SC Public Safety TDA Addenda 2 Page 1 Memo To: All Contractors From: Jody Barker, Thomas Douglas Architects, Inc. CC: Gary Hartwell, Smith College; Dino D’Angelo, Lindgren & Sharples Date: 2/1/11 Re: Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project, Smith College Facilities Management, Smith College, Northampton, MA – ADDENDA #2 ADDENDA #2 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts RFI: 1. Q: Addendum #1 restricting wall painting in Waiting Room 100R1 to the east wall only. Does the ceiling still need to be painted? A: The ceiling is not to be painted under this contract. 2. Q: Sketch AD-SK-2 shows new adjustable shelving in lieu of relocated shelving. Is this true for all four walls, or just the two with arrows pointing at them? A: Adjustable shelving would be along all four walls. 3. Q: Please clarify whether adjustable shelving is field primed and painted or if it is factory painted. A: The shelving shall be field primed and painted. 4. Q: Is there any “Roofing Work” associated with Alternate #2? A: Cutting and patching as required for roof penetrations for the scheduled roof equipment. Piping will be in pitch pockets. GC will provide pressure treated 4x4 pressure treated wood sleepers for the unit(s). The College will provide EPDM pads to rest the sleepers on and protect the existing roof. 5. Q: Drawing H-301, shows a detail for a new exhaust fan on the roof. What is the existing roofing material? A: The existing roofing material is EPDM. G.C. to cut opening required for installation of new exhaust fan and ductwork. G.C. to patch EPDM roofing in area effected by work and flash roofing to new exhaust fan with materials and methods recommended by the roofing manufacturer. 6. Q: I assume we are removing and discarding all the existing ACT ceiling at location receiving new ACT ceiling. It is not noted on the demolition plan? A: Yes, ceilings & grid are to be demolished and removed. THOMAS DOUGLAS Architects, Inc. ADDENDA #2 Smith College Public Safety Relocation Project Smith College Facilities Management Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts  Page 2 7. Q: The Finish Schedule calls for new carpet in Waiting Area 100R1. Plan A-101 shows existing to remain. Which is correct? A: The carpet in Waiting Area 100R1 will be done under separate contract by the College. Please disregard for this round of pricing. 8. Q: Will the first floor be occupied during construction? Temporary partitions required? A: The first floor will be occupied during construction. Temporary protection will need to be provided in Waiting Room 100R1 which will remain active as the main entry and check-on for the Facilities Management building. Access will need to be maintained to the restrooms off of Corridor 100C2 and for the Building Services offices located plan east of the work area. Work in Break Room 100BR should be coordinated with Facilities Management to keep that space functioning as much as possible. GC to consult with the Smith College Project Manager of any area shut downs, loud construction, temporary relocations or other occurrences which might effect the day to day operations of the building.