Capen Annex AAB Compliance Letter8500 Wolf Lake Drive, Suite 114 Bartlett, TN 38133
901-746-7891 phone / 901-746-7896 fax
David Gunzburger
53 Lakeview Ave.
Tewksbury, MA 01876
November 4, 2015
re: Smith College Capen House Project
Attn: David Gunzburger,
1.) Per engineered drawings the American Access Commercial Ramp Systems meets or exceeds
the current Massachusetts AAB Rules and Regulations 521 CMR: 24.00: Ramps and ADA 28
CFR Part 36.
2.) Per engineered drawings the American Access Commercial Ramp Systems page 2 General
Note #17 - 6” x 9” x 2” concrete sills (pavers) to be use on surfaces other than concrete
paving or use P.T.H.F wood sills or equal
Jeffrey Smallwood
Director of Operations