350 gpm 524 gpm 87.8 psi ======= SAFETY PRESSURE 36.8 psi Available Pressure of 87.8 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 51.0 psi This is a safety margin of 36.8 psi or 42 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 16.3 fps COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Page 3 FITTING NAME TABLE ABBREV. NAME C Coupling E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow S Straight Flow Thru Tee T 90' Flow Thru Tee V Valve LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. __ K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Qa Flow added or subtracted Qt Total flow DIA Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Pf/ft Friction loss per foot of pipe PIPE Length of pipe FTNG'S Number of fittings. See table above. TOTAL Total length (PIPE + FTNG'S) Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = l x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi), where Pn = Pt - Pv NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.01 psi. Pressures are listed to 0.1 psi. Addition may vary by 0.1 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Page 4 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) 18 18.67 13.3 18S 9.00 5.60 15.3 21.9 14.8 0.15 19 18.67 13.6 19S 9.00 5.60 15.5 22.1 14.8 0.15 20 19.67 5.60 13.7 20.7 14.8 0.14 21 19.67 5.60 8.2 16.0 14.8 0.11 22 19.67 5.60 7.5 15.3 14.8 0.10 23 19.67 5.60 8.3 16.2 14.8 0.11 24 19.67 5.60 7.6 15.5 14.8 0.10 25 18.67 13.6 25S 9.00 5.60 15.5 22.1 14.8 0.15 26 18.67 13.9 26S 9.00 5.60 15.8 22.2 14.8 0.15 27 19.67 5.60 14.4 21.3 14.8 0.14 28 19.67 5.60 7.7 15.5 14.8 0.10 29 19.67 5.60 7.0 14.8 14.8 0.10 30 19.67 5.60 7.8 15.7 14.8 0.11 31 19.67 5.60 7.2 15.0 14.8 0.10 32 18.67 10.6 32S 9.00 5.60 12.9 20.1 14.8 0.14 70 19.67 8.8 71 18.67 11.4 72 19.67 8.3 B5 18.67 24.5 B6 8.00 32.6 B7 8.00 33.3 D1 18.67 14.7 D2 18.67 14.7 D3 18.67 14.8 D4 18.67 15.0 D5 18.67 15.5 D6 18.67 15.6 W 3.00 36.8 Max velocity of 16.30 occurs in the pipe from D6 TO B5 Nodes with "S" indicate a node at the top of a sprig or bottom of drop pendent. The node without an "S" is on the branch. COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Tyco Fire Products Page 5 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 29 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 14.82 1.442 10.00 7.0 7.0 K = 5.60 29 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 14.82 0.016 10.00 0.2 7.0 Vel = 2.94 14.98 1.442 1E 8.50 7.2 7.2 K = 5.60 31 C=120 1T 11.15 0.0 0.0 29.80 0.058 19.65 1.1 7.2 Vel = 5.91 31.15 1.442 2E 4.93 8.3 8.3 72 C=120 7.43 0.4 0.0 See PATH 3 60.95 0.217 12.37 2.7 8.3 Vel = 12.09 20.12 1.442 1T 4.00 11.4 11.4 71 C=120 7.43 0.0 0.0 See PATH 5 81.07 0.368 11.43 4.2 11.4 Vel = 16.08 193.22 2.635 2T 14.57 15.6 15.6 D6 C=120 32.95 0.0 0.0 See PATH 2 274.29 0.186 47.52 8.9 15.6 Vel = 16.30 2.635 1E 10.67 24.5 24.5 B5 C=120 8.24 4.6 0.0 274.29 0.186 18.90 3.5 24.5 Vel = 16.30 4.260 1T 11.98 32.6 32.6 B6 C=120 26.33 0.0 0.0 274.29 0.018 38.31 0.7 32.6 Vel = 6.23 4.260 2E 46.56 33.3 33.3 B7 C=120 26.33 2.2 0.0 274.29 0.018 72.90 1.3 33.3 Vel = 6.23 W 274.29 36.8 K = 45.22 PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 22 TO D6 15.30 1.442 10.00 7.5 7.5 K = 5.60 22 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 15.30 0.017 10.00 0.2 7.5 Vel = 3.04 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Tyco Fire Products Page 6 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 22 TO D6 CONTINUED 15.48 1.442 1E 8.50 7.6 7.6 K = 5.60 24 C=120 1T 11.15 0.0 0.0 30.78 0.061 19.65 1.2 7.6 Vel = 6.11 32.17 1.442 2E 8.94 8.8 8.8 70 C=120 1T 14.86 0.4 0.0 See PATH 4 62.95 0.230 23.80 5.5 8.8 Vel = 12.49 64.67 2.635 6.19 14.8 14.8 D3 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 6 127.61 0.045 6.19 0.3 14.8 Vel = 7.58 44.32 2.635 6.19 15.0 15.0 D4 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 9 AND 8 171.94 0.079 6.19 0.5 15.0 Vel = 10.21 21.28 2.635 0.96 15.5 15.5 D5 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 11 193.22 0.097 0.96 0.1 15.5 Vel = 11.48 D6 193.22 15.6 K = 48.89 PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 28 TO 72 15.49 1.442 10.00 7.7 7.7 K = 5.60 28 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 15.49 0.017 10.00 0.2 7.7 Vel = 3.07 15.66 1.442 7.52 7.8 7.8 K = 5.60 30 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 31.15 0.063 7.52 0.5 7.8 Vel = 6.18 72 31.15 8.3 K = 10.82 PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 21 TO 70 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Tyco Fire Products Page 7 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 21 TO 70 CONTINUED 16.00 1.442 10.00 8.2 8.2 K = 5.60 21 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 16.00 0.018 10.00 0.2 8.2 Vel = 3.17 16.17 1.442 7.52 8.3 8.3 K = 5.60 23 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 32.17 0.067 7.52 0.5 8.3 Vel = 6.38 70 32.17 8.8 K = 10.82 PATH 5 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 32 TO 71 20.12 1.049 1E 9.67 12.9 12.9 K = 5.60 32S C=120 5.00 -4.2 0.0 20.12 0.132 14.67 1.9 12.9 Vel = 7.54 1.049 1T 0.85 10.6 10.6 EqK = 6.17 32 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 20.12 0.132 5.85 0.8 10.6 Vel = 7.54 71 20.12 11.4 K = 5.96 PATH 6 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 18 TO D3 21.89 1.049 1E 9.67 15.3 15.3 K = 5.60 18S C=120 5.00 -4.2 0.0 21.89 0.154 14.67 2.2 15.3 Vel = 8.20 1.049 1T 4.00 13.3 13.3 EqK = 5.99 18 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 21.89 0.154 9.00 1.4 13.3 Vel = 8.20 22.06 2.635 4.85 14.7 14.7 D1 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 7 43.94 0.006 4.85 0.0 14.7 Vel = 2.61 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Tyco Fire Products Page 8 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 6 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 18 TO D3 CONTINUED 20.72 2.635 0.96 14.7 14.7 D2 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 10 64.67 0.013 0.96 0.0 14.7 Vel = 3.84 D3 64.67 14.8 K = 16.83 PATH 7 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 19 TO D1 22.06 1.049 1E 9.67 15.5 15.5 K = 5.60 19S C=120 5.00 -4.2 0.0 22.06 0.156 14.67 2.3 15.5 Vel = 8.27 1.049 1T 2.15 13.6 13.6 EqK = 5.98 19 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 22.06 0.156 7.15 1.1 13.6 Vel = 8.27 D1 22.06 14.7 K = 5.75 PATH 8 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 25 TO D4 22.08 1.049 1E 9.67 15.5 15.5 K = 5.60 25S C=120 5.00 -4.2 0.0 22.08 0.156 14.67 2.3 15.5 Vel = 8.28 1.049 1T 4.00 13.6 13.6 EqK = 5.98 25 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 22.08 0.156 9.00 1.4 13.6 Vel = 8.28 D4 22.08 15.0 K = 5.69 PATH 9 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 26 TO D4 22.25 1.049 1E 9.67 15.8 15.8 K = 5.60 26S C=120 5.00 -4.2 0.0 22.25 0.158 14.67 2.3 15.8 Vel = 8.34 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 21:49 Tyco Fire Products Page 9 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 9 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 26 TO D4 CONTINUED 1.049 1T 2.15 13.9 13.9 EqK = 5.96 26 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 22.25 0.158 7.15 1.1 13.9 Vel = 8.34 D4 22.25 15.0 K = 5.74 PATH 10 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 20 TO D2 20.72 1.442 1E 9.91 13.7 13.7 K = 5.60 20 C=120 1T 11.15 0.4 0.0 20.72 0.030 21.06 0.6 13.7 Vel = 4.11 D2 20.72 14.7 K = 5.40 PATH 11 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 27 TO D5 21.28 1.442 1E 9.91 14.4 14.4 K = 5.60 27 C=120 1T 11.15 0.4 0.0 21.28 0.031 21.06 0.7 14.4 Vel = 4.22 D5 21.28 15.5 K = 5.40 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) Flow (gpm)ISP20406080100120140150225300375450525600675750JobCOACH HOUSEVILLAGE HILLNORTHAMPTON, MA.Remote Area: 4WaterStatic Pres: Resid. Pres: Flow: Date: 5-23-2015Loc: ON SITE89.082.01350psipsigpmRequiredPressure: Sys Flow: Sys+Hose: Safety Pres: Hd Elv Pres: 51.027452436.87.2psigpmgpmpsipsiHose AllowanceIn: Out: 0250gpmgpm Supply 7.2 psi 250 gpm hose COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Job Name: COACH HOUSE Location: VILLAGE HILL NORTHAMPTON, MA. Drawing Date: 1-22-18 Remote Area Number: 5 Contractor: LEGACY FIRE PROTECTION, INC. Telephone:413 589-0672 592 CENTER STREET PO BOX 582 LUDLOW, MA. 01056 Designer: KPL Calculated By:SprinkCAD www.sprinkcad.com 451 N. Cannon Ave. Lansdale, PA 19446 Construction: COMBUSTIBLE Occupancy:MIXED Reviewing Authorities:LOCAL FIRE DEPT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM DESIGN __________________________________________________________________________ Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:ORDINARY 2 System Type:WET __________________________________________________________________________ Area of Sprinkler Oper. 1500 sq ft| Sprinkler or Nozzle Density (gpm/sq ft) 0.200 | Make: Area per Sprinkler 130.0 sq ft| Model: UPRIGHT Hose Allowance Inside 0 gpm | K-Factor: 8.00 Hose Allowance Outside 250 gpm | Temperature Rating: 155 __________________________________________________________________________ CALCULATION SUMMARY 20 Flowing Outlets gpm Required: 877.5 psi Required: 64.8 @ Source __________________________________________________________________________ WATER SUPPLY __________________________________________________________________________ Water Flow Test | Pump Data | Date of Test 5-23-2015 | Rated Capacity 0 gpm | Static Pressure 89.0 psi | Rated Pressure 0.0 psi | Residual Pres 82.0 psi | Elevation 0 | At a Flow of 1350 gpm | Make: | Elevation 0" | Model: | __________________________________________________________________________ Location: ON SITE Source of Information: FLOW TEST REPORT __________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM VOLUME 245 Gallons __________________________________________________________________________ Notes: COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 HYDRAULIC CALCULATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTH C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 5 627 40.2 psi 1 4" Grvd Check Valve VICTAUL 717R CHART LOSS 627 2.6 2 4" Grvd Butterfly Valve VICTAUL 7 24' 120 4.026 627 2.6 1 4" Grvd Back Flow Valve (5 psi dro CHART LOSS 627 5.0 1 6" x 4" Flngd 90 Ell CI 14' 120 6.065 627 0.2 3 6" MJ 90 Ell DI 56' 120 6.065 627 0.9 Fixed Flow Flow Loss 250 gpm 1 Pipe 6" DIx18 America DI 350 500' 140 6.338 877 8.4 1 6" Flngd Gate Valve Gate 3' 120 6.065 877 0.1 1 6" MJ Tee DI 19' 120 6.065 877 0.5 Elevation Change 10'0" 4.3 ______ Hydr Ref R1 Required at Source 877 64.8 psi Water Source 89.0 psi static, 82.0 psi residual @ 1350 gpm 877 gpm 85.8 psi ======= SAFETY PRESSURE 21.0 psi Available Pressure of 85.8 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 64.8 psi This is a safety margin of 21.0 psi or 25 % of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 26.3 fps COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Page 3 FITTING NAME TABLE ABBREV. NAME C Coupling E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow S Straight Flow Thru Tee T 90' Flow Thru Tee V Valve LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. __ K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Qa Flow added or subtracted Qt Total flow DIA Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Pf/ft Friction loss per foot of pipe PIPE Length of pipe FTNG'S Number of fittings. See table above. TOTAL Total length (PIPE + FTNG'S) Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = l x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi), where Pn = Pt - Pv NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.01 psi. Pressures are listed to 0.1 psi. Addition may vary by 0.1 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Page 4 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) 33 8.00 18.8 33S 9.50 8.00 16.1 32.1 26.0 0.25 34 8.00 18.5 34S 9.50 8.00 15.8 31.8 26.0 0.24 35 8.00 17.6 35S 9.50 8.00 15.1 31.0 26.0 0.24 36 8.00 17.1 36S 9.50 8.00 14.6 30.6 26.0 0.24 37 8.00 16.8 37S 9.50 8.00 14.4 30.3 26.0 0.23 38 8.00 27.0 38S 9.50 8.00 23.5 38.8 26.0 0.30 39 8.00 26.6 39S 9.50 8.00 23.1 38.5 26.0 0.30 40 8.00 13.8 40S 9.50 8.00 12.3 28.1 26.0 0.22 41 8.00 18.2 41S 9.50 8.00 15.6 31.6 26.0 0.24 42 8.00 17.2 42S 9.50 8.00 14.7 30.7 26.0 0.24 43 8.00 16.4 43S 9.50 8.00 14.0 29.9 26.0 0.23 44 8.00 18.3 44S 9.50 8.00 15.7 31.6 26.0 0.24 45 8.00 17.7 45S 9.50 8.00 15.2 31.2 26.0 0.24 46 8.00 17.5 46S 9.50 8.00 14.9 30.9 26.0 0.24 47 8.00 12.0 47S 9.50 8.00 10.6 26.0 26.0 0.20 48 8.00 14.2 48S 9.50 8.00 12.0 27.7 26.0 0.21 49 8.00 14.9 49S 9.50 8.00 12.6 28.4 26.0 0.22 50 8.00 16.4 50S 9.50 8.00 13.9 29.9 26.0 0.23 51 8.00 20.1 51S 9.50 8.00 17.3 33.2 26.0 0.26 52 8.00 22.5 52S 9.50 8.00 19.4 35.2 26.0 0.27 68 8.00 16.4 69 8.00 14.2 B7 8.00 32.0 C1 8.00 20.7 C2 8.00 20.9 C3 8.00 21.5 C4 8.00 23.3 C5 8.00 30.3 C6 8.00 30.5 E1 8.00 30.0 W 3.00 40.2 COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Page 5 NODE ELEVATION SPRINKLER PRESSURE ACTUAL MINIMUM ACTUAL NUMBER K-FACTOR FLOW FLOW DENSITY (FT) (GPM/(PSI^½)) (PSI) (GPM) (GPM) (GPM/SQ.FT) Max velocity of 26.31 occurs in the pipe from 52 TO C6 Nodes with "S" indicate a node at the top of a sprig or bottom of drop pendent. The node without an "S" is on the branch. COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 6 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 47 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) 26.00 1.049 1E 1.50 10.6 10.6 K = 8.00 47S C=120 2.00 0.6 0.0 26.00 0.211 3.50 0.7 10.6 Vel = 9.75 1.049 1T 5.50 12.0 12.0 EqK = 7.52 47 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 26.00 0.211 10.50 2.2 12.0 Vel = 9.75 1.682 0.83 14.2 14.2 69 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 26.00 0.021 0.83 0.0 14.2 Vel = 3.79 27.71 1.682 8.71 14.2 14.2 EqK = 7.35 48 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 53.71 0.081 8.71 0.7 14.2 Vel = 7.83 28.43 1.682 8.30 14.9 14.9 EqK = 7.36 49 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 82.13 0.178 8.30 1.5 14.9 Vel = 11.98 29.88 1.682 11.67 16.4 16.4 EqK = 7.38 50 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 112.01 0.316 11.67 3.7 16.4 Vel = 16.33 33.23 1.682 4.69 20.1 20.1 EqK = 7.42 51 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 145.24 0.511 4.69 2.4 20.1 Vel = 21.18 35.24 1.682 1T 0.67 22.5 22.5 EqK = 7.43 52 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 180.48 0.764 10.57 8.1 22.5 Vel = 26.31 446.99 4.260 17.31 30.5 30.5 C6 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 2 627.47 0.083 17.31 1.4 30.5 Vel = 14.26 4.260 2E 46.56 32.0 32.0 B7 C=120 26.33 2.2 0.0 627.47 0.083 72.90 6.0 32.0 Vel = 14.26 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 7 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn W 627.47 40.2 K = 98.97 27.71 1.049 1T 1.50 12.0 12.0 K = 8.00 48S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 27.71 0.238 6.50 1.5 12.0 Vel = 10.39 48 27.71 14.2 K = 7.35 28.43 1.049 1T 1.50 12.6 12.6 K = 8.00 49S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 28.43 0.249 6.50 1.6 12.6 Vel = 10.66 49 28.43 14.9 K = 7.36 29.88 1.049 1T 1.50 13.9 13.9 K = 8.00 50S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 29.88 0.273 6.50 1.8 13.9 Vel = 11.20 50 29.88 16.4 K = 7.38 33.23 1.049 1T 1.50 17.3 17.3 K = 8.00 51S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 33.23 0.333 6.50 2.2 17.3 Vel = 12.46 51 33.23 20.1 K = 7.42 35.24 1.049 1T 1.50 19.4 19.4 K = 8.00 52S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 35.24 0.371 6.50 2.4 19.4 Vel = 13.21 52 35.24 22.5 K = 7.43 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 8 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 40 TO C6 28.08 1.049 1E 1.50 12.3 12.3 K = 8.00 40S C=120 2.00 0.6 0.0 28.08 0.244 3.50 0.9 12.3 Vel = 10.53 1.049 1T 5.60 13.8 13.8 EqK = 7.55 40 C=120 5.00 0.0 0.0 28.08 0.244 10.60 2.6 13.8 Vel = 10.53 29.88 1.682 8.44 16.4 16.4 68 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 3 57.97 0.093 8.44 0.8 16.4 Vel = 8.45 30.66 1.682 5.10 17.2 17.2 EqK = 7.39 42 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 88.62 0.205 5.10 1.0 17.2 Vel = 12.92 31.62 1.682 1T 4.05 18.2 18.2 EqK = 7.40 41 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 120.24 0.361 13.95 5.0 18.2 Vel = 17.53 249.54 2.635 1T 5.35 23.3 23.3 C4 C=120 16.47 0.0 0.0 See PATH 4 369.78 0.324 21.83 7.1 23.3 Vel = 21.97 77.21 4.260 4.45 30.3 30.3 C5 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 7 446.99 0.044 4.45 0.2 30.3 Vel = 10.16 C6 446.99 30.5 K = 80.89 30.66 1.049 1T 1.50 14.7 14.7 K = 8.00 42S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 30.66 0.287 6.50 1.9 14.7 Vel = 11.49 42 30.66 17.2 K = 7.39 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 9 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn 31.62 1.049 1T 1.50 15.6 15.6 K = 8.00 41S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 31.62 0.304 6.50 2.0 15.6 Vel = 11.85 41 31.62 18.2 K = 7.40 PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 43 TO 68 29.88 1.049 1T 1.50 14.0 14.0 K = 8.00 43S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 29.88 0.274 6.50 1.8 14.0 Vel = 11.20 1.682 1.00 16.4 16.4 EqK = 7.38 43 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 29.88 0.027 1.00 0.0 16.4 Vel = 4.36 68 29.88 16.4 K = 7.38 PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 37 TO C4 30.31 1.049 1T 1.50 14.4 14.4 K = 8.00 37S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 30.31 0.281 6.50 1.8 14.4 Vel = 11.36 1.682 9.27 16.8 16.8 EqK = 7.39 37 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 30.31 0.028 9.27 0.3 16.8 Vel = 4.42 30.56 1.682 5.10 17.1 17.1 EqK = 7.39 36 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 60.86 0.102 5.10 0.5 17.1 Vel = 8.87 31.04 1.682 1T 4.05 17.6 17.6 EqK = 7.40 35 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 91.91 0.219 13.95 3.1 17.6 Vel = 13.40 2.635 9.54 20.7 20.7 C1 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 91.91 0.025 9.54 0.2 20.7 Vel = 5.46 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 10 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 37 TO C4 CONTINUED 63.93 2.635 8.30 20.9 20.9 C2 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 6 155.84 0.065 8.30 0.5 20.9 Vel = 9.26 93.71 2.635 11.67 21.5 21.5 C3 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 See PATH 5 249.54 0.156 11.67 1.8 21.5 Vel = 14.83 C4 249.54 23.3 K = 51.72 30.56 1.049 1T 1.50 14.6 14.6 K = 8.00 36S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 30.56 0.285 6.50 1.9 14.6 Vel = 11.45 36 30.56 17.1 K = 7.39 31.04 1.049 1T 1.50 15.1 15.1 K = 8.00 35S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 31.04 0.293 6.50 1.9 15.1 Vel = 11.64 35 31.04 17.6 K = 7.40 PATH 5 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 46 TO C3 30.90 1.049 1T 1.50 14.9 14.9 K = 8.00 46S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 30.90 0.291 6.50 1.9 14.9 Vel = 11.58 1.682 9.44 17.5 17.5 EqK = 7.39 46 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 30.90 0.029 9.44 0.3 17.5 Vel = 4.51 31.16 1.682 5.10 17.7 17.7 EqK = 7.40 45 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 62.06 0.106 5.10 0.5 17.7 Vel = 9.05 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 11 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn PATH 5 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 46 TO C3 CONTINUED 31.65 1.682 1T 4.05 18.3 18.3 EqK = 7.40 44 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 93.71 0.227 13.95 3.2 18.3 Vel = 13.66 C3 93.71 21.5 K = 20.23 31.16 1.049 1T 1.50 15.2 15.2 K = 8.00 45S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 31.16 0.295 6.50 1.9 15.2 Vel = 11.68 45 31.16 17.7 K = 7.40 31.65 1.049 1T 1.50 15.7 15.7 K = 8.00 44S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 31.65 0.304 6.50 2.0 15.7 Vel = 11.86 44 31.65 18.3 K = 7.40 PATH 6 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 34 TO C2 31.84 1.049 1T 1.50 15.8 15.8 K = 8.00 34S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 31.84 0.308 6.50 2.0 15.8 Vel = 11.93 1.682 9.27 18.5 18.5 EqK = 7.40 34 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 31.84 0.031 9.27 0.3 18.5 Vel = 4.64 32.09 1.682 1T 9.15 18.8 18.8 EqK = 7.41 33 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 63.93 0.112 19.05 2.1 18.8 Vel = 9.32 C2 63.93 20.9 K = 13.98 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) COACH HOUSE Drawing Date:1-22-18 1/22/18 19:23 Tyco Fire Products Page 12 HYD. Qa DIA. FITTING PIPE Pt Pt REF "C" TYPES FTNG'S Pe Pv ******* NOTES ******* POINT Qt Pf/ft TOTAL Pf Pn 32.09 1.049 1T 1.50 16.1 16.1 K = 8.00 33S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 32.09 0.312 6.50 2.0 16.1 Vel = 12.03 33 32.09 18.8 K = 7.41 PATH 7 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 39 TO C5 38.45 1.049 1T 1.50 23.1 23.1 K = 8.00 39S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 38.45 0.436 6.50 2.8 23.1 Vel = 14.41 1.682 9.27 26.6 26.6 EqK = 7.46 39 C=120 0.00 0.0 0.0 38.45 0.044 9.27 0.4 26.6 Vel = 5.61 38.76 1.682 1T 9.15 27.0 27.0 EqK = 7.46 38 C=120 9.90 0.0 0.0 77.21 0.159 19.05 3.0 27.0 Vel = 11.26 2.635 1T 1.47 30.0 30.0 E1 C=120 16.47 0.0 0.0 77.21 0.018 17.94 0.3 30.0 Vel = 4.59 C5 77.21 30.3 K = 14.02 38.76 1.049 1T 1.50 23.5 23.5 K = 8.00 38S C=120 5.00 0.6 0.0 38.76 0.442 6.50 2.9 23.5 Vel = 14.53 38 38.76 27.0 K = 7.46 UNITS - DIAMETER (INCH) LENGTH (FOOT) FLOW (GPM) PRESSURE (PSI) Flow (gpm)ISP204060801001201402003004005006007008009001000JobCOACH HOUSEVILLAGE HILLNORTHAMPTON, MA.Remote Area: 5WaterStatic Pres: Resid. Pres: Flow: Date: 5-23-2015Loc: ON SITE89.082.01350psipsigpmRequiredPressure: Sys Flow: Sys+Hose: Safety Pres: Hd Elv Pres: 64.862787721.02.8psigpmgpmpsipsiHose AllowanceIn: Out: 0250gpmgpm Supply 2.8 psi 250 gpm hose